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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Check out https://nma.art for a subscription based academic approach to learning art

Previous thread >>7215697
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More permabeg shit
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I have not done timed drawings in a long time.
2 minutes is the max I can manage and still put something meaningful on the canvas.
Do you mean minimum?
Yeah, I suppose. I try to go from 10 to 1 minutes, but at 2 minutes I have to cheat seconds to finish the figure.
I'm trying to get faster, If I don't time my figures I can easily spend 40 on one before it's done.
Be mindful not to make the feet too small

I would push out the nose and make the right nostril less noticeable
anon I'm still a beg so take this with a grain of salt but if those are the figures you're making in 2 minutes I think you're doing well. there's something to be said about gaining speed without losing accuracy but at the end of the day if you're producing a finished piece that you'll be spending hours on anyway then I think berating yourself because you can't get an accurate and lively figure in less than two minutes is sorta missing the point, no?
So now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
My unfinished art of pyro. You can help me with making it better by critiquing it.
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Can any redline bros help me fix the right arm of the girl on the right? I can't get the perspective right. I know there are many other issues as well, but this seems to be the biggest.
Also, I apprechiate criticism in general.
Trying no ref
Why in the ever-loving fuck would you ever redline something that's already perfect? Redlining this would be nitpicking between the OG style and the style of the redliner
Thanks for the kind words, Anon. It seemed to be looking strange to me, I think because of it lacking depth. But I'm glad you like it.
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Finally applying what I learnt from Sargent and Izayoi. I'm not happy with the upper lip and the hair. I still don't know if I should make the face and highlights a single continuous shape or not. All critics are welcome, will finish this on charcoal + oil later this week.

I would simplify it even more, first in the light and shadows and then a little in the midtones, I would start with something like this and go forward https://i.postimg.cc/8z5Md3k5/simple.png

I'm not a fan of square crosshatching, but the shirt neck and tie are really good, I think you should study Charles Dana Gibson, you'll get a lot out of it.

The star earrings are really nice, but I'm seeing diminishing returns you should do a mindful copy of some of the masters and focus on the distinct light and dark shapes and then try again. Sargent, Caravaggio or Raphael are good subjects because there are tons analysis on them on books and youtube.
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Beginner. Just using a mechanical pencil and smearing the graphite with finger for shading. Piece took me a couple hours.
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I respect any person who can actually draw backgrounds, screw backgrounds.
If you are gonna put some background shade try to make contrast between background/gigure. Make it more darker m8 that would make the figure go infront of everything. Don't be scared of trying to put more contrast on the figure too, you are in a good road my friend
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Legs can fuckin suck my ass
This is your best one yet.
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Not much to say, had to take a break for three weeks due to burn out (I played a bunch of video games and I am pretty satisfied with that). Today I started doing practice again but only a little as I still feel slightly burnt out but not quite as much as before.

My motor skills tend to be wonky only initially, but after a few minutes they seem to be regained, though my confidence may be slightly lower and I am very nervous about starting human anatomy study again, but I gotta do it.

My main goal right now above all else is to develop confidence constructing a character/human, aka gesture construction etc. etc.

I feel if I can get in the swing of that many of the issues I currently face will solve themselves and I can focus on improving in other areas.
>>Want to practice figures?
>>PYW and give your feedback
>What can be improved?
>Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
>Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
>Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.
>>Cool teachers
>Glenn Vilppu
>Michael Hampton
>Steve Huston
>Brent Eviston
>Marco Bucci
>Andrew Loomis
>George Bridgman
>>Cool books
>Keys To Drawing
>Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
>How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
>The Art and Science of Drawing
>Fun With A Pencil
>Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
>The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life
>Check out https://nma.art for a subscription based academic approach to learning art
Nice op
I've procrastinated enough, which book can i start NOW?
>>7218119 (me)
I am retarded enough to not read the thread before posting.
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surely 3 hours of sleep is viable if I consume enough caffeine pills haha right? [spoiler]kill me[/spoiler]
cool, hovewer the goggles should be pointing outward, be a bit larger and possibly moved a bit up
helmet looks cool but is not accurate to ref, face however is really off, the worst offender is the eye imo, look very closely at the shape and the angles, and keep practicing
very nice, why is her chin completely unshaded tho?
I have found a better way to draw the upper torso and chest.
Start with the semi egg shape of the chest.
Draw two circles where the clavical will be and draw out tthe bone that leads to the shoulders on the side of the chest.

God, it makes it look so much better. I used to draw the upper torso as one object and it always made the whole shoulder area stiff. This method makes it so much easier to draw the arms in multiple positions. I'm legit happy with this find.
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and of course, I forgot the fucking image.
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I can't figure out what's making these look so out of proportion. Lower leg shorter than upper leg, upper leg shorter than torso. Still looks fucky. Can I get a redline/redraw?
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>flip picture horizontally
>don't see any massive mistakes that jump out at me immediately
truly based
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alright, I posted enough, just excited.
>still no guide on how to copy someones style
Keys to Drawing will teach you how to copy. Then you just copy how the guy draws, especially the types of lines he draws, the types of brushes he uses, how he draws facial features, shapes, etc.
Alien suit thing
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how do i simplify and push this pose?
its very hard when the most important part of the pose (the back arch) is facing the viewer
Already been filtered numerous times trying to copy someones brush. It's impossible
Yo this looks hot man good job
You've done it in the bottom. You can move PoV slightly to the side like that meme Jack-O pose.
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if you have reference with poses like these you skip doing some of the traditional breakdowns, the center line of action, of constructing the body with breaking it down with the shapes you see in this particular pose.
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Thanks man.
You wouldn't download a woman.
you neither simplified it nor have you pushed it
you will enjoy reading "drawing lessons from the great masters"
yeah I did.
Good luck figuring it out.
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Sup begosis.

