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prev >>198894065
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United States is Brazil.
I clicked the waptap ad because it said it’s “NOT” adult tiktok but whatever the fuck it is immediately played some camwhore jilling off in slutty worst waifu genshin cosplay, so I don’t recommend it.
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>hurricane season
>wildfire season
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>>wildfire season
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>contact uber eats support
>ask them to compensate me for gas wasted going to a store that was closed
>they told me im not eligible
>ask them why
>they state its a part of the policy guidelines
>ask them for a copy of the policy guidelines
>get transfered to 12 different pajeets in a row
>12th one tells me nobody who works for support has a copy of the policy guidelines that every single support agent had previously referenced to me
>hangs up on me
>>hurricane season
Totally rad and surfpilled brabra
>>wildfire season
get fucked leafs
That's some bullshit
Take them to small claims court
Do you only do uber part time?
nigga south florida was under like 9 feet of water last week
Feel like that would cost me more than I'm asking for. I'm just looking for closure as to WHY they refuse to compensate me when they have in the past and while they are still giving other drivers compensation in the same situation.
yeah, but I run multiple delivery apps when I drive (uber is by far the worst one)
And Scotland
is that not normal or?
You're good, I'm in favor of a wee exception to the rules
small claims court is designed to be easy for the average person. depends on state but shouldn't cost more than $50. serving papers is the pain. if you win the defendant can usually be ordered to pay back your fee plus winnings.
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It's 1am and still hot and now I have a headache....
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thoughts on these boots
Your hen Rowling is making more trouble
Don't think they'd last a working man very long
Thoughts on this bussy?
What did you think of the image Jason
yes, they are for hiking rather than work. not the most rugged.

there's no picture
i hate Australians
Which is the overall best? I have only ever used uber and never had problems so far.
Explain this
The boots? Idk, kind of thing a city slicker would wear I guess.
ducknanas or bananucks?
my banana in her
I just finished my ice cream. I can only rely on the A/C to keep me cool. Or maybe I can steal a popsicle from my sister.
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>luggage lad never posted in /cum/
its not fair, bros
I'm not sure those are optimized for hiking though
or maybe you could get a job
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come out and say it to my face wannabe country fag. don't get lost when your gps goes out.
What would you do if I pooped in your bed
Thin soles and fabric. Bad
suffocate you with my pillow and shove the turds down your esophagus
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Nigga be like "do you think these booties are cute? :3 come out to my barn and seed my bussy" :skullemoji:
I'll make you clean it up and do my laundry.
There's probably a strip mall behind those trees :/
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Hello Bambi
I tool a picture of this fawn 3 years ago so it should be fully grown now
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Zyn is political now, lel
talk shit when you stop being a gay pedophile living with your mommy.
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Took, I meant.
I really need to proofread my posts more.
get his ass
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Hell hath no fury like a homo scorned lmao
I have made out with 4 women in my life.
Only did sex stuff with one of them, but definitely could have with the others if I wasn't autismal.
All were brunette slampigs
but enough about you
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When I was a fawn, I also ran around outside
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Sorry, I'm just not that into you.
I usually flipped over rocks and logs to find creatures underneath
Starting to think that maybe the USA really is the cause of most of the world's problems
I know I'm a CHAD and you wanted my validation but I just don't care about yuppie fashion trends and I'm not a homophile, I only like women and traps.
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Leaders are a weakness
Nice. I remember crawling through a thicket... just because it was fun, I guess. Was not good for my clothes.
Regards to Phoenicia, Carthage, and Philistinas!
I mean it's not a ridiculous theory desu
I hate and love Jason at the same time
I disagree with every opinion he has, but he's likeable
Depends on your zone and other factors, for my situation doordash is usually what I make most of the money on but i just accept the best delivery on whatever app comes up first most of the time
Paganism: Each love is a soul and infinite multiverses. Yin-yang.
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Schizophrenia is yet again present in this general
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Take you to court and make a spectacle of the whole thing of course
Who are you talking to schizo?
Aren't you gay tho
Regards to true channers that gatekeep.

