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how have you found me again
poo smells lmao
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'magine if jannies started implementing the same "off topic" rules within threads that they force on OPs
/brit/ would be much better for it
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So we will press on with developing clear, compelling and consistent UK offers, tailored to their needs and our strengths, spanning trade, development, defence, cyber security, technology, climate change and environmental protection. Because we know that in the coming decades there will be economic shocks, and climate change will have its baleful effects, and countries will want technology, finance and access to markets to support their development.

we're live
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*incel sigh...* another incel day of my incel life comes to an incel close
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just begun for me!
I was talking finances with a mate and he rattled off some numbers and they were all higher than mine and i thought it was reasonable but at least he still has a mortgage. i then asked what interest rate he was paying on his mortgage and he said he paid it off 3 years ago (cunt is only just over 30).

is it possible to still be mates with someone when they completely and utterly mog you in every way financially?
Leftypol loading a cropduster with McDonald's banana thickshakes
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hmmmm.... interesting ...
Didn't poo yesterday and now I'm currently dropping a massive 10lb poo. Think I need more fibre.
got the gammon waffle on
odds bacon and eggs
evens bowl of cereal
dubs nowt
I had some uni mates but started making lot more money a lot earlier than them
Don't speak now, just have different worldviews
Got quite a few rellies who got wiped out in 1919
yes, easily, why do you care so much

I'm on good money but have friends on 200k, 400k etc. who cares?
leftypol using acceptable racial slurs again is he
leftypol is the real racist
why are white people like this
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It's almost 4th of July
*Sneezes on you*
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>Lose some weight
>Arms get skinnier
>Legs get skinnier
>Belly stays the same but looks bigger compared to my skinnier limbs
Look like a potato with some cocktail sticks in it. Fuming
Lot of Reform voters in the house today I see lol
how do I monetise swearing
I'm voting reform on the 4th of July
why are you brown
swear jar
swear jar lad
Thought you were a muslim
Shouldn't be concerning yourswlf with such things
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
It's just Rorke, don't mind him
Me too
Stop reading fanfics on Reddit you weirdo
Rorke be like
>vulnerable people don't need the flu vaccine! they should just toughen up and die of a preventable disease, because i reckon vaccines cause autism, even though there's no credible evidence of this whatsoever!
Ktim my body is so fucking nasty
Water retention, cut carbs (especially sugar) and salt
you are the credible evidence
There are billions of people poorer than you, and probably at least a billion people richer than you.
maybe if you went to the gym some more you would get some testosterone in your body and stop voting for labour spainnonce
almost completed the purchase of my first house init

big 5 bed semi but we're extending it to 6 bed. just gonna be me and my gf living there both said we don't want kids for like 5 years at least just wanted a big gaff init
who makes 200k, 400k etc?

how'd you make money?
>there's no evidence
>here is some evidence
Mental how autism is real but ADHD isn't
Are you rich or do you just live in Shitterton
fast for a couple days, cut out carbs for a week, you'll lose a ton of water weight
t. average DINK londoner
>how'd you make money?
Writing code, the market in the early 2010s wasn't too bad
Best test of whether you have ADHD is to feed you speed and find out whether it improves or ruins your life
arab guru flag will pose
ankh rule fund built euro gold as everything
but full drug fuel rule does its own
(excluding very sexy)
(earlier setzer lockbox)
Won’t it just come back after? Do I just never eat carbs or drink water again?
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earth to rorke, this is earth to rorke, can you hear me rorke?
how was he able to pay it off so early, did he buy a cheapo house and dedicate all his money towards the mortgage?
Alright grandad
lawyers and finance guys

some coding friends on 130-160 too
>Do I just never eat carbs or drink water again?
Just eat less carbs
And obviously you still need to drink water you doughnut
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Autism is a symptom of mental retardation, it's not actually a condition by itself
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I thought I'm still standing by elton john was billy joel.....
Would you listen to yourself? You sound demented
>Here is the evidence
I don't see any evidence in your post
>but have friends on 200k, 400k etc. who cares?
Oh my God shut the fuck up you larping mong
imgaine what you could do if you had the raw masculinity and street smarts of mikey mixed with the iq and education of diego
we earn a lot and the house is in a safe but extremely boring non-descript part of london, so both i guess
>nigel walking in like a boxer
Suppose I should learn about the English civil war
The Redeeming Man
reckon she's mental
>does [Elden Ring] have a Water Temple equivalent
Dunno, I haven't played it, I just watched videos. But it's another fantasy game where you walk around slashing things with your sword, and you use other items I think, like in Zelda.