hips/ass area is rather weak, needs a bit more lines there to properly attract coomers. her bra is confusing
keys to drawing, chapter 2
nice negreess
pros dont use finger, but q-tips (that thing you put into ears)
>Sargent and Izayoi
book? video course? source?
weak value range, but perhaps you are yet to add shades and highlights
remove fun with a pencil from the list, that book is HORRIBLE. it shows it was loomis first book, instead slap there something like framed perspective
you used more lines therefore it's not more simplified, you made the arch smaller therefore the pose is less extreme
Good luck figuring it out.
lay off the airbrush and paint more defined edges
I love how similar your art looks whether trad or digital. my trad work is 1000x worse usually
Doesn't look like you're Japanese yet
>you used more lines therefore it's not more simplified,
Wow, you're not going to figure anything out.
what do you think simplified means?
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If you actually look at the gif it's a base construction drawing with some overlapping lines.
The only way it can get more simplified than that is if it's a gesture drawing.
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No more books! My study plan was to make mindful copies and list the things I liked and keep asking why choices were made. Then I just tried it and applied what I'd learned, digital is the best way to do multiple iterations cheaply and without pressure.

>video course?
mainly lectures on John Singer Sargent, but Chad Jacobs does my favorite analysis, these were super useful:


Sargent charcoal portraits and 2 value studies.
>The only way it can get more simplified than that is if it's
if its my version, yes, thats why your version isnt more simplified, pretty simple right? I
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nakamori akina
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Wip 456
Thanks for the (q) tip on shading
too sleepy, will finish tomorrow.
idk, it’s just been fun to draw lately. i know it looks like shit, but i enjoyed making it, so whatever.
How's my renderings?
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need to make an armpit study
You need to do a kys study and apply it asap
She's finished alright. Nice one anon.
that wasnt me.
also he was right. it was construction using simple shapes so you wouldnt have to use the spine line you were complaining about.
it was construction.
where you would make another layer to make the line work or painting on top of. with less lines. basic shit.

figured you could take that basic understanding , move the shapes where you wanted, to get the pose you wanted without me drawing it for you, but you couldnt figure that out. Im done with you. good luck.
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I think you need to start rendering some complex shapes. Start with some booba to practice your hard and soft edges or if you are less horny practice rendering simple cloth folds.
You need to study faces first, bodies and faces are most important for coom
too sleepy. Meant for >>7218427
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I'd like to get into portrait drawing. Who would be the best to learn from or focus on?
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this one really brings me to uncanny valley, i just tried to something more cute, but ended up with two la creaturas
That's an intermediate skill. If you can't figure it out yourself then it's too far above your skill level.
Nice boob. I'd make it a bit rounder and the shadows a bit darker to emphasize but its good. No comment about the armpit though

It's really good and I really dig it, but I feel it lacks something like using a textured pen brush. I feel the default pen looks too artificial and it shows in these kind of pics where it's the only star. It's a nitpick though, it's good

Your lineart is always so good. Her face looks especially pretty. Are you using that trick where you duplicate the lineart layer and blur it?

Torso looks a bit too long imo. Also I think you should thicken up that leg at the base of the pelvis. It's like an inverted triange that starts bigger there, it doesn't becomes thinner there.

Mogs me so I can't criticize much. The reflected light seems a bit too strong in some of those figures in. my opinion
Is it true that almost all westerners can't draw anime that doesn't look american? or you guys just did it purposely?
<Your lineart is always so good. Her face looks especially pretty. Are you using that trick where you duplicate the lineart layer and blur it?
Yep. Its the one thing I try tocopy from Marc Brunet.
this one is really good too
Does anyone know a good guide on how to simplify the skeletal masses of the shoulder girdle? I’m following Proko’s anatomy course and I can’t wrap my head around how to draw this
The only other video I’ve found on this subject is Sycras but he more so goes over how the shoulder girdle functions from what I’ve seen
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More of the same
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Michael Hampton's stuff for the shoulder girdle was especially useful for me. He explains it in his CGMA video course, book and free youtube videos. The clavicles and shoulder blades both move around a lot so you'll need to understand the bones and the muscles well to understand what's going on.
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I've been struggling to consistently draw lately. I need to start studying daily instead of just sketching every so often.
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Switched to digital not too long ago, how the fuck do i archive clean linework?
I study every day and you're far better than I, so maybe whatever you're doing is working. As long as you don't burn out though, it shouldn't hurt.
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Back to nude figure sketches.
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20240702, 45min or thereabouts
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Very shitty doodles. I like drawing on trad more even if everything ends up smudged and shitty.
I know I should be drawing ten times as much to get any better but I find it very difficult. No wonder I never improve.
The drawings at the bottom are supposedly int?
The ones on top*
You have the speech cadence of a mouth breathing retard

I can't redline it for you, but I'll bump it.

