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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

Previous thread >>7211614
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Dont give up, fellow beg.
cool pic tranime coomer
Lmfao what a stupid god damn post
This is great! I’ll definitely study more and take 3d into account, I’ve noticed that I tend to ”mute” my shapes in a sense. Thanks for the redraws, i Totally get What you mean.
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trying some colors to see what comes out
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Did this from imagination. Wyt?
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I can't draw straight lines on pc tablet but I can on paper. Is this from schizo meds I take which cause parkinsons or just my untrained sense/muscle? Maybe from tablet being slippery and small?
This sounds like a medication issue, if you don't have that issue on paper. I would talk to your doctor about it.
Might be a positioning/posture thing since you're subtly using different muscles when on paper vs tablet.
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only pain exist
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no one who is sane would post their work on this trash thread. Go back to your faggot porn containment threads and stop infesting the whole board with your coomer shit
jews are the most based people on earth, the basically exemplify the ideal traits of every extreme ideology, ring wingers are mad at them because they could never match their tradition and community
>you just mindlessly copied stuff without actually understanding how its supposed to work.
Obviously nigga, that's his entire shtick, it's his entire philosophy, just a few times he said this
He doesnt know anything about neck muscles, basic shit like where they begin and where they end, that would be thinking and thinking is le bad!
Pawell has THE WORST possible approach to learning and drawing, his approach to learning boils down to "dont learn". It actually boggles the mind
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Look at my slop. My slop is amazing.
Pretty good. But that 40% of lost information due to poor recollection is showing. So keep drawing WITH reference.
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I drew dis
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I'm practicing to do some claw/hands with 4 fingers and I would like a bit of feedback/recommendations
Use reference, watch a person explain to you how hands are drawn.
The ones I've seen are far more realistic than what I wanted though
Stylisation of hands is completely separated skill that's advanced in level. You need to know first what is the thought process of drawing hands and practicing that foundation.
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Pictured: Me about to unleash yet another potato faced abomination on the hapless inhabitants of this thread.
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I'll give it a lick
Bet it tastes just like razin
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not bad. as the other anon said, keep drawing with reference. do it a lot and choose varied subjects. it's when you study this thoroughly that you'll be able to commit notions of anatomy, posture, and expression to memory and make really good stuff with it.
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Right wingers are the biggest supporters of kikes, wdym?
But you're right that they are mad they could never match their tradition (rape) and community (pedophilia).
Wow literally kys
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Trying portraits
This is cool. Is this trad or digital? It's too small for me to tell.
How do you move around parts of the image without creating gaps?
liquify tool
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It's so pretty. I wouldn't mind hearing an advice from you.
Thank's. Also great work.
Shucks, i am on 1.10.5. I don't have it.
I don’t know how to get better at drawing without drawing but just draw is a beg trap
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Tips for shadows/ layer painting?
It's not. The beg trap is drawing without any references and guidelines. Letting ego control your rational decisions and just drawing as if you were already knowing all the theory and practice is what will slow you down. Don't rng your drawing, there are methods to draw things consistently. Same time every waking moment.
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sup beg, yesterday i was too tired to post here, sorry.

new layer, mode multiply, set opacity to about 50% and then paint using any darker color
i like it
needs a bit of pink imho
congrats on discovering half tone brush. now add colors
sadly no art book taught me how neck works. the reason the neck turned out the way they did is because i ran out of canvas space (something which cannot happen in digital) and as such i did the beg thing to do: squashed it so it fits. it is prebeg. i am sorry
drawing confident lines on tablet is harder than on paper
i kneel
I will never draw again. I could not figure out how to stop being NGMI and so I shall end it all.
I won’t be able to draw today. I’m too distracted by the fact there’s a “presidential” debate tonight between Biden and that awful excuse for a human being. I can’t believe he’ll be allowed to voice his vitriol on national television. I’m actually taking the day off from work because I’m so upset.
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My first ever attempt at drawing anatomy after months doing figure drawing and studying anatomy 24/7, right now i'm practicing mostly the back and the front.

