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Great Britain edition
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Hungary 3-0 Scotland
I've been arrested 15 times now because of someone posting CP in an /sp/ matchthread
sick of it
havent been outside today
but shall go on a walk soon
mad that
any ephebophile in
anything decent?
It's very hot mate. I'd leave it until 19:00 pm.
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Gareth is something of an anomaly in the series; he’s presented as an overly sycophantic oddbod - which he is, and is understandably mocked for - but he’s the only central character we see that has vested interests / hobbies outside of work, a passion for his job, close friends and some success in relationships, besides maybe Neil.

He has his lot in life and is content with that, yet everyone else around him takes the time to criticise in order to mask their own problems (though admittedly, it’s not exactly unwarranted a lot of the time either).
my head is clear my balls are empty
got my shirt on
clappers direct
maybe im built different, but it's not that warm
sitting here in a hoodie
Mental how no one in Europe had ever had a potato or tomato prior to the 16th century
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every paedo supports ukraine
India didn’t have chillis till the Portuguese got there
i think "This post is extremely low quality" is my favourite report card
You really believe that ?
mad how not standing in front of the massive burning ball in the sky once a day turns you into a basketcase
Not been poo in a few days. Hard as diamonds poo. Toilet covered in bright red blood. Wiping arse and its bright red blood.

Its over
whats that
Of course Hitler sides with the weird blond guy.
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much to think about
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30 minutes until my GTAV download is finished
why they can't separate all the online shite that i'm not interested in so it can be a 40gb download rather than a 110gb download
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oh no 30 year old young men bros how do we respond
Get the tranny cock out
got the filmography of allie sin on
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He was in Pirates of the Carribbean!
>GTA V single player in 2024

*a can of Monster Energy cracks open wistfully in the distance*
Absolutely insane the state of Yanks
gamers rise up
got the shitcaked boxers on
done him
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lovely open plan living area
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Me being escorted out the local after one too many
get the arses wanked
That's a lad
Whys he gone and dressed like that then? :/
id open plan her living area
really want to play some morrowind
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Where can I put a bet on Karen having a black boyfriend in the Outnumbered revival?
really dont want to play any morrowtoil
You can't even open the window of your smelly bedroom pipe down
last time i was in a plane some drunk mong banged his head on the door to the overhead lockers and accused the steward of hitting him
just about shat myself
this actually made me jump
it's not
mona huygelen
morrowind? what year is this? just play skyrim
mad how smelly my arsehole is
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Corrrr gizza sniff la
giggling like some sort of mad hatter esque freak
give us a whiff coorrrr
knobs fallen fof
gay homosexuals be like corr wish i could sniff it
fox nonce
The sweltering summer of 1992
wish you were here
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probably the most interesting event ever in your grim life
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>give us a whiff coorrrr
>am fi ded
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love foxes me
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get a big whiff of my unwashed crotch when I sit down
no reason to shower if i'm not leaving the house
in retrospect it was very unrealistic to have a show about a white family set in london
Gonna go for a walk on the beach lads :3
I like the constituency candidate but ive never heard of a single policy of theirs that I could support. I can only put the being my pick for Defence as being the best of a bad bunch. But defence is completely irrelevent to my voting. Tax and spending, NHS, and Immigration are more important. Honestly stunned my preference for NHS was Tories, they have done a shite job..
blummin heck
white hot
London suburbs were still overwhelmingly white middle class until the mid 2000s
what's that for then? bit random innit
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That tall guy is actually Polish.
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literally what were they thinking?
love big areolas on women ngls
dont get why im supposed to be aroused by this
maybe if i saw a wet vagina hole or something
It's hilarious how people don't realise how racist I am. I'm not interesred in ranting and raving about immigration or crime rates. I'm not interested in violent confrontations. The only thing I do is go to great lengths to avoid blacks. If you followed me around you would see.

