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Why you should not trust youtube shills:

Do not read anything into pressure levels. 1024 is more than enough.
If you have any additional questions, ask them.
Remember to ignore all chinese shills.

Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3, 4, 5, Pro, One by Wacom

Small (10-11"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Medium (12-16"): Samsung Galaxy Tab S8/S9 Ultra, used iPad Pro 12.9" Gen 1-5
Large (22"+): Cintiq 22HD, Cintiq Pro 27 - Make sure they have VESA standard mounting holes.


>XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand making Wacom imitations
Poor build quality, pens with wavy lines, wobbly nibs, broken tilt, issues registering light pressure, terrible customer support, uncalibrated. All Chinese brands have the same problems. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Do not be fooled by myths like "Chink companies are just as good as Wacom now" - they've been saying this for over 8 years, nothing has changed. Consider reading the amazon reviews, particularly the negative spectrum and you will find some very common themes.
Chinese companies have also been proven to shill on 4chan. You will see dozens upon dozens of posts in this thread by a chinese schizo shill, who will either be bitching about the OP, gaslighting as a Wacom fan, making pointless spam posts or giving terrible advice (like recommending Huion). Just ignore and report him.

>New iPads
Massively overpriced and overhyped.

>Microsoft Surface Pro
More optimized for palm rejection than good quality drawing. Wobbly lines when drawing slow and straight.

>Cintiq 13-16"
Completely outclassed by the Galaxy Tab Ultra & iPad

>Cintiq Pro 16, 24, 32
Overpriced, QC issues, loud fans, proprietary mount interface

Worse than Samsung in every way.

Previous: >>7182616
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>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
what happened to the previous thread I wonder >>7212675
my fucking sides
wankcuck lol
What’s the best brush to use in procreate?
what's the best brush to stick up my ass?
I'm using the K200 right now. How could I have known?
Now I feel like a fool!
Intuos 3 overlay sheets degrade faster than any other model, you're a dumbass if you fall for this psyop.
You are retarded I am using one and it's still like new
gaomon pd1161?
>and it's still like new
yeah cause you don't draw lol
Is a Samsumg S7 FE good enough for drawing comics?
>found the dumbass
Get a real tablet.
Colbow has reviewed the new Surface Pro - as an art device I'm not convinced it's going to be worth the money, if I'm spending that much then I don't still want to be 'wrestling' with the pen.

Where do Australians buy cheap refurbished iPads?
Can an iPad air (and which gen) handle large brushes with texture at 5000x5000 resolution? In CSP ideally but I could switch to krita or procreate if performance was better there.

Ive used an older iPad pro and it struggled a bit with big textured brushes, but I'm hoping the newer ones may fair better. I'd also LIKE to switch to an air cause the pro is annoyingly bulky. I have a 6 year old xp pen tab that I use for real drawing, this would be more for sketching / base stuff.
I've just checked JB HiFi - AU$1299 can get me either a new 128GB 13" Air or a refurbished 256GB 12.9" Gen 6 Pro
Did the guzzler had another schizo episode?
get a used 5th gen pro 12.9" off ebay for $850.
Will i be fine learning how to draw on an xp pen 13.3
>Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
well... I shoulda scrolled down
Yeah but do I have to spend 600+ dollars on another tablet?
Do you draw though?
I'm on day 21 of my journey
This post was made by a wacom shill.
>s6 lite
isnt it too small?
>s9 ultra
at this price point you could buy a 22... whats the point?
>at this price point you could buy a 22... whats the point?
Chinese garbage has no value.

You can also still get S8 Ultras on sale for a lot less than any Wacom at that size and there is zero difference in drawing performance.
nah a citniq 22 is literally the same price of a s9 ultra man
No one does, these tablet threads are all bots.
>screen protectors on an iPad
you can use it on its own and take it with you anywhere, retard
i'd like to see you set up your 22 inch tablet at the office to draw on during downtime but you probably don't even have a job in the first place
With a far worse screen.
Android sucks for drawing, I don't think there's anyone that uses an android tablet professionally. It's almost like OP doesn't draw or something
how does android suck for drawing when it has fully featured CSP
how does android not suck you retard, have you ever used that shit
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My software: Painttool sai 2
I already finished this drawing this is just a previous wip screenshot
tablet: wacom intuous pro
what the fuck did you do to the ui
I used a paid online software to change the colors
Its called like sai theme or something
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Noah Bradley uses Huion btw. Now watch the schizo try to discredit him in 3...2...1...
Poco Pad at 300 bucks (excluding pen), is it any good? I'm waiting parkablog reviews it.
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Recently got a 1st gen Wacom Pro opened but unused, disc and stylus were brand new, drivers work correctly, so what the fuck is this? Why is the pressure fucking up in Photoshop when the tablet is almost brand new?
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i still can't decide between a samsung tab and an ipad pro. i spend a lot of time in bed so i want something i can draw in bed with.
I was planning on buying a Huion HS610 after I asked an anon what tablet he was using to draw. It clearly works, am I missing something?
OP doesn't draw and has an agenda against china
Ok thanks
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To whoever recommended the 8bitdo micro a few threads back, thanks. I fucking love this little thing.
bit small
buy a xppen pro lw or xlw
For the same price, I can get a Galaxy Tab S8+ or a Galaxy Tab S7+ with a bookcover keyboard. Which one should I get ? Is the S8 that superior ?
Not that much different in specs but you'll probably get longer software support.
Can I get away with putting a screen protector on top of the 15.6 Pro's preinstalled matte film or do I really have to peel that one off and then put on the screen protector?
someone posted the webm debunking his claims and he deleted his thread and remade it
>he fell for it
That's the shoelace bug, the SAI guy explained it:

