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lol what have you done?

also henlo
I Shot The Sheriff
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give me your fav trippy music. I want to k hole myself tonight and need new music. I enjoyed Samotari soundtrack on my first hole and it was kino.
Do you have soundcloud?
Dnes večer je tu litevský anon. Další dvě hodiny před spaním.
nope, but I've already found some music often recommended in r/ketamine. I've got 250 mg of powdered K staring at me, in a moment I'm going in
Goood, henlo anon. Howdy.

the show starts at the top of the hour, see you in an hour
nejak moc se to tlaci. Nic nic a behem par hodin to vidim vsude.
já jsem to zjistil teprve před 5 minutama, poslal mi to kámoš
tady nikdo neví kdo litwín je, v4 je vedle
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zatim slaby najezd, leti treti lajna do 250 mg. See ya l8r
OP knows me
But he is Balt, anon.
Why so early today?
try this
I have to work from 7am on mon-tue-wed-thur next TWO WEEKS at least until something happens. So my sleep schedule is adjusted rationally.
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>I have to work from 7am
That's very cruel.
Yeah but they pay me a lot so it's GOOD.
Ok, for big money, it's acceptable to get up at 6 a.m. But I'm going on another vacation.
Ppfffffff... when I was working that warehouse job I had to literally get up at fucking 3:30 AM to catch a night train on 4:10 AM, and start my shift at 6 AM.
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>get up at fucking 3:30 AM to catch a night train on 4:10 AM, and start my shift at 6 AM
Oh shidddd... I'd rather be in prison.
>get up at 6am
I wish. I will get up at 5 minimum.
I worked a warehouse job when I had a Polish gf many years ago, we both worked in the same job. I worked nights as well, easiest job in the world, but the pay was dogshit.
>I will get up at 5
The last time I did that was when I was 18 (15y ago), since then, never.
I refuse to conform to the mainstream. People who voluntarily get up before 9am should be executed.
>easiest job in the world

Maybe in the UK, but here it was not so easy.
I actually like getting up early because everyone is sleeping and only the animals are awake.
>I actually like getting up early because everyone is sleeping and only the animals are awake
Same goes when I go to bed at 4:00 am
It wasn't a fun or rewarding job, that involved skill, so you could argue it was not easy in that case.
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>but here it was not so easy
But there's a Polska anon who floods the threads with stats from Poland - a thriving economy, huge paychecks, and paradise on earth.
But then you wake up when everyone is awake and you don't get any time off...
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>and you don't get any time off...
I'm my own boss. I'm off when I want.
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Since May 3, I have worked approximately 10 hours in total.
Is the country I'm in right now central?

Not as much as a liar, but simply a broken, confused retard with delusions about his country.
>rewarding job

The only '''reward'''' I expect from any kind of job, is my salary. People who go to work for some kind of weird ''fulfillment'' are fucking mental.
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It's hard to say. I don't think Switzerland is Central Europe. Maybe geographically only.
>People who go to work for some kind of weird ''fulfillment'' are fucking mental.
I know people for whom work is also a hobby. They give the impression of being happy.
ngl, I'm a medical pro and like my job.
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Greetings, frens.
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The second dentist has arrived.
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I'm back from the trip that was very trippy
>I'm a medical pro

Do you work in a ''elderly care facility''?
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we have 2 dentists in this thread rn
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Fascinating how that woman is probably considered average af in Europe but if she lived here there would be at least 5 favelados foaming at the mouth while orbiting her where ever she went.
This is why I can't wait to get the fuck out of this country.
/icy/ is a caries-free thread.
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>that woman is probably considered average af in Europe
bro, you mean that whore, she's literally a dick-washer, the company you want for a weekend at the cottage and then never see again
Yeah, I'm talking about appearance, not personality.
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I don't like going to my dentist. She's good, but she's fucking her lover there.
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BSc, BDS, MScD, here.
It's fucking unsanitary.
how do you know
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You wouldn't believe the ammount of tedious work we have to do to keep the equipment sterile, and this includes the chair.
Trust me, it's fine.
She's my cousin's friend.
>this includes the chair
They're literally fucking in there.
What happened to your Polish GF?
We broke up on good terms. She was a bit older than me and wanted kids and I did not.
Ich hasse es, dass dieser tschechische Wichser dich nicht respektiert und nicht auf Deutsch mit dir spricht.
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rude, as always
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Denmark is in central europe, therefore vi skal tale dansk
nice bait anon
Iss Scheiße
>rude, as always


