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Songs From The Big Chair edition
might do a 'cide
listening bladee this fine morning
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sui or geno
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I am voting Reform UK on the 4th of July
i remember when a swiss anon posted here and thought 'cide was short for cidre so he was like asking everyone for 'cide recommendations, what the best 'cide is ahahahah hahahahahahha fuck me i'm laughing just remembering it
haha that is fucking hilarious
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hahaha did he do it haha go through with it
Reform? Regret!
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good morning forum
>2 games today
>both kick off at 8pm
for what reason
I'm a friend of Dorothy
I'm a friend of Dorothy
She is my friend
Okily dokily there neighborino
If we didnt have FPTP and had a German system of voting we'd've had a TND chudcel dominated government 10 years ago
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Love to pull my mickey and look at big tit
it's only half 11 but i might go to bed
Should probably get out of bed and have that shower I was meant to have 3 hours ago
its called a corey on these shores pal
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do households exist that only have the 5 channels or is freeview the bare minimum of 100% of the UK now?
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Starmer is literally a hollow man.
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
not sure im from australia sorry
feels good knowing European fascists are being hammered by DPRK artillery and Cuban soldiers as we speak
I'm lagging
take the fucking piss
I don't even own a telly
had to shower again because I didn't realise how dirty my hair was. currently sipping a glass of water and charging my phone
the current PM is literally a yank banker but ooooo we'll have foreign interference in britain if we vote farage oooooo
muh abstract ideas!!!!!
brick/heathermong having an absolute meltdown since farage revealed he is actually based
Meet n fuck /brit/ edition
dont understand these gimps who sit in discord servers discussing politics all day
hows that fun
based autist
blog on you boring cunt
keep seeing this particular runt shuffling around town so I blast the horn at him when I drive past
if you don't like my post just ignore it
i dont sleep. i just dream
going to cover my cock with ants later
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Baltic fascists were raped in the sizzling Bolshevik summer of 1940
The ideal bureaucrat has no personality or soul
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I don't have any channels but to get the old 5 channels now, I think you need a digibox which will get all the freeview stuff as well
might drink a cide'
good man
clappers direct
brick/heathermong bringing out the commiemong gimmick
Good lad
might do a gay little rewatch of gurren lagann to stop feeling like killing myself every day
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a misogynist paedophillic cult that harms women and children.
you should also go for a walk. will make you feel tons better
warm weather this week.
probably means they won’t be wearing tights and we’ll get to see those bare legs
saddest thing I've ever seen posted
be obsessed with trannies, goy
pissed the bed
i love how trannies and tranny apologists simply ignore the fact that gender ideology was invented by a psychopathic, pedophile pseudo scientists (John Money)
they've had their bare legs out since may here
*becomes one*
daily reminder that i didnt ask niqqa
i'm honoured lad
fuck me
It reminds me of that apple meme where cunts couldn't picture an apple in their head

That's Keir.
That's our Supreme Emperor come 3 weeks time.
cant tell if i look better with or without my ratty, pubey bear. without it i look very soft, but it's not an actual beard.
If the depression does go away you could do a rewatch of Clannad to bring it back
i love how this is totally true and not actually bollocks if you look into it
worked at john hopkins university where the cia did all their mkultra experiments too
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how can troons be aware of how their ideology came about and then in good faith continue to follow said ideology?
this really sealed the deal for me
picture an apple? in your head?
Terminally online faggot interacts with normal human being
nah lad clannad might have some incredibly depressing subject matter but the whole point of it is the main character learning to be kind and treasure the people around him, the ending only cements that further
trannies are evil perverts. flaunting their fetish is more important to them than the safety of children.
dont vote
Analogue TV signals were turned off so yes, digital (Freeview) is now the minimum. If you're somewhere so remote that it can't receive Freeview then you'd have to pay for Sky or Virgin or stream TV on the internet I guess.
>literally a hollow man
he's just like me
Peter Tatchell thinks children can consent to sex and the LGBTQ 'community' has never made any attempt to denounce him, in fact they consider him one of their greatest heroes to this day.
The only conclusion to draw is that they agree with him.

