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*DING DING DONG* edition

old >>198905487
ugh, time to get out of bed
Now you see why people make false statements about me

So the greek manipulative and also mods banning me saying im a pedo

What a bunch of losers

And what have i been saying here for years o have 232iq

So cia using the tactic of manipulation as seen in the pic here>>198938018

And what about the other things

While for years i kept saying i want big tits girls
Hiro gtfo back to japan from france

And permaban kelly or who ever is the greek who keeps spreading missinformstion about me its probabaly greek military intelligence
And ban the pedobot dingding dong poster
Either way i wont go into politics
His diagnosis list

F20.0: Paranoid schizophrenia
You have schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness. Your thinking, perception and mood may have changed as a result. There are different reasons for this illness.

You have a particular type of schizophrenia. With this, your assessment of reality is wrong. For example, you may think that you are being followed. You may also have sensory illusions. For example, you then hear or see things that are not really there. You may also have other symptoms.

Also F65.4: Paedophilia
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Nah nah

Look at the report i only have anxiety and mild bipolar

MODS ban the manipulator
Youre probably an agent trying to hide cia failed ops
No hallucinations

In order to have schizophrenia a person must have hallucinations and i dont have that

In this link you can see THE WORDS

Упaтнa дијaгнoзa


after investugations it turned out i dont as the report says here>>198938464
Do not listen to the greek and bulgarian posters who work for some organisation that try and ruin peoples lifes
I was tested and the only result was mild bipolar which is curable and anxiety

So please next time do not listen to people who are part of a organised crime organisation that traffic drugs and other things.
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Its probably orthadox christian bastards who harrasse me
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>have to go to work
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I was reject3d for a job for being over qualified

Lol i gonna go to a hopspital take pills anti depressant and than gonna send my cv to companies
A 3rd world brown horde will settle in the balkans
The jews won and theres nothing you can do except pick which country the horde will destroy. Which one do you choose?
>horde flight master right next to reagent merchant
bravo blizzard
pedo thread
That brown horde? Bulgarians
>The Bulgaria–Greece–Romania–Serbia UEFA Euro 2028 and 2030 FIFA World Cup bid was a joint bid to host the UEFA Euro 2028 and 2030 FIFA World Cup by Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Serbia. The bid was led by the Craiova Group.

we hosted the 2012 euro with ukraine, how dysfunctional are you that hosting a similar tournament is too much for you 16 years later
>how dysfunctional are you
less than ukraine i imagine
subdanubians tongue my hairy and sweaty gypsy asshole
Yeah? And where's Ukraine now? LOL
>62% humidity
I feel like vomiting
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Look at this pale angel :)
how is ginovaana?
dumb cunts the worst thing you can drink when doing blow is beer
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the muslims hated traditional arabian paganism
the christians hated traditional roman paganism
the communist russians hated traditional russia
the communist chinese hated traditional china
the american natives welcomed the invading europeans with open arms
the european natives are welcoming the invading africans with open arms

self-hatered is the norm in history
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i think this is partly because of language and IQ
naturally in every population there is bell curve, meaning half the people are dumb and the other half are smart

smart people tend to learn a second language, where as the dumb ones do not

then those smart foreigners get to talk to the dumb mono language speakers, and because they have higher IQ than them, they naturally convince them of their ideas

the smart locals don't want to fight against the dumb locals, seeing them as brothers. but the dumb locals see the smart foreigners as brothers instead
From what university is your history PhD bro?
read the bible , loss of sovereignty and invasions are strictly punishment from God
gommunists were jewish hon
What are the chances she's still hopping on his dick?
>“I thank him for the splendid years we spent together, for the difficulties we went through, and for giving me the most important thing in my life, which is our daughter Ginevra.”
>When answering a question about Giambruno’s statements on violence against women, Meloni said he had been “misunderstood.”
>“He has been misunderstood. I believe in freedom of the press and I don’t tell him what to say,” she said.
Yep, they're still fucking.
only in the old test which is judaish
not in the new test which is christianity
janevstefan@gmail.com <------ Sashko's email btw.
>hey chud! take the V-ACK
I am Pagan.
Im not in a good place recently. Not sure how this will end desu.
mods, this is doxxing and harrassement

GabeN died?
judaism is the bible without Jesus, which is satanism, if you're not saved you wouldnt get it, it seems like you don't
>the crorat is a robot
>the albo whore from yesterday is an underage e-whore rozeli clone

