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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

>PYW and give your feedback
What can be improved?
Are there any resources videos or books you'd recommend to them?
Maybe a redline or a technique, be specific.
Try to reply to someone as you post your own work.

>Cool teachers
Glenn Vilppu
Michael Hampton
Steve Huston
Brent Eviston
Marco Bucci
Andrew Loomis
George Bridgman

>Cool books
Keys To Drawing
Drawing With the Right Side of the Brain
How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way
The Art and Science of Drawing
Fun With A Pencil
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth
The Complete Guide to Drawing From Life

Check out https://nma.art for a subscription based academic approach to learning art

Previous thread >>7220504
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Thanks OP
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With what? It looks fine
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I should just go back to pencil portraits, or learn landscapes or something
Shit even that is hard af.
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Done. This was really fun to paint.
Any criticism is welcome
Yesterdays sketch
I want to do both the hatching and coloring, but I consider. I did some attempts at it, but it doesn't seem to pop out as strongly as monochrome drawings.
Any ideas how to deal with that?
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This was in my trash pile
idk feels a bit easier of a track to start down
Don't know how much it helps, but I did something similar a few weeks ago.
The wash was very light and flat and the hatching was my way to add value. Can't say there felt like much of a point of using the watercolor for value.
>The wash was very light and flat
I was thinking of using very desaturated base color and then using hatching with saturated, dark color.
But if I were to draw an apple like that, then it would end up very pink, especially in strong light.
>idk feels a bit easier of a track to start down
well, it's not. It's a very efficient trap for beginners to ever think *anything* in art is "easy." Myself included.

Nothing is easy. It doesn't matter what your subject is, you're going to create absolute shit for a long time.
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No problem, right guys?
Gonna color now
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Am I learning?
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any criticism is appreciated <3
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I have been awake for the last 38 hours
lordosis is no joke
enjoyment is the most important thing, what's the point if you are not having fun?
anything that gets you drawing is a good motivation
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some doodles, haven't draw for two (three?) days
I drew a crow, give me backpats
The Moon looks shocked.
Go to bed.
Nice, have a clear vision of where the light and shadows are and you will be all set, you can use cardboard or wood to add rough textured lines.

Needs work in your ellipse contours, some are too open, some are too closed, great job .
Here is a sphere and cylinder model with some contour lines use them as reference.

the lack of light in the bottom head and her eye shape makes her look flat to me.
probably won't be able to draw for the rest of today so posting this unfinished doodle to hold myself accountable
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I did this one yesterday

You could say it is.. astro-nished.
Aha ahaha ahahaha!

How the fuck do I paint. It's all oil painting and I want some beginner tips to play around with gouache.
>How the fuck do I paint
Well finally after about three weeks I did another figure study...

Well the good news is compared to before, constructing the body felt more natural...kinda, I still don't construct limbs properly.

Bad news is my accuracy got worse, the arms are too long and the general flow of the poses aren't right. I didn't sleep well last night so I an chalking this up to both needing better sleep and just being rusty. But that being said it didn't feel as hard to do compared to before. Even the somewhat lackluster breasts on the left girl look better than what I could have done in the past.

Should I learn from Michael Hampton on how to construct bodies next? Also I feel I am rusty with the Loomis head method, though I keep not really knowing what I should do with that, unless I should just do decent head shapes over and over until it sticks.

I am done for the day, hopefully I'll do even more tomorrow.
>You could say it is.. astro-nished.
>Aha ahaha ahahaha!
That was cute, anon. Be careful not to say stuff like that around me or I might kiss you on the lips
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Okay retard
Got some nice enerhy going there, good job!
*kisses you on the lips*
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How's going fellow begtards
Has pawell given up yet?

Some doodles to dump while passing by. Never drew robot/mecha before so tried giving it a shot after colette
For 5 brawl stars fags who know
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My nigga surge
>started 1,5yrs ago
>still prebeg
>ocd, anxiety, impatience interfere and make me procrastinate drawing
will i ever start to draw for real
Which pencil and bulk paper for exercises would you recommend?
you can't draw with mental illnesses. i'm sorry. art is a healthy man's game.
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Forgot to add feetmaxxing

though to think about it, famous artists who are fucked in the head mostly get famous once they die. still, art is a form of expression, and the more broken you are, the more interesting it is to admire it from safe distance, so it's no wonder that properly famous artists are broken inside more often than not
Put the lights on before you take pictures of your art you complete fucking mongoloid.
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How is it?
hb + 4b and printer paper
>How is it?
Exactly the same like all the other ones.
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How about now nigga
Now you pointed a light source directly at the paper and positioned the camera, as if on purpose, to reflect it. You're either trolling, or incurably stupid.
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Perma/beg/ gang reporting.