Kinda happy with the results,such a weird feeling of accomplishment... :p
Yeah, I immediately hid it. Why people come here for this reason i don't know. Pick up a pencil, draw something in ms paint and say something nice about other posts. In a week you will feel much better.
When drawing, how much are you picking up your pen/pencil to analyze what you're doing? Are you constantly breaking up the act of drawing with analysis? Or can you literally draw for hours without pausing once?
Depends. Right now i am procrastinating after finishing a peace.
I’m the sole beg in the op image. I should KMS.
pic was made from last threads drawings faggot
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Second attempt, I want to start learning about color, but I have almost never done any coloring in my whole life, where should I start?
arms are antigravity
find a tutorial from an artist you like and follow it to a t
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didn't realize the last thread was already doen
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Got Juri inked. I feel I haven't lost much in translation from the sketch.
There are still some things I'm not familiar with, feathering and cross hatching, but I'm moving on.
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>the reason the neck turned out the way they did is because i ran out of canvas space
Nigga what are you talking about, the entire portrait is on the canvas what does space have to do with it?
You still don't understand what was wrong with the neck do you?
>sadly no art book taught me how neck works
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. You think that maybe if you gave more than 5% of effort on pic related you would have actually noticed it? What if you drew only ONE head but thought five times harder, maybe then you would have THOUGHT about what this mass is doing, it's function and it's origin and insertion?
How does one "just draw"?
just be pawell
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you need right side
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Start with flat colors, then see some color theory tutorial. Use the Adobe color wheel for complimentary colors. Do it long enough and you'll start getting a sense of what works and what doesn't.
Just start
bro had the fuckin receipts god damn
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Why is it that my smol peanut brain struggles so much when drawing breasts,,,
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Booba study.
face and ponytail in particular are cute as hell, but shirt and collarbone makes her look inflated. not even fat, just kinda inflated like a balloon

i can't get enough of how cute face is though, really. maybe i'm biased because i love ponytails to death, but one way or another, properly good job on that
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I enjoy quick casual aimless doodling, and I have no doubts it'll only get more fun as I'll get better, but sometimes I'm annoyed by my inability to think of anything worth a quick doodle. Jumping from meh idea to another meh idea until something more or less sticks, and then I still feel like it wasn't exactly the good idea I wanted to have. I could directly draw from references, but eh, have some mercy on my childish ass, I swear I'll start practicing properly one day.

I doubt there are any tips or tricks for "how can i imagine better stuff", though feel free to drop any loose ideas that could come to mind. I guess I just wanted to share my little discomforts with some drawing people.
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Having fun with it is the goal, and if you're already having fun, you're better off than some of us. As a fellow /beg/ who likes to sketch, try introducing objects into the scene or theme a page around a certain object. I wanted to draw a motorcycle and then I remembered there was that really cool us army motorcycle from world war 2, so I drew some retro military themed poses with an animal eared character. You don't even need to include the object, just something to inspire you.
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Have you tried just reading sci-fi or fantasy books and thinking about what the scenes look like ? it helped me a bit once.
I fucking LOVE trains.
Good trains anon.
That is all.
agreed re >>7214092 trains rock but personally bottom right is my fave

you do a good job of capturing motion, I think. The girl filing her nails is a very calvin and hobbes esque rendering imo. if you're looking to illustrate some sort of funny page style comic or maybe a YA thing you're nailing it
how the fuck do you draw 3/4 I swear to god I lose IQ every time i attempt it.
you need to feel the form
you need to learn your fundamentals
And which fundamentals cover that exactly?

I'm so sick of seeing this as a response to *everything*
>I doubt there are any tips or tricks for "how can i imagine better stuff"

That's what writers do. the most common advice is to consume media/information and write more often...

I like to hear facts or competent people talk about their work and put things together. Things I keep in my notebook.
- Effective F1 drivers can communicate the status of their car by what they feel from their butt...
- There was a heated argument about how to clean the David sculpture.
- In ancient China there was a woman famous for killing people by crushing them between her tits.
- mink and dogs make a powerful combo for rat hunting.

And from there ideas for illustrations come... For the time being my ideas are left as thumbnails...

Don't be afraid to measure things, find relationships through the face, like width vs. height of the face, eye width vs. nose height, left vs. right eye, eye vs. mouth, etc. Over time, you will measure less and less.
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Thanks that helped a lot ;)
Here's the final result
>Effective F1 drivers can communicate the status of their car by what they feel from their butt
lol. I could probably start digging myself by searching for "f1 driver butt car status" but do you have some recommended links/articles on that?
It's an everyday thing when you watch F1, drivers often report minor feels along the lines of "i think something's wrong with rear left wheel", "i think i've lost some power (and then each lap is 200ms slower than it should be)" and then two laps later it turns out there's a mechanical issue somewhere and car has to be retired. It's hardly a surprise, even ordinary enthusiasts can feel their car to some degree, it's just that F1 drivers are extremely high tier and they're driving cars that are nearly mathematically perfect so they can feel more subtle things and notice less obvious inconsistencies.

