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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7206278
Pawell finally made it over to the int side lol
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How is it?
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can anyone give me help here? do i just need to grind this out to see some modicum of improvement?
the two in the top left are copies from memory of Bridgman without any proportion markers. the other three are 7 minute figure drawings trying to use what i learned from the Bridgman figures. and the final three are 30 sec gesture drawings, but i gave up and was frustrated so i only did 3.
obviously they all look bad and flat, but i really don't know how i would make them any other way.
Super cute. The strap nearest viewer seems off. The breast forms also read wrong. Folds on the shirt kind of fall apart, and the key necklace lacks technical detail. Her nose might be a little too far to the left or doesn't come back in line with the top of the bridge enough. I like the messy quality to the lines, the hair is good too, and the freckles.
Study for tonight
Anon, everytime I see your art I wonder... Have you been drawing only faces this whole time before posting on /ic/?
Theres an important skill gap between your faces and the rest of the body.
I'm talking about your art in general here.
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>do i just need to grind this out to see some modicum of improvement?
of course how you study matters, but it's not uncommon for people to only see some real improvements after some months. and it can take years to get a solid understanding of the fundamentals. it all depends on your study habits and time studied.
just tell me the figures look bad so i can rest
and you failed, ESL-chan
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Anyone here do tomfox anatomy for artists?
Kinda getting FOMO and want to start bridgman, morpho or taco because they look more appealing but i should probably stick with this.
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I changed a little bit the "render"

Just copy the way your favorite artists stylize their figures. And study anatomy, but don't obsess over drawing every single piece of muscle if your goal is drawing shit anime girls, just enough to understand why the shape of the e deltoid is a triangle.
I always recommend this guy: @Ohasi_sub to practice shapes. but idk, I'm a stuck int.

thanks anon.
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her left wrist looks legit broken
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How do i render cuter face? Everytime i finished line art and think it look pretty cute, but then i render and the face change significantly.
Follow-up question, how do i render less, like simplify the face rendering (more "anime-like" i guess) but still make the value look right. Everytime i try to simplify the face, it just look flat and pale compare to the rest of the body.
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How do I go about getting $$$ for drawing titties
i dont think the hair grows out of there. and really why did she like wax everything except her clit hair. also she has a butthole but no sphincter.
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Body's a little short. Realized too late lol
Who the hell do you think you are!? You’re any kind of artist!? Anybody know who you are!? Maybe everybody else wants to enjoy the shitposts and crabs. This is one of the most important places in all of 4chan and who are you? Who are you!?! You miserable presumptuous no talent
True, true.
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How is it?
I struggle greatly with the placement of the hip in relation to the torso. How do I improve that?
I think you're experimenting with stylizing the face and emphasizing certain features which is cool, but it seems like the placement is off and it's, for me at least, killing some of the appeal yourbpieces normally have. Specifically, I think the nose on the first is too far to the left, and the eye of the second is too low.
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So I have been trying something new with how I render. Compared to my previous piece, what do you guys say?
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just started digital, and already getting used to inking but sketching on it is a different matter. My pencil sketches have MUCH clearer form, maybe I need to take the sketch to a more finalized form on digital.
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Is there somewhere on the body (except the head) where i need to pay more attention to or looks off?
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Hips/ pelvis.

