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Post your work and Anons will give advice in the form of a redline/redraw.
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Do you have a reference for this or this from imagination?
I would adjust it slightly. So the lines for the facial hair are scruffy/messy which I think fits so I'de leave it that way but for the other lines I would try to leave those as is. Same for the eye bag lines cause it adds to that dying inside look you got going. I would try to make lines that aren't hair be a bit more defined and less messy. I would try to study more human faces using photos or a mirror and try to draw with 1 continuous line.
are you the old red line guy ? do you have a blog
Good redraw, but both drawings don’t give the hair any form. That’s what needs adjustment especially
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I cant really get around this pose and I don't know where to look for a reference for this specific pose.
And of course after posting I found some fundamental flaws like on the collarbone of the right
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It's a french actor.
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frens hewp ToT please make her less animeish
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Gonna be honest my hand needs a redline lol but hope this helps you. I for cinematic purposes I would try to change the camera angle to fully sideways or maybe facing forward instead of halfway 3/4 if that makes sense. Keep practicing figures/hands
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You may be referring to me perhaps? No. OP is the moai guy I think, my favorite artist here right now. He have balls to do this thread. I wish him the best, lol.
I can't promise to contribute, I'm really invested in my stupid flashes.
I don't have socials. I just use this as a place to develop my crappy flashes. /f/ doesn't allow images like this board does, so I have to juggle between boards.
looks like omniman
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Personally I really like the anime aesthetic but to make things look less anime is hard because there's lots of different ways to do it. I went with changing the eyes/chin and a few proportions to be more in line with a faux "realism", if you want a nice inbetween I would look up the artist for Deathnote, still might be too anime for you. Would recommend studying human faces. One or two realism studies and then stylizing after might help you go in the direction you want.
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Thank you lol any of my critiques or redlines could always be better if you see any mistakes feel free to correct me and chip in

I'm not thee moai anon, but I am a moai enjoyer, shoutout to the moaithread.
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I would group the values into larger, broader shapes, especially on the hair. You don't need to indicate every little strand. Most of the subject is white, so it would be good to add in the blue background while you work for the sake of contrast
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For this type of study you don't really need anyone's help/redline cause you have the real life on model person right there! Try to overlay her and see where you ended up off the mark.

Based on my eye I'de say work on foreshortening of the face in the 3/4 view as well as being mindful of the direction the person is facing/shape of the head. I would recommend the headrawing video which helped me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7cDY7YDsg
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I need the sundering touch of redline. The pose, the foreshortening of the legs, the perspective, the god damned hair....
For you I'de recommend trying to minimize the number of strokes you use per line. The less the better. I would also try to study human faces head on a bit more before trying out different proportions/angles/mis-shapen/disfigured features. Aim for accuracy when copying photos. Once you can draw a realistic face, stylizing will look more believable because you'll have the bedrock skills of faces more solid.
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angle of the foot feels wrong but my eyes don't know how to fix it, pls assist (as well as roast anything else i missed i've been staring at this one for too long)
Sometime, I take a snapshot of the movie I watch, and I do a quick draw in few seconds, just for the fun. Thank for yours advices
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last request for help. especially for her back
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To be honest I'm not at a high enough level to help you in terms of faces/hands. I would recommend studying Glen Keane/Jin Kim as those two seem to have a more sharp version of the style you're going for.

For the perspective, I know it's a meme on IC but try drawing a perspective grid and boxes, once you have the right angles matched up, draw the character within those grid/box lines for more accurate perspective.

Hope this redraw also helps.
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Can someone help me understand how to draw a skull from this perspective better?
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From my perspective (Ba dum tss) there's no proper throughline or guideline for perspective. I tried to draw gridlines around her to understand before adding where the leg should be but I would really recommend using a full gird along with BOXES, you vill draw ZE BOX

Would highly recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5orI-eYOPys&list=PLMXbAPr21di8DjTKCE3EoS4KFtNZ-FDnP

lol also references. My redraw ended up being a bit exaggerated in terms of perspective so it might not help for the scene you're drawing.
Fuck yeah it helps, this looks way better! Thanks for the help bro!
yeah i kind of just went wack on this, guidelines would have helped to start so that's something i gotta work on since this was more of an anatomy attempt at first than anything, though i actually really like the perspective you put on it so i think i might try to adapt it, cheers!
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I'm not too happy with the proportions of the face also I included a little diagram of the back which helped me in the past but I drew the redline before adding it so my redraw might be inaccurate. Take what is useful to you and discard the rest.
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Oh forgot to mention for faces I'de recommend studying Rukia/Bleach characters, I think they have the proportions you're looking for

Picrel isn't by the author of bleach (Titekubo) but the anime character designer Masashi Kudo
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Honestly you're doing fine, it's good practice and you're on the right track. You just made it a bit more squished than it actually is, try to overlay the image on your drawing and you'll see what you're missing. This is more a matter of training the eye to see and the hand to draw that signal accurately.

