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The KKK camouflaged as Hamas edish
is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
Question for the /English/ anons, why does England not hate the fact you have to pay billions each year to Support Northern Ireland?

Atleast Scotland has oil and Wales doesn't receive as much, Northern Ireland is a massive net loss for England every year.
Windrush Day is nothing but a moronic focus group attempt to bash a multicult foundational myth into the British psyche.
National consciousness shat out of a quango.
It negates the other myth that we were always immigrants, but fuck it, they'll force-feed us the slop anyway.
is that it?
*surreptitiously googles quango*
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woke hamas quongos stole my bloody pension
Did the man kick the ball?
Well worth it to rile up the micks.
imagine being the kind of cunt who cares about this shite or thinks it matters
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another week in the toilmines, just hours away
wanking gayily to straight porn
They’re setting off fireworks here tonight lads :/
belly is hard, think i might have diabetes
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muddafucking coon virus image
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got the day off tomorrow
takes me back
>the good news
Hungary won
>The bad news
Macadonalds forgot my burger

Literally everytime I order they forget part of my order. I order my family + fish finger happy meal for the cats and they ONLY forget my stuff
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ah, the good old days
catalonia is grim and filled with wogs
kek all these hatewatching anglos claimed "w-w-w-we dont care about scotland"
got every day off on account of my being NEET

it's not fun though, due to the constant looming existential threat
alri kraut seethemong, returned after years soley to inform us you’re scottish? no one is surprised at all
>NEW: Labour will make it easier for people to legally transition by removing the need for them to prove they have lived as their preferred gender for two years
ktim who would’ve thought doing nothing induced so much anxiety
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bit of dobbys knob cheese?
>feeding mcdonalds to a cat
absolute heathen
>Hungarians holding up that lad's shirt in their winning celebration

Aww. What sweet qts
Och aye the noo what clan are ye from then lads
still ruled by an indian?
Fuck off Spainnonce you evil ghoul.
>got every day off on account of my being NEET
>constant looming existential threat
don't have this however, completely checked out of reality myself
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>alan titchmark
remember when you claimed boris would win for sure
remember when you swore the pajeet would never make it
scotland is yeah
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What did you order EW?
currently getting drunk
unfortunately having recently looked into the football meta scotland just does not have enough black people with more fast twitch muscle fibres and stamina to be good at football
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You're boring.
no luck finding that mong then
I ordered a sprite zero, a melon bag and a quarter pounder. They forgot the quarter pounder.
done that seethemong porridgewog
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>boris would win for sure

Win the leadership contest that took place after he—Boris Johnson—stepped down? The same contest that Rishi Sunak... didn't win?
>catalonia is grim and filled with wogs
Why you are calling your mum’s fanny “catalonia” mate that’s a bit weird :/
Ffs, useless twats :/ if I was still there I would offer to nip maccies for you and drop one off
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just saw a mouse in the kitchen. special derodentification operation is in order
germany has the highest per capita number of incels of any white country and is ruled by israel
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talking to himself again
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would you?
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>i-it didn't count
>a tiny brown indian didn't rule us
you'll never live it down
when i see a qt in a wheelchair i have certain thoughts....
no thank you
having a think
alan titschmarsh jungle bbc
basically all germans under 40 are incels such a grim shithole
aye probably
scotland will always be in the cuck position when they have 5 million people and england has 50 million
I can’t believe my Titchmarsh gimmick I made up randomly one day is still living on lmao
who wipes her bum i wonder
lmao lamo lmao
shut up you insufferable mong
don't know where you got such an idea
nigerian carers
He's seething on /sp/ too btw
Drawing a milly
why is spainfreak such an attention-seeking little queer
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I think we're gonna make it.
Went for a nap and just woke up absolutely fucked it lads
I’m not at all desu
there are even more of them on english speaking yank incel websites than Brits. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more
got him filtered me
Remember the first Friday omg the absolute kino build up of pure bagpipes all day and the lads having good craic with the Germans it was a lovely build up of bagpipes and kilts and Scottish people taking over Munich WITH BAGPIPES
would you date a muslim girl?
girl im talking to is from saudi arabia, but moved to uk on her own for uni (doing masters atm). she's super pretty but i dont know what im getting myself into here.
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In fairness if all you need to do to go through is beat Hungary and you have 100 mins to do it and you still can't get a shot off on target, you deserve to get put out.

