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fishe edishe
hehe fishe
actually mental how filthy the uk is now could probably catch the bubonic plague out there
no it's actually been shockingly clean this year. used to be a massive problem with every big event. there's a chance they've been posting them in the copa america threads, but i wouldnt know cuz i only use the euro ones.
I’m straight but I’m exclusively attracted to men shitting and pissing on my head
I just hid your thread.

>What does this mean?
Your thread is no longer visible on my catalog.

>Why did you do this?
There are several reasons I may deem a thread to be unworthy of being on my catalog. These include, but are not limited to:
-Country or language generals
-Porn or coomer bait
-Incel ragebait and blackpills

>Am I banned from 4chan?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making threads like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to hide those threads too, which may put your posting and thread making privileges in jeopardy.

>I don't believe my thread deserved to be hidden. Can you un-hide it?
Sure, mistakes happen. But only in exceedingly rare circumstances will I un-hide a thread. If you would like to issue an appeal, shoot me a (you) explaining what I got wrong. I tend to respond to (you)s within several minutes. Do note, however, that over 99.9% of hide appeals are rejected, and yours is likely no exception.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the hide and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on 4chan.org. I will continue to hide your threads until you improve your conduct. Remember: 4chan is a privilege, not a right.

"I downvote your thread because it adds nothing to /int/ - international. It's low effort, unoriginal, and contributes nothing of value. I hope you take this as constructive criticism and strive to improve the quality of your contributions in the future."
Australia is paradise on earth.
The garden of Eden.
Abo populations were able to forget how to do certain things because living there was so easy. Their only threat was other abo tribes.
what about dropbears
how did you post this if you hid the thread
bollocks it’s filled with deadly animals and desert wasteland
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>fishe edishe
fagio and poouigi
FINE day Sunday. NO post on Sunday.
blud think he did something :skull:

lil timmy on a mad one LOL

the good suck
could go for a virgin walk, 90 mins

dunno if I can be arsed though. If it were full sunshine rather than party cloudy it would be worth it for tanberg but I dunno
timmy was an average kid, that no one understands
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Do him this final honour
if you went on a virgin walk and somehow ended up in a sexual encounter with a female once you returned home would it still be considered a virgin walk?
it back to me
I’ve heard they like red, plump British tourists. Better watch out..,
The deadly animals are mostly in Queensland and the outback is pretty safe
ktim with golf balls
tryna find that hawk tuah
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talking out your humongous yank arse
t. clueless seppo
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>outback is pretty safe
bias everywhere there's tons of it everywhere i look. i hate bias
Away with you vile yank demon
eating ‘English recipe’ Heinz baked beans on unbuttered toast
not sure what makes these beans english exactly
why? im bi :(
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>She was a supporter of the White Hats.
the what
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if aboriginal australians could live with massive monitor lizards you can live with a big spider or a kangaroo
im gay for men
did you make this? can you do one of the walks towards you lisicki pic
Sunday slags edition
Getting the moss balls wanked
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wtf does this mean
ah yes let me post my boring political results from that boring political quiz
1 kilo bag of quavers for brekkie
Prove me wrong if you think you can.
*puts on my thinking cap*
Your battle won’t be easy.
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8 years ago today, the British workers and peasants liberated Britain from the EU.
im heterosexual but have a gay male fetish
It's the 23rd mate
unfortunately no I didn’t make it and it isn’t the webm I wanted to post
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Why'd she do it?
now they need to do NATO
quite like the idea of a cute girl farting on me 2bh. would have to be bare-arsed though so i can see her arsehole
Me bottom right
Should I post a picture of my moss ball?
playing gay porn games
feeling unscrupulous
do NOT try to scrupulise me
everyone wants a fart in the face until you actually get one
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>Prove me wrong if you think you can.
why don't you just stop being retarded instead
you're walking on a spanish beach with your wife and still at it
the dedication is admirable
thread quality mong whining again is he. this shit thread is his entire fucking life
Is Creatine worth taking lads? Is it safe?
me? got a thing for spaffing in the fanny
fart is the same no matter who is doing it. a woman's fart is the same as a man's fart.
i think id prefer a fart on the willy
Ah love a bit of Sun tzu
im not spaino
for me it's soy sauce
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Gotta be this one
*attempts a scrupulation of your person*
by the statue in bottom right
sun poo
Thoughts on Foals?

