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Why are tourists in Japan so disrespectful? And why do white women love dogs so much?
white women love the knot
i can't express how much i hate women. at least an annoying male tourist will start a fight or do something funny. women will just do this obnoxious, dumb shit.
You just know
>Hachikō (ハチ公, November 10, 1923 – March 8, 1935) was a Japanese Akita dog remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his owner, Hidesaburō Ueno, for whom he continued to wait for over nine years following Ueno's death.[2]

>Hachikō was born on November 10, 1923, at a farm near the city of Ōdate, Akita Prefecture.[3] In 1924, Hidesaburō Ueno, a professor at the Tokyo Imperial University, brought him to live in Shibuya, Tokyo, as his pet. Hachikō would meet Ueno at Shibuya Station every day after his commute home. This continued until May 21, 1925, when Ueno died of a cerebral hemorrhage while at work. From then until his death on March 8, 1935, Hachikō would return to Shibuya Station every day to await Ueno's return.

>During his lifetime, the dog was held up in Japanese culture as an example of loyalty and fidelity. Since his death, he continues to be remembered worldwide in popular culture with statues, movies and books. Hachikō is also known in Japanese as chūken Hachikō (忠犬ハチ公, 'faithful dog Hachikō'), with the suffix -kō originating as one once used for ancient Chinese dukes;[4] in this context, it was an affectionate addition to his name Hachi.
Japan is just too cheap for it's own good now. They should tax overseas airplane tickets, an exception could be open for business trips
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also why aren't they japanese doing anything except seething? That's literally cuck behaviour.
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Japan is the new USA of the 1990s. It's the "cool place" everyone wants to visit.
Holy cringe
see now this is kino. women will never do shit like this.
>niggers doing this shit in america
>muricans doing this shit in foreign countries
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Whats the difference?
there isnt any, thats my point
Are white people taking it out on Asians as a form of cope?
no, they're living as they did in america and refusing to respect another countries culture. in america beatdowns like that are common and people acting rowdy on trains is regular, its why public transport is unpopular.
I'm so sick of Japs, your economy would be nothing without foreigners. Now shut the hell up and find a tourist to naked dogeza for paying for your pensions.
ok now replace "japs" with americans
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what you gonna do now japan? abandon the island and open another one? KEK
oh I know, window shut the tourists, give them everything they want, but no work
maybe your passiveness can't solve all your problems (it never did)
Why do American cops allow those things to happen?
oooh, that totally wasnt the reaction i expected. you realize you are a giant hypocrite? or perhaps you are incapable of self reflection because you have an IQ of 80 and your only life accomplishment is "being born white" and "self inserting as a grayscale picture of a russian model on an anonymous imageboard". which region of america are you from?
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>white women
Yes, the bleached thing with Asian women proves that. They are getting exterminated by bbc niggers so they try to cope with their bwc (big white cope) by cucking asian men.
after that, I'll sniff the Hachiko's back though (∪^ω^)
thank goodness asian women are taking out their frustration of having a lack of dick by starting fights and getting uppity
he probably tried scamming him and threatened him with violence first. he deserved it.
erosion of culture and tradition in their home country makes them think every country is as soulless and corporate as their own
this. americans have no culture. "culture" to americans is something to be commoditized and sold at walmart, not anything with any real value.
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A tiny bit of spontaneity occurs: Japs rage. Japs truly are like North Koreans, where both expect foreign visitors to follow an imposed behavioral script.
maybe have a little self control, you dont go into someones house and expect them to let you leave your shoes on and shit on the floor. thats why your country is third world
This channel is creepy as fuck
you are not going to believe me but I was about to post the same image with the exact same greentext. same pinch, ig.
Tiny Jap rage does not matter. What are they gonna do?
All of those women are trafficked btw.
wow lmao.
do you watch such a shitty stuff all the time?
I can safely say you are as crazy as average americans.
I think people get this gall to do this comes from how eastern religions and cultures are perceived as.

