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Tomboy edition
FACT: Jews normalised hatred against Israel and Jews even among hardcore leftists who would never ever have spoken out against the Jew before.
Additionally their constant and endless cries of "antisemitism" have now forced a Streisand effect where people will be antisemitic on purpose just because everything is already antisemitism.
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Rorkes whip
Moderately sized, perfectly shaped breasts.
fact no one asked nigga
leftypol's thread
line manager off for two weeks (not that he gives a shit what i do anyway) and virutally nothing in my calendar
bugger all work to do as usual
how much longer can this go on for
Rorke doesn't have a whip that's not his moms
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kin 'ell
>how much longer can this go on for
5 years for me so far
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like looking into a pen of pigs wallowing in filth
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What's been your favourite gimmick from the first half of 2024?
is buying a car a good investment (in terms of time saved, getting to jobs etc) if I am unemployed but have about 8 grand to my name?

would I have to spend all that money on the car or could I get a functional car for like 2-3 grand?

I'm worried that I'll have no money to live, no buffer, if I spend it on a car. But at the same time if I have a car I can get to potential jobs much faster and it widens my area of influence.
are you a smelly pajeet or 47 years old
lame ass nigga spamming ai slop like it's facebook
do not reply to yanks
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because i can
ok whatever you say MUM #done
8 grand? get that flight book lad. It's over anyway
motorbikes are cheaper
mate of mine got a working car for £200 at leeds car auction
this was a long time ago and it wasn't a great car but it got us from leeds back to hull
he cleaned it up and sold it for £400 i think
it's the insurance and petrol that'll get you
Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster
Bit weird
well done with lots of ketchup is the only way to eat a steak. fuck you
thinking thoughts atm
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best off getting a modest car on pcp for under 200 a month
and overdose on heroin
Hang yourself in your hotel room.
he cant get credit if hes unemployed`
reckon you could beat alex ferguson in a fight?
he's 82 but he's probably very fit and strong for his age, plus he's scottish, and a very aggressive man
i reckon he'd fight dirty but i could take him
holy crap lois
Woke up like this haha
>is buying a car a good investment
What else loses a huge amount of its value right after you buy it? Nah I work in car insurance and don't own a car at all. I walk ten minutes to work. I use the money I'd spend on a car to live somewhere nice and central where I don't need a car
is that brain damage or acting?
hard to tell with footie players these days
they give car credit to absolutely anyone
>plus he's scottish
Scots haven't been intimidating in over 200 years
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Completely faking it
Taken the day off work to play Fallout 4 and watch House Of The Dragon and The Boys, smoking weed the whole time
the christian bowie
credits for mugs lets be real
When I say investment I don't mean a financial investment, I mean in terms of time saved.

Like I'm looking at jobs and at the map and often it would take 1+ hours via public transport to get there whereas it would be like 10-15 mins in a car.
Yes it's worth it, ignore that anon he's probably a larping neet
rorke aged 9 building murder rollercoasters in rollercoaster tycoon
Move close to where you want to work rather than looking for a job where you live, is my advice
you're a prisoner
scots tend to be pretty hard
most of the SAS are scottish
and a lot of them are gingers (including alex ferguson)
when have you ever seen a ginger lose a fight?
Shut up mongo stop trying to create another person dependent on a car
any fashion knowers here?

do green and yellow clothes go together? i know they're complimentary colours, but are they in an outfit?
based bloody nige
you're based
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Why do you give a fuck about people using cars?
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Explain how
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>dependent on a car
i.e. make use of a useful tool
milk boob
erotic sex boob
its the sensible choice for cars though
its only a pcp contract anyway
new Smiling Friends ep out too
What's this about
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arfb uuuu dleg iell osse
brainless reddit libtard talking point
women really do love hanging shit up on the walls, don't they
dadberg used to always get used cars but they would always end up having problems a few years down the line. Not due to bad owners, just due to their age.

now he does the whole PCP thing, basically driving a new car about the whole time with no risk of it ever breaking down, much prefers it. He's a boomer so flush with cash though, can afford these things.
Why do you give a fuck about people helping out people who are explicitly asking whether a car is a good investment or not by giving them an informed answer? I work with car valuation on a daily basis. I have a licence and have never owned a car and never needed to and have felt much freer than I would if I had to purchase and own and insure and maintain and drive and park and pay for and tax and protect and get through traffic and blah blah blah

