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Xochitl Gomez edition
kys goshpedo
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It's because they're young and full of life, you idiots.
Hungary looking dangerous
talking to my pet moss ball
Why does catberg run around after pooping
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>Germany losing
>Scotland soon to
Does rasheed still post here?
Is a cuck not entitled to the cum of his bull?
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dealer sorted me right out so get in there
rasheed has allied to rorke and chased leftypol back to tel aviv
Looks like I'm going to win the sweepstakes lads, get in!
says the man in /brit/ it belongs to the rorkes
Intelligent people do

No, he died of too much intelligence

She's legal now.
only 12 year olds buy shake in canada
me on the left
wanking a cock with my arse
no they don’t, no one educated considers christopher hitchens some great intellectual
>At least 1,301 people died during Hajj - Saudi Arabia

would this make a single muslim question their beliefs in any way or nah?
I am supporting our fellow Brits :)
they barely think mate
wanking a cock with my arse as well
Me on the right
anime obsessed latina American women
god works in mysterious ways or some such horseshit
>leftypol back to tel aviv
Leftypol loves Palestine retard
>mostly unauthorised pilgrims who walked long distances in intense heat. This year's pilgrimage took place during a heatwave, with temperatures at times exceeding 50 C

Christ, imagine the smell
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Relaxing on the plantation.
Doing a piano lesson the noo
Imagine indeed
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They already chopped a bit of their willard off to join. Its too late to back out now
the leftypols that matter all love israel
coating a screwdriver in dog shit and jamming it down my dick hole
Why are Scotland fans screaming at literally everything?
Doing a bit of meditative suicidal ideation before bed
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Question for the /English/ anons, why does England not hate the fact you have to pay billions each year to Support Northern Ireland?

Atleast Scotland has oil and Wales doesn't receive as much, Northern Ireland is a massive net loss for England every year.
11pm at night and 45 degree heat
look at them go

what’s a muslim doing in mexico anyway

You will not escape God's righteous fire you cuckold faggot dogs.
They are a soulful and passionate people
she's American
why are you called employed woman if you're a man?
killing kobolds
you worship a pedophile warlord
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>You will not escape God's righteous fire you cuckold faggot dogs.
this but unironically
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.
my prize buck
Cry more
other than utter and complete tarqs I have never met a single English person that gives a flying fuck about Northern Ireland

If I were a proddie I genuinely would consider unifying with the republic. Imagine how much love they'll shower you with after being 100% sovereign for the first time in 900 years.
It benefits everyone for them to leave desu.
I'm Welsh and we aren't like that. We're a methodical and pensive people :/

Haha very funny haven't heard that one before you sweaty warty toad
you've seen this?
pints that get filled from the bottom of the glass
i reverted when i lived in America
no i don’t
that would be biden anyway
Make the taigs seeethe simple as
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>tfw lil timmy sent his pale pencil dick on snapchat
Neither a cuckold or a faggot. Some here are though, clearly.
What’s the deal with black people?
>sweaty warty toad
but enough about what's in your knickers
im a proud gay man
less brown ppl talk
more school girl legs talk
muslim that lives in mexico and converted in america
posts tons of OPs and never engages in the thread, atleast until recently
bizarre poster
Imagine the potential mods for GTA6
no “tarqs” give a shit about northern ireland except those aligned with the military. same for working class people
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I hear hpv rates are very high amongst welsh women
You are extremely mentally ill.
working class people couldn’t point to ireland on a map
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why do muslims always do this
as if we'd react the same way to mexicans lmao

it's not a race thing habibi
>other than utter and complete tarqs I have never met a single English person that gives a flying fuck about Northern Ireland
Povvo runts are ignorant about geopolitics? Really? Tell me more
Where is geowizard you stupid fucking piece of shit cunt
Wait what?

