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Wilfred Edward Salter Owen MC (18 March 1893 – 4 November 1918) edition
What's the best sausage roll in London lads
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not using canscunt thread
this is the thread
posted from your mum's basement on jobseekers no doubt
*bakes my knob in a puff pastry*
right here, bossman
we're all in here

Move to real thread
I didn't put in effort for nothing
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Need the BBC clits sucked pronto
fuck up
fuck off you virgin freaj
>yank solder in japan knows what "job seekers" is
hmmm yeah sure spainy
piss off cansnonce
Have a couple of slices of dry white toast
get them wanked off
I have disgusting, battered boulderers feet need to do something about it
Marxists really think dialectics is some kind of magic force that controls everything dont they
canslad about to haul his old arse to reddit any minute now
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Many tell me they will refuse to vote at all. Or they will refuse to vote for the Tories. I understand this. For years I urged patriotic, sensible people to dump this miserable party. I would still cross the road to avoid it if I saw it coming down the street. But conditions change. The country is now back roughly where it was in 1997, though far worse off. It is worse off because in 1997, far too many sensible people did not see the danger facing them from the Blairites.
Blair’s victory meant the total triumph of political correctness in the Civil Service. It began the great wave of mass immigration which transformed the country. It broke up the United Kingdom. It wrecked the House of Lords, kicking out the hereditary peers who were the most independent and honest people in it.
Sir Keir is a dedicated dogmatic Leftist. The Tories should plaster that photograph of him and his deputy, Angela Rayner, taking the knee at every crossroads in the country. It is the truth about them. In any case, do you think Sir Keir’s government will go away when you get tired of it? People have got used to the ease of sending back unwanted goods, thanks to internet shopping. But if you buy a Labour government on July 4, you won’t be able to send it back. Like some horror-film pet or plant, it will grow and grow and refuse to leave, as it takes over your life. Votes at 16, no doubt followed by votes for EU nationals, will cement it in office. And those who voted to punish the Tories will find they have punished themselves for many years to come. This is why everyone has to discover the key to being a modern voter. Learn to vote against, rather than for. Manifestoes are mostly lies, or deliberately disguised. You will not get what you vote for, ever. But you do still have the power to prevent what you do not want.
I wouldn’t ask anyone to vote for the Tories. But I’m ready to take the knee to you, to beg you to vote against a Starmer government.
Idealist troon
dont get it
ancient gimmique
I didn't mean cocktail rolls
Emma Thompson interview on GBNews starting now
no tiches
Love your weekend
Fuck off Peter you fat nonce.
I'm voting REFORM UK.
not even close
Marxist was not a materialist nincompoop
So all his years of shilling and he ends up just crying to vote tory lol
i'm voting for kony
Jewish guy who's there just to befuddle and confuse white people
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in a government role for 30k a year and want to die
The Tories are right wing because the essence of right wing politics is being a crook who wants to screw the working class to the last penny.
I watch this guy argue on twitter and he reminds me of diego
done him
How was he not
What would you describe him as
Communists overwhelmingly are material realists nowadays
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A nightmare haunts my dreams, that the Blair Creature will return to rule us again. I very much fear that the country and the Labour Party will soon be ready for this moment.
lol nobody likes canslad
You're lucky Marxism is not a subject in schools anymore, you would not have graduated
probably where diego learned methodology