I just learned legs from Steve Huston's book and I was shocked at how bad I did. I think it's a very deceptive part of the body. He has a good way of explaining it though.

I wish I could be more helpful, but I'm going to sleep. Just wanted to say I feel your pain.
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You have very messy rendering, try using as big of a brush as you can for these exercises. Your cast shadow for the cylinder on its long side is cut rather short and should be a bit more on the right. It should definitely go along the length. Your edges are soft but could be a bit more controlled in their shape. I suggest to doing some edge control exercises to help you with this. Copying an artists whose edges you like and trying to replicate the result will give you some thing to shoot for. Now for that standing cylinder, the halftone wouldn't wrap around the entire side of the cylinder. They'll reside near the form shadow. The shadow shape while incorrect, isn't a primary concern. I can see that you properly implemented some ambient occlusion between the cylinder and cast shadow. Well done. Do you happen to be doing these from reference?
His look better than yours
No, his crit is better but they are both decent. Anon's critique shows more deliberate rendering with a better understanding of light and shadow.
still a wip. roast me.
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in what world? dunning kruger
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legs are half the figure, and the knees are half the legs
the leg gesture are curves that give an s-shaped rhythm
in a simple way the main curves are thighs, sartorius and calf
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Drew this frog There's loads of mistakes and I still have a long way to go, but it's still lots of fun to be able to do stuff like this

don't give up, frens
Yeah I had reference, but for most of them I changed the angles of light or shape a little bit to try to grok the principles.
I'll try to keep the edge control in mind, though a lot of the artists I'm looking at currently do very rough/blocked/painterly stuff.
Though I guess they do also use more gradual painting for focus areas. I should take a look and try to be more deliberate with my mark making.
very nice, do you use ref at all?
Yours is fundamentally better but theirs has soul. Also yours has a gap in front for some odd reason. A line would have conveyed a separation of forms, your shadow suggests it's raised there for some reason.
Maybe he was speaking that way for you to better understand because youre an idiot.
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looks plastic, I would push the lightest values and the reflected light

this looks good I would push the darkest values and have more hard edges.

Dunning-Kruger does not apply when it comes to talking about taste
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Hello, I adjusted the head to be as close as I could to fifths/thirds as I could but somehow it turned out even uglier. I found an older version of the head on the right and it somehow looks cuter? idk I'm so lost
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Drawing I'm working on, any crit especially on tifa's hair or the dolphin (idea is dolphin is made out of water)
i dont really like coloring i only do it on rare occasions sigh
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>read keys to drawing
>now all I can draw is scribbles
She has a really strong man jaw.
Body below the rib cage looks flat, the pelvis isn’t pointing in the same direction in the rib cage and I don’t think that was your intention.
Great job on the fist though.
9/10 would purchase and give shelter and love
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dios fucking mio
Nasty tangent between nose and eye.
Cant even plagiarize right.

Quite jealous of talented artists who can go "something I doodled on a piece of toilet paper while shitting" and post a beautiful sketch like that from imagination while I cant even reference properly. Honestly I didnt try my best but I tried harder than usual.
Gotta try to my actual best tonight and do it over and over until it looks somewhat passable
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Asking for help for anime study.
What are those things between eyebrows and eyelids?
That isn't me(the guy who critiqued) anon. As for that little shadow shape at the bottom, I agree that I poorly implemented that. Sometimes you see it at the bottom of the cylinder due to the rounding of the corners. So there's a little cast shadow that happens beyond the terminator. Where it needed to be applied in this lighting situation is closer to the terminator

Mine is very sterile no doubt. Mostly to make a point. If you wanted to make the painting more expressive, it's pretty easy to implement from this stage. My criticism towards the anons cylinder more specifically has to do with the boundary of his halftone rather than his edge technique. I also think I either blended to much of my halftone or that it could be a touch darker, maybe both.A
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far side of under-lid eye shape, i guess? no idea, absolute fellow beg here, but this is always how I understood it, i was mostly using it to pretend there's some kind of a nose shape in there
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try again using a small textured brush (chalk or pencil) and set it in compare density (CSP), greater blending mode (krita) or marker I think (SAI)

Bammes is the og source, even Hampton >>7218484
is Bammes in disguise, For me kota kato has the most readable illustrations of bones, the good thing is he is also based on Bammes.

giving volume to the abdomen could help this.

