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Batista edition
Based edish
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reckon your man Jay Slater has done a Shannon Matthews

he's a thug, probably in owes a lot of money on the tic, sees the Michael Moseley story and decides to pretend to go missing, get a GoFundMe set up and pay off his debts
is this gingernonce
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On the ropes
Big Dave himself raping the lad with his huge willard

Weird to me how Evolution never had a female member. Seemed like a gay group
National Bolshevism is the way forward really
hey can you do me a favor
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Remember when the Prime Minister pledged to make all 18 year olds either serve in the army or work weekend for free otherwise they lose their bank accounts and driving licences
I sure am glad we live in a free democracy and not one of those evil eastern autocracies
batista bomb
Hello America
mad how someone can always have the most evil and retarded opinions like brick. he's like an ai that's purely programmed on reddit but is even dumber than a redditor somehow
(You Think You Know Me)
Tell him ow it is lads. He's saying you're not English in it. Can't ave' that.
He would never get that through parliament or the supreme court
How do you stop yourself from just endlessly clicking and watching shite YouTube videos?
just done a nother sick in the bog
me and mousey
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our steve
our sian
Don't give a fuck what Poles think, they're barely conscious
Youtube dedicates a lot of time to combat people actually watching the videos these days
>the supreme court
>the supreme court
RGB is dead tho
>Weird to me how Evolution never had a female member. Seemed like a gay group
can't think who would have fit. maybe victoria?
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Using your mouse, move the cursor over to the X button in the top right corner of your web browser and click on it.
Hope this helps.
Gonna be honest with you lads, don't like the thread. Won't be posting.
For me it's scrolling through 4chan and /brit/ endlessly
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God and all that
nazbol gang
Simple as?
high tory gang
i have quality of quantity mindset
i also screen through the video ive watched to see if its worth pursuing
take a closer look at that snout
Ivory or Gail Kim I would have thought

ah lad, why not?
icnredibly white crows
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hey bro
need a 40-something milf sugarmommy
comedy peaked with vine
both good shouts desu
gail kim was based especially in TNA
Lost the appetite to game and have been on 4chan posting nonstop for 4 days now. Something inside of me is telling me this isn't right but the amounts I'm chortling and gromitting means I must have some enjoyment
why do jews love ukraine, vaccines, porn, multiculturalism, lgbt, neoconservatism and raping kids so much
Odds new Vegas
Evens project zomboid
Dubs do a poo
Trips have a wank
Quads have a sleep
Quints drink some water
What does clapmeat mean
Thought you were in a loony bin?

it's a no from me
heed a tranny gf with anice little pert arsehole
why are u gey
this is truly what all /brit/ boys dream of and desire
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The scransition
I find it extremely easy to not do that, because I hate about 99.9999999999% of YouTube videos

There's only one or two channels I watch these days and I don't even watch all their stuff
Just realised my arse is nicer than girlfriendberg's arse
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need a fit British mum to give me a good spanking and sort me out
Gay faggot post
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And foreigners tell us our food is bad

They don't know a thing
There was literally a coup in Ukraine followed by shelling of russian areas by the government. They had paramilitary forces go in and slaughter civilians. Mad how nobody mentions this, not even Putin. Mental even.
muh food rorke
we need wogs for muh food
currently sleeping with a woman in her early 40s by I myself am early 30s so she's too young to be a milf to me
project zomboid sucks
rorke licking nigel farage's arse clean
Can't chat I'm off to play project zomboid mate cheers bye
Get good
hairy everywhere but her fanny. woke gone mad
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Jew glowie op
Good fibre that
might have a big line of ketamine tonight then lie in my bed and think thoughts
Tonight, I feel Romanian
been on tiktok and th ebooze all day
Dubs and I watch gay porn
how do I learn to trust my feelings
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got the gay muscle hypnosis porn on
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Romania is paradise
miss the ket haha
Marimo, more commonly known as moss balls, make a fun addition to your indoor garden and are a popular feature in aquariums. These aquatic plants are also relatively easy to care for once you know the basics

The little green spheres are not actually moss, but algae. In their natural habitat, the algae balls live at the bottom of cold lakes. They keep their round shape by the action of the waves.

The plants grow up to 5 millimeters per year and will eventually reach 2 to 5 inches in containers or 8 to 12 inches in natural conditions.

Marimo balls are regarded as good luck charms in Japan, and since they have been known to live to 200 years or longer, they are often kept as family heirlooms.
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bet a noble aristocrat who is secretly a vampire lives in that castle
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yanks pay $2m/year for this
What drugs have you done on a night out?
Going in the wallpaper slideshow folder thx
dunno what to eat lads
why are you defending a badly designed game with abhorrent combat lol
the hitboxes make no sense. if i swing a bat im swinging that fucker out, not 3 inches away from my body like in the game
poo barms
don't care
not worth posting
Alcohol free Peroni

t. Gareth Southgate
ket, J, MD, k, PS, GHA, CBG, all thd rrgus
youve evidently never killed a person irl
Meeting up with a tranny thats 15 years younger than me next weekend if all goes well. Not sure if this is based.or cringe. Been stalking their pictures online and they look pretty passable
The combat isn't the point lmao go back to your call of duty brainrot loser
the age of small professional armies is over
US Army forecasting future wars with 3600 casualties a day
get with the times
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ah......hello all
fuck off yank
Skill issue
whats the timeline doe
he looks pretty good for being almost 50
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Why are Iranians so much smarter than other Muslims? They rank 12th place in the International Mathematics Olympiad. No other middle eastern country is even close.
Checkout girl at the Lidl was eyeing me up today
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have you all gone completely mad?
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How do I learn to trust my feelings?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
pizza? na not really in the mood for a za, which is what i call pizza.

