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frens edition. non frens not allowed

prev >>198840195
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me on the left
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gross. zoom out so I can see the good stuff
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gross. zoom in so I can see the good stuff.
I hate those laminate floorings so much it's unreal
you guys see how black dress girls and white top black dress/white top girls' feet aren't touching? behind the scenes they HATE each other
What's the lore?
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weird thing to hate. do you have strong sexual feelings about floor tiles, by any chance?
I'd be black dress and lace top, and my feet are touching my friend but not that mean harpy who nobody will touch feet with
looks like shit
I'd rather have some pizza or a crunchwrap
I went to school with a guy whose father owned a ceramic tile store. After graduating, he went on to need a heart transplant due to drug abuse, and later went on to kill himself.
enertaining to watch
I had to kick out a long time friend from my discord server because he kept trying to influence people to do hard drugs. Everyone is against me saying who cares what anyone does in their personal life, but I've seen what it does to people. I feel sad for having to ban him and also sad that nobody seems to understand how serious it is. I've known the guy since before he even smoked weed
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Got some brisket in Gastonia, North Carolina yesterday, some people shouldn’t be allowed to call it brisket
Drugs are evil!
Except weed and mushrooms, they are fine.
lol pussy
lol what a loser fuck him
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getting filtered because I can't remember the controls
i only know what the feet tell me. for instance checkered dress girl is a real sloppy pig running around barefoot without showering for DAYS probably, but her makeup caked face could have told you as much. black dress with the white top underneath the dress is nice enough she's cute and nice, but white dress girl is where it's AT she looks sexy and beautiful but also she can be cute and bro, look at those soles, flawless, spotless, I would eat sunday breakfast lunch and dinner on her feet, but I wouldn't do that to her I would actually invite her out and pay for everything and open the car door and restaurant door and pull out her chair and tip heavily and rizz up the waitresses and pal around with the waiters that's how much I like that girl
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I havent had brisket in many months
Take fentanyl
Take a lot of it actually and do the world a favor
how did you become so wise?
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>except weed, [it's] fine
>noooooooo drugs are le bad cause they ruin lives
>but kys
ok retard
No I'm just tired of these cheap ass floors in every new apartment why can't they use real wood
Either orient yourself towards productivity, or remove yourself entirely
become a net force of good one way or another
real wood is way way way more expensive that's why
>real wood
Not enough microplastics, chuddy
so you'll be offing yourself shortly then, I trust.
People who live in plastic-floored apartments would have been living in huts with dirt floors a couple hundred years ago
about to finndle my dinkus, so to speak
Lifetime of experience for you. For me, I was born this way.
most wood floors are coated in highly toxic chemical coatings, but regardless if you're worried about microplastics I think you'd have much better luck switching to glass and metal drinkware and not buying food in plastic wrap, stuff like that
I'm not a hard junkie, I have a job and pay taxes and dont depend on the government for anything
I generally define good and bad as good for me or bad for me, so ACKing like a tranny isn’t really in the cards
do you actually sit around listening to this shit? the government should prescribe you some pussy for the safety of everyone good lord
Surrounding your neighborhood with George Floyd tier addicts probably wouldn't be good for you I figure
>filtered by musiqal concrete
It's not practical for apartments unless you're in a major city that also has weather that will permit real wood flooring. being as it may those fake wood laminates are durable, easy to install and remove, and cheap! It's only practical
No, I think the fent encampments should be immediately rounded up and institutionalized
Euthanize this bussy
Do you ever have the dream about killing someone and living with the knowledge that if the crime is ever discovered, your life is over? Hate that dream.
Had a sudden heavy downpour with strong winds today and it killed a tomato plant :(
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I believe in miracles
I believe in a better world for me and you
Oh-oh, I believe in miracles
I believe in a better world for me and you
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yeah i had that a couple weeks ago. the emotion was very lifelike. i didn't know it was such a common dream
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Poop and diarrhea
this nigga took all this stuff up there to make that shitty sandwich?
he even burned the bun
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traumatic stress dream club
I have arrived in Colorado Springs I will now look for a Popeyes
you are in mexico THO. I know you're going to get the spicy chicken regardless
i wanna ride through the desert on a camel for a while
no mustard or mayo but I bet it was decent!
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Krishna. Fearlessness, singleness of soul, the wilL
Always to strive for wisdom; opened hand
And governed appetites; and piety,
And love of lonely study; humbleness,
Uprightness, heed to injure nought which lives,
Truthfulness, slowness unto wrath, a mind
That lightly letteth go what others prize;
And equanimity, and charity
Which spieth no man's faults; and tenderness
Towards all that suffer; a contented heart,
Fluttered by no desires; a bearing mild,
Modest, and grave, with manhood nobly mixed,
With patience, fortitude, and purity;
An unrevengeful spirit, never given
To rate itself too high;- such be the signs,
O Indian Prince! of him whose feet are set
On that fair path which leads to heavenly birth!

