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engarde edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7199123
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Are all Looney Tunes furries?
why are most furry OCs muscly baras? where's the twinks or nomal dudes?
The anthropomorphic characters, yes.

>they want to draw what they're attracted to
>they draw what they aspire/wish they could look like
>baras get more attention on average than lankies
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i feel like twinks are pretty common, just depends on where you're looking i guess
Only if you want them to be

Gays are just more vocal
You furries wouldn't be so unbearable if you drew stuff like Mouse Guard, but you always draw gay faggot shit.
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Would you guys consider this furry? Lol i just wanted an excuse to post monke
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I am inserting my OC in places she has no business being in
Sick as heck. I dig the stout design.

She's cute.
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I think this is the first time I ever drew a bear. I suppose the head’s a little too big? Anyway, it’s a picture of Billy and his pet raccoon, Cassie, at the renaissance festival. She likes to wear a wench outfit, but Billy doesn’t like the attention it gets her.
do you have any finished pieces? no disrespect, but I only ever see sketches from you.
Anon treating the furry community as single entity like its some kind of hive mind lmao
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Nah. I tend to either a) lose interest or b) get too frustrated with how long it’s taking. Also, you lot hate my participation in your threads, anyway, so whatever.
while there are plenty of gay furries posting their work, there are a lot who post straight and/or normal sfw stuff. come back and lurk from time to time and you'll see there's actually a bit of variety here.
>Also, you lot hate my participation in your threads, anyway, so whatever.
Don't listen to no-draws
idk your history, but I've seen people get upset over your posts or whatever. I just want to see cool furry art posted while I work on my own.
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Working on a ref sheet for a character I'm gonna do some animations and comics for.
yeah your art and implied pedophilic subject matter disgust me
>implied pedophilic subject matter
I can't believe I didn't put two and two together
Now stop encouraging his disgusting art.
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how do I draw pic rel
Draw a bandicoot and then add pants. Or don’t, if you’re a perv.
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Put it on another layer and draw on top of it
hey guys, does anyone have any kemono character turnaround reference images? i'm looking for something specific like multiple head angles in the style of fuga:memories of steel
No (hope my answer helped you)
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More Minerva.
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Might redo the painting on this one. Not sure I like the way this is turning out.

On another note, this piece is making my computer run like shit. I have an old version of photoshop and it takes like a minute for this file to open and every brushstroke lags a ton. Do I just have too many layers? Never had this issue before.
Just my 2 cents, for what it's worth (i post the Minerva stuff)

I think she would look nicer with a steel blue body with a lighter shade of it for her belly and inner thighs. That would make me think more of a shark immediately, rather than the greenish-blue and dark yellow.

>Steel Blue

The shading on her back looks great. Nice and muscular without ruining her feminine figure.
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Thanks for the compliments. I wanted a bluish green to evoke murky bay water with algae as opposed to a more pristine open-ocean blue that I see a lot of people do.
My idea for her was similar to a lemon shark and they are more of a greenish yellow. Plus they're found in shallows and bays frequently.

I like your stuff by the way. One point that I'll give is that animated characters have lots of emphasis on gesture in their design because it reads better when they move. Try to draw bigger and get in those lines with one or two confident strokes. I usually get a big-ass newsprint pad and a stick of charcoal when I draw traditionally.
very cute
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>I wanted a bluish green to evoke murky bay water with algae as opposed to a more pristine open-ocean blue that I see a lot of people do.
Ah, I see. In that case is there anything in particular that feels off about the painting? Nothing really jumps out to me. Maybe just come back to it tomorrow with a fresh mind.

>One point that I'll give is that animated characters have lots of emphasis on gesture in their design because it reads better when they move.
Yeah, right now I've been spending all my time for the past 2 weeks just copying exactly what I see from screen shots of episodes that Minerva was in. And this one still frame I thought was a great gesture. The B-curve and S-curve of the legs that I just learned about in Steve Huston's book immediately jumped out to me with this pose. Copying exactly what I see, and not what I think I see, is my weakest point right now.

