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finland edition
Is the Paraguay drawing a reference to this?
Usa very accurate
es este bruce
Ale gówno
what does pole eat for breakfast
bet he wakes up after breakfast time
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do you really?
I'm from Texas.
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>tfw no midwestern milf to cuddle with
life is a cruel mistress
i can offer you a polish guy
When will that baboon finally accept that I'm not gay?
relax negro
are the rambo movies good
Go Mexico
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inb4 the lock good sirs
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ballet isn't as gay as I thought it was
bart simpson >>198915130
it's pretty impressive and they also have strong bodies
it's still boring
yes my main complaint is actually that it's SHIT and actually seems way more lowbrow than opera or symphonies contrary to how its fans seem to think of it
outside of the "prestige" ballet troupes it just looks like some theater kid shit
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Just remembered that scene from Amadeus where Mozart is temporarily forced to cut a ballet scene from something because the emperor forbade ballet in the national theater by edict
How can anybody even deny that the Habsburgs are right about literally everything always
ever had a virginia ham
it's good ham, but it is still just ham nonetheless, tired of being mogged by the deep south
did you know that in pennsylvania ham is eaten
Good morning I hate life
Why is Uaregay a bottle of water?
>finland edition
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our mascot is a bottle of water
oh bydloball
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>it's the totally out-of-place "people in wheelchairs can do ANYTHING" episode of a 80s/90s series

wtf my brother
Why are you gay?
I'm still a bit flabbergasted over the whole comedians, comedic writers, etc. being anti "politically correct" in the '90s and '00s and mocking stuff like this and then twenty years later flipping completely their tune and buying wholeheartedly into essentially the exact same thing
it's a trite point to make and has been observed to death but it's still ludicrous to me
might plan a trip to cuba or something
yanki go home tho
cuba is american clay
wish I could take like a month off of work like a yuro and live somewhere abroad
only guantanamo tho
>erhmmm akshully
te romperia su rostro de rata en mil trozitos marrones buckito
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would quite like a weiner
Think I might go to bed early as shit today, lads
Why do southerners disproportionately pick up effeminate Anglo-isms like "mate" and "lads?" It always sounds stupid when a pitheaded drawling hick is talking some shit and then ends it all with a big fat MATE as if he was from Birmingham England and not Birmingham, AL
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are you on pills
boat protect me
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did you know we're renting a /dixie/ apartment in buenos aires next march for a month
from what
racist people
who is racist against uruguayans
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why aren't florida and texas considered southern states?
how can I protect you from myself
Florida cucked by cuban spics
Texas cucked by mexican spics
hmm thats what i imagined
are youa brazilian femlae
Back from church
>Afternoon church goer
I got there at 10am.
this doesn't happen, go outside
Just realized I forgot my Bible at church.
But that's when Divide Liturgy started.
what are the best crackers?
for me, it's saltines
It depends what they're going with
Wheat thins by themselves, triscuits with meat+cheese, saltines with soup or chili
fuck off, flaglet
What crackers do you like?
how'd it go
Dunno, just as long as they are Caucasian
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Why is Panama like that? I wanna bone her
I liked it. I was obviously confused but no one made a deal of it. I didn't do communion but I got a blessing. Then after service I talked to the Deacon and his wife in the coffee room. I was introduced to a few people and explained why I was moving away from the protestant branches of Christianity and my issues with sola scriptura. He's a really chill guy and was previously protestant so he gets where I'm coming from. I got some pamphlets while I was talking and we also touch on a bit of the difference between Orthodoxy and the Catholics. He said something about arians and the creed and the filioque but I don't know who about the arians and early Christians. But he was basically explaining the more you know the harder it is to be protestant. But even without knowing I feel like there's something wrong. So I'll probably keep going and try to figure it out.
That's very silly.
>I was obviously confused but no one made a deal of it.
No one minds as long as you aren't acting retarded.
I assume it was one of the churches that performs in two languages?