I like it very much, the punch is really good.
I would compress the middle third a bit, also give a little hint of where the philtrum ends, otherwise it's up to the viewer to tell where its placed and that can end up looking weird. about the hair, why not make it flow into the dolphin tail the same as her left hand, I always tought of all the brawlers finishing moves as the last part of a kata. theres something about the eye alignment that bothers me, but I don't really know how to play with it without ending up patchy.

skin folds due to the eye socket of the skull, i guess they were placed to break monotony because thats a lot of space between the eyebrow and the eye.
Is it just me or is the thumbnail kinda weird for this? I can't see anything wrong but something was bugging me on the CSP preview window
one thing's for sure, i can't see what's wrong with it
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forgot image
Try making her jaw a bit more prominent because her head is inside her neck instead of on top of it
What exactly do you mean by that? I thought it was a good idea to have her head retreat a bit to show some shyness/restraint
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maybe its too cluttered around the neck and the puffed shoulders look like a hunchback. Or maybe there is no contrast between the chest and the hand. Or the nose line and the strand of hair make a straight dark line in the thumbnail.
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I realized now that I neglected studying the sprites to see how they handled the contrasts, I was only using promotional art that didn't overlap the glove to the body. And the nose-hair point was something I hadn't noticed entirely. Thanks anon
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I've dabbled with art on and off. I'm downloading videos before I have no internet for an entire month. Is LinesSensei any good? I enjoy his style, even if some think it's not great, and I figure I should start with something I like before I move onto more realistic stuff. Example from his head tutorial, but im mostly interesting in learning to draw the body since I've always tried heads but never a full body.
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mfw its time to draw
How do you know what to draw?
Asked a similar question >>7214080 couple threads ago, got some interesting ideas on how to help with that issue, maybe it'll help you as well.

But yeah, most of the time i'm staring at empty canvas like a dumb fuck and then I draw a circle, eventually it goes somewhere. In rare cases I genuinely have an idea on something to draw, then it's easy mode, but for everyday practice, turning circle into an anime girl will do for now
How do you not?
Get bored. Ideas will start to flow. Having a 24/7 slop content machine in the palm of your hand is bad for creativity.

If nothing comes to mind, do studies. Find a pic you like and study it, copy it, etc.
all of my drawings are deleted because of a fuck up, pretty sad about this
that sucks anon. I made a similar mistake when clearing my computer. Didn't export any of the brushes
I had customized over the years.
what sucks about it the most is that I've been drawing every day for 5 months and I was able to see a clear progress by looking at my past drawings. At least I have my finished shit at twitter/pixiv I guess.
that sucks, I use duplicati as backup solution, it also encrypts your data this is important because some storage providers don't like storing nsfw content.
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I like his style but sometimes it’s hard to follow as a beginner. I don’t know if it’s a good start to learn bodies but if you like his style why not (ignore my heads)
Much better than something I could achieve right now, I think your work looks great! I have Loomis downloaded just in case aswell. Thanks anon!
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I am getting so fucking filtered. Worst feeling.
It looks like he's about to launch some mf off the cliff
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Keep going and get unfiltered
I'm feeling intense mixtures of like, anger and discouragement and hopelessness, desu.
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I don't think you're being filtered, I see sensible choices being made. I would focus on nailing the proportions, start measuring and finding relationships thorought out the figure, comparing height vs width, head vs body groups, etc.
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Thanks. I just wanna be able to do this :(
From last night, critiques appreciateds pls
How do I choose correct vanishing points? How can I make sure that what I'm drawing is a 90 degree angle in perspective?
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Im reposting
That's an amazing improvement from your earlier stuff anon.
His actual figures are middling at best, look at how he constructs hands, feet and knees.
However he's very good at making appealing works, which is the most important part of art. Everything he does after the sketch phase like the lineart and simplified render is pretty high /int/.
fundamentally trying to change the way i draw. doodle i did today. trying to use less lines.
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Tried doing a 20 minute sketch but it's garbage trash and I hate myself for trying
Looks pretty, I would also try to use a harder opacity so it doesn't look as faded but nice work.

Keep trying it's not bad at all, just keep working on shapes and values
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thank you for the advice! i think i used CSP pencil brushes for it. im trying to teach myself to be less dependent on using a lot of lines (like the drawing attached)
It’s not bad. I wish I could do portraits as well as you. It’s not great, but it’s not bad. The ear obviously needs work.
>tfw no one commented on my latest doodle
That bad, huh?
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17 minutes before I gave up cuz it already looked wonky to me
Once you assert your artistic superiority plebs don't dare to dis or even praise your stuff. I saw it many times, when some pro tourists posting amazing stuff and not a single reply. I think anons here don't know how to react to that. Circle jerking and bro mindset is a real thing. Or maybe they just hate namefags. I love your work though.
It is important to be able of learning from mistakes and correct them before giving up, the major part of finished drawings are made of more than 1000 mistakes and their respective corrections
thats because pawell reached his peak doing two sets of doodles like 10 years ago
he's been doing the same ever since.
Looks like digimon card art, pretty cool.
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Sketch for today.
Put it on a big-titty anime body
Based retard this looks amazing. If you could only get rid of the weird schizophen chicken scratch it would look even better. Keep it up.
>figure drawing/gesture course
>the hack teacher is not even hiding that he's using a reference
Every time
Thank you.
Looks like Nick Fuents.
You're supposed to use reference.
Some of my favorite paintings and studies were the ones I pushed through when I felt like giving up. It's very liberating to just not give af and keep going.
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What do you think about the idea? I guess it lacks something, there is no "focus point", like something that would imply a more exact story or meaning

gigabased, fellow trad friend, keep this up
It looks fine to me, you could have kept going, sometimes the work needs a lil belief in it to actually make it look okay lol
bad proportions throw off the whole thing. not mean to diss you but you basically took everything that is unique about the model and ingored it (e.g. eye, lips shape)
this but unironically. KtD sketches look soul af
same shit but we gotta work on the color game, dont wanna get clowned
do not smear graphite, instead draw lightly. smearing is bad habit for beginnres. you want to smear because you cant control pencil well enough but trust me not good
oh so fine. lovely
I am stuck in into hell. What must I do to advance
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just posting this because I really like this red color.
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How long have you been doing these portraits?
And what does your process look like? What learning resources have you used or did you just dive in on your own and start drawing faces/heads without any guidance?
I really like it anon!
take it from a professional, fundamentals over style or taste, if anon applied critique to what they already have it would be way better. Good artists don't need to hide their poor fundamentals with "style" when the have both.

