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Ukrainian bf edition
kys faggot
hello 190
fucking bastard
a white man is never going to find you attractive
Farage’s Policies Would Crash the Pound, Ex-BOE Official Warns

Martin Weale says plans would create another “Liz Truss event”
Former rate setter correctly predicted 2022 budget disaster
I’m so happy

I’m finally in my happy place lads x
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first for black girls
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crazy how white Poland tried to conquer Soviet Ukraine in 1920 before being driven back to Warsaw by the Red Army
But all we hear in the "west" is how plucky little Poland "saved Europe from Bolshevism"
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>RIGHT - quiet NOW or else we're going back home
lol it shoot poo out
kek thats me bollocks
What, here, talking shit, while people who despise you look on? What's your sad place?
'europeans' were native outside europe aswell so it's not really a good word to use for a grouping of native people.
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Is this the indog women
might for a walk in 40c heat with no water
what site is this
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mad how you moved to another country and you're still going to sit on your PC all day posting here pretending to be an autistic tranny working in ALDI
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based, I'll be voting Reform then
imagine the feast for deep sea creatures scranning all the blood and poo pulp
wish id been born 10-20 years earlier.
done that groomer
what's the science behind some farts being cold and odourless and others being horrible and warm
Done me
I know lmfao
it’s the other way around. there was a poster here who went to Spain for a while and claimed to have a Spanish gf but he stopped posting here years ago. sacked tranny is impersonating then
fuck me ill try again then what site is this
Crazy how you are a LARPing faggot and a rich kid who has never worked manual labour and you've already let it slip that you think working class people are scum
just a sec honey I have to tell my mates on 4chan about the view
good post that
you know the one
poo barm .com / who - should - i vote- form
it's all 190
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right that’s enough about namefags let’s get back to normal posting now thanks
>>198909432 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/who-should-i-vote-for-quiz/
he didn't dive so good
just done the last wank for a while
just not been enjoying it enough
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haha dont know
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‘Avin a cheeky espresso on the balcony while I shitpost x
need islam to takeover pronto
lol this is me
misso is begging me to go to bed with her but i want to post a laugh or two first haha

god i love her though and she loves me deeply. true love innit
errrr no lad you don't understand we NEED to agonise over poopoonigga123's every movement
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Not even Einstein himself was as confident in his own theories as reddit pop science people are.
Einstein actually admitted that special relativity relied on social convention assuming that it works.
How are you
: { }
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Guess who's back
nigga thats curry sauce
>open random thot twitch stream
>Rules: NO racism
>proceed to drop a nice fat NIGGER bomb in the chat
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sophia x
bizarre image looks like a fish gasping for air
did a poo just now
Spaincunt needs culling
how’s the sword, al?
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would love to lick her sweaty gooch
so apparently girls can easily smell when you’ve recently had a wank.
Have taken a voyage through normie media (instagram comments)
normoidals ALL write like American black people online
what the fuck is that about
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His feet aren't so big
What makes that apparent, idiot?
what are some comfy bedtime youtube vids?
shuckin’ and jivin’ ya feel me
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cool gif
spaino is living the life and you're all just jealous
living in a tiny one bedroomed apartment in a third world country with his ugly tranny wife
it literally doesn't get any better