"butt feels" is a saying though, i doubt they feel anything but pain with their ass while cornering under the influence of 6g sideways force, kek. They simply notice the car behaving different from their expectations, no grip where grip should be, no power when power should kick in, and then they report it.
thats from a interview with Marc Gené on Spaniard podcast Escobula de la brujula ep 518: Cómo hacerse piloto de Fórmula 1.

one great source in english and easier to transform into ideas is the brit podcast, no such thing as a fish, choose any episode no background/context need it.

50/50 what you say is true (gut feeling) but in the interview he was talking about sensation in his butt and how valuable it is since is the part with the most direct contact with the vehicle.
I’ll feel your form, faggot!
please red line me.
As a beginner, what should I focus on if I want to draw erotic art? What's the fastest way to get into drawing hentai? Are there any people who specifically teach you how to draw porn?
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Thank you! That's kind of you to say.
>I lose IQ every time i attempt it.
you're clearly already in the negative IQ area considering loomis goes over it and you could just grab some reference and fucking draw it
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look at that sniffer
The pose is a little stiff. I really like the way her left foot comes out at you, though. Makes it feel very dynamic.
Calling it a finger makes it hard to draw, calling it a sausage makes it easier to draw, but it looks like a sausage.
Calling it a sausage then making it look like a finger is easy.
If anyone says "fundies" or "just draw fundamentals bruh" it is always some hazing nigger who doesnt draw and wont bother explaining what fundamentals are because it is insane,
A shaman and a brave were standing on a mountain side. The English ships were approaching. The brave saw strange clouds, the shaman saw dangerous men were coming. The brave wouldn't see them as boats until the Shaman said they were boats.

Baader–Meinhof phenomenon is similar to this. You won't see the truth unless your shown, but some people simply will refuse to see. Deleting the ships from their sight. It doesn't exist.

Even worse, this causes psychosis, because they do exist, and the reality will have its way. Whether you like it and scream "I can't see it" or "I don't get it".

you never will, and the people that do, will never talk to you about it. To not be pulled down into blindness.
Is this why my parents never caught me jacking off in my bedroom?
They probably smelt it and left you to your own devices.

Object permeance.
i aint reading nothin from a guy named andrew poopmis
Accidentally posted this last thread but fucking tilted. heres the upright version

What do ya think /beg/?
>Tilted again
Wtf........ Aight im just retarded at this point
delete the exif data or open and save it in photoshop and then upload it that should stop it from rotating
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she looks like she needs some correction
HOT. Saved for my art collection.
Most OSs use metadata to rotate the pictures, especially retard niggercattle shit like Apple ones.
4chans scrubs metadata from pictures to keep users from doxxing themselves like retards.
Open it in paint or whatever and actually rotate the fucking picture.
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still can't sleep, still hot as fuck outside
I tried figure drawing after not doing it in a few months, the results are expectable, at least the tank looks a bit better than yesterday
procastrination is a bitch, I want to kill myself
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I cant draw shoes for shit. Somebnody halp-
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Take your meds
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playing with structure and heads at all
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Damn nice. How much time did this take you?
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Why does everything i draw look 2D
>draw cubes
I did that for the last 6 hours
idk an hour maybe

after i was watched proko's stream with hampton i tried to reproduce some moments he told about,

need practice on references though, idk how to implement this shit to real life
Why do I like my sketch but not the lienart
Because you don't work on your lineart? Post your work to see what's wrong.
you haven't done enough master copies where you took the copy to a finish, therefore you have no idea how to properly finish your sketch
make clean sketches
Grow up and stop playing these childish games, retard.
nice tits
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What coloring process can I follow for one of these works?

I never finished painting a drawing before
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I give up.
OOoooooooh okay I see where I messed up. Thanks.
watch this guy's streams
stop sketching first
your point?
Gondola my beloved
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I think pic related would suit you and would be a good jumping off point to new things.
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I have no idea how to color and blend

Thanks for the comments! I was actually more concerned over perspective issues depending on where the guy was floating, but the coloring tip was great
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Sup beg, tried out new "old" pen, it is so shit i am binning it. Tomorrow i will buy some cheap fountain pen, because i want to test how it feels differently compared to rollerball pen i have now. My drawing is as usual very beg.