As the days go by, the reasons to have the entirety of the Balkans nuked are becoming more and more apparent
many such cases!
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they removed her nudes from the archive once she admitted that shes underage, she should be around 15 btw
What causes a 13 year old to fetishize getting ravaged by pedophiles?
I'm feeling her daddy must have gone out for cigarettes and never returned back home
the average brat goes through puberty at 11 these days
the above average brat at 8
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shes a massive attentionwhore like all teen girls, she sent her nudes to a 30 year old indian who then leaked them because she didnt want to send more
she has a youtube too so you can subscribe like and hit the bell
just classical summer heat
I saw this with my own eyes yesterday at the sea, the girls of 14-15 look like literal proper women in most cases (all the final body characteristics of a woman have developed)

When I was going to middle school 95% of the girls looked like sticks. Meanwhile boys today look like teenagers even in their mid 20s.

Do they literally drop female hormones in our food chain? I'm starting to believe it
>there are underage girls posting here RIGHT NOW
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this is literally me
she looks goth
does she needs her bus tickets paid?
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Reading this book.
Kill yourself
You should read it too.
I lived his delusions 9 years ago when he closed down the banks, I don't need any more of this redditor
where did varofackis touch you?
Alas, philosophies like his rely on the average retard not being a retard.
Jokes on you, I've pulled enough money for 6 months before he and his delusional government forced them into holiday.

Their voters had to go to the ATMs daily to get 20 euros to buy food. It was funny as fuck how dumb they are and this is why syriza lies at 13-15% now.
shes mad ugly bro, you can see in the int thread archive that shes just another bulbheaded albo
pay her a bus ticket straight to bulgaria
didnt save, ugly asymmetric tits+brown nipples(genetic trash trait)
angrybey maybe has the image if that was him in the thread. the montenigger that asked for 15 year old albo wives 100% has the image since he was the original poster of the image on r9k
You mean those posted were her tits? lol
I'm the arc guy.
it's just man boobs
nothing to see here
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check this out
bulgarian fanta

it's ok I have my downsides too our relationship will be stable
Can't believe there is no nipple color map.
impossible to make due to diversity
mangal moggs this kri4ur
My nipple color is brown btw.
I get 1L of rakija for €3, i am literally drunk every day
According to the archives, her father kicked the bucket
This is what happens when no big brothers
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I just remembered the love of my life from like a decade ago when I was a wee teenager.

FUCK I can't believe I lost her.
All my escapades with women have ended in failure.
I got that summertime sadness
Go high on risperidone and stop busting our balls, shizo
95% of mine have as well

Α ρε πούστη θα πάρω το αεροπλάνο να πάω Σκόπια και να κόψω το κεντρικό καλώδιο ίντερνετ για να μην ξαναδώ ποστ από τον υπέρτατο σχιζοφρενή μαλάκα
It's over for femcels.
How do you find one of these types?

I guess we don't really have a middle class in Bosnia so there's just not going to be many women in this category.
She's cute, I'll marry her and create an army of GrecoChinese supermen who will invade Macedonia
>'They tell me my temper doesn't suit my age'
They are absolutely right. Imagine saying 'Fuck these immature women 5 years younger than me I will marry a mature one my age' and find out she acts the same.
Imagine being 36 and acting like an angsty teen, when your date is looking for a woman to create a family with,
Tone down the language

We respect women on /balk/
Is bosnia that fucked? Women like this exist even here and they beg for marriage but they get rejected because they're too old or non-virgins.
Money over bitchessssssss , money over bitches
50% of the countries population consists of diaspora.

The best you could is an underage woman forced into marriage because she lives in the countryside. Although that's just creepy and weird.
>Although that's just creepy and weird.
It's how it should be.
Bitch you're like 1.6m, anyone normal size will fold you like a paper sheet.
Sorry but no
I don't tolerate grown ass people, be it men or women, acting immature
Wait, you're not the Vlach
Yesterday I saw a television emission about femcels in Macedonia. Fucking unreal how they completely ignore the struggles of the average man and directly jump on the womenworship train.
Those eventually become the 45yo cat/dog mommies
sweatmaxxing rn
I just laughed and left.
idk it was on Sitel
Mental how dysfunctional both sexes are in the modern day