Don't worry this part of the body is basically an eldritch creature from another dimension, no matter how long you study it, it will never make sense to mortal eyes. It's where the muscles from the back groin sternum ass and legs all come together, there is also sometimes visibly protruding hip bones, the skin stretches and folds in every different direction all at once, there are several distinct pockets of fatty mounds all with varying degrees of volume at any given level of body weight, and almost all women look entirely different in this part of their body. Don't even get me started on how the forms seems to bed spacetime when viewed at certain angles or lighted in certain ways that violate the natural laws physical reality. Most people just simplify the illustration so they don't go insane attempting to understand the unknowable.
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how do I get this effect digitally? like the faded smudgy effect, like rubbing graphite
The boobs and shoulders could use some work too. Boobs are shaped more like eggs and not so circular and the way you drew the underside on the right shouldn't have a gap like that.
Thanks, yeah i noticed that the boobs was kinda off. The shoulders are still kinda difficult for me since i keep having trouble where and how big to place the circle for the shoulder joint
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What is the better way to gather visual library? is it referencing photos or copying drawings?
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flat lower body
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Look at and draw many different things, why choose and limit yourself to one or the other? I'de lean more towards photography/nature since stylistic flourishes will come naturally through the shortcuts you make while drawing but just go with whatever you find looks nice/interesting
Thank you sir
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How do I do boob squish?
I remember seeing people talk about how you need to learn to study bridgman, is that actually a thing or am I fine continuing to just go through the book? it seems pretty explanatory on its own
You're thinking of the Proko video
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Your reference is just not very good: small boobs, soft lighting, there is barely even any squish.
Tried to do it with minimal changes to your pic and as close to ref as I could. Added more line weight and changed form a bit to make it look more 3d. And I had to exaggerate squish, the reference doesn't give much to work with when doing pure lineart. But maybe some int will comec into thread and mog us both
I'll use what you did to see what i can try.
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Well I did that and made her breasts larger and overall a thinner torso. I planned on making the breasts bigger anyhow so thanks anon.
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First loomiz that didn't turn out *complete* garbage
Also what would you consider a good ref?
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I can't help you if you need the exact same pose, but for instance here the forms pushing on each other are much more pronounced
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repoostan, had a lot of fun drawing this very calming process
Who is Pawel
the resident schizo
I mean that can't be true, he actually draws and posts his work.
that's not titties
Does it count if it is AI colorized?
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hairy hairs
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>be me
>"you know what, I'm gonna draw in public like a true artist"
>go to Starbucks
>medium black coffee
>sit down somewhere in the back
>draw the person in front of Mr
>look around awkwardly, not even picking up my pencil because everyone keeps moving
>"I'm supposed to do gesture or whatever here right? RIGHT??"
>They keep moving
>"oh God they're gonna think I'm shit"
>"if I look at the person behind me to draw them, will they notice?"
>go on 4chan, start coping
How the FUCK are you supposed to do this shite?
I'm afraid people will see my shir drawings. Help me. Im still here, I don't go to Starbucks often and I hate how middle class it feels
I suggest you go somewhere more open and big, Starbucks can be really hard for that junk especially since they are so closed in. People go to places like that because they WANT someone to notice them. But what I do is go to the mall, sit at the fountain/random sitting spots/the food court since nobody cares at the mall and won't approach you unless you dress gay. Although warning if you sit at the fountain/random places you'll probably only be able to get simple gesture drawings or very rushed portraits, aka if you want something more detailed go to the food court.
Go up stairs and look out the window.
It's more about croquis, I guess. I can't draw people who can see me, so I usually just scribble their backs. I remember a time I tried to draw a car, I was sitting at bench and old man arrived and sat near me. My drawing was so fucking bad and senseless, just a bunch of prebeg lines, maybe worst of my pieces, but my face was incredibly serious, as the way I moved pencil. I hope this man didn't see anything.
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Here was yesterday's drawing for my self portrait since today's will be late. I already posted the finished work in the self portrait thread (it's shit) but I'd appreciate some critique nonetheless. Already know I made the midface too long (t-thanks Loomis)
You're defenitly not that wide- almond eyed.
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pinteres stuff
pushing myself to try and imrpove dynamic and movement oriented poses
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tried doing proper drawing practice today
one with a drawing reference, one with a picture reference
i think i need more practice lol
Prebeg soul
i've been trying to draw things on and off for years
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I'm gonna go get my first sketchbook
this one is the one to get, right?
the cover is so ugly. i can't believe artists buy this shit
cafe sketching is the most inefficient study you could do. Artists who are good at this are just drawing pre-memorized shapes because there's not enough time to observe anything accurately. Just look at how Steven Silver draws. It's just regurgitating what he's already good at
Asking again for >>7208547 since i am also interested.
>do you have a place were you post your stuff? love the jaiden art btw
well the others I'm considering are strathmore ones that all have ugly art on the covers.
true they all look bad.
maybe once you're deep enough into art you buy rolls of paper and bind your own sketchbooks.
go to your local art store and look at the sketchbooks there instead of asking a bunch of autistic retards silly questions
The writing in the book(if were talking complete guide to figure drawing) makes little to no sense. There's a good chance it wasn't actually written by Bridgman himself.
Complete guide to drawing from life I mean
"First Sketchbook"... Do you have any previous drawing experience? If not, if you're just starting, don't buy that, that's some expensive material for what you need to do. Get cheap paper, stacks of cheap paper, and start grinding stuff, simple stuff. Hands, boxes, heads, simple figure construction. That kind of simple drawing exercise will build up really fast, and you have to get rid of that.
A quality paper sketchbook like that is for "archiving" purposes, if you're a mid to high Beg, I guess you are good enough to keep quality paper sketchbooks around.
go to the dollarstore and get something dirt cheap you wont feel bad for making bad drawings in.
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alrighty.Im the dude who made the "painting" (OP pic 3 grills and a car at bitch beach)
i went to studying coloring.
failed miserably

I used this next piece piece to practice colors again
>pic related
I didnt care about corect placement of eyes
angles of the head ecc.
i just need good enough construction to practice coloring (could be wrong there so correct me if you must)
So ...
No need to criticise that aspect (unless your really want to)

Im going to need moar resources for coloring, ( where /how did you learn to color and color theory ) any bointers would be naice (preferably a vid / series of vids butt
I occasionally am known to read from time to time).
if someone can boint me, that would be swell .
if not, back to sticky i guess, or i will just google it.

is this coloring wise an improvement over the the previous trashfire? . by a lot, a little
not enough to criticise?,
I lack the terminology experience and knowledge to ask pertinent questions yet, so feel free to add any critique you want / can add.

BTW for the 2 anons that responded
Thank you .
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yeah I've been drawing for a couple years now on a stack of loose paper then I filled it all and went back and drew on the reverse sides but I've filled those too and it's a mess.
hoping a sketchbook would encourage me to do something better than the daily 20-minute copy with no eraser, measuring, or construction
Looks great
I have been drawing everyday for 4-6 hours over the past two weeks (I started 3 months ago) and I have made very little progress. I have drawn far more than others who have started after me and have been left in the dust. Honestly, what am I missing?
asian genes
Fair. Outside of genetic manipulation, is there anything I'm missing?
You took a jeans schizo seriously so I guess you're just ngmi
>genetic manipulation
However, I think I agree with the ngmi at this point.
Draw from reference. Draw from imagination. Change your process. Experiment a lot
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This ended up being the outcome. I have like 3 more pages sinilar to this, but they're all basically the same nothingburgers. I don't even know what I really got out of it, if I really wanted quick gesture, could've just done it at home as usual. Just felt like I was constantly rushing.
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What am I doing wrong? Should i keep drawing boxes? Copy? Loomis?
These are alright anon. Keep it up, more of this.
Glad to heard that anon. Those little doodles there of the girl deserve to be in a nice sketchbook. Those spiral ones are convenient to draw comfortably, but ugly. It's up to you anon.
But you don't need a "sketchbook" to be motivated to draw. That's a symptom of a deeper issue related to motivation.
I think you should start trying digital sketching. Instead of spending money in expensive sketchbooks "for looks", get a tablet, a screenless tablet will do. If you get into that, you will be opened to a new level of expression freedom. Your grinding will grow exponentially, with the advantages of the digital medium.
i have a mindblock to use non-texture brushes and also can't start to draw harder shadows with more courage.
i remember that i also used to have a mindblock to small brushes, thus not being able to draw portrait. anyone been there?
I draw a lot from both reference and from imagination. What do you mean by the other two exactly?
This is some of my work: >>7209085
My process is generally I draw in the ribcage and then a box for the hips, but I really don't think I understand the reason why I do it. I know that it helps for proportions, like the upper arm being about down to the ribcage for example, but I feel like I randomly place the hips down in relation to the ribcage, which leads to either a very short trunk or very short legs, and often times place the head too close to the ribcage. I'm just afraid that in 6 months time, my "art" will be the same or worse. I've got effectively 24 hours a day for the foreseeable future to work on this, what would you recommend?
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Do u guys like it?
Do YOU like it?
One day I'll go outside and check how the sky actually works
yeah I do :)

Honestly I like most of my art, but it never seems to get big reactions from other people. I just want people to like my drawings :<
whats even going on here? a bishop and a business lady watching an angel suck off a snakeman while the eiffel tower gets bombed?
/ic/ isn't a drawing board
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I love Canson's paper, but don't buy Mix Media if you just want to sketch. Mix Media paper is made for dry and wet media, as the name implies. Nothing wrong with that, especially if you want to experiment with different media (you should, it's fun). Specialty paper like Mix Media, Watercolor, Acrylic, etc. will cost more than paper that is labeled "Sketch" or "Drawing".

