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cow tools edish
that's why it goes inside wherever I go, my biggest worry is someone will just stab me for it but violent crime like that is on the decline so
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Dark and darker is much more fun when you go in naked. If you go in with any gear at all it puts you in the same queue as people with swords that'll one hit you.
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time to take a shower. watch my bed while i'm gone, ok?
ok fella
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i want a beretta narp
What's the gameplay loop like anyway? I guess I don't fully understand what kind of game it's supposed to be and what they're trying to make it for 1.0
Their pay scale is pretty crazy, but it’s a tough job, and you need lots of money involved to motivate people to do it. The Canadian system (or more accurately the provinces) chronically underpay doctors, and consequently there’s a permanent and severe doctor shortage. Regarding “anyone can do it,” where the system completely breaks is when you introduce thirdie-trained doctors and domestic affirmative action into the mix, with low-IQ foreigners. I recall seeing stats that non-Irish doctors are responsible for something like +60% of medical malpractice, despite only making up a smaller portion of the workforce (remarkably similar to the 13/55 meme).
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No, it’s not. Violent crime has been rising since 2014 (the year before Justin Trudeau came to power, hmmm)
It's basically the same as the first couple playtests, but now there is no fortnite wall or randomly spawning portals to play around.

for me it's lingerie try-on videos on youtube
the online statuses i made when i was 14 are cringe and autistic

Interestingly, violent crime started growing here around that time too. I think it's falling now though.
jason intimidates me.
He is a complete non-threat
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no it'su fakku YUUUU desu
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Are Alaskans known for being inbred?
I thought that was only Appalachians, the deep southerners, and Florida swamp people?
Kill yourself, Mohammad.
sexo con cum
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slept 12hrs
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good morning guys
i sincerely apologize for the nastiness i spewed yesterday next time i will keep it to myself and not air out my dirty laundry like that again. nobody wants to hear about all that, sorry
>Are Alaskans known for being inbred?
No but it makes sense to me. I think the stereotype for Alaskans is that they're recluses and outdoorsy, and they either drive planes or snowmobiles to work.
>I thought that was only Appalachians, the deep southerners, and Florida swamp people?
Anyone who's a redneck or white trash type would also be considered an inbred, and there are certainly redneck white trash types everywhere.
Darker and darker is much more fun when you play it with a JOB. If you go in without a JOB it puts you in the same league as NEETs.
t. leafyishere
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No, I won't go to Jannah if I do!
outdated, the rise from 2020 to 2022 was likely corona. The other problem is redefinition of violent, stepping on a jews toes or sneezing in the same room is now violence
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Actually, it’s Muslim-Americans who’d be the most inbred cohort of US citizens, by far
I'm a normie.
I forgive you
Send your hard penis energy my way
it doesnt' say it on that, but britain has a lot of inbreeding going on because of pakistani immigrants.
at a night in 2021 I was in a hotel when I saw this image,then in the very same night I had a dream in which the porn furry characters from the World of Gumball parody from Mike Inel were dancing and singing
I want to hear it
morning fella
Are you going out tonight?
I wasn't talking about people who are actually inbred, I was talking about who were "known" for it.
business idea: have sex
Yep. gonna get drunk hopefully too :)
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Tremendous idea, I'll take 1 sex please.
that will be 9001 dollarydoos tyvm
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apu no
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Better be done by the time my business meeting is over
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dont worry
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umm fucking BASED
*/cum/s in you*
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napped for about an hour.
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take care of yourself spinny i thought you an hero'd
What happened I wasn’t here yesterday
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sexo con mejican bussy
“Outdated,” are you trolling? It’s been trending up for a decade, and the data goes to 2022
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when the dishes are done i will brown some beef and make some burritos.
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People who kill me in video games should die in mass casualty terrorist attacks and mass shootings and electrical fires and gas leaks and car crashes.
I didn't notice anything out of the usual
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Agreed but specifically when I play yugioh
Being a shitskin sucks lol
When Spielberg heard someone suggest that Hollywood is run by Jews, he replied: "Actually, it's run by gay Jews."
i be playIng roblox
I'm pretty moderately mentally ill, but I don't feel comfortable talking about it on internet spaces because I feel like the whole idea of mental illness has been commandeered and romanticized by women and children who are just spoiled or pretending to be crazy for pity brownie points.
me too t.b.h i am regressing to a braindead alphoomer
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ayo where da babbys at?!
mad tho
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Okay /jizz/ it's about to happen
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oh wow sexyy draaawing im gonna fuckcing jack off fuuckk im gonna fucking cuuum in that stupid little bratty bunny jitch oh my.gkooooood
have you tried not being a furfag?
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I hate being awake. I like to be asleep because I feel closer to God. Also it's fucking hot I want to sleep until October.
why is he dating a tranny