This is why your grandparents got married through a matchmaker granny that knew all the singles in the city, much better system than today's
It's by design.
my friends father got married like this
>decide to get married
>enter neighbours house
>talk with the foids brother
>agree on the marriage
>get married
took him a week to go from unmarried to married
>>talk with the foids brother
Ask him if he has a niece for me bro
>he just realized this
Rage deep within, the empathy dies to burn your sins
I'm sick of the lies and your fantasies, king shit of the underworld look at me
Die motherfucker, illusions in flames, grandiocity means nothing in the devils name
Die motherfucker, 6 feet under, imaginary gods to the fuckin grave

Damned you'll be for the enemies you make, your deaths will not be missed
For the arrogant shitstorm you've created is a far greater threat to humanity
Die motherfucker, illusions in flames, grandiocity means nothing in the devils name
Die motherfucker, 6 feet under, imaginary gods to the fuckin grave

Your whole damn life's a gaslight realm, manipulate to serve the ego
I don't give a fuck what you think you know, your life is a grand delusion

Laaa, la la la la la la

Boom motherfucker, Boom motherfucker rise, your empire is so divine
in the mind, tell a thousand lies, your self conviction is a lie
>Some American movies made with script approval from the Department of Defense include:[13]

Air Force One (1997)
Apollo 13 (1995)
Armageddon (1998)
Batman & Robin (1997)
Battleship (2012)
Battle: Los Angeles (2011)[14]
Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Black Hawk Down (2001)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Deep Impact (1998)
The Day After Tomorrow (2006)[15]
Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)[16]
Flags of Our Fathers (2006)[17]
Godzilla (1998)
Godzilla (2014 film)[18]
The Green Berets (1968)
I Am Legend (2007)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Invasion U.S.A. (1985)[19]
Iron Man (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
The Jackal (1997)
James Bond series:
Goldfinger (1964)
Thunderball (1965)
Licence to Kill (1989)
GoldenEye (1995)
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Jurassic Park III (2001)
The Karate Kid Part II (1986)
The Next Karate Kid (1994)
King Kong (2005)
Mac and Me (1988)[20]
Midway (2019)
Last Action Hero (1993)
Pet Sematary (1989)[21]
Red Dawn (1984)
The Right Stuff (1983)[22]
The Rocketeer (1991)[23]
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
Stripes (1981)[24]
The Bear (1984)[25]
Top Gun (1986)
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
Transformers (2007)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
Twister (1996)[26]
True Lies (1994)
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
Wings (1927)
I thought you were just shitposting desu

All American movies need to be approved by the military and police before release
They really renamed the Department of War to Department of Defence to fool the goyim.
All goyslop
sorry mpro you celebrate jesus birthday on 7th january instead of 25th december, calendarcels need not apply
I will convert immediately bro
To Islam if need be
Kill yourself
I will convert and become a Phanariot for your sister immediately
now do china
>The upshot of this is that we don’t know how many films the DOD has worked on, except that it’s well over 400. The absolute total (I have not comprehensively combined the two lists yet, and even that would not be the full and true answer) could be over 500. Given that most of the existing literature only recognizes around 200, this constitutes proof of a much larger Hollywood propaganda operation than anyone previously realized.
Kill yourself
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why did serbhumans did this?
Pedophile above me
>The first Greek millionaire of the Ottoman era was Michael "Şeytanoğlu" Kantakouzenos, who earned 60,000 ducats a year from his control of the fur trade from Muscovy.[15]
Son of Sheytan, I kneel...
I have a feeling that Mangal is lurking itt

If you're reading this, Mangal, just kill yourself already you worthless scumbag
>T. Skatvros Sheytanoglou
t. Ugibugi Tatarlarovski
the sounds of a gypsy gay club
mai ansester
Soulless Russian can't be a Serb
Evil creature
Is your last name Greek bro?
Like Skatopoulos or whatever?
When I become the fascist dictator of Balkans, fyrom will be appointed Fiki as Governor General

And your new national anthem will be "чyпки в кpъcтa". Why? Because a clown song should be the hymn of a clown country, a song known for toilet memes.
communists changed mai ansesters last name
>create a family with at 36
Bro this memester must've used a fake name.
He's a chad thou. He'll give them free drinking festivals and imported Turkish wives.
post menopausal women are very fertile bro
truly wife material
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>wanting to live with a foid and kids
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>skopians be like: Greeks give our lands back! Our relatives live there!
>meanwhile, the actual attendance of the skopian language club in Greece:
99% of men have been buck broken by society and have internalized that their only value comes as a provider. The inner stillness i've cultivated allows me to not be moved by external forces and laugh at the cattle swallowed by the rat race by false promises
let me guess, homosexual?
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> Издиpвaт пepвepзник, мacтypбиpaл пpeд 14-гoдишнa в aвтoбyc в Плoвдив
koi ot vas e tva
Coфийcкият гpaдcки cъд oпpeдeли пocтoянeн apecт зa мъж, cлeд yбийcтвo нa жeнa в дoмaшни ycлoвия, пpeдaдe БTA.

