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"relaxing drive" edition

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i'm even shorter
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I wish I was in an abusive relationship with a Russian girl
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I CANT DRIVE >>198818517
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Girls are always nice to me, but I'm 6'2" so
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>the nigger pajeet chink hotline
I don't know what to tell you
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Taking a long afternoon nap wrecked the ol' sleep schedule. Finally drifting off now. Catch ya later, fags
girls think i'm one of them
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goodnight guys
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do you do that on purpose
thanks for making the new
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goodnight, Spinnamon Roll
why are you up so late?
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I become nocturnal without anything to hold me accountable for getting up
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don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes
Why are you brown?
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i’m just curious
ok spic
ok both of you manlets get all dolled up then
i will rape you with the head of a cossack
would really appreciate if you raging homos toned down the gay shit here. this is why people hate you irl. thx
well now i'm gonna make it worse
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It's durian flavored.
Thank you for reading my blog.

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I wish Drow women were real. Could you imagine being a small human boy, out hunting with your father only to be snatched up by marauding Drow women and dragged back to the deepest darkest caverns in the earth and made to serve their every whim? God that's hot
I tried durian and it didn't smell bad like I was told it would
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Very cute
that’s cute
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minthara is so hot, smart and loyal
deceptively grounded and rational. tfw no minthara mommy gf
The smell can make even natives carsick. I don't think it smells "bad" but it is rather pungent.
Allegedly they tested the smell on animals, and it's the seed that smells bad. Cats react to it by trying to bury it like it's a turd.
I should have been asleep hours ago
i woke up at 8
that's not healthy
i know, neither am i, so it's especially hard to fix my sleep
motivate me to do a few more hours of mind numbing work
gotta make that money anon
sucks i don't think i can ever get a job
no go to sleep
>telling me no
THIS is how to motivate a motherfucker
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your boiwaifu is in bed waiting for you
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Director Vince Gilligan didn’t want to continue with Breaking Bad when he found out that a similar show, “Weeds,” had the same premise. Later he said if he had knew earlier about this show, he wouldn’t even have created Breaking Bad
is it so bad to like feminine dudes /pol/bros
Like, or LIKE like?
like cuddle one
Is that his final form?
>goodnight guys
ok now this post doesn't seem so harmless and nice
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no thank you ill just have some water
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Water based lubrication?
Lubrication with no water? That would be a powder.
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one hour of work done >:) feed the hate machine more, kiddies
U is stupid
u are a negro
turns out, other users on spotify can see you've been listening to kim petras' dicksucking songs
lmao drunk dancing alone in your room listening to kim petras?
>Cats react to it by trying to bury it like it's a turd.
There is a mockingbird and a squirrel right outside my window and they are being very loud!
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Sometimes you just need to get things done
question for americans, would you die for canada if its invaded
its already being invaded with hindudu rapemen and im not doing shit
please answer the question seriously
What are you doin there whiteboi
This hypothetical is an impossible scenario, therefore I have no answer.
Who would invade Canada, and how?
china or russia from the pacific
visiting relatives, mostly
They would sooner be levels with nukes than launch an invasion of Canada.
This scenario could only occur in an apocalyptic setting, therefore I would NOT die for Canada, because I'd be too busy defending the US from whatever carnage befalls us.
answer the question you fucking burger!!! i would die for america if it was invaded by whoever just answer my question
thank you i love america
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Time for a sweet treat
i mean no we got our own shit to deal with, were both being invaded by shitskins and chinamen
Eat ass
found a jason post in the wild
Might take way too many drugs and turn myself into a schizo and then I'll spam /cum/ with nonsense for hours every day
Massive farts today
what goes jayson look like
How did we find ourselves in a position where the tattletale teacher’s pets are running the country?
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kike jews
a handsome angel, like a Greek statue
He's right though
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It’s Friday my boys
are there any cute guys here
no only big hunky masculine men or fat short ugly dweebs sorry
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What kind of cute
Mexicans Americans will look like this in 3rd generation. At least the ones who aren't related to the central and south American ones.
just downloaded a voice changer, time to pretend to be a woman while playing video games lol
What race are you?
Does it actually work? Which one?
RVC project
send it pls
Ty, I will check it out later and pretend to be a girl on CS.
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On a mission to fly drunk
now i dont have to voice train to talk online
Just give me a GUI and libraries, why are trannies like this.
how much lack of self awareness do you need to do this, do you not just stop and think "wtf am i doing, i'm a man"
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Some races are struggling hard.
Best dating app?
Bumble is decent
French fries are the kids menu here
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good morning!
Will you try their rotten fish
I have
It's fine, just eat some mints later bro you've eaten worse
the norway thread is dying, people cum-sisters, let us into this thread. kick out mexico. we can be /cun/
There's a waiting list for cum applicants
You can join anytime but Mexico stays
is jason having a good morning?
No, he's trying to download a voice changer and getting frustrated.
I want to watch some tranime but I have to eat breakfast and workout forst this is so gay
Oh yeaaaa there's the buzz haha
Sorry this is a civilization thread. Go crawl back to your burrow you snow bunny.
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>it doesn't recognize my GPU
*chair clattering*
where are you going?
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We is be going to Colorado Springs
OK, I think I'm unzipping the AMD one now.
cool bro, have fun, take lots of pics for us
Almost to the week end :)
I will bake a blueberry pie, attend a pilates class and read a book about science. :))))
Hey /cum/
If I were planning on killing myself via gun, what would be the best place to aim?
How do white people treat you in Europe? I'm Mexican and I'm interested on going there
the tip of your penis
a high ranking politician
my buddy just asked to hang out and I had to make an excuse for why i can't drive rn at 9:30 am
i wanna be a woman so bad
I shall. I brought my camera was kinda scared security wouldn't let me bring it.

