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Hairy woman edition
Genuinely thinking of starting my own porno company because I know what the people want, which is pure, genuine, unbridled racism. Just imagine the potential:
>becky the blonde mormon teen gets brutally deflowered by an illiterate Senegalese tribe!
boom 100 million views
>uh-oh! There’s big trouble in little vachina when ling-ling the Chinese international student meets chad the captain of the football team
boom 100 million views
>Palestinian schoolgirl gets cumSHOT by IDF soldiers and her pussy EXPLODES!
boom 100 million views

I’d be so fucking rich it’s unreal
Does anyone here even read books
The cuckservatives are such fucking cowards.
Now the fire is biting their ankles they are yelling out all sorts of delusions on a daily basis.

>nearly a week away from Rishi getting voted out
I wonder what else they will come out with when the desperation reaches new heights/
nah just 8,000 4chan post a day
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The most beautiful woman in the world, Nell Tiger Free.
Perfect for hairybellylad
I'm not big into books
there's no scranning in a famine
Wish I could
Attention span fried
I haven’t read a book since high school
roast MINUTES away from being fully prepared on the table for me to SCRAN. can't fucking WAIT
there it is
the most jewish post ever made
Every day is like sunday
same, used to be quite smart me but I'm absolute braindead these days
food doesnt taste good when i know im balding
I can't read
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Lads... new iPhone is asking for this
babysitting the neighbours daughter tomorrow
nelly tiger free?

smelly and talent free

ugly bitch everyone hates
just makes everything pointless
audio book is a thing
Welcome to Poo Men, we're the men and here's the poo
i like hairy puss but that is it
Oh dear, mumberg put a post on facebook saying how her children couldn't care if she was alive or not.
I mean she's not wrong like but she needs to reflect on why that might be the case.
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Not true, Nell is beautiful and talented and everybody loves her.
I presume it's because she raised a bunch of cunts
most recently finished The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
After reading, i'm no longer reading .pdfs on the computer and just going to read physical books from now on
british people are pretty dumb and ugly though
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Nell isn't ugly
dire gimmick
that's how they could build the biggest empire
if people are too smart, they start a revolution instead
youre a right evil cunt posting this
get a fucking life
normgroids are repulsive
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good post
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Its not a gimmick
Thus it's her fault and the post is deserved
growing weed seems like really easy money desu
abusive parents get what they deserve
yeah it is
you've posted about nothing else for days
How the fuck can you lose a 19 year old on Tenerife? It's fucking tiny, you could have searched it 10 times over by now.
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it's called use of an avatar and I think you'll find that it's against the rules
Oh so it's avatarfagging then? Noted.
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I love her
might order some illegal narcotics using cryptocurrency
Probably needs Anakin Skywalker "this is where the fun begins" as well
The sea exists. He fell in the sea probably.
middle class me but i have a mate who used to sell weed and sometimes other drugs. he stopped when black people started trying to kill him
perfectly legal
Just read the bridge of San Luis rey
>something gets a reply once
>start spamming it and turning it into your personality

Why do 4chans do this?
I like how certain women look too, doesn't mean I need to post pictures of them all day long
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BioShock: Infinite Music & Ambience | Sunny Day in Columbia | 2 Hours (For Studying or Relaxing)
Just finished my massive dominos and now I am comatose
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Nell Tiger Free is a British actress, making her relevant to British culture and discussion
children suck and I don’t know why people love them so much
if adults acted like children you would rightly treat them as cunts but children get a pass for some reason
elden ring dlc was a huge nowtbarm
he's a drug dealer with a stabbing conviction
just rob drug dealers instead
basic instinct to get attention in order to feel you are real and alive
I thought he was a little twink gay boy
race card doesn’t even work for Indians
if you are Indian diasporoid it’s absolutely 1 million % over, I couldn’t imagine a worse existence
yes but you're spamming the same 10 pictures of her all day every day making your own posts identifiable and that is called AVATAR USAGE sonny boy
not sure that it is actually
did Zanzibart get forgiven or what?
Indians are not that interesting, not sure why the Internet became so obsessed with them in recent years
Itv X app is the worst piece of shit I've ever encountered
Free from what
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Water is a tad chilly lads