Now that I can draw Minerva from imagination (mostly...) I'll draw her using a reference pose from a model or the huge pinup book that I got.

>Try to draw bigger and get in those lines with one or two confident strokes
Definitely. I've been working on that too. I work on line confidence with ballpoint pen doodles before bed as well.

Keep up the good work. I'd like to see more of the sexy shark lady in the future!
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damn, good stuff, anon. I really need to learn detailed anatomy and painting.
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what's furry about this?
What are the top 10 popular animals that are being depicted by furry? I could only think of 3; bears, dogs/wolves, tigers/lions...? I just want to draw something else other than these pleb choice.
>In that case is there anything in particular that feels off about the painting?
just the quality of the rendering mostly. It has this scribbly amateurish look and it's hard getting a good gradient between value changes without laboriously zooming in and carefully mixing each little bit of color. I'd like to have better 'brush economy' so I can focus on the more important things.
There has to be a more efficient way of doing this. Plus it seems to be hogging my RAM more than usual.
Also i'd like to have more color variation. I like the general color scheme but it's too boring right now.
draw a leachie gecko person
If you feel bad about your artwork, gaze at mine

>Also, you lot hate my participation in your threads
Damn, son! Check out the tits on this bird!

That's a great bird anon what are you on about
made me smile
thank you
This is the straightest furry place I've ever seen. I'm impressed.
Its not a requirement to be a faggot to like anthro, anon
I know, but the amount of times I explored furry spaces where it's pretty much only gays is staggering.
My guess is because a lot of "normal" people that aren't related to the pride movement dont like to be associated with furry so an anonymous site is their place to post.

The beginning of the story is in the previous thread:


And the furry porn is incoming...eventually.
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it's what he does. he makes a "woe, is me" statement about his work to get responses, regardless of any positive feedback, crit, or support he receives. there's a reason he relates to the"implied pedo" anon, people got tired of his act
Thanks anon
Damn, we posted 2 seconds apart from eachother
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Redraw of an old picture, meme swimsuit
Now you two have to 69.
only if I get to finish 2 seconds before the other anon
I'm fine with this condition
This crowd seems really eager to dislike people who participate. Were you always such assholes?
The /ic/ crab meme is a thing for a reason. Just ignore it.
If someone gives you bad critique you're never obligated to take it, but you can really only control how you respond to things, and not how others choose to. and unfortunately, others are often a bit autistic, to put it lightly.
not even the meme, try actually interacting with these psychopaths and you'll see WHY people call them out.
True. Some of you are really nice. But the rest, ehhhhhhhhhhh...
hey I love your work every time you post. Always distinct and appealing.
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uh also here's an art post. Commission from a while ago.

<3 I love your style too.
What are the different movements of the furry art?
I know of the cursed western furry and kemono, but what are the names of the others If they have one? I feel like there should be a distinción.
Nice fish anon
The more popular movements right now are "more hard-edged shadows" and "slime shading".
>slime shading
qrd? or is it literally shading slime-like liquids?
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woah thanks so much, that means a ton!!! i really love how you render stuff and create such a distinct mood with your pieces! (what's your blog btw?)
also nice Lost reference, very nice :)
I don't have a pic on hand, but it's when people shade body parts with similar techniques to how you'd shade a creature made of slime, or some kind of gel; usually with a hard highlight, and a darker color in the middle of the form, making it look slightly transparent and plastic.
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is this furry enough
Hah well you gotta teach me your line art secrets. And I think mood is part of why I like your stuff so much also. I'm furaffinity.net/user/-lofi.

lol perfect

*I* feel some sort of animalish snout is essential to qualify as furry but some here will fight me over this probably. This has good fluff bits, ears, and tail though. Nice sketch.
love it. You aren't secretly ncs are you? Similar character to your expression vibe.
don't really know how FA works, but i gave you a watch/follow there! i should try to use it a bit.