and also

isn't 18.5CM pretty short
I wish I was fucking dead
Which god?
why yes I would like to relocate to shitgaybumfuckyourass arkansas from my comfy east coast city to a dead end job
Mwaniba Kibeteng'u
real schizo poster
I'm a furstraight
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making smoked chicken and baked mac n cheese right now hope it turns out good
This is why everyone says faggots poz everything
Your kind infects everything with your faggotry. Can't you keep it to yourself? You know the general public is starting to hate your kind because of this uncontrolled degeneracy right? You still don't care do you, you like this sort of reaction? You people need to be shoved into lockers again
what are you smoking it in, marlboros?
Colorado status: everyone is taller than me xd
Baked Mac and cheese is delicious when done right. I've had some that's pretty tasteless but getting the roux correct can make or break it
“Despite making up 13% of the US population, blacks account for 70% of widely-shared memetic representations of oneself. Surely this is natural and not at all weird.”
There's plenty of tall people in Texas apparently. I was told there were nothing but shorties but I got mogged when I went to an event with friends recently, there were all these 6'5"+ people there, including the women. The only short ones were Latinos but some of them were matching my height and a few of them were taller than me. Mostly the zoomers. What the fuck is in our food?
t. 6'1"
I genuinely fear chicanos. They will continue improving la raza until they become too powerful
why does he have all those moles?
the gay aids gives you moles
I love bottled water
Water if my life
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I have seen berserk (the only anime I've seen) and it was pretty good I guess, I can't remember most of it apart from that one scene with casca and guts. so I'll give this a solid 10/10
Ummmmm based????????????
Those markings indicate that this specimen is a bottom
why are moles an indication of a bottom? I have a mole on my face is this bad news
>Athletes at the Paris Olympics this year will not get air conditioning because the mayor of Paris wants the Olympics to be "evironmentally friendly and sustainable"

>Athlete's rooms will be kept between 23-26 C (73-79 F) and equipped with fans, not AC

>US Olympic team will now bring their own AC units to Paris to cool their rooms

France is mostly powered by nuclear btw
i sitll dont get this image
Why are the French like this?
Im a piece of fucking shit
Water filters

Please weigh in.
They’re not moles, they’re specks of poo (as they’re gay poosex havers)
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Paris is a city of foreigners and a few libtards
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It's an art thing not a real life thing, for some reason when they draw obvious bottoms they give them moles/ freckles.
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and theyre right
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Wonder what kind of trouble this gruesome twosome is cooking up
Murder me
>energy use is correlated with GDP
I am smarter than you
mad bro
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my gf
when I last visited paris I drank the canal water
I watched first episode of Shogun and they already killed a baby and boiled a guy alive wtf
Any turds?
no just le petite tard
>try to analyze and discuss the major themes and ideas of a piece of media
>Npcs who aren't even part of the conversation get angry and start calling me pretentious for not "just enjoying it for what it is"
I hate myself as a man
I hate indians
What about yourself needs to change? Don't give an unhelpful response like "everything". If you do then you're no better than a woman whoring for attention
i have a big green egg
im going to try my best but im pretty confident i make this pretty often
I hate this humidity lordy
My networth
My skin color
My face
My hairline
My height
Wait are you the pajeet?
did drinking eau de merde give you la petit mort
The jeet has a leaf flag
For the billionth time I am egyptian/tunishitian
I'm white/ latinx
That's what I said thinking but you type exactly like him