also, not my paintover, im simply supporting the critique. lots of good stuff to learn from here
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since 2015 (pic related)

I start by drawing a circle to kinda get my bearings and get a sense of depth and have something other than a blank page looking back at me. then I outline the head a bit and draw a line down what would be the middle of the face. then a few lines across the soon-to-be face where the eyebrows line up with the top of the ears and the nose with the bottom of the ears. I try to remember the Proko face features lesson when outlining and detailing the features. then I hopefully remember that faces need shading to look good and try to add that where appropriate. for the eyes, I draw the outline of the reflection of light in their eyes first. other than that, I don't know how else to describe my process. I just know it's not working the best and needs refinement somehow so I can capture likeness without sacrificing speed.
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What do you do for references without heavy lighting/shadow contrast? Those photos where everything is well lit and there’s no clear distinction between light and shadow?
idk I don't draw those. it's already difficult enough drawing from photos than from life.
Okay but what are some of you're value settings? Do you use like a lamp or a natural light source?
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Make it easy for you. Stop thinking about tools, tutorials, and bullshit. Grab pencil and paper, or a simple sketch brush on a white canvas. Go to the /figure/ thread and start grinding figures, post them, engage in the feedback. You can try copy the other anon's figures. Search for images, frame stills, trace them, copy them, tweak the pose, fill your head with simple and basic human figure and poses. That's what you will do.
Join /FIG/ today.
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i hope interesting isn't inherently bad.
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Sup beg, today i learned something new: neck has 3 tubes

there was nothing positive or negative i could say about it
there is (arbitrary chosen) station point, at which the angles are true (not foreshortened). If you draw two lines which have 90 degrees between them, whenever they cross the horizon are the two vanishing points which makes exact 90 degrees for whatever object you choose. More details in
>Attebery The Complete Guide to Perspective Drawing
i cannot decide if you streched the reference, or if there truly walk among us people with completely round faces. my crit is you completely failed to capture her likeness. if you were smart and did not include ref, i would say its alright
if you just accidentally hit delete or were doing some disk cleanup and deleted too many folders at once, the data are still there. there are apps for rescuing "deleted data".
tldr unless you set the hardware it was stored on fire or threw it into ocean, the data are in 99% cases still there
the book told me to draw necks today
there is not enough contrast between her glove and box and there is nothing suggesting depth or that the hand is foreshortened. if pic looks weird in thumbnail, there is usually very good reason for that
dont forget the nipples!
bigger canvas resolution, draw zoomed out, stabilization, brush with soft edges and or texture, getting gud also helps
unless you are renderfag who lives and dies by textured brushes and air brushes, i fail to imagine how would that happen
I meant interesting in a good way, but what you just posted is really really based, it makes me want to draw something like that
Any tutorials on drawing torsos? I keep messing up ab details like where it's supposed to bulge and stuff.
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Hominid I drew sometime ago,
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i am trying to draw a little bit every day but often struggle to choose what exactly to attempt, what am i supposed to do to purposefully improve? i just want to draw cartoonish stuff and anime girls.
You haven't learned shit because you have been mindlessly drawing for years and still stuck on the same shit blobs
head may be too big? to tired to notice
The head looks fine
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tone your paper, try using a sponge with the dust leftovers from sharpening. your lights look too clean try toning and erase the highlights

but that still looks like relaying in lines, an excersice i really liked was to limit my stroke count to 30 or less, another one is to limit yourself to only 2 values. I need to start doing them again. pic of what I'm talking about

nice, some feel a little stiff, but I can feel the weight, specially the one resting arching her back.
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anime girl reference turned out looking like a concerned old hag lmao
I think you're either too in your head or were trying a reference too much it looks pretty good so far
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lots of work needing to be done
Thanks a ton man, I'll check this Attebery guy out
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I'm taking advice from this guide on drawing eyes in the 3/4 view where the far away eye is drawn with a very circular corner

However I found that it's a little bit harder to translate that guide to different eye shapes. In particular the downward pointing eye shape is something I'm not satisfied with. Any advice here?
you're not drawing the corner rounded, you don't see the corner because the eye is three dimensional
I found that drawing the corner rounded is easier when I'm imitating the original pic's eye shape, when I try to change it up it gets kind of funky. I'm not sure how to fix it.
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actually wait I think I get what you mean now

I think I was thinking of it as a rounded corner, when I should have been thinking of it as the actual eyeball popping outward and the spherical shape due to the head being rotated
nice nick fuentes pic
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He appeared out of no where (randomly got recommended his tutorials a few months ago), I can't find many socials, but he has a discord and a few people on twitter posting works saying they followed his homework. I have a figure drawing book, but it's at home and I'm away till the end of the month. I'm very interested in his hand tutorials, but I figured it was a good starting point. >>7219108 if I could draw like this anon I'd be quite content for now.

