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mayfair superkings edish
kill em all
glad vaxtard goy cattle will die soon along with the trannies that will kts
on the bus
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You guys like black licorice?
my junkie step dad smoked these
died alone after injecting into an artery or smth
doctor who loves you
tried to find a carriage on the train and that didn't have mush mouthed African blacks speaking at full volume but there wasn't one they're absolutely everywhere now
trannies are disgusting
what's on the agenda then gentlemen
Not a single Japanese FPS
having a wank
At the end of the 19th century, this painting came into the possession of Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, and one of the most well-known stories about this artwork is that it terrified his entire cabinet. It is even said that a tradition was established of having to make the sign of the holy cross every time they saw this painting on the wall.
coursetoil, then do so slight adjustment to my song when i’m home i reckon
trannies aren’t people
what course?
woke up seething about blacks so going to do that until lunchtime then a bit of tranny seething after lunch, some nafo shill trolling mid afternoon then a relaxing evening posting bbc spam
ALDI Battlefield Road, Shrewsbury
Closed - Opens at 08:00
Battlefield Road
so much fat women affirmation on TikTok
That’s a magazine.
sheet metal tradie course, really enjoying it so far
short supply of them here in sweden, so there’s lots of work to be had in the future
looking at the Trainline app
Westerners have an easier time imagining they're the one holding the gun in first person shooters, whereas the Japanese, they have to imagine they're anime instead, due to honor culture, and have to see the anime to understand it's supposed to be them.
need the ketchup from its head
society says smoking is le bad but mention to a fat woman that she is fat and everyone calls you a sexist incel or whatever
bit different from fashion marketing or whatever it was
glad to hear
need to get fucked senseless
are you theresa may?
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The absolute state of boomers
corr yeah

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Another senile boomer on the case lel
continuing the hangover recovery
need a shower at some point
also need to clean some undies
will probably get back on the cans this evening however, which is an obvious mistake but it is what it is
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Voting age should be 30+ (unironically)
the hills in the back look peng
completely flat my way
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norn iron init
age isn't a good factor
have it be people with a stake in society. Land or business owners.
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only sex-havers should be allowed to vote
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Dun Carloway Broch on the Isle of Lewis
>when rapists have more rights than you
taxpayers innit
you pay into the system, it's your system
simple as
go-getters, entrepeneurs
It worked 100 years ago because we had positive birth rates. But in the modern day all of them would just vote for the pro immigration party ie. Cheaper labour / wage suppression / more customers to sell shit too. They’d completely throw the middle class / native working class under the
might have a pre-toil poo
A cheap Indian knock off of Street Fighter called Street Shiter
under the wot
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Nigel back on the campaign trail in Clacton
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Carol Kirkwood looking sexo this morning
in order to vote you should be required to be:
>property tax paying
>father to at least 2 biological kids
>able to pass a scientific and rhetorical literacy test
>natively born
>sworn to an oath to protect the US constitution
>not a felon
>able to recite the 10 commandments by memory
>mormon or protestant christian
>blue, green, or gray eyes (no hazel or brown and obviously black eyes = nonwhite)
>over 5'8
>not obese or overweight
This would immediately solve all of the US' problems.
Is there a word for that hangover thing where you have trouble processing sensory inputs when hungover? Like how its hard to seriously concentrate on what you are hearing or seeing
realised i wanted to work with my hands, learn a craft innit
I identify as all those
double check and mate, sucka.
brain fog probably
you can't "identify" yourself into being any of those except being protestant, paki runt
in order to post you should be required to be:
>not a yank
>not mentally ill
>Tell the Swedish poster his pants are gay once or twice
>He goes full anti Yank autism every thread after that
>>father to at least 2 biological kids
>>not obese or overweight
You disqualify yourself here.
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I'm not a yank, I'm british on vacation in florida ini. I'm not mentally ill in the slightest. Bizarre accusation from an atheist, atheists tend to be mentally ill
For me?
You should have to be able to name at least 100 capital cities.
There’s so many brainlets out there who have no idea what the capital city of Spain is, nevermind some shithole like Burkina Faso.
If you have no knowledge about other peoples countries, their populations / their religions / birthrates / proximity to our own countries - then you don’t truly understand the threat of mass immigration and shouldn’t get a vote
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>>property tax paying
i am NEET
>>father to at least 2 biological kids
i am incel
>>able to pass a scientific and rhetorical literacy test
>>natively born
yeah i was born in Mexico
>>sworn to an oath to protect the US constitution
>>not a felon
>>able to recite the 10 commandments by memory
>>mormon or protestant christian
i am Muslim
>>blue, green, or gray eyes (no hazel or brown and obviously black eyes = nonwhite)
kek not me
>>over 5'8
kek not me
>>not obese or overweight
i am skinnyfat
Katy stroking longmeat rn while kissing her black king
most people would be disqualified. That's the point.
17 years since Chris Benoit died lads
>vacation in florida
have you shagged any Cuban girls?
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Tryin to pull the ol "I'm not a yank, I'm British on vacation in Florida" thing huh? HAHAHA
You just know
might commit online racism later for a laugh
premarital sex and racemixing are both sins for which the proscribed punishment is stoning to death. I'm married to God, not this pathetic niggerfied flesh which sin has corrupted.
went to London and cant say anything good about it at all
pure paki hellhole
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It still makes me chuckle
ah yes further alienate the people who struggle to integrate into society, that won't backfire
where in the new testament does it say racemixing is le bad?
Haven’t been since 1999, back when you could still hear Cockney accents on the subway.
or give them to push they need
it's the difference between treating them like children and adults
need to politely inform anyone under 25 that absolutely none of their opinions matter at all
>if you bang a mexican woman you get beaten to death with rocks
terrible religion
the new testament isn't the entire bible. Jesus said he came to fulfill the law, not to abolish it, and he has brought a sword, not a dove. He also said not a single yod shall pass from the law. You are contractually obliged to follow the old testament. As well as the book of Mormon but that's probably too much of a redpill for you right now.
>I've spent more time on this shit planet so my opinion is more valid
your brain simply isn't developed enough
better than the alternative, stupid atheist
>if you bang a UK woman you die afterwards