It was a shite game (all Scotland's performances were utter shite) and they deserve to go out.
filtered "spainlad" first day i found /brit/
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fuck off
Might learn to play the bagpipes
Drew lost
Scotland lost
The summer of 2024
Bad relationship with his father. Many such cases!
You'd have to convert to marry her. If you don't believe in anything it's not much of a problem not like you'd really have to follow the rules
would love to suck spaino's dick
he's so desperate for attention lol. defo was bullied as a kid/teen
Grim :/
>saudi arabia
>super pretty
yes 100%
based newfag
would love to give her my long nodule
>order KFC since my Macadonalds didn't come
>It contains bones

Fucking hell. Mumberg is off on one about how I could've died and never to get food from there again. Made me feel sick having to pick the bones out too.
she can convert to christianity.
Please just use your name so people can filter you without changing their filters anymore. I don’t care whether or not you kill yourself anymore. I don’t care how sad your life is. Please just let people filter you. Do one good thing for once
dating is haram
saw a few classic Triumph cars today, lovely things
they only make bikes nowadays or still put out the occasional high end car?
Employed Woman being calling lots of lads peng/cute lately, you in heat lass? hankering for a good bumming?
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For real?
Weird projection
You can filter flags too
Yeah but she won't. Coming from pakiland and all that
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alcohol isnt a drug, its a drink
my name is Dagestan Gonzalez
I don’t want to filter an entire country because of one sad little twat. Use whatever proxy you want just use your name please mate
Got 4 (You)s with my Brass Eye quadraspazzed on a life glug joke in the match thread when that player got heemed.
I mean at the end of the day we're all underage if that age is 100, so what's the big deal about shagging people under different ages?
retards think actual practicing Muslim girls “date” especially with non muslims
calling coffee a drug to send all the hipsters into a frenzy
might read the bible
my name is Xinjiang Johnson
nigel's fucked it
>For real?
Yeah, I live in Birmingham. You want to meet up?
>no u

such a little queer
need to get ready for bed but to do so would mean getting off my arse
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We get the best of both worlds desu. The first minister is a "mick" so our people get loads of the funding, billions a year.. but its the anglo taxpayer who funds it lmfao
I’m posting anonymously on the flag of the country I’m in mate if you can’t deal with that it’s your problem I’m afraid :/
I live in birmingham too i'll smash your back doors up like an old laptop x
Was in the match sticky which has now been removed. That was the entire post though, just the words "quadraspazzed on a life glug".
why these
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Seethe lol
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>Albania twice
Bit racialist that
I live in Barcelona mate might be a bit of a trek lol
just filter every country apart from the UK
Did the man kick the moss ball?
btw im assuming, since she's from saudi arabia, that she's muslim. hasn't explicity said it yet, but it can infer so, right? doesn't wear a hijab.

why, in particular?
then why is she wanting to meet up for a date?
UK are the worst posters
If you're serious I'm regularly at the Waterstone's cafe.
lol didn't realise you'd moved there
Couldn't care less, we colonised it and they haven't even had a referendum to leave. It looks bad on maps though so I wouldn't mind if they leave I've never even met one of them.
ireland because canmong kept switching up his boring gimmick and getting past my word filters. chile was a /sp/ nonce and can't remember the other two
heathermong seek help mate this is not healthy
waterstones cafes are full of trannies, boomers and jews
all me
i filter anonymous /brit/ flags and only engage with foreign flags or trips
anyone else on the cans
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Keep working your arse off to pay for nationalists, paypiggy :)
what is with the freaks in this general
Yeah I moved here yesterday lol
I filter everyone that isn't me so I can make my poo posts here alone
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challenged my neighbour to a duel
years ago we had an annoying nonce using the guadeloupoe flag on /fr/, don't remember him spamming shit here like the priscilla nonce does from time to time
kneecap can go live in palestine and stay there.
soccer players are such queers lol. it's a contact sport get the fuck over it
long covid
sickness benefits
the dream
Standing here blasting burzum on full volume, watching vile porn on all 7 monitors simultaneously and doing Hitler salutes in the mirror in my boxers
wtf rip x
scotland shouldnt even have team. should be a UK team and that's it
7 monitors seems a bit much
I'm genuinely a homosexual, ask me whatever you wanted to know about the bummer life. Should preface it by saying I'm not one of the promiscuous 100 bums in the bathouse type gays. Also, I'm a bottom fem.
We cannot reduce everything to money, they are British and should be supported.
Zionist bastard
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
how long does it take to prep for a shag
>I'm not one of the promiscuous gays