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tonight's spook
Who was Peter Hitchen's great-grandad? Oh yes, the chief rabbi of Manchester
i wish diego were here
he'd saying something like
Women are just giga normies unfortunately, maybe it's for the best, nature is smart etc
how do i effectively communicate with women on dating apps that i am sort of a loser? they're matching me and making convo, but i dont want to let them down when we meet in person. i am the type of guy who posts on 4chan, after all, not the typical 'lad' type who goes out drinking, etc.
if they thought that, they would want more illegals to work in the uk to devalue wages.
nah it's all spaino
'Material dialectic' doesn't mean he was a materialist. He was an idealist the way Hegel was
he is always here lurking in the rafters like quasimodo
Well they do
he will only back the side he sees as having no chance of winning. it's the only reason he was right about one thing in the last decade (brexit)
Peter defends Farage's point on Russia being provoked in this discussion around halfway in.
Mixed-race people are for the best
Nature knows best
odd comment
they'll be able to tell, the best thing you can do at this point is make your life seem quirky rather than pathetic - a big part of that is just being content and self-assured which can be fixed by getting to the gym and eating better.
how is he wrong though
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It's important to know who influences our political parties. Did you know that Reform UK shares deep connections with the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA)? The IEA, a secretive think tank, often pushes policies favouring big business and deregulation, which may not always be in the best interest of ordinary citizens. Understanding these links can help us see who might be pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Funnily enough I feel that's something I have a decent shot at lel
flight is at 6am
need to wake up at like 2
so should i even go to sleep?
give me your expert opinion
he's just sat there talking about her you prat
Having a daughter genuinely terrifies me
How the fuck do you even go about preventing this
getting a few hours sleep is vastly preferable to no sleep
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Get them sucked and emptied
>it's hard to morally disapprove of somebody who doesn't share your morals
what utter shameless hypocrisy, thats basically his job isn't it?
Nah sleep on the plane I reckon
go to the airport early and sleep there at the gate
Walked 18 miles today
going to wank to british girls with big boobies
imagine /brit/ without the discord shills and gchq jews
Are you Irish diaspora?
sleep on the plane/destination
making more than me, is your work difficult?
Cansfreak really pushing it.
what's the best calculator app?
Australian woman reading BBC News
This is so fucking true
There's key sleep of like ~3 hours that makes a world of difference
don't know just use my phone me
gfberg just found a gray hair in my head and said she'll pull it out and started doing so and then I snapped at her to not just pull my fucking hair out, then she said if my hair is going gray I'll have to dye it and I said fuck no, I hope you're not actually this vain. hope I didn't overreact but that was quite shallow and disappointing of her.
by being present and making sure she's not a retard, that's literally all you have to do
it's not hard in the slightest
just raise her well and instead she'll spend her 20s breaking men's hearts
Is your girlfriend white or are you Irish diaspora?
yeah we are obviously underfunded so I have to do way more work than 30k is worth
feel scammed and trapped desu
hate waking up
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need a bambi blacks gf
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have you considered a career change?
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any mixed race trans-women nazis in
>is your girlfriend white
>are you irish
don't know this word
can we discuss the fact that trump is beating biden in the polls by a landslide right now?