>I didn't do communion
They wouldn't give it to you anyway
Arianism is an early heresy that basically states that Jesus was created by God, implying that He is not co-eternal with the father. (see: "begotten not created" in the Nicene Creed) which is something a lot of Protestants accidentally fall into
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Holy Spirit, is in fact, Fives Solas/Holy Ghost, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Fives Solas plus Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is not an entity unto itself, but rather another free part of a fully functioning Christian faith system made useful by the Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, and Soli Deo Gloria princibles, Baptist cope utilities and vital system components comprising a Christian believer as defined by Jesus.
Hinds & boat are the only true christians
I feel like you're setting a low bar
>I assume it was one of the churches that performs in two languages?
Yeah mostly English. But some Greek in the service. I got there at 10am but a lot of people showed up after. He did talk a bit about the literal nature of sacrament and baptism because it was Pentecost and I thought that was neat. He mentioned it was a gesture in Baptist churches but honestly I feel better NOT thinking it's a gesture. Then we talked about faith alone vs works through faith. And that makes sense on the latter.
>they thought Jesus was created by God, implying that He is not co-eternal with the father.
Yeah I don't know where they thought that one was correct. My understanding was that Jesus was the aspect of God that's been talking to man from the first. Like with the burning bush.
When I say Holy Spirit, I mean the "advocate" Christ said He would ask the Father to send when He departed.
>the only true christians
I want to be a worthy follower of Christ. I don't know if I've achieved more than that.
Yeah, the English to patriarchate language varies depending on patriarchate, church, and priest.
Like the OCA is pretty much all English, but as you see the Greeks do a mix, and some priests change the ratio depending on their preference.
It smells like Frankincense inside which is nice. It's a smaller church but the people seem nice. But I generally feel awkward anywhere I go and anytime I have a conversation with people I don't know.
>It smells like Frankincense inside which is nice
You'll never guess what the incense is made of

>It's a smaller church
Yeah, mine is actually strangely large for an American one.
I think there's a lot of Greeks here for some reason
Me pole bucks and Uruguay meetup
How much of a sea sponge industry do y'all have out there
Greeks love a good sea sponge
what the fuck are we
Unaware of a sea sponge industry
We unjokingly have a large jellyfishing industry though
t. wearer of four-cornered pantaloons
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I knew that joke was coming

Yeah, every year these retards have a massive bloom, so off-season shrimpers will catch them and send them to Asia
>mad because he's not a termo
>You'll never guess what the incense is made of
I don't know.. is it tree sap? Or bark? I actually don't know.
>lot of Greeks here
There's one segment of the service where people in the congregation speak and a few people spoke in different languages. One was Russian I could gather and the other might have been Spanish or something else. Now I'll probably have to read up on the First Ecumenical Council and what came after and why.
Have you ever taken apart a train and eaten it piece-by-piece after you just derailed it with your penis
Interesting looking jelly
Do people eat them or what
>Sent to Asia

It's either food or believed to cure impotence and turn you into a better lover
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I didn't wanna bring it up but I suspected willy pills
It's francincense
was the joke

>There's one segment of the service where people in the congregation speak and a few people spoke in different languages
That was probably because it's Pentecost
When the Apostles spoke in tongues