hows he doen that then
Mumberg looks fit
dadstein must be an absolute mong if that's her daughter
can you tell if a woman's rubbed her fanny
what party is leading the polls for the next elections?
blatantly a bloke in a costume
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>The Prophet (ﷺ) said: "I was shown the Hell-fire and that the majority of its dwellers were women who were ungrateful." It was asked, "Do they disbelieve in Allah?" (or are they ungrateful to Allah?) He replied, "They are ungrateful to their husbands and are ungrateful for the favors and the good (charitable deeds) done to them. If you have always been good (benevolent) to one of them and then she sees something in you (not of her liking), she will say, 'I have never received any good from you."
45 minute vid by a disabled lesbian on whether Taylor Swift is a queer baiter
Even though he's in his final days, he remains optimistic and stoical
women can smell if you post on virgin forums like this one
pheremones or something
Need to have lunch soon guys
Mad how if you spaff in a woman you can duplicate yourself
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euroshits be like why do americans build cardboard houses. this is a 300mph tornado (500+ kmh). it would obliterate your fancy brick or even concrete industrial buildings such that there is nothing left. you have no idea how lucky you are.
Allahu ackbar *proceeds to make the world shittier for 1500 years*
but enough about sacked tranny
Reform? Regret!
didn’t happen
but whites actually did make the world shitter
well i had sex last night so your theory is wack
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nigel farage's UKIP is expected to get around 45% of the seats and form a coalition government with the democrats
It looms
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lib dem surge
Hot, name?
still voting reform
yanks are scared of some wind lol
Nah strong British houses would dissipate the wind
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Lmao bruh chill
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maybe dont build your houses right where the tornadoes go you fucking retards
women know if you put something up your bum when you're having a wank
women know if you've ever voted for a nigel farage publicity vehicle
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An interviewer once asked Albert Einstein "How does it feel to be the smartest man in the world?"

Einstein replied "I have no idea. You'll have to ask Tesla."
id eat her shit
dont live there then?
gonna filter this webm makes me sad seeing someone so peng
what’s the most reddit anime
ive seen her fanny, very nice it is too
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now
You're not the boss of me now and you're not so big
One Piece
Attack on Titan
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What song you got stuck in your head? Me? Olivia Newton-John's Physical. I must've had it on when I was drunk.
Cory in the House
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Are you lads enjoying the sunshine?
Brexit worked so well, we should listen to Farage again
i imagine it, and her arsehole, are very pristine and immaculate. probably have no odour.
not for me
me saying this to bbc bullberg after i chop his willy off with garden clippers
Cory you a busta
real answer: monster
idk i can just tell
Eid Mubarak Rasheed inshallah allamdilliluah
Reform is absolutely rocketing in the polls, this is unprecedented
was just saying this down the pub
leftypol doing his daily seething about farage
I would like to have consensual sex with this women and ejaculate inside her.
One Piece is very Reddit. Even the over exaggerated facial expressions of the characters are reminiscent of the soyjak memes.

Attack on Titan is shit and I'll forever hate it for introducing normies to anime.
just chilling in my smelly bedroom thinking about where it all went wrong
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tired of it all
Happened in Canada first
wish i had more money but don’t want to work
Very good pick. JoJo is alright but redditors love the flamboyant characters and the "so random xD" humour.
I've let myself go lads. stopped gym, stopped running, eating shite food, boozing, smoking. really not good
Don't even feel human anymore
farage said that he would invite putin to number 10 on day 1 of his presidency, presumably to fill him in on all of the uk's secrets, calling him a hero of the west
this guy has lost it
being a tranny is reddit
Where cns I do mine
Crazy how “far right” parties could take over all of Europe and you’d receive zero change and just more brown people
Mental how I am allegedly the same species as this person
If eugenics was allowed people like me would not exist and everyone would be tall and handsome and have perfect physiques and good faces but unfortunately they had to stop it so now here I am
clean up your cumsocks, open a window
mad how bryan cranston was just a silly supporting actor for such a long time, even did anime voice work in the 90s
wish I could go back to the carefree days of high school or uni
All Scotland need is to win 6-0 and Germany to beat Switzerland by a goal
He was in Seinfeld.
>carefree days of uni
Lmao what masters did you do?
she has fake tits and bad skin
My mum insists that my younger sister should still wear a nappy even though she's almost 10. While I don't have a problem with it (it's her choice as our mum), I just think it's pretty weird and uncommon for children her age to still keep on wearing them. I told my mum that maybe she should start training my sister to empty her bladder before sleep or wake up at night to pee, but she said that it's not my business because she's still a "baby".
she's probably extremely mid without the makeup
rentboy studies
Could actually go through with a draw if Albania and Czechia lose
just have to slam most of my income on my credit card debt and it’ll all be paid off by next spring
alri Osamu Dazai
redditoors love saying something breaches GDPR
we havent got GDPR anymore mate we're not in the fucking EU
I never understand people who say this desu. High school was fun and everything but the freedom of being an adult, having your own money to spend, being wiser, not so controlled by your emotions and your hormones life is so much better