and still "landslide" might be too generous for biden. trump's ahead in 5 out of 6 of the swing states that have historically decided elections. biden won all 6 of these swing states in 2020 but now is winning only one of them by 2%. trump is winning by as much as 13% in the other five states.

people who think it's because of the gaza war and that it serves biden right are wrong. first, the only swing state biden's winning right now is minnesota, which has the largest percent share of muslims/middle easterners/north africans in the country. second, the poll shows that the people who supported biden in 2020 but are no longer supporting him in 2024 are young, black and hispanic self-identified moderates and conservatives, and that the most important issues to them are the economy and immigration. self-identified progressives and liberals are still sticking with biden across the board. people are throwing a fit over the burning sun scandal and forgetting that trump got Roe V Wade overturned and abortion illegal. people are foaming at the mouth over chuu drinking starbucks and forgetting that trump gave netanyahu free reign to build settlements in the west bank during his presidency and that right now netanyahu is betting on trump winning to annex gaza and the west bank
I'm half Irish and the girlfriend is mixed-race
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Dim cunt aren’t you.
how the fuck do you not know the word "diaspora"
In an air b and b
About to go sleep x
you look like the biggest virgin i have ever seen
I would Love to chat and get to know more about you, and one day we can meet each other b
will trump be the first president so spend his presidential time in jail?
Lol what race is your girlfriend then? Let me guess, is she East Asian?
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Surely this was no coincidence?
not allowed
australians really are florida brits arent they
British education is abysmal
no.................. ye
west african
He can (and will) pardon himself
irish diaspora do not know what the word diaspora means
It’s not very common at all outside of /int/.
at school the russian and chinese kids were put in a separate maths class and taught much more advanced things because they were so far ahead of everyone else
says it all really
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Then you're Irish diaspora. You have an Irish great-grandparent that you're not aware of or something.
I have never heard the word diaspora in my entire life until this thread. never heard it said, never heard it used, never seen it written, never.
shania twain on beeb two
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This is mousenonce
>on benefits
>unwashed greasy hair
>teeth falling out (pic related)
>energy drink addiction
>bronze on league of legends
>steals meal deals, chocolate bars and toilet paper from shops and cafes
>obsessed with Walt Disney, Florida, Jacob Rees-Mogg and the House of Lords
>Was homeless for 18 years
>Is either 30 or 36 (conflicting information)
>lives in a council flat
>neighbours have called the police on him multiple times
>tried to strangle his neighbour in the Co-Op
>wrote a deranged letter about Bank of England policy to Baroness Blackstone
>tries to melt down free sim cards for gold
>smokes 40 cigarettes a day, mostly from tobacco off the floor
>eats dog food
Yew fuckin stupid cunt!
used to be a more colourful character didn't he
just spams chemistry drivel now
im not voting
bizarre string of meaningless and extremely low quality drivel posts
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for you
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>last day of 3 matches in a row tomorrow
always get sad when the number of games starts dropping. had a lovely day today.
wasn’t talking about you love x
Why did the6 put poo on their food
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Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a Negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
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>>wrote a deranged letter about Bank of England policy to Baroness Blackstone
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watchin fawlty towers
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We're so back
it's their culture rorke
He was influenced by Hegel, but Marx and Engels developed a materialist conception of history.
have you got a problem is grammatically correct
do you have a problem can be taken literally
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>4 Dead In Huge Blast At A Factory In Gurugram
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... it's over
the epic of girugamesh
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Remember when that leftypol mayor said terrorism was parting parcel of living in a city
What was that about
listen very carefully, i vill say zis only vunce
If it would please the rt. hon. Baroness (Blackstone), and I hope my grammar please her too — the rt. hon. having been taught at a grammar school, a very nice one, and, I myself not so much formally learned nor practised in letter-writing, still the grammar is what I chase like with her; a London school of economics afterwards — Education and learning as one of your focus areas of interest; Your involvement with the standards of the bar; Your families 300 or so years ago writing the book of law. These are some of the reasons for why I'm writing to you about what I have to say. This is what I have read if it is correct, and may I also hope that it could benefit and be of interest or be good if you would hear this put before you?

I use the: Banking Act (2009), the Bank Recovery and Resolution Order (2014) both, throughout this mail. These are the relevant documents/legislation I have used for writing it.
I'm a little late but the purpose of this letter is for the chaos that occurred late this year, happening throughout the last PM's (and friends) run. It's to say out-loud about the "GBP being devalued" or "shorted" and other events I also found interesting. All in conjunction with the BOE (Bank of England) Stress Tests/Report 2019.

If you weren't in HL I'd still try this if not only for your knowledge and experience (I know you would always have been). But, as already mentioned, you're getting this email mostly for your status in the committee of (the standards for) the bar, for your role in law, and your area of interest in education — to which I find great motivation because of, as I (respectfully I say this) find a calling in you and your role with the rt. hon. Rees-Mogg.