I would also recommend this video.


and try again after, you might be surprised.
I’ve actually seen that video before but it was years ago. Definitely gonna give it a rewatch and relearn those principles, Huston is such a great teacher as well.
Also thanks for the crit. Really good redraw too . Where did you study perspective?
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true buuut
looks like the original doesn't have much hair so either way I'm off the mark lol

Makes sense, it's a good habit. Try using a sharper pencil/draw larger next time you do it. Also happy to help.

Glad to hear, wishing you the best of luck!
To be honest I mostly just copied photos until it clicked with me. After that to construct things I'de usually use a grid line/ 3d box shape in my head based off whatever the scene is. That's probably why some of my work is a little fundamentally weak. There are resources that teach it properly though.


I also followed along this video which goes in depth but it's a bit long.

Also no prob, happy to help.

If you feel like paying me back or have spare time, DTIYS lol
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Haha you really did not make this easy on yourself! I think mostly you seem to be fighting against your own extreme pose/perspective. It feels like you really want to draw the character in her default "neutral" "pretty" form, but low angles are notoriously wonky (especially for faces), so you should just let go and go all in.
Something that stood out to me is the chest, the way that her breasts are overlapping the belt around her waist. In a neutral perspective this would make sense, but if we're looking at her from below the belt would be "in front" of the chest (and then her skirt would be overlapping the belt, and then (if anything) her breasts could be obscuring her collar/neck more).
You also have both shoulders raised, but I think for something like this you could bring the other one down as a counter balance type of thing. Here too, it feels you know that in a more neutral perspective she "should" have both arms showing, but with something so extreme I think you could get away with omitting the far arm entirely. The viewer still "understands" that it's there, it's just obscured by her body. It's a very complicated pose/perspective, so getting rid of it helps simplify things down for readability too, I think
I can tell as well that you're a little wishy-washy on the clothing folds, especially around the groin, which makes things feel a little vague... Clothing is great for extreme perspectives and foreshortening because you can use the folds as cross contour "wrapping" lines to help describe the form of something. I wouldn't be afraid to push them more in your drawing, fabric can do all sorts of weird shit so the viewer will believe whatever you do with them so long as it's clear lol. Even just sitting in your chair, you can try extending one leg and lifting the other so you can look at how they bunch up or create natural rhythms/relationships between the limbs. I saw you already got a redline but hopefully this one can help a bit too in some way.
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I leave the rest to you
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Wouldn't mind a redline frens
holly fuking shit how do I get this good?
Thanks anon, the one I posted was a bit rushed since I didnt know how to tackle it and was fed up with thinking on what to do.
You helped me a lot.
Thanks for the pose anon
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Yey redlines!
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Hearthstone Murloc- really struggled with the forms especially
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Ok so I think I know what you might get tripped on. First thing is that you aren't properly observing the motifs/reffs composition and anatomy. You get the big parts like the gesture and head etc. But this specific image has a lot of shapes in it's design (which is needed when the cards are small and aren't displaying the full artwork) that you haven't incorperated in the final image. Overall I'd try and look over this image or any other with clear distinctions of shapes. Also the reff is kinda small which can disturb your observations.

Another thing is that you do what I tend to do a lot, going to fast trying to get the lines down. Let your hand slow down and really analyze the stroke and where you want it to go instead of going off on twitch-muscle strokes. Let your eye and hands work together. Also the heavy inked lines are cool but they get in the way of you learning as you kinda can "hide" your mistakes more easily in the shadows, here I'd suggest try using thinner lines to better graps the basic form of an object, where it is and how much space it takes up.

For further practice/study I'd try and draw this again and really go through each part, see the forearms shape? Two forms goest together to create it and then the rest of the arm connects to it. You got an interesting style (kinda like early dnd illustrations) that could lend itself to creating unique works but working on the fundementals won't hurt, you can even do it creating things you like.