Quality topics = quality lives.
When you acknowledge that he's just stunted, he become more tolerable. Still not anymore likeable than the other attention whores that frequent here.
Yes. I'm gay(happy)
I make friends really easily. I lose them even easier. That's why I'm here on a Saturday night with you fucking assholes.
Schizophrenic patients who are untreated with drugs have better outcomes than those on drugs
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What would you do if walked into your bathroom at 2 in the morning and saw this
why do you keep losing them
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Reasons why Jason hates and is jelly of Nick
>Nick is handsome
>Women love Nick
>Nick is the leader of the most influential and successful White Nationalist movement
>Nick is Catholic(Jason HATES Christianity)
>Nick wants to ban LGBT
>Nick wants to ban trannies
>Nick is anti pederasty(Jason has defended it)
it's the neighbor's pasture for miles on end. nearest commercial area is about 30 minutes away at the reservation's casino.
close the lid and drop a fat log
goshpedo REALLY loves talking about how handsome dudes look
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This one
i love frogs but i would be upset because i use that toilet
he's a brownoid faggot after all
take a picture and post it here
It's possible to tell the income of an area based solely on its waste. Wealthier areas will show higher levels of citrus and fiber, while poorer areas will show high amounts of painkillers and antidepressants.

So if the poor ever got their shit together, took fewer drugs and ate healthier, they'd have a lot more money than they do now.
Based blog-poster
This is a bold claim.
Let's see your peer-reviewed sources.
i got sunburned
everyone should get off their meds
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thoughts on these boots
those are some kawaii timberlands for sure
i like them
>So if the poor ever got their shit together, took fewer drugs and ate healthier, they'd have a lot more money than they do now.
If we keep 2 parent households together, then virtually all crime discrepancies would disappear overnight
Idk, I'm a "reprehensible lolicon piece of shit scumbag" after all.
>Girl posts
>Oribiters come out the woodwork
Yeah, I have one right here.

[starts rubbing my dick all over your face]
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Check out this anthropologist
im an attention seeker too but thats too much
Just like that troon that posts here
Perfect for Jason, mousenonce, and goshpedo. Why do we only have faggot attention whores?
I would wear them if I had a black snap back with a little bit of pink on it, maybe a pink belt that has a big buckle to hold up my 501s, and a black xl tall tee with a north face parka
what causes this phenomenon?
If people went to (Catholic) church more, we'd see a lot less child-grooming and a lot more white women dropping out of college to get pregnant.

We literally have an institution lying around that will fix all of our problems, why aren't we using it?
I wore a pink shirt golfing and all the girls said that pink is my color.

guess I gotta get more pink
predominantly male board and half you guys are gooning at any given time
Nailed it
If it isn't true then I'm really sorry for saying that.
Because the god of Abraham is a demon. The church is the reason White countries are full of blacks and browns.
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>HIYYUAAA i post on 4chan when im not doing so good so not really but ITSS FINE !! I believe im stuck here for ever and ill be lonely my whole life.
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I took this picture
did you have fun anon
The church is a function that civilizes blacks and browns and integrates them into productive members of society
she is cute tho, if she was smarter and not so lazy she could capitalize on it easy, there are a lot of uglier girls making a lot more by doing not much more than wearing booby shirts
Hmmm CUM
Blacks and browns are less than animals, this is why Christianity sucks. You racial egalitarians are the death of civilization.
being horny should have them demanding tits, not turning into spineless losers pretending to be nice for a crumb of pussy.
Yeah, it was a cool bar to hang out at
Have you ever been to Disney World?
It reminded me of the tiki room theater there
this makes me hate the world
It's not like you contribute anything to civilization
Yes indeed!
>Blacks and browns are less than animals
Go back to dixie.
fun fact about me i love reggaeton the sexy sweaty club reggaeton the chart topping emotional pop reggaeton the old school daddy yankee wisin and yandel reggaeton all of it i love it
This is the Ugly Tuna Saloona in Columbus, Ohio; the same bar Brian Shaffer disappeared in and was never seen again.
>Brian Randall Shaffer (born February 25, 1979)[1][2] was a medical student at the Ohio State University College of Medicine who has been missing since the early hours of April 1, 2006, after security cameras recorded him just outside a bar in Columbus. He had gone out with friends earlier in the evening of March 31 to celebrate the beginning of spring break; later, he was separated from them, and they assumed he had gone home. The security camera outside the entrance to the second-floor bar recorded him briefly talking to two women just before 2 a.m. and then walking off-screen without any further evidence of him leaving the area. Shaffer has not been seen or heard from since. The case received national media attention.[3]
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me at the table in the black dress (facing camera)
No it isn't.
thats not a fun fact at all
Ragaeton is based THO.
i have been to the tiki theater at disney world i had that thought too lol
glad you had fun anon
Meant this for this post
Why do I keep seeing "THOUGH" in all caps on this website, is that a wordfilter thing?
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really? Knowing that's how the world works makes me marvel at the world and being conscious of the fact that that's how human society and yes even myself works means I can use it to my advantage if I can think with my head.
She is cute tho