Loses credibility when you offered your bum to a stranger in Waterstones cafe in Birmingham like 3 mins ago.
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Martha keeping up the dice even though they make her mom sick has the same energy of Clare and Ruby making almond cake for every single family occasion even though Martha doesn't like it
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Wanna drink my piss in ikea?
What sort of freaks put these together
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who does this look like?
I can't put my finger on it
An afternoon really, I eat a mostly clean diet of chicken and greens and that. Just need to douche and I'm sorted.
Not really, I haven't been bummed in 4 days.
tfw poor in real life and in runescape
can’t be bothered to work in either in the latter just stand around doing nothing
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How can she get to her mid-twenties and still be that ignorant she doesn’t know what to wear to a black tie event? What does she wear to weddings? A tracksuit?
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
how many men you been bummed by
fenian cunt fuck off to /eire/, oh wait none of you lazy irish cunts could be bothered to make one for months you just leach off /brit/
It's Orson Welles.
Looks like a young orson welles
jodie foster
think you could get a communist revolution going in runescape?
>Scotland are winless in major tournaments since 1966

yes I know
but he reminds me of someone else there
Young blonde Katy receiving a brisk brixton blackening before her work week starts
13, currently have 4 fwb
870k subs and she doesn't hit 100k views/video. what will her content even be when she finishes uni, more writing routines?
maybe a bit
Do you fancy your Dad?
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Haha bbc… funny bbc
Spaino spamming his BLACKED shite yet again is he :/
Are you cute? When did you know you were gay?
Wait so some lad playing soccer ran into a bloke and one of them died? Which one?
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off to bed
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Confirmation of no Oxford PhD? ‘Leaving’ for summer? Cambridge PhD?
steve clarke makes gareth southgate look like ...... someone who's really passionate and adventureous
Donavan jr. slapping his longmeat vigorously into the palest of slits
you mean to tell me computers can do all this shit wif just two numbers? yeah, jog on cunt
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If you're a young person and you ask for one policy to improve your life, the Conservatives will call you "entitled".
corr need to sneak in here to finger her little anus under the covers
her boobs remain a source of endless disappointment to me
on and off
a trillion times a second
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I- is that a bbc!? Aaaaaaaaaa
Noaooo wayyy broohahabtgats so funny!
so unfair that our political leaders have made it so we have to compete with black males in the dating marketplace
we can't compete. this is terrorism.
people who watch planes land at airports are mentally unwell
>Are you cute?
Many think so, I'm 5'4 and mostly hairless (can't grow a beard either)
>When did you know you were gay?
Remember seeing my older cousin with his top off when I was 9 and I told my mum I wanted to kiss him, luckily she was understanding
A bit yeah...
own that fraud
You were already put in your place last time you posted this
I’m off lads, catch you tomorrow x
>Zionist detected
damn you called me a Fenian, like a member of the Irish Republican brotherhood lads who I see as heroes..ugh such an insult. I wish you didn't say that I feel like I'm gonna burst into tears
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Reminder in ten years time we'll be back in the EU and will also have the Euro and be in Schengen.
he's in stable condition
Marlon's jamaican shmeat slowly stretching out top grade pale fanny, permanently
gfs fanny always smells a bit weird
no one died, he's been put on ice to be brought back when the technology can heal a brain scramble of that magnitude
fermented croydon thug semen
It’s a bbc!! :D
Is that you CCHQ?
angus gunn should be in jail
It's because it's his arsehole
good? brexit was a travesty
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sent him
just doesn't calculate does it? a 1 and a 0 cannot be a 3, can it?
>boohoo everyone hates us
youre the same as the fucking kikes. get a grip
Ask not what your country can do for you
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>good? brexit was a travesty
merely a sexual relief doll for violent black council flat goons
Is that you Connor?
Durrrr haha..