>Hah well you gotta teach me your line art secrets. And I think mood is part of why I like your stuff so much also
thanks!!!! :D
i'm not the best at rendering, but i like playing around with colors a lot
also lol this is great
what if your family finds out your power level
INSANE work on the lighting and also detail of the hole. this guy fucks
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damn sexy bunnies eating my damn carrots!
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Thanks anon, really glad that you like it.
>You aren't secretly ncs are you?
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Warmup sketch
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dont ban me janny
How do you paint like this?
Any guides?
i don't really know. i reference darkgem a lot. i try to copy what i see. emphasis on try.
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was trying to improve my line weight and shading/rendering on this one. crit appreciated.

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This month sucked. Wanted to finish something before my birthday, even if it's not fully rendered. This is 90% there. Might try and sketch out a cathedral background for it later or something but overall I'm happy with the effort I put in and the result.

Monke. Very cute!

Gorgeous stuff. Killer hips. Let's go down together bro.
blog please
i drew a body for my head
What brush are you using? Like the outline texture.
wistydoodles on bluesky. Thanks. :>

It's a slightly modified CSP design pencil. I adjusted the pressure and made it apply the ink more, so you get the texture, but the application contains much more of the color. I can try and screenshot the exact settings for you later.
The linework and rendering looks great. But the body feels kind of off and very stiff. Do you use references? I ask because the entire body feels a little "too" even. Really push those proportions! Give her a smaller torso and much wider hips. Look at your inspirations to see how they really break the rules to get their drawings to look appealing.
How do I become a furry?
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By believing in yourself and cow milkers
thanks for the feedback. I was using a lot of references for this one, both irl and artists I like, but I was definitely closer to the irl model. I'll try working around with proportions, then.
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References if fine to get a good idea and understanding of how all the anatomy connections. However, you need to make decisions that You feel are correct, even if it's breaking model.
Studying from life does help, but the biggest consequences from always studying from life is that everything looks too "even". Even realistic type anime or comics have very exaggerated proportions. You kind of just how to play around with the anatomy and see what best fits you.
I think this is fantastic btw. Blog?
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You must be +18 years or older to post here
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And here come da furries!
Why didn't you say this to the anon that literally wets the bed?
The only good furry is a dead furry.
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You probably like furries unknowingly
This is basically like if CWC had his shit slightly more together.
I do this to you every time, god dammit. For some reason this sketch looked different than your normal style (in a good way).
I assumed it would be you lol. I wonder how many times I can pull this off.
>he's farming me for (You)s
How could this happen to me.................
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did this for a friend
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Maid outfit wip sketch
Give me any critique
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Who are the best /fag/ artists?
I wanna see the pros and learn a bit from them
it would probably be better to just check out the art here and in trash's /dig/, if you don't mind seeing nsfw stuff. find what you like most and go from there
Hard to say. A lot of amazing artists who post in here from time to time.
Cute. Would.

Cute. Also would.
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a starwolf
It took me years to find straight furry discord servers. they're really chill and no bs just normal people with a bit of a weird hobby/prefrences
Can I...see your legs?
(Great work, very dynamic!)
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T-thanks i guess...
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I tried building up the color, but I don't know if it's the paper or the colored pencil.

Derwent Colorsoft on store-brand 60 lbs (80 g/m2) sketch paper. The paper has a bit of a tooth to it, and the color pencil has a VERY soft core.
oh you into snuff?
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Drew this little thing in like 20 minutes. First time drawing a horse.
What should I work on?
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Working on a set of poses for a VN.
What do you guys think?
>to get responses
you're saying it like it's a bad thing, i've seen hundreds of different artworks get outright ignored for no apparent reason. If it means his chances of getting a proper critique or just any kind of feedback get improved then i don't see the problem.
I think you are just making shit up. I talked with that """implied pedo""" fag for a bit on discord, he was pretty alright. Don't know about the other dude
too human and geometrical head for that face. Take reference from other artists for how the ears should look look
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thought she was cute
I do like how you took into account the twist of the torso to prevent her neck from breaking. Keep going anon!