Do you know the difference without googling?
I think NOT!
the david reimer stuff only really supports the idea that gender is innate there's nothing really there that's a problem for the troons
gender as a term had been used before money
i am genuinely pathologically obsessed with hating myself
>gender as a term had been used before money
exclusively in linguistics. money was the first to apply it to people.
well yeah most of the boomer gay activists were probably part of pro-paedo groups too duh
yeah trannies and that
If you build the wall and stop the illegals, then who is going to clean your toilet rorke?
been almost a year since lucy letby was convicted, has she appealed it yet?
troons think there are hundreds of 'genders' and you can take them on and off like a hat and everybody has to bow down to whatever hat you've decided to wear from one day to the next
Still makes you feel like shit
>the david reimer stuff only really supports the idea that gender is innate
no, it supports the idea that people who want to separate gender from biology are utterly insane paedophiles
How would the UK vote if the election was held today?

LAB: 435 MPs (+235)
CON: 96 (-276)
LDEM: 63 (+55)
SNP: 24 (-24)
REF: 6 (+6)
GRN: 4 (+3)
PC: 3 (+1)

via Britain Predicts, 22 Jun
innocent btw
if you're a man you've got a man's brain thus a man's mind thus your "gender identity" is male, even if you pretend to be something else. all that play pretending is done within a man's mind.
yeah, but it's definitely more cathartic shit than grim nihilist shit
this was taken before those awful comments by Farage.
i think she probably did it, but there was only circumstantial evidence against her and none of the evidence was completely airtight, for that reason alone the court had no right to convict her, only reason they did is because the public loves a monster
he doesn't think that and he says the opposite

no that's wrong it'd been used a decade earlier

some might but it's a tiny minority

money was but it does also support the idea that it's innate and you can't force a boy to live as a girl without problems
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tories need their skin removing
mental how if the normans never invaded england there would be no trannies since we wouldn’t have the word “gender”
think refraction is something to do with light changing when it hits reflective shit
dispersion is spreading things out
dunno about diffraction
would working class scum give a shit about ukraine though?
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big ol' nutty squat session ticked off in the books
commiemong mask off
fuck off child molester
they didn't invade they were the rightful heirs to the crown, godwinson was a usurper
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>he doesn't think that and he says the opposite
Why lie?
After watching Clannad: After story you could go through all the Oregairu series again
that would probably make you feel mint
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So this is Rorke
handsome fella
Cant bring myself to vote Reform now.
wish they still made good films without forced diversity and underlying political messages, i hope a sinkhole opens up and devours all of hollywood
Commiemong letting his true thoughts slip through the cracks yet again
my rotary shaver doesn't cut as well as it used to
1066 was truly the beginning of the end of the world
1930s, 1950s, and 1980s, that was peak cinema
from his site

>Do you stand by your statement that “the positive nature of some child-adult sexual relationships is not confined to Western cultures”? If so, how do you square that with your recently stated belief that adults having sex with children is always wrong?

>I made a factual statement about what others think but this does not mean that I agree with them. I reiterate my view that sexual relations with children are despicable and always wrong, even if other people document societies where these relationships are acceptable and deemed positive. They are profoundly mistaken and are colluding with child sex abuse.
>money was but it does also support the idea that it's innate and you can't force a boy to live as a girl without problems
maybe presupposing the idea of "gender" seperated from sex. it's self evident that it would be a monstrous thing to do if you know male and female are immutable physiological categories
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>8 (eight) hours until the footy