Making a smashburger tonight
another classic line lol x
just been scrupified
Can the Jannies please sort bbcposting out? If you type Baskin Roberts into /tv/ now you get instabanned, shouldn't be too hard to do that for 'Timmy' or 'BBC'.
>inb4 le filter him
It's not only Belgium that does it.
Yes x
creatine is the most studied supplement of all time, yes it's safe and only may cause balding in some individuals
it's good to get a last rep in and not much else. retains water weight and is naturally found in beef
me an the miss are getting a foal delivered in october
>If you type Baskin Roberts into /tv/ now you get instabanned
permanent apocalyptic spainy meltdown
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The unshaven BUM (Jewish) vs the clean shaven CHADS
they should just make a general rule against it. they did it for pony images.
how many times do you need to be told the staff are in on it?
he approves
bank of fishe
you wouldn’t believe the kinds of schizo autists they’ve got over there
It's Aryan West German Fascists vs Jewish Bolsheviks
A schizo spams it in family guy threads.
shaving goes against the natural order and also is submission to authority

Do you like that song?
mousenonce-type schizo had some bee in his bonnet about seth mcfarlane being a "baskin roberts trust fund baby"
finally a good edish. Will be posting.
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toil looms on the morrow. might get drunk now and go to sleep so im ok to drive at 8.30am.
just stop jews
cheesy chips with chicken salt down the hatch
keyed, the mousenonces of this website keep the gears turning
Clean shaven. Always.
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just stop the boats
For me it’s the Sarah Gadon schizo
which match should i watch later?
who else up slurping they cuppa rn
Why is spamming so common on 4chan? What is it with the mentally ill mind and fixating on something? It'd be more interesting if mental illness was more commonly expressed in a variety of bizarre associations, but no it has to be a fixation on nettles or black cock or trannies.
should I get powder or pills? what's a good brand to get
mental how badly i mindraped him
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Some people think that all Baptists are pro-Jewish, but actually the Baptist pastor Texe Marrs was very very anti-Jewish.
watch scotland they hate us so it will be a good laugh seeing them get knocked out at the first hurdle
no heathermong your spamming is not more interesting than the other autist freaks
Grrr me lift heavy weight up and down to inflate my muscles so that other men find me attractive
/gif/ has to be one of the worst places on the internet
Getting a lift to a party from a girl who talks like Mel giedroyk. Big mummy vibes.
You have to be some kind of weird to post here in the first place
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Whats that mean?
Never understood the anti-beard posters who basically point out that it makes chubby faces look better. Isn't that a point in favour of beards?
Are you opposed to head hair because it makes funny shaped heads look better?
Is he trying to suck out his brains?
learn to goon
this nigga got a recessed chin
Getting a lift to a party from a girl who talks like Imhotep. Big mummy vibes.
I'm Spaino
Not true, I'm normal
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More a Steven Anderson man myself
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sensible chuckle
Just don't be chubby
not an argument
thoughts on becoming a jehovah's witness
I have a good jaw/chin and a beard
your spainos, your mouseys, your trannies
did this nigga draw himself as a saint isnt that haram
knob just grew big and hard for no reason xx
You follow Cal Crucis on Twitter lad?
you pay a grand to go to a re-education camp
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not a chin haha
free mousenonce from hamas
Anyone have the results of the mid-year gimmick awards?
mad how utterly revolting trannies are
need them dealt with sharpish
They're NPCs who are opposed to beards just because reddit likes them. You're just going to get the same stock replies.
he has barely any followers how do you know him
they aren't even the problem
would kill whoever was mean to her if i saw them
wonder what the jews who made this actually said to her that actually made her cry
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sinisterbradley won by a landslide
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>Obtuse or acute?
Not shocked there. Do we have the full results list?
not happening until 4th july lad.
Followed Logo and Kantbot back when they were less cringe and kept seeing Cal pop up in their replies and then followed him.
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Good morning I hate women
is that retard still posting?
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fairs, his podcast is good
mad how I can pinpoint the start of my teenage depression to when RuneScape changed the combat system and the game completely went to shit in late 2012
that game was my greatest joy since 2007 and after they fucked it I had nothing left. soon moved onto /int/ and /pol/ which majorly fucked up my social development and brainwashed me
My Dad has made this exact reply several times lol
based jay slater with an army of women on the internet looking for him so they can shag him
Jay 'see you later' Slater
why a machete?
Yeah, he's basically just a left-liberal now who spends his time posting about cartoons, food, palestine and seething about BAPists.
It's quite simple. They can't grow full beards, they envy.
jay slater is banksy this is an elabrote art exhibition
ok groomer
Any Christians here? I'm in a crisis and the only church near me is blatantly heretical. I seriously need some advice
My friend works for the sheriffs department and got to fucking spear tackle a pedo in a sting operation recently and apparently the offender used to be an MLB pitcher lol
I miss when Twitter was about shitposting but that was easily 10 years ago now fucking hell
sounds based
come back here any time on friday
Energy of /brit/ seems to have changed overnight. We are turning it around and sorting our lives out TODAY not tomorrow. Millions must try
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All religions are lies.
>we believe in the truths of holy books that are so stupid and so fabricated that a child can - and all children do, as you can tell by their questions - actually see through them
Our resident Christian has sadly gone missing.
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miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
First of all how are they heretical