Pic unrelated, but I like it and it's based.
so cute, i love it
Brent Eviston’s Art and Science of Figure Drawing for paid solution. It’s a fantastic course.
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thanks! i'll post more like it if i do more. i like to make those at work.
alright, i'll try limiting my strokes to 30. the miquella one has so many lines (old habits die hard) for some studies. i try not to pick up my stylus to brute force it/contour draw faces but i think it's too distinct from regular drawing and doesn't end up with good habit formation, i just end up looping the lines rather than utilizing them (like this study from last month)
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Gonna try to get better at drawing hands by sketching the ASL alphabet
Messing up in a drawing just means you've learned another lesson that you can better apply to the next drawing. We can all make it.
>stoody erotic picture
>religious ocd hits
This would require the skill to identify what went wrong and then change/apply that in your next drawing.
so you're mentally ill?
nah that's you I took my meds today
i doubt that ocd can be considered as a serious mental illness, unlike schizophrenia or depression. it's more like a mental annoyance
I'm not the one talking about "religious ocd" whatever the fuck that even means you clown
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>ocd is just a mental annoyance
author of the picture got it wrong. ocd has an infinite potential to make you obsess over various fears in your daily life. you can have a "global obsession" and a lot of smaller obsessions simultaneously
sure bud, go double check your locks or something
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it's actually pretty serious and life-ruining. it's the mental illness that's put me in the hospital the most and destroyed the lives of people i know. treatment is expensive and standard talk therapy actually works to make it worse (art attached so not off topic)
unironically keep drawing. i've been doing NOCD and the worst thing you can do is let your intrusive thoughts keep going. you need to just power through them.
>plan on smoking weed and drawing all day
>draw nothing
>jerk off 4 times
fuck weed
>standard talk therapy
what is it?
walking out of the control of the "global obsession" is kinda easy. the real challenge is to dodge multiple different urges to do mental or physical rituals that try to push me back into my former helpless state
and of course ocd is often about something that i value a lot. that's why it interferes the most when i try to improve or learn new skills or make important decisions etc
basically the only thing that really works is exposures and forcing yourself to go through your triggers without acting on your compulsions.
it's the same for me. my ocd focused on what'd most relevant for me.
talk therapy is just the venting style therapy commonly used for other mental illnesses. it can really fuck with you if you have reassurance or confessional compulsions.
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Why is it that i just don't click with Proko assignments, specifically his anatomy ones... I'm doing better by myself just by watching his (very informative and in-depth) videos, PDF notes and straight up just doing many drawings until i get it right. And it actually feels like i'm really learning shits, unlike with his methods...

Am i autistic...
I don’t know. I’ve spent literally hundreds if not over a thousand dollars since the end of April on courses and shit and *none* of them are “clicking” or making me see any significant improvement. Granted, I’m not drawing/studying 8 hours a day, but I *am* drawing every day.
Your art looks like shit
I hope you're joking. OCD is life-ruining.
Man, that's rough... I'm cheering for ya, genuinely.

I'm also drawing every day, but it's mostly quick doodles and notes, i only do ''serious'' drawing studies when i understand 90% of the topic that i'm focusing. Then i basically go freestyle when trying to apply drawing practice. And i end up actually learning how to draw things...
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Please help me break down the lightning situation here, what do the parts represent? I'm seeing multiple highlights and weird stuff in the reflected light area and am unsure how to define them.
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you can get all courses for free from here what are you doing
I'm not broke/poor. I also don't trust you guys or piracy resources in general. I also want to support people who create good shit.
>I also want to support people who create good shit.
>and shit and *none* of them are “clicking” or making me see any significant improvement.
Such quality, Proko's courses are bloated and the format does not lend itself to being searchable. I pirate to get a real peek of what the course is all about, if I like it I buy it.
Hair is usually drawn like a shiny ribbon, curving around with one strong highlight running horizontally. Like a reflective surface, it has a pattern of shadows and color.
The sweeping down strokes are to represent thinner hair locks making up the shape and their movement.
On top of that, many artists have a shorthand for hair and apply it by instinct using flat bands, splotches, jagged lines, etc.
He got popular insanely quickly because of the how to draw shortstacks video. It's actually the first of its kind on youtube.
As for the videos he makes it's definitely serviceable.
This is a based pic and based advice. I will allow it. Thanks, Anon. You've inspired me to do some Jak drawings.
I feel like it must be a spectrum. I have little body tics I have to mimic on the other side of my body to "make it even" or and a it off other little things like that I used to have to do until I started forcing myself not to.
Don't try to apply logic to anime illustartion. It's all about appeal and using those "How to draw hair" twitter tutorials.
>>and shit and *none* of them are “clicking” or making me see any significant improvement.
Just because these courses aren't working for me doesn't mean the courses aren't good or that they haven't helped improve the art of thousands of other people. The content is good, I'm just bad at it.
Absolutely based
Real OCD can be life ruining. 99% of people who clame to have it is self diagnosed and it's used to make them look more quirky/ interesting
There are various degrees of severity to just about anything. I have medically confirmed ADHD, which is also considered as a joke illness by average joe. Been on meds as a kid, then some doctor got asked for another opinion and he was shocked by what they've prescribed me, taught me how to cope with it instead and nowadays I'm a successful adult with a great job, no meds needed. On the other hand, I've got a friend with ADHD and dude literally cannot even do his hobbies without meds, it gets him violently frustrated and depressed whenever that happens but he cannot help it. Seriously: he loves cars, he wants to fix up his project car but forgot to get a new meds prescription once, he managed to waste a whole day without doing a thing while sitting in a garage right next to a car. Various degrees of severity.
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took way too long, but i finally finished a coloured piece. i want to improve, but i'm not really sure what to focus on. any advice would be appreciated :}
contrast, light and shadow. it barely reads
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Is there any benefit to doing grayscale into colour? I've been floundering about with it, and while it is much faster to get the values down I still find myself struggling with the whole "convert it into colour" part which gives me some doubts on the whole time saving aspect.
I can see her [spoiler] bones [/spoiler]
is this good?
I feel im not good enough at drawing and I still procastinate when trying to write some novels or short stories and am lazy when trying to study art for real but at the same time i feel its the only thing I can do with joy, besides consuming art (anime, manga and vn).Why am i like this and what should i do?
Trad oil painters will do a whole underpainting in umber before painting over it. Maybe do more actual painting and less playing around with filters and levels.
take vitamin d and get off the computer/phone.
Fair point actually, I keep seeing these guides of people using gradient maps but there's still quite a bit of manual tweaking beyond just slapping shit on.
What exactly are you "not good enough" for? If you know it, try to figure out what exactly are you lacking, then keep splitting it into smaller topics until you get some idea on where to go, what to improve, what to focus on. The way I see it, there are two options: you don't know where to go, or you're lying about doing it with joy. I hope it's the first option, and then it's easy, sit down on your ass and decide on something you lack, then figure out how to get it right, then work on getting it right.