fucks sake. Might need to go out for a walk or something.
banned webm wank soon
just heard an australian woman try to say the word "layerable"
she really struggled
only film i've seen from the 30s is dracula, why that decade?
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Remember when Peter Tatchell contributed a chapter to the book 'Betrayal of Youth' all about legalising paedophilia and child porn.
Me personally, have trouble maintaining core tension longer than 3 reps
when I drop down to what should be my 8 rep working weight I still lose tension 3-4 reps in, can smash out the remaining reps easily but hurts my back
he’s just backpeddling. loads of gays supported pedos in the 1970’s and 80’s and all those pro-nonce groups like the PIE sprung out of gay rights groups
yanks be like my name's cregg i like fried aygs and ornj juice
they're not immutable though, they're categories related to various traits which can be altered either with current technology or theoretical technology
just so many great films
dracula is a bit meh desu, but has some iconic scenes
give frankenstein a go if you like horror, it's a masterpiece
also the invisible man by the same director is very good
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it used to be perfectly legal and morally acceptable to fuck and marry 14 year olds less than 100 years ago, now everyone clutches their pearls if a girl is a day under 18
right thats it
going to start drinking
looking at my reflection in the meer
hope I don't see something behind me like in a whore movie
I'm starting with the man in the meer
Human beings cannot change their sex, there is no technology either available now or in development that can achieve this, and likely there never will be.
In awe of that 4'10 chinese lady who was trying to stop the just stop oil protesters gunging stonehenge

they really are model minorities, aye?
forgot about the wizard of oz too
get in there me lad
why not post a cherry picked quote that supports that then rather than him describing the fact that some people who were abused didn't feel it harmed them
had the shower so all my mental illnes and depression has gone now
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bit early
love the old technicolor stuff
the adventures of robin hood (1938) is one of my top 10 films of all time
>theoretically urrr we could erm turn a human into err a dragon umm so species is errr not le real
gets rid of hayfever as well
chinese niggas be like my name is xiangchouixong but call me amanda
sex is an amalgam of traits of which some can be altered already though, unless you're a platonist or you believe in a sexed soul or something you have to admit it's not ineffable
kek it do be like that
no it's more like ornjus
also never heard anyone pronounce craig that way
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only thing thats ineffable round here is you, you colossal virgin
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Billboard of a healthy woman in a bikini?
Billboard of a mentally ill women with self harm scars and mutilated breasts?

Why is leftypol like this?
catberg very sluggish today
you are a liar. your pants are on fire.
supports what? what i’ve written there is not uncontroversial. the paedophile information exchange was originally a gay rights group, nambla marched at pride parades. these are facts
Anyone ever interacted with any chinese uni students?

You see them walking about the town in expensive clobber, often in pairs, and also you see the birds on the apps. But I've never spoken to one or seen them on a night out.
would you be a dragon if you were turned into a dragon or would be a human because of some special essence
rorke is dominating this thread
every time i order gear off the darkweb it comes from melbourne, and i've ordered from like 8 different vendors, melbourne must be where all the dealers live
they absolutely do say "cregg" you loathsome cave troll go talk to people outside
I'm not wearing any pants
I'm lying here naked from the waist down
downloading gta5
supports your argument
I'm hardly just going to believe what you're saying about him considering you've already lied and then tried to support it with a quote which didn't support your claim
where yhou getting your monero these days
leftypol defending paedophiles again is he
think your ears need cleaning darling
was just about to go on for a little online sesh while drinking my incel beer
bit gay innit
drinking incel water
tradeogre, i buy litecoin off coinbase, send it to my tradeogre account, exchance it for btc, then exchange that for xmr, even easier than using localmonero
just noticed recently that I don't pronounce the T's in mountain or button
just a soft glottal stop there
think your jaw needs spinning sunshine
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what are they up to
Nobody cares about Ukraine except for hysterical petit bourgeois Remain-voting fascists in London
thinking about hitting on one of my brother's fiance's single family members at their wedding but it might be a bit weird
what? you’re arguing with different people. i dont know about that guy in particular but it’s absolute fact to say that gays pushed for noncery in the 1970’s and 80’s and only stopped because it was bad optics and lesbian feminists didn’t like it
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Some shops will close all the cash ones well before closing so they don't have to spend time at the end of a shift emptying the machines of cash.
oooh kiss me sweet cheeks
forgive me for not just accepting that on faith
get her pumped lad pumped I said
I thought tradeogre did direct ltc -> xmr unless something has changed in the last couple of months
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>Ukrainian drones and missiles kill 3 in Russia and Crimea, after bombing of Kharkiv leaves 3 dead
went outside. saw a zoomerette with a hot fat ass and a zoomer that looked like xqc
nah they don't seem to unless i've missed something, it doesn't really matter though
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>Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep
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look it up then
> PIE was set up as a special interest group within the Scottish Minorities Group by founding member Michael Hanson, a gay student living in Edinburgh, who became the group's first chairman, and co-founder Ian Dunn, who was also the founder of the Scottish Minorities Group.[6][7]
>The Paedophile Action for Liberation had developed as a breakaway group from South London Gay Liberation Front.[11]
literal picture of harry hays wearing a shirt that says ‘nambla marches with me’
See attractive women with men who are shorter, uglier and less muscular than me every single day.