Non stop grinding until i make it into the funnies page of any newspaper willing to publish this, uh, "illustration"?
>do 3 studies in a row where I make the jaw too short
>”hmm, guess I should err on the side of making it a little longer”
>next study, make the jaw longer
>I overshoot it and it’s too long
I wish i could say i was trolling
But nah i am that retarded sadly
brother what the fuck are you doing with that pelvis
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Overall your work doing well, just clean up on you solid drawing and improving that line confidence will make a world of difference. You need to clarify some areas in the drawing. Like with the ornament at her waist. Take the time to elaborate on what it is and how it lays in space. I had a hard time trying to understand what I was looking at and it ends up distracting me from the rest of the drawing. The ornament on the feels flat although there's evidence to suggest it's raised. you can indicate the raised portion with a heavy line weight. Next is the hair. Hair works in layers, Notice for the sideburns that you have those 2 locks sticking out randomly? With the way you drew it, you're implying that the entire sideburn lock originates from the top of the head and also that the edges were cut at a different length. Nero's haircut is a decent example that's applicable to your drawing. Some research into what you're about to draw helps with that. While your line art has been coming along, it'll sell the weight of the breasts should you add a shadow shape like try does on the left. This can be down at other key points in the drawing to increase contrast in areas you want people to look at. The area I have circled in red is a little strange to look at in the context of how you've drawn the rest of the hair. We went from graceful curves to almost harsh jagged lines. This makes for a jarring experience.

It feels as though you're a bit tense with these lines.
Brother, what the fuck are you doing with that poor critique?

But in all seriousness, it's far more useful to explain what's wrong rather than to say "That's wrong".

As to what's wrong with it, and desu I have no idea what one you are talking about so I'll assume you are talking about both?

The left one looks saggy/too thin and seems stretched vertically. The right one is bent back too much...surprised you didn't comment on how her buttcrack was borderline not even there as that's the issue I noticed more considering the whole thing was rushed.
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I did dis
don't say desu because it'll just change it to desu
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Is this how studying another artist's art should be done? These don't usually take too much time, and I spend more time trying to make up guidelines to follow and making notes than the actual drawing part.
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i see my painting was put in the op pic, here's 2 more- idk if they're up to snuff tho
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Uh oh! He's looking at your other drawings
recommend me some artists to study simple fantasy backgrounds
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WTF, I see a totally different hot pose in the thumbnail.
Guys did anyone else saw something like picrel in this thumbnail? >>7223339
what the fuck bro
Based schizophrenic
i see at least 10 new pieces from you everyday in every thread, god i wish i was that productive
Told ya you're the best
Gonna need source for that cowprint.
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Hi guys
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I appreciate the feedback, I can see you took the time to help me
in the area you circled it was supposed to be fabric slipping down the arm but I confess it wasn't that clear
I have a lot of difficulty with hair, I tend to create repeated patterns instead of creating random shapes.
picrel is the official character illustration btw
also, I'm also glad that you chose Trylsc's pics because he is my inspiration and I tend to draw in his style, so I hope my drawing reminded you of his work in some way
I saw your version too lol
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here's also the sketch, In some ways it looks better than the final version

trylsc last doujin
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I was procrastinating today, but I finished lesson 6 of 'You Can Draw in 30 Days' today.

I'm VERY new to drawing and found 'Keys to Drawing' a bit too difficult. I then switched to this one and it's pretty fun and I think it's a good foundation for drawabox.

I want to be as cool as you here and make neat art~
neat style
you should make the thing on the lower left into some fantasy world
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current wip
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the right eye looks a bit too long imo, i also think some the face should show on the left side of the left eye, just a bit. and i moved the mouth slightly to the left to match the 3/4 perspective more. dont be afraid to fully shade a section instead of just the edge/ apart of it especially if hardly any light would hit that area like the neck and the palm of the hand.
Your boxes for the pelvis are fucked and wrong the pelvis is titled yes but not that much
Go look up the landmarks of the pelvis proko has a video on it I believe
That's all the hand-holding you're getting now stop seething NIGGER
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still learning how to work with paint. still yet to completely finish a piece without burning out
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Uh, those are adult woman proportions right, i didn't accidentally make it look like pic?, anatomy is even more fucked, hand doesn't really connect but my mind crashed on that sleeve trying to get the poofiness right.