How the fuck would Ireland shower praise and gratitude onto the protestants in the North if they unified? Ireland fucking hates protestants
>it's not a race thing habibi
Umm, yes it is. Listen Abdul, even if you become an Anglican you're still not welcome.
Japanese slags in the making s m h. Japanese women should all be modest women.
My social security Scotland application was denied
ah yes le based race blind islam hating “right wing”. kys yiddo
arse crapping a shit from my botty
you applying for a job or the dole?
Fuck off
every single nationalist I've seen doesn't even entertain the thought of kicking the protestants out of northern ireland in the case of unification

in fairness that's probably because they'll self-deport to suckle on english nutsacks but regardless the level of hatred is quite lopsided outside of rangers/celtic games
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>Philadelphia police officer shot in the neck, fighting for his life
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>tyrone O'cuckold
>she's really pretty
>he looks like a fat cunt

why are asian women and white men so blind towards ugliness when it comes to their relationships?
standards go out the window
usually one of the two looks like a monster
like 40% of /brit/ posts are by jews/trannies from discord at this point
But what do the polls say?
Not been on here for yonks
mouth still taste like the girl i was kissing yesterday
bit peak
There isn’t a single anglophone country that’s not hostile to introverts.
missed the last thread. but just want to say -- the girl in the op pic is incredibly hot. asians win... again! this i shall fap to 'em later...
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give it a bloody rest
you'd tell this girl to get out of your country?
or would you giggle like a little school girl if you ever made eye contact with her?
uh isnt she 16
One was here earlier saying how much he loves Britain.
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Watching the match lads :3 x
ugly asian women have fantasy with white men because media
ugly white men have fantasy with asian women because media

blame media
I watch gay porn
gonna start posting pictures of le hot idf girls next thread shlomo? switch up the tactics a bit
pretty woman can stay
Who are you supporting? I'm team Hungary all the way.
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how do i do that
will aldis mouthwash work
anglophone is that some kind of musical instrument sounds noisy no wonder the introverts don’t like it
idk Toshi
The media tries to tell us that black girls are beautiful and everyone still thinks they're the ugliest
Media isn't THAT powerful
I have fantasies about Asian women because when I grew up the Cantonese woman at the chippy was really pretty and used to give me extra chips actually
What the fuck do you think
giving a gay porn lecture
looking at gay webms on gif
Sick of these theatrics, joke of a sport
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I’m neutral, Hungary have Szoboszlai and Scotland have Robertson but maybe learning towards Scotland since they still have a chance to qualify :/
woke up today and chose violence
Lmao, the fact you think the people of Ireland would be fair never mind thankful to the protestants in the north if they unified shows you are very ill informed.

Right off the bat most of not all of the Catholic population of Ireland would demand Sinn Fein do everything to make sure the budget, regulations, defence etc in the north gets decreased.

And then is ignoring the fact that the people would down south would probably spend a solid 40 years of rubbing it on the Unionists face with celebrations and parades etc (like how the protestants do with the orange men marching bands)

This is why an Irish unification will never be possible because soon as it happens any slight or negatives towards the North would cause national unrest on an Israel/Palestine level from the Protestants in the North until the UN gets involved
Basedo él sabe.
not even gay but nofap has me wanting to shag these trannies
That poor Hungarian lad....
>Random foreign flag pops up
>they weirdly immediately hate both me and Employed Woman and have an encyclopaedic knowledge of our lore

Strange how that happens so often isn’t it lads :)
Looking at pictures of women is gay
imagine having such a low view of yourself that you can't imagien yourself in the sexual fantasy, you have to project on to someone else
deeply pathetic human being
ugly white men look like average asian males
white men are just happy to not have to deal with broken western cunts
simple as that really
kek imagine if he'd trained to fake decorticate posturing
absolutely contentmaxxing rn
Went to the forest to walk and the fucking normos have invaded a clearing and are screaming their heads off playing fucking frisbee. Fucking freaks. I’m the normal one. Not them.
well he shouldn't have done that
stop infantilising grown men and women. don't call them 'boys' or 'girls'. is it something sexual? either way, it's disturbing.
wish i were a 50 iq low caste indian. those niggas are always happy
what happened
Stupid cunt gave himself brain damage by falling over on grass lmao
lovely post that
posted on 4chan nonstop today since the moment i woke up, felt grim as fuck, even grimmer knowing that certain posters do this every single day
need to take a break
>paraplegic from the neck down
mateys dead
you literally feel physically run down after doing this and it takes a day to recover, like being hungover
how large is your bradley walsh folder /brit/?
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hes fucking dead lads... horrible stuff
The same happens in the West when a white woman is dating an ugly black man. Strange that
also heard that he's broke AND had no money!
>sinister bradders posting
jews ruin EVERYTHING
me after a massive wank
Dont care, fuck off back tp /sp/
whatever helps your cuckass sleep at night
Don't find it funny if I'm honest.
you have to be jewish to find things like that funny. they have telegram groups with hundreds and thousands of members dedicated to laughing about murdered babies in israel
thank you for your honesty
the neymar special. cant take soccer seriously
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it’s over
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fuck off spainfreak you heartless ghoul
>Asian cucks pay Asian women to be humiliated and told BWC is better