Presumably they aren't weird and autistic like I am.
evens gay wank odds straight
slags... an ancient gimmick
jewcord on a maddun
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my mistake, it was usdt - monero I used to use
saves a step
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get the gammon waffle on the television
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A straightforward man. No nonsense. Gets the job done.
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>gays pushed for noncery
when you say this do you mean some gays or the mainstream gay rights movement, because there's always fringe freaks that need to be stomped
sudden craving for mashed potatoes with white gravy
maybe a piece of fried chicken
took too many substances and went down a jay slater rabbithole last night turns out he actually never existed at all
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not wrong though is he
just found out spotify has a huge library of audiobooks too, how on earth does audible stay in business?
Yes, he is
Based rodent
ho hoooo thats a good one
eastern european girls are hot as fuck
>Sierra Leone outlaws child marriage in new legislation

country's gone woke
Audible is owned by Amazon and Amazon has tons of money
not though is he
USA runs the world and US government is chosen by AIPAC
what's more likely to get you arrested in the uk, uploading child porn on 4chan or calling someone a nigger on twitter?
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he's been fussed ever since billy preston broke his heart
got so upset he threw his own child out a window
a very sad story :(
it was mainstream. maybe not all gay activists agreed with it but a lot did, and i dont think many cared even if they weren’t nonces themselves. seems to be just feminists that opposed it. you also have things like the sparticus gay guide just being a nonce book about the best way to rape kids in asia
The LGBTQ movement has never made any attempt to distance itself from high profile paedophile apologists like Tatchell.
They still frequently use the slogans 'Love is Love' and 'Age is just a number'.
It is ostensibly a pro-paedophilia activist movement.
who is "they"? it's certainly not me
>subsaharan africa
bet the place is a complete shithole
doesn't sound very mainstream
leftygay on the ropes which he probably enjoys the dirty poof
logs of shite currently flying out my arse like a SAM missile barrage
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racist fucking assumption
business idea: neet bf nobility gf
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wait till ya hear about audio book bay
they’d already tried to clamp down on it then because of the aforementioned feminists. lesbians were becoming more of a force within gay rights, and as women naturally have a nurturing nature, they are opposed to noncery. but harry hays is certainly a mainstream gay figure
Yet here you are defending him.
sams are surface to air soooo...
where amogus
bro has a phd in gay history
in what way am i softlad?
Scotch will be leaving Europe today
give it a rest rorke
cant barage the farage
again cool story I just don't believe things I read on 4chan and I never heard of harry hays
leftypol making dishonest arguments again is he
yeh im out in the backyard with my legs behind my head launching logs out my arse at ambulance helicopters passing by
*scrooge mcduck dives straight into the middle of it* WAHEYYYYYYY!!!!!!
It leaves every day by air and sea. It's our biggest national export.
shut up
does it go to goal difference if they draw on points with switzerland

farage hiding in a garage because of leftypol's barage
then look up other sources of information, ive given you a starting point so it should be easy. of course you won’t because you’re not actually interested in sticking to the truth. and if you don’t know who harry hays is perhaps you should stop acting like you know anything about the early gay rights movement
It’s very simple:

- The west is tired of Muslim immigration that does not integrate and receives a highly disproportion share of welfare. In France they literally go straight to welfare lines and brag about it.
- People are also very tired of the Marxist Pagan sex cultist who have taken over our education, unions, media and arts to push their agenda. They are now reaching for more power. Their radical “woke” agenda to reengineer the economy and species has finally exposed. These are a scary bunch of people.

