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Does anyone know anyone on ozempic? Is it possible there will be no more fat people in the west?
Do you think the Senate will be able to realize that prices here are high when compared to other countries because we don't have a nationalized universal healthcare program? And then maybe they'll start to work towards creating one? This is sarcastic, naturally.
big nutella should give out ozempic freebies, so their customers can eat more slop and feel good about it
Sucks to be a diabetic with all the freaks hogging it up
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>happiness pills
>health pills
>fitness pills
Why is the firstie dream to become a zombie ?
Why are they like this ?
I think it's great, probably one of the most important inventions of the 21st century
if this does something it's to make people sick
firstie life is all things considered, boring.
It's only given to type 2 diabetics here. Not a free way for fat fucks to drop weight.
And the requirements are pretty harsh. You need to be on a proper diet, follow given health advice and actually try to get healthy or you will be denied further use.
My aunt was one of the first to get on it here, but she's a lazy bitch and refused to change anything else so her doctors told her to fuck off basically.
has to get a lot cheaper before it makes sense for insurance companies to subsidise it
i'll be jealous of the first fatty-free generation though
>Not a free way for fat fucks to drop weight.
Nothing's free in the USA, let alone medicine.
I meant more in a way of effort. I've seen a lot of people discussing it on forums and everyone seem to be hyped over "losing weight while doing nothing"..
>Is it possible there will be no more fat people
Most Americans don't even have comprehensive dental coverage and out of pocket costs are high so your teeth are a class indicator. In the future only poor people will be fat and there'll be entire districts/ghettos where fats are cordoned off.
It’s fantastic
All the retarded obese subhuman amerilards will go bankrupt poisoning themselves with this instead of just walking around a bit and putting the fork down
Why do people pay so much attention to obesity rates? Metabolic dysfunction rates should scare you a hell of a lot more.
I'm on it. I've lost 40 kilos since September 2023.
It works so long as you're willing to keep up with it, basic CICO. The main effect it has for weight loss is just an appetite suppressant, it makes you feel full quicker and for longer, but you still have to track things and actively work towards goals.
Even with the very limited appetite I now have (can't stomach more than 500grams every 4-6 waking hours), I could easily balloon out just by eating low-weight, calorie-dense sugary shit and cutting all my exercises.
40 kilos and what did you start from?
Were you pre-diabetic?
My brother is on it. He's a big diabetic fatty and it's doing nothing kek.
I guess it's not working for all people because he's still stuffing his face with snacks and junkfood every day.
147 at the start, 106 as of last Sunday. Still a ways to go.
Teetering on the edge of pre-diabetic when I started, GP had me do bloodwork and all that ahead of it. Now I'm down within a normal range.
hmmm everyone is getting gut cancer...
oh I know! lets give all the fat people who are precancerous a drug that shuts down their gut motility completely and irritates and inflames the shit out of their bowels. You know, the thing that causes cancer.
This can certainly not have any negative effects. No way at all.
All fat people who took this shit will have gut cancer in 3 years.
And that's a GOOD thing
From what I understand of how it's described it basically just makes you feel full. You could probably achieve similar effects by just eating food with a lot of fiber.
I think part of the backlash is just people taking a moralistic position, you don't deserve to lose weight because you should have been able to lose it yourself
They obviously can't say that so they just try to minimise the danger you were in and whine about diabetic people not getting access to their drugs
Something most people don't understand is that once you develop diabetes, you're going to have it for the rest of your life even if you lose weight
You getting ozempic and losing a ton of weight has eased the potential lifetime burden of a diabetic person on the health system and thank god for that
I'm pretty sure diabetic people have a lot of medications available to control their blood glucose, but there are none to prevent a pre-diabetic from developing diabetes
seems win-win
you both live in countries with socialized healthcare
who do you think is going to pay for all the fat balls of cancer rolling around?
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I've been tempted to buy it, I am a disgusting blob of fat and things must change
I know people who insisted the vax was toxic and gave them chronic health problems that are now taking ozempic to reverse the weight gain they believe the vax made them gain…

In reality they just became a total couch potato after COVID.
Eat less, move more. It's free.
Before you try drugs, buy a jump rope and jump rope for 30 minutes everyday.

You will lose weight. Guaranteed.
A lot of boomers and gen x secretly want cancer because they love the drama of it
> when I’m rich then I’ll live the life I want
> when I’m skinny then I’ll live the life I want
They think it’s a shortcut to living the life they want to live.
Fat people die faster (usually right after they stopped paying taxes) and thus save money compared to that healthy grandpa living till 105 collecting 40 years of retirement
yeah but cancer is a long term illness with a lot of required supportive care
a heart attack from obesity just kills them
Yeah. People only have value as long as they make line go up right? God forbid they have a long healthy life and collect the pension they paid into
5 years survival rates for colon cancer are like 10%
How does this tie in with what I said?

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