Anyways, start lifting and eating healthy and DEFINITELY start sleeping well. And you'll be shocked how much your state of mind changes. And if you find yourself feeling melancholic, take a 30 minute break from the internet, or at least focus on something longform like a documentary or some shit.
This all sounds cliche but our brains aren't meant for so much of the shit that has become normal for us
as it were
as it happens
fuckin allergies man
business idea: cheesecake toped with real cum
poo cheesecake shop in the gay village
benadryl: IN
Cheesecake is white/cream colored and hence can't use poop.
cheesecake made of breast milk cheese
How do I make five million dollars in less than a month?
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Cheesecake made of real prostate milk
How long until Elliot page kills herself and everyone blames transphobes instead of the fact that she mutilated herself because voices in her head told her to
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Not appetizing enough.
Why are you thinking about trannies killing themselves?
do i look like i own any benadryl
I was looking at a rapper memoir and her book appeared in the related category
cool it with the homophobic remarks
what percentage of Guatemala is white?
generic benadryl is like 1.89
Btw today I fell for the lost package sold by the weight meme and got a temu drill, a woman's pair of jeans and a black piece of cloth for three times their worth
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I am no homophobe. In fact, I am a big proponent of replacing cow milk with prostate milk.
You're awful Murray
What percentage of your brain can use Google?
you're getting very very sleepy
I have no word for you
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>a woman's pair of jeans
How about I hire you as VP of operations? Compensation will be $1M per year.
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The flag of Germany and the flags of the American Empire.
That particular flag of Germany is also a flag of ZOG. They restored the Weimar flag after the Jews won WW2.
Mmmh retard the items are a total mystery until you unpack thel
He’s just the Canadian obsessed with trannies he posts that image at least once a day, pay him no mind
They look silly when they are that long
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I never think about trannies unless some tranny starts posting tranny memes
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Poor kid
>hes mexican
>from mexico
Trannies are legitimately one of the most dangerous threats to society
Even to one of the most dangerous threats to LGBT themselves
Imagine if some Islamic group just happened to throw in "isis" under their protective groups.
Trannies live in a totally delusional world. They are utterly lost and cannot be reasoned with
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is it possible to find short dutch gf or no
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CUMMYPIES, im drinking covfefe
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Well, they’re one of the tallest nations in the world, so…
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i want some moleskin pants
they always seem goofy
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I black teenager yelled out a car window and called me ugly
you deserve that because you live in a country with blacks
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i will be extremely comfy in my moleskin and not goofy at all.
im still cooking but ill have a tea in spirit
Sex is not real.
we just dont know
ive got an entire moleskin suit
Proxy user or schizophrenic, call it.
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Was talking about these
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post skins

i bet he is very comfy
I feel like going to the bar later because I'll probably see someone I know (it's a small town). Not keen on drinking much though after last night. If I go I'll just get a beer and sip it.
mole slippers
Don’t have pics sorry but it’s Engineered Garments navy moleskin Bedford jacket and pants
Very comfy and versatile
Good image
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What if AOC pushed Ben Shapiro against a wall and KISSED HIM
lol this nigga is ugly!
they should make a sex tape
Someone say the n word multiple times on caps lock
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Sex is overrated
i feel the same cuddling > sex sometimes
People forget that sex is work, and usually should require both parties getting off.
Also if you aren't fucking someone you're deeply attracted to or even in love with, then there isn't really a point
Can smell the degenerate weed addicts outside again
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Do Latinx niggas typically do this?
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For me sex is more about the intimacy than the actual physical pleasure
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what's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? interlinked.
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chicken turned out great mac n cheese was also a hit, im feeding 6 people so i made a few sausages and some bacon in case someone didn’t want any chicken
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i want some
When I get an unsolvable captcha I take it as a sign that my post was not meant to be shared.
Plan: Drink some canned cocktails, eat a meal, then have a nap
I have an utterly deranged post on the back burner but I don’t feel like sharing
WAY too many bread crumbs on that 'c n' 'eez
>im feeding 6 people
You're having a party?
spinny is a single mom of 6
Isn't (s)he trans?
Her life situation is very mysterious to me
Not that it's any of my business...
im having family visit from out of state
in hindsight youre right but nobody seemed to mind
She lives with and adores her dad
She's about 29
Recently single and has trust issues