BBC funny btw
i agree, don't ask, demand
it's called the social contract
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what it lacks in complexity it makes up for in length
Mental how badly I mindraped him
dutch niggas be like hello my name is geert
mad how I can pinpoint the start of my teenage depression to when RuneScape changed the combat system and the game completely went to shit in late 2012
that game was my greatest joy since 2007 and after they fucked it I had nothing left. soon moved onto /int/ and /pol/ which majorly fucked up my social development and brainwashed me
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skimask wearing goons slapping raw black meat into blonde Katy
little timmy jerking his swc off to her facebook pics (she's his colleague)
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Attacks on police officers, two churches and a synagogue in Russia's North Caucasus republic of Dagestan have left many people dead.
His mum recently remarried, and his stepdad is black.
Hes being going crazy about it.
Might move to China
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in ten years time, the mess everything will be in, it won't matter.
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At least 1,301 people died during Hajj, Saudi Arabia says, mostly unauthorised pilgrims who walked long distances in intense heat.
>and his stepdad is black.
COOOOOORRRRRRR, I'm jealous. My mum has a big arse and the idea of a bbc clapping her cheeks is making my clitty leak ngl
>Last win at the euros:
England: 2024
Wales: 2020
Northern Ireland: 2016
Ireland: 2016
Scotland: 1996 (28 years)
black longmeats inflicting permanent damage to pale fannies
imagine having to pray to allah five times a day your whole life then he just kills you when you're on hajj omds
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A woman is in intensive care after being attacked by wolves while jogging in an animal park near Paris, French media report.
ummmm..... yeah
Very french of you
Wait, you mean that the base 2 system that we use is just an abstraction to represent electrical states inside a processor performing logic? You must think I'm stupid, la.
By wolves they mean NIGGERS!
should have run faster
Pale Katy spraying perfume on her way home to mask the smell of weed from Weston's crib
Hold on, let me see if I can get the right trip.
Severe mental illness. Also youre just another racist cuckposter trying to get people mad at black people by portraying them as these extremely masculine and all conquering superhumans who are stealing "our women"
reaction to the vargas head knock?
i'll take that as a compliment, slave
don't worry northern ireland and ireland win the gaelic games tournaments they play every year (they're the only countries which compete)
permanently that is lad LOL
lil timmy will NEVA measure up hahahaha!!!
perhaps she should not have gone to the animal park if she wished to avoid animals
Spaincel coping about his black stepfather by cuckposting 24/7 like a proper freak.
you know what they, once you go black...
its an honour to die there as you can be buried in the mecca cemetery
clapmeat for young rappers
(shes a jew so her dad might be a jew record label guy)
*boring blogpost*

tall black bradford bulls staring down emma's weak and pathetic beta dad
her bald pale fanny got really wet by their show of unfiltered raw masculinity unlike her pathetic beta weasel of a dad
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On the drink
are you a shinner?
yes that's it!
I don't even know her name but that's who I was thinking of
TWO /brits/!?
Ulster is British and if there were a border poll tomorrow the people of NI would vote to remain British. SF know this hence they fuck about with vague promises of a poll "eventually, when the time is right". They are banking on demographics moving in their favour because for a while the taigs have been outbreeding the prods but that's starting to turn the other way again.
Sectarianism and feelings of identity aside, people look at the state of the republic with the very high taxes and cost of living and zero public services and decide they are better off in the UK even with the absolute basket case that is Stormont dictating devolved affairs.
bonbi chonkers
bit warm tonight lads
toilfreaks off to bed so it’s just a few of us left
are you mocking a nation for caring more about its native games than some foreign international sport globalist thing?
nooooo you MUST bow down to the globo homo klaus schwab jew and play what everyone else is playing
Feeling clinically insane and bored
shoving a carrot up my nought
heatherjew mad
Kill yourself londonPAKI. Youre just an insect and you serve no purpose but to be used like a tool.
proven jew cuckposter wilin out
not a violent person, but if i met a confirmed cuck or fag poster irl i'd end them
My favorite twice weekly podcast. New episodes Thursday and Sunday

so you would end like 50% of /int/posters?
obviously some neo-liberal jew shite
So heathermong and spainfreak are from the same discord?
israel is like a giant discord except they shill western democracies instead of obscure chat forums
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Stop being antisemitic
Having a mild depressive episode guys

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