Starting to think this Mediterranean thing is a bit of a scam, should have just moved to Rhyl instead ffs :/
ancient image this
hate it when ESLs try to banter with me on video games

fuck off and shut up, you dont know a word of proper english you are an americanised buffoon who spurts the same annoying phrases over and over
indian males from india are bizarre people though
the women are alright as are the ones who grow up here
but the fresh of the boat indian men are so fucking weird
not their fault they’re americanized it’s your fault for not making good english content
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keep walking forward and don't stop
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Feel free to cry to the jannie, but nothing will happen because I am not breaking any rules and /int/ generals are shitposting containment threads
got the heftiest calfs known to man
cityrunts could never wield these monsters
Just had a horrible feeling that it was actually Saturday and not Sunday

Loometh comes the hour
has a woman ever touched them
don’t think so
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Currently smoking
was face deep into a pair of tits just last night so check it
>no longer reading .pdfs on the computer and just going to read physical books from now on
what's the difference
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No it’s too cold :c
Alright guys. Been sleeping through the 'noon to beat the proverbial heat.
toilslaves love moaning bout their toil don’t they
my toil lunchbreak ends in 4 minutes because I’m a retailwagie aka western dalit aka modern slave aka doomer loner virgin incel
nothing popular and american is good
its just shilled constantly
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>if you are Indian diasporoid it’s absolutely 1 million % over, I couldn’t imagine a worse existence
The 11th richest person on the planet is Indian, pic related, he seems to be doing alright

And Microsoft and Google each have CEOs from India - both are probably very rich.
Just witnessed a nonce trying to convince everyone else that they aren't a nonce
dont care didnt read
Who is thr surgeon general anyway? I never voted for him
thank you sir ok rape you next week
/brit/ meetup at the spoons in Morgton Chegwick
wasted another weekend drinking alone in front of my computer in my smelly bedroom
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If you're a young person and you ask for one policy to improve your life, the Conservatives will call you "entitled".
supreme mutt cope times infinity
sunday evening
full of food and full of alcohol
this is the time where I start online shopping buying shite I don't need
very very dangerous time
I know I'll spend at least £150 on pointless shite by midnight
ringadingadinga ringadingadinga

*bobs head side to side*
got the soogs leaks on
Wow so cool i love indians now!
temporarily embarrassed billionaires in this thread will seethe
The UK claiming that it's subnational regions are countries is so weird, and as far as I can tell is just because the word "country" is used to describe the regions. Like the US describes its regions as "states" but nobody goes around putting Tennessee on lists with Canada
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He's right?
And the retards here love it because it’s one of the few movies set in this area
give me the footballers wages and the nurses too
Leftypol diligently reporting any posters he thinks break the rules
I'm scottish and I can tell you with certainty that we will get pumped here.
>m-muh narcissistic parents
>reddit told me to go no-contact!!
Ask not what your country can do for you...
they are countries
why wouldnt they be
im from wales
they are called counties you dumb yank
JFK was a shit president and that quote was retarded
heathermong fuck off yeah you freak
>replying to a three hour old post
Quite nice weather outside now. Warm but not too hot.
JFK's generation put men on the moon. Your generation can't even figure out their pronouns.
they're not countries though are they