blend: find brush called smudge or blender
as how to color, well pick up some book about painting like Gurney Color and Light
i kneel
very basic, but very cool
i coom
the missing line cleanly defining where her leg ends and her ass / belly is makes it looks very weird
congrats for finally putting eyes in middle, was about the time
this kind of anatomy is above my current skill level. frankly only with your blue line i see what you are mad about and i literally just learned it from your post. though i still cannot guarantee i will successfully implement this in my next drawing, after all i am permabeg
very good
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can someone help me fix up this pose? shit looks wack right now
Wut? The drawings of the right aren't utter shit?
source on refs?
Use a background, It's easier to think of many poses when there's a background.
why even grind this much when you're not even learning
You put too much effort in sketches and lose steam at making lineart and rendering.
have you stopped putting in effort? why are you regressing
>No answers
have you tried gargling bleach? You'll be doing us all a huge favor
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I feel a little flat the colors.
Push your values harder. Blog?
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Maybe something like this? I'm not sure what's she doing, or the surrounding scene...
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Morning. This is pain.
wait... you are trying your best? damn. sorry bro
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kek based
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I don't know why I should draw if I'm just gonna end up feeling disappointed.
then don't? you can't pull blood from stone anon.
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Add some more pinch on the overlap of the hood. Don't be afraid to be harsh with it. I find this nose arch on the challenging side too. It can be a bit of a juggle to maintain its cuteness while also giving it some structural straights. Get a reference for the hair and avoid banana clumps. Try to look for more variations in the width of the bangs. Lots of 90's anime for this. You can obscure the other eye quite a bit at this angle, it's uncanny when you try to fit everything in. That's a takeaway from my ramble, you don't have to show everything.

Do you have any artist your looking to copy?

Looks like your trying to copy Ourobot. It's not that your colors are flat, you just don't have a hole lot of color variety. I think you're trying to do some overcast/soft lighting, but you haven't pushed the ambient occlusion for those deep crevices. Whether you plan on doing this or not, I cannot stress enough the idea that her shirt needs to be stretched by her breasts. you can even have them poke from the top. If your particularly worried about the colors, just saturate the reds you find in the face by just a touch. The colors you do have saturate as the form turns. Flat colors are easy to get digitally since you can decrease the value without affecting the hue or saturation on an HSV slider. This color relationship is flat because it only moves through the color wheel on one dimension. It's why kienan lafferty's color boomerang is a good practical use case for beginners starting with color. Look into marco bucci's tutorials for more. Get a reference for the shirt on the stretch if you want to pursue that idea.
Good luck figuring it out, hope you'll get over it eventually. Had the same episode some time ago, being your own customer is hell because you refuse to lower your expectations towards yourself while you're also obviously being restricted by your own capabilities. Would be easy to say "just accept that results are not always what you wanted", but it doesn't solve anything, doodling a fun doodle for practice is a mindset that you're either into or not at the moment
Don't draw with intention to reward yourself that day or month. Draw with intention to see the fruits of your labour and persistence in year or two. You won't produce what you what for the entire time you don't know how to draw.
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Shitty mspaint doodle for tonight. Very fucked. Does it show that I can't draw faces at all?
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To preserve your sanity, hide all posts by whining posters.
I like drawing as much as I hate it.
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>can't pull blood from stone
frankly how do you get such perfect circles
With a compass
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Thanks, it's digital drawn over a paper overlay from maxpacks.
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>this kind of anatomy is above my current skill level
The thing you're copying is above your skill level? Then why are you even doing it? Why are you moving AHEAD if it's still above your skill level? It boggles the mind how inaccurate you are at copying this. Its not like your copies were ever crazily accurate but this is beyond even ai hallucinations
You just refuse to absorb information, terminal lack of curiosity about the human body, you seriously seem like you detest drawing, detest beaty and detest human anatomy, why are you even drawing?
Xiao Weichun - Human Anatomy For Artists
NTA and permabeg but I liked it better before, you didn't correct you just changed it :/
the most extreme sniffer
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Line art/weight practice
Any advices are welcome
what is that pathetic ass?
is he starving?
sketches are more vague and your mind makes it pretty.
lineart is definite and your mind can only see it for what it is
don't do it. the doctors will find you and put your large intestine in your throat and make it lead to your stomach in order to save you.
you'll be in excruciating pain before the pump you full if meds too
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Maybe finished, posting here for critique and advice pls. This is one of the first big pieces I've drawn in ages. It's not TOO bad, right?
Anime fags CANNOT draw an appealing cock no matter how hard they try
There's a warmth emanating from this post. I hope you're having a good day, anon.
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I do. Thank you very much.
>No huge areolas with bloated sagging breasts and browned nipples resting atop her pregnant stomach
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Struggling to find time for dedicated study during the day, trying to fit in what I can when I can, frustrating as hell.

I WILL draw even if its just doodling

I WILL improve regardless

I WILL kill the president

My god she did it
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You did it, nice man and your arrangement is better than what I originally was thinking, I feel that it reads better. Do not blend thats how you end with a mushy mess (takes more experience to do it effectively), you did great pick a color and place it mindfully on the canvas, need a gradient? mix the color outside the canvas and then place it rinse and repeat.