Before I give you advice I will need this answer (I am Episcopalian (Anglican))
I aim to save/invest 50-60% of my income every month
I'll likely lose my temper in the next couple of hours unless someone convinces me not to
He split a person’s head open with one
You should leave the jew cult
what crisis lol. oh no i dont know what translation of the bible to read?!
Imagine being the first blue-eyed Bazza that walked the streets of Tokyo
unironically wouldn't
See this: >>198913822
need them all rounded up and liquidated
why would look at a midwit grifter journalist as a source of authority on religion though. bizarre
Good plan
Don’t do what I did
Diego! Diego! DIEGO!!! Praise the LORD! How are you doing, my brother in Christ? How’s the church?? Hope you and your congregation are enjoying the glory of His Grace (that’s God’s perfect essence for you ignorant atheist cretins out there). Faith can be difficult, so don’t forget to take care of your rental properties in London! Also make sure to sneak in a few bottles of Prosecco, wouldn’t want your lonely weekends to get boring. Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and Christ-like, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all week for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, we’ve only got one Friday a week to have you catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my week so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of discussing the mystery of God’s creation with you once again, Diego. Go in peace x
>you're walking on a spanish beach with your wife and still at it
maybe he does that in minecraft lol
>No chapel, just an old house with some chairs in it
>Half the congregation is seperated from the "priest" by a solid wall (they have to watch the "Mass" through a TV screen
>They sell trinkets at the front door
>A woman spoke first to "introduce" the "priest"
>The very first sentence out of her mouth contained the phrase (Six, six, six)
At that point I walked out. This was 30 seconds into the "Mass", they're not affiliated with the Catholic Church btw
Starting a podcast about, here it is. Nothing
We are gonna be talking about, nothing!
Nothing at all!
He was a legitimate midwit
Oh honey…
Any zesty right wingers in the house?
/brit/ podcast
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mousey & diego
corr can you imagine
ooh ello
anyone else use their easy-access cash ISA as their emergency and "normal" saving account? i never saw the point of a non-ISA saving account or having a separate account for emergencies
any film recs lads
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affirmative, chief
bbc draining dolls
"You'll have to cover long distances to find a decent priest or a decent spiritual father to confess." ~ St. Paisios

Wish I had better advice, in a similar position, I have to travel 100 miles to attend a decent Monastery but don't drive or have a job right now. Just be patient and trust God, he put you where you are for a reason.
hello my cheeky little incels
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Hell Drivers

Eastern Promises
the only new atheist that even vaguely knew what he was talking about was daniel dennett and they literally never mention him. that’s how you know most atheists are really stupid
>You attacked your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.
>The result of an ad hom attack can be to undermine someone's case without actually having to engage with it.