We pushed this idea that our dharmic customs are "Peaceful" "tolerant" so these subhuman whitoids take advantage of that kindness.
Did this happen in India before you guys started raping all the white female tourists?
A lot of this stuff is overblown. Japan is suffering from overtourism, so there's a significantly larger amount of tourists currently, and these incidents are propped up as representative of that, but people keep reposting the same incidents: the woman harassing the miko, the people acting shitty on the train, and now there's this. If there's really so many tourists, and there's only, like, 4-5 incidents of minor disrespect, it doesn't seem like a real problem, just the news media overblowing it.
Please Tonari sama you guys should never regulate overtourism in japan. otherwise those idiots will directly flow into korea. we're full already so let them stay in japan.
meaning the solution is ready, and would take away korean undeserved rest
i say get to work, nips
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I am from north america and don't know how to behave in other countries starter pack
this is the exact same thing thirdies (like you) do when they see a white woman for the first time
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I have seen people do this with blonde foreigners
Holy based, showed those cuck nips
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Did you know Japan has four seasons? No other country has this
Every White person praises the four seasons of Japan
Japan is amazing
Did you also know only Japan has automatic taxi doors? When White people come to Japan for the first time they are amazed and go crazy when they see this
Japan is amazing
We have five and Poland has six. But four is okay too
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Lies, only Japan has four
Finland only has 1
Sugoi! Reishi!
>only Japan has four
That's an alright amount too. It's not as great an unique as five or six but it's alright
Upload the shit foreigners to the internet.
Many Japanese talk bad about them.
And make it into a thread on 4ch.
As long as the yen is cheap and there are too many tourists
This goes on every day.
This one is poetic justice. Japanese tourists and Asians in general are obsessed with photographing shit when they come here.
do you really think white people care? delusional, you really want to make enemies with foreigners
she looks chinese
She looks nip
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When we go visit touristic places my gf likes to take pics on top of lion statues and then says she likes riding her lion (my zodiac sign is leo)
>Japs truly are like North Koreans, where both expect foreign visitors to follow an imposed behavioral script.
Are you implying it's a bad thing?
>and expect them to let you leave your shoes on and shit on the floor. thats why your country is third world
You're the ones known for wearing shoes inside your house dumbass, nobody in Europe does that
Ur gf sounds horny
Because jails are full and prosecutors won't do shit. Judges will say "boys will be boys" and just leave a mark on their record, which hurts future employment but to the poor underclass this means nothing.
I feel sympathetic to the japanese, italians, french, basically any culture that faces excessive tourism. I specifically don't want to visit Japan because I would feel embarrassed just from being there and a tourist
Not really
Instagram and smartphones have been a disaster. I recently went on a trip to Yellowstone, and in the Yellowstone Grand Canyon (not the regular Grand Canyon, non-Americans) there was this thot that was dressed like she was about to go clubbing hiking across difficult trails for a one-off photo op. I can't imagine how bad her blisters were.
Shes cheating
>where both expect foreign visitors to follow an imposed behavioral script.
Unlike us poopisslacks who shed a tear of pride and clap our hands each time some drunk britbong retard pukes into a fountain or some nigger interrupts traffic and pushes a guy off a scooter.
Do you ever think through your posts before posting them, you moron? Of course they expect foreigners to follow a behavioural script, that's called having an actual culture and civilization, which apparently we don't.
Truth be told, i am your gf on an American proxy. This was all a test
btw thank you for having faith in me
Are these channels run by bots? Why do they insist on saying only Japan has for seasons when it's easy to check that's not true?
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But can you foreigners understand the voices of insects?
Only Japanese has this amazing ability did you know?
This bitch looks asian though
Did you know that the reason Japanese people have inside shoes/slippers is because european foreigners in the 1500s didn't want to take off their shoes in japan
Some do. Not in Finland but apparently it's a thing in some Southern European countries or something. I guess they don't get as much and shit and don't care that they'll drag in dirt
tourism brings huge amounts of money
japs are just obsessed retards
she is western asian women. western american asian women basically white women with funny eyes. some have a no asians dating rule
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they literally turn into niggers when they're in asia
I have said it for years, white Americans are niggers. Black and white americans both have huge number of niggers in their populace.