I'm the perfect person to answer the question and you don't agree because you are the wrong person to answer it
face kinda looks like a dude's
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I am getting the life sorted. It isn't over yet!
reckon it's that nazi who got sparked out
aye i found it
Thought that was a boy and took me over ten seconds to see the tits
quaffing sugar free sunkist from my gay porn goblet
>Why do you give a fuck about people helping out people who are explicitly asking whether a car is a good investment or not by giving them an informed answer? I
Your is a biased answer
Working in car insurance doesn't make you an expert on the usefulness of cars
You're clearly a biased mong because you say shite like this
>have felt much freer than I would if I had to purchase and own and insure and maintain and drive and park and pay for and tax and protect and get through traffic and blah blah blah
Clearly either a sperg or a reddit mong, or both
dunno how people can afford cars

would need to win the lottery to ever hope of owning a car
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Can the weebs tell me if this woman is attractive or not as they all look the same to me
ive never understood the tomboy meme
I don't understand the appeal or what a tomboy even is supposed to be
I feel like it's just some online archetype that people just sort of obsessed on because it's been memed to death. Really it just seems to mean an innocent and cute girl with short hair and a tan
perhaps it's the idea that she'd generally be disinterested in men besides you that makes all you faggots happy.
she doesn't exist
Cars can be a money pit, I wouldnt become dependent on owning a car if you dont have to.
Shit randomly breaks on cars and you have to do routine maintenance on them, its pretty aids cost wise.
boyish coy look
>I'm the perfect person to answer the question
because you're an autist who can't handle the very minor administrative stress of owning a car?
>i.e. make use of a useful tool
Can you put it in your pocket? Let anyone else use it? Easily dispose of it? It's not a hugely useful tool. You can easily make use of a car as a tool by getting a taxi or something rather than owning one
2nd hand cars are cheap
love girls that look like boys
love boys that look like girls
Yeah she is definitely good looking.
Love Chinese womens facial structures.
Would quite like to get my own Chinese gf someday
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gonna have another fag and a cuppa
if you live in a city and within walking distance of work, a car might not make sense
just not cost-effective when there's public transport, uber, taxis, for the odd occasion when you need to go beyond walking distance
if you're taking one or two car rides a month, then owning a car will be a waste of time and money
Off the wanking
Off the booze
Off the 'bis
All vile muck
>Can you put it in your pocket? Let anyone else use it? Easily dispose of it? It's not a hugely useful tool.
bizarre standards for defining usefulness
tell us why you're REALLY so anti-car
you get the autism overwhelm when you think about driving, don't you? bet it makes you want to flap your little hands and scream lmao
to be fair I reckon my dislike of driving comes from the fact that I very likely have adhd (not autism) so you're right and I'll leave it at that

But if you crash or someone crashes into you I'm the one inevitably dealing with your case. I've actually seen the details of someone I used to know, someone who I know to have used /brit/ themselves, come up recently. some African crashed into them
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I drive a Nissan Fuga thanks for asking
It's my first car and I've had it for a bit over a month now
I have not figured out how to get the settings from Japanese to English yet

I was nervous about driving since I'm about a decade behind in experience compared to what I should be but basically everyone drives like a retarded faggot and breaks the rode code literally every time they drive
keeper landed pretty hard tho desu
>to be fair I reckon my dislike of driving comes from the fact that I very likely have adhd (not autism) so you're right and I'll leave it at that
good lad
autistic retards must know their place
done him
might learn to code
what language should i start with? python?
Fuga? i barely know her!
del GATO
Start with D
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got a new manager whos making my job not comfy, got too used to dossing off with a couple hours of work every day but this freak is 'monitoring productivity'
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I'm not autistic, I've just probably got adhd. Autistic people like cars. Vroom vroom, beep beep, and so on
i have no social media
wonder if that's even more of a red flag than saying nigger on social media
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You think Airplanes are useful?
You can't even put them in your pocket
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Beautiful day out today lads