- Known case 1: A trace like a hair always occurs at the end of stroke.
; The cause of the problem is that the tablet driver provides pen coordinates with the same resolution as the screen.
; (For example, although a pen tablet device has a 30720x19200 resolution for the pen coordinates, a driver provides a 1920x1200(Ful HD) resolution.)
; We have confirmed that this problem may occur with pen tablets from manufacturers other than Wacom
I have it and wacom.
Really don't see the difference in quality
Except the Gaomon pen being lighter which maybe gives a cheap feeling to it but no difference in line qualirty
I have samsung galaxy tab 7
It is absolutely not good for drawing
The biggest issue is inconsistent strokes and you cant tilt the pen very far before it stops working

From the videos i've seen ipad seems way better
>He fell for the wacum
literally all tablets have this issue, you mongoloid
>he doesn't know
kek, so when it's chinese tablets that have this problem it's chinese scammers selling defective products but when glorious wacom has the exact same problem it's an unavoidable fact of life huh
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My Xp-Pen stoped working with Open Tabiet Driver for no reason and I've had enough. Thinking of getting Wacom One since I like the emr pen on my e-reader. Talk me out of it or something.
My Xp-Pen has all the problems Anons itt worn others about. Also while XP-Pen makes linux drivers, they are so bad I had to use Open Tabiet Driver to make it useabile for a week before gave out.
literally no one talked about xp pen itt schizo, pyw
how many of you REALLY use screenless?
man this shit is making me wanna kms
how good are you on screenless vs on paper?
I started with screenless back in 2012. Yep it made me want to kill myself. Then in 2014 I got a 2-in-1 laptop with wacom stylus and it was miles better experience at drawing, which made me want to draw more often. Nowadays I just use a display tablet but occasionally use it as screenless (man, it became so much of easier after you've drawn for a while) just to experience that smooth lines coming out of 165Hz monitor.

But anyway if you wanna draw using screenless ... You could only practice. No other way lol. Make sure the tablet to screen proportion setting is correct. Then just try to draw with rough sketches and big brushes until you're more used to it. Turn on the bigger cursor view if you're using apps like CSP so it'll be easier to track where your cursor is at.
Any of you screenless tablet anons got any tips for a good setup for long hours of drawing? Getting a new chair in today with a lumbar pillow + a footrest. Do you have your tablet propped up at an angle or is it completely flat on the table? How high is your chair relative to your desk and do you lean forward or back onto your chair when working? How close is your monitor to your face etc. I've always seen ergonomic guides and suggestions for people with screen tablets but never screenless.
I've been using screenless for over a decade now, tried screen tabs in between but it just wasn't clicking with me personally so I went right back to what I was used to. Had a bunch of intuos for a while, right now have a huion due to it having a larger drawing space than what wacom has available. My dream is wacom or other making a gigantic screenless tablet, at least 24inches of workspace, maybe bigger.
If i want to draw on my phone (android) then whats the best app?

I know it won't be as fluid as my wacom stuff but until I can get a new tablet whats a good portable app i can screw around on?
CSP, Medibang, Infinte Painter, Ibispaint. I forgot what that Procreate clone called, it's by Huion.

Medibang / Ibispaint is free and to my knowledge is fairly light. CSP is fairly heavy but simple mode is passable enough. It's subscription based though. Infinte Painter is about similar to Procreate and it's a one-time purchase app.
I use a screenless Huion, works fine to me, pen could be better. Took awhile to get used to but now I'm better than on paper. Though I will be grinding some trad this week but idk, it werks
i ordered a kamvas 22 plus. glory to china, glory to the CCP
Ipad pro 3rd gen (2018) or xp pen magic drawing pad? Don't respond if you have a PhD is dick sucking please.
How well does a Thinkpad X1 Yoga G4 fare for drawing?
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these things must be selling like absolute shit lmao
it was $450 just yesterday
>itoddler thinks keeping prices artificially high is normal
I got a new s6 lite a few weeks ago and its so fking good. Both are probably good so go with price and preferred software.