Nigga, that shit could happen in other cunt and it would still not be normal, but contrary to weebs and muh Japan folded a thousand times, we don't whine like little bitches on the internet about muh superiority every time it happens.
show me white people doing that shit in africa
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It is interesting how the word netizen is never used for western internet users. I never hear the word unless it has something to do with China/Japan.
We don’t use it.
It’s only Chinese and especially Koreans that use that word.
Why the fuck are brown people like this? Are they incapable of experiencing actual affection or love or companionship? Is this why they all turn into sex pests and criminals and don't fucking integrate?
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I am scared that if I travel to Japan I will accidentally break a social rule like not bowing in the right angle to the Shakimasukayama statue and then 10 angry Japanese chuds will come and beat me to death or something
Do you have blonde hair and blue eyes?
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This article is about Japan thoughbeit.
Are you at least white? They will still let you break social rules but may not worship you as much if you were blonde with blue eyes
? Niggas probably be doing even worse things in Africa, I mean, the point of contention here is somebody laying shirtless on a zebra crossing.
They do much worse stuff in Europe than they ever did in Japan.
They obviously have the ability to complain all they want, but that don't mean I have to buy into it.
show me a crosswalk in africa
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>nooooo you can't hecking hump the doggerino noo that's rude not the doggo
what does a stereotypical finnish accent sound like when speaking english? I'm trying to imagine a mocking voice when reading this but i cant.
Now, they'll do it just to spite you.
oh my goodness..
What I love about Japan is that their society has a deep rooted hate towards attention whores. This can lead to being frowned upon when leaving the pack, but at the same time nigger behaviours are rare to say the least. Also, total tourist death
The Hachiko statue isn't in Tokyo.
americans are disrespectful in all countries they are tourists in. theres a reason theyre rated some of the worst tourists in the world. its just that japan has a stronger culture than most and americans cant understand why people would hold their culture in high regard since america is cultureless.
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How about this?
A porno film?
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hachiko is a fake story copied from scotland
Not long ago japs were considered like the Chinese, they copied everything. Made in Japan meant fake goods
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Except that one is fake while Hachiko was well reported at the time.
>the british free press vs the japanese fake story where it goes unquestioned and fake sources are invented
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>the british free press
Konichiwa bro, it's just a statue. Settle down
>beautiful foreign woman
>kitty's hottest piss ever
What the Japs should do in response to this insult, is subject any foreigner they can catch, to beating, mutilation and sexual assault
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>”a dog waiting his master is our invention!”
white features are exotic to them so they think all whites are beautiful. same way whites think asian features are exotic.
tf shinji gon do
I will visit japan and I when they ask me where I am from I am gonna say Albania
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>dog, japan
It really is like that.
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This s0ylennial term needs to die.
Angloid, fixed
I only ever see it used in an Asian context. Chinese netizen, Japanese netizen, Korean netizen. I've never seen it referred to western internet users. At least not for 20 years now.
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True frfr
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>cat, japan
Leave the man alone, he doesn't harm a chicken.
I do not care for the context, my only thought is the cringe posters and wallpaper decorating the bar in every crevice. Maybe it was a deserved, also that was a pretty good pummel.
It's an otaku bar. The dude went there specifically for that theme yet you still suck his cock.
>turn into
America was negrified over a century ago
The mainland chinese acts like two faced rat as a tourist when visiting other asian country. At least the westerners can’t blend in when trying to be grandeur
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Probably a bigger and juicer cock compared to that Jap, look at how easily the effeminate man got beaten the fuck up, it was one sided haha.
I wish I was Japanese so I could sit on the internet and write shit about white and brown people on the internet. I would be all "ugly poo" and "smelly pig". It would be awesome. Instead I have to kneel for my asian overlords and admit I am part of the smelly pig race.
Top is ugly
Bottom is cute
It's that simple.
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I went to Japan for the first time a decade ago, and went back a few months ago. Couple thoughts:

-There are indeed way more Western tourists than there were a decade ago

-I feel that Japanese have become more Westernized/Americanized themselves, in a degenerative way: more obese people, more people (men especially) dressed in ratty t-shirts, manners somehow seemed worse although I can't put my finger on why exactly

-I didn't see any Western tourists acting in an overtly disrespectful way; to the contrary, I feel like most go out of there way to try and be polite

-There are a lot of non-Japanese Asian tourists in Japan and they can act disrespectfully too (e.g., OP) but it's less conspicuous

-Japanese can objectify tourists too, albeit in harmless ways (I remember going to Kamakura and a bunch of schoolkids approaching me with a sheet of English phrases; obviously their teacher had told them to go find a white person to practice their English on)

-Overall I feel Japanese attitudes towards Americans are essentially unchanged: they like us alright but don't worship us. Japan is still the most insular country I've been too (not a bad thing at all). I think they are inherently somewhat weary of foreigners; always have been, always will be

Thanks for reading my blog
Soul. See this is so grotesque it sort of loops around and develops a unique character of vileness, making it far more interesting than the banal evil of most newspapers.
>I went to Japan for the first time a decade ago, and went back a few months ago. Couple thoughts:
I wish I could've experienced Japan how people describe it in the early 2000s. I don't like that it's seemingly gotten a lot more popular. I know it's impossible, but a Japan for only me would've been A-Okay.
>-I didn't see any Western tourists acting in an overtly disrespectful way
I jaywalked one time for my entire stay. Just one time. I still feel bad about it.
>-I didn't see any Western tourists acting in an overtly disrespectful way; to the contrary, I feel like most go out of there way to try and be polite
I saw a bunch of pajeets or something picking fruit from a tree at a temple. It didn't make them look good.
>Japanese can objectify tourists too, albeit in harmless ways (I remember going to Kamakura and a bunch of schoolkids approaching me with a sheet of English phrases; obviously their teacher had told them to go find a white person to practice their English on)
Kamakura was a nice comfortable place to walk in. Kids doing assignments are cute. We were made to do this as kids as well, but history from old people instead of foreigners and language.
>Thanks for reading my blog
It was an alright blogpost. Thanks for writing it.
Whites/angloids are the niggers of asia apparently.
bottom has sovl (anime girls)
top doesn't
The browns there are worse in impact, there's just less of them that can afford to be there.
I feel like a lot of these problems would be solved regarding white foreigners if they were likely to get scolded face to face for bad behavior. The Japanese are too lenient on white people. Of course we can't force them to do things they are not comfortable with, but if white people getting yelled at by Japanese people for acting rude was commonplace, they'd stop acting rude and not come again.
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>It would be awesome. Instead I have to kneel for my asian overlords and admit I am part of the smelly pig race.

I hope you're not native Norwegian, talking like that.
Have some self respect. You weebs take the Japan idolatry too far.
>I hope you're not native Norwegian, talking like that.
I don't mind being white at all. I like my country and my people. I do idolize the Japanese people quite a bit though. If I was Japanese I would definitely have fun making fun of white people though. Many of us are insanely entitled and deserve to be knocked down a peg.
>Have some self respect. You weebs take the Japan idolatry too far.
We are an autistic peoples.
Niggas who are newbie to Japan now may not know that Hachiko was a traditional street smoking place
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British Bulldog House
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If the Japanese don't like tourists, why don't they beat them up?
we love tourists.

but they dont love us.
konnitchywa am very gommennasai gaikokujin
we are piggu

I think most of us do love Japan, but in recent years it is too cheap. People reason for going to Japan is changing from "Culture" to "Cheap". It is getting the south east asia treatment like philippines and thailand, noisy tourist want to get cheap fun.
Japan has fallen and is now upper middle income country, the tourists are from rich countries and this is further exaggerated by the favourable exchange rate. There is no virtue in this world but power and wealth is power. They have no reason to respect Japan and its culture anymore, simple as.
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>the tourists are from rich countries
>and this is further exaggerated by the favourable exchange rate
What you just said is the opposite of the truth. When something is expensive, only wealthy come. When something is cheap, poorer people come.
Most of Japans current tourism is from other Asian countries.
30 years ago almost half of the tourists were from Europe and USA, now they barely make up a quarter combined while other asian countries make up over 75% of all tourists.
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A current distribution of people visiting. Mainly asia.
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The bigger issue is the massive growth in visitors.
Most of these people simply don't care for the culture in the first place and with so many of them they feel emboldened by others to peform bad behavior they see others get away with. Less foreign tourists, more assimilation.
I've also been going to Nippon for a while and this is pretty accurate, though I think thr Chinese tourists stand out pretty strongly, especially when they move in big, loud herds.

I had some school kids practice their Eigo on me in Kyoto a decade ago. It was a cute.

I think the rise in social media attention whoring, xitter posts and selfies have made tourists way more obnoxious over the past 15 years, even if their behavior itself hasn't gotten explicitly worse.

social media is the root of this misbehavior, everyone wants to take their quirky picture or create content for their dumb influence. The problem is also that japan has strict rules so if you do anything slightly out of ordinary people get upset
>talk on the train? BAD
>grope on the train? GOOD
why japanese people like this? lack of sex?
>-I didn't see any Western tourists acting in an overtly disrespectful way; to the contrary, I feel like most go out of there way to try and be polite
counter point, you are american, so you don't know
the amount of times I heard an american speaking loud during my visit were one too many, you guys need to learn to shut up a little
point being, maybe you don't know exactly what is to be rude, because you are rude by nature
Chinese tourist are the worst in Japan and they are very easy to spot. The concept of queue doesn’t exist for them
>The concept of queue doesn’t exist for them
We have same problem in here with tourist and foreigners. The concept of waiting for people to get off the train before you try to get on (and not standing right outside the door, but on the sides of the door forming an opening for people to get off) doesn't seem to exist in the minds of tourists and foreigners in general. They just walk straight into the crowd slowing everyone down.

I don't understand why it's so difficult to work together to be efficient for some people.
Americans aren't much better desu but we usually travel in small groups.

I'm actually always amazed by the natural ability of civilized Asians (Japan, island Chinese, etc) to fall into neat orderly queues whenever they're faced with a narrow passage. Compared to here, where I get bumrushed whenever I try to get off the subway.

They can go overboard with the no jaywalking thing thoughever.

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