The EU provides every Mexican with a Norwegian wife on arrival
currently up $157 on this crypto casino
when I am done eating I will deposit $57 and if I lose it all without a withdrawal I will quit gambling and objectively have beaten the casino
It's all about your demeanor, not sure if Im using this term correctly. Unless you go inside an underground white supremacist pub nobody will care about you being foreign
anyone else feel bad for Europeans for having small ass countries?
Shut the fuck up faggot.
sorry your flag just reminded me of the poor europeans with their tiny ass countries
This voice changer sucks because AMD GPUs aren't supported. It's over.
should have bought Nvidia loser
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I know.

It's like those poor refugees landing on those European beaches.

White women raining down ass on those poor brave men.
sweaty, there is a reason nvidia is worth more than europe.
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How come so many people pronounce “treatise” as though it were spelled “treatsy”

Some kind of mass formation dyslexia?
I've never heard anyone say it like that
God damn it why is it so hard to kill your self
I don’t want fuck up and become crippled I just want to DIE
I want you to live and continue /cum/ posting
Fuck you…I’m sorry I’m just a bit agitated right now
I love you anon, but it’s time for me to die
There is no one you can call to talk to?
Talking to people doesn’t really help, it doesn’t fix the root issue…
I’ve also tried a bunch of other things but nothing helps, some people just aren’t meant to be saved.
Bill Clinton was easily the best president of our lifetimes, followed by Biden, Obama, Trump, and then Bush II. However, there's a huge gap between Obama and Trump.

If you were born after 9/11 or something, return to the nursery.
currently tweaking
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Okay, I stayed up a couple extra hours fiddling with voice changer nonsense.

I still can't change my voice to sound like a girl in CS. I might as well look into actual tranny voice practice at this point. Code monkeys are not ever going to come through.
youll figure it out queen
No I won't, I uninstalled it all and I'm getting ready to sleep now.

this rocks hard
youll get it tomorrow queen
No I won't, I'll start looking up voice training or I'll forget about it.
does it seem like youtube ads have been longer lately?
I’m going to go buy a gun to blow my brains out now
Goodnight /cum/!
sorry, pretty sure there's a 2 week waiting period
Obama's presidency was nothing about violent protests, wars and a major recession
i want a cute int twink bf
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picked up my shoes from the cobbler, they feel much better after getting gaped all night long
There's almost certainly a way. You just can't see it atm
>they feel much better after getting gaped all night long
been reading /fr/ lately. absolutely braindead general
think you can do what we do? I doubt it
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Just finished my workout. Currently taking a shit while all sweaty
I ironically feel cleaned out after exercising to the point of sweating
Can someone give me a quick rundown on why Trudeau should resign? What benefits will I get for voting in a Conservative leader?
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the problem with jobs that pay alot is that they also expect alot from you
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is there a good reason why everything has to look so ugly nowadays when they were building shit like this a hundred years ago when people still thought the earth was flat
demoralization tactic
efficiency vs grandiosity
if you weren't alive for the first war in the Gulf, you had smartphone access in high school which means you'll always be dumb.
grandiosity rules. only soulless borg automatons think otherwise
many architects want to make good looking buildings but are beholden to their benefactors who want to maximize space while one upping the skyscraper next door. construction companies who make commercial and housing buildings at a large scale just copy/paste the same blueprints in order to maximize profits.
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wtf is going on over there
hmmm i dont have food for today. need to concoct something real quick
that's gay. i hear being an architect is depressing because everyone wants to be an artist but the large majority of them just end up designing the same mcmansion/big box store/drive thru over and over
The only way to be an interesting architect is to find a rich guy and build him a cool house that can go onto your portfolio.