>rude, as always
Glad to see you're back in shape.
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Willst du sterben?
Be my boss...
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>female ww2 reenactor
It breaks the most fundamental laws of physics...
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Sometimes I remember that life is like one big LSD trip
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You are eastern european
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drugstore near my house has a new babe working there
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I'm gonna bake some brownies now.
See ya in about an hour.
I'm an American doing my honeymoon here in Switzerland but I have no idea where to ask questions about this place so I'm here
I can't read a single word of that
Where in Switzerland?
Pamiętacie komixxy pl? To były czasy, teraz już nawt się nie da tych najstrarszych oglądać
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This was sent to me by a Polish anon. It's rude, but funny at the same time.
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kurwa popłacze się, ja kiedyś codziennie na te stronkę wchodziłem i śmiałem się z komiksów z rockiem i jaką blond dziewczynką w samochodzie,i jeszcze z tego z tatą z gazetą i synem.
fuck I'm posting in the wrong thread.
Rumcajs was cool too, I think I have krecik on dvd somewhere.
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>fuck I'm posting in the wrong thread.
How is it even possible?
Coisa de viado
Okay it's about my bed time
Good night
No music today?
We flew to Zurich and then took a train to Chur, and we were planning to go to Zermatt but there was massive floods that cut off all the trains. So instead we'll take a train to Bern instead, and then to Lucerne
And then? Northern Italy?
Wengen and Lauterbrunen/interlaken/grindelwald, then Meringen, then Alpnahstadt and Mt Pilatus.
I mostly wanted to see if there's any obscure/niche things to see or visit in any of those places.
And is your new wife excited about Switzerland too?
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She is! We're having a great time.
Here is a song especially for you
bro you should be asleep by now
>We're having a great time.
Nice, is it your first time in yurop?
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Brownies in the oven.
Shall be ready in about 20 minutes.
I can go to Europe anytime I'd like. Just tell me the fucking place and the fucking time that we can meet.
How much time does it take to bake 6 million brownies?
It takes me a while to fall asleep bae
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picture when done
Olomouc, Holy Trinity Dick
12:00, July, 14th
Fuck you so much
My soul literally left my body
Fuck you fuck you fuck you
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It doesn't add up but the Czech will still say it can
I was joking but when I go to Europe would you meet me?
*will you
if we agreed to a time and date here? Yes?
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>it doesn't add up
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I legit don't understand the thought-process behind neo-nazis denying the holocaust.
Like, Hitler literally said in Mein Kampf that jews should be killed using gas.
So let's keep our friendship alive
just show me your cookies
8 more minutes.
If you come to Olomouc, I will tell all my female friends that you are a shy incel. They'll probably start competing to see who can get you drunk and fuck you first.
People aren't denying it, it's just that Jews are slippery creatures who pull sardines on their side whenever they can.
So they keep playing the victim of something that was much lighter.
Did they deserve it? Perhaps yes
Can you and them speak english fine? Would you prefer for us to communicate in German?
>Can you
:D :D :D :D nigger, haven't you noticed that my English is broken?
>to communicate
You won't be able to communicate, you'll probably be unconscious after too much of alcohol.
>I suffer in the Czech Republic
Czechs drink a lot? I thought Czechs were very religious and didn't drink? Yes?
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>I thought Czechs were very religious and didn't drink
What do you do for fun???
I hike the mountains and fuck women. Sometimes I fuck women in the mountains.
Please don't tell me those Czech street videos are real...
I remember I watched one where a girl gave a blowjob to this guy under a bridge for 500 euros...
>Please don't tell me those Czech street videos are real...
You and I both know those videos aren't real.
>I hike the mountains
What the fuck? The Czech Republic is Germanic?
>and fuck women
Gut für dich
>Sometimes I fuck women in the mountains
That must be pleasant. I also love nature.
>That must be pleasant.
Without access to the bathroom?
It must be nice to be with a girl you like and admire the nature
Do you also see the stars with your girl?
>Do you also see the stars with your girl?
Never. Stargazing is a sacred activity that I engage alone. Only my dogs can be present.
I wished I had a cute white girl that liked me
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In that case, you should really start working on the realization of your dream.
It's beautiful
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Fuck, I forgot to put butter on the baking sheet and it broke apart when I removed it.
It is still delicious, tho.
Schwarz Scheiße
Never judge a book by its cover.
I know you don't think so but there are cute white girls in Brazil
poo in the loo
kek, he is right >>198890094
but still, taste is what matters most
then start talking to them
Ok. Where to meet teenage girls?

Mods the parasite is avatar flagging again after his name fagging stopped and you're not doing your jobs yet again

He's undermining the entire point of this board having come from the 'containment board' that saves you work. You're not doing your job. Do your job mods


I'm not reporting all of these posts. Do your job while I repost this however many times I had to quote posters

Guarantee they come here and post the usual cancer they copy and paste everywhere. They are so worthless and pol isn't working as a containment board. I'm making this post here because they don't listen unless I act out