Gonna go for a swim in the Mediterranean soon x
Car people are so autistic. Ahhhh I'm stuck still in traffic for a minute I'm going insane! Beep beep beep beep! Ahhhh I've got road rage! (autistic tard rage)
any white clappers about
That'll help with your career prospects as coding jobs are very short on applicants and generally just under-saturated
You don't have to own an airplane to use one do you mate. Private jets are bad too
more like nissan fugaddaboutit
heh heh, hear what i said tone?
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>yang sanpaku eyes
every single time

i don't want a coding job, i just want to be sitting in a dingy basement wearing sunglasses with 5 different screens scrolling green text furiously tapping away trying to hack my way into highly secure databases and whatnot
its time to drink water!
Buy used cars
Buying new or financed cars is for morons
Yeah you can get something decent for 3k
Just get a supermini like a Polo, Fiesta, Mazda 2 or i20
Ah the old morning routine of drinking 4 cups of tea and chain smoking in the garden for an hour. Can’t beat it really
if the matrix were real i'd take the blue pill, the real world looks shit
Dumb idea since a mortgage or rent is a much bigger cost
yeah yeah
perhaps you ought to get a JOB
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so freaking true
Business idea: Get a Chinese woman pregnant
protessor of grimology
Yeah but unless you're living with mum you've got to do one or the other anyway. Without a car you could afford to rent somewhere nicer and better
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whats he gonna say?
3 years of lifting body still looks barely above average, i certainly haven't achieved 1/2/3/4, reckon it's time to admit i don't have the genes for it and give it up
the recs
Surely coffee goes better with a cig no?
Have you been eating correctly?
pakis out out out
need btc to pump
He’s going to drop an N-bomb
I can't stop; i hate myself too much.
do you honestly think you're going to ask me anything i haven't already asked myself in 3 years?
Most cybersecurity breaches aren't even done by hacking, they are done by what basically amounts to a speech check to convince people to share security details or let you in to restricted areas
Crazy how most youtube content these days isnt about anything
Do you think is a major chud politician did this it would help or hurt them?
at this point I honestly think it would probably be a benefit
only 2 more months until my year-long contract expires at my current gym and i can go back to my old one which was way better
hate lock-in contracts
*sips tea and lights another ciggy*
You can't live without a car in Britain outside of London lol
I live at home and drive to work
Rorke fuming at men who look like women
Mildly accepting of women who look like men
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they're only 1.5 litres but i don't think i've ever finished one
they always end up getting left out with a bit in them and i don't want 2 day old water so i tip it and crack open one out of the fridge
still worth it though
getting internationally educated/aroused
pinching my little willy until it bursts with pus
haha yeah I'm good I'm just a bit tired y'know?

*gets pulled into a black hole and crushed into an orb*
wonder when the ps5 pro is coming out
been putting off buying a ps5 because i know they're going to make one
>has all the blinds and windows open
Going to buy silver teeth wahey
The Schedj
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a ru fud buli ueeo gls ls e
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crying my eyes out to the scene from the spongebob movie where spongebob and patrick nearly die under the heat lamp
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Mad how if I told a “therapist” what’s actually going on in my head I’d be locked up in the looney bin and they’d throw away the key. Sat there in my straight jacket in a padded room with cartoon birds flying in circles above my head
for a second i thought they might actually die at the end of the inbetweeners movie where they went to australia
where is this image from
glasto on wednesday lads x
Bridge to Terabithia
Good film which I definitely didn't cry to while watching as a kid
Most jobs will ask if you have a car, it will open up employment opportunities as you can get to places further out.
more comedy movies should end with all the characters dying
cartoon birds were used for head injuries mate
Saw it in some 4chan thread and saved it
I have a licence at least. In any case the sorts of jobs I'm applying to aren't ones where I would be driving out to meet clients and shit it's more like shelf stacking or other entry level crap.
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Just found out how they found the optimal treatment for frostbite.
I am saving it now too
it reminds me of something I felt as a child
they had us read the novel in year 8, bawled me eyes out
jap bastardds
we did alright for a couple of goofballs
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can you name the truck with four wheel drive
smells like a steak and seats thirty-five
got so drunk over the weekend that my recycle bin icon on my pc desktop changed
no idea how, or how to change it back
baffling state of affairs to wake up to
peep show should've ended with a murder-suicide, would've been less depressing
Animalbergs love their licking don't they
bunch of mongs
just realised how terrifying it must be to be cat food
old enough to remember when ASR was big on /tv/