but also lots of architects are the problem in regards to ugly buildings. they're the ones who brought us brutalism
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hellooooo. I am calling to order 1 large pepperoni pizza for tonight.
I'm pre preparing some brown rice, cabbage, and lentils for dinner.
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hello. sir. this is a wendy's.
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alright then, get me a pack of 20pc nuggies and some coke
I'm thinking of becoming a /cum/ personality so that I can be recognized here since I don't have any friends irl
you're not creative enough to invent one.
You don't know me
I came today to the office just to let them see me but I'm not working at all
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we know, we can see your flag.
In 2028 I'll be voting for none other than: Vivek Ramaswamy!
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Going out for a run, despite the heat.
The half marathon WILL happen someday.
pool wagie needs to hurry up so i can get back to lounging carelessly
I should do this because I don't like going to the gym. Too crowded
i got my tattoo yesterday, it hurt sooooo much when he was tattooing the area near my wrist
What could possibly be so important to you that you need to drawn into your skin for the rest of your life? I hope you say dead family member because there aren't many other sensible responses
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ate spicy chorizos and now my tummy and mouth are burning
life isnt that important or serious, i got cool little guys fighting on my arm
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update: pool wagie has informed me that pools closed for the next couple hours
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>didn't post habbo
Soon your butthole will burn too
I don't have any tattoos but I kinda want to let a developing tattoo artist practice on me so I can have a bunch of shitty tattoos everywhere. I think that would be funny
I ate 2 bananas in the hopes of neutralizing some of it. I unfortunately don't have yoghurt.
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kys pedo
Kys you fucking prude you don’t have agency over what others want to do with their body
id say why not, you can get really cheap or free tattoos that way. would be a fun experience/memory too
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Wish I could cast a 9th level Conjure: Burger spell
You're mentally weak
I have the Craft: Burger skill from the Cooking specialization tree
>life isnt that important or serious
Wow a self aware npc
Do me a favor and don't vote in any election ever
if kraft american slices arent GOOD for me? why do they taste so GOOD
you got that from King of Staten Island.
is there a way to get into the United States through US-Mexico border by pretending to be a tranny since lgbt is considered an extremist terrorist movement in this country? how the fuck does one even pull it off
>instantly starts talking about politics
and im the npc...
Idk what that is, but I know I'm probably not the first person with that idea
Yeah you are
It's true.
We're full
placer is brown
i could just marry you if it still works that way, assuming you're between 18-21 and weigh less than 125 pounds.
Carong what other men have on their bodies is kinda gay
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This woman hates white people
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good morning guys im in a horrible depressive and self destructive mood today its gonna be a fun day
Go to the Mexico buy a wig and get your dick chopped off by Dr.Pablo
maybe just uhhh think positively? ugh men...
don't care about your problems 'cause i got my own.
morning fella
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Of course I care, if I'm hiring for a job then I'm gonna pick the person who didn't draw pretty baby pictures on themselves with permanent crayon
>Le gay insult out of nowhere
Exactly as expected from a tattoo haver
Yeah well, if nobody near you gives a shit, what makes you think we'll care?
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nigga you dont even have a career, let alone ever needing to hire anyone
you don’t have to care that’s fine im garbage anyway that doesnt matter would be better off dead than wasting oxygen andfood disgustingworm creature
I haven't showered in like a week. I was wearing a white shirt and now it's all browning lmao
contemplate the smell
>if I'm hiring for a job
Yes we know you're gonna run that wendy's like it's the navy
>Exactly as expected from a tattoo haver
I don't have any tattoos or any interest in having one, but this renewed fixation on tattoos being degenerate is weird
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Im going to smoke so much weed when it gets legalized in november
Weed is gay
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dis nigga paying $90 for an eighth of
My father is blatantly engaging in an affair and I give zero fucks, but I kinda want to confront him over it solely to call him a fucking dumbass for thinking that he's slick enough to fool me
spinning in my chair
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>finished training for today
>cooking a frozen pizza for lunch
not sure what to do for the rest of the day
Name a good reason to get a tattoo?