Your late 20s to mid 30s are the best times of your life imo
her skin is flawless mate what you on about blud?
Looks like a tranny's body
i will NEVER get a job that is not fully remote
ALDI sell nappies for kids up to age 8. I stopped wearing nappies before I even started nursery so it blew my mind to learn some dysgenic freaks need them in year 3.

Albania been playing well TBF to them.
mad how damaging psycho mothers can be
you get one chance at life and it's sent down the shitter because your mum forces you to wear nappies until you're 10 because of munchausen by proxy or whatever the fuck
Farage, Putin, and Trump teaming up to defeat the New World Order
as if you're calling other people dysgenic freaks
the most reddit thing i have ever seen was a film about this quirky sardonic middle aged man going around murdering right wing people like the tea party and christians with a young teenage girl. i cant remember what it was called though
Civilization is so fucked lol
Doubt a bully victim like you would understand
How many fucking times do I need to ask you
In many respects I regret not sticking in at uni, getting a good job and just becoming a completely normal Deano.

Like I used to turn my nose up at stuff like accountancy and all that. In reality I should have just done an accounting degree, become chartered and I'd have been very financially comfortable by now, likely a shagger with a gf, house, car, kids and all that.
elites only use the right to defend capital. they don't give a shit about countries or sovereignty
Mrs is out with her friend snd the friend’s two kids. Have to go out with them as well later because it’s Sant Joan here in Catalonia and there’s loads of firework displays tonight apparently. Can’t really be arsed though.

Was thinking of going to the beach for another swim but there’s a group of like 4 bench Spanish lads who utterly mog me in every way. Not getting my fat pale Irish diaspora body out around them no way
it's already been posted it's the telegraph link earlier
like the reform immigration policy but why do we need 30000 more soldiers? unless we're planning on raiding and pillaging other countries and sharing the profits how on earth does that benefit the average person?
Wearing a very stinky and full adult nappy
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nuke the blacks
ngl thats a bit of a surprise since im voting Labour
Mental how single mothers produce all the scum of society
gf works in different schools and kids still wearing nappies and shitting and pissing themselves is the norm now
we are fucked beyond belief
probably just write it off as autism/adhd
Have you considered that Reform are not a serious party
don’t reply to it
We're preparing for the inevitable World War with China.
lad at work swears by shagging single mums
spainy mentioned
what a grim cretin
What was appealing about reforms tax policy? No tax until you earn 20k?
I wasn’t really bullied desu (had some trouble when I was in Year 7 with an older lad flicking my ears on the bus but mumberg called the school and soon got them sorted out. I was mildly a normie in high school, used to play football at lunch time and that.
Not too late de lad, go back and do it as a mature student.
why vote labour?
just got back in bed for my secodn nap of the day haha
god bless america?
off out to acquire a burrito and blare some music
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>her skin is flawless mate
not really
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Indian birds
they have sexual needs just like anyone else