Canson really isn't that expensive, all things considered. It's great paper. Not THE BEST, but really good.

If you're unfamiliar with paper types, I can share what I've learned so far:

Super cheap, light weight paper. This is ONLY suited for pencil work. I bought a large newsprint pad to use as my warmup pages so that I don't fill up my actual workbook with swirls, shapes, and tubes connecting boxes together.

>Sketch vs. Drawing
The difference between these is just the weight and the "tooth" of the paper. I have the same store-brand sketch and drawing paper, and the drawing paper is just slightly thicker (heavier) and smoother than the sketch paper.

In the sketch book I have used graphite, charcoal, colored pencil, Kuretake and Staedtler fineliner pens with no bleed through. Markers and any wet media will bleed through and destroy the paper.

>Recycled Bristol
Very nice quality paper I used for alcohol marker. Use this if you want to show off a really nice piece.

If Canson isn't available to you, and all you have is a Hobby Lobby or Michaels type store, then their store brand sketch pads are fine. I use the Michaels store brand stuff for sketching and learning, and Canson for my nicer pieces.

Buy Canson XL Sketch. XL is their "mid-grade" product. The black cover Canson pads are their "high-grade", expensive. "Sketch" pads typically have more sheets than "Drawing" pads.
hazbin hotel autism
Face and hands are the most expressive parts of human body, and you can't do both. I like the way you drew the dress with hatching, pose isn't stiff, there is a plot, but face and hands ruined the overall expression.
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Really? The head and hands are my favorite part. What's wrong with them?
Thanks anon, I'll consider the sketch one.
I like how thick the mixed media paper felt; and I mainly do graphite but would like something that can also handle dip pen + ink.
I have used a dip pen, yet, but I have used the cheap Speed Ball fountain pen. That will pen will DEFINITELY bleed through anything thinner than the Canson Pen and Ink pad that I have. I haven't tried a Mixed Media pad yet, but I would guess that it would hold up well to dip pens.

I'd suggest getting a cheap sketch pad (mo' pages mo' betta) for your learning and experimentation. If you have a drawing that you really like, redraw it in the mixed media and have fun inking it. That's what I did with my large Watercolor Canson pad.

Have fun, and don't be afraid to go crazy and try new mediums.
Any thoughts on sketchpad sizes?
I wanted a normal 9x12 but I'm reading a lot of people find smaller 7x10 ones more useful.
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you got the feel of the face very nice, I would focus on: the simple shapes, have a well defined light and dark side, contrast (value range). Color is not as important as shapes and values. the webm is a example of how I would approach the shapes (when painting is important to zoom out (step back). Try rendering more simple stuff and see how it goes (egg, cylinder, cube)

>is this coloring wise an improvement over the the previous trashfire? coloring wise no, in shape... yes the next one will be even better.

>I lack the terminology experience and knowledge to ask pertinent questions yet, so feel free to add any critique you want / can add.
the lingo is important, "Color Third Edition: A workshop for artists and designers" is a great place you can do it digitally I would only add that is important to do it with both RGB and HSV sliders and watch the relationship between both. after that "how to see color and paint it, arthur stern" is a great book on how to color/paint. I like books more than bloated videos. This advice is based on LinRan posts and tips.
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why she has five phalanges
to better finger your anoos with
Me personally, bigger is better. Working big will make your learning easier, instead of hunched over with your nose in the page. My sketch pad is a 11 X 14, which I feel is perfect. I turn it long-ways on my desktop book holder that I use as an easel. Gives me a lot of space to work. I can also comfortably hold it while reclining with my feet kicked up on my desk.

My newsprint pad is 18 x 12, which is nice, but getting a little too wide for my easel.

I keep a smaller pad in my bedroom for some ballpoint pen doodles before bed. Small pads are great for sketches on-the-go.

Get the largest sketch pad you can comfortably fit in your workspace. You wanna work nice and loose with as much space on the page to go wild with learning and experimentation.
Reminds me of cot_510’s hands
You have a long way to go, but yes, it's appealing
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Inbred I guess

Good catch tho haha I tried to change that arm from the reference

Redid it
>pyw XD
>get ignored for the last 10 threads

Kill yourselves
Thank you.
I will get to it... One of these days.
You are either really good anons are scared to mog you or you are either really bad nobody wants to help you.
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Poorly shaded (pillow shading), misplaced facial features (eyes too high and far apart), 0 anatomy (what the fuck are those ribs, and the shoulder girdle is all fucked up)

Basically, time to do more drawing from life because this is HOT GARBAGE

with respect
Kek. Its funny but you should probably post it on /salt/ to get better feedback
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>start doing digital after only having used pencil and paper
>feels like in starting from zero again
Wtf, why didn't anyone tell me the difference was this big
There's a lot more going into a smile than the edges bending up unnaturally.
Your Twilly looks a bit "down"
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proportions of the ribcage, and the hips
attractive women tend to have a wider pelvis than men but in compensation their pelvis is shorter in height
the height of the ribcage is approximately the same as the head plus neck
also, contrary to what most people do, the widest point in women is on the thighs and not on the hips
If you're using a screenless tablet, getting used to the disconnect between where you're looking and where you're drawing will take some time
I can assure it is always the second one. People are only ever willing to help those who show some promise because they can't even understand the lower /beg/s.
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boring portraits
so this thread is pointless for me because my practice is not "promising"? (?????)