No, he was legitimately smart.
okay, I'll bite, what's an atheist?
Watched Doctor Zhivago for the first time the other day, was well good.
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I'm in Tokyo de ladsssss. Soapland alllllll the way.
got 50k in my cash ISA and about 15% of that in my stocks/shares ISA

i'm not planning to add much more to it from now on, with my focus from now on being my stocks/shares ISA, but do you think that's a good idea?

a lot of people seem to only keep 6-12 months of savings in cash and invest the rest, but my idea is to keep what i've saved and let that grow, while everything i earn from now on will be invested
You have a limite of £1000 of tax-free interest per year so may as well use that up with your current/non-ISA savings account
mystery train
why do you keep complaining when you do have british citizenship which is one of the best rights in the world?
how much do you make off that a year
i don't have a non-ISA savings account
>No, he was legitimately smart
another weekend wasted being hungover
better than givin it to bookies
soapland doesn't accept gaijins
It's not that that's bothering me. It's that when I spoke about it to my brother (who I live with, while paying HIS bills and providing him with food) he outright laughed in my face... How am I supposed to deal with this as a Christian? Christ would never tolerate that kind of faithlessness, and would probably tell me that this man is no longer my brother. But to me he is my brother and I feel I should be loyal to him even if I chew him out for it when he gets home. I don't know how to handle it, I've been trying my best to be understanding with him lately (he's an alcoholic) but this is something I've never had anyone do before.
Ah yes getting arrested for calling someone a nignog on twitter
very tired of retarded cat freaks online spreading misinformation about how cats shouldn't be allowed outside and "they're basically babies"
would like to see this sick freakish behavior banned
He was legitimately smart

God doesn't exist
that will be usa citizenship. swat barging in for not paying tv license are you kidding me lmao.
my Cash ISA pays 5%
KTIM. Jumps up and down pointing at my monitor. KEK THIS IS ME.
>He was legitimately smart
Actually no
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game night at rorke's sorted
I'll have a bowl of udon and a can of irn-bru please Satoshi, ta mate.
lol spent yesterday moping around hungover until i started drinking at 8 and spent today in bed vodkaberg is a cruel master and very easy to overdo
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ergh... *burp*
been acutely aware of the passage of time more than usual recently
not sure what it means
not great but better than nothing what about the s&s
The final blackpill is that actually intelligent people don't bother arguing about the existence of God. The entire so-called 'debate' is pure midwit bait.
Christopher Hitchens was a pawn for neoliberal warmongerers, that's the main reason he was pushed as an acceptably "edgy" academic
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>The final blackpill is that actually intelligent people don't bother arguing about the existence of God. The entire so-called 'debate' is pure midwit bait.
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he wasn’t an academic
how do aussie posters manage to be so based
"God is not mocked."