really must leave this website and or end my own life
the chinks can do anything. the future is bright
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Yeah but have you actually
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After all Emma Watson does have a great ass. Stinky, yes, but cute.
we're animals you TWAT
enjoyed this webm
he almost certainly hasnt been
that's the next 46 minutes of my day sorted
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>homo (purple link)
my dads been hiding from me for years haha
speak for yourself you homo
tfw I put effort into YT vids and get a few thousand views whilst these retards produce brain rot and get millions

it's not FAIR
>Ipsos poll puts Reform UK on 35% in Rotherham
you wont post your channel though
not really been paying much attention to all the election guff to be honest

not arsed
Bottom uohhhh
Bizzare how any Rotherhamites can be pro-Labour after what they did 10 years ago
Utterly utterly utterly BIZARRE

imagine being so tribal in your politics you continue supporting kiddie rape team
150+g of protein a day, 3000ish calories
must be literally every white person there
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Got a pic of your grandpa nigga
well its clearly not enough nigga
because it's still tiny
he's going to double down on the russia shit instead of just ignoring it
fucking retard he is falling for the media's bait
Labour aren't responsible it was pakis and a negligent police force
l like tiny channels they can be comfy. Can you say what you make videos about at least?
Don't like this many foreign flags in brit
>Published in February 2015, the Casey report concluded that Labour-led Rotherham Council was "not fit for purpose". Casey identified a culture of "bullying, sexism ... and misplaced 'political correctness'", along with a history of covering up information and silencing whistleblowers. The child-sexual-exploitation team was poorly directed, suffered from excessive case loads, and did not share information.[189] The council had a history of failing to deal with issues around race: "Staff perceived that there was only a small step between mentioning the ethnicity of perpetrators and being labelled a racist."[190] The Pakistani-heritage councillors were left to deal with all issues pertaining to that community, which left them able to exert disproportionate influence, while white councillors ignored their responsibilities. Councillor Jahangir Akhtar, in particular, was named as too influential, including regarding police matters.
Rorke taking his headphones off to check no sound is leaking and nobody can hear him listening to jpop
aye geography vids
DID YOU KNOW and then 60 seconds about country with the most x, coutnry with the least y, some obscure thing on the global map or focusing on something unique about one specific nation
it's pure shorts atm hence the egregious subs/vids ratio
hoping once I move onto longer vids the subs will come through
Big items on the radio 1 news today: Scotland team performance in the Euros

The kid who went missing in Ibiza

How inflation and cost of living is making it harder for drag queens to get into the professional drag circuit, with interviews with Ru Paul’s drag race contestant Tia Coffee
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Imam told me femboy porn was haram at the masjid after Fajr prayer
>3000ish calories
Might not be enough depending on your height and activity level
perfect career for the autist man is geography videos on youtube
Might get into making geography videos on youtube
I ain't reading alla dat
Why can't they just call it a mosque like the rest of us
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i'm 6'1 and don't do any cardio
do labour voters actually believe this?
i thought they just hated poor white girls because they're poor and white
bet you use that ai slop tiktok voiceover
China is collapsing
it's a human
not me though
women think its unreasonable when i ask them for a no make up picture before i take them on a date, don't see how they can blame me
My calories you ask?

inb4 too much protein
I know, I'm trying to lower it, I always struggle with having too much
don't understand how people struggle getting 200g a day
mine doesn't reply when i send him a text

Good idea lad.