got it, thanks for helping me not lose my time here
Yes that is exactly what I'm saying; no responses = people think you are beyond help. Doesn't necessarily mean that you truly are, but you've got a completely different struggle than what the artists here can understand.
Torso's too long
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>no responses = people think you are beyond help.
That or nobody cares. Not everyone wants to look at a dozen anime girls with a post that says "please critique" and put in equal effort to each.
I've seen worse shit get posted here

These threads are just venting. But whatever.
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hi guys I drew the infamous minecraft griefer, Popbob
pyw now and me and the other anon will respond
>the height of the ribcage is approximately the same as the head plus neck also, contrary to what most people do, the widest point in women is on the thighs and not on the hip
Thanks this really helped me
>their pelvis is shorter in height
How short should this be in comparison to the other parts? A video i watched mentioned around the width of the ribcage. Also what resources you recommend to read/watch for the information/guidelines you posted?
Nose looks like a massive pimple to me, but overall is pretty good
I don't post my work here because you guys hurted my feelings.
It looks like you're using the wrong brushes, as if you thought the ones called "pencil" and "charcoal" mimicked the real tools and went at it like usual.
Don't waste too much money on these ones, this kind of paper is used for coloring with watercolor. Get something cheap, like the paper used for printing.
you need to meet my ex girlfriend and then we can discuss the definition of hurting feelings
Yes, my feelings matter.
You know what? Yes, your feelings do matter. That was quite inconsiderate on my part. How about we grab a coffee, talk through all this and have some fun sketching together after?
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I know nobody actually uses watercolors these days but what the fuck
Grammage isn't everything. This is quality paper and will take watercolors easy, unless you purposefully drown it
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I recommend looking for an artist with an appealing style who posts practice sessions like picrel, that's what I found most productive to study
remembering that depending on the style, some proportions may change, otherwise everyone would draw the same body type
>How short should this be in comparison to the other parts
around 0.8 the size of a man's pelvis, this increases the space in the abdomen between the hips and the ribcage, which is essential during pregnancy

These videos might also help
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one more page
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How does it look?
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Cause that's how you drew the red line
eris futacock ntring rudeus wifes...
Hair could use some work, otherwise pretty cute
Thanks a lot, i will check it out later this week
Don't try to do a marathon if you can barely stand up.
Take that as you will.
I would work on faces/hands just a bit mis shapen, the body is pretty good but try to add darker lighting
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Sketched + penned today, took about as long on the sketch as yesterday but tried to feel it more in terms of line and didn't try to fit it on a rigid grid. I made my face a little fat I think and the eyes are still trash. Need to find some different or better exercises I guess.

I'll post the painted version when it's done.

I have pretty big almondy eyes, it is my best feature (but agreed they were much too wide and long there)
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Sketch is pretty much done (I need to do that hand on the waist still). Before I start the lineart, anything I should fix? I think Sakuya's head and hair need some work but I'm not sure how to proceed.
the loomis department called
they wanted to talk to you
cute sluts

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Perma-beg trash. I hate myself.
you're not permabeg anon stop fishing for compliments
where are you copying this from?
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Sup beg, i am now tradchad permabeg.

looks nice, is this you?
it is a little stiff, redo the booba on fatter thot
the perspective is tragic, her hands are very beg, but the rest is nice. it is very obvious you put all skill points into booba and faces
the colors are not appealing, try adding some yellow or orange in overlay mode
next time pay more attention to overlapping forms (his arms, legs and torso). they literally merge into each other. you need to separate them, ideally with value ranges
bad value range
i know jack shit about animation, but humans dont move like this lmao
bad value range and what the fuck is that background
it is beg, but i like it. it has SOUL. nice skirt forms
nice thot, but your self made mental blocks are laughable
you posted it sideways. otherwise is it okay beg frog. keep drawing anon
very cool, but very unreadable composition. literally too much going on
i kneel
you just added some shitty filter with noise on top, there is nothing different from your previous pieces
i would say it is already cute enough
The pre-beg king has given his retarded opinions again. It was better when he was gone.

Funny how he says "I kneel" to some drawings. Pawell, you should kneel to anyone who can hold a pencil without drooling you insufferable retard.
I'll never be able to be a perfect photocopier tho
>i kneel
Why? That shit sucks.
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>Try to use Loomis' suggested proportions yesterday (>>7209646)
>Midface was notably too long
>Feel like the proportions are better today
Can't win em all I suppose

I'll take it I guess lol

You certainly seem to have a better sense of proportion and depth than me, so it could be worse.

I'm no expert but right is facing us straight on with her tits and tummy but not the rest of her body and it doesn't look right to me.
If you want to make copies use the grid method and spent a minimum of 8 hours per portrait.
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Alright guys how bad is it?
he cute
Thinner neck might help
Are you drawing/painting a dude in black face? kek
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My only question is why the hand is not holding anything?
For loomis heads, you can make three equal lengths from the hairline to the top of the nose then to the bottom of the nose and then to the jaw. If you look at the portrait you posted where you used loomis construction, you'll see that the middle third (top of the nose to the bottom of the nose) is far and way the largest, then the top third(top of the nose to the hairline) is probably twice the size of the bottom third (bottom of the nose to the chin.) So keep that in mind next time you do a portrait.
That doesn't sound fun at all. I think I'll just make mediocre sketches for a while still
i'm trying to focus on emphasizing the light in the painting, i'm mostly just using sepia, yellow, and vermillion for the tones. maybe tomorrow i'll try a different color scheme in the painting, since the main part of the exercise for me is the sketching and the painting is just a fun reward because I like to paint
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trying to move off trad, first time doing a digital color and I achieved pillow shading.

right is an earlier work with copic, and it just looks better.
I think the problem is the neck doesn't match the face, so it looks like he smeared his face with feces.
Loomis proportions are easier to grasp if you do them in 3/4ths view, head-on is very hard to get right because of how innately flat everything looks especially when you don't have a solid grasp on forms yet
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Hey man, I saw this pic >>7208620 in the earlier thread and It immediately caught my attention. It reads nicely in the thumbnail, it's a click magnet. I like the whole premise, that 80's, early 90's look, hot babes, nice setup and colors. I did a redraw and a quick loop animation with it, you can check it here:
Click [embed] and it will play, click in the file link and you will save it to play it in your pc if you have a flash player.