I gave it a try, mother color is piggy pink so I would add a little reddish with a tiny hint of bluish to everything (cloths, shadows, highlights) so it looks more cohesive. Nice drawing I like it.
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Man, Im really not feeling this drawing, and that has something to do with the face. I need to sit down and properly stylize this girl's eyes from the reference.

Cute style, please post blog. I dont mind the colors, but you may want to listen to the anon below, he did some really good touchups.
The latter critique was not for me, but dont mind if I take it. That's quite insightful and I wonder if I can make some use of it later...
Anon, I love your stuff, I love your stuff and I love your stuff. I really stress that enough. I have to be one of your biggest simps in this god forsaken board, you're just really really good.
I dont know if this >>7214588 was you, but the few colored lines used here give the whole thing a lot more flavor, although the cleanup is -quite literally- really rough around the edges (I assume it's just for correction's sake, though).
By the way, did you end up making a xwitter blog or you're still posting only on Pixiv? (post those sweet sketches, dammit!)
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the fuck it looks different super desaturated on my lappy, better learn about monitors and color.
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Man, Im really not feeling this drawing, and that has something to do with the face. I need to sit down and properly stylize this girl's eyes from the reference.

Cute style, please post blog. The correction on the colors was a nice touch, but I think you forgot to make some proper corrections to the breasts and the shirt, they still look kind of strange compared to what anon here >>7214625 corrected. Im pretty sure the underboobs dont stick to the chest that way...
The latter critique was not for me, but dont mind if I take it. That's quite insightful and I wonder if I can make some use of it later...
Anon, I love your stuff, I love your stuff and I love your stuff. I really stress that enough. I have to be one of your biggest simps in this god forsaken board, you're just really really good.
I dont know if this >>7214588 was you, but the few colored lines used here give the whole thing a lot more flavor, although the cleanup is -quite literally- really rough around the edges (I assume it's just for correction's sake, though).
By the way, did you end up making a xwitter blog or you're still posting only on Pixiv? (post those sweet sketches, dammit!)
holy fuck Im so fucking trash at this, your draft alone mogs it super hard, but I really appreciate your insight, its very helpful. I got frustrated at that angle so much that I actually went for another. 3/4 angles just completely destroy me.
My main inspiration (initially at least) was Katsuya Terada, but I haven't tried mimicking his style, I do know that requires a lot of knowledge of the form and shapes.
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Hmmm... can you?
What is that vein for? Please draw a cute, suckable cock :/
And no, I can't
>Foreskin like God intended
>Fat juicy balls with a healthy hanging length and visible strain on the femscrotum
Fix the fucked up right nipple and it is all coomworthy.
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>> 7209223
I really need to start learning how to draw hair instead of bodies…
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You can compare. But I assure you she is several inches longer.
Grab a pencil and show me where it should be. I am not exactly sure.
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So I bought myself some motivation in the form of a Rotring 600 and Keys to Drawing as well as Drawing on the side of the Brain. Many people here recommend starting with Keys to Drawing, but I am already struggling with the first exercise because I have almost zero experience in drawing...

I've been wanting to learn to draw for years, but this isn't very encouraging. My lines are very crooked and I know absolutely nothing about perspectives let alone bringing them to paper.

I also tried to draw a little face and it looks like what a kindergarten child with no arms and legs and a crayon in its mouth would produce, but I'm 34.

So how should I go from here and how do I not lose hope? I could really use some encouragement.

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Disappointed in myself
Enjoy your wide jawed trannies then
I hope you're joking, for your sake
if you are the charcoal anon from other threads, you should feel proud great leap in skill, still work to do to remove bad habits like the non sense hair and smudging mindlessly. The forehead was a good choice.

check this stephen bauman stream, is really good to see how he fix his errors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYBO_BBOaJE
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Okay, a thing I just realized. I tried to draw them on a 1:1 scale and became irritated I ran out of space for my other foot. Maybe I should draw my feet smaller to make more deliberate lines/strokes.
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Needs more boxes (Verification not required)
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Why? You got down the major shapes. You see what you got wrong. Literally drink a water, grab a snack, do 15 pushups, open a book and study planes of human face. God knows i should be doing that too. My shading is really lacking because of that. And i draw animu.
they're right thoever, the head is not any "better," just smaller and faced up slightly.
Can't be done. Your level is higher than /ic/
ReiN doesnt know how to color a light source correctly, thjat wasnt his correction.
Lol imagine being this being butthurt that somebody made edits to add to your point. I dont think anon was trying to change your thing, just add further detail on how he would do it.
Not only am I not the artist, you seem to have completely missed the meaning of my post. Read it again and if you're still confused I guess it's back to third grade reading comprehension exercises
Oh sorry i am newfag xD got confused by the post number
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I'm tired of drawing ugly shit and have minimum creativity after 10 months of trying
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Im trying to translate red pose to green angle
hows this
based asuka enjoyer.
>10 months
Still a baby
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You can draw beautiful cubes you know. Drawing nicely blocked references. Painting digitally apples and bananas. Or just watching tutorials on youtube and moving your hand around sketching lines and spirals. We are going to be here for a very long time.
>haven't drawn or painted a 'real thing' in probably 2 years
>stuck in a rut just doodling whatever this is in my free time while I fix computers as my day job
At this point I'm considering just going back to school for architecture or technical illustration. I honestly feel no drive to draw anything other than cubist megastructures and sometimes ugly old people.