I am very aware of my surroundings. If I see a black down the other end of the street I will go up another street to avoid passing them. If thats not an option I will turn around and walk in the opposite direction. I will not enter a shop with blacks inside. If I'm in a shop and see a black I will leave. If I'm on the train and a black is in my carriage I'll move.

Nobody notices my behaviour because its so absurd that nobody would believe it possible but I've decided its the only way to exist
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aryan W
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bizarre bit of projection
scared little manchild
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>the """great""" british public
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post a selfie heatherlad
away home to bangalore
I imagine them destroying the missus, personally
probably the massive tits you bender
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Taking the dawg out
imagine cowering in fear because you see a nigger god you freaks are pathetic
mm yea some useless sacks of meat peng
literally me
meltdown imminent
just witnessed racism outside of /b/
homosexual dog
Is that a staffie?
im the exact opposite, no problem hanging around with blacks and indeed enjoy their company more often than not, but will happily rant openly about their negative impact on society
genuinely a big gay gayboy
nowt wrong with it but it seems odd to critique straight men
got the hog out
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this guy's a mentality beast
that dog is definitely taking red rockets on the reg
Catyank and his British cousin Dogbong
life doing me up the arse and making me it's sissy bottom bitch
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>0% of readers are torn between Lib Dems and Labour

How did I end up like this
horrifying staffie lab cross
crank that shi nigguh
reckon just not many people have taken the quiz
Dis nigga looking ZESTY
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I feel it Dan
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Can I pet that dawg?
>34 degrees in București

Oh my days
horrid webm
should be an immediate and permanent ban if you post it
not gay though
>oh your bet came in did it well you're being investigated sorry no payout for you

why is this allowed
Are Aussies actually massive racists and I didn't know this whole time?
got an even split of gay and straight porn on my drive
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It's a stupid quiz. For example I agree most with the Greens 1% wealth tax but I couldn't choose that option because I hate all their other policies
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Do you do this, anon?
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Leafs are usually too
It's a pure lab you lunatics
are you top off kind of Employed Woman when the sun is out?
No they worship aboos
gay freak
ok so this is rorke
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miss smoking
kek just shit me keks
Any moss balls on the go?
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strange bellybutton
surely the point of the quiz is to find the party that you agree most with, not just agree with a single policy
looks stoned
masculine belly button
can we get this dog put down or smth?
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yer nan is voting Reform
pupils dilated, defintely on the eccies
I went to a gig at Brixton Academy once and when we got back to my nan's in Streatham Hil

>Was there many blacks?

fuck sakes Nan
nah Labour
my nan's a bit dead but i reckon she'd be voting labour
grandad defo would or maybe green
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what's a hobby that'll attract women
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British people shouldn't eat too much rice
It is foreign to our stomachs
gay porn dancing
Just read that lib dems will legalise weed. 12.6 billion in tax from alcohol this country makes per year, no idea why theyve not already legalised weed to try to make more money for the precious nhs. And it will piss off the darkies because they can't get rich selling it and stabbing each other over it anymore. Shame they won't actually win.
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Boxing, girls literally stare at me in the gym when I'm on the bag
why would a hobby attract women? women are attracted to men whi like themselves and a key part of liking yourself if finding time to do the things you like
find a hobby that you want to do
i couldn't get past question 1, didn't like either option
All ethnicities can be british mate
guitar playing
didn’t work here
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right here min bror
is this true
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over regulated it like you americans always do
Take a book to a busy pub on a Friday night. Start reading it. Girls will approach you.
Who's this Irish diaspora cretin then?
would love to see your incompetent mongo government fuck it even worse lol
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deegzy ahhhh rizz
darkies will sell cocaine and stab each other over it. most weed dealers are white.
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wonder what these lads politics is
ask the swedish thread, it'll be worth it
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char siu chow mein
we sell alcohol freely next to food and weed should be no different at all
you freaks have to go to the liquour store or some shit
going to miss a lot of good footy during glasto unfortunately
mental how you're not even allowed to say you disagreed with Jo Cox but that she didn't deserve to die, according to the BBC
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need german gf
>roiding for this