"Skills and technique" are just things that you will tackle eventually, you already have the most important thing, composition, ideas, you know how to have fun. You will be fine. Keep them coming.
Garbage, have some shame degenerate.
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good shit man
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What should I improve
whats going on here, are they transferring farts?
>tomfox anatomy for artists
>are they transferring farts?
Shit that's hot... I like how you think anon.
Trips checked.
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Treasure hunter
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Hey friends i was hoping for a redline on this girl i drew. I just wanted to see how close i was to someone who knows theire stuff. Particularly, i wanted to know if her shoulders are too muscular, but I'll take anything. Thank you so much in advance!
You can try the Redline General thread too >>7207826
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Not sure I have any business doing this but the perspective needs to be more consistent. I think you are raising the shoulder a bit on the left so I tried to keep that, but if not you need parallel lines pointing to the horizon.
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Guys, there's an amazing artist called Chronozbergz, he draws in the manga style, with hatching details, which made it really beautiful.

I want to understand how to do the hatching to make it look neat in my drawings?
that hand is awful
this is a joke, right?
Thats preatty cool.
Im going to redraw this shit one day and try to make it the bestest shit ever.
But i still need to pass a skill check
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Thanks anon, don't worry, you will do awesome stuff. I like the blond you did in the back, her body is hot like a 90's bikini fitness babe. I just did a fast cartoony version to work with the flash. Your stuff is original, it oozes "that", wich is "that thing" that makes a guy like me to say "I want to do my version of that".

Did you ever see "Hard ticket to Hawaii"? Your pic reminds me to stuff like that. We need more of that stuff. Fun and hot shit. Thanks for the inspo anon. Keep the good work.
I havent seen it.
But seems to be my jam.:D
As soon as i thinj i finished something better then last time
Or hard slam my face into a wall i will post again
Get the maruman sketchbook
how do you get used to sketching digital? With pencils all the messy lines start to show mass and it helps figure out forms. but with digital I just produce spaghetti and I can't figure out which lines to pull out to convey form.
Really good, Anon.
a lot of really good stuff anon, but I think there's some perspective issues for sure, or at least some of the guns read that way with how you've depicted the rails and attachments. its definitely bad on the bottom right bullpup gun, its straight on but also we can see the flip up along the top rail and the inner edge of the holo?
Everyone develop their own style of digital sketching. It s an acquired taste. You need to find that brush that you feel comfortable with. A brush that let's you explore shapes and ideas, it needs some inbuilt drag and stabilization (minimal). Once you get that, you will love to sketch digitally, and you won't look back.
maybe you could offer some suggestions, so far my favorite is a 30% opacity dark blue technical pen on procreate. i still can't get the forms though, think I might be rushing too much and trying to constantly redo with a new layer. While with trad I can really take time to carve my forms out of space.
The speed is fine if that's the rythmn you wanna go for but it needs cleaning up. Keep the toes/dildo more stationary and figure out where the hands should be and adjust the arms accordingly cuz as it stands theyre sliding around wildly for no reason. Also the stationary head with the moving body just looks goofy, you don't even have to frame by frame it but just adjusting the face relative to the head so it looks like there's a slight angle change between frames would go a long way
You should stay in one layer. Are you using the erase mode with the same brush? That's important. Erase with the same brush, so you clean a little bit the sketch without erasing it all the way, and keep adding lines. You already found a brush and a setting for it, that's good. Just keep at it. Sketch fun things Use refs, use your phone for that. Some say that just drawing is more important than anything else. "Painting is easy" if the drawing is good and solid.
I'm trying to work on my anatomy, does anybody spot any glaring problems to fix before I continue?
collar bones, shoulder ineven, , more bone around elbows, no obliques, ill defined rib cage, no pelvis to speak of, you forgot traps

just off the top of my head
will do thanks.
Thanks very much! Follow-up question: How do I add "more bones"? Do I bulge out my outline where the bones normally are, or is it more nuanced than that?
the inner elbow (pointing towards the rib cage) should dimple out slightly.

(pg 50 Landmarks you should know)
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Can’t stop drawing since I got my ipad
Made the new additions. I feel like I'm struggling particularly with the pelvis and legs though. Is this on the right track?
>wolf head
>human body
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Hows it looking so far
> le broken femur
A for effort though.
hey retard-kun, you can use your pencil to measure things and get the thirds correct that way you know or if that's too hard grab a ruler, unless you're mid face is just that long and you're actually a horse in disguse
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Hope it helps. Sorry I didn't saw this one reply of yours asking for the pelvis and legs. I didn't focused on that.
Just keep on grinding. Do the same figure again and again as many times as you can till it clicks with the reference from memory. Repetition, It's the only way.
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low effort shitposting
That's okay, thank you very much, being able to visually see the differences is a massive aid!
i like them :)
Is that an E.Y.E Cybermancy reference?
Good taste anon
The human cock is the only issue, give that boy a knot
Thank you friend, I was unaware of this new thread general
I appreciate the attempt friend, i think i see what youre saying. Thanks for your interpretation!
Its okay friend, we are all trying our best. :)
it's horrible and i hate it. just keep at it and good luck, it will get a tad better as time goes on.
>t. also trying to make the switch to digital
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You sure? (also tweaked the angle of the torsoa bit)
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did some more reference drawing
getting proportions right is really hard
please don't tell me you actually like how this dude renders
>getting proportions right is really hard
this is true,anon
but it gets easier with time
>Marc Brunet
Wait why not? Serious question, I don't personally know any better. He seems like he knows his shit
Default looking anime girls with same face syndrome.
Rendering very competent but unappealing.
He's good at the niche he chose and if that specific thing is what you want to do, nothing wrong with him.
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Sunday flockmod
. My trash is top left.
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Slowly but surely working on this bridgeman thing
The shading looks really scribbly without intent

Are you copying one and done or are you copying and drawing from recall?
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forgot to attach
It's not about the "rendering style", but about the process description in regard to digital art, this guy is infinitely better than proko and much more useful.
Update! Looking for a final round of feedback before I commit to ink, particularly about general anatomy, the face and hair.
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That's better. Great head-face-hair combo, and overall design. You still have problems with that particular arm pose. You do good hands. Grind arms, do arms, again and again, simple sketches, do random angles and bends, till you find the shape language to make it "look the part". keep at it anon.
I'm just copying while looking at it for the first time. When I finish the whole book I'll go back and try to draw from memory.