they're regions that make up a larger country, the UK. simple as
Scotland talking like they gonna win this
Every morning on the bog and in the evening before bed.
might watch the porridgewogs get btfo for my evening entertainment
JFK's generation had policies decided to improve the lives of ordinary people.
destroyed that lazy entitled woke millineial
they are countries
end of
Sent that broccoli haired cunt back to TikTok
T. Benefits scrounger
>yanks being ignorant and can't comprehend countries being different to the USA
Generation Alpha just got told
you know that england used to be separated into even more countries like the kingdom of wessex
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>Richard Shillcock
woke zoomers destroyed by facts and logic
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Done the lot of them.
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Eating a bug burger
Welsh embassy just opened down the street. told them to keep the sheep shagging to a minimum but they just won't listen
you destroyed our white race gramps
Silent Generation making noise for this one
Don't care about poor people. I don't think they should starve and die, but the vast majority are in the situation they are in by their own doing. They should be given the opportunity to get out of their situation but but if they don't take it then that's their problem.
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Who we watching tonight then
Is that you trying to banter?
That was Hitler actually
the gay porn
Haha great banter lad keep it up
Whitey on the moon...
Interesting to hear /brit/ come out against the idea of government pursuing policies that improve the lives of people.
how so
>put film on
>10 mins in realise I haven't been watching
>switch movie off
Muslims are killing Russians for being the wrong flavors of abrahamism in Dagestan as we speak
see >>198921904
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Elden Ring really is slop, it lacks the focus and coherence of the other Fromsoft titles
Would we have needed extra workers if cities hadnt been bombed to shit we have loads of external debt and 10000s of men dead?
He waged a war he could not win
This is me but with gay porn
Hate the lot of you. Wish you all severe harm and suffering.
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what's the next Black Death going to be called
japan managed fine and they were bombed a million times worse
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Nell bum
What's this moss ball posting I've been seeing all day en?
How many places that end in -stan can you name?
I can name 6 (not including Dagestan) off the top of my head.
I'll play it someday but am waiting for a big discount because I am very cheap and also don't much care for open world games in general
messmer is too hard
Had very little reparations. And loads of investment + occupation by USA.
not really something to boast about is it
same here?
non pig - because of woke

that's all
eating strawberry yoghurt. yes i am gay
Posing like a model from the Argos catalogue
>Priest and six law enforcement officers killed in attacks on synagogues and church in Russia’s Dagestan
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Is Russia allowed to respond like Israel? Kill tens of thousands of people with Western approval?
Afghanistan Tajikistan Kyrgyzstan Turkmenistan Pakistan Dagestan
I should’ve remembered Kazakhstan, and I forgot about Uzbekistan
Where's his phony God now eh?
Why do boomers hate that young people have a relatively peaceful and nice life? The people fought in WW2 so it could happen but the boomers scream and cry
I missed that but I got Rajastan instead
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hard one
We had loads of debt and no occupation. Japans army was dissolved, we fought numerous wars in the 50s and 60s plus the looming threat of ussr
The Five Great Guys
Dagestan is Russia you fuckwit
glowies gone feral
Open world games are trash
They tried this in 1999 and failed
Gaza is Greater Israel
Get good
Currently reading the History of Christian Mysticism by Bernard McGinn.
AI meditation app doing okay numbers
1. Pakistan
2. Afghanistan
3. Kazakhstan
4. Kyrgyzstan
5. Uzbekistan
6. Tajikistan
7. Turkmenistan
8. Kurdistan

There are probably more but those are the ones that come to mind
What about Turkmenistan?
yer ma's a greater jizzwhale
I don't need to, it's by far the easiest of the soulsborne games
A good effort
get the chakras aligned
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right then
time to end the week on the gay porn
one of them gives you cancer
other does not
bizarre webm
Scotland be like

>raped by England for centuries
>union with them anyway
>lose all sense of Scottish identity
>anything a Scot does is just seen as generally British, a term synonymous with English
>elect Paki head of government
>demand more non whites in your country
>more progressive than rest of uk
>no Scottish pride at all

Le footy match comes around

>le bagpipes
>le kilts
>le proud to be Scottish n sheet

Why are you like this?
You win
only becuase i have some tism special interests
just like my father and his father did
why would occupation be a good thing? and uk has loads of yank soldiers about anyway. i’m not convinced we needed loads of wogs and in any case why didn’t it ever stop? japan got fucking nuked twice
>ash cigarette
>entire lit segment falls out

ah, yes
Kurdistan not real country sir
Considering starting picrel. Just finished sheltered storm
Lads would you date an Italian woman?
LOVE ah yes posting, you see
we're pretty much the same aren't we?
The question was places, not countries, so it counts.
Was just saying this down the barber

Posting in A&E
allied terror bombing campaigns of germany and japan were probably the worst atrocities committed in ww2
Italian women are the best.
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ran out of beers already and the offie closed at 8
some freaks at toil have got covid again
Sir please do not mention Kurdistan in this way Kurdistan not legitimate
Should’ve gone to a Turkish barber
i want to marry one
debating whether to recognise Kosovo as a country
but they bombed london
I already think of it as some old timey disease that doesn't exist any more like scurvy or the consumption
Living outside a big city is pure suffering.