Anyway, is Noel Chapman's Creative Fashion Drawing book good for designing costumes n shit?
Asking as someone who's only ever worn tees and jorts.
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is Vilppu's Drawing Manual still the best way of learning gesture drawing/figure sketching if my main goal is to draw anime bitches? from what people say he's a bit of a gooner, but I don't know if that's just a meme or not
Unironically yes.
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Some sketchbook stuff I did. Been trying to practice coloring stuff again
what makes him good for that goal? or did you mean yes he's a gooner
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Why do they do this weird shit where the skin is glossy and looks like genitals? They also do this shit on eye bags. I swear it's some sick Korean fetish. It's got the same vibe as feet cucks that spend a lil too much time rendering the feet and adding a few too many flushed tones.
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It's one of if not the best figure drawing book in the world.
It's public domain so ease of access.
Extremely well presented literature and drawings made by him.
His book is a fundamental taught in most Japanese art classes, to the point the man himself held seminars to Japanese students.
have you heard of lip gloss, lil bro?
They make that shit for eyes and cuticles too?
They have an obsession with eye bags as a beauty symbol in Korea to the point they all get eye filler since they're not born with it. I wouldn't be surprised if it is fetishized.
Ok I'll admit that looks pretty garish. But I will still hold that >>7223593 is pretty tame compared to this lol. Like it's just a pointless thing to get hung up over
Yes. Nail polish and high lighters (glitter) that you can put in the part of the face that catches the light to make features pop.
I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of female artist got into drawing to play make up on their drawings.
Btw made a rough 3D model for this character as I hate drawing it. Will this impact my progress negatively as I’m just copying rather than using my brain or does it not matter? im considering doing it for other annoying characters.
based, big brain
> Will this impact my progress negatively as I’m just copying rather than using my brain or does it not matter?
no, the masters did even wackier things as hacks
Looks maxxing demon, i dig it.
Yeah DaVinci did a lil bit of wacky Cadaver spelunking. Lil bit of goofy ol corpse carabeening. Silly lil carcass embarcus
this belongs in a patrick bateman sigma edit
I'd wager that eventually you'll just be able to do it from imagination after copying the model as reference enough. I doubt it would impact you too much, but at the same time you should try and draw the characters solely from imagination every now and then so as not to be wholly reliant on it.
LOL I can hear the beat drop already
I was going to ask you to redpill me on the wacky things from the masters but I guess >>7223633 answered

Someone told me it looks like handsome squidward wich devastated me tho I’m to lazy to redesign it, you are making me feel a bit better

Makes sense, will do !
Dude you're so freaking talented. Crabs don't even know what hit them LOL
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this is what i thought of
I like your character design!
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my main oc rn is a shaggy fey man. i don't post much art of him because he's fat and not humanly built and not good for studies because of that. i wish he was, though. attached
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Forgot file.
I’ll check it out seems fun


I don’t think an unrealistic body built is a bad study, take Pixar characters for instance.
Other than that pretty good tho the eyes seem a bit small and the nose a bit sketchy compared to the rest.
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Random doodle I did while watching a movie.
I like to use warm ups as an excuse to just do doodles and have fun like this. It helps me get any bad drawings out and get more comfortable with starting a drawing session.
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Overall a good piece and I dig the s-curve that her body makes. That being said I think a couple of adjustments are needed to bring out its full potential.
Left forearm should be far bigger than right due to perspective. Otherwise great work.
I chose try as a reference because you always mention him. Your work and try's feel the same, but the main distinction between you and try at the moment are your observational skills and line confidence. Becoming proficient at some still life drawing or inking will get you closer to producing better work. It might not hurt to glance over some of the first chapters from how to draw by scott robertson. Specifically tracking xyz coordinates in space, you can apply these techniques in bits and peices during still life drawings to adapt them to your needs. Even just making a simple cross section helps in understanding and object in space. The primary concern is definitely accurate observation with whatever subject you come across. This helps in critically analyzing your own work so that you can think about what to focus on next. The only reason why I recommend still life drawing is because the subjects are simple. You only need to worry about your most basic fundamentals.