>So how should I go from here and how do I not lose hope? I could really use some encouragement.
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
You're only going to get better by continuing to draw poorly and each time little by little you'll get better. It's the exact same as if you were trying to learn an instrument or coding language. You're going to suck at first, but you just have to be comfortable with sucking because as long as you keep putting in the work you'll improve, and the harder you work the quicker you'll git gud.

Looks solid, you just need to get more familiar with the human skull's proportions. It's a lot more nuanced than 99% of people realize, and if you get the proportions off we naturally see it as severely flawed (see: uncanny valley)
Mind sharing a timelapse?
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I am not recording myself. I am procrastinating. I was supposed to copy icomochi.
fuck, I wanted to redline this, but after about 30 seconds I remembered that I am not qualified to do this by a long mile, so I will just say:
perspective and foreshortening, especially legs
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you all know grinding fundies, hours drawing cubes and shit, isn't like building muscle right?

Grinding fundies is about gaining understanding. Understanding the shape of a body part, how it sits on the skeleton, how it flows into another body part, its 3D form, etc. Doing it over again and again will help with muscle memory, so you can draw it again, but drawing it over and over again without understanding will yield the same poor results. you need to use your ol' noggin to understand the shape, size, form, etc, and how to transfer a 3D shape onto a 2D surface with the draftsmanship of loomis and other artists.
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As the best artist on this board, I feel sorry for the rest of you.
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based Vilppu acolyte. Together, we shall feel the form.
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master study
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I'm assuming that the arms are angled positioned in front of her spread legs. If the arms are positioned in a more open angle then they have to be foreshorten differently. Anyways, hope it helps.
I'm loving your work more and more anon. SAVED.
yes, you are master! masterful!
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Way off the reference but that's ok, r-right?
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Been trying to learn to paint backgrounds
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How do I make this better? I like how it's turning out in terms of detail, but something about it feels soulless and unsatisfying... like something is missing. I don't normally do environments, but I want to get good at them.

My intended feel for this was a kind of gloomy atmosphere, but I personally don't feel anything emanating from it.

I really suck at houses/architecture too. The way I drew them feels kinda childish in a way. Like how a kid draws a box for the main structure and triangle for the roof.
>whats at the top right?
Mini sketch of the bigger piece that I'd done beforehand.

Tldr help with sovl
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That guy has awesome style and it's all solid and pleasing to the eye, but can he draw a futanari cock?
Can you?
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If you can find a mentor or teacher in your area to help. Finding online mentorships is good too. Or follow a course. Make sure to bring your observation skills to a high level. If you think an angle is 45 degrees but it's actually a bit closer to a horizontal line, you will have issues drawing. A channel I always recommend for better painting or drawing is Simplify Drawing and Painting. The video he has on measuring provides good insight. Dorian Iten also goes into detail on measuring and separating light.


this egg demo is probably one of the most barebones simplified ways of how to approach light and shadow. It's solid process for beginners. Marco Bucci has another great video with a sphere that goes over the same things Dorian does. Try to boil down some of your favorites like Marco does in the video after giving it a watch.


be more definitive with your shapes and light and shadow groups. Your color relationships are fine for the time being. Focus on making a light and shadow statement. In your case, I suggest doing some greyscale paintings to the level of complexity in pic rel just without the gradients. Refer to the marco bucci and dorian iten videos and stop at the light and shadow portion of the process. Do it till your proportions are somewhat decent and you have easy to read shapes.
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Today I woke up with burning eyes so I didn't want to stare at the screen, therefore the only reference for the drawings in upper left part is my empty noggin. after a while it eased up a bit
and I resumed my struggles with a tablet.
also I've decided to stop flipflopping around without a goal and focus on something, for a start it will be hands because fuck them
what is the difference between futanari cock and a regular one?
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Im not accustomed to go from sketching to finishing a piece in one sitting. Since i want to finish it but cant just save as a psd is being a little bit painful to complete the coloring.