Asians eat them yeah
Idk if Alberta is struggling with invasive species of any kind but just start a rumor parts of their bodies/plants make your dick hard for 12 hours straight and the Chinese will take care of your problem
Prussian carp are destroying the food chain in our rivers but I think the yellowfolk already know about them from the old country
I'll keep this strategy in mind tho
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>was the joke
I was worried I misspelled it as Frankenstein or something. But I imagine if it were made from this we'd all feel very differently.
>That was probably because it's Pentecost
Yeah, true. I was a bit surprised a lot of people dress very casually but I think it's good and more inviting. I didn't remember to bring money for collection though. Feelsbad.jpg
I don't like those carp. They will also jump out of the water to attack you. Splash attack is more effective than you think
>a lot of people dress very casually
Eh, they dress more casually but anything without a tie is kind of casual by my standards so
Just throw in an extra dollar at the candle offering next time
every time in the last 4 days when i fall asleep in instant i get woken up by dream of missing a step when climbing stepps or getting whacked by a branch when someone is up in front of me walking trough branches tentioning a branch and i walk behind and WHACK
i see this as full moon God has spoken
i must do something
i drove to Banja Luka again
i parked somewhere from where the spider took the car away
illegal parking and shit
but i went on by foot
i got beaten 2 times and won 4 fights with zoomtards
i hate them a lot
i caused 2 pubs to kick me out
so i went further, carless
im now at a gas station with a FAT woman in company shitposting from a phone
i always knew i hated that town because i not only grew up there, but it is superiour to me personally
now i hate it to the point i want it bombed and burned to the ground
i hate them so much its unreal
evenm the ones that like me, i want them dead first
aka i did NOT get laid this night and im severely angry at everything and everyone
all i want to do is to harm someone
to disfigure someone
a human person, whack, on the eyes, on the soft spots that bleed
i literally must jack off to porn tonight to fall asleep
this is a humilliation ritual i went trough and someone must pay the repercussions
also i must mow the lawn and someone elses grass with a john deere i bought years ago
its too humid for that sort of shit
im so angry i could kill a baby
I mean wearing jeans and a shirt attire but that's fine. I didn't use a candle but I didn't know they sell them either. Why did some people walk in with a lit candle?
Just realized 2033 will be the 2000th year anniversary of Pentecost. That's wild.
They may have a candle area outside.
Normally Orthodox churches have a stack of candles in the narthex and a box full of either sand or rocks with water in which you light your candle and place it as a prayer
my so called friends now know wher i am and are now in cars traveling towards me to jank me out of a situation
i stood before a council of whatever the fucks
i was the only one with LEGS
i stood
ready to bite
yes im ready to bite off chunks of f;esj off pf vocto,s tp devpir tej,
to devour them
that is how much i hat them
i want to consume theif flesh
yes i do, God forgive me, but i will consume their flesh whenever i get an opportunity
im attacking a town rn
all by myself
it is in need for an attack
its called Bans harbour
there is nor harbour
its a fast river flowing trough it, no chance of a harbour
only criminal rule and silence of the subjigated
i hate them so much its unreal
>stack of candles in the narthex and a box full of either sand
Yeah they had candles and sand. I saw a few lit.
One day I will visit Bosnia

Yeah, it's customary to light one and say a prayer upon entrance; alongside venerating icons
plant a tree when you get there or anywhere
just plant a tree
people will show you where
Is that a tradition or something?
suck my salty balls i will not publish any tradition whatsoever
make your own
If your balls are salty you should probably wash them,
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Fucking look at him GO
bro i mowed a lawn today
it was a cloud under a 40C sun
its death
dont try to insult me in woman ways
id strangle and bash a woman in a severe way if i ever saw one today
i did not
they can not
we can
Where the FUCK is congay?
uh oh time for bed
I can see your flags boat you don't have to pretend to be congay for me with such faggot behaviour
does anyone have those var cats that were drawn of the posters here or are those dixie lost media now
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lost desu
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good job usa
Got dinner
what for
For myself.
i got paella
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Sometimes, you just have to eat
Oh that sounds fantastic
Yeah that's true. I'm going to make soup in a little while. I think I forgot an ingredient though.
You’re the mutted ones tho
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there is like a spaniard festival or something today & they're giving away paella for cheap which is super kinomerald
so im eating with a few friends now gonna get drunk later and watch our team
Not salt. I forgot chicken stock.
Pretty neat, how's the quality? Also keep us updated on the score if it's a live game
shit is tasty as fug.
I will be happy for you because I can't have any myself
ta hinds
ta my friend
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>have to
you don't have to anything
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Tell Tony I'm still not buying Frosted Flakes.
Buenos dias amigos
Oh I'm sure you'll get the chance to tell him that in person soon ;)
Checked. How are you fren?
What does that even mean? Is there a hidden meaning?
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Sleep tight!
You are my brother in spirit. I've been depressed all day. And if not depressed anxious.
He better not try to break in. I'll shoot him.
hi cobb
ayo this nigga lives in a video rental store shieeeeeeeet
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>Went to Longhorn Steakhouse for dinner
>Sat in booth, couch is too low and too far from the table
>Cute waitresses' butts are now at eye level
Good way to end my Sunday.
there is literally no way to celebrate the US beating Bolivia in a sport where it doesn't feel like gloating about stealing a favorite toy away from some street urchin
only take action the people will honor
Bolivia is elite, the altitude ensures they have superior cardiovascular endurance
mmmm are you ready to please daddy baby bitch....?
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Can't sleep
Me neither
I made chamomile tea. I hope it works.
nigga be like can't sleep
drinks coffee like an addict
then stares at screen
how could this happen???
Stop lying. I had half of a cup of coffee at 9am.
cute chainsaw
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>Still awake
Stop looking at the screen dummy
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yup it's dead, good
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She'll be roight mate
vhg the elites don't want you to know this...................
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wtf what happened while I was sleeping
i cried yesterday when panama scored
clearly the Nazi femboys in Antarctica are starting their campaign
more of a chai tea man today, myself
>ooo ooo aaa aaa
i dont speak spanish
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Chai is very tasty. I'm just a man of old habits myself
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Whys mexico got a chainsaw going through him
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>musician/band decides to remaster album
>the most overbearing, OCD, obnoxious member retreats to some studio in the woods to fiddle for five hours with a high-pass filter on a snare drum overdub track that was laid down when Orson Welles was still alive
>remaster comes out
nobody can hear any differences from the original, besides like eight fans all of whom are picrelated
>plays all come from people listening on Spotify using airpods at the gym, all of whom would be playing the song anyway whether it was remastered or not
>it makes no money for anybody because it's Spotify
>Total profits from the venture: $336 of vinyl and FLAC sales to a handful of autists
Music producers and music production obsessives are the HR people of the music world
Did your grandma make that for you
i got it from a peruvian lady while i was in buenos aires last month
>mfw remaster
name 6 examples
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In any other artistic career besides music it's generally accepted that you have to create a brand for yourself and network and have an appealing personality if you want to make money.