It is important to notice that I'm not a huge fan of Bridgeman's style, so I'll probably simplify some things according to my own taste.

What I hope to achieve mostly is his line rhythm in anatomy that gives this fleshy and balanced look his drawings have and to practice more anatomy overall.
nosebros we pushed him too far, we have to go back
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The reason I draw is to express my feelings, I thought art was similar to other people too. I mean, Im not hating, just asking, do you guys not want to do that too?

like express your depression through your artwork, or take all the hurtful bullshit you received and put it all on a canvas?
No, to me is all about fun. If you're depressed, drink some booze, go outside to take some fresh air.
i do that with writing, i have a hard time putting feelings into pictures. i read a lot growing up though, if you spent your time watching cartoons or looking at art maybe that feels more natural for you
i like art for its beauty, though i guess once i get good enough i could try expressing things. right now i'm at the level of a toddler when it comes to drawing
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I'm very new to 4chan, but I've been looking for art criticism and was redirected here, so why not. This is a drawing I made about a week ago it's rather childish, I know.
Your pic looks like a good starting point.
What are your concerns about it? What are you aiming at? Cute? Sexy? Cartoony? Straight out coom?
amazing anon, looks great
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Another day another self portrait, I took >>7210186 advice and tried a 3/4 view. It definitely helped to force me to think more about perspective (though the results speak for themselves as to my lacking skill).

>>7210457 I have used a direct grid in thr past, and each time (including this time) I start with a compass drawn circle and divide it into thirds. The issue I encounter is 1. I suck and still have poor line control, and 2. Loomis suggests a longer face in Head and Hands, not just dividing it into thirds but adding another half a third on top to reach the top of the head from the hairline, while maintaining overall 1/3rd distancing between hairline/brow/nose base/chin. I guess I misunderstood what he meant but that's how he draws the grids in that book too, but of course his faces aren't out of proportion so I know it's my error. Someone in an earlier thread said a portrait is too ambitious for my skill level and while I feel like I'm improving minor amounts every day they may have been right that it will be a long while until I get one I'm satisfied with.
wanna stick my pee pee in that nose
I think my #1 reason for picking up drawing is that long time ago, a certain person invited me in vrchat and drew a portrait of my avatar. It made me extremely happy, and then I thought, I could also make people happy like that if I'd know how to draw.

I don't think little of myself for that reasoning though. I know it's not valuable or meaningful, but I'm fine with that. I also feel no need to become one of those famous artists who draw tons of painful shit and then possibly suicide, feeding any negativity I have would be the end of me for sure.
That's a pimple, anon
I think you're at the point where anything you'll try out will result in improvement, so just keep drawing and enjoy the ride, but if i'd have to pick one thing for fastest gains: google around for various proportioning tips. I think you'll like the improvements once you'll get it right. There are some basic tricks, stuff like how character should be roughly six heads tall + half head for feet, chest should be two heads tall, yadda yadda. You'll also surely benefit from googling on how female skeleton looks like underneath, shoulders should be narrower, hips should be wider, forearms should kinda aim outwards for more feminine results, whatnot.

An unavoidable consequence of being a beginner, everything you'll make will look childish for a while. Don't blame yourself, blame kids for picking up drawing early on, they're the biggest group of beginners and so they're to blame on why beginner equals childish. It's perfectly fine to draw childish looking stuff.
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>be me
>be garbage
>start bridgmans book
>its actually pretty fun
>be me
>be garbage, but now have fun
thanks mr bridgman
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Why is my sketch so much better than the lineart?
they both look good despite being depressing/rapey
country roads...
Your brain is mistaking uneven lightweight as value and depth. Your lineart lacks this. You either creating the illusion of volume through lineweight, convincing construction or adding value. Pay attention to the dark areas of your sketch and try to add value in those area to your lineart. It'll look closer to what you want.
I disagree. There is good potential in your linework, just keep practicing line weight and youll go far.
sketch suggests low effort so brain goes into lenient mode, it also masks lots of imperfections because you're sweeping over the result with your eyes with "it's just a sketch" mindset and fill in the gaps/wrong lines, while every single line in lineart is 100% intended, no room left to pretend mistakes were not made. that being said, your lineart doesn't look bad at all if you ask me
It's so fucking hard to do anything that isn'd hedonistic bullshit oh my god. Genuinely can't draw for longer than an hour
Izayoi Seishin study I like his style and the contrast of his faces. Mistakes were made, leads were broken, proportions were missed but had fun doing this, I've always loved when studies look like a collage. Also trying mix media, oil pencil, ink and white paint. Critic please :)

I don't like sketchbooks cumbersome, binders suck toned paper ones are too costly and the most important thing my drawings suck so I draw less on them. I prefer paper + drawing board and store my sketches in a folder. You can get great deals on your local paper company.

still too early to judge, but the sketch has simplier fuller shapes for example in the left eye its easier to process with fewer details.
>not a single male face
There's nothing more hedonistic than being an artsy fartsy drawing stuff in your leisure time, rumming about esoteric expression bullshit, the meaning of life and the search of beauty, while the world burns outside.
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depressing/rapey is exactly what I'm aiming for.
You two mention line weight, I always associated that with refined, high-effort art. I'm aiming for something simple but clean-looking.
That explanation about the '"it's just a sketch" mindset' is great! If I can glance over a ton of little blemishes then most people would probably see it in the same way.
My goal is to produce decent quality art in a short time like picrel. Perhaps skipping lineart and just refining the sketches a little bit is the solution. thanks
I use thicker lines for sketches to avoid getting lost in details.
Picrel doesn’t suck, though?
Line art is much much more than just tracing over your work, my friend.
Its a whole other skill.
Line weight does not require high effort. It just means you're slapping down lines without varying pressure in a purposeful manner. Inking does require high effort.
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Much happier with the painting today, I actually feel like I learned some things I can apply to the future. Time for lunch and then some more exercises.
I find studying "beautiful" female faces more valuable, drawing men you can get away with so many things but with females a single mistake is hard to recover.

thanks, I'm not fishing complements what I wanted to say is for example the sketchbook mentioned comes around 0.2$ per sheet (not counting shipping) I would feel awful to draw something like I did on that. The paper I use is double the size of that sketchbook and Its around 0.03$ per sheet now I don't feel bad and drawing without pressure.