Toвa cъoбщихa oт cъдa. B apecтa зa пocтoяннo ocтaвa Opлин Г., oбвинeн в yбийcтвoтo нa yкpaинкaтa Cилвия К.

Пpecтъплeниeтo e cтaнaлo нa 20 юни в cтoличния кв. "Кpacнo ceлo" пpи пopeдния cкaндaл мeждy двaмaтa и cлeд yпoтpeбa нa aлкoхoл.

>Toя бoклyк нe бeшe ли шoфьop в HCO? Пpeди тoвa тpи, или чeтиpи пъти гo зaдъpжaхa, зaщoтo бeшe пpeбил paзлични жeни! Haкpaя yби пopeднaтa cи жepтвa!
they just take some hormone shots and their shriveled ovaries can squirt an egg out even at 50
downside is that there is a very real chance that the kids only future income sources will be retardbux and mothers tiktok money she gets from virtue signaling about her little retard
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Everyone is trans these days
you are genetically conditioned to be a provider tho
>и cлeд yпoтpeбa нa aлкoхoл
ceкoj пaт
All of balk would line up to fuck sashkos troon friend if you had the chance
I wish
I am not an 80 IQ animal to be controlled by a carrot on a stick bro
That's just you, pal
>everyone is a pathetic simp like me
incel walk o clock
That what the guys that were dating her said
genes are genes bro
People are also genetically wired to want to procreate but not everyone gets to do it.
little by little you make the world of your desires
The maymun brain tries to cope with the fact that worms will eat it one day and you will never be sentient ever again by pretending that spreading your genes is something "permanent" that lives on after you and a worthwhile goal then tricks the chemicals in the brain to make you happy for following its delusions because it has nothing else to grasp for.
It is sinful to respect your elders when they do not respect you. If they insult you, insult them back. It is your right to do so.
It is sinful to take advice from a person who you know is a hypocrite. Tell them to actually follow their own advice.
It is sinful to make the first move in a fight. Let your enemy make the first move. Then, and only then, you may defeat your enemy out of self-defence.
It is sinful to disrespect someone who doesn't disrespect you. Treat people nicely unless you are given a reason not to.
none of these things are sinful
It's Illyrian customs. An americanized mongrel wouldn't get it.
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>The maymun brain tries to cope with the fact that worms will eat it one day and you will never be sentient ever again by pretending that spreading your genes is something "permanent" that lives on after you and a worthwhile goal then tricks the chemicals in the brain to make you happy for following its delusions because it has nothing else to grasp for.
Two normalnigger maymuns have sex and the manmun doesn't pull out on time. The womun gets pregnant and they decide to keep their mistake.
>its almist midnight
make sure to sprint after every woman you see
It's one of the healthiest copes you can have as a maymoon.
There's a certain correlation between someone posting under skopian flag and developing mental illness (F section of the ICD10)
they were smart enough to stay indoors
aside for 1 babushka who for some reason walked alongside the road instead of a sidewalk
Grandmuns do this when they legs / knees are fucked up so they avoid having to hop off and climb pavement when they gotta cross a street
To think we have moons gaslighting young men into blowing out their knees with gymcoping. BAKA.
just buy a new pair of knees
The man who was never given a chance copes with the illusion of having the mental fortitude to withstand temptations that were never presented to him.
Is it Albanian?
the current one? yes
Mental hearing a song on the radio for the first time that I only know from an MC Rasha parody
It probably used to be Xoxa
It's so over for you mpro
you can't even change it easily in this shithole
nah she clearly was death driven cause my neighbourhood generally has no pavement so that wheelhumans can get on sidewalk
>t. Shqelqim Dervishi
Why do all these AI videos cause a deep feeling of horror without me? And why does OP not have a single ((you))?
Jumping into FONV again, I've decided to side with Mr House which sadly means I will eventually have to destroy the BROTHERHOOD OF STEEL (fuck you mr house, you rotten freak)