more immigration for UK, same as labour
The correct answer is boxing. Women fucking LOVE boxers.
Big cocks, not big blocks silly
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need a brown (latina) gf
you've made exactly 0 steps towards fufilling this goal in years
I'm trying to strike a chord and its probably
poor bird he is very scared
freaks dont like music and fun?
oh going to glasto are you? going to blog about it endlessly? GLASTO? maybe going to take some drugs are you?
jog on mate
Video Content: *
Select the main content of your custom vid--I don't do mainstream. Note that all prices are a starting estimate, and may go up based on your specific details!
Shitting - TEN minutes minimum, starting at 100$ USD (1 pooping per video)
Farting - FIVE minutes (only) starting at 100$ USD (takes a while to gather/edit fart footage! NO BURPS)
Farting + Shitting - TEN minutes minimum, starting at 175$ USD (1 pooping per video)
"Say My Name" EXCLUSIVE Custom Video - TEN minutes, starting at $300 USD (Exclusive means private, just between you and me! If I say your name, it's an exclusive video!)
Add Ons:
Please check boxes for any content you would like to have featured in your custom vid. Note that all prices are a starting estimate, and may be adjusted based on your specific details
Buy Poop From Video! $135 USD (cost of turd + shipping! USA/Canada Only)
Smearing or Ruining Turd- 140$ USD (Cost of turd I cannot resell ($120) and cleanup ($20 starting) Do not select if you have chosen 'Farting Only')
Ruined Panties/Clothing - 40$ USD (Starting price, depending on cleanup needs. Will go into further detail if items are mailed! US/CANADA Only)
Special props like certain clothing - $ ?? (price depends, must be available on Amazon.ca--NOT Amazon.com!)
Remind of this
This but jewish, I'm gonna volunteer for Sar-El or go to a kibbutzim and fuck as many jewish pussy as i can
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Taekwondo is much more attractive than boxing. Boxing is very Reddit.
not i i much prefer stewing in my smelly bedroom
nope, when it begins next week i won't spend a single second thinking about this place so no blogs.
She was a supporter of the White Hats. And remember how quickly her husband had that full speech prepared to post on Twitter. It was only a couple of hours after the death of his children's mother and there he was on about ending hate
Once ran into a 6'4 foot bird while going out but I lacked the rizz and hormones to court her
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I saw a 6'3 peng indian lasses wearing a tennis skirt in maccies a few months ago
tall girls do BIG poos
Japan has banned smoking on trains so i dont want to travel there anymore. Where should I go instead?
G-d imagine the vile shits she takes
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nah way dude
China I'm sure everyone on the train sparks one up there.
i'm a tall girl and my poos are small like rabbit poos
I just don't find 'em attractive.
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Are you Irish diaspora?
the rabbit wojak meme
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>Trannie going on about poo again
like clockwork
i understand why people act mean on 4chan but why do they do it on social media with accounts. are they just like that in real life?
yeha but shes eating mcdicks
would drop instantly. women who eat fast food are rank
>i'm a tall girl
need mammarian evidence
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who have we got?
Blud Think He On The Team
Has done the same actually. Also once happened to turn around and see a lad who was at least 7 feet. I know this by thing he was by.
business idea: advertise the thread in places women post
You're Irish diaspora, aren't you?
No, German/Mexican
Hungary because the guy on the right is much penger.
rorke sobbing as his new black step dad makes him season his chicken
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>Study reveals the disgusting sexual fetish that's the second most popular in the US - and it's a stinker

>You may have thought that hearing a partner pass gas is an immediate romance killer.

But not for everyone. For many, the opposite is true, new data shows.

The stinky habit is now the second most popular sexual fetish around the world, according to a global report.

