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Why are Americans so shit at making anything that looks like Anime?
>Why are Americans so shit
should've stopped there
>people that make good manga look at all different kinds of art that aren’t just manga
>Americans who want to draw in an anime style have only looked at anime.
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>no ATLA, Samurai Jack, PPG, Boondocks, Teen Titans, Shantae, River City Girls because then my strawman falls apart
sorry, I just can't help myself.
Idk ghost of tsushima was pretty tight bro even the japs liked it
why do bugmen just copy disney animation just with pedophilia and giant bug eyes and no noses? do they think that makes it good? have they ever created anything original?
Except for like Castlevania bro
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Japs love RWBY for some weird reason.
What are you a millenial?
>dark souls
total incoherent retarded nip shit. trying too hard to be le edgy medieval european dark ages. they should stick to writing what they know, like samurai weeb shit
Okay but RWBY is actually good tho
RWBY was really great before Monty died, S tier character designs, endearing characters despite the poor writing, interesting enough world, and S tier fight scenes.

Too bad it all went to shit
It’s okay. Great is a huge stretch. I can’t think of any other series where the freedom fighters fighting against a corrupt and oppressive society were the bad guys.
I only watched like the first season and it was an extremely mediocre meh.
Anything cool just felt like a copy and pasted anime trope/scene.

Like as an amateur indie thing it was fine, but not nearly deserving of the praise it got. Like RvB was a funny web show, but that’s in large part because we’re willing to look past the flaws we wouldn’t give to professional works
the online web comic devil's candy is pretty close to japanese designs.
But RWBY and hunnie pop do ape the anime style well; the dragon ball movie is just the usual hollywood bullshit; cappa mikey isn't trying to perfectly look like anime, but just clearly reference it; what's wrong with sudeki?; children's drawing books always tend to be very hit or miss, plenty of them are shit despite regardless of whether their manga/anime influenced or not; and finally, those two white guys look super fly, what are you trying to say about them?

It's an apples to oranges comparison anyway - you're comparing Japanese media that is thematically influenced by the West, to Western media that is more so visually inspired by Japan.

Megas XLR, or steven universe (as much as I loath that show) would be a better and fairer comparison, for example.
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Ironically, it's the cartoons that don't attempt to ape anime that get the most popular in Japan (Wacky Races, PPG, South Park, that CGI Donkey Kong Country cartoon, etc.).
Which makes sense - why would anybody watch cartoons that are just a poor imitation of their own domestic products?
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Nothing ironic about that. It would be ironic if the cartoons you mentioned actively tried to be unpopular in Nippon.
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RWBY is popular in Sushiland, there's multiple manga, light novel, 2d anime, all the seasons of the 3d animation are dubbed in their language, Japanese artists do fanart of it all the time and said artists have a lot of followers, etc.
It's bizarre that Japs like RWBY so much because RWBY is just an amalgamation of Soul Eater, Black Rock Shooter, old Kung Fu movies & fighting video games.
RWBY is utter garbage except the porn.
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holy based
please fix blue's far leg though
I love RWBY, but it's far from good
Why fight when we could be embracing our differences?
Do they both have weiners? Double based if so
Looks nothing like anime
PPG did tried to emulate anime but to a superficial extend.
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Japan has their westaboos just like we've got our weebs
They probably have the whole
>you don't understand, THIS cartoon is totally different, it's mature and for adults like us

although I follow a few artists on twitter who for some reason obsess about Phineas and Ferb.
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I've come to a revelation. The less Japan-centric and "anime" a manga, or any given japanese media is (in terms of setting, plot, characters and cultural references), the higher the quality. I'm not even kidding, some of the best manga, anime and games are often the ones with heavy foreign influence whose setting aren't based in Japan (Berserk, FMA, Cowboy Bebop, UC Gundam, Frieren, Nausicaa, Steel Ball Run, Zelda, Metroid). Why is this? What about heavy japanese influences stifles quality?
>although I follow a few artists on twitter who for some reason obsess about Phineas and Ferb.
Hey, it was a good show. It'd say it was on the same level as some of the greats like Early Spongebob, or EE&E, but it never quite hit that peak of popularity.
Well simple that's not the case.
Some of the best anime/manga is just historical fiction.

When it comes to fanatsy, yeah its better when it's not based in reality and thus not Japan. But it's not because it's inherently western or not Japanese.
Something like Frieren has heavier roots in JRPGs than it does in western fantasy, it uses some western fantasy elements but the themes are firmly Japanese.

The big issue is likely more that as a westerner you're not familiar with Japanese lore and myths, so you just don't pick up on the depth that a Japanese person would. But as someone familiar with western myths and legends you immediately see the short hands and project all the information you've collected over the years into a series.
A simple example is that when you see a lich, you immediately know what the character will be and what being a lich means.
When you see a yuki onna your best knowledge of it probably comes from harem anime and you don't know any deeper expected personality traits or lore that would come along with that monster.

This is much more evident in things like horror manga or things about urban legends which are just heavily based on Japanese folklore. If you play something like silent hill for example there's just constant references to Japanese monsters and folklore, but as a westerner you're just going to see a really tall lady and go
>eh it's a funky looking ghost I guess
you haven't been trained to recognize the symbols or myths so you don't pick up on the nuances of heavy japanese stories.

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