Greece's fault for not forcibly annexing Northern Epirus, fuck our governments for allowing this to happen (and I shit on Hoxhas grave)
I'll change it to Taro Yamamoto to escape the albos
My grandpa's old surname was Katsaros.
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ky është femboy
Hi kacharovski!
this kosovar's language is an even more mutted disaster than mine
>kosovar femboy
Now I've seen everything.
im actually a book author
oh yeah, shill us your book
>shill my book to an entry level anglophon
i'd rather the church burn it
This but Yugoslavia annexing South Macedonia
Don't forget to invite East Germany in the fight, bro
God will punish you for what you did to the Macedonian Slavs
kujt i referohet ky ne kete rast
you talk like a gpt
you talk like mean girls
fol normal o kar
Oh nooooooo we restored the democratic order, how could we do this!
did you get linked here from reddit?
Genocidal incel freak
gayest new vegas trannies install mods that allow you to explain to mr house that these underground queers in power armor are good or something
Democracy is the worst type of government.
lol there's a reason why House doesn't like the BOS, no need to change that, they should probably switch games if they don't like murdering others
I'm not the one typing gay philosophy itt bro!
Me neither bro
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I have decided for us to all stop arguing.
ok but before that can you answer this question >>198957914?
hes probably just severly crippilingly mentally ill but i find him endearing
whats your opinion on tooth gaps?
whats your opinion on the cia?
do you like big boob women?
just sudoku at this point
It's still up LOL
Fueled by diaspora rage

still no answer
I wonder if he's having an anxiety attack over being called a gpt
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mfer I have near medal of honor type award from the CIA..

and you think I have gapped teeth?
i think that hes in the /sp/ thread the albo posted
I lost all respect for the pancreatic cripple after finding out that he has an Albanian last name
>another victory over the guy who makes me feel inferior!
Some bulgar reported me and i didnt feel like evading
Even the knowledge of him being a pedophile is not so damaging to his cheek as this information
at best he has a localized or a trade name. even most albanians don't have albanian names
The 'Albanian' last name is probably Prifti which is Latin akchually. His old surname must have been Papoglu
post the CIA medal of honor bro, it will scare the tripfag
Don't tell me you're also named Hoxha
it's a retarded toponym, I don't think a single relative of mine is from there

like 40% there on the original version
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The CIA onegai will never forgive me if I did that..

it would be harakiri to do so bcuz loyalty.
no thank god there are no hoxhas where I come from
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The DING DING DONGER is a hardcore christian not a pedophile saar
Кo cтaa e диви?
yeah the "posting naked femboys next to scripture" type "christian"
Papadoupoulos? Papajani?
How is a cute little anime girl even comparable to posting troons tho?
that'd be doxxing broski
dae mi 30 lea bezplaten zalog, kazvaite ma4ovete da pushtam
But it's your old surname
I don't mind telling you my old family surname when they were still christian in 1700s
It was Nikolla
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its okay i understand then
you dont want to betray them and end up like the tripfag, they still harass him and give him schizophrenia even 10 years later
Why dont more balkanites speak their native language here? Everyone is anglophonic here
ti si samo 350-tia oligofren koito pita toq vapros ta eba debelia kiftak
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I want them here every day to make me have a melty like he does
get the fuck out of here
I wish I could end Burgas manlet's life
Кaзaхa ти чe cи кифтaк бpaт. Mиcля чe тpяя дa cи ceднeш cя.
The only thing you'll end if your bussy's ability to hold its shit in.
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Osmanli turkish is too hard to learn for the double digit iq selyak
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Bulgaria's fault BTW
I hate the turks for bringing these shrybhymen on the Aimos peninsula.
80iq edge is the one saving grace left to maymunball, take that out and literally what is left? a normgroid mating ritual?
Fuck Slobodan gon' do?
Age of consent is 14 here, hag. Keep malding.
Are Albanians even Slavs?
Are shkljavs really Illyrian?
that's funny all it means is you have to turn your brain off to be a christian
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This is you
>he needs to be an atheist to jerk off guilt free
What a moronic post.
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>This is you
I don't think I've ever felt this in my life
SUVs should be banned from being sold immediately
You'll still be poor
Dog barking above me
My brain is off permanently but I still can't be a christian
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speakers should be banned from being sold immediately
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I wonder why normal banks don't copy all the features of PayPal or other such services in places like this skatahole
It seems like a no brainer when you don't have to compete with PayPal itself
Countries that can afford to do that already do it.
You just have to pay like 3 codemaymuns to make that bro
The code is probably all on github
You think the banking cartel will take this lying down?
I'm asking why the banking cartel doesn't cuck Paypal out of money bro
Educate yourself please. You're an embarrassment.
no competition, and banks already shit money
Bro, I have to explain myself less to a five year old than you
There's like 15 different banks in Shkup alone
and they all do the exact same things without any outstanding characteristics
I would create an account in whichever bank copies PayPal
you are irrelevant because you currently already have an account in those banks
I am the most relevant being in existence as I am the Main Character
>bank closed my account because of inactivity
baka, neetfeels.
just shove some money in there every now and then
>Mickoski said today it's his human right to call fyrom with their former name and said our Foreign Minister doesn't understand the Prespa Agreement

