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Beekeepers edition
Got stung: >>198898269
Based edition.
Good morning /med/.
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I created a thread earlier but I forgot to put /med/ + friends in the subject.
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In a terrible mood, thinking about all the events that led me to this life.
Thing is, the others way may not have been better, and I can't know which opportunities would I have had then.
So fucking over.
You have a safe job where it's unlikely you will be fired, it pays decently enough that you don't have any important thing that you could buy and you can afford to go on vacation to other countries yearly.
That's pretty decent, you might not have a gf or wife but I don't know of there's a lot you could have done different to have one now, so I don't think you should torture yourself over it.
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Maybe, but my 20's are basically OVER and others than some holidays, I have nothing.
If that girl I hanged out with was my gf, that would change a lot, I would be hopeful about the future.
All I did was working for a diploma so I could be work and be taxed to fund others while I rot.
Not much you could have done differently because of your neurodivergence, it's not your fault, also you could have a much worse life come on
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I thought about some stuff like living in another city, probably it would not have changed much.
But some others stuff could have changed a lot, maybe to the same person I am now, but earlier, saving a few years.
Yes, it could be much worse.
I unironically believe that autism is a handicap, I am mostly a normie but still a bit awkward and quiet at times and I'm nevertheless a loser, I can't even imagine how much you guys struggle to try and lead a normal life
Look I'm not saying your life is perfect because it isn't but do you really think there's something that you could have done different that would have made have a gf by now?
And I don't mean if you were a billionaire rizzler chad, I mean if you being a working class dude that is not attractive and can't barely talk to girls could have done any different.
Don't think about what could have been, think about making a difference.

You can still go live in another city, even if you bought an apartment in Paris you can just rent it to someone, it's probably not hard to find a tenant.
Anyway Paris is the big city, there are more women there than anywhere else, if you can't find a gf in Paris you can't find her outside of Paris, also you tried once and failed with that girl try more you absolute nagger.
The scum of earth has no problem and we don't, make me go clinically insane.

If I worked earlIer through apprenticeship, i would have interacted earlier with people and would have had money, so I would have been more active and saved a few years of being a recluse at university. Or if i bought ethereum like i wanted to.
Idk man, I know i should not be le sad, that i have things to be satisfied, but fuck, seeing the years go by and seeing normies having more life experience at 20 is killing me.

>try more
I'm trying fr, but that girl was really suited for an autistoid like me
when i see those 30 yo roasties that don't know yet if they want a kid, i know they will sniff the 'tism from kilometers away (assuming i can feel desire for the town bicycle)
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good morning med frens
how's your wk ?
you've yet to know the "late 30s and 40s" crisis,
yes you have a gf/wife but you don't get along anymore and you'd want to divorce her...but you CAN'T
that's worst
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me right now, at the office
>slept 3 hours total because I was up playing Anno
Also, starting earlier the driving loicense, to dress normally (but you need le money) and not be a hungry skeleton (same) could have helped too, idk. Getting some temporary job abroad (no autist allowed)
And fuck covid
Rant over, I'm trying to work a bit.

Took my day off just to play bidogame, I don't care.
kek, happens to me too when I bake half asleep.
Andalusianon is right. You don't have to beat yourself over lost opportunities/time.
You are where you are right now and that's what matters. You got a job, you're fit, you got strong interests/hobbies.
If we were born in the 60s, we might have found a gf without trying, current times are hard for that. The struggle is real so it's not because of you but because of a harsh dating ecosystem.
Those aren't beekeepers, that's the equipment that fencers wear when they duel in order to avoid injury
>The scum of earth has no problem and we don't, make me go clinically insane.
The scum struggle in different areas. And the girls they do pull are retards. They deserve eachother.
>normies having more life experience at 20 is killing me.
Some do of course, but plenty don't. With covid and all, a lot of these zoomies are introverted neets. In any case, our struggle is important to our development I think.
Some dudes peak in highschool and might coast on that and stagnate. Life is harsh and I feel like this is part of the experience. It was never meant to be easy for us. Honestly, I'm so sensitive I think I wouldn't have survived any other period of history.
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I guess, but still sounds like pic related
Fencers describe the pain of the sword point as the "bee sting". That's why ancient fencers met with beekeepers to know more about their defense and protection suits and why moder fencing suits look alike.
Also the best fencers for a time were beekeepers because they had the early meta.
Irving "Hornet" Adkins was such a champion and was known for using bee related puns during combat.