Either we fix the above or it is the end of western civilization.
mad how pretty much anything involved with nuclear energy or aerospace is constantly reporting ufos interfering with their operations yet no government thinks it’s important for some reason
Pajeets paying £200 for a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue Label to impress their mates even though it's shit and you can get a much better single malt for £40.
should really have a shave, shower then go out somewhere

nothing to do and nowhere to go when you have no pals and no gf though. Also I don't have a car so it takes me a long time to get places (where I then do nothing)
*dons wig for the lads*
He keeps his red wine in the fridge
i already pay for spotify for choons anyway so might as well make use of their audiobook seletion
i don't suppose they have mein kampf on there
this is fine actually. Brits have a lot of weird notions about wine like this and then they put ice cubes in it and shit
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Contemporary painter Mary Pym, who was born in the Netherlands but who now lives in the UK
>paying for 1s and 0s

could never be me
You say H like 'haitch'
I hear leftypol's celebrations: It's on this month. Half-naked men, wearing chaps and S&M gear will be holding parades at lunchtime in all our cities (well, probably not in Gaza City or Mecca). I hope all the children enjoy the show.

And if the kids so much as question the semi-naked men in leather chaps on High Street at lunchtime, then your kids must be 'far-right'.
at which point did I act like I knew anything about the early gay rights movement? you interrupted a conversation I was having with somebody else to try and tell me about something that wasn't the topic and are for some reason surprised I'm not immediately interested in your specialist subject
miss public twitter likes because you could see what freaky stuff the average porn viewer was into
mental how much women spray when they have to piss :/
never realised it gets everywhere
you've got to vibrate the reed
who the fuck still pays with cash lmao
you went to a state school
homemade gun bomb terror terrorist terrorist attack kill mass shooting massacre islam nazi far-right white supremacy racism mosque school death die politician
audible is an actual audiobook service designed for books not the dogshit spotify crap that tries to be everything for everything and makes everything shit.
i'm a neet on the dole and $12 a month is literally nothing to me, i get more pissy about my phone bill
just did a big frothy wee so that's good
dated a girl like that
very strange
old people and boomers

also tax-dodging tradies
based cowbergs doing cowberg thingas
really depends where your lips are at and how you position yourself
it's possible to spray less
leaning forward usually helps
I can piss straight down no problem
just need to make sure on an incline or somewhere raise like a log or a rock so it doesn't pool or splatter all over my feet
need to decide whether to have a wank OR to not wank and use the pent-up energy to propel me to leave the house for a bit
erm can you piss on me please
they have to wipe their fannies with bog roll too, must be a nightmare being a woman, but i suppose the special treatment and lack of responsibility makes up for it
paid for some drinks yesterday and got a discount because i used cash (they didnt have any pound coins left)
don't know why a government would say 'yep, climate change needs to be dealt with now. let the terrorists win'
I'm giving a presentation for my PhD on Anonymous Internet communication in 5 minutes and as a live example I'll have this thread open in front of 10+ professors so please be good lads
*I'm on an incline
*drives into cowberg*
not sure what to wear for toil tomorrow
gonna be a hot one
we're talking about women you tranny freak
The Hottie and the Nottie
alri piss dick
when i was in school they told us we would be underwater by like 2016
hasn't happened yet has it leftypol
new line from leftypol is that ‘yeah we can’t do anything about the climate it’s fucked anyway’
yeah probably because climate change isn’t man made
not right now dear
stop being bizarre
i remember watching my female friend piss haha
not in a poley way haha
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can't go wrong with black jeans and a jumper, perfect for every occasion
*slaps knees and comes to stand*
time for me to head on home and get back to my mother and son incest porn
have clear memories of this too, and of being told that the earth would run out of fossil fuels within the next 15 years (more than 15 years ago obvs)
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pretty girl
climate change is real it's caused by everyone farting
stop eating beans you're destroying the environment
yourEdgware roads, your Whitechapels, your Shadwells and your Shepherds Bushes
my eyes have welled up
cock getting hard reading this
if you're worried about climate change why dont you kill yourself?
Would love her to stomp on my bollocks
cat meow because he know the dog is gone :(
blood would run into the ocean and make the sea level rise
remember that film set in New York about the climate changing and there being all these natural disasters and then everything gets really cold. day after tomorrow or something
disappointing arses
Mad how she is a Yankess

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