I just assume the bank was "at risk of no longer being able to function as a bank" and "critical infrastructure" (such as the energy industry) was at risk too, to trigger this.
*makes a gang sign with my hands that spells out ktim*
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i wonder what she is doing right now
sir mousenonce esq
I love mousegod
Being an ugly frog eyed CUNT
he has a great talent of writing so much yet saying very little
dude you were picked last in gym class and us chad jocks all shoved you in a locker, you little faggy ass bitch
needs to be updated with the piss nettles, poisoning himself with household chemicals, and the methamphetamine
i'm a chad
childhood: had arse destroyed
vocaroo yourself saying this
*makes a move*
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failed my driving test because i ran a yellow light because i felt it was too late to stop without getting serious whiplash but the assessor disagreed
shut up thad you asshole
who's this wench on sky arts then?
I knew inbreeding was bad in the middle east, but not 60-70% bad.
keeping it ticking over in midfield
alri carrick
got a third degree burn because i put a car cigarette lighter to my finger tip :/
fuck being objectively judged on the subjective decisions like that, what a power tripping cunt and the worst part is if he was just driving somewhere alone he would have made the same call and done as you did
this reads like the lede to a pg wodehouse story
Pakistan isn’t middle eastern
cousins isn't incest tb h
mr krum.... the chinese fireball.... oooooo!
What are you like
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>Listen closely, I will say this only once
rewatching the lotr trilogy (extended cuts) today
11 hours of pure kino
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a little.........crazy? misjudged one might say
lmao this is footage of me, didn't know someone recorded me doing this aha, was just excited to be at the restaurant!
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Any kino enhancing drugs?
on sneed perchance?
in germany, the traffic lights go yellow before they turn green as well as before they turn red
continentals are a wild bunch
Fuck I just remembered they're having a LOTR marathon on cytube today
need to ring the doctor on monday but also cba ringing the doctor. mad how your brain wants you to die so much.
sorry mate there's a 55 year old chinese woman who needs to be passed despite not knowing how to drive
nah, i watched back to the future on shrooms last night, didn't really trip but did get some interesting visuals, those shroom visual simulation videos you see on youtube are very accurate
muslim communists completely own america
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Irish diaspora leech
not even some weed?
LOTR is such a stoner movie
I always imagine Gandalf is just blazed out of his mind when I watch it now
Greece introduces the six-day work week

From the construction industry to the tourism sector, Greek employers cannot find the staff they need. The government's solution: longer working hours. A new law enables employers to implement a six-day work week
what a bizarre man, does he not like lettuce or did he just want to feed the gulls?
got some hard pipe hitting niggas coming over later
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he needs to be punished for his constant, constant wasteful littering
>I always imagine Gandalf is just blazed out of his mind when I watch it now
tolkien hated people who did this
need them thrown off a bridge by leather communists or whatever
nah i don't like weed, give me anxiety, still looking for a drug that's right for me
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He was dead when the movies came out
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Peter Hitchens: It's 'frustrating' knowing that everyone else is wrong
That’s a shame
in any case enjoy yourself anon
tickling my nether regions
the books were big with stoners back in the day
he's rspb member, always feeds the seagulls
he hated the hippies who loved his books and who would associate pipe-weed with marijuana