Makes you think
To be fair I know a lot more now at 31 than I did at 25. Not because I got any smarter, just because I’ve had more time to learn more things and notice more patterns
you say that like it's not true
Jay Dyer debunks this
Jay Dyer is a retarded indian disguised as a white guy who parrots debunked claims about many religions. Also you can't "debunk" the literal word of the bible. Especially not the part you just said was the only valid part.
*waddles fatly into the thread*
y'all heard bout jesus?
And apparently you just 'develop' it with the inevitable passage of time

1. You might be right but that's not really a claim to anything. That's not an accolade. It just is.
2. Your brain is more malleable the younger that you are. Like there's an exponential falloff in neuroplasticity with every passing year

26 year old boomers don't think. They don't 'process'. They consult the council of 7 core ideas / principals in their head and if none of it adds up then they have no idea what to do with it
To an extent
I think after 35 you reach a point where you don't gain any more wisdom, but your view can change depending on you circumstances in life

I would draw dicks on my ballot papers when I was 18. Now im 33 and I vote for anti immigration parties even though I know they won't do shit
hey zuess? rings a bell
>premarital sex and racemixing are both sins for which the proscribed punishment is stoning to death
talking out your arse here mate
do you also support circumcision and if your daughter is raped by a guy that guy has to pay you to marry her?
yea, heard of it
*stares at your tits*
IDK, makes sense to me, and it's in the bible. ask YHWH.
1. no father, 2. bad father
hard to imagine an ideology that places any importance on a father figure, but they do/did exist
1. yes, but only for the descendants of the 12 tribes of israel such as native americans, anglos and swedes
2. no that's the talmud or islam, wrong religion
what if they just suck you off?
Off to work
Another week begins
>I'm smarter because I'm older and wiser when you get older you know things
Right and is any of this applicable to the modern world

Why are like half of 30 year old men jobless, hopeless romantically and hopeless in general

I think the core issue that people have with boomers is that they act like they have life figured out but they were just born into a time that was far more comfortable and one dimensional