This is what I've gathered
saw a big titty blonde cutie when i was getting my boba
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jason exposed
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Looks like a chestburster is about to mature
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Life isn't worth living without a partner to share it with, for me at least
you might be screwed
I would devour all of this singlehandedly
Anyone here had any success in their fitness goals for this year?
no because the machine broke, i take it as a sign from god that he doesn't want me exercising
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I hate suburban truck drivers
Yes, but it wasn't a major fitness goal.
not even slightly
Don’t know why anyone would buy a janky prototype. Teslas will probably be both good and cheap in another 50 years. Meanwhile, I’ll stick with my ICE cars.
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Literally started my gym villain arc yesterday.
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Because they thought Elon could defeat the Olmec master race.
this mans career would collapse just by giving him a DNA test
not really
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I have two friends on troon watch
I know a tranny who legitimately thinks he's a pretty woman, and that he makes people's day by putting his masculine arm around them or calling them sweetheart or babe. It's really cringe and uncomfortable to see
people always say crap like "supplements aren't absorbed into your body it's a waste of money" but if I take an advil ibuprofen I feel it in 30 minutes, are you telling me my body absorbs ibuprofen but not supplements like omega 3 or whatever
Dead thread
Dead website
Dead internet
trannies and soon to be trannies are mentally ill
"supplements aren't absorbed into your body it's a waste of money" is disinfo put out by Big Smoothie
uh oh…
"fibre isn’t absorbed into your body it's a waste of money" is disinfo put out by Big Poopie
20 bucks to enter a park it should've come with a blowjob from an employee
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kind of true
and you know exactly which employee you would have liked it to have come from don't you you dog you
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The real post apocalypse car
did you just face reveal
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muh white genocide
Shut up pedophile
there's no post apocalypse car, without oil refineries all fuel would go bad in less than a year
Glad I did my recreational drug phase before everything got cut with fetanyl
I want one, but my taco has done right by me, and I wouldn't want her to get jealous or mad at me if I bring up the possibility of a three some
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yeah, you got me
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for me? it's the raptor
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Maaan, hot late summer nights really get me in my feefees. I might just die.
Everything is going to be okay
Too much computer stuff in the new cars for an apocalypse
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have a cold beer
I… I like it…
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Who says you need the computer to get around?
It's integrated into the modules of your engine and shit
You can drive without using it tho.
any one wants to play satisfactory with me?
As you can see my eyeliner is not symmetrical, however that would take a lot of time to match, and as a man, time is money.
why are there so many gays nowadays? because people are cowards
now lets cry together and fondle our balls
You are brown
cry babylon
babylon has fall
I've done it before, the car sounds very rough
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>babyelon has fall
imagine the ideas racing through babyelons face rn...
japan is more of a western country than israel
I was born in le wrong generation
shall shower real quick. anyone wishes to join?
depends, are you a woman?
Same. Goth doesn't even exist anymore. Dating is like applying for a job. Everything is ruined.
only if we wash each other and we’re not just showering separately in the same shower
You have a 50% chance that it's Spinster and a 50% chance that it's goshy
Do you take the risk
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nothing is worth enduring the presence of goshpedo
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Jason won
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And when I talk to women
I’m so Clostridium botulinum
im neither a woman nor go*hcel
wtf I'm no longer jewish
This guy has a penis!
Do NOT mount this to a Toyota Hilux
>everyone complains about youtube ad injections
Are they still doing the A/B testing on youtube, and I'm just not in the test group?
Or am I labelled as "far right extremist", and the wokies don't want to advertise to me?
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das rite
Idk but I haven't been able to skip ads as much lately and im IRRITATED

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