>I use thicker lines for sketches to avoid getting lost in details.
this is great insight, then why when doing your lineart you rush so fast into details? Doesn't even has a body but you are thinking on her pupil highlight
men are sexy tho and rugged and handsome
>drawing men
>but with females
lmao why can't you say women wtf
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holy fuck
I wanted to draw some stuff from reference and maybe finally start perspective made easy, but instead I spent embarassing ammount of time drawing that turd, at least I drew something....
it's not even finished but fuck that
also I really have to use this tablet more, so far it was use it once or twice and let it collect dust for a few months
If I were you I would stop painting for now and focus purely on drawing, in the time you were painting you could have drawn another thing or two and mileage is king
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use a pen, you will see that it is easier to put weight on the lines
and use continuous movements so the line does not lose momentum
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Here is another work of mine, look how the silhouette contour lines are thicker and the inner lines are more subtle
>men are sexy tho and rugged and handsome
I didn't say they weren't, what I said is that you can go along with the errors for example owen wilson nose.

>why can't you say women wtf
I'm dumb, I like the word female more than women, feels more natural in my ESL brain.
this is good I really like it, feels from a click and point adventure game.
oh ok that's fair, sry in english there's an issue with men who say only female and never say women because they don't see women as more than their bodies
Anyone else just just sit around and scribble and draw forms when you don’t know what to draw/don’t feel like starting on something “serious?”
mega cringe
also it's women that use "females" regularly on shitter and other social media platform to talk about other bitches
now go get yourself fucked
i don't use twitter or social media, sounds like a you issue
non taken
>in english there's an issue with men who say only female and never say women because they don't see women as more than their bodies
wut, this is new to me, ironically 60% of my job is chatting and emailing (in english kek), we just don't use man or women in our messages way too weird.
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I gave it a try with the pen, I have not used the pen in a long time.
Considering how quick I got this far compared to my usual brush, this might be a good way to get this done.
I like your attempt on the sketch, thank you for the advice.
The challenging part seems to be keeping the line thickness consistent on the whole drawing.
>why when doing your lineart you rush so fast into details? Doesn't even has a body but you are thinking on her pupil highlight
Lineart is all about the details for me since the sketch already looked pretty much how I wanted the lineart to look.
I just draw the pupils as a "c" shape, it is not much of effort and helps me align the focus of the eyes.
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I cant fucking draw anything at all whatsoever. Fuck this. I'm giving up
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So what do we think here?
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also, a good exercise is to trace manga/doujin pages in the original resolution like picrel
This way you practice accuracy and also learn how to use line weight
terrible anatomy
you know monster anatomy still has to make sense anon
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How to draw a person? Cant figure it out whatsoever. I can't even do a limv. Doesn't matter if i construct, use a ref or rawdog.
Its very upsetting. Its the only thing i actually do want to draw
I have none
I gave up on this one after 45 minutes
That's fine. Sketch portraits should loo like that. Do another now.
>N-nobody replied to mine
nice charcoal is hard to control maybe try charcoal control exercises, not a fan of fully outlined lips

I try to comment on unreplied posts maybe I missed yours, which one is it?
I saw it but it was so bad I didn't want to say anything to hurt your feelings
Oh fugggggg :DDDD
Other guy is right. it was shit.
Take the Hainespill, Indi.

does my skills on trad transfer to digital?
as in i cant carry my tablet to work, b ut i can carry a sketchbook to doodle during my lunch time
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Sup beg, today i was lazy. Its beg

looking at this i wonder what you spent the 6 hours on. lol
anon PLEASE put the eyes in MIDDLE of the skull. putting eyes too high is the typical beg issue and you need to stop doing this. and do keys to drawing
i kneel
pretty nice, welcome to the beg and be mindful of crabs and howies
nice thots
nice spiderman with booba
you literally find brush which behaves like pencil in real life and do the exact same thing?
i am looking forward the cat boys
draw the rest of the owl
make new layer, set its mode on overlay, pick some soft yellow and use air brush
it is alright
it is literally the same thing, people who claim there is significant difference between mediums probably dont draw
Which one?
the one your thinking of hoping its not that one? yeah, that one. sorry, champ.
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perspective is filtering me
drawing buildings is easy, but applied to figured drawing is too much for my little brain
somedays I cant even draw a fucking cube
ok i'm taking it now
nigga drew guidelines but then ignores it all?? tf
You know what would be great in drawing softwares? A perspective ruler. NO, not the one you're thinking of that already comes with all known software. I'm thinking of something like 3D assets but as a ruler instead. The idea is to measure, for example, the 3 units of an arm or torso I've just drawn and see how it measures in perspective. This means being able to rotate it and see how much it shrinks or enlarges, so I can know how long to draw that torso and arm in a specific position. When there's not much distortion, it's relatively easy to eyeball it, but for action poses and extreme angles, which are common in manga and comics, even a small degree of distortion can significantly change proportions. You can immediately tell when a beginner draws a hand too big or an arm too short. I know everyone uses intuitive perspective and it doesn’t have to be perfect, but it’s very easy to make noticeable mistakes that don’t look good. I suppose the solution is to use 3D models, not to trace them exactly but to get a basic idea. However, these don't distort correctly either. I don’t know if CSP has an option to change the lenses
Any potential for this drawing to be better Or is it dead?
1: skill issue
2: blender
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I know you can use Blender and many other programs, but having to open another program really fucks the creative process, it's too slow, a super quick perspective ruler would be so awesome
>skill issue
well yeah I'm a beg, but I'm trying
maybe i'm ultra beg but those look fantastic anon
how is that beg?
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Line art takes so long
lmao the pube looks like a fucking spider resting on top of his cock
Did you also notice that most of the line art is unfinished?
let him fish for compliments damn you
Le weepee
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Aw man I saw it, didn't notice it had no replies. I love the thigh ribbons, you have nice control of form and your straight and slightly curved lines are really nice. I don't like your irregular shapes like the confetti on the cake and the ruffled maid's headband, I think you can improve this by better placing overlapping lines, check out this guy's work.