Why can literally nobody get along
Why is a country with a bright future ahead of it bordering on economic collapse
Why did half of all men just drop out of a healthy and functioning civilization for no good reason
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just awoke from the cans induced 6 hour nap
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>Father Nikolai Kotelnikov, 66, had his throat slit before his church was burned down by the attackers in the predominantly Muslim Russian region.
Bit bloody sunny out
>1. yes, but only for the descendants of the 12 tribes of israel such as native americans, anglos and swedes
ok you're one of those crazy schizo christians
>2. no that's the talmud or islam, wrong religion
Deuteronomy 22:29
Moss ball toil looms
it's a good question really. Why is a society that's rigged for mens success at the expense of women seeing women thrive at whatever they wish to do, and men drop out? Doesn't seem to make any sense
>name at least 100 capital cities
let's go
1 london 2 paris 3 berlin 4 madrid 5 lisbon 6 washington dc 7 mexico city 8 beijing 9 tokyo 10 canberra 11 auckland 12 new delhi 13 cairo 14 baghdad 15 rome 16 athens 17 oslo 18 reykjavik 19 stockholm 20 helsinki 21 dublin 22 moscow 23 kiev 24 warsaw 25 caracas 26 panama city 27 vienna 28 tunis 29 jakarta 30 manila 31 lima 32 buenos aires 33 havana 34 kingston 35 brussels 36 amsterdam 37 brasilia 38 prague 39 tehran 40
nah fuck this
doubt i can even name 100 countries
I don't see why they're here when there's a thread dedicated for them
i'm wasting my life
Mad how Americans need women to spit on their dick
just fed the pigeonbergs
go outside and spread the good news of hitler to the masses
Nothing wrong with spitting
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>tfw mumberg is now at home all but 4 days a fortnight
How to stop getting irritated when she knocks on my door every 15 minutes to ask or tell me about something inane
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tomorrow then we get it sorted
Right and can you guys figure it out

Can you use your sage wisdom to figure out how to rectify this issue or is it just too hard

It seems like society changed and you guys didn't know what to do with it and just gave up
She wants to talk to you that's sweet lad
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>Now experts are asking whether milk is racist as part of a tax-payer funded research project into connections between milk and colonialism

>History of Science Museum in Oxford will research 'political nature' of milk
No, they dropped out, remember?
It's not their problem any more
the flying cars and cure for cancer can wait then i take it
typical atheist propaganda
Verses 28-29 aren't not describing rape. It's talking about sex before marriage. Verses 25-27 describe rape. So...there are two different scenarios here and we have to be careful not to blend them into one.
Verses 25-27 go into how to handle a rape. “But if in the field the man finds the girl who is engaged, and the man forces her and lies with her, then only the man who lies with her shall die. 26 But you shall do nothing to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, so is this case. 27 When he found her in the field, the engaged girl cried out, but there was no one to save her."
If you look at these verses there are several things that make it clear it's about rape. The man forces her. It explains that the woman is a victim as she cried out but no one was there to save her. This is clearly rape and the rapist has to die.
In the following verses, 28-29 it doesn't use the same language. He seizes her but it doesn't say there is any force. She doesn't cry out for help.
The reason he has to marry her is due to the social stigma of sex before marriage. She would no longer be a virgin and would be left without prospects or a chance to have children. She wouldn't be able to have her own family, which was highly valued by women in that day as well as their society. This is holding the men accountable. If they sleep with a woman, they will have to marry her.
Exodus 22:16 speaks to this as well. “If a man seduces a virgin who is not betrothed and lies with her, he shall give the bride-price for her and make her his wife."
did you know snails lay eggs
I didn't
how about you get a job
>Brexit happened and the Conservatives promised to make the UK like Singapore and instead they turned this place into Belarus
lel. tories getting absolutely done
all the non-dom business owners will flee to switzerland and the uae and britain will be minsk on the thames
You've had your fun, NEETs, but the daytime matches are over. Gone.

now it is nothing but 5PM+ matches, to be enjoyed in full by employed men as they walk through the front door in the evening with money in their pocket, greeted by their loving wives and families.

You've had your fun watching your tetchy draws between meme teams ranked 80+ in the world playing at 2PM while real men worked by the sweat of their brows and the strength in their backs. Well no more, NEET, no more.
Can you eat them?
I don't get home til 6pm :(
sat in his crusty underwear watching anime and larping as a 15th century puritan
I'm sorry to hear that lad have you considered getting a WFH job where you just jiggle the mouse a few times a day?
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I can do all of them. The hardest 3 to learn are Oceania / Caribbean / Africa, although once you learn Africa it’s pretty easy to remember, were as the small shitty islands in Oceania / Caribbean still trip me up now and then, like Majuro - Marshall Islands, or St George - Grenada
what's that film with eminem in it called
i unironically love working
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cant be arsed
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might have some couscous
kidulthood (2006)
Hate it me
What's the point
what about Nadi in Fiji?
Fiji is Suva
i reckon i could've got more if i'd tried, especially africa, eastern europe, and east asia
oceania and the caribbean? no chance
i was lucky to get kingston
ones like haiti (port au prince) i could've got if i'd thought of the country but i was all over the place
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it's not even one of the options you LIAR
For norms it serves to let them enjoy the pleasures of life: women, raising a family, owning a homestead, engaging in hobbies with other people, growing as a person, socialising.