I can can get cans 24/7 at the petrol station
they didn’t target civilians and drop anywhere near the amount
Scotland is just England with better PR.
>Was the leading force of British imperialism, pound for pound played a massively outsized role in the British Empire
>Glasgow was literally called 'The Second City of the Empire' and is covered in stolen loot
>Scots have the entire world convinced that they were le plucky oppressed little Braveheart rebels the entire time
Observe the German dick-sucking of Scottish fans going on right now.
they fucked around and found out
So long as you ignore what the Germans were doing…and also what the Japanese were doing.
what the fuck sort of question is this
when I went to italy I fell in love every 5 minutes
nearest petrol station is a 15 minute drive for me

it not right
>should've gone to a Turkish barber

women are cruel
a bit like jews really
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pea barm
Why would you be in A&E if you went to a Turkish barber and said Kurdistan isn’t a real country they’d agree with you
remove kebab
Serves you right for living bumblefuck.

I have 2 petrol stations within 10 minutes and several other offies
germans weren’t doing anything bad
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ah.....hello all
might get a chinese in
it's making fun of self righteous black women that have no respect for everyone else eating lobster on the airplane
it came from a real image and it was a meme at some point
Better than a poo barm I suppose.
are Hungary a good team?
medal's in the post
Rural Racists
Oh you bid on that that shit at 3AM on a Saturday? Oh I know a drunk bid when I see one.
shag any of them?
stolen valour
stop trying to steal that aussie's gimmick
never played it but I just assumed it's 60% of an actual souls game spread out with a bunch of wasted time and copypasted mobs in between
What's your order
electromagnetic fields cause influenza
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Italian women will marry English men but Italian men only marry Italian women
wish I could open a window without 36 billion flies coming in
any of you lads play world of warcraft back in the day when it was still relevant
if so, what did you play
I was an undead priest
gnome warlock
my great aunt lived to be 130 years old
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well rorke?
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undead mage
a big bluebottle just flew into my face
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Same thing I play in every game. Human paladin.
screaming at him trying to steal that gimmick
never seen a poster flop so hard on his own face
no, i'm a loser
Stop talking about yourself to save face
nelf warrior but I only got to level 40 and then quit
the police officers of the fantasy world
I still play WoW when I'm not dating a woman
I have been playing a dwarf paladin for 19 years
back on bumble, age range set to 22 to 40, swiping on some milfs (i'm a virgin)
i did good by it i did
egg fried rice
chicken chow mein
crispy chilli beef

as basic as you can get
very very stale
How do we get Limmy to go back to playing Project Zomboid?
get the hairy arses wanked off
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why would you assume i would samefag in that fashion or somehow think it saves face?
the opioid epidemic was jewish warfare against the white working class of america and so of course cuckservatives blame china lol
sex when you arent horny is such a fuckin task man
learning to play keyboard on youtube
never knew that
gypsies tramps and thieves
they've touched me on the peepee in the town
There's a gorgeous girl in porn who I am madly in love with called Leah Rodriques and she has a hairy back.
all he plays is dead by daylight these days it seems
Concerning how quickly you posted Mihai
it's actually ASDFGHJKL

keep at it lad
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the sleaze never ends
Who gives a fuck what that groping gaslighting prick does
combining sex and drugs?
why would you need to spend that much money on web design
I combine masturbation and drugs if that counts
been sat on my fat arse wanking all day
playing cataclysm classic rn
we're not cheap to hire
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brits are cool
got a wee willy
embezzling funds lad
wee willy wonka
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might move to india
I levelled a warrior to 85 and got bored almost instantly upon hitting max level and cancelled my sub
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That's how much these hustlers fleece out of everyone
They do a bunch of worthless extra "work" stretch shit out weeks and months and then send you a bill
what would politicians care not even their money
Yeah I know.
fleece retards maybe lol
css is not hard
Cause if I’m right, there might be a funny exchange
Nice haiku.
Haha did he ban you and make fun of you?
blood elf rogue
am I retarded or is that a normal amount? hire three web designers on 30k pounds a year and you reach 100k
Neither is Dagestan

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