Any tips for me completing it without being too hard?
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Are you going to draw a cutie? Or just aimlessly drift through life?
Not cute enough.
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How dare you.
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took a small break, tried to study an artist I like and some random doodle. probably should finish the first pass of bridgman and get to loomis, I feel even less confident in heads than in body and that's saying something
I think is cool anon
Looks better than my portraits so you’re on the right track.
It's suposed to be a just a simple drawing, but what else could I add to make it more interesting?

I feel like the "18" is a bit lonesome
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i can't cute
I feel like i've lost skill in the last few days
I can't draw for shit.
How do you approach learning the fundamentals of art when you have a full time job? I feel like it's over for me since I'm hitting 28 soon.
Nah, shark-kun, it's pretty cute
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fucking done
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Gaddammit anon, not now, I'm in a hurry
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I found myself just adding more colors to it, but I will try your tip in next drawing
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Hello beg. Today i was slacking. Last batch of heads (finally). Tomorrow we are starting section called torso!

eyes too far apart
try to remember how many hours per day you actually spent studying when you were at highschool or uni and how many hours you wasted playing WOW or getting high. Now as adults we waste the same time at work, but you can still commit few hours for study daily
resize the yellow wolf so it overlaps wit the upper text, tilt the banner on Z axis to show depth, add city scape to background for perspective gains, add trees overlapping the banner from 1 side for depth, yandex night photos to notice how sky changes color the closer it gets to the horizon even at night
i kneel
very cool. is this trad charcoal?
i see you have the architect genes. very rare to see on this thread
if you plan doing both, definitely start with right brain book. it is shorter and has very mild skill curve. if you do keys to drawing first then the right brain book will be completely redundant
nice bugman. which president?
combine the leftmost and rightmost figgie into a single picture. that will be good line weight
there are roughly only two options:
>keep drawing what i am already good at and stagnate hardcore like some of the INT anons here do
>draw what i suck at and hope i learn by failing to draw it somehow
do you know about any other strategy?
SOUL, i kneel
the hatching is not visible enough to have the impact needed to offset such strong saturated colors. it would probably be enough if you used water colors, but with this you need to go way harder for them to have impact. use thicker lines. pretty good otherwise
looks promising
>do you know about any other strategy?
yes, how about you take 30 minutes on ONE copy, learning everything about the drawing, instead of speed-running it, getting complete garbage, and moving on, not having learned anything?
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some figures
Those are some NICE bodies right there anon! Keep the coming please
Any advice for getting references? Pinterest is full of AI stuff now
this is really cool
perspective on the chest seems off
>I kneel
thanks but I still have a long way to go before my work is kneel worthy

Thank ya

It most likely is, I really struggled with it
I think the far side of it isn't narrow enough
what made you go wtih blue for the brap cloud? its normally green
5B graphite but I filtered the contrast up
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Trying to fill out my sketchbook while working
I wanted to start learning how to draw, so i pulled my drawing tablet out, but I wanted to know what program I should use for drawing? I don't mind spending some money if I need to. Thanks!
I left deviantart for years then put it out of my mind after a.i, but went back recently since twitter, instagram and other social media sites have basically shadowbanned me. my engagment has been stagnate on those sites.

despite all the bullshit, deviantart seems to be one of the best place for artists since the people who use it want to look for other artists. unlike twitter where you get a myriad of randos who have no interest im any kind of art. I submitted my art on deviantart and got people liking my stuff within minutes, vs days on twitter.