What a cucked race of “men”
yep is bad
totally fried 0 attention span
this is a real game of two halves this, they're kicking the ball from one end of the pitch to the other, and at the end one team has to win, or they could draw
Reminder that Hell is real and you'll have to account for everything you've ever done.
I know it's not politically correct to say but I hope the wogball player dies from his injuries

a lot of people will agree with me
do like me and only post at certain brief intervals each day. you get your fix but youre not stuck glued to the screen and you can go about your day as normal
Hungary should be ruled by iron fisted Romanian and Russian Jewish communists
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me pretending to be enough of a grown-up to direct a reversing HGV driver aha
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a lot of white men are obsessed with black men having sex with white women and watch blacked porn
Lots of energy in here tonight. It feels like times of old. A toast! A toast to all the fine gents posting here this evening!
jews are a plague
Just not funny is it
Sad little broken men you are
del GATO
have told you that not really a fan of "sports" where 22 fully grown men chasing over a single spheric object on grass for 90 minutes, diving occasionally too

not a fan really
Hate football
hear hear
Feel bad for that Hungarian lad fucking hell :/
Kys insta if you were gonna reply this
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hope he reads this mate
lmao look at that little spacker
we need a global united front against jews
don't feel sorry for vaxtards. did they feel sorry for you when you refused the vax?
Lmao he was like
>I'm going to score a goal for my country!
And then he was like
stray cat once attacked so I booted it against the wall and it didn't get back up
spainfreak is a 90iq vaxxoid obviously
>when you refused the vax
Who do you think you’re talking to mate lol, I’m triple vaxxed
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projecting tb h
I wouldn’t know. The only porn I watch is WMWF WMAF WMBF WMLF WMIF
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you need to be killed
Neighbourberg stomping up and down the stairs every 5 minutes and slamming doors. Why? Genuinely what are people doing when they do this? Sick of it.
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You're not fucking funny so fuck off
six months till Christmas lads
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Shoulder day complete
Watching porn is gay

vast overstatement
they got mento illness luv
What about watching gay porn?
arse feels spicy because i didnt wipe properly this morning
sick of this
cant shower now because its bed time
i don't consume real porn anymore
i only consume hentai
real porn is evil, satanic, and jewish
triple gay
throw them down the fucking well and throw white phosphorous bombs down there
I have never seen a good Belgium flag post
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yeah they been at it again
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which way?
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bradders on teh big screen
will they deliver a british win? or a scottish loss
*Pedigrees you through a table*
belgian fuckin waffles
their real god is satan
can see her fannois
I’ve been a nasty girl
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that football lad
/sp/ mongs genuinely fuck off
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8 years ago today, the British proletariat liberated Britain from the EU bourgeois dictatorship cartel.
haven’t seen diego in a while
what’s he up to?
something grim probably don’t trust him
can see her fanny rodgers
you seen the pictures of him
right weirdo
toil tomorrow lads
no i havent
hes been out on the heath every day with his ultrazoom camera taking pics of the girlies sunbathing
R3ally makes.u think
I am Albino. You wish to see me?
fat short dude with tattoos down his right arm
I missed the fanny :/
don’t think diego would have tattoos. he’s too high iq

No they didn't you nigger
honestly the uk shouldnt exist i have not much in common with a scot or welsh or northern irishman
>Get humiliated in the opening game
>Fail to win a single match
>Murder an opposition player
Who let them participate in this? Bit embarrassing
i use my imagination

scotland bros not like this
for fuck sake
if the scots werent such wankers id feel sorry for them.
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>No Scotland No Par-

*gets Magyar’d*
och naw the bairns
A Hungarian player died during the match and they're still going to win lol
this cannae be hap'nen
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EU is communist
well scotcucks time to get home and live off chicken soup until you go to the dole office on thursday
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kek all these hatewatching anglos claimed "w-w-w-we dont care"
how so
I'm back here now since Scotland are eliminated
Going to commit a non-crime hate incident in my flat after that game, what the fuck
you just posted this on /sp/ you hateful spiteful obsessed nazi bastard
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everyone talks about irish diaspora and jews but are you redpilled on the welsh diaspora?
Why didn’t Scotland just score more goals
>Csoboth '90+10
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make a real new ffs

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