What software does everyone recommend? I’m using Clip Art Studio
>artificially high
already less than msrp direct from the manufacturer isn't what I would call artificially high, but okay.
I think the shoelace problem is mostly a software issue, given that wacom tablets still work far better on linux devices.
Wacom just has incompetent programmers, and sadly, most art programs tend to be designed around wacom products.
They always have some sort of "sale" going on, the tablet I bought on sale 2 years ago is selling for $40 more on sale now so I guess they just make the msrp up and then do a "sale"
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who do i believe
anyone who insults glorious infallible wacom technology is a chinese shill
Honestly why would I buy Huion/Wacom android tablets when I can get an iPad or Samsung tablets for similar prices.
Why are my lines doing this at the end?
I think those aren't glass coated and aren't as durable.
what makes you think that?
XP-Pen tablets are usually pretty budget. I stand corrected though, that particular model is etched glass.
Sanity check: the new ipad is referred to as "13 inch" while the old one is referred to as "12.9 inch". Are they not both actually 12.9 inches though? Or did they really increase the screen by 0.1 inches?
>he also fell for the wacum
It's an XP-Pen.
LMAO That's even worse.
What's bad about them?
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>Been having issues with light strokes on my Cintiq pro 24 lately. They are not registered properly or the line gets cut in half
>Fucking annoying
>Read an old reddit post telling me to uninstall the driver and install an older version
>Do that and reinstall the version I had at around the date when I bought the tablet and worked perfectly
>mfw it works

Wacom you piece of shit your new program looks pretty but it works like ASS
neither of these have wacom technology.. except the s pen i guess
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I got a Samsung tablet just because of these threads, but the only decent app for android is CSP and it's subscription based, you can't even pirate it. Shit sucks, why are all the nice things iOS only
>"What's so bad about chinkshit"?
I thought ibis paint would be enough desu
Do you guys have any screen monitors recommendations that come color calibrated I seen benq and ultra sharp they’re kinda expensive I want to grow out of my laptop screen
I'm mostly a traditional artist, but I want to get back to digital. I have an old screenless wacom bamboo tablet, so it takes some time getting used to it.
Does anyone have any ideas or tips on something I can make myself consistently do to get used to it? Like a little challenge or if anyone who has good video tutorials?
Try hipaint. It's basically a procreate clone
how destitute do you have to be to not have 2 dollars a month for CSP
genuinely don't understand what's wrong with you people
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I got myself one of the cheaper ASUS ProArt monitors precisely because I got sick of my laptop monitor being so blue. At max brightness the colors look great, haven't bothered calibrating it in the couple years i've owned it. If you manage to find one at a deal too. Mine had a single dead pixel in some corner I've never noticed and it came out to half the price on Amazon.
>Has money for Samsung tablets
>No money for 1 month CSP or yearly CSP
>"I don't want to use ANY other free drawing apps!"
You still haven't given me a valid answer yet. Something that doesn't involve racism and the actual product would be nice.
Why pay a subscription when there's a one time or free alternative out there?
Because it's better
Nobody's stopping you from using a different program, Infinite Painter, ibis, etc are all very decent programs too but y'all still take the time to cry about CSP's sub at every opportunity for some reason
nta but why do you even need a subscription to use a program at all?
It's the principle of the matter
Because most of them suck ass and are riddled with ads, meanwhile ios gets shit like Adobe Fresco for free
>It's the principle of the matter
the principle is that it's a niche product with ongoing development that needs to stay afloat
My income is commission based, so I don't want more repeating bills to account for on top of the ones necessary for living.
Nigger i literally have a coworker in the studio who uses a s6 lite
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you're not gonna go homeless for spending an extra 2 dollars a month unless you live in some subsaharan shithole
Yeah, and they're not going to go bankrupt because i don't give them 2 dollars a month, faggot
So is Samsung good for art or not?
i didnt say that but i agree with it nicer. i just dont like the stress of another thing i need randmly getting flipswitched on me, when i can also in the same vein support non shitty payment methods
man I remember when people knew chinese quality was always gonna be shit no matter what. it's not even a race thing, it's the worthless communism the government forces onto them that makes their quality garbage.
guess now we gotta pretend chinese shit is good just for politeness' sake.
>chinese tablets are...LE BAD because....THEY JUST ARE, OKAY???? trust the science you FUCKING CHUD
You should consider getting a job on top of just commission income
Still waiting for an answer. Can you you come up with anything about the actual product? Wait... bad quality? Can you be more specific? Use your words, I know you can.
oh my bad i'm not the same guy you were replying to.
i was just making a coment lol
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even cheaper still
I'm tempted to pull the trigger on getting one to replace my older ipad.
It is no longer a niche product as it is becoming frequently used for anime production. They could still support ongoing development just by charging for updates every year, and by the look of things not much of the money they've made has been going back into development. Their reasoning for why there's no permanent license available for mobile is contradicted by several appstore apps with a price tag of hundreds of dollars. This was purely a move to copy adobe's success and to milk the studios using it for animation, as studios often want to have the latest version of a product.
>and to milk the studios using it
studios aren't animating on mobile tablets outside of a very small percentage of artists using ipads.
That's why the best option is to pirate it on PC and just use Moonlight to draw with your tablet
If you don't subscribe on PC you have to wait for the end of the yearly cycle to be able to purchase all the new updates.
Fuck the shills, where do I pirate CSP?
For the few android artists, what app do you use? I'm thinking of getting infinite painter right now, it can do everything in my normal desktop workflow but idk for sure
Waste your money at your leisure.
Is iPad PRO 12.9 A1652 LTE 128GB a good choice for drawing?
>not the 13" version
i don't even know who's shilling what anymore
I dont see shit about the movink how is there negative hype for it? I considered buying it because I use a wacome one 13" now and the display isnt great
>much size
it sits on my lap i dont need a massive one with my setup
I wouldn't get it simply because of the storage size. 128gb is a criminal amount of space in current year. Never go for less than 256gb.
I need monitor recommendations.
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Just got this bad boy, what am I in for?
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Ran into every single issue this anon >>7212729 said. I distrust chinese tablets now.