Thinking I might get in on the chud culture war grift by starting a channel where I just read Daily mail articles about diversity in media
need to make sure your thumbnails are good, i started paying for an editor which seemed counter productive at first but it kick started my channel
Thinking about the time I delivered a package to Joe Gomez and he was very nice and it made me feel bad for calling him shit
fucking sick of this niggering cold
wish we just had summer-autumn-spring with no winter tbqh someone should try and make that happen
can't blame them when i use make up to make my small 6 inch dong look like a 9 inch monster
>pick up some yank drink in the petrol station that I've never seen for sale before
>134% daily sugar intake
ah yes
you and a million others
best of luck lid, even the ones who make it wanna kill themselves after 12 months of it
stop killing babies
would you recommend getting into package delivery work?
can I request a 2hr video essay about the erosion of the cliffs at Walton-on-the-Naze
Nobody in this country hates anybody because "they're poor and white" get off the internet
two servings, fat cunt
hows about this for package delivery
*unzips dick*
move to queensland
watching some little girls run around
I live on a higher dimension than all of you NPCs
you cannot even contemplate the thoughts that run through my mind on a second by second basis
genuinely don't know why I've been given the Israel flag, my VPN is set for Glasgow
Could really go for a handwich right about now
feel like SHIT
looks like elton john's arsehole mid-fart
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b fu rug auel ulle des is o
waiting for my GP to ring. Hate it
Punch yourself in the face
>two servings, fat cunt
you heard the lady
looks like half a croissant with a pice of fried chicken covered in some sort of maple sauce that somebody has jizzed on
Depends on what kind of job. Evri and other ones that pay per delivery are pretty shit because you run around trying to earn enough. Royal Mail and others with stupid targets you just get moaned at all day. Amazon or Argos are pretty chill and easy work, just don’t be the worst performing driver and you can just drive about all day and hope you don’t run into too many arseholes
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sir poo barmer
i'd never heard of this. thanks my foreskin-less friend
gay poo?
bought some avocados nearly a week ago and they still haven't softened up, take the piss
Who the fuck is Joe Gomez? Sounds Mexican
a black footballer (english)
might buy some grapes
lovely and refreshing they are
2.6 servings, pedantic cunt
we at /brit/ have a shared responsibility to elevate black trans voices
I'm voting for the gay porn party
Fortnite's fucking unbeatable now that the summer kids are on. FUCK this game.
Sounds alright. I will have a look at Argos.

What I'd really like to do is the supermarket deliveries. Seems comfy and chilled out.
love a refrigerated clementine on a hot day x
elevate them onto the gallows
already done and dusted
rorke! rorke you can't say that, rorke!!
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The numbers don't lie /brit/
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that's utter bullshit
if you think people of a certain demographic being gang raped is a price worth paying for "diversity" then yes, you hate that demographic at least enough to disregard their most basic human rights
labour voters wouldn't stand for middle class girls, or black or brown girls, being kidnapped and tortured by the thousand, i guarantee it
but white girls in foster care? they're not even human to a labour supporter
this nigga just lost to a squeaker and came on /brit/ to whinge about it omdz
Argos was very easy in terms of work load. Have a search for Argos lfc or local fulfilment centres, just turn up at a warehouse load some shit in a van and off you go. I think local stores on high street don’t do deliveries anymore
What? I hate poor white people
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4chan infographs do be like that
You're deluded, please I'm begging you go touch grass
right fuck it I'm going to greggs
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exactly how am i wrong?
you care about impoverished white girls, just not enough to vote against the party that openly encourages them to shut up about being gang raped "for the sake of diversity?"
what are you like towards people you don't care about?
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Use this pic for the next edicione...Pls, I'm begging you...
Might get into shibari
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pretty much every labour candidate in any northern shithole you can name is a paki who hates this country
and and caption it something like...ummm..."/brit/: comfy edition" or something haha...

Not difficult to make a woman squeal is it
imagine the drip
Lol what are you talking about I don't live in Rotherham so can't vote for or against their labour council in the first place
What is the bizzare little character you s concocted in your own mind just to get angry at?
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I went nearly three months without a line manager
Can't remember what it's called but this is allegedly some stupid legal menthol powder that is allowed at the festival.

Of course the whole thing is obviously so that you can just take lines of actual gear at the table with plausible deniability.
remember when the mainstream media went hard mocking "muslamic rayguns" because one numpty did a voxpop and pronounced it funny but then it turned out there actually were muslim rape gangs abusing countless english schoolgirls and not a single comedian or journalist apologised lol
lol that bitch just wasted about $1000 of coke
woman on the train was reading lolita
need these femnonces apprehended

Got the day off work and have no clue what to do with it. I feel guilty for not working and don't really have anywhere to go or anyone to go with. Toilbergs absolutely mind broke me.
had cocaine once and it was horrid
more of a opiate man me
none of these words are in the bible
Those are some fat lines
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Lolita is surprisingly popular among women. Much more than men
Of course they act indignant if they see you eyeing up a schoolgirl but then they go home and touch themselves to the thought of getting dicked by their old high school teacher
Complex creatures
Hello? Do you know where you are right now? You started mumbling your life story all of a sudden, so I'm a bit worried for you
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>I don't live in Rotherham
are you really just finding out that it wasn't limited to rotherham?
naz shah isn't the mp for rotherham so i guess she has nothing to do with it, right?
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>Leftypol turning a blind eye to this one

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