Nobody uploads some indie film they shot in their back yard in high school to YouTube and wonders why YouTube is just giving them a couple cents of advertising money and not making the movie available to rent for $5 alongside Die Hard and Garfield

Spotify is the only platform for entertainment where you can just have your shit-ass amateur ambient weebwave show up in search results alongside Michael Jackson and the Beatles, and these "people" are actually complaining about not being paid a dollar every time they show up in somebody's AI-generated daily recommended slop playlist? I hope they're crushed into paste under Spotify's giant meaty (but supple) ballsack
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every Beatles album
every Oasis album
every Beach Boys album
every Metallica album
there that's like 40 altogether
>Johnny Cash albums
still sound like shit
>Elvis albums
still sound like shit
>Hank Williams albums
literally sound haunted
the south wins again
NO ONE listens to those bands
good they're all shit especially Oasis
one of the beatle niggas is performing here on october and lots of widows are wasting all their pension money on tickets
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they should of thought of the kiss kasket first
sovl is inversely proportional to how dogshit the audio quality is
also I have gotten SEVEN heat advisory warnings from the weather channel in the past hour and a half
I've drank about half of my cup.
Albums recorded after the year 2000 generally suffer from lack of dynamics
Switch to decaf
I actually have a bag of decaf. I should do that.
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t. homofurry
why would you drink decaf
just drink water at that point
It tastes like coffee without the negative effects
wym negative effects
it puts your brain in a stress state, rewires it to function less effectively when you are not on it
white people
It makes your brain better and turns you into a better, more capable person
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>relying on a substance
I rely on the high of my deep and abiding faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ you fucking pagan
gym is my temple
coffee my holy water
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reminder that you will never achieve this
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>I rely on the high of my deep and abiding faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ
Amen to that.. minus the last part.
been cleaning up my yard and now chiggers are eating me alive

