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A thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

>"Are there other brush sets aside from the CSP ones?" / "Has this brush set been uploaded before?"
Check the archive. Chances are if it's popular some anon has uploaded it already.

Previous: >>7181503

(Brush in the OP is in the CSP assets rentry.)
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>Suspicious encoded link:

Full of viruses (real).
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First for Chainsawroll is a Mexican Stacy and the mexifags defending her are soiboi simps lmao
are recent porforever brushes available anywhere?
what are these hashes for? mega links? how do I use them?
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Viruses. Don't open.
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Brush for this feel?
>Don't dead, open inside
/r/ing a procreate brush that mimics alcohol markers pls
where do i look for photoshop brushes? been tempted to switch my painting process there because csp lags like shit with any big brush and my pc is strong.
either vk (search for vk free_brushes) or telegram>

csp is a good program but i also had this issue with it, it's so annoying, never had this issue with photoshop so i could never truly understand it 100%
(I replied on the wrong board, mb)
Try Kolormarc from tgts, external rentry has both for procreate and photoshop.
Looking for 3d poses.
Could someone share this Mixed Media Brush Pack for Procreate? And all the extras that comes with it (18 brushes, 3 color palettes, 2 paper texture brushes)?


I would really appreciate it.
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Could someone tell me what brush this is? I'm in love with it.
I got the image from an /lsg/ thread.
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thank you fren, it’s exactly what i was looking for and the other brushes there are really nice too. i love you
Thats because CSP is unoptimized japbloat, aka. Its program like shit
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Silence gringx.
Are you sure it's the brush you're in love with
keep your /pol/shit out of the brush thread thanks
Yes, of course the drawing itself is great but the brush also is... It looks like it pools ink like a real marker.
Post your favourite Sai brush settings
seems like a super simple basic pen brush. maybe ballpoint pen or hi-pen specifically?
Anyone know how to export csp brushes that are paid for/ aren't yours? Im thinking of pirating 3.0 (already have the executable) but I don't think you can use your current acc if it already has the liscence for 2.0
Anons is there any way to repair a photoshop brushes.psp file? Because it finally fucking happened i lost all my brushes in a crash, it just loads a blank tab and after appending default brushes thinking that might fix it just overwrote the psp file and sized it down to 10mb.

I still have the original 800mb psp file copied before the overwrite, does anyone have any experience with fixing something like this? I already went through trying to system restore and recovering files through external software but both those options were a dead-end.

If not i'll just have to bite the bullet and spend a few hours trying to remember and recreate some of my edited brushes.
try changing .psp to .abr and see if abrMate or abrView can open it.
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AbrMate only showed a few brush tips and while converting/exporting all brushes as cs7 abr i got errors (see picrel, file wasn't read only in properties and on non-os external drive) and the exported abr came out as 80mb.
Still i tried importing it to photoshop and it gave an error saying "could not load brushes because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered".
I also renamed it to brushes.psp and put it inside Adobe Photoshop Settings folder but still no luck.

AbrView also spat out an error stating "Version one or more of brush is not supported" and crashed or was stuck on a loop scanning.

Thanks for the help anon, this was the farthest i've gotten in trying to get the psp file restored but i guess i'll just have to start over.
Anyone has Alex Dukal's or Kyle Webster brushes?

They seem to be very elusive to find.
Especially Kyle's considering they should come for free with every official photoshop.
Any of these would be appreciated.
Yeah, unexpected end-of-file means the file is corrupted. Depending on how it was corrupted you could theoretically repair it manually in a hex editor but that would require a lot of technical know-how, probably a lost cause/not worth the effort.
For Alex Dukal, check external rentry. It's missing pencil garden update and one plugin, but it's better than nothing.
For Kyle's, they are available here
> www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/brushes.html (don't change region if asked by the website)
Alternatively, here's my own organized mirror with brush strokes previews
> drive.google.com/drive/folders/1tYtbY01TmKtY3dBgOb_m-hNO7kvxa4HG
Nice, thanks.
Do you happen to have his Munch's scanned brushes?
I'm pretty sure these have been shared in previous threads, but here u go



Cheers, great stuff.
Nu-uh, but now I do!
> vk.com/wall-53141502_51750
Anyone have a texture or a brush with this kind of texture? I tried the Pencil Tilt and Intoxicate set but I could not get close the grainy texture of it. I either get too grainy or too opaque with the textures that I have. According to the artist, they just used a watercolor brush with a texture so I'm just hoping that someone has seen something similar in the past.
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anyone have these two brushes but for photoshop? i think they are just the default CSP pencil brushes but i could be wrong.
Hi, do any of you have the brushes that are included in this book?
Should be this one
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reposting from the previous thread
does anyone know what brush is he using for coloring and sketching? he's drawing in clip studio paint
looks like one of the basic csp brushes they offer for download in assets
either flat or oil pastel i think it's called
ill try both and let you know. do you happen to know anything about the brush he uses for sketching?
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any similar brush for CSP?
looks like g pen and cell shading
a single g pen? i cant find this specific brush size for some reason
I see people are still asking for hard round
I don't think the brush size matters that much in this case, that depends on the size of the canvas you're working on
just change the brush pressure, if you see the lineart it's all the same weight, so deactivate "pen pressure" in "brush size dynamics"
that way, the vertices of each line will be rounded and the line weight will always be constant
Would it be too much to ask for this?
could be vector lineart, zooming in there's no pressure change and lots of stabilization
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Looks like the friction brush from clip studio.
it's a thread tradition at this point.
It's funny let them keep asking for it.

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