No amount of lectures or sermons will get through to him. All you can do is be an example. Hating your own family is perfectly normal Christian behaviour.
easy as piss
Last remaining xtian arguments in 2024
God is an idiot lol
nigga dressed like a 1700s farmer
The ontological fallacy of expecting a light at the end of the tunnel, well, that's what the preacher sells, same as a shrink.
See, the preacher, he encourages your capacity for illusion.
Then he tells you it's a fucking virtue.
Always a buck to be had doing that, and it's such a desperate sense of entitlement, isn't it?
quick i need a priest stat
If you want proof of this look at the two midwits who argue about God on here constantly. Diego and brick. Both are pure midwittery incarnate.
should i get a takeaway delivered or go to kfc or get pic related out and into the air frier
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You should see a psych
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>God is an idiot lol
We're not supposed to hate anyone except the devil
not wnaked in 2 days and I've got a permanent semi lob on
>not great but better than nothing
That's about as high as easy-access Cash ISAs pay. I like having the flexibility.
>what about the s&s
I'm invested in two different funds, one has grown in book cost about 7% since 2022 and one about 3% since January 2024
Alri Rust
Roroe don't need no, education
Brrr bada brr bada bada, brrr bada brr bada bada
>Juicy and Tender
ewww I don't want "juicy" chicken
In 2022, the number of priests worldwide decreased slightly from 407,872 in 2021 to 407,730 in 2022.
not a priest per se but i am a nonce, what do you need?
I poo in god's mouth (yeah I didn't capitalise it what are you gonna do about it christcucks nothing as usual lmao)
diego is smarter than most desu he’s just a massive freak
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>If you want proof of the most important question that Mankind has struggled with since time immemorial, look at these two random schizos on /brit/
Bet you think you're so smart
Totally fucked my post up didn't I
Clearly I DO need an education - in typing
I have forgiven the devil. why can't you?
God Poos in my mouth
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love animals me
Now show me what it is says in Greek
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Thinking back to that time when every young female was convinced that there was somebody spiking their drinks in clubs around the country
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Living your whole life and this is all the shit you get to eat and you are still fat as fuck and have to work 150 hours a week making sure your house stays up

An existence of suffering
might purchase an ereader
can feel that little roll of fat underneath my armpit and towards my back gettin bigger
Lmfaoooo crosscucks really be leaving their family for some purported jewish hippie from 2k years ago
Question: Do you have a sister?
Follow up question: Is she fit?
You are literall all midwits
You cannot be smart and a freak like he is. Actually smart people are successful at everything they do - socially, financially, intellectually. If you are not successful you're not smart. You might have convinced yourself that you are but really that's just cope.
im more of a halfwit
It's not your place to forgive him, it's God's decision. Humble yourself
Now the cope is they are happy nobody goes clubbing
being a yank is enduring your best jokes go underappreciated because you are a persecuted minority in /brit/.
we are the silent majority.
What happens when you sell a Stocks and Shares ISA portfolio?

I understand that it isn't taxed, but say you have £100k, presumably you can't reinvest all of it as you're limited to £20k per year.

My idea is to invest long-term and retire at around 50 hopefully. What do people do generally? At the moment I'm invested in an accumulation fund that's mainly equities. But say when I'm 50 and I want to reinvest my Stocks and Shares ISA portfolio into a fund that pays dividends and is low-risk, can I do that?
>being a yank
Someone spiked my 67 year old grandmother 3 months ago, she had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance after 1 cocktail
newton died a virgin
Actually I graduated from just mocking religions.
I recognise it basically worked as an anchor for people's lives full of miseries back then and until now for some places on the world.

As Hobbes said: Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short
I am God
bitch ass nigga
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>might purchase an ereader
was it wayne rooney
Look up 'flexible ISA', some providers let you re-invest your gains without reducing your annual limit.
learning about the hidden link between intelligence and depression
we need a walkable /brit/
Kek, much funnier comment than I was expecting
that deer has syphilis now
What exactly is the advantage of early retirement
What will you be doing at 50 that won't be much better at 30 or the same at 70
not having to work duh
you again
you would sell it bit by bit in ancipation for the retirement date
Imagine being filtered by simple parables
dzien swira
If we turn to St Matthew’s gospel (Matthew X: 35-37) the words are only slightly milder, “For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household.”

The Greek word “Miseo” is translated “hate” in St. Luke XIV:25-26; but its fundamental sense is that of “separation” or “exclusion” of one from another – rather than the emotional sense of anger, extreme ill-will or passionate aversion that modern English understands by the word “hate,”
My point exactly. To be a devout Christian you absolutely will come in conflict with everyone in your life, but that isn't to say that you should "hate" your own family
For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death

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