not necessarily a takeaway, although i could go for a kebab. but i could just go to tesco and get something.
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does /brit/ like ali?
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I've been outta my mind a long time
I've been outta my mind a long time
I know, I know, I shouldn't even bother
With all these gossiping, no-pussy-getting bloggers
Fashion show in Gotham, I need another costume
PETA mad 'cause I made a jacket outta possum
Awesome, Steve Jobs mixed with Steve Austin
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for me it's sophy
im mad as hell
more tgirl angels
long history of civilisation
they cheated
iran is whiter
cba using a dating app again
just end up getting autistic virgin women
I’ve never necessarily talked about this, but I’ve been a porn addict since I was very young. Nobody knows because I have ways to hide it, but I’m looking to quit, and I need something to motivate me. One upvote will be a day off from watching porn it’s just ruining me and I can’t take it anymore, I mark my words I will take a day off from each upvote I get and comments included.
practicing lucid dreams, astral projection, and transcendtal meditation again
Are these tranny pictures real or just photoshoot, the dicks look too big for them? Why become a tranny id you have a massive fucking cock, just doesn't make sense to me
Remember when I was at a club in uni, some rando started passing pills to everyone and some of my flat mates took it
Dunno if that's a common occurrence being an incel and all
poo comes from bums
>the supreme court
doesn't have the power to strike down primary legislation

you think im just making this shit up?
so what should i have to eat?
really? might give it a go if that's the case

Bot post that's safe to post always
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Deep down, you know it's best for yourself, but you
Hate the thought of her bein' with someone else
But you know that it's over, we knew it was through (Yeah)
Let it burn (Let it burn, whoa), let it burn (Let it burn), gotta let it burn
i dont give a fuck about the white race
High-testosterone males naturally have smaller/average genitalia, same with height. There's a reason eunuchs grow freakishly tall.
have a day off leftypol
curious arrangement
Nobody does
No one cared about the skin color of Jesus christ. It wasn't until the non-whites came that it was even a point. But you're just as bad
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I'm voting Reform
I have cock balls
knobbing honkers
knobbing fuckign honkers
knibbing knobjers haha
sacked tranny!!
Go back to pol you fucking jew
>combat isnt the point of a game where you're fighting off zombies
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Hypothetically you are being forced to relocate to the U.S.

You can pick any state you choose. Which one is it?
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ethic moment
Does commiemong support this?
Wtf Utah is a state not Texas
if my put my head amongst the leaves of my cheese plant it almost feels like I'm in the amazon rainforest
Very feminine looking lads being posted
Batista in 2005/2006 was literally the most over wrestler post-Attitude Era (literally the only time ratings went up for the WWE after 2001) and WWE messed it up
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where is best for swamp gfs
whichever has the least amount of wogs
How do you miss the point of a simple video game? You can play it without zombies.
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Crazy how pollards hate white people having sex to procreate
Nigel Farage, majority owner of company Reform Ltd (formerly Brexit Party on Companies House), a former banker that spent most of his career in Singapore, wants tax cuts for the wealthy and to increase immigration so the corporate class can surpress wages?

NO, This is a LIE. Nige is a man of the people!
trannycord going mental
can literally see his flesh resisting this unnatural configuration
finally some vag
might move to america
no future in britain
That's hot
the rumble ending with him and big match john
deeply based
the old cunt tearing both his quads will always be funny
Montana or Wyoming. Love a good rodeo, me.
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>Nige is a man of the people!
give it a rest yegor
forgot i put chips in the oven and some supernatural force has taken them out of the oven and turned it off
>Google is blocking Reform UK from advertising

Mad how tech companies can just censor political parties they disagree with
I've literally had sex with Amelia Dimoldenberg while we were in uni and it was fucking fantastic
She looks like a plain Jane but is fucking FILTH in the bedroom
Cringe person
mmm yes i'm sure this is what happened
I could make do in any state. The only reason id move there or the Yanks would let me in is if I married an American so id go to whatever state she was from.
Looking to be a kino night lads
>pizza and pints infront of me
>vidya ready
>leg healing from injury
>gf out clubbing with the girls