If you don't even know what exactly are you "not good enough" for, definitely put some effort into figuring this one out, beating yourself over a subjective "i don't think i'm good" seems like a state that can go forever
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Just some bullshit doodling
Work out and eat better
I think grayscale is great for learning and analyzing a piece at early stages, if I'm correct, going from grayscale to color was the point of glazing, which was mainly used due to the limitations of the medium of that time, pigment was expensive and scarce, so what they did was use the underpainting to develop the values and layers and finish it with a glaze of color, a thin slightly opaque of color. At least that's the consensus of all the Caravaggio documentaries I've seen.

Things you should keep in mind, digital colors are additive, think of a flashlight with a tinted lens this is why color mixing in digital is different than IRL (and other physical phenomena). the biggest flaw in gray to color in my opinion is at least in digital its easy to end up with muddy edges and invariable hues, not to mention that different hues are perceived differently e.g. yellow and a purple with the same mathematical value will be perceived differently.

it reads nicely, I like it do more thumbnails and compositions.
>it reads nicely, I like it
Thanks anon
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What i am doing wrong with this lineart business?
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I did not draw yesterday because I was playing factorio but I will repent
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low-key proud of this quick construction.
Both ultra based.
Good job lads.
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are there any specific improvements you'd make?
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bit of a sketch. why my designs aways feel like i could do more with them
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The BEST form. The BEST. I can feel any form. Ask any int. They see my form. They tell me they never seen anybody with better form.
i learned that ocd is not really scary compared to psychotic disorders with heavy hallucinations/derealization/anhedonia/etc
one can always defy their spikes and say fuck it and apply paradoxical intention that counters ocd
there's nothing quirky about it. obsessions often take disgusting or horrible forms, you can't be proud of having abominable thoughts or images
good news is that they're still fucking thoughts, unlike schizo hallucinations when their sense of reality is fucked up
the toes on her right foot are a bit too thin and you should remove the wrinkle on her right ass cheek imo.
otherwise it's good, especially the perspective
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just did this to try out some new brushes. meant to be a Junji Ito Tomie pic. but i didn't wanna 1:1 it. i wanted to have it be more my own than an attempt at a direct replica.

note: trolls impersonating me to make me look bad, so don't assume replies to any comments left are me.
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it looks nice. the eyes seem too large to me and her mouth looks like its a different perspective.
but fucking kek what did you do to get involved in such drama? this is probably the funniest post in this thread.
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>what did you do
nothing. been happening for years now. someone on 4chan has been replying to people who reply to me with vile shit to make me look like an asshole to make people hate me. they did it on drawthreads in various boards, they just did it a week ago or so on the artist rant thread in /trash/
before that they would report me for anything i posted to get me banned on 4chan. so pretty much someone obsessed with seeing me fail.