Just a bit of trivia for you
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Italian bros, why aren't you nice towards tourists?
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belgium women look like this?
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weakest german female
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That's a Polish meme, made more than 5 years ago.
Who translated it? It's not that funny in English
It 100% is cope. But at least we know the truth and are doing something to change our fate. That's what matters.
Taking a shit in company time.
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>jawmogging everyone south of the Alps
medbros... it's over... owari da...
the Germanic female marches on...
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Women's Suffrage?
not a big fan.
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If it makes you feel any better, one day we will be dead and all our problems will be over.
why you keep posting cat pics
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Trying to get 4chan shut down faster, so I'm wasting bandwidth by attaching pictures to all my posts.
listened to it fr

hopefully not soon

it is IMPOSSIBLE to suffer in Francia
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They are just fucking with me now.
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>section 2/9: please provide a supporting statement explaining why you are suitable for this job
>section 3/9: please provide details of two references
You will notice from the bar on the righthand side that that isn't the full list I displayed, I just couldn't be bothered to take multiple screenshots.

Why do you have "sir/lady" on that list anyway, those aren't French titles?
but the titles on my list are more pompous fr fr

it's from a ngo i believe, so it could be anyone and apparently many high ranking persons?
what is Mx?
>but the titles on my list are more pompous fr fr
I wonder how many Altesses Impériales Les Princesses have used such a form before.
>it's from a ngo i believe, so it could be anyone and apparently many high ranking persons?
I guess it includes any British Lords/Ladies who happen to be resident in France (that's the kind of inclusiveness I can get behind).
Gender neutral form of Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms.
Also choose other and write SAAAARR
>Gender neutral form of Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms.
It's for mxicans
The game was rigged from the beginning, there was no right move to make.

Autism is a superpower and in some countries they even give you money for it.

I intend to become immortal.

Popular gnu linux distribution.
Salesforce is so fucking annoying some times you do things correctly but Salesforce just decide to ignore what you are doing.
Half of the work day has gone by, I only work 7 hours a day on summer which is way better, even if I don't get a stop for lunch.
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Took the day off.
Sadly, the second gear of my car keeps slipping to neutral when I hit the gas, which means the shifting cable is fucked and the gearbox is in danger of performing seppuko (if the cable ends up snapping).
I hate my car.
What kind of car is it, so I know what to avoid.
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>took the day off
>reduced working hours
Why did you not invite Brune to the slackathon?
My beloved Renault Clio...
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Went to the gym but I forgot my shoes at home so I had to come back for them fr fr.
Felt kinda weak btw. Increased weight on 2 exercises but couldn't do the other 4 properly so had to lower both weight and reps on those.

Kek. I'm not going to link the other thread doe because I'm going to use that pic again the next time I bake.

Just check none of the above if you can and when they ask you to specify what your title would be, say it's His Honour Dr Mayor Sir Master Catnigga the third.
>Took my day off just to play bidogame, I don't care.
based it's also something I do once in a while
sometimes all you need is to feel like a neet again
It only has 200000km, it shouldn’t be doing this.
>/med/ders wouldn't SEX that because of MUH TATtOOS
my car has almost 160k km and I'm scared it will break down any day now
Yes, she's disgusting.
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>It only has 200000km
The fuck, how many km did the car have on it when you bought it?
No sex for you, sorry.
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Fuck, yeah that's kind of disappointing
In my family we drive cars until approximately the 400,000km mark
I would sex her, but I wouldn't be in a relationship with a girl like that.
I would sex her, but she wouldn't sex me soo
Same, brother.
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Btw I watched footie twice last week. Ngl I kinda enjoyed it fr fr.
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>In my family we drive cars until approximately the 400,000km mark
It's cruel to keep a car alive that long. I guess your family must be good with cars though, because I imagine you constantly have to fix small things to keep them running.
>In my family we drive cars until approximately the 400,000km mark
in my family it's in the 300k km
Today there is the match that will decide whether Italy stays or goes out, I hope you will support it Magyaranon