Deceitfulness, and arrogance, and pride,
Quickness to anger, harsh and evil speech,
And ignorance, to its own darkness blind,-
These be the signs, My Prince! of him whose birth
Is fated for the regions of the vile.
Born slippy
I am not in mexico thoughbever that's my carrier baiting
im gonna rapemaxx
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who is max
do you ever rip hairs out of your ballsack cus it feels good
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very shit thread atm
let's cheer the hungry
thought I had to sneeze but I didn't
bingo bango bongo
anyone down to play a game or something
I discovered two binders full of my uncle's old cards. They're MLB, NFL, NBA, and super hero cards from the early 90s
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synthwave is so good

only game I have is cod warzone on mobile and I'm not very good it's been almost a year or more since I last was heavily playing it
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>only game I have is cod warzone on mobile
smug gremlin needs cleavage correction
hope you all are doing well.
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hope you all are pooing smell
she wouldn't be in such fear if she didn't dress like that
perhaps islam was right about women
these islam bitches aren't much better, most of them aren't at least but you can find worthy women in all walks of life, they're just few and far in between and usually fat/ugly/taken
all women are the same. their behavior is directly related to how much control men have over them
>dresses like a whore in a crowded place
>omg these RAPISTS wont stop staring at me im being RAPED help heeeelppp
I would say genetics and personality formed through their definitive years plays a huge role in how women behave. What if father and brothers were never around and there wasn't a huge presence of same age boys around so a little group of girl friends formed. You got a natural leader usually the most obnoxious / prettiest / biggest one, then you got the followers who will be shy and sensitive in one situation and loud and aggressive in another whatever the situation calls for. then there's the mild mannered soft spoken quiet shy and very nice girl who is naturally like that even if she hangs around with a bunch of degenerates who bring her along. I agree the extremes aren't the majority but they exist
jesus, tell her to eat something or maybe get checked out.
Cheddar jalapeño sausages
pepperoni 'za for tonight
wish i wasnt poor to be desu
any 26yo unemployedcels here
freaky ass nigga he a 69 god
freaky ass nigga he a 69 god
run run run run run for your life
run run run run run for your life
say o-v-hoe
> o-v-hoe
say o-v-hoe
> o-v-hoe
then step away
step away
step away
step away
whenever i think about my life and my future, the logical conclusion always ends up being "i should become an hero."
try 30yo
my biggest mistake when edating was hunting down and meeting foreign girls, that doesn't help me when interacting with girls from the USA, with western ho's, it's fun to flirt and play loveydovey with these foreign asian/russian/latinas but it might have been a waste of time I fear
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wanna goon but porn is just so boring
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>tfw friday night
>tfw /cum/ is dead once again
>tfw normies are out partying and having sex
the guys fucking head is facing the road
he might have been staring for like a split second, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. was he likely leering at her while driving super slowly? no, she's a dramatic bitch, that's how ur supposed to drive out of a parking lot while in a heavy truck while loaded, what a fucking retarded ugly basic average whore she is
>friday night
its barely a quarter past 4
7:15PM in the be(a)st coast
Sometimes I don't think any of you have lyrical skills
I am a retard, hence talk like a retard as well.
ayo theres an anon
he's a real bitch
he cant get laid and he cant get hitched
he's from Canada, way up north
where their nobel lit prize is a woman having sex with a horse
i pat my homies on the head and say "good boy, yes you're such a good boy, yes you are, yes you are".
made me lol
ayo i spit hot fire on wax turn it into a candle
give ur momma that GOOD dick the type she's used to ahaha u thought i was gonna say handle
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When she cries (she cries) at night (at night)
And she doesn't think that I can hear her
She tries (she tries) to hide (to hide)
All the fears she feels inside
So I pray (I pray) this time (this time)
I can be the man that she deserves
'Cause I die a little each time
When she cries
Been two weeks since I filed my state tax return and still haven't gotten my refund. Getting a little worried desu
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henlo saaars
>where their nobel lit prize is a woman having sex with a horse
Alice Munro?
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got mah hair cut
any ITcels here? what should i study if i want to make big money and have little skill and want to work very little that's relatively easy?
how'd it come out?
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Only 1 Canadian has one a nobel prize in lit and that is Alice Munro. I don't see David Bussell's name in the list.
pretty good. i was getting kinda shaggy

