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007: Nightfire edition
hows it goin then de lads?
poo smells hehe
got some nice socks on
lots of padding on the heal and toe, like having my feet encased in clouds
What's he playing at?
>PeeShit 2
We're all in here

not bad yourself?
are nell
very early
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might get the life sorted tomorrow
I met Pierce Brosnan in London and told him he's my favourite bond and he smiled at me and did a mock gun shoot at me lol
Will never badmouth him now.
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How spaintard should be treated
some of those non-goldeneye brosnan era games were good fun even if they were sort of shit
i liked the world is not enough
wait until you learn the reason women wear perfume
to smell nice?
thats not very nice is it
can't stand cats
cowardly animals
The anthem

Mathematical sentience complex trapped inside an over-clocked ape graphics card brain me
OK I was supposed to study but now I may as well wait until 6 because 20 mins isn't long
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why is british food so disgusting and no umami?
don't hate jews, just think they're evil and greedy and parasitic and made up the holocaust as an excuse to demonise the white man and to eliminate any ideology that doesn't put up with their chicanery
they pussy be stinkin.
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they should rub it on my face
umami is a faggot way to say savory which is what all british food is
I'm a jumpy nigga
Easily frightened
boo nigga
good grief
Any lads following the retrial?
she'll be rightfully found innocent soon enough
think that mexican place down the street from me serves chicanery or something
loads of people I know described her as pretty wtf
Actually flouride mineral is absorbed in the stomach
I'm turning my life around when I next wake up lads, can't keep living like this. Wish me luck please.
This pint of lager is absorbed in my stomach
nta but AAAH
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good luck bro me too
She's good looking in a wholesome sort of way. Mental that she was a femcel, in my area she'd have been married by 26 at the latest.
zionists have never lost so much face
my brother is getting married next month and I haven't showered in a week
gfberg bugging me about getting a job
we dont care
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adce uihd dnii iedc oret
Are you the best man? Giving a speech?
we're gonna make it lad
we're better than him. us unshowered freaks
I'm seeing him today he might tell me if I am
praying I'm not
brothers aren't normally selected to be the best man you've got nothing to worry about
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On the one hand, it's a burden. On the other hand, to not get chosen as his brother is quite the snub.

t. former best man
I am literally a quarter Indian
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And me. Good luck guys.
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amazed an irish band wrote this song

if it was take that it'd be a billion views, sounds exactly like a take that song