My father has the 350 thousand rule.
My grandpa had a very old Mercedes that he sold when it had more than 700 thousand.
A draw is enough I believe
>he sold when it had more than 700 thousand.
if he managed to sell that he can sell rocks to a jew
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Do people cheer for teams that's not the team of their country?
I'm autist enough to not cheer for any country fr fr (even hungary). I only cheer for the team which other people also cheer for fr fr. So if idk spain played against france, I'd probably cheer for france if I were in Paris, but would cheer for Spain if I were in Madrid.
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>Uni students joke around with "sexist" chants as part of a tradition of their dorm.
>The news talk about it for weeks

>Young Moroccans throw a firecracker to a crowd, a 4-year-old child could have her hand amputee as a result
>Nowhere to be seen in the news

And people is surprised about why the chud vote is rising.
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>ça gaz 'tit chef
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comme un lundi
>english tourist died of a heart attack while climbing the Vesuvius
Sold for scrap kek
Because there wasn't enough trash on social media and TV with that love island bullshit, we're now going to have big brother.
As you should've.
Most make sense.
>Do people cheer for teams that's not the team of their country?
That's the norm here, given we never qualify.
Nords have low resistance to heat.
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For whom do Maltese people cheer for? Italians?
Mostly either them or the English.
He pattern is nice but the body would look better without it.
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>>Mostly either them or the English.
And which team will your family be supporting this time?
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Some of my family likes to pretend that they like football when there's something international tournament going on and there are some that favour the English with another that favours the Italians.
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What is going on today.
what the fuck did they do to henry's face jesus christ lol
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nothing, I just stuck a game screenshot into the AI to see what would happen
Well you made me go look at the trailers again and he's definitely a little off they re-scanned the actor and he looks uncanny now, whereas the evil hungaryan and Hans' models both look the same
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>go out to buy some necessities (candy mushrooms and discounted cold cuts for my cat)
>do some light housework when i get back (sweep, change bedsheets, wash up some dishes)
>literally dripping and soaking with sweat
I can't do it. I can't do another summer. I'm just going to lay down on the floor, and hopefully some nearby females will trample me to death.
>there are some that favour the English with another that favours the Italians.
Montagues and Capulets, eh? Well, hopefully there will be no blood spilled.
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>candy mushrooms
>not mushroom sweets
I am disappointed.

Please give me your opinion /med/. Slanted roof and less home area, or no roof (hidden almost horizontal) roof and more home area? Slanted roofs are more expensive. Pic related is the proposal for horislop roof.
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>Montagues and Capulets, eh?
>no blood spilled
That would require some levels of unmatched retardation.
Do you like yoga?
I would like you to finish up this house as quickly as possible, sell it at an inflated price to some nords/Americans, and then use that money to build a nice brick house like this instead.
It will be built in thermal blocks, the thinking man’s brick. Sound proof, thermal insulation and cheap to apply. I also have a factory some kilomemes away making them so they’ll be filthy cheap as I won’t have to pay for the delivery.
Making a house takes a looooong time, I know.
And that house looks atrociously bad, because it’s a McMansion with fake bricks.
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>And that house looks atrociously bad, because it’s a McMansion with fake bricks.
Now that I look at it for longer than 2 seconds, you're right. It looked good at first glance when I pulled it off Google Images, but the more I look, the worse it gets.

My point remains though. Sell the neo-modernist house and return to tradition.
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ok I have some criticisms
but as I am not a hater, I made it constructive criticism and came up with a more practical alternative
>Sound proof
That’s a good thing there are always things that make weird noises whether you are in a big city or in the middle of nowhere
>having an MBT when a single drone can take it out
It’s like you learned nothing from the Slav brotherly war.