Researchers at kink and fetish platform Clips4Sale analyzed search data and sales related to popular fetishes.

They found that while bondage reigned supreme worldwide, searches for passing gas exploded by 430 percent in just the past year, with sales of related paraphernalia jumping 40 percent.

>In the US, UK, Australia, and Canada, the fetish remains number two behind bondage, though farting took first place in Brazil and Portugal.

Though it has recently gained popularity, scientists estimate that the sound and smell of flatulance has been a turn-on for decades.

Avery Martin, a spokesperson for Clips4Sale, said that the revolting habit started to gain traction in February 2020 and increased steadily after.

'Maybe it was the close quarters of shut down, or maybe the loss of scent so many experienced with early Covid,' Martin said. 'You can't deny its power!'

That year, sales increased by 50 percent.

Being turned on by farts is a sign of olfactophilia, or being sexually aroused by smells coming from the body. The subset specifically interested in farts is called eproctophilia.
loads of fit slags on mumsnet
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>No, German/Mexican
mad that gay bent homosexual poofters prefer smelly man arse and a willy
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would love to smack her across her arrogant face.
Are swedish women sexo
Norman diaspora
being exposed to smally man arse and willy at a young age rewires the brain
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look at this photograph
every time i do it it makes me laugh
My nipples are pink you paki
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how rude
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szobo is sexo fair play
These articles always reads like they were written by pearl clutchers
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She has a right to be arrogant
She is superior to all Irish diaspora in existence
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However, when he was around 16 or 17, a male friend farted in front of him. 'It was rather appealing in sound, and I found myself fixating on it,' Brad told British psychologist Dr Mark Griffiths.

'At first, I didn’t want to admit I was into his farting, but eventually I decided to experiment.'

'I set up a bet at some point and intentionally lost, with the wager being the right to fart in the loser’s face for a week.'

'I continued to lose such bets once every few weeks for about two years.' Brad also noted that he enjoyed 'everything about it,' though he was most drawn to an 'acrid sulfur' smell.
That’s an Irish diasporoid if I’ve ever seen one
mihai unmasked
yeah, real peng birds out here
went outside
>litter fucking everywhere
>80% of people are wogs
>grey sky and horrid humidity
>ugly buildings
depression cured
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And Fabio (not his real name), a 37-year-old straight man from Brazil, told Vice that while he's heterosexual, he's exclusively attracted to men's farts.
Read More
The surprising sexual kink that is most likely to result in orgasm, new study suggests
article image

When he was five years old, Fabio's cousin playfully passed gas in his face.

'He didn’t know I was near his butt cheeks to appreciate them, and his fart made my dreams come true,' Fabio said.
ah yes gays
very common look, or phenotype as the incels would have it
When's next England game? Want to be bored off my tits again
how do I fake tan like that
Did the man kick the ball
mid tbqhwy
move to australia for your own sake
Any Epic Rap Battles of History man in? Love Donald Trump vs Hilary Clinton, me
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why do you want to hurt something so beautiful
Dont do sun very well
saving your dogshit zinger for the poo?
swedish birds sunbathe religiously, during the winter they all flock to solariums and “brun-utan-sol” — brown without sun, some cream shite
because they don't get much sun or because it's "fashionable"?
have people actually been posting CP on /sp/? want to post in the match thread later but I'm a bit worried to do so
wish i were literally any other european nationality other than shittish
Vapid, superficial things
you can torture nonces with these. same with nostalgia critic and smosh sketches
more like fagio lol
y snowppl be thinking u gotta get sunburnt to enjoy time in the sun?
when you're ready lads
Just live everyone else
>a childhood experience results in a particular sexual proclivity

Most interesting. People are born gay though, even though all gays have stories of being molested in their youth, remember that.
forgot title fucksake need executing
all early btw
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they’re all insane, the degree varies
but, yes, for fashion because looking pale are for housebound weirdos supposedly

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