For other men though it serves merely to let you keep renting your smelly bedroom for another month, another month of waging and coming home to a dark, empty flat for 4 hours until it's time for bed then back to toil again on the morrow, over and over until you die (alone).
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I do have one I work at a chippy 15 hours a week
also I'm 30
8 mile
well the website is wrong then
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atheists will spend hours rote memorizing the names of random niggerholes they will never visit without even attempting to learn what happens when you die
i improve the world every day that i work

tried getting a second and possibly third job?
you could probably get enough work between the 3 for 60 hour weeks
At the train station
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YES cheers mate
shame it was wrong but oh well
eating pickles while the water boils. why arent you jewmaxxing in 2024?
12.87 Kilometre
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>she's a bloody disgrace!
Oxford shirt

The office toil look every day
Maybe some knitwear if it's cooler out
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>fruitvale station
never heard of it lol
fucking scammed
I am stressed enough from the current work load I have
Not a bad fillum
try kidulthood (2006)
catholics don't have the KJV they only have the satanic polytheist latin vulgate. This is why they worship the Poope who hasn't even read the bible and is a south american communist.
the mental stress is just too much innit
I bought shares and they went up and I could have made 6k but I thought they would keep going up but instead they went down and now I will refuse to sell them until they go back up to what they were and they will probably keep going down and I'll lose all my money instead
Imagine what Jesus went through on the cross. He went through that so he knows what it's like, he knows a lot worse. And out of that compassion he chose to sacrifice himself so you could be redeemed.
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not as good as this one, which i got with one guess in about two seconds
Stay bullish king
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British girls
North Yorkshire....home
pharisee/atheistkike. Christians don't lend to each other at interest.
*sharts loudly in church*
buying/selling shares isn't usury, dingus
did you buy a small cap mining stock?
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shorts in the office today - thoughts?
turn it into housing for the migrants
whats the biblical punishment for sharting in church?
pulling the odd sickie is wonderful
there is just NOTHING toilberg can do about it as long as you don't do it too often

how often per year do you lads call in sick just to get out of toil?
we get 9 sick days a year
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Reckon this is west Yorkshire tbf but it's right on the border if it is
Thankfully I live in Cheshire, but if I had to pick one of the 4 Yorkshires it would obviously be North Yorkshire.
South / West / East Yorkshire are the epicentre of grooming gangs and pedos.
That whole M62 corridor is grim. If your town plays Rugby League something’s gone horribly wrong.
I don't think it's especially small but it is a uranium miner
What shoes do you wear with office shorts?
beautiful. would raise some sheep there tbqhwy
sharts in the office
Is that Scarborough? Jimmy Savile’s old hunting grounds
trainers x
how long do you reckon you'd have to go without a shower before the council got involved?
i haven't showered since probably wednesday or thursday and it feels like there will be complaints from the neighbours if i don't get a wash soon
i do eat a lot of spicy food and drink beer and that so i reckon it's worse than you're imagining
Lots of nice places and beautiful countryside in west and east Yorkshire
I can't claim to have spent a lot of time in south Yorks but I'm sure there's plenty dog very pleasant places there too
I mean south Yorkshire is basically the peak district
i thought it was scarborough until i spotted the pyramids
egypt or aztecs innit
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I feel horrid if I don't shower
First thing I do of a morning, it's just part of getting up
Why is it that everyone's bedroom smells except mine
doesn't look very productive desu
probably not a net taxpaying region
Same, the feeling of being covered in oil gives me anxiety
nose blindness
Well la di da
I bet you clean your teeth twice a day, too
sacked tranny homeland
Not at Christmas though because I do what I want on Christmas day and sod what society says
might make an independent film
The sheer number of shitholes in West and South Yorkshire outweigh the good parts.
Irredeemable places like Bradford / Huddersfield / Keighley / Dewsbury / Rotherham / Doncaster - not to mention those accents especially on women sound as rough as a ducks backside. I’ll take received pronunciation any day over that gruff
mad how I could get on a train and visit london for the first time right now
not going to though
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me too
doncaster mentioned
complaints from the neighbours about what
June twenty-ninth. I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.
might go on /tv/ get my blood pressure up
meet me outside frenchgate
9 am sharp
and i'll do your head in
do they discuss films there?
about the horrific stench of my bollocks and arse
only films they hate
is nigel farage just jean claude van damme in a suit?
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unless your waving it in their face how can they make a complaint about that
Newcastle (County Down) spotted
Which Asian women are the most attractive?
Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or Vietnamese?
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Reckon the council does the bins in my estate this early cause half of them are dole dossing cunts and this is the only way to get them to wake up before noon
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Unfortunately I went on a school trip to Bradford twice (they have the national science museum there.)
All I can remember is everyone on my school bus was shouting “paki” at all the brown kids we saw. It was pretty funny, until one of them threw a rock at the window kek
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>school bus
only 9?