Also, I do not like how you lose refinement when filling areas manually like those of the green-eyed girl's headband and hair ties, I think these excersices will help you improve this:

But you are doing great I like your work
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O-only top left was my work...
Tfw no ogiue wife
oh ok, the irregular shapes comment remains, work in overlapping lines to create sense depth.
>amazing artist
I can tell you're a beg because this hatching is awful. Get better inspirations anon. If you want to learn hatching do it from the old masters and not from this mediocre "artist".
>356 followers on twitter
interesting, i think i should make an account
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>Nice control of form
When you say form, what do you mean?
>Straight and slightly curved lines are really nice
Really? I doubt it. I always have trouble getting lines done in that piece of shit program.
>Ireggular shapes like confetti
Dang it
>Overlapping lines
>Check this guy's work.
Thanks. I really struggle to make shit look 3d and seeing someone give sense of depth with a sketch that barely has any shading with crosshatching and just makes do with the overlapping lines and varying lineweight really teaches me some stuff.
This one in particular
>But you are doing great I like your work
Now now, dont lie.

When I was doing the thigh ribbons I noticed that I had drawn them incorrectly and I wasnt implying any direction with them so I started remaking them while thinking of how they would look when put on a leg at different elevations.
This is a really fucking mediocre and I bet wrong doodle but is what I thought in the moment.
I want to believe I was correct because it is one of the only fucking moments in my mediocre artistic path that I felt like I was actually thinking properly with a drawing.
Have you ever had to see someone you personally knew on the internet or otherwise surpass you?

I have this "internet friend" that started drawing a couple years ago and him being fed and clothed by his family (is more than probably underage or was at least) and also collects disability has all day for himself and he would eagerly send me art tutorials he would find and follow and his (at the moment) very shitty doodles of them.
He got good and fast in that time, impressing everyone that knows him.

I feel very jealous knowing that I spend 11 hours a day inbetween wageslaving, commuting and wageslave preparing while this fucker can draw 3-4 hours a day, get his gains and then fuck off to play vidya and socialize while I am spent at the end of the draw trying to squeeze one or maybe two hours while fighting off exhaustion before going back to the wage cage.

I know there is nothing to be done other than grit my teeth and try to get my own hours in but all the bullshit "Dude, don't compare yourself to everyone who surrounds you and gets all the positive attention while you remain ignored or mocked" and "Dude, just have fun being shit and drawing like a toddler" kinda gets on my nerves.

I am just very jealous of anons who get the money, talent, time or support they need to reach what they want. So fucking much I want to bash their skulls open and eat their fucking face.
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Yes I've met people who are each better at the things I like to do: programming, music, art, writing. I even had a gf tell me he likes another guy partly because he's better at music. These things do hurt, but in the end I just do as much as I can, and go to sleep knowing I've done the most I could.

I think it's hard not to compare yourself to others, but I think what helps is to compare yourself to yourself. I think I've improved a lot, and I'm sure you did too. Stressing yourself over these things will inevitably make it harder for you to succeed, so just do your absolute best, and I think thats just good enough. WAGMI
Yeah my best friend was always (and still is) a better drawer/artist than me, and I always encourage him to do more and that he could make it as a pro. But he's focused on other things lately, I've been catching up so maybe I'll inspire him to get back at it if my /beg/ ass can start to catch up lol
you're jealous of a neet who lives on disability gibs, possibly jealous of someone whose only chance at getting any resemblance of meaning in life is drawing, and now you wrote a rage book on why it's easier for him. i don't really know what to tell you, i want to acknowledge your bad feels but objectively i think it's fucking stupid and analyzing who has it easier and why won't help you in any way or form

sorry, i hope you'll get over it eventually
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I tryed practicing defining shapes through light and shadow.
>light shadows/values.
Didnt care bout loomis/proportions.
If they are correct then great, if not. Plese still tell.
Main question
Have i managed to make light and shadow more or less accurately and consistently throughout the lady?
You look like a piece of childish crap, you have no talent, nature spat on you, you will never be successful
stop pretending /beg/, you lying rat
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I'm trying to learn basic proportions. Are body proportions here more or less correct, or are they jarring somewhere? Do you think arm length makes sense?

new slop
Still symbol drawing noses anon?
More like Chronoz/beg/z
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This was meant when I thought it was the whole picture, but still you have it T overlapping lines where it makes sense (elbow, hips, breast ribbon, etc) using highlight and shadow to indicate roundness (breast).

>I really struggle to make shit look 3d
This is mainly a perspective issue, I like Stanchfield's approach to perspective, more common sense than worrying too much in vanishing point hell.

>When I was doing the thigh ribbons I noticed that I had drawn them incorrectly
Don't worry too much, keep it simple, if you are struggling slow down, take a simpler approach, take a photo or get a substitute object IRL and trace it to gather information, for example I want more organic curled paper/planes, take a photo and learn from it.

You're being too hard on yourself, have fun, understand that things can be off and still look right, that's what they call an acceptable margin of error, I enjoyed your drawing.
Anyone got some useful tips on drawing hair?
They are cute!
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anyone know what kind of pose I could give the guy whose opacity isnt low? not sure if he's defending or attacking. and im kind of fucking stupid i didnt know there was a /beg/ thread.

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