:) good luck to you too
I'm turning my life around in two days, taking the sunday off
My bank account is getting dangerously close to the cap for my bennies, need to spend some money. Maybe a prossie or two?
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I don't look like that and I'm not pulling that face
there's no chance I'm having a wedding
fuck that
i could never have one even if i wanted to
Just hide it lad buy some crypto or something
he's currently copy and pasting a WEBP file from google images onto paint so he can save it as a jpg/png to quote a post
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wish high schoolers and old people weren't allowed to join my gym
why the fuck did jewgle do this. Finding an image is so hard these days and then i have an extra 15 seconds of toil to download it
you can just copypaste them and they automatically convert to png
just screenshot it you retards
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no lads. no job. no skills. nothing going for me in my shit retard life.
Join the forces
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>give literally the best advice on the topic that i'm honestly surprised they hadn't figured out yet
>be a freak somehow
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Considered navy I love navy ships and life on the move but there are NIGGERS and FAGGOTS there.
you are phoneposting freaks yes
am not
Yeah better to sit in your mum's basement and not even try I guess
remember when apple was envisioning a future where zoomers don't know what a computer is
are any worth it? Probably not. Not worth toiling for anything less than 150k/year. I'll stay in mums basement
should l have a wank?
go ask your mum
frodo is supposed to be 12 years older than samwise but sean astin is 10 years older than elijah wood in real life
reviewbrah hasn't aged a day
just finished my red bull
might chug a cherry coke zero
Did you know that when Aragorn and co. find the dead orcs that the Rohirim killed, thinking Merry and Pippin were killed, that his kicking of the Helmet actually broke Mortensen's toe? So, that scream you hear in the film is real.
think this post just made me lose 10-12 years of my life
You can screenshot on Windows and Mac PCs and laptops too you imbecile.
he did an AMA on /r9k/ once (he proved it by vocarooing his voice)
i accused him of being underage and he said that he'd been able to post on 4chan "for many years"
this was in 2014 and we now know he would've been about 17 at the time, lying little scrote
wonder if he posts here
gollum is supposed to be 389 years older than frodo but andy serkis is only 17 years older than elijah wood in real life
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Bought some hard cast 9mm +p ammo today so bears CANNOT fuck with me when I am walking in the woods
screenshots are only copied to the clipboard and need to be pasted somewhere to be saved as a file you weirdo
what's a future?
seeing andy serkis as a tough mercenary in black panther was weird
how do i stop gagging when i’m brushing my teeth ffs
Anti Psychotics made me lose interest in everything and feel no emotions at all. Even (You)'s don't give me the same pleasure they once did
I can help with that x
Seems like a superpower if you had any affective lability in the first place.
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MS Paint
maybe the next day
isn’t that the point?
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Come on homie we major
we major?
come on homie we major
did you know that falling in love is an entirely western concept?
Yeah I sure hope that you struggle to sleep without melatonin
you don't understand how pathetically weak women are until you start lifting and see hightly experienced females lifting weights that are lighter than what you can lift after about a week of training
did you know not posting bollocks is an option?
Yeah, heard Eastern people get married because its "Just what you do" and they sometime do not mesh with the people they marry but tolerate it just to make it work.
its up
What is the Eastern concept?
what's it like to nut deep inside a wet and welcoming pussy lads?
animalistic and primal
People still have to choose each other somehow. It's not a random drawing
Might be the best natural sensation
No idea, I have done sex but had trouble actually squirting because at the time I was sexually active I was also smoking weed so I chronically masturbated every single day multiple times a day to Elf Hentai
Don't say 'squirting'
Yeah, thats true, however Asians are extremely superficial especially when it comes to money.
aside from arranged marriages being common in eastern countries, historically most people living in villages women would just marry whoever had a penis and wasn't their dad or brother (of which there were usually few options)
you should gag
brush you tongue and gag then tighten/push your throat hard and cough/squeeze/hork to clean out your tonsils
this will prevent you from getting tonsil stones and throat infections
gargling helps too
what motivates you?
I had trouble bustin' my mufuggin nut nigga
shut the fuck up jobapplicationberg
american psycho is shit

literally just the bankers the bonuses the film but so up its own arse it has poo vision
need an emotionally damaged dependent gf to be my domesticated vagina and do all my housework like boogie has with that extremely inappropriately young girl he's dating
squirtling inside your mum
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i came deep in a 52 year old woman from reddit. it was alright. Could have done it as much as i wanted but blocked her
don't like fannying about or being fannied about
No it isn't literally that, it isn't literally the line from the Harry and Paul sketch. It is a movie made over a decade before that sketch was released so it can't LITERALLY be the line from that sketch can it?
was aware of a bunch of hook up subreddits but wasn't aware people actually used them
Are guy boogie tossing some 18 year old zoomers salad
Never heard of that other thing but I'm a huge fan of Christian Bale
Can someone remind me how the west goaded Putin into invading Ukraine?
youre taking the fucking piss
Seems like something you would ask on pol
Agent Under Fire is better.
had a few months of browsing my obscure location. it's over now
never done it but i spaffed in a woman's mouth once, felt like i was doing a wee
you cunts ever shagged a b-list or d-list actress?
orchestrated the 2014 maidan cup
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a du cid ehni dieo idr ce t
fucking educated that fool
it's a funny movie
Reckon they put a big yellow banana near the Ukrainian border
might cancel my next driving lesson just because the instructor is female and an idiot
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well you don't know how to drive, so who's the real idiot?
you will not post the mice
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There are good scenes in the movie for sure, but yeah it is a pretty shitty movie by my estimation as well.
Apparently its about corporate America and the sociopathic nature of it, the archetypical concept of it isnt portrayed well enough so it seems like its a movie that is to be taken at surface value.
it's not my fault i grew up without a father
Calm the fuck down nigga. Chill. Like a corndog. Light it up like a eggnog. Light you up with my pistol. Got the thang on me. Like a window pane. Grat grat go the little rat. Splat. Got the nigga whack. Sleeping with fishes. Scuba suit. Nigga body. Getting blacked. Got a snack. Little pussy chat. Gabbing like a rat. Get splat. Get on that. Get head on that. Get head on a motherfucker. Got a head on him. Little black. PhD. OPhD. OP hate Dat. Little Dack. Street rat. Go black. Fake Taxi. Fake little rat.
You want me to be your dad lad?
I can get drunk and yell at you about things that arent your problem like my dad did to me
rorke calling an arthropod with very limited sentience a nigger
rorke misreading sentience as sentence
I am not rorke I just have tourettes
going to the toilet
Orange or nettles and toothpaste AND antihistamines powder
sittin on tha toilet
sittin on tha toilet
sittin on tha toilet
now flush
nothing much anymore, see >>198897740
had someone in this thread call me gay the other day. i slept on it and asked my wife about it. i got a bit worried cause i thought a straight man might not be able to be married without cheating. anyway, long story short i've decided i'm not gay