The day is looking to be very relaxing fr
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does spaino know I didn't make this, lads?
Not sure why he's trying to get the janny to remove it
Is Farage pronounced like Garage? The southern "garage" not the northern "garridge"
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Yeah it is actually.
What vidya is it?
yeah i'm sure it has nothing to do with being terrorist chuds
It's true I saw it
i did an online quiz and it said spag bol
however ive had a lot of pasta lately
but i wouldnt mind sausages mash and beans
then again its a lot of work
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interesting that you take a notable grifter's word at face value without an ounce of critical thinking
bizarre accusation
why would i play a game called project zomboid without zombies?
you've lost it
I'm not gay but I basically only shag trannies and twinks these days
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>interesting that you take a notable grifter's word at face value without an ounce of critical thinking
I remember requesting this specific image to be made from a kind stranger anon 2+ years ago for WMAF chuds
corr, if she stuck that in she would crush my sissy button and make my sissy juices dribble out from my limp clitty
She's a munter and looks like she smells of stale cheese.
rorke going the wrong way down a one-way street
time to open some vino i think
desire a french-canadian gf
beautiful androgynous man
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How is Ally McCoist so comfy on commentary
farage is quite literally a tory
No Asian woman has hips or tits that large.
reminds me of classic a question of sport
Embrace it.
anti intellectualism is the death knell of western civilisation, it destroyed america and we're next
get the trannies posted
get the wogs in
get the israel supported
>the game is called streetfighter AND YET in one stage the fight is clearly taking place indoors and not in the street which is frankly just confusing
Getting the moss balls wanked
>intellectualism is the death knell of western civilisation
this is correct
this. ally, frankie and sue.
we NEED to return
also looking at some of the entrants that year
>orlando jordan
>luther reigns
>paul london
better than most of the geeks today
rorke scranning a moss ball
he's based. he's a cuck though I remember him commenting on a player's big willy once
Farage killed the tories, he is a tory's worst nightmare
a rolling ball garners no moss
bizarre lie
Pokémon Gold rom
he just enjoys the game
the anti-danny murphy
lads the spamming of gay porn has turned me of the idea of cans tonight
thanks /brit/
by your logic it would be a game about streets and the fighting is just optional lmao
these days, you say you're jewish and they put you in jail
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/brit/ suddenly growing a whole host of tory fanboys during election season
It’s an edit from the original green frog black female pic
Go and wank over Judge Dredd comics and fuck off you 47 year old geriatric curtain twitching old cunt
it's curious how ever since farage returned leftypol has spent 100% of his time attacking reform and 0% of his time attacking the tories
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no t was actually blair that killed them, anything other than david cameron (who himself was blair 3.0) was never going to work
penis mogs me
Hi spaino
how's the man dick today? Hanging there reminding you that youo'll never be a woman?
rangeban liverpool
not gay but i would rather fuck a cute twink than a tranny
Question of Sport used to give me that Sunday night dread

Oh, it was also fucking BORING!!
>who was the silver medalist in the 2001 track and field qualifications

Nothing about footy. Just random losers you've never heard of that might have appeared in a yoghurt advert at some point doing some boring sport no one has heard of like equestrian show trotting or discus thrower
rorke using the term christian name instead of first name
Good vidya that. Need to get back to my Heartgold playthrough
Were you here yesterday?
Ruthless aggression era WWE was fucking stacked,
Name of girl?
>weak genetically inferior muscles
>the gf being bred by foreign bulls in a bathroom as we speak
Ah yes perfect day
best moment in question of sport history
did the janny really delete images of women and leave trannies up
Why not Crystal, the superior Gen 2 game?
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>Go and wank over Judge Dredd comics and fuck off you 47 year old geriatric curtain twitching old cunt
Are these implants or this person somehow grew both tits and a dick?
nowt wrong with an innocent size up
please dont make him have a meltdown again
inducing lactation
190 would’ve loved this post
spaino samefag coal
He deleted a picture of my cis male penis but kept up a picture of a mutilated post-op penis removal surgery
need a bf
4chan moderation has got dramatically worse in the past few months. It's always been bad but recently they aren't even attempting to do their jobs. Wonder wtf happened. Seems like there's dodgy things going on behind the scenes at 4chan and the site is struggling to keep itself afloat.
If that was the game then that would be the game.

Grow up
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pokemon gold didn't look like this
all i'm saying is that you would never see a jew down a mine
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what would you do if 4chan (and therefore /brit/) was taken down forever

i'd have a panic attack knowing that i couldn't post anymore
that's extremely idiotic behavior especially today with presses having fent in them
i'd just ask the discord lads where we're going next
you used to call me on my cell phone
please talk me out of getting a maccies lads. i dont deserve a maccies. done fuck all exercise. im a big fat bastard. its expensive and shite.
Borussia Mönchengladbach? I hardly knew 'er!

actual new
Wouldn't be that bothered desu. This site is a shadow of its former self. Sometimes I feel like we should just put it out of its misery.
On a night out
Mcat 3-4mmc

Nights in?
prefer not to say x
Yh didn't take any myself despite them offering it to me, could've been anything
drake is a nonce
Crystal doesn’t have Mareep in the game at all and that’s my favourite gen 2 electric Pokémon
>Pizza and lager is a fun meal to enjoy on a weekend
>playing childhood games that still hold up as an adult is a good thing
>so what if I’m a slim male
>again so what if she’s being pleasured by a thick African penis? She still comes home to me. Her real man.

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