I get like 20
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Japs are most attractive in demeanor and manners
These days I've been finding viets the cutest, though
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Based kumar
grr im so outraged right now my blood pressure rising
like how cute, reserved and polite japs are but then all the ones i've been with have been filth in bed
get that fucking milk poured NOW
>all the ones i've been
right, none then
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Imagine what her farts smell like. I bet they’re positively vile.
Poster below me is a nonce who wants to lick my willy
here's ukraine fighting russia
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um ok
lets go...
i guess
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nobody care me
die stupid
i'd become a full blown prostitute if i were born a woman. free money
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fk u
actually you have to do something in exchange for it so it is not free
why dont u like me :(
ur a idiot
gay spaz
Willies willies I love willies
what's the connection between judaism and wealth?
reward from god for killing muzzies
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good morning
i hate women
go die
>Green Party co-leader deletes photo of Windrush Day celebration showing only white people
>Bristol candidate praises contribution Caribbean migrants have made, then removes post within two hours
need to get to the shop later to get some food in then it's nothing but being awake and existing for the remainder of the day

oh and I need to apply to 2 jobs to get the UC journal filled in
Big fan of ‘90s porn
i can only watch 10 seconds of an origami tutorial before my brain needs a rest
it's like university but in 3d form
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this is my life today
gonna go on an incel walk in the sun this afternoon i reckon just to break up the day
Currently depositing fluids in the toilet
>actually applying for the jobs
You know you can make it up yeah. It's not like anyone is going to phone up the employer and say "did mr neet actually send an application for this job?"
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off to work i suppose
I used to smoke Gold Leaf baccy back in the day. I also remember Sterling tailors were the cheapest but grim.
Feel like they could do this though. Or at the very least they could ask me for proof of having applied to the jobs. Thankfully if they do ask I can give them the confirmation emails.

For me there's no 'risk' in applying to jobs either since I never hear back from them as I have been NEET for many years.
just easier and better to get a job though innit
If I get a job people will respect me and think I'm normal. People don't treat NEETs with basic respect and dignity.
Morning shaggers x
>you gotta check this out scully look... we can ask them anything
>mulder they're not really in the Illuminati, they're just role-playing
>but scully, they have a tripcode!
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Let the billionaires go. Let all the foreigners leave. The gentle folk from south Holland, Thurrock and Great Yarmouth can move into mansions vacated by these Richie rich aliens. Victory at last
>Farage appeared to compare Sandy Hook parents to liberals trying to curb free speech

yeah he's fucked
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>in a 2018 interview
Wow they must be fucking desperate if they're raking up shit from 6 years ago
Business idea: make it legal to shoot wagies that make too much noise in the morning going for their daily commute
lying in bed all nice and comfy on a monday morning howling at the wagies
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bowie on
cuppa drank
rocket league on nephewsteins xbox

yea im thinking its comfy
anyone got that picture of the nurse carrying a MASSIVE poo in a poo tray and it looks to be several kilos?
No one here gives a fucking shit about Samdy Hook lmao
i remember when /brit/ used to be full of working shaggers
i genuinely fear i might be the last one remaining. the retards are just too numerous
Nah I remember it though kek
No one here gives a fucking shit about Sandy Hook lmao
A line of coke and a cup of coffe before beddy-byes.
that was the worst part of neeting, everyone treating you like a worthless little grub plus the humiliation rituals centrelink puts you through
its weird because this discourages upstanding people and encourages lowlife scrounger types who are okay with that sort of treatment
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>Busson and Thurman have one daughter together, Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson

more than 3 names — Forename Middle name Surname — should be banned. so should hyphenated names
well yeh, you don't want people with some kind of pride in their existence to all of a sudden think a life on cenno is one worth living
smoking on that shit that turns you gay
twats at work have locked me out of my laptop
the day of the rope
Impotent little autist
absolutely mental how all gays have that aids ridden pedo phenotype
so easy to spot
im a sensitive young man and working is too stressful for me
why do you post here
> https://www.theguardian.com

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