sorry im drunk
stfu nerd
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about to take a nasty shit. I can feel it rumbling inside me.
nigga im no nerd.
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what is the point of the Nobel Prize
Do you have it?
I dont.
its okay bb i am too
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I have a Nobel Prize in Sex.
>he has not won a nobel prize
what a fucking loser
>what a fucking loser
I know, right
Sexoed 3 different girls this week, you?
Why are you consistently paying for sex with women that have dry cunts instead of just jerking off for free?
staring as in looking around to make sure he doesnt operate his fucking motor vehicle dangerously
these whores make entire rants about people literally swiveling their head because theyre expecting stares when they knowingly dress like whores and whip out the camera
she feels ashamed for dressing like a slut
I remember there was this band in the 90s called Blessed Union of Souls where the singer, an African American, called himself a nigger in a song
she should. fucking whore
based negroid
I just wish prostitutes were legal here so I could get a scent of a woman. I'd honestly pay upwards to $50 just to have a woman sit on my face for 20 minutes. Not even joking.
how do you think your mom finds work?
A black nigger? Yeah, right! Get out of town, nigga!
There is no winning, enough guys walk past her and ignore her and she would start to whine about how men don't approach women anymore and how she's ugly and a femcel and all that, if that guy does what she wanted which is to just ignore her and tokyo drift out of the parking lot she would just use that footage on tik tok like omgomgomg you guys this crazy MAN just drove like a maniac I am like so scared rn like and subscribe *head tilt peace sign*
I don't think you'd want a prostitute to sit on your face
what if she spit on your face
I'd love to have the most nasty, jankiest whore to smother my face
that'd be hot too
I am not doing that
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BEAT women.
Just saw my first troon IRL, way to go america!
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with my huge cockerino
I also remember in the early 90s there was this rapper named....named....CHUB ROCK. That was his name. Anyways, this was before rap was popular. He had this song called "Treat them right" in which he said to be nice to your fans because you could make a new friend. Can you imagine that nowadays? Like a famous rap artist being cool cuz he wants to be your friend?

At any rate, it was a different time. A better time.
you looked at yourself in the mirror?
did you rape his bussy
i don't have the energy
4 inches
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No xhe was driving a pink beat up suzuki with a HOONIGAN sticker across the windshield
We have gypsy...
like last year i think i saw this lanky ass zoomer with stockings and short women shorts walking the street, he looked like a huge nerd
dipping isn't ladylike, sweetheart
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is southern ireland better than northern ireland
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>my face when
Oh, you kids don't know the half of it. I'm 45 and black, I could tell you stories about KRS-1 and Boogie Down Productions (BDP KREW) in the late 80s, whoo!