based i never watched in one sitting
my ever swaying opinion of jordan peterson is currently in the negative because of that post pointing out he sells busts of his own head
me = theoden of rohan
my mental elf = grima wormtongue
MORE cattle!
over 70 countries can't be wrong
any malodorous wastrels in
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grimastein infecting rorkehan with the woke mind virus
> The Tories' chief data officer is now under investigation by the Gambling Commission after allegedly placing dozens of bets on the election date
grimberg wormstein
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more of a pitiable slugabed
Bap bap bap bap bap
based Apustaja
okay but peter jackson depicted it like it cannabis
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I need to become as evil as possible
I've worked out that if I save 50% of every pay check for the rest of my working life, I can retire at 52
quarrelsome folks aren't they
reckon i should be able to sue my school for failing to prevent the bullying i suffered there that turned me into a socially inept paranoid freak and ruined my life
Fat sister has stopped wearing a bra in this heat, fucking grim
normdrones are not sentient beings
>Keir Starmer on the 5th of July
What are the non-autistic new balances?
Learn German
Bullying is good and necessary for weeding out the freaks.
pic or fake
started using brit at 270% zoom so i can focus on each post
been watching the thin blue line and it's fairly funny but the third or fourth episode has a very smug and annoying stance on the problems of immigration, not actually addressing any of the real problems at all and only mentioning stupid non-problems and then tearing them down
it turned me into a freak though, i wasn't one initially, i was simply vulnerable because i had a difficult home life
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the trimmage
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what is your vice?
Mission accomplished.
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just bought this lads
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all about being confident x
can almost guarantee i'm genetically superior to you in every way, i did NOT deserve what happened to me
rude fucking bitch
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>Bullying is good and necessary for weeding out the freaks.
Don't need to attach a selfie to your posts.
tried to wank on shrooms last night, felt so close to cumming for so long but i just couldn't get myself to cum, and it takes a lot for me to abandon a wank once i've gotten myself going
swing and a miss
Moss ball is on a mad one
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>Don't need to attach a selfie to your posts.
not done shrooms but I cannot imagine trying to wank on acid, the thought wouldn't even cross my mind
Heard of FIRE?
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>Officer Michael Arkinson, who turns 24 this month, stopped the “SexyBack” singer Tuesday morning after allegedly seeing him blow a stop sign and swerve in the right lane.

>In just three months on the force, Arkinson has earned a reputation among Sag Harbor’s wealthy residents, earning nicknames like “the Sag Harbor Nazi” and “little red-headed dips–t” for his strict enforcement of traffic laws.

lmao based zoomer cop has all the boomers seething
people who think bullying is good are nasty hateful little villains who are bullied themselves and want others to suffer the same fate
id do shrooms if i still had my drugmong circle of friends
what am i going to do, trip in my smelly bedroom alone? sounds awful
I was the bully.
why bother? just live life now what's to do at 52
living that old is only meaningful if you have kids and grandkids
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it was a mild effect, i was disappointed that i didn't really lose my mind and go on a real trip (probably my fault for eating them with a full stomach)
going to try acid next
>I was the bully.
Ey up he's used a full-stop, he's a proper mean bastard
if you still talk about bullying we all know you were traumatised at school
was a bit of a bully when i was young grew out of it though
A little bit of bullying is essential. Without it you get what you have today where kids think they're cats or dragon-people or the wrong fucking gender.
I was and still am a wanker
alri 60 year old daily mail reader
imagine telling everyone you were a bully in school on an anonymous imageboard LOL. defo torture victim speaking
too bloody right bazza it's all gone bloody woke
Mumowitz giving me alot of lip lately
Delusional to think bullying has been eradicated in schools
then you were probably bullied by your parents and aren't smart enough to recognise the correlation nor moral enough to decide not to pass your suffering onto others
either way fuck you
did she say yes
gunna drop rocks onto passing polis cars like old times
>potassium mentioned
Thank yoi Australiay
>thank you
'Movd up a similar post to the top of the comments in the past'
i still cant watch this webm without pausing or closing it
did this kid ever grow up and cringe at it?
I mildly joined in on bullying the class nerd but ended up good friends with him, think the bullying caused him to have a character development as he's ended up quite cool and I'm in my room posting here
You should bully her.
just took a wee with so much foam it looked like a poorly pulled pint
Gay porn.
all the freaks I used to mock who used to paint warhammer and shit grew up and got gfs and good jobs
me? haven't had a friend since I was 15 and cry myself to sleep every night
There's an MS Paint comic that describes this exact situation but I can't find it for the life of me. One with a kid who finds an Internet forum for dragonkin.
Mixing gasses together with salt in the chamber
Mixing 1,1,2-Trifluoroethane and 3 H2 and salt but need a positively charged salt
Like Mixing acetic bicarbonate with flouride gas and eating thensalt
Zex with u
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He grew up. He filled out.
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And she took her rightful place as a gigastacy
Has a gorgeous smile but it's like british people just insist on having bad teeth.

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