finn's biggest life achievement

beat this
My cat got fleas when she snuck outside while I was watering my plants. Taking her to the vet tomorrow. Not sure what wards of chiggers. Mosquito spray?
meh, get the >>200000000
hold on finn im cutting my nails
no clue. I think you're supposed to use witch hazel for the bites and spray yourself with any one of a bunch of different things to get them off
Praying a rosary for my boy dixieman's big get
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>the weather channel
did tricky dick make the weather channel?
Just vacuum the things off the animal
And let it go outside more, how would you feel if you were trapped inside a house with nothing to do
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this is finn's dream girl
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Croatia for the win tonight boys
Picrel Luka Modrić praying to Our Lady of Medjugorje, Queen of Peace
stick to rizzing up the pole
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Also we literally have the divine blessing
baby pole done rizzed up livvy finn
Will he commit to LSU?
tonight im italian
i saw you rooting for panama yesterday zadar
Fuck panama
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explain why your flag has panama colors then.
Plz. You're traumatizing me.
I'm going to make roasted red peppers and tomatoe soup with roasted chicken for dinner.
based as fuck
niggerball enjoyers get the sword
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Look at this lil guy. He's like the king of his own castle.
And he shits where he wants too!
He honestly looks really happy and I'm sure that plays a part.
zadar wtf was that goal
Territory - marked
Blanket - acquired
Leisure - began
Someone takes care of him and he's jolly for it.
House is starting to smell like roasted bell peppers.
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why is panama a hot bird chick
baaa baaa sheepy
fuck off, flaglet
the post that broke finn
Anyone have a good mahi mahi recipe?
1 minute of silence for zadar please
Tfw player even named Mr Macaroni
This is fucking shit
We're a fucking shit team
Shit piss
Mom found the shit drawer and it's in Croatian locker room because I shit in it
I really really really like the Finns posts
Not surprised, he radiates homosexual aura
call me 8:45 cause I got both hands at the nine
You don't own a "nine", Bernard
should i get a glock or a new car
Wait for Glock to make cars
i got a glock in my rawri :3
I feel like those two are leagues away in price difference, anon.
also I don't like Glocks
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It worked.
im getting the most poop shartcar
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Aw heck yeah! You did it buddy! That's great news.
that was certainly a reaction
took a nap after work
Do you have a recipe for cooking mahi mahi?
fruity ass question
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>fruity ass question
LMFAOO you fucking killed him man
Not off-hand, but it's a meaty white fish, so I would probably just blacken it.
Yeah that's what the guy at the counter said too. Just looking for alternatives
either do it like blackened meat or like you would salmon. you can also bread it in panko
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>fruity ass question
>the fruitcake answers it
Ok this makes some sense. I've never eaten mahi mahi so I was trying to avoid cooking it in a way that doesn't match the flavor profile.
I haven't had it in a while, but from what I can recall it isn't a super flavorful fish, but it has a texture similar to like swordfish or shark or something, which lends itself to a good blackening
>texture similar to like swordfish or shark or something, which lends itself to a good blackening
Ah that's what I was avoiding because I've never had swordfish or shark. I mean maybe once years and years ago. And I don't know how to properly cook blackened fish. Never learned the method. Now I feel like I should have stuck with salmon
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this you >>198970847
Mahi is a little easier to deal with than the other two.
Shark especially because it can obtain an ammonia flavor that needs to be marinated out with milk
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kinotastic match tomorrow
tell me the new /dixie/ lore on this guy
>Shark especially because it can obtain an ammonia flavor that needs to be marinated out with milk
I didn't know that. That sounds awful.
popeyes has the best seasoning and sauces ive seen from a fast food chain but by God is their meat horrible wtf is this garbage
dixie is geeting sheepified
i got popeyes delivered yesterday and the nigger didnt give me my mango tea
It's not bad as long as you marinate it long enough.

I don't go to Popeye's cause they're all in shit neighborhoods
Popeye's probably has the worst fries.

Went to Popeyes once and literally saw a multi man brawl in my rearview mirror
i havent had their fries since the acquisition
you buy blackening seasoning and pan fry it in butter and olive oil. you can buy it at walmart iirc
>the acquisition

The Louisiana purchase ?
Ah that's a good hack. Now I'll keep an eye out for it. I've been trying to cook more fish just because I like fish but I'm finding I don't know about most fish. Maybe I can get some of this seasoning and try it out
yes, popeyes went to shit afterwards
Cavendar's Greek Seasoning is an Arkansas brand that's really good. You may be able to find it in stores but you can also order it
next is popeyes edition some one make it you have my blessing
Contemplating boobies
Yeah let me look it up online and find out what's in this Greek seasoning.
salt, pepper, garlic, onion, oregano, celery salt. nothing outrageous, it's pretty all purpose

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