i'll spend the next few days working out if i truly am a nonce, 190, an idiot, and a few other things that have slipped my memory
i dont flush
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Every man is a nonce
just scoop it out with your hands do you?
this is probably one of those monkey torture videos. i'm so glad those indonesian CUNTS got caught

Would you fellas own a gun were it not so difficult to get one?
Not heathermong, but this just appeared in my recommended.
no i dont waste money
Dissolve chlorprazamine in HF gas atmosphere and let the pH go to 2 automatically or do it with some other kind of hydrogen or use HCOO amd toothpaste
re: that last point, perhaps you may be a dementia patient? think about it
Mix your antipsychotic medication with NaHCOO and flouride toothpaste, boil off the gasses and filter the bleach you created and eat it
saw some…things…down the beach yesterday
nice try c.i.a. ;)
Mix th dementia medication chlorprazamine with baking soda and toothpastenand boil off the gas and take the stuff you don't want out with Et
early new
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Mix your antipsychotics with toothpaste and orange juice to escape the matrix
swinging my penis like a golf club
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Have you ever been intimate with a woman?
fuck, he looks skinny
the new york times wasn't impressed by my performance desu
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Love sucking woman titty me
you are so fucking stupid it's actually unreal
lacking the motivation to do this. bit of a catch two two
if you are mean to mousey you will receive consequences
take the scrombulate e10 and mix it with melusimum and heat it until you get a fine powder
NaHCOO is the hydrogen donor. Vitamin C has too many
The salt will take the Cl and will be replaced with F(on a benzene ring!)
The salt and Cl will be more soluble in alcohol than fluoride I think. That way it can be taken out and the product is in water
unsure if I should quit nicotine altogether or just massively cut down
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>alright class, everyone find a partner
put wd40 in an orange and throw it against the wall and then mix it with nettles and it makes lucozade
yeah and then i put it in a takeaway box and leave it in the fridge
1 Mol antipsychotic medication, 30mg fluoride
why are webms on this site so slow to load? does gookmoot just hate australians?
the goal of a cut down is ultimately to quit, no? i'd say just rip the band aid off and quit
It really depends on why you want to quit, health reasons?
Yeah, just quit cold and replace it with candy or somekind of treat whenever you get the urge to smoke until you get through the withdrawal symptoms
moth's contain silver, you just have to learn how to ask them for it, use nettles to calm them down and then do the moth dance and then you get silver, you can make painkillers with the silver
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I'm sorry you're having that experience lad.
That's not the orange peel sugar...
It's a precursor! One to glucose, catalyzed by vitamin B7 (B vitamins are also water soluble)
tuning in to the poo frequency
just buy the liquid it's much cheaper
women don't like me even though i'm tall and muscular and have good bone structure, i just have the soul of an incel
well I liked the dizzying buzz you'd get but I haven't had that in forever, if I quit and my tolerance goes to 0 I could have one occassionally as a treat
unironically a humiliation ritual
same with presentations and shit
just fill the ego of mongy teachers
no some people just want to use less
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cute but unnatural and not hairy
I love moth 11
>exposed by the bbc
this shit's been all over kiwifarms for years, fucking journos
it doesnt matter in the slightest if some get arrested, more will arrive to fill the market. there is inexplicable demand for baby monkey torture from western boomers
run out of rollie filters haven't i
mumstein always called them "barbie tampons"
You are pharma though
So tell me what it does pls (what fluorpromazine)
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Toothpaste melatonin gummies for calcified pineal gland. Tho8ghts on this?
Alri Maynard James Keenan
Makes your willy bigger
Using toothpaste or melatonin gummies to address a calcified pineal gland is an interesting idea but lacks robust scientific evidence. Melatonin can help regulate sleep but is not proven to decalcify the pineal gland. The link between fluoride in toothpaste and pineal gland calcification is debated and not definitively proven.
Fill a cup with ice and salt it
Spray air duster into the cup ^'^
hey chatgpt, what should I do to make the small vermin that took up residence in my rectum less angry?
asking for it
If you're experiencing rectal discomfort, consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Maintain good hygiene, eat a fiber-rich diet to avoid constipation, consider over-the-counter treatments for symptom relief, and avoid irritants like perfumed soaps and tight clothing.
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1,1-fluoroacetylene melatonin so that it goes there
you must have been
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I don’t understand why they don’t take willies and fannies from cadavers to give to trannies.
Reform? Regret!
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um rorke just beause a young woman dresses a certain way doesn't mean she owes you sex sweaty x
How do you make chatGPT answer chemistry questions
I went down to the beach and saw Kiki
type them in and press enter
must have something to do with the russians.