On how to better improve your line quality, there are only so many aspects a line can carry. Hard vs Soft, Light vs Dark, and Thick vs Thin. If you think about a subject's form, material, light pattern and the mood you want to convey in a painting during the process, I think you'll come out by performing and making informed decisions. Some of this comes with time and active studying. Then the rest of it comes from experience and mindset.
not much worth looking at, but it was fun. might finish it later.
I recognize SOVL when I see it... And I'm looking right at it.
Amazing, I like your rendition more than the actual ref
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Need to keep practicing to avoid wobbly lines. Also coming up with lines for hair strands is a pain!
The horizontal mirror feels like cheating lol feel like I shouldn't abuse it going forward.
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Thx. I sorted out the face.

Thanks too but damn, this pose is too advanced for me. I'll save it in my study folder for next time.

Also, the crow below is a symbol. St Benedict was saved from poisoning multiple times, one is that of a bird who took his poisoned bread. A crow eating a snake is kinda necessary to bring the symbolism of protection against poisoning of both the body and the soul
Thats a fuckton of volume. All in a single stride?
No, this was done in about two days.
That's ok anon. Tools are tools. Use them. Take advantage of it. Like, try different hairstyles, try different neck shapes, thicker necks, or thicker on the base of the head and thinner in the middle, different eyebrows, different eyelashes, the mirror tool will help you to do those explorations faster. Use it. Don't stay in one picture, do many, one after the other, you need to build up mileage. Don't get bogged down on coloring stuff and rendering, just keep drawing. And keep pushing forward no matter what.
The pic is cute. Keep at it.
Oh my god, that's amazing. I'm gonna have to save that for the upper back details alone. Thanks a ton anon!
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Tonight's doodle. Torso is bad and face looks like she has downs.
I will try to look at it tomorrow after sleep.
Why do you always put the neck pushed to the right and make the torso too long? Can you not track the centerline of her body?
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So much thanks anon
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Does it take anyone else an absurd amount of time just to shit out a simple sketch?
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hmmm today i will draw maybe
how much time are we talking about?
I'm trying to study faces and their proportion, but I can't establish the face shape properly without ending up tracing the vague shape off of my screen. how do teach myself to plan out shapes in my studies without tracing?
This is my favorite one of yours so far. Very appealing
Water colours seem like the easiest because they need almost no prep and equipment. But they can be tough as shit. Most beginners end up too washed or too muddy. I think you've gone for caution here, so it looks a bit faded. Maybe add some gouache to add highlights or as a black ink to hide the pencil which makes it look rough.
>hatching is used for shading
>but digital artists use also typical painting to shade at same time
It's surprisingly difficult to find anyone doing just hatching. So far I found no one.
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Doodles from the weekend with references
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think i'm getting better
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here is my stuff from earlier for comparison
You can always just try anon!
Not everything ends up as presentable art
Idk anon, I can go and make portraits easily so changing art/style has been discouraging.
Well I figure you can always add more if need be.
>Maybe add some gouache to add highlights or as a black ink to hide the pencil which makes it look rough.
Decisions, decisions, I hate those but noted in any case Ill consider it when I work on another one
>want to get good at art
>have fun doing art once i'm actually in the groove
>but can't actually start doing it
i hate this, i've been drawing for nearly a year now and still haven't figured out a way to surefire overcome this feeling

it's like i KNOW i have to draw to get where i want to be in 5-10 years, yet i can't get my body to do it
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idk if I'm 'beg or 'int' or 'high' or anything anymore, I stopped posting in 2022 after I made it, just please for the love of god (or whoever you believe in) please help me figure out what is wrong with my process.
I know, I know, alright, I should use reference pics, but here is what I already know and how I apply that, I'll use ref pics when I'll figure out what the fuck do I actually need to learn from them, otherwise it's just banging my head against the wall without learning, 'draw moar' is a meme advice sold to newbies in the field
1. any time you think about where you want to be one day, some goal you want to achieve, some artist you want to be 'as good as', etc, don't think of every drawing as being an attempt at being that good. think of it as an experiment. everything you do is an experiment. when your experiment is finished, consider if you are now closer to where you want to be one day. if so, that's great! you just need to do more of those experiments and you'll get there, since you are moving forward. if the experiment is NOT closer to where you want to be, that's great! you know what NOT to do in order to get closer to where you want to be.
2. instead of trying to sit down and draw for a half hour, or an hour, or all day, or to finish a piece, or sketch 100 boxes, or whatever you want to do, think in terms like this:
"i'm going to open my art program and get my tablet ready, and draw a couple lines to make sure it still works"
"i'm going to get out my sketchbook and pen and draw the date"