also they need a new dad for little Kai
no, do NOT go to uni if you are older than 21
my arsehole stinks
yea that’s it
get so horny during summer and just can never have sex
How are you so tired
I voted Brexit and never understood why people expected things would get better afterwards? All it was was leaving the EU. It wasn't really going to affect the economy one way or the other. Things have more of less stayed the same which is what I expected.
I also get the horn big time in the summer
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leftypol's da
the catholic church: we've made a few... changes!
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remember when leftypol threw a tantrum about that lord of the rings game turning shelob into a sexy lady?
kek are you Irish diaspora?
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Need them to help remove all the illegals
Took ketamine last night lads was tripping out my bollocks
bet you didnt think immigration would double lol
just had family toil
brother said I look amish cos I haven't had a shave
why is leftypol so fucking gay
jet lag, depression, autism, been boozing the whole week, anxiety, and BPD
Rorke’s mam donating 50p to the Jay Slater gofundme
Never too late to do accountancy. Get an apprenticeship and if you can't get that do AAT yourself
Haven’t been wiping my arse or showering for a few days
Got loads of shit caked on in and around my arsehole, going to take some force to dislodge it
>No tax until you earn 20k?
Yep. That was literally it. I'm a povvo worker so while i'm happy for any party to increase taxes on the rich the biggest and only incentive that won my vote on taxes was the 20k.
out or just in your home?
atheists be like meet my grandad

not even close
>we will spam sinn féin twitter account calling out...terrorism, rather than wokery
unionists are retarded.
spainos mum getting fucked then abandoned by his based dad
hawk tuah
sam sucking off frodo
mad thing about summer is its like you have the heating on all the time except you havent turned it on for days
Comparison of the amount of posts on /sp/ on the day of the first game.
>EURO 2021
73k posts
>World Cup 2022
78k posts
>EURO 2024
47k posts

What's happening? Why is 4chan dying?
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share the load
at my mates gaff
they’re two mental cunts, one is very deano the other one is a huge bodybuilder drug dealer that somehow took a liking to me
it felt like i had actually died for a while and like i was in a video game, while they just turned into mongs dancing to walking on sunshine
I use a cloth to wash my bumhole in the shower, I then use the same cloth on my face.
you just know spaino’s mum was the local bike on his council estate
A zoomer told me that 4chan is a “doomer website”
tiktok happened
28 year old man whining about how his life is over
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been out enjoying the sun? or have you been sat on your fat arse all day doing nowt
I want the tories gone and I want my constituency represented by a member of the government. And the Labour bloke is the only one who has bothered campaigning where I live. Plus I hate Lib Dems. Live in England so plaid cumrag and snp are irrelevent.
is creatine worth taking
moderation fucked this place so it’s mostly filled with bots and the most extremely mentally ill freaks possible
ktim but 22
who cares only /brit/ matters
30-something boomers leaving because the site is shitty now and not being replaced by new blood
We’re in the 4chan spenglerian winter/ossification
If you weren’t a mong you’d know this
4chan hasn’t made any new memes or cultural impacts since at least 2020. It’s done. Like how Egypt used to be this advanced mysterious civilisation and now it’s just 90 million arabs squatting on the nile.
journalists and politicians treating twitter and facebook like they are news sites where wrong information needs to be cracked down on rather than social media sites where people can talk to each other about stuff no matter if they're right or wrong just like in real life having a chat
havent had a shag since 2018
feel like I've regrown my virginity
yeah its mental how it makes you feel isnt it
can put you in a different dimension/reality where everything is like a cinema
the rabbit hole goes so deep with it its great
who cares what happens outside /brit/?
Both at the same time for me lmfao
why not
your sex life is permanently in the spanglerian ossification period you mug
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sat in my smelly dank gooncave full of cobwebs and spiders and bats flying about
got the
Ever think how mad it is that /mu/ was basically responsible for Death Grips being propelled into international fame? And even if you attribute it to Fantano, that's still /mu/'s doing because Fantano was openly a /mu/ poster back in the early 2010s and he clearly sourced a lot of his material from /mu/tant posts and board culture.