Going along with the shitposting.
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it's a very passable >she yes after all the work >she put into >herself I think >she deserves to be referred to as >she
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Thanks, anon
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Anti Psychotics are way too profitable for drug companies to ever admit that they're harmful
what do we think of quinoa
Love it.
me in the middle (i just woke up)
why are they letting this happen give that kitty some kibble asap just look at him
>i just woke up
the hell kinda job do you have
It's good as a filler food, it will never be replacement for rice. We used to serve it with salmon at a restaurant I once worked at. Now I would mix it into something like beans or tuna or something just as a healthy way to fill the old tum tum
Not a fan
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Teatime. I let this steep nice and long. I'm gonna get a nice lil L-theanine rush. Cheers my frens.
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Nta but I used to wake up at 3 in the morning to do the Target morning shift, unloading the truck(s).
no ive been up all day im winding down now it’s just i kind of look like that when i first wake up is all
what are those pills?
possums are such good mommas
quinoa is excellent for my tummy as well. light and doesn't cause problems
Haldol, for Tourette's.
Next month, everything will change
Yeah, that sounds tough. Bakers wake up around 3am too so things are ready for the early-morning customers.
it won't
what kinda tea?
i believe in you anon
Just tell me which investment to buy
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A transformer exploded and there was a power surge
That is a large amount of tea.
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for me it was over before it began
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summer is peak tstorm season, stupidass
Vidya? Or a serious work/school document?
There are always thunderstorms in the middle of summer
Green tea :)
Yea shit's good for your kidneys
Same here m8
that sucks anon im sorry
Only for midwestoids, no wonder this is fly over country
poor fella
no wayyyy didn't know green tea had l-theanine that's legittttttttnesssssssss
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uhhhh no, in california too
what game?
And the east coast
Vancouver never gets thunderstorms :(
Cbf watching the Olympics, lads
if that’s true im gonna move to vancouver
fuck white women tb h
X4 Foundations
This is a lie, I was born SoCal lived there all my life and only saw lightning twice, SoCal doesn't get thunder storms, let alone rain
who's winning?
thats because socal is a godless gomorrah
Fellow unitedstations, are you rooting for team USA in the Copa America tomorrow?
Yeah, not literally never, but like 1-3 at the most every summer usually around this time.
The what?
goddamn she is a 10/10
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I disagree
I dunno, let's say... Peru
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No wonder why we can't meet our NATO obligations.
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Jinhsi is taking too long, I'm bored....
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no this is a 10/10
total liechtenstein victory
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This 'tuan has good taste in women.
Nonwhites can't be 10/10. 8/10 at the most.
the picture says sacramento retard
wake up
>face not visible
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This is a 10
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you better VOOOOOOOTE
Sacramento isn't California, anyone born there can tell you that. Some podunk town like Redding is more Californian than the entire central valley
ok paco
Theres this guy idk if he does meth or what but hes really tweaked out. I gave him $20 once. He still messages me even though i moved to another state. Like he'll just message me saying "wish i had a bitch to smoke with maybe fuck"

He asked me if i knew any girls who would be down to fuck. I gave him the number to some chick who ghosted me off of tinder.