this is the pic i used for >>7220412 kinda hard to compete with junji ito. measuring sizes properly has always been one of my main issues too. if it's not an oversized head, it's the eyes or arms or hands etc.
yeah like i said it looks nice i like your hair. measuring stuff up and proportions really comes with time and practice, its not somethnig you can just bang out in a practice session. as for the mouth- its a perspective issue. in your rendition, the mouth is almost facing completely forward (it's sides are even, its not going the way of horizon line) where as in junji ito's you can see that the further side is smaller and has a sharper peak than the closer one, as well as its goign towards the horizon, as in its clearly more diagonal . the biggest improvement you could do to that drawing would be to fix the mouth
Shine is the lightest part

base color is orange

darker shade of orange is shaded

and that lighter blueish tint in the dark area is bounce light
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How does this look?
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Acrylic bros help me out
thanks for the feedback. yeah, the mouth bothered me. didn't feel like as much of a smile as his does.
i'm gonna correct it though, i think it's smarter to take the lesson and apply it to future stuff, since this was just a practice to see if i liked a new brush i downloaded. still, thanks.
It looks very /beg/!
Okay, but are the hands good? They're what I've been practicing the most.
I think it looks pretty good in terms of appeal. Work on proportions. Your forearm and thigh anatomy are the strongest points, with upper arms, torso, and the chest being the weakest points. Try not making the upper arm so long. The pelvis is alright but the hip needs more emphasis especially as this is a woman. It’s also pretty flat, try getting stronger understanding of forms and how the body is drawn in perspective. Lastly, the clothing is alright but the folds are arbitrarily drawn at some points especially the forearm folds
Two in the pink.
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Not that anon but I think the hand orientation works well in accordance to the pose but you don’t bear in mind the relationship the fingers have with the metacarpals. The metacarpals all move towards the wrist area and that has to be implied when drawing the fingers even in a manner as simple as yours . Like on the right hand on her hip notice the ring finger is moving towards the opposite end of her hand instead of her wrist
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I won't call this an improvement it isn't, just an example, your drawing software may have a bunch of image manipulation tools that make it easier to explore ideas.
1) duplicate the image, turn it to grayscale, fiddle with the color curve and put the layer in luminosity blend mode, set opacity around 30%.
2) Duplicate the layer, fiddle with the color balance, make the shadows warmer (red) and the highlights cooler (blue), try different blending modes and reduce the opacity around 5%.

For better ideas I would look at 80's B-rated horror movies, they loved the kind of lighting and setting you are going for, slumber party massacre II comes to mind.
I think "flatness" is probably the biggest problem with a lot of my art. I get that critique a lot. I think I need to study the upper body anatomy more. There's something I find intuitive about drawing female thighs that make it easy but it's the opposite with the upper body. In my mind the hardest bit for me to visualize is where the arm connects to the shoulder.
The upper body is really difficult to draw so I completely understand. You should probably try to study the ribcage and how everything connects to it to better understand the shoulder area, because imo that’s one of the hardest things to draw on the body, especially in different perspectives . Good luck though anon. .
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How is grinding more anatomy going to fix the flatness problem? I think improving your gradients/values and applied perspective is a better strategy if you want to cure flatness.
It’ll fix the flatness because he’ll learn more about the forms of the body through learning anatomy. When you know how a pelvis looks in 3d it gets easier to draw someone’s hip without looking flat. Plus, It doesn’t have to be one or the other, he should simply learn both. Anatomy and perspective should work in conjunction to one another.
I need to do both of that tbhonest. How did you guys know this was the case? And since you anwsered that, how do you think the excess of computer and an unhealthy life (eating bad, not going out, as you both said and etc) affects people when they'll draw?

Thank you, maybe that is the case: i dont know where to go. I kept telling myself that i should hone my skills before drawing my manga but i never drew it, so maybe i lost something about drawing in between this process. But i also fear i'm not enjoying drawing too. Although i enjoyed reading a bit of Perspective Made Easy and drawing a recent illustration. Well, i'll think better about what i want to reach but the anwser is getting clearer as i write this. Thank you. The other anons are right as well, maybe my unhealthy life is affecting my drawings
Your eyes and mouth are slanting the wrong way so her features don't align with her skull.
Right leg is different, look where the knee touches the swimsuit.
Face expression is completely different. Compare distance between eye and hair, eye size, etc. Try to correct until you get something similar
Hair is different. I know it's a pain in the ass but try to think about why the original artist did it like that.
Whenever you have to fill in with your knowledge, like the parts outside the border of the original image, it looks kinda wonky. That's because you are copying someone, let's say, that is lv80 in drawing, and you are at let's say lv30. You can either get another reference that shows how to do those parts, or try until you get it right through trial and error, because right now it looks kinda wrong.
Some parts of the lineart do look really good, like the swimsuit or the hands. Copying and studying is how you acquire a taste for things so it's good that you are doing this. I wish you luck
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Today I didn't feel like I was being productive.
I made this it last.
Tomorrow I start working I hope I don't quit drawing
Any opinion on this? I made the wizard meme cuz It was funny until Duolingo recreate the meme
I will improve tomorrow about shading and correcting everything else, good night lads
Judging by the box on the belt and all the non-anatomical stuff in the illustration, it sounds like a great plan to burn out without substantial results.
not working out and eating bad lead to insomnia. Not sleeping hinders learning which hinders drawing
So just because it has non-anatomical elements in the other drawing, they cant work on anatomy? Like I said they can work in conjunction to another. He can study perspective and anatomy. Just grinding perspective alone sounds like a better way to burn out, at least anatomy will spice things up
NEW THREAD >>7220504
A case of snowman fingers, fix this by paying more attention to the ref and it looks great.
Actually the thumb is kinda broken too but I guess that's an easy fix as well

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