Now /mu/ is one of the deadest, most boring places on the internet. The decline is simply stunning. Who would have thought 10 years ago that one day the music board of 4chan would be dead but we'd have boards for LGBT and "V-Tubers" with insanely active userbases?
Bit frightening it got ngl, thought i had met the devil and all that
Would maybe like to try it in a calm environment in the house. Just me in my room. Bit of classical music maybe.
smoked his nan's ashes with this one
/sp/ has been shit for a decade mate. used to be an /sp/ resident but it's just jfs posting child porn and anime now
I'm in my spastic dosserification era
Why are you copy-pasting a post I wrote 2+ years ago?
*sprints to /sp/*
/sp/ expert over here lads
wanking off a blokes arse
any mice
well at least there’s something keeping you there
is that why sacked tranny is into football now?
/sp/ matchthreads are such cancer
just endless posts of arrows saying country above me is gay for country below me LOL
All me nice one schizoleaf lol, knew you would be able to see through that one haha
I agree
yeah mousey chained up worshiping my knob
Say what you will but Thai sweet chilli crisps are pengeroo
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Cruyff having a fag at half time in the 1974 world cup final
No mice, not allowed
Putting aside the ethical arguments around election betting, how blindly arrogant must you be to think it was wise?

They did it because it’s in their DNA, they think they’re superior and the rules shouldn’t apply to them

The sneering arrogance of the Conservative Party

a bonafide logistical nightmare if there ever was one
not to fond of ethnics
getting the arse wanked
you’re a sad bastard and I hope you die x
BE DIFFERENTS !! locked IN GO legend mode ALL . WHAT ABOUT ! watched learned education . DO SAY AND CLIMBS ! unleash freak of NATURE !!!
we're in a union with endless new wogs and pakis now
This. Genuinely crazy how such a comfy board turned to complete cancer in the space of a couple of years lol, really don’t get how it happened

Reddit is now genuinely a better place to discuss footy which says it all really :/
wow youre awfully young mind showing us your arse and dick?
made in 2011, I thought it was much later, but the cringe goes back far it seems
need a bigger bum
Genuinely stopped opening /sp/ match threads because I'm terrified I could get arrested if some nonce posts something in there.
Sunak says 'bring back National Service'. I say bring back secure well-paid jobs, final salary pensions, union rights, properly-funded NHS and social care, free tuition and student grants, affordable rail fares and social housing.
lib dems are alright
you dont have to click the webms mate
would but you'd report me
apparently the peruvian guy is still at it posting CP
id do no such thing and the jannys on holibobs
Was just saying this down spoons
hangovers have been hitting me halfway through the day lately, very ODD and CONFUSING!!!!!
Fuck farage
Fuck reform
Fuck brex*t
Fuck chuds
*runs over to /sp/*
been on this site for 18 years and have managed to avoid seeing cp
>yeah let’s just bankrupt the country handing out free shit
let me have a shower and a shave then x
leftypol putting the biology textbooks at waterstones in the fiction section
remember that /sp/ gimmick of that black yank talking shit to anime posters and saying how /sp/ has bought houses while they're virgins
remember a vid about it
I don't. But technically if you open a webpage your PC has downloaded thumbnails of all the images on it. Does that still count as something illegal, even if its not your fault?
No you don’t get it giving students and geriatrics more free stuff stimulates the economy
I don’t understand, surely you would expect to see Crystal Palace posted on a sports board?
sucking off a mug of tea
>But technically if you open a webpage your PC has downloaded thumbnails of all the images on it. Does that still count as something illegal, even if its not your fault?
yes, it is actually still illegal, that's why you don't go into those sp threads
mugging off a cup of sea
Get the clappers posted please
just dreaked everywhere
Yeah, well that's why I stopped. Not worth getting myself falsely labelled a nonce just because I wanted to chat on 4chan about a football match.
awhhh ur dedicated belgium proxy banned? x :(
caught in 4k
I like the constituency candidate but ive never heard of a single policy of theirs that I could support. I can only put the being my pick for Defence as being the best of a bad bunch. But defence is completely irrelevent to my voting. Tax and spending, NHS, and Immigration are more important. Honestly stunned my preference for NHS was Tories, they have done a shite job.

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