I think this is pretty good! A few things I'm noticing is that the jaw should be a bit bigger (horses have these massively stupid skulls, but I understand if you shrunk it for stylization/appearance factors), and the breasts should start a bit lower. Boobs are also connected to the chest in a very particular way that naturally gives them their shape (the muscles underneath are somewhat teardrop shaped, and you can see this form really well when a woman raises her arm as it lifts the breasts up). A good way of keeping this in mind is to draw a spacer onto the chest when you're sketching, or just map out the muscles. The vulva's also a bit weird; I think the structure of her right labia (our left) is a bit confused. I'd grab a reference for that. Also hooves like the other anon said; people who like horses like hooves.

I like your style though, she's very cute!

The right arm's forearm is very short, making both of the arms look a bit lopsided, and they lack definition; she's not chubby, and her forearms shouldn't be either. Your coloring style is very nice though!

Very cute!
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I'll take a look, thanks you.

That's very cute and inspirational. Thank you for taking the time.
I did other drawings of her. Hope you like this one.
my intention was to foreshorten the forearm, because in my mind (and the reference) had the elbow a bit behind her ribcage.
For the forearm definition, I usually like to draw thicker forearms but I simply missed the anatomy here hehe
thank you so much!!
i love your art sm
are you doing artfight this year?
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Oh, I see. If you're foreshortening, then you really need to define the direction more. For example, you could round out the brown fur a bit to imply that it's curving around the form, or simply draw a line denoting that occlusion. Also be very aware of the curves on your forms. If they're going the wrong way, it can completely throw off perspective (like on her wrist).
Foreshortening is all about figuring out how parts cover each other up in 3D space. A bit of shadow might also sell that illusion better.

I'm dogshit at rendering, but hopefully this gets my idea across. I know you probably know all this but sometimes it helps to see (and it was a little bite-sized piece of rendering practice for me, so forgive me).
>t. same artist who does 'woe is me' posts
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you quoted the wrong person, I just made the silly edit
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Final with colors
Should i change something?
Is this all you people are gonna say now? Because of a joke?
I'm fuckin' splitting, Jack!
It's not cool to joke about your age, especially when it's unverifiable. As soon as you say you're a minor, anyone would be stupid not to move away.
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love his design , it fucks , very fun shapes and expressions
I don't have any suggestions, I just wanted to say it's a cute character, anon. Was the design inspired by anything in particular? It reminds me of Spy vs. Spy or older comics strip characters, though it might just be the color palette.
>cute character
Thanks, that's my sona btw

>Was the design inspired by anything in particular?
I dunno to be honest. Perhaps something could have inspired me, but answer is most likely somewhere in my subconscious When i truly want to copy something i'm really suck on it

>It reminds me of Spy vs. Spy or older comics strip characters
Yeah, i can see it

>though it might just be the color palette.
I like soft looking colors
So nobody's gonna like my art ever again, no matter what?
I fucking hate living. I hate earth.
Your art is nice. Keep working on it.
It's good you only said you were 17. In another few months you'll be free to do whatever you want again. Best not make that joke in the future again, though.
>I fucking hate living
Settle down. You're 17 or 20 or whatever. That's too young to be bitching about anything. You deal with the consequences of your actions, and you move on. Easy.
blogs please you two.
you have such a unique style and create interesting scenes. what exactly are you doing to get that blocky/pixely paint look? downscaling then upscaling, or a specific brush?
square brush with uneven spacing, it makes it artifact its so cool
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Happy 4th of July, American friends. I have something I can post here for once.
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When it rains, it pours.

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