Feels a bit mean spirited but whatever.
I don't watch soccer.
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I tried beer recently and now whenever I see anime characters drinking beer I feel contempt. I was indifferent before, but now I know beer is nasty and it changed my whole perspective.
would you consider yourself more of a sexy babe or a crusty hag?
*doesn't vooote*
Corona is good, especially with a lime
You weak willed coomers disgust me
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beer sucks it smells rotten and tastes very bitter
Try different kinds before writing it off completely
people that dont think beer is nasty have literally sissy hypno themselves into liking it
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I'm writing in Sanna
I love the taste of beer and alcohol in general. I always have. I also drink my coffee black but people accuse me of trying to look cool or something.
Honestly, you drink one or two and you dont even really contemplate the taste after that
you just have unrefined brapzilian tastebuds
I think my mom's mom drinks that. Maybe there's a genetic component and I'd like it.
I tried Sapporo and Budweiser. Both were gross.
>sissy hypno
what's that?
Nah i had my first beer at like 16 and i instantly loved the taste. As i got older i dont drink beer because how bloated and gross i feel afterwards, but i still like the taste. Beer > soda
I have come to enjoy the taste of beer, but alcohol is obviously still disgusting, that being said I can go through half a handle of cheal liquor myself if I'm not careful I just like being drunk, gonna take half a year off though I think
i bet she spends every night high on a mystery cocktail of drugs, getting passed around at parties before getting dumped on the streets.
that's liking getting drunk not liking beer, it's different
>Sapporo and Budweiser
Both are lagers. Try ales, kolsches, stouts, etc.
projecting your perverted fantasies like this isn't healthy
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I can fix her
She literally got caught on video doing that sort of shit
she's a party slut, she's not your waifu
Let's see your peer-reviewed sources.
Brit taking turns with Sanna Marins coked out pussy (Leftypol wants to go last)
we need to go back to when guys used to keep their pack of cigarettes rolled up in their sleeve
Maybe if the opportunity presents itself, but I'm never going looking for it again.
You really should be ashamed of yourselves for taking the time to discuss this harlot and learning her lore. None of you will be getting a slice of pussy from her. The whore of Babylon.
and drove fast cars and motorcycles
That's entirely reasonable.
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>Wow anon, how did you know I was British? I thought my American accent was really good haha
>the girl
guys still do this i think cars and motorcycles are like the top guy hobby
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Convince me not to sell my house and move to the Philippines to start life over. I am tired of this country and its people.
i wish i could ignore women, unfortunaly i'm sexually attracted to them
why the philippines specifically?
do it but i would pick a different country.
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More history in sacramento then anything in redding, retard
There are tons of beautiful English Roses, sorry pal
anon, if you can hack it, you should definitely go. I'd do it myself if I could afford it
Ngl, Canada seems kind of done, my state is pretty done too however.
You probably sell your house for substantially more than you bought if for though right?
have some self respect my god thats disgusting
that's just the result of sissy hypno
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the only english rose I need
>wow my country is turning into a total shithole overrun with low IQ thirdies
>better move overseas to live entirely among low IQ thirdies in their shithole
old hag
t. chud
Flips are infinitely preferable to muzzies and poo-njabs
Not all browns are equal. I'd take flips over poojeets any day.
you havent interacted with pinoys much, have you
found the jeet
I remember when retards used to use this kind of relativism to say “Sikhs are bro tier” LOL
All foreigners must go back, and will
nah, Im white. Pinoys are the second highest immigrants in my state behind mexicans
sedentarism is the only thing that allowed for art, literately and all the finer aspects of humanity to flourish, i think the whole point of civilization is to allow freedom from the cruel and primitive nature of work
>All foreigners must go back, and will
Seems extremely unlikely
for me, it's thailand
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Fuck you chucklefucks, Sanna is the perfect women, she's pretty, lean, flat, sexy, flat. She's literally perfect
Not true. The ancient Scythians had beautiful and ornate high art, and they were steppe nomads.
Surfing is like 9ft of water bro
You just gotta like go with the flow
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You're a cuckold simp shilling a Finnish druggie whore on an image board. Reconsider your life. Were I in your place, a deep spiritual pit, I'd neck myself.
Indians are all over asia dum dum, name a country other than India in asia, Indians are there en masse
she's a coke whore, she'll suck anyones cock for a little bag of white powder
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You're gay lol
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Do you mean to tell me that jeets are some kind of an inescapable virus, a blight on humanity?
What if it’s my fault mousenonce posts here because he saw me shitposting in the UK a few months ago or whatever.
Could I still post here if I say im sowwwyyyy uwu
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stop being mean to mommy
When the Algerians won their independence, 1.4M French settlers in Algeria known as Pieds-noirs were repatriated back to France, despite having been established there for ~130 years.
Legal poker, low level corruption so I can avoid small hassles. Don’t use drugs so the drug laws don’t bother me.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking. Worst case scenario I can always call it a loss and move to Europe with my second passport.

Yeah I’m up 40%

Filipinos are Catholic and jungle Asians. Both of which are fine for me. I’d rather live demographically in the phillipines than in Brampton.

No legal gambling is a big thing for me as poker has been my sole income for years. Really limits my country choices. Manila is the heart of poker in Asia.
i really like this picture
wondering what jason is doing right now
India isnt a part of Asia, King Mnwaniba Kwulukalia pushed the Indian part of Africa to Asia because they were so fucking stinky and shitting everywhere
The lower your standards the more T you have
>move to Europe with my second passport
That could mean a lot of things. EU member state or no? Is it one of the richer countries?
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>The lower your standards the more T you have

Sure, but that kind of regime change seems unlikely in Canada.
drinking milk
enjoy your tall glass of plain ice cold whole milk anon
Canada as a white country is cooked, bro. Accept this and move on to the next action.
drinking california zinfandel
drinking zubr
EU member. Slavic country. Poker is illegal so I don’t want to move there and have to work a normal job.

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