Sadly tradition is not what it once was.
Traditional bricks are shit half made with sand nowadays, and the same goes for /med/ roof tiles. Old roof tiles lasted for 100 years or more, new ones have to be replaced within 30 tears or they start letting water in, cracks everywhere with the sun and break when you look at them.
the gentle Irish giant says otherwise
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It does feel really damn good to neet once in a while. Right now I'm just alternating playing games, did a bit of Yakuza 0 and now moving onto something else.
Literally me when cleaning (I look like and dress like this)
>Yakuza 0
Giga based
As I already said it’s one of my favorites
This doesn't seem to be happening in my country.
Playing this loudly to lure in some goths.
It's really cool, I had to start a few times over the years to get into the groove but now I'm in it, it's just 100% fun.
Still having trouble beating the hardest rivals in dancing though, shit is so hard kek
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I want to do all of her housework for free, then have her grab my cheeks and yell at me and slap me when it isn't up to her standards, then kick me out of her house.
>I look and dress like this
Based masochist.
Some subhuman shot a cat and filmed it. Now he's in court. I hope they lock him up.
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Just got a call back from a recruitment agency. They want to set me up with an interview for a job.
>job is almost fully remote (will have to travel into the office once a month, which will take me 60-70 minutes each way)
>they will pay for me to do the next level of my accountancy training
>work looks easy and basic
>pays the apprenticeship wage for the first year (£6.40 per hour) and only £12 per hour afterwards
>i will have to speak on the phone sometimes
>company is morally evil

I cannot help the way that I am and I make no apologies for it.
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I keep getting impressed by this AI shit
turns out that it can sing in Portuguese, and actually does a great job at not sounding Brazilian
here's a fado about kidney stones that I had chatgpt write

absolutely vile
hope they do
>dunmer supremacist
As it should be.
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>Some subhuman shot a cat and filmed it. Now he's in court. I hope they lock him up.
They should use him for bayonet practice.
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mah n'wah
>company is morally evil
Civil servant?

You accepted to have an interview right?
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Yeah I hope they do too. And that he gets some ass ramming that tears up his insides a bit.
Honestly seems like an ok opportunity to get started! Easy recommendation for the future too. You get to stay at home and get paid for it
Seras of culture!
Why did this jpg blink at me
Finally something Herr Katerneger, I hope the interview goes well
I hate these things so fucking much.
>ding dings at you
>overtakes you on the fucking sidewalk of all places at 40 km/h
Hidden base in the Cloakwood, hidden base in the Cloakwood. There's NOTHING there! Only spiders, wtf?

Or it's just damn well hidden.

Also I will breed Imoen.
>company is morally evil
I'll take working at a pure evil company that has me throwing car batteries in to the ocean non-stop as long as it's organised and competent.
I'm so sick of working at useless places with useless people being useless at their job..
It's a fucking miracle the world works in any capacity.
You can accidentally lift your elbow and aim at the neck of the person doing this.
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>You accepted to have an interview right?
I said yes, but I don't have a date yet, because the recruiter needs to liaise with the company first to arrange a date and time.

I don't think most people realise how badly their social skills have atrophied until they have to have a conversation on the phone. Wonder if it's possible to get those back.
God, I fucking love Dunmer.
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Legit trying to get some work done but I don't know what I could do.
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>guy riding it falls down while turning and has half his face blown out by the pavement
Always a joy to see.
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Me too. I hope I don't piss and shit everywhere and immediately pass out from stress.
There's a lot of shit in that forest, it goes pretty deep. I mean, if you were going to build a secret base, you probably wouldn't build it right on the treeline.
>Also I will breed Imoen.
Wrinkled my nose in disgust, not gonna ngl.
>It's a fucking miracle the world works in any capacity.
I have this thought sometimes to. It's amazing that society works as well as it does when there's so much incompetence in this world.

That being said, I will probably end up being one of those incompetent people who makes managers rub their temples in stress.
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Well it's called sidewalk and they are using wheels to traverse it.
How evil?
Great idea.
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im fat
Good, you can turn the fat into muscle.
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Need to start renaming my files. Or cover my house in another layer of aluminium foil.
>How evil?
They've got up to some shenanigans in various African countries.
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I posted two girls claiming they were a match for Catnigga, but I did not post the first ultimate match I saw.


>1m78 (giantess, especially for Portuguese standards)
>Special ed teacher, meaning she can deal with his 'tism
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>Need to start renaming my files.
I don't remember filenames that consist of 13 numbers thoughbeitever.
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>giant portuguese woman who knows how to deal with retards
Wow, she was literally made for me.
I'm sure some of you will enjoy this one.
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Second round niqqa
Too big
Nvm, my bad catnigga. There's no way you posted at 9 AM.