same as this
really very good
who is this ejaculate advocate
>ugly hairless thighs
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e cd dhi aiic undt dee ir o
I wish the pharmaanon would tell me about fluoridation antipsychotics or orange peel
have done this many times
What happened
i aint clicking that shit, nigga
I said I worked on a farm not pharma mousey you fucking retard
I'm doing some research on my computer and have determined that women are mentally ill
sounds like the camera eye by rush
might drive lorry
symptom of low IQ
What if we replaced all of the toothpaste and mouthwash they have in lunatic asylum with fluoride free toothpaste and gave them bottled water
And look at thr results of that ad a whole but also the psychotics
What have you had to eat today?
sex with anglo girls
came across this on my way here
Orange peels clean the spleen by the way
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might drive the lorry
I won't eat marmalade until you add acid to it
Orange peels cure cancer and fucked my wife for me
no it isn't
wank loading speculatively
Orange peel fiber is non digestible fiber but I still like itn
when did you get over your hitler phase and realize defending Belgium from the Hun was the right thing to do? 24 for me
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anglo girls are diabolical
Have you eaten anything today
Might have another wank soon
Only my diabetes medication (which ends in stat, like statin) left out for 2 days in toothpaste and absorbic acid
hate my life
freezing a can of cherry coke zero
getting hopped up 2nite
none of the girls posted in this thread are anglo, sorry finnbro
5HT-3a <--- flouride

Fluorinate the 5HT G-coupled receptors, with intensive psychosocial therapy
there's a huge gap in the uk meth market
lots of money to be made
1750ppm fluoride = grams 1:1.75 milligrams of toothpaste:fluoride
Hold on
thinking about doing stuff but not actually doing the thing
did too many drugs last night/this morning. cant sleep
please hold
get yourself sectioned
One more sec
Don't do it
*holds on*
I don’t do drugs.
did too many wanks last night/this morning. cant sleep
did too many poos last night/this morning. cant sleep
I will be so pissed if it's them taking the blue bit and that it's the brilliant blue color or something
i remember farting all night and it kept me awake for hours
prefer not to say
clickbait is getting out of hand

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