Im going back to deviantart.
I'm >>7215207. Didn't notice the eyes but you are right. Thank you for pointing it out
What do you do when your aphantasia flares up?
How can something that doesn't exist "flares up"?
For me its the exact opposite i barely get interaction and its usually by people who are likely autists with weird fetishes who draw shit on paint like they are 8 years old, they probably are.
Well you know it’s like aphantasia but worse. I can’t even imagine what I’d like to imagine.
if i had aphantasia i would probably kill myself, might as well be blind at that point
I can’t really picture myself committing suicide.
Just make sure you have your personal reference ready at hand then. Or think about by the train tracks
i didnt say they were quality people.
You need to copy anime instead of drawing from your imagination, go to /asg/ and learn from the links there.
Don't think that copying anime is pointless and a waste of time, it's the opposite. It makes it easier to spot your faults in just one drawing instead of drawing the same wrong thing again and again.
>likely autists with weird fetishes who draw shit on paint like they are 8 years old
These fuckers make me reconsider life. I ask myself "Do you really want to end like them?"
Literally the bottom of the barrel
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Can anyone help me figure this out? I saw lots of artist shade with just lines and strokes which I find very cool and dynamic
But enough about you
Did you feel addressed? Lol
looks really nice bro
thanks fren I really appreciate it, but I'm only posting on my pixiv acc atm
watch someone else do it noob.
Can I ask for some suggestions?
Can I ask you how can I become Japanese?
Eat ramen
It's called hatching/cross hatching you tard
Wow thanks a lot
Your the tard, tard0yaw
Use two shades of gray to paint the drawing as guide, then add hatching to the shaded areas, if you can do shadow then you can do this, this is just a painting style not an extra skill
[spoiler]I guess t. beg[/spoiler]
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Sketch :)
I've been actually vaguely thinking about how my drawings dont look "anime" enough, so your comment makes a lot of sense. Thank you (i mean it), i will give /asg/ a look.
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Hatching and Cross hatching are what artist use when they aren't painting, using line as a substitute. Predominantly used by comic book artists both east and west, its applied with lines, both inked or penciled.
The lines follow the form of what is being shaded. Pic related, I drew the arm. I then blocked out where I'm going to shade. almost like cel shading, but instead of filling it with a solid color, I use hatching to show the change in light as parts of the muscle turn away from the light source.
Cross hatching is personally where I falter, because hatching with single lines does a lot of the work. Usually I only apply it when there is a change in direction. Like the nose I drew. You see how I made it looked round and the intersections where they cross is showing that change in direction.
For women, you want to minimize it, in my opinion, minimize it on their bodies.every added line adds 10 years. It just makes them look rough or older since hatching in of itself is capturing a wrinkle of an object.
How do I go about heads and faces? I've been studying Bridgman and I feel my figures have definitely improved, but I still usually do the very minimalist Bridgman heads. I know the basics of the loomis method and how to do asaro heads. Should I read Loomis' book on heads?
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Any feedback are greatly appreciated.
I'm grateful. Thanks anons.
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This exercise/study method of mine might be useful to you and others.

1: get a reference, find the eye level of the image and then draw/trace a Cube encapsulating the head reference image.

2: now that you got your photo reference in a cube that you have establish, break the head down into THE MOST SIMPLE form you can think of (trace the image reference), nothing fancy keep it as simple as you can. work from general to specific (overall big form then to small like nose, mouth, eyes come last)

3: once you have trace the form/establish eye level of the reference image try to do the exact same thing on your own.
- establish the eye level
- draw/copy+paste the cube that you have trace from the reference.
- slowly build up form inside that cube from general to specific, build it up as best as you can.

Remember, you are not trying to make a pretty picture, your goal in a study is trying to gain an understanding.
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clearer example + applied piece that i did without reference to test if i absorb what i learned or not
>you are not trying to make a pretty picture
>makes pretty pictures
anything for people without talent, retard?
>skilled artist is skilled
W-whaaat?! How could this have happened? C-could it be that just because he spent more time learning something than you the end result of his work is better, and he's giving you pointers on how to get there??!?! WHAAAAAT?!!!!!
has it ever happened to you where you draw a sketch and a few days later you spot a photo that you could have used as a ref? and it matches to such degree that some crab might get an urge to accuse you of tracing?
it wasn't a full figure, just the full torso, but it's still weird that it happened
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>makes pretty pictures
your right, on the Elf portrait i was trying to do a pretty picture. but the other studies with photo reference are not drawn with the intention of "pretty" but "correct"

>anything for people without talent, retard?

Here a quick and dirty demo.

As long as i know where the eye level are, then i can draw a Cube (cube explain the form/perspective, this is what people mean when they say "Feel the form". With a box you dont feel, you KNOW. hence the draw a box is not a meme.

Once you got the box (with landmark for eyes, ear, middle line etc) you build the head piece by piece from big to small (cranium largest, jaw, face mask, Then the smaller stuff like nose, protruding chin as a ball, ear etc.

Once you got the CONSTRUCTION down then you can make pretty drawing, lineart/style or whatever on top of that sketch construction.

>note on 3rd image
Copy/paste the box that you have trace on the reference (if your brave try to draw ur own, its just have to be close enough) Then try your best to match what you have done already by tracing the reference. Build it up with Big form to small.

that's the best i can do for ya. it all sits on knowing perspective which is fundies
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good news i'm on a holy crusade against stupid projection advice
there is no magical eye level that all cubes will converge on, each one can have its own 3 vanishing points. i won't insult your intelligence and let you ponder on when that is the case
there's definitely some rule that vanishing points have to satisfy for them to belong to same projection (probably some sum of arctangents), but i'm not aware of it just now
it's a bit funny where your drawn head has completely different (but correct for the cube) mouth angle, compared to traced one
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
NEW THREAD >>7215697
oh the ref btw
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Can I get some critique please

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