I want to massage her back and relief her of muscle cramps if you catch my drift.
Good day med am back
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Not my thing either.
Slightly doomed but there's still many things to work on. Also I took next monday off because of the wedding.
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Great legs
That kind of people deserve the rope.
Mine just reached today 200,000km and hasn't given me any single mechanic problem since I got it with 183,000km, but God knows when the problems will start. I hope yours gets fixed ASAP without giving you major problems.
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Also milf coworker was wearing flower dress and heels
If you don't get a proper slanted roof I will personally drive to Aveiro and hammer your house down, fuck modern shoebox houses
Hahahahahahh, I think it's beautiful :D

Mmmm, nice shape <3

Good truck

I approve this project

Sounds good as fuck <3

Look at that...
She already has a boyfriend who's not me just like every woman on this planet
Were her boobs visible.
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>I can say that Brune's ancestor had only bad intentions. He was a thief, lazy and very vicious, from a young age.
>On several occasions he stole some brandy from me to drink.
>It wasn't me who fired him, it was he himself who didn't want to work anymore.
>He only had bad instincts.
>He was very poorly regarded in the community.
>He was a man we avoided employing for fear of being robbed.
>His mother was a drunkard and a lazy woman and I believe even a thief.
>His brother, Sneed, who is sheperd at Sneedcity, is worth absolutely nothing.
>This is an unwanted family.

Well /med/, did you have a gamer ancestor?
He had a decent stach btw
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>you probably wouldn't build it right on the treeline.
Yeah that's where I went wrong kek. I was searching the same area named Cloakwood, noy realising there are others like it. I was pixel hunting the same trees in, running in circle kek.
Finally I killed the evil fat wojak spider gf in her nest, got some sweet sword out of it and Khalid got another level in longbow. We're getting stronk now.
Minsc and Jaheira are still a bit mid as tanks gotta say. Even decked out, my MC is carrying them hard.
>Wrinkled my nose in disgust
I don't know, I like the anime hair childhood gf trope.
None of the girls are that great since characters aren't that fleshed out in 1. But I like my party I gotta say.
Achieved gold IV, can't stop playing League for now.
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Returned for a couple games, can't play this.
Uninstalled again for good this time.
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Alright we had fun, neeting all day. Now it's time to end it on a good note.
Going out for some borgir and then watching Furiosa with a fren
kek, I hope he turned it around and had a redemption arc.
I tried googling ugly unfinished galician houses with bricks showing to shit on the mighty aqruitectura galega, but I couldn't find a good enough example, so you're saved, for today...
Jokes aside, we're having a lot of talks and discussions about everything, we wanted a slanted roof after all. I'll give the architect his point though, and that is the slanted roof looked a bit awkward on the house layout as it is right now. Maybe we'll have to change the layout.
Died of starvation in jail.
>gold IV
>stops playing
You grinded for the victorious skin or just wanted to reach gold?
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huh... well at least he died huh... on his own terms.
How do you know about the moustache?
I acquired some pictures from his trial
that was a major win
Damn, must be old stuff.
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>see fat guy with a qt gf
>see unkempt mediocre metalhead with a qt goth gf
How? What's the meta, fuck!
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Damn bitch won't shower.
Nice. How did you aquire it? Archives?
I'm eating pistachio nougat again
Yeap, on site. from the trial
sadly it's not a close up
They gave you a copy?
no i took pictures
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Just bee urself.
going out was a big mistake
I just wanted to reach gold, I'm not very good so gold is fine for me.
>arrive to the gym to do 3 singles with 160 on the bench
>put 0 focus into it because just did 167.5 last Friday
>fail it
The gym is always humbling, you need to focus in the moment if you don't want to fuck it up.
Cool. It is funny in a way.
it was very based
so much files to take picture of though
I assume so. He must be a great-grandfather?
I like that, it fuels me for the next exercise session.
I talked about one of mine not too long ago I don't remember if you caught that or not.
i normally catch every kind of ancestors related post, the one that worked during the war but i don't remember for what exactly
Yeah, that one. I don't know for sure be he could've been working as a maintenance man in a hospital during WWII.
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>40% for the chuds according to latest poll
They must KEEP the BEES
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>tfw no qt fast food gf