Let's see what we've heard in the thread so far
>Life isn't serious
>Ur ghey
>You work at Wendy's
Go ahead and name a good reason. Don't just throw a tantrum because I care about point out something retarded people are doing and they wish I didn't. I don't think it should be illegal. But I'll post all day about how tattoos are retarded, idgaf
Like I said, if it's for a dead family member or some shit then I can understand, but the majority of tattoos are Funko Pop tier, but at least those can be throw away
You are gay
No idea what that means
Stop seething about your old man getting pussy junior
All Koreans and gooks are succubuses don't take the risk buds
go for a walk outside
I look like that
>No idea what that means
dispensary prices are jacked all the way up, its legitamately like $90 for a quad of just regular ass weed here. I pay $50 for a quad of exotic ass purple weed from my street plug
Idk why you're demanding a "good reason" to get a tattoo. This is just something I can't imagine having a strong opinion on. It's bizarre you care, that's what I'm saying
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My brothers phone has grindr on it
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what is the IRL equivalent of arcadia bay from life is strange? I want to live there
kys not everyone has to live in a way you agree with you fucking control freak
what happened?
>Idk why you're demanding a "good reason" to get a tattoo.
I prefer to live in a world with as few stupid people as possible
>Like I said, if it's for a dead family member or some shit then I can understand, but the majority of tattoos are Funko Pop tier, but at least those can be throw away
the whole tattoos have to have a meaning shit is gay and so are you
I have no idea how to meet someone that sells weed
Do you think he's a top or bottom?
You don't see the irony in calling me a control freak, while telling me to kms for my opinion? I never said you shouldn't be allowed to get a tattoo.
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dis nigga know what da grindr app look like
>I prefer to live in a world with as few stupid people as possible
Go cry about it. I don't like tattoos, but I'm not seething about like you lol
probably a bottom I wonder how my dad would react that both his sons are gay
They don't *have* to have meaning. You have the freedom to be stupid if you want to.
I just said that I don't give a fuck about it can you not fucking read
are you as stupid as him
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>I wonder how my dad would react that both his sons are gay
but that's not pretending, i was thinking about getting jailed for like 15 days for "lgbt propaganda" and using that as a proof or something like that
is there a single country that isn't full nowadays?
i don't fit your requirements
Why are you telling me I'm seething but not the people telling me to kms and calling me gay? Your bias causes your words to lose their entire meaning to me
except you obviously do care since you're blogposting about it and contemplating about confronting him
She smelled like piss her apartment smelled like piss she sucked me off and her cunt smelled like necrotic battery acid and i swear had welts or some shit so I left. Didn't block her number and she didn't text me after
Gonna piss in a cup but I'm never going along with another hook up again. Learned my lesson.
Need some dumb white girl and just need to keep her
Probably the father's own fault at that point
How bad is your situation that you are willing to go to jail for 15 days?
Got a pack of loud
Bc they're not the ones replying to me. Getting worked up about this from any side is what is cringe
Okay so you are illiterate
I directly outlined what I do and don't care about in this situation, cretin
I don't give a fuck if he bangs some whore but I am offended by his piss-poor excuses when I see him doing something odd
>oh I was standing in the shed with my pants down to... pee yeah I had to pee
you think I'm stupid enough to believe that you licentious fuck
But you replied to me first, so why not reply to them first
Your pussy is loud
the situation is not bad at all, is going to jail for 15 days that bad?
oh no no hahaha
Because 4chan retards always take the side of whomever a given anon is complaining about; it's basically a rule. When was the last time you saw someone say "Yeah, you're right anon; that guy was in the wrong."?
I know what you think you said, but lying is part of what makes it an "affair" dumbass. The two things you are trying to separate are linked, and if you truly didn't care you would let your old man be
Well as long as you know you're a retard
Try to do better in the future, champ
Went to this student dorm of a Taiwanese girl once and she had a cat and it was super tiny and I’m sure the cat pissed on every surface of her room because it had the most intense cat piss stench.
Still shagged…
Bc they chimed in after we started replying to each other. I'm sorry for not playing fair. I'm sure that's very upsetting
Well, no, what renders it an affair is engaging in extra-marital fornication. I'm simply an extremely narcissistic and insecure individual, and I do not take even mild slights such as being fibbed to well.
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The fuck are you snapping at me for? I'm taking your side.

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