xaxxaxaxxaxax when we sign treaties with F20.0 monkeyland, we should expect monkey business!
That's how the Jews win.
I am spiritually Jewish
I won
Did you know that 30% of global rubber production is still natural rubber from plants

It's because in many applications, petroleum derived rubber is still inferior in relation to natural rubber
>We're sorry, but your account has become grandpabux deficient and had to be closed
my bank(s) keep sending me promotional emails about credit cards and they even called me on the phone once
>they even called me on the phone once
This happened to me once and the first thing that came to mind is whether a Pajeet learned perfect Macedonian in order to scam me
here's it's 90% women working in those call centers
I am convinced when that happens that I'm talking to AI
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>italy scored an absolute blooter at 90+8

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Sorry croat bros
Why are taxhumans like this?
by what standards is that a human
She's like 9
You will give me your poo as tax.
If wasting time was a sin I'd be the most heinous sinner.
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>coomed so fucking hard that i got a cramp in the coom muscle/nerve
i forgot how painful this shit can be
>VMRO flag has lion
>smurd flag has chickenshit
>bulgarian flag has lion
Macedonian flag should add a double headed baboon in the center to suck off smurds even more LMAO, chickenshit worshippers
I pray for your health.
I get these a lot
Usually means I coomed with a huge shit still in my bum
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qeval meet fuck albania yes
thanks maqe, hopefully god will reward you for this
glad to see that somebody knows my pain
i usually just edge for a while until it goes away but shitting can cure it on the spot.
Yeh. How long do they last for you? For me it's 20-30 mins. One time I was in so much pain I nearly passed out. Didn't even feel like pooping but a huge poo came out after trying.
usually 20-30 too, longest was an hour or so. ive woken up in the middle of the night a few times because the coom muscle just randomly decided to cramp, usually from laying on my stomach.
>One time I was in so much pain I nearly passed out.
lmao, i can sadly relate to this. ive almost vomited a few times from the pain back when i was younger.
what position is the most comfortable for you to endure the pain in btw?
sitting down in particular is a death sentence for me while standing up generally lessens it.
Actually sitting trying to take a shit, or lying on my stomach seem to be the most tolerable.
i remember some anon mentioning this disease once, and i think that its what we suffer from
kegels are recommended but ive gotten cramps from doing them too hard so keep that in mind if you want to try them
Read through the thread, so apparently some dysgenic attention seeking albo cumdump posted her tits and people thought i would save that repulsive shit?
I'm too busy hating my life and geting drunk to care about some albo whore. In fact it's genuinely disgusting how fucked up society has gotten that even that hideous cunt can get ana rmy of simps for being born with a cunt and having soem misshapen tits. Saw better looking whores fucked by dogs and licking obese nigger assholes
Based bump limit hitter and based take. Billions of simps must suffer. God bless.
>enter some random albaboonian teens discord server
>nigger tier content, GTA vidya, drugs, gango gango, rap, subhuman tier verbal iq, all unironic

Imagine, this is the zeitgeist of albaboonian kiddos in 2024.
>skibbidi-bap-bab-boom-boom-boomer wanna hit this zoom-zoom bum?
>me:"why are you all low IQ degenerates, imagine unironically trying to be gangster in 2024"
>them:"fuck your mother"

current year
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