Italy-Croatia is about to start, I'm nervous
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im outside your house
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Je suis le noir qui fait des tractions au portail.
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>Why did this jpg blink at me
cheeky wink that says "morag tong know your location"
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can't look at her without thinking of THAT mod
you know the one
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Italysisters..... it's so fucking over....
Slavbros master race! :D
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I will never apologize for loving tropical pizza
pineapple is amazing, such a versatile fruit
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>move tinder to Oslo, Stockolm and other minor cities in those countries
>zero matches
There are a few theories to explain this. Either my charm works on dark people, poor people or a combination of both, so i should probably aim to economically challenged melanine enriched lasses. Clown world.
I matched with a kazakh girl with confirmed profile that was beyond hot, but after the first message she unmatched my ugly ass.
Brapzilian cutie and Argensimian cutie instead gave me their number after some banter and actively try to keep the conversation flowing.
Pic related probably the cutest match so far, replies are slow but i'm still believing

why do girls answer to first message and then unmatch thoughbeit, i don't get it
Da, eto tak.
>why do girls answer to first message and then unmatch thoughbeit, i don't get it
Some sorta way of trolling lonely people so they would feel even more lonely. Many such cases!
I think it happens when you are at the bottom of the range they would accept from the 0.1s evaluation done before swiping right, unless you have a groundbreaking opener (pro tip: no such thing exist) they will just unmatch
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>too chuddy for Arab pussy
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Poopy problems again.
you posted that as shitaly came back
Why would you pass on that
Came back?
Sborrooooooooo morite tutti croati subumani di merda SEEE FORZA ITALIA
see >>198966231
they equalized in the very last moment, may have been eliminated if they did not, not totally sure but likely, now they are qualified and croatia may pass too

she won't like me anyway
and i want a relationship so no foreigners
>and i want a relationship so no foreigners
Non sequitur, girl is girl, what matters if foreigner
Ah football, ok.
if that was not clear, she says no chuds in her profile, that's the joke
i liked some arabs girls though, not this one i believe
some kind of arab mulatta gave me a like, seemed decent but i just don't want mulatoes so might as well not like back

don't want to have to deal with schizo muslims
office qt was part nafri tho.. would have still worshipped her
Nice, nice
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>she says no chuds in her profile
Sorry, i missed that, i thought you were the chud not wanting an araboid
Still, plenty dangerous brownies everywhere you look
Bed time.
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Just watched Furiosa with a friend. KINO of the highest order!
During the end credits, my (female) friend told me that revenge is wrong and if you kill your enemies, they win.
Also all the cycle of violence in the movie reminded her of current political event and all "the facists who want to kill arabs".
*glup* didn't know that was a thing! Also she's not your sis r-right?
Nevermind, Zaccagni scored a goal in the 99th minute. Italysisters we're so fucking back.
And an amazing one at that, these undeserved results at the last possible chance are always the sweetest (not as sweet as Modric's tears, of course)
I love football
Certified woman moments
Why do women always love what endangers and harms them
Kek women are the biggest racists out there lmao
Yeah I was left a bit speechless by those thoughts. Living a meme.
I don't know about all women but this girl is prey to trauma and anxiety, terminally online and an opinion parrot. She lacks common sense but she's a good person.
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sort of it's complicated, both of you have the blood of the god of murder because of magic sex shenanigans, but you could be completely different races
so that's how a human can be your elf's "sister"

Aerie is still the best girl tho
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actual woman moment
you must wage your battles with such brutality that vengeance becomes an impossibility, the Italian knows
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>the huge muscly motherfucker taking her picture on the window reflection
Machiavelli understood a lot of women and a lot of humankind:

"Io giudico ben questo, che sia meglio essere impetuoso, che rispettivo, perchè la Fortuna è donna; ed è necessario, volendola tener sotto, batterla, ed urtarla; e si vede che la si lascia più vincere da questi che da quelli che freddamente procedono. E però sempre, come donna, è amica de’ giovani, perchè sono meno rispettivi, più feroci, e con più audacia la comandano."

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