Hope this was of use to you and good luck on your art journey
Thanks a ton for the redraw and long write up anon, it was incredibly helpful. Gonna redraw it with colored pencil this time, the pen I was using had really thick lines so a pencil should help me get those forms down.
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I honestly like this version better.
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Ok... Shit, you got me with that challenge. There you have it, check the ANIMATION here:

I spent more time looking for some stupid song than making the damn thing. I hate when that happens.
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Thanks bro
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help with anatomy T_T
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how do I perspective
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anatomy is ok, pose sucks
how do I make it more interesting?
pick a feature of the pose and extremize it, i would think that you would take her holding her leg and make it so that she's praying herself open to show you her pussy
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maybe this works
Ah this helps a bunch. Thanks
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Any part of this that could be improved upon?
Make her eyes focus on something? Unless they're supposed to be defocused
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thanks (>3<)
What ref is that for the human female body?
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For now I would highly recommend using reference and perspective grids. I made this sketch really quickly so it no doubt has perspective that's a bit out of line. Try to think of things in terms of 3d shapes when constructing. One thing to remember too is her booba doesn't work like that at this angle unless a mechanic is wearing a pushup bra that's squeezing inward which wouldn't make sense to begin with.

I also got this kinda wrong now that I think about it but her eyes are also not looking at anything in particular. I tried to make her look down at the cube thing rather than whatever is to the right of her POV

Hope this helps
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Trying out something I haven't really done with perspective. I can tell it's mainly the chest area. Could I get some advice - thanks.
Heard, thank you very much
I'm reading her body just fine anon. It maybe just a matter of rendering style, it could need some more of a cleaner approach.
sorta not on topic, but when i see your art on this board im always struck by your linework, what kind of method/principle/rule do you use to decide which line should have what thickness? It seems like magic
more sakura
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do degens get redlines?
you can leave the blasphemous bits alone lmao
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I have this. feel free to redline
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This one bothers me a lot but I can't seem to recognize why
Any help would be appreciated
I think the perspective/angles on the legs is kinda fucked up, more specifically her left/our right leg. The way they're posed looks unnatural/uncomfortable
I would redline if I could but I'm beg so take this with a grain of salt. Best of luck anon
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My dumbass bought the Bargue book when my ultimate goal is landscape painting. I know how this looks(I haven't drawn much since I was very young)but I'm too impatient for all the goddamn measuring. I did this really quickly without measuring or really caring. I like sketching quickly for some reason. I realize the value(heh) of learning to shade properly, so my question is should I abandon the plates or stick it out considering my ultimate goal? I do like learning the human form but I don't know if I should continue with my impatient ways with the book
>I did this really quickly without measuring or really caring
The entire purpose of the Bargues plates is slow, methodical, *accurate* drawing, so if you're not going to try and do them properly then yeah I'd probably move on to something else
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for detail, i drew this about 2 weeks ago. the guy in the foreground, I drew in mspaint with my mouse, and cancerlord/background was drawn using a tablet. it’s unfinished and “/k/ennethan” is my own funny /k/-tan remake. i can post a full reference to him if asked, but i do need help with depth on backgrounds and perspective.
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i got carried away, just bin it if it's useless
Thanks for your kind words.
I feel like it's something built off experience of what I think looks good. Generally for thickness, usually when lines overlap you can use it to imply depth or what's closer to the viewer with thicker lines. Usually darker lines away from the light source can also look good. You could also make things thicker at the end of a contour for weight depending on what you want. I think I might not be the best example because people have told me my line width is inconsistent or seems random in the past and for sketches it's mostly on instinct build up from practice.

Hope that helps

For yours it almost seems a shame to redline because unlike most sketchy unconfident ones that look ugly this one actually has a nice rugged look to it. If that's not what you're going for try drawing using thinner continous lines and limit yourself from using the eraser to shape it.

Do you have a ref for this? Also you need to work on foreshortening the eye that is farther away from the viewer, that might help
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Not skilled enough to put to paper what I think you were aiming for. I'm guessing the perspective was supposed to be either a view from atop looking down or from behind, the feet/head imply two different perspectives. Try drawing a perspective grid and some boxes to better understand. Another issue is you draw faces from a regular flat view but the body's perspective and those details are really nice.
Tried again, hope this helps
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Nothing wrong, right?
Gonna outline now
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>If that's not what you're going for
well, it's a bit of a coping mechanism to a few factors. maybe a larger tablet would help. maybe.
just wanted a reality check whether or not i succumbed to some anatomy hubris, since from what i gather my works come off as shitposts
here's one more, less straightforward, because why not

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