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Thanks to 4chan I discovered that I'm actually black.
Holy fuck
Vira cotista, slipe
Send vocaroo of yourself speaking Portuguese and English
You're retarded too
greeting Caetano seboso
americans have weird racial rules tho
people can be 80% white and 20 black and are still considered african americans.
it gets to ridiculous levels when it comes to native blood because they want to feel like they are anything but white, a single drop of native blood and they are full on sioux or something.
if 6 out of 8 ancestors are white you're white here but try to argue that up there.
Não acho que ele seria aceito
In America millions of Latinx that look like you can only see themselves as black and even as lightskin blacks, they don’t even see themelves as latino anything else but black. Black people rejoice because they add whole genetic swathes to their community that they feel indebted to get out of being stuck and trapped in historical blackness
jesus cristo...... la creatura brasileña.............
you're not black but you're definitely not white either. we could say you're swarthy but it's easier to just say you're black.
Can OP say the N word in public?
he would be considered straight up black according to society’s rule these days
Probably not
lógico que seria
já vi cotista mais "branco" que ele na faculdade
They do from what I have seen
Onde você mora? Em todo o Brasil os tribunais raciais só aceitam os pardos mais negros possíveis

Lol no he would not. Go leave 4chan and touch grass
actual blacks would laugh at your face hearing such nonsense
Because you can be 40% non-european and pass as an iberian or slav but not as an anglo or scandi. I used to date a 100% polish girl called Joanna with giant tits and she was brown. She looked like that colombians with giant tits

You look Spanish.
>Onde você mora?
>Em todo o Brasil os tribunais raciais só aceitam os pardos mais negros possíveis
lol não
De vez em quando saí até notícia sobre isso
>tribunal racial
inverted Nazism be like
Black is anything that's not white. Even Asians, but we prefer to call them Asians and not blacks
Lmao what
If you cut your hair people in Buenos Aires would call you white, bonus points if you are taller than 1,70m (their average for adult males)
já fiz faculdade tem um tempo
na minha época eles só eram um pouco mais rígidos pro curso de medicina o restante ninguém ligava direito
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did.. you think you were white before that?
You look like one of those swarthy French that have nafri blood
OP you're a lightskin
need a doorag and a tracksuit and you would be considered a liteskin brotha
I been saying all Latins, Indians, Arabs, Nafris, swarthy Meds and some Southeast Asians that can even look straight up black are all considered Lightskin. They will always be welcome with wide open arms to the Dark Continent and will be perpetually be seen as long lost brothers
Youre technically whiter than alot white europeans.
Wassup, bruv
party in your crib tonight, innit? might nick a banger to get on it in style
Not really, there are no rules in terms of blood or percentage it's just based off how you look. Studies have found people with 70% or more white ancestry almost always identify as white.
Studies have found that in closed mouth doesnt enter mosquitoes.
>Uruguay nearly as much as Brazil
meme map, at least 80% of Uruguayans look straight outta Southern Europe
could you really not tell from the nose lips and hair?
you are what is called a lighskin n*gga
You're pardo
He's pardo
I was always the person with the lighttest skin in the room, for my whole life. Just now that I'm in 4chan that I found about white people.
He's pardo, lightskin is american lingo. Say no to racial americanization in Brazil
>I was always the person with the lighttest skin in the room, for my whole life.
Por acaso vc é de belford roxo?
Belford Roxo parece um pedaço da Angola.
I'm 1/4 black and I always say I'm black if I don't have the "mixed race" option because I'd be ridiculed and excluded if I said I was white
Mixed race ppl are "almost white" only when whites want to whitewash them
I'm not the OP btw
Browns really want that black pussy and brown women really want that black cock. Come back to the dark side, black man. We will all be black and communist together
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Mês passado
Nem aqui nesse cu de país tu é considerado branco, mulatão
Lightskin pussy n ass be the best, but lightskin bitches want that dark chocolate meat, as long and dark as possible
>lightskin bitches want that dark chocolate meat
Shitty cope lmao. "lightskin" women want nothing more than get bleached.
>t. baiano
highly untruthful
south america is a crazy place lol
His skin is literally white nigga, there ain't no darkside you stupid brown commie faggot
Macaco caxiense cretino podre, sai fora da minha cidade
It really depends on your looks, some half or quarter black people look really white.
There will always be darkskins around. Darkskin BBCs will impregnate all the darkskin females around them before they move on to the lightskins, before finally moving on to snow bunnies. Then the next generation of lightskins reproduce with the darkskins, creating much more light darkskins that pass off as darkskins that only want to get darker with each passing generation, hence all lighter skins will be a minority while the paternal line is completely darkskin
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OP's black GF
Lol no
Mom is half white and wants white grandchildren. She even tried to get it into my head that I'm really white (I'm not white, I'm tbe 1/4 black anon)
My sis married a "black" man and had blonde blue eyed children for some reason, this always makes me laugh
You have no idea how racist black and brown people can be here
>My sis married a "black" man and had blonde blue eyed children
aí sim hein cleiton, praticamente ariano
Wow your mom has self hatred issues. What a cringe faggot woman
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You look Asian
tem cara de baiano fumador de hollywood tocador de tambor
O cara negro é neto de alemão também então n é tanta surpresa mas continua engraçado
Ninguém disse que é
what's up with your hairline dawg? shave that shit.
Throgout brazilian history, the complete opposite has happened.
Yes t. Black guy
>You look Asian
Average awful amerimutt tripfaggot attentionwhore post

Fucking kill yourself

You dont know what white is you dont know what asian is youre a fucking disgrace
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Stop sperging, dude. It was a simple observation. Not saying he is a TRUE Asian.
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through rape

white males are biologically incapable of reproducing without rape because women of all races are disgusted by their pinky winkies

ever since slavery was abolished and women were given the right to choose, Brazil is getting blacker, and fast
>skinny greekgodx

now i've seen it all
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wtf thats me
You are a jew
Vai dormir gordão, tá delirando já

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