I'm not even going to post porn to be edgy because that's all the board has been all week anyways >>198889430 #
>>198889518 #
>>198889545 #>>198889430
This shit is better than melatonin
...literally everywhere
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I wish I had some chantilly or ice cream to make it look a bit better.
I like brownies with greek yoghurt, it's creamy and slightly sour, the perfect combination + espresso
Qualquer coisa que é branca é gostosa
Isto inclui garotas
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>anything that is white is delicious
É verdade
A cor branca é bonita
I'd like to spend some money, but I don't know what to spend it on.
Weiße Mädchen
Spending money on women? Why would I do that?
The only women I'd be willing to spend money on: my mom and/or love of my life. I have neither.
Buy a 3D printer. Mine was the best purchase I've ever made.
>Buy a 3D printer.
I already have 2 or 3 (in company), but I don't use it at all, our industrial designers are using it.
>love of my life
Buy one for yourself so you can 3D print whatever you want without worries.
Also learn how to make 3D models, and BOOM: anything is possible.
But I made a purchase that made me happy.
This shit is brilliant, all my clothes smell great.
>whatever you want without worries
I can do it :D :D :D
But you've probably already noticed that I'm not a creative person.
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I guess it is over.
I'm currently watching some documentaries.
what kind
Quality content from Mark Felton.
> Heinrich Himmler's Pistols
Has he ever used a gun?
Yes. He was actually very good at aiming.
Mf got mogged so hard by Heydrich that he went out of his way to get a fitness medal usually given to teenagers LMAO
I mean in some real action...
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>mogged so hard by Heydrich
Anon, this nigga was wearing a corset...
Yeah, but he was 1,91m tall and looked very much like the "ideal aryan" the SS was so obsessed about.
Meanwhile, Himmler looked more japanese than german.
fun facts from the assassination
>he was riding in a convertible, no bodyguards, just a driver
>during the assassination, his driver pulled over (!!!)
>his driver accidentally discharged the magazine from his pistol
>instead of first aid or evacuating Heydrich, he started chasing an assassin around Prague
>a Czech gendarme also started to chase the assassin, but figured out what was going on and discreetly disappeared (he never came out as witness to the Germans)
>Heydrich refused a Sudeten German doctor in the hospital, and insisted on a Reich doctor
>Reich surgeon arrived but forgot his glasses at another hospital
>He started the surgery without glasses, and totally fucked up the resection
>Sudeten German took over the operation (both professors)
>The anesthesiologist was... yes, you guessed right. Czech.
>but he was 1,91m tall and looked very much like the "ideal aryan"
Another fun fact, he lived in a chateau near Prague (Panenské Břežany) with his family.
His son was hit by a truck (dead instantly), Lina Heydrich wanted to execute the driver (Czech), but German authorities decided that the driver was innocent, and he was released.
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Another fun fact about his family life.
>he had several mistresses,
>but so did Lina (she was fucking with his subordinates), and he knew it.
>they had open marriage before it became popular.
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>>Reich surgeon arrived but forgot his glasses at another hospital
>>He started the surgery without glasses, and totally fucked up the resection
What the fuck.
I guess the standards for doctors were lower back then?
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>Panenské Břežany
>this chateau had a large park full of rare trees
>Germans started to lose the war
>Lina ordered to cut down the park
>and started a potato field there
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>they had open marriage before it became popular.
KEK, I'm now imagining his wife having sex with a muscular jew in their castle while Heydrich jerks off in the corner.
>I guess the standards for doctors were lower back then?
Both professors were very nervous, and even made two cuts (instead of one).

Another interesting fact. When Heydrich died, they did an autopsy. But they didn't examine the brain and they didn't do toxicology.
>But they didn't examine the brain and they didn't do toxicology.
No one knows, and the cause of death is unknown.

>the surgery was successful
>his health was rapidly improving
>the two professors were replaced by SS doctors
(everyone wanted to take credit for his recovery)
>and all of a sudden he died
he was treated better at his funeral than at the hospital lol

>doctors said he was killed by bacteria
>but, if I'm not mistaken, he was given something like antibiotics
>no inflammation or bacterial load was found at autopsy

so today we only have 2 speculations:
stroke or poisoning
200% poisoning.
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This is a Czech anesthesiologist, thanks to him we know exactly how the surgery went.
He gave him the bene gesserit treatment
Another strange thing:
during the autopsy, they examined the liver, heart, kidneys and other shit under a microscope, but they didn't examine the lungs
Was he breathing normally?
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fun fact:
after his death, he organized a huge celebration
>Was he breathing normally?
the autopsy found mucus in his lungs + atelectasis
>after his death, he organized a huge celebration
Yeah, I've seen documentaries about his funeral. It was huge an lengthy.
He was also buried with all his medals, which were stolen from his tomb in 2019.
I mean... He was celebrating his death with whores and alcohol :D :D
Man, the third reich has so much internal schemes it is surprising it lasted for as long as it did.
Hitler purposefully put his inner circle against eachother to prevent any coup from happening.
>To this day, it is not known for certain who ordered his elimination.
there are three theories,
1) The British
2) President Benes (probable),
3) Colonel Moravec (most likely), chief Czechoslovak military intelligence officer
thread theme:
Good one
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I'm gonna sleep now - gotta wake up early tomorrow.
Goodnight bro.
Por quê se amanhã é domingo? Alô?
GN anon
Holy shit blue eyes truly are beautiful
Better one Travolta
Good night you little nazi

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