I'm telling you, if Hollywood is running out of ideas they should make a movie out of the late 80s NY rap scene. My god it like a movie
this one time my dad brought home red lobster and because it was a celebration (i forget what for), he got a lot. when we were all full, we let the cat have some crab. and boy o boy did she eat! what's funny is, this particular night is the only time i have ever personally seen a mouse. he scurried in, and of course my mom flipped out, my dad went looking for some sort of weapon, etc. (don't worry, he got away in the closet). but what was very funny to me then and still, is our very satiated cat, whose hunter instinct should have been blaring, made one feeble attempt at catching the mouse, but quickely surrendered to the fattening of butter-sauced crab.
Southern Ireland is just called Ireland, Northern Ireland is is and English colony
>I'm 45 and black
literally getting promoted in my job because there's nobody else... feels weird but at least i'll get paid more
Believe it or not my man
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what is the gender ratio of this general
98% male
2% tranny
100% male. any other answer is deceiving you in some way.
95% dudes
4.5% femboys
.5% real girls
you gettin a fat raise?
post hand and timestamp
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i am going to drink gold peak unsweet tea for the rest of the evening.
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Not sure about how much but it was confirmed that it's happening either way...
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this is a Marcille general
I sometimes have dreams where I get into fights with friends (with whom I have no animosity or reason to feel this way) and beat them to death, but fear of getting caught is not part of this type of dream for me. More of a mutually agreed combat hypothetical self defence situation (proportional and legal) :)
we were all one single gender in the womb
no don't
she looks like the sort of lady upon whom equine interrogation tactics would fail
we drink BOOZE here, maam
never heard of this "marcille" before
If you want to contrast the two, you can say the Republic of Ireland for the south. Ireland is the island.
I'm soober
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you cannot stop my master plan
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she's VERY cute
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Do Americans really?
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>I'm sober
I'm gonna buy this sweatshirt now
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well at least your nails are trimmed. idk why but i notice a lot of blacks dont cut their nails for some reason.
wtf are you doing here, pops?
Business idea:
White woman KRS1 cover band called BPD Krew
I've been here since I was in my 20s

It's true. You're here forever.
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cute bisexual mule
comfe monke
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no heterosexual can resist the cocaktrice boobies, male OR female
are you urkel's daddy
I can neither confirm nor deny that
me in the top left (im a nerd)
*hoists you up the flagpole by your undies*
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I've never actually gotten a wedgie, does it actually hurt
The Costco food court dinner
>pepperoni pizza
>sundae with chocolate ice cream and berry sauce
Would having your balls and dick squeezed violently against your body and having cloth pulled up your asshole hurt?
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0. it's over.
Yeah but in an erotic way, like when someone spanks you and it hurts but you like it.

I'm sorry for ever being a racist
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I've got a cock of steel
huh well spanking can be nice
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more like Travis Pussy lol
Hmmm, think he's...I dunno, sorry?
Did nothing wrong
Why do gay men always hit on me but I have to pull tooth and nail to find out if any given woman is attracted to me?
Kind of wish I was gay
Oops, meant for >>198851265
do you dress like a faggat
There was a not so notable “made shooting” in Arkansas at a box store
No bro
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just assume every women ever is sexually attracted to you but is too shy to show it
it's not even dark out bb's whyy you so sadd
Future sex offender detected
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ding ding ding ding thissssss
most of the time they're not shy about showing it
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If u know a woman is attracted to you, a lot of the time you can just take her somewhere private and start grabbing her tits
god I just wish I could work up the courage to cold approach them in a bar but I KNOW Im ugly
When I was younger, I guess looked kind of twinkish (bit circular; when I was younger, I looked younger), albeit tall, and was frequently hit on by zhang women and gays. Later, I filled out a bit to look like more of a grown man, and the former groups lost interest, replaced with more white women
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I've only encountered a few who truly made their intentions clear.
I'll never know how many beautiful women I've missed out on having sex on because I just never talked to them
Autocorrect fucking me over
>made shooting
*mass, obviously
>I KNOW Im ugly
That's not important at all. What matters is charm, charisma, a sense of humor.
yessir, I am once again listening to steely dan and imbibing beer
if she makes eye contact and smiles that's your sign that's it.

