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Previous: >>7209041

>New here? Please read best practices.

1. Don't post too revealing works (especially porn). If you think it's too lewd, post a censored copy here and link to Catbox (https://catbox.moe/) or any off-site that hosts images for your works.

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very cute!
left upper arm is too long I think
>left upper arm is too long I think
i figured that out after posting it.
i should probably spend more time on looking for anatomy problems in my art because that's my common mistake
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I see you like my doodles, lolicels.
I just saw this on my twitter timeline
grrr....shitty brat

Any pointers? I feel like my rendering always lacks impact.
the rendering is alright to me, the only thing im concerned about is why her butt rectangle
I liked that butt shape..
Figure out exactly what you want to achieve with your rendering. There are a million different ways to go about rendering things. You won't get much help here because we aren't mind readers.
Rendering looks alright but it's the foot that bothers me. Looks too stumpy
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here's the average napalm death enjoyer
I like the rendering, most of the mistakes I see are in the drawing aspect, such as the overly small head and fingers
Maybe it's deliberate but I'd make the legs at least as long as the torso+head (which is already top model tier)
needs a spanking
I'm back after half a year of a range ban, fuck that shit. Expect art from me again soon
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I need your blog immediately, I've had another one of yours saved for like 3 years with no fucking idea where it came from
or at least I think it's yours? seems like the same girl.
Is Eigaka a lolichad?
your anatomy is always so accurate
how do you do it
Too late. He already nuked his blog
He has drawn loli before but I don't think he is
He's more of a "draw whatever you want" mentality type of guy
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Shame. Maybe the hypercoom brainrot has fucked with his loli enjoyment.
I made this animation the other day:
her cunny looks insanely puffy https://files.catbox.moe/kqfo7p.mov check my reaction tomorrow ill show you more but as you can see i wish my d was her finger instead
What did you use to animate? I wonder if I can do it by using a series of pngs
holy shit......wtf he draws
little sister

>half a year of a range ban
you're a true lolicel, now get ready for the next one.
Really beautifully drawn upper thighs
Based and metalpilled
Very cute and very nice colors but where's her left arm?
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Looks more proportionate now that you say it… any other pointers?
I understand what you were going for, because the hips do kind of make that shape when viewed from that angle, although you exaggerated it too much so it looks a little weird. Just use the same shape but softer and more understated.
I fucking love squares
orango, is that you?
I‘m trying to change my style who is your loli goat artist
fizrot, wagashi, deadflow (pre fotm slop era)
seriously good feet and hands
I‘ll be completely honest with you here, at some point in the rough I erased it to adjust and kind of forgot about it.

I see your point.. I‘ll keep it in mind for next time!
where's pumpkinspicelatte, muk?
point finger is swollen
is this 2k, or how is his name, the toddler guy?
literally does not matter
hands are feet are so good in fact, it elevates the drawing above what it just is
what the fuck man
considering how much of an attentionwhore the artist is i wouldnt be surprised if this was planned by them
Nice cock bro
would you do this if casy wasn't a woman man
yeah, why wont you trib my art instead
Not even a drip of cum came outta your cock and you call that "the grand finale"? Come on now bro
>smaller than the average asian

I wont say anything because he's already suffering enough.
based simp anon making content
Don't listen to them, fapAnon, you're adorable!
Without fapanon's crazy intervention I would've probably skipped looking at this.
>VHS video effects
Other than that, that's gotta be the meatiest child cunny I've seen
I might start posting this OC on the usuals again later, but I don't really like social media right now and am dripfeeding unrelated art just to spitefully maintain a presence. I can confirm if your drawing is mine, though.
wow it's the real blade!!!!!! live in /lsg/!
Do other artists making mistakes make your nodraw ass feel better? Sad if so
at least change the filename to like wip.png or something
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no and I'm not a pedophile and where is your neck?
the double denial
It's not a mistake they just used elon musk as reference

Find my nose, brainless pedophile.
>where is your neck?
You're above looking down you wouldn't see it you dumbfuck pedo
Based reverse crab
stop calling me pedo, it turns me on
I animated it with Live 2D, the thing you're supposed to make Vtubers with. It's very good to make bone animations and it also comes with very powerful deformation tools that you can even animate in another layer, using it also helps me learn about that software which might be useful to make some money later on. You can easily make any drawing you want move if you simply make each body part a different layer, export them to photoshop file and then import them to Live2D

Another pic I made btw
too much neck
how about neck urself
holy fucking SEXO
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Kotone flubbed the flip over water, so she's okay.
Do you guys also feel like loli knees can be extremely sexy sometimes?
i love knees in general, wish artists were more attentive to them, and wish i could do them better with the kneepits too. such lovely shapes.
The space between the costochondral angle and the illiac crest is too long. It looks like you traced that from a slender hag.
>the costochondral angle
>the illiac crest
>slender hag

you sound like a high caliber tryhard pedophile
if you call me pedophile one more time I'm going to cum
It seems like the skull grows less rapidly compared to the ribcage (which triples in size from age 10 to 25), So in addition to a smaller torso would the head be larger in comparison?
like when doing basic construction would would you make the torso 1.5 heads including the pelvis, or closer to 2?
(trying to improve my anatomy)
also do you think wider than normal hips adds appeal or does it make the figure start to resemble a shortstack?
no, suffer!
disgusting pig.

>which triples in size from age 10 to 25
>torso 1.5 heads including the pelvis, or closer to 2

another pedo nerd...
not a pedo, just trying to improve mesugakianon.
What a dumbo she is.

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