Anyway, any anon has experience with this tablet? It's probably one of the cheapest WACOM screen tablets, and the screen size is good, but i am not sure, it's TOO good to be true. The reviews on amazon are borderline retarded:
>"I dropped it and now it doesn't work! WTF 2 star!!"
>"I am colorblind and i see the screen as black and white!! Support didn't solved it!! 3 stars!!"
>"Buy chinese products instead"
The only somewhat valid ones were:
>"It worked fine for 1 month and then it started having connection issues"
But...there are a lot of chinese shills (some with obvious chinese names and names that look like they were made to shit on non-chinese products) so...i don't know what to believe anymore.
Yeah I got one of these and I ran into every problem this anon >>7212729
said. I distrust WACOM tablets now
Ok Chang.
just like that he outs himself, not that it wasn't obvious to the point of comical anyway
you better not drop the included pen (which is uncomfortable as fuck) unless you want to break the side buttons
I have one the screen is a decent size and the pen is what you expect from wacom, mine works well but you are buying a budget model so you are getting a budget display its kinda dim and that affects colour
ive had it for maybe 6 months and never had a problem, btw there is 3 spare nibs hidden behind the back leg which i didnt spot so bought more and felt like a retard
> but you are buying a budget model so you are getting a budget display its kinda dim and that affects colour
I see.
I will also look at the monitor to make sure i am choosing the correct colors so that might not be a problem.
What can you tell me about the cables and connectivity? Some amazon reviews say the cable is in an odd angle and prone to breaking, but those might be chinese people commenting in bad faith.

So, OP was right, there ARE chinese shills here.
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51r+l+QER-L.jpg the L shaped part plugs into the top but i mostly keep it on my lap on a pillow completely stationary when im using it and have never had an issue the cable has a hdmi part too
>Ran into every problem in this ancient webm on a non specified model that THIS ANON (I'm not guzzler I swear) posted
>This WACOM tablet is TOO good to be true
>Rest of the post is just him obsessing over the Chinese
>No mention of any brand names
lmao you couldn't make this shit up I'm literally dying
i cannot fucking wait until you get rangebanned
I see, thanks anon!
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Got an Intuos 5 Large for 80 bux. What kinda monitor should I get? 27" 1440p or 27" 4K?
Does anyone have any experience going from a regular tablet to a screen tablet? I used to take my laptop+tablet with me places, but then the laptop bricked, so now if I want to make stuff outside of the house I need a new one. The thing is I don’t want to shell out for a new laptop, so maybe the better alternative would be some kind of screen tablet. Does it feel weird? Is it any harder/easier than doing it on a regular tablet?
Dont go lower than 2k (1440p).
Do you really need 1440p for 2D?
Its about having plenty of space to accommodate your shit. I dont know its up to you mang, some people draw on fucking 15" tablets.
i'd never go below 2k 27"
I'm getting a Wacom Intuos soon, is painting hard to learn? I'm not bad at drawing but I never used more than pencils.
post your work
I don't like posting what I've already drawn, I can only draw something new and then post it.
You need to come up with a new plot guzzler-chan
just buy an iPad
Digitally painting is easy, just overlay a texture you got from free textures.

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