which sucks if you have the tism and can't make eye contact with strangers for very long
>steely dan
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Zendaya is hot
what if i kinda think i know? i can still do that right
Well u "can"
But you will have to live with the consequences of this decision forever
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>I guess looked kind of twinkish (bit circular; when I was younger, I looked younger), albeit tall, and was frequently hit on by zhang women and gays
for me it was just the gays, probably cause there's no chinesees around here, but my god they'd just come up and grope me. very awkward
I can’t recall any touching, but I’d sometimes get them trying to talk to me and trying to buy me drinks etc
If there is one thing we can agree on, it's that the world is fundamentally GOOD and that it is worth protecting for our children and our children's children. :]
the world would be better once I cease to exist.
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Who's a better gamer, you or this sea lion?
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tattoos are gay
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i don't agree with that at all presumptuous ass nigga
What kind of mental illness causes someone to get a tattoo like this?
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I'd say 80% of them touched me, at least slapping my ass. a few just groped my balls through my shorts and a lot would just grab my ass. like wtf dude. I get it when women complain about pushy guys now though
That depends on what you mean by "world" and "good"
Wedgies are kind of hot, I just realized.
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really funny to see jeets accusing Canadians of running a massive anti-jeet psyop like we’re jews or something
you guys have the beeb in canada?
Poop stains aren't
have you tried cleaning your asshole?
only faggots clean their asshole
Wash your ass wtf
You smell bad
damn! dis nibba ain't never hearda no toilet paper
this nigga got a poopy butthole
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i was forced to speak to two trannies and an old nigger at my doctors office the other week. old nigger wouldn't stop talking to the trannies and then they forcibly roped me into the conversation.
my lyrics shatter your schemes
i smell like a man
Terrible thread right now :/
well you guys are kind of second-rate everything, so it wouldn't surprise me if you were discount jews.
you smell like poop
If you're only cleaning your ass with toilet paper then your ass isn't clean
The CBC is basically the Canadian copy of the BBC. I’d say the CBC is more pozzed and cringe than the BBC though, which is saying something lol
you smell like a big poopy
any peeers and pooers?
After I got a bidet, I can barely stand shitting away from home anymore, where the only option is toilet paper. I can feel that there’s residual shit, and it itches etc. Not using a bidet is disgusting.
even if you use wet wipes you'll be amazed at how much shit the TP leaves behind
very bad posts
you're a fucking poopy head
please mr jewdeau sir do not redeem brown card
you should keep one of these with you. it's not as fully-cleansing, but at least i can eat at restaurants again, knowing i can get functionally-clean if i need to poop.
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some microscopic shit in your asshole aint gonna kill you bro
doug dimmadome
Women have it easy with purses. I’d have nowhere to put that lol
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>getting killed in dark and darker
>don't really care needed to empty some trash gear anyway
>notice it's the TTV guy killing everyone on the map
>start screaming racial and homophobic slurs
>go to his stream and he and his 100 viewers are mad
i kept mine in a cargo pocket
you wear skinny jeans or somn?
Does this make you feel powerful
no but the replies he gets here do
gonna reply to him right now...
you really shouldn't flush wipes even if they say they're flushable. I like wipes too but it leaves a bad taste in my mouth to have a bathroom trashcan that is holding all my poopy wipes even if I fold them so it's all enclosed. And no I don't start wiping with poopy wipes I end the wipe session with the poopy wipes
not my problem!
wait what
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It makes me KEK OUT LOUD
you sound queer
Skip to 3:10
Crazy that I can't find this clip without absolutely inane commentary

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