this is the same mentality as "i'm going to put my running shoes on and fill up my water bottle" rather than "i'm going to go for a run". if you think of things in the former way, it doesn't seem like a big deal, but when you already have your bottle filled and your shoes on, why not go run?
if you think of it in the latter way, it's easy (especially if you have ADHD) to think "a run, huh... that's gonna take time, and i'm gonna get sweaty, and i'm gonna be tired, and it's hot outside", etc... drawing, or anything else is the same way
do people really just droooow without accurately measuring proportions and doing tons of mental math?..
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. I made a setup in Google Sheets where I can plug in measurements for the reference and my sketchbook (it does calcs for the proportions). But I try not to rely on that too much so I can learn how to accurately copy things just by sight
How am I seething? I just want actual proper critiques not substanceless bullshit.

You gave a better critique now though so why didn't you say that in the first place.
Fug u seethe more basterd benchod
Don't interact with weirdos, anon, you're just gonna lower your own IQ
Nice projections homo
Doing furfag shit I vaugely do
Doing actual people portraits, no just draw what you see, simple as
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is this /beg/?
drawing is hard and demanding and everyone has high standards
it's so tempting to give up because fuck it
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>pillowshading & cellshading
>central symmetric composition
>non fitting colors
>symboldrawing on hands and mouths
pretty beg if you ask me
I have a sweetspot where I am tired enough to not overthink my art but fresh enough to be compelled to draw and then I can create good stuff, picrel.
life is generally hard, you aren't supposed to have an easy life, you are supposed to get stronger. The worst part of it all is probably having nobody to rely on so I'd advise finding a gf/bro/boyfriend/dude/mentor/parental figure who could be your emotional help.
bump, I feel like my choice of shadows is too bland & milquetoast but there is also that "something wrong" that I can't put my finger on.
I suck so much even though ive been drawing for so long...just fucking kill me dude
/beg/ but it has some style, and style is a great thing to have. It's simple but pleasant to look at, body motions are complimenting each other - the only thing that I feel a bit off about is that there's no separation between middle boy and everyone else, so he kinda blends in, everything else feels like it's exactly as it should be.

It's good kind of /beg/.
for #2, how do you notice just un-trick yourself? i feel like any time i'd do that i'd just immediately go "ok well i did a few lines, guess that's that" and close the program
Sinix has some good video's for the basics.
Sure, but you weren’t instantly good at portraits. It took time for it feel easy is my point.
Thanks bro, will keep that in mind.
I will do my best!
Did I really need to understand fundies if I’m gonna draw cunny?
here's a piece of art that DOES NOT understand fundations, and notice that it's not even scratching the top potential.
I made it for my Pathfinder WotR playthrough and didn't give a single crap about basics and I barely clutched it into "decency" by springing up the colors a notch, but without structure, good transitions and reference pics to use, it looks mid as fuck at best.
I assume it's the same with porn of any sort.
I'd advise you to bite the bullet and accept that everyone at some point studied fundies and got well from it, whether by rejecting fundies or embracing them.
I'm crying
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Study done for the day
It feels more painful anon
thanks, i'm still figuring out what level of stylization i want for my portraits
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Alright I started yesterday and did this. What are my next steps? I know nothing
try to draw it in more detail, realize it's quite tricky, try to make a simplified structure of the character from boxes and circles and shit, then try drawing on top of that again, this time in more detail

well, at least that's one of your options. i think the objectively correct take would be "draw some more"
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depends on if you are drawing or painting.
For painting the casual process looks something like:
Make background some pastel dim color
Fill out shapes with color
Add dark shadow where needed
Smudge stuff that needs a smudge
Give hard edges where they are needed
Add even darkest shadows where there need to just be lines
Smudge the darkest shadows
Add ambient light
Add reflection light
Add sharpest light
Make details sharper where it matters
all ive drawn so far today
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Portrait practice

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