>I think Dark Souls 2 fits that bill [of being a "grown up Zelda"] better [than Elden Ring]
Fair enough.
we won
Give me the key points after please mate. Don’t know anything about it. Something about roses or catholics or the separation of church and state I think
wouldn't be any point presenting it to you would there?
pearls before swine etc

you sound vaxxed
It's good to learn about wars
Every man should have at least one war that they want to learn everything about, it's just good practice
exercise and a lower carb diet will help keep excess water weight off but it's not like it's a bad thing anyway, your bodyweight will vary by like 2kg+ per day due to water weight changes anyway it's completely natural
Leader of the Opposition
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I am interested in the war for pussy
Are you retarded
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0 (+0)
me on the right sat alone
close to 5 years since covid and rorke (homealone) is STILL banging on about it
Is he gonna do something about the face or just look like a stereotypical gay man all his life?
>>Arms get skinnier
>>Legs get skinnier
>>Belly stays the same but looks bigger compared

Those are the keys to aesthetical life
he looks like the bloke that jerked off on the woman's feet in the new game of thrones show
hobbly fella
the war of the roses is different to the english civil war
i created that screenshot and have been trying to educate people about electricity and it's harmful effects on biological life
who is rorke?
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Sometimes when I feel bad about my body I go on YouTube and look at Indian bodybuilding competitions and it makes me feel better about myself. Am I racist?
for me, it's the greco-persian wars
i can learn about multiple wars because i'm brainy
nope sorry not going to let you forget vaxxtard
if farage destroys the tory party i will be a very happy boy, the tories absolutely pissed away any goodwill they had left with anyone. tories will just be the paki party after this election

altho wouldn't put it past mi5 to completely scupper any chance of reform doing too well
no such thing as english civil war it was an invasion the english lost
wyboi cuckold...
do people really do this? Starving yourself? Is that really a healthy thing to do?
filthy nonce they all need stringing up by their balls
he's a tradie and i'm not. actually unironically that simple

nice mate. the misso is looking to do coding. might be about 15 years too late but she's happy

£400k is heaps of money desu
Mad how this feller singlehandedly destroyed one of the most iconic marketing campaigns of the 1980s
I thought the war of the roses was a civil war
what a beautiful day. days like these are the reason carberg is a convertible. might take him out for a spin but cba getting out of bed
>no such thing as english civil war
That's like calling the Montagues vs the Capulets a civil war
no way lawyers make that much
corrrrr could you imagine japan invaded us in ww2 and we get to be resistance fighters like in europe
throwing molotov cocktails at jap tanks rolling through the bombed ruins of your neighbourhood
Saint Isaac of Syria says, “Meager food at the table of the pure cleanses the soul of those who partake from all passion . . . for the work of fasting and vigil is the beginning of every effort against sin and lust . . . almost all passionate drives decrease through fasting.”

If you dont fast, you're a wanker, facts
Was talking to my mate about foreskins at the pub yesterday and the bar lady walked past and heard
The War of the Roses was a civil war, it's just not the one commonly referred to as THE English Civil War.
England has had at least 8 civil wars.
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my arse
my arse will tear a new fart again
You're friends with CFOs and principal counsels are you? In your 40s are you?
see how they are content doing a bus tour while younger generations need at least 4 overseas flights per year. that's why old cunts are rich and young people cry into their avocado toast
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No but you are
Disappointed that the Stuff The British Stole episode about the Elgin marbles didn't have anything about how much of a fuckup the Parthenon temple was
I want him
Not a war
tomorrow when the war began (1993)
I guess it's possible for someone on 4chan to have friends in the top 0.1% of earners
"By fasting it is possible both to be delivered from future evils and to enjoy the good things to come. We fell into disease through sin; let us receive healing through repentance, which is not fruitful without fasting."

Saint Basil the Great
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why are they like this
fuck me haven't thought about that one in years
used to have imagination wanks i could pause time then would do all sorts of lewd stuff to teachers in school desu
"Fasting is the mother of health; the friend of chastity; the partner of humblemindedness (illnesses are frequently born in many from a disorderly and irregular diet)."

Venerable Simeon, the New Theologian
>Stuff The British Stole
sounds exactly like the kind of thing i would never watch (or listen to)
too busy going abroad and nicking stuff haha
wish there was an archive of vintage gameshow episodes in good quality instead of horribly compressed VHS rips
like price is right and big break and that
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now THATS irish diaspora
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So how are you lads enjoying the new elden ring dlc
tap waterberg tasting more grim than usual
seen many a JAV that's basically exactly this
Didn't fasting generally mean one small meal per day and forgoing things like meat/fish/dairy, rather than completely going without food
that's a popular japanese fetish
seen more than a couple of videos in which the lad does exactly that
often with his teachers as well
don't want to play it until the weather cools down as my flat gets roasting in the summer and im afraid my laptop will melt, playing less demanding games until then
I actually voted for Reform mate (unironically)

I hate Starmer’s Labour so I did a protest vote.
Farage has won back my vote
stopped playing these games after dark souls 3
just the same thing over and over
"Fasting is wonderful, because it tramples our sins like a dirty weed, while it cultivates and raises truth like a flower."
- St. John Chrysostomos

"The reason that fasting has an effect on the spirits of evil rests in its powerful effect on our own spirit. A body subdued by fasting brings the human spirit freedom, strength, sobriety, purity, and keen discernment."
- St. Ignatiy Brianchaninov

"True fasting lies is rejecting evil, holding one's tongue, suppressing one's hatred, and banishing one's lust, evil words, lying, and betrayal of vows. "
- St. Basil the Great

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the verdict?
utter bollocks
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most people in "finance" are making deano money. gf went to cambridge and works in private equity, there's a chance she'll make millions in like 8+ years time but she's just turned 30 and makes just shy of £300k

out of all her uni friends she's said she's fairly certain none of them make more than her, there's maybe one guy who is close to earning the same

so if a bunch of cambridge grads in their late 20s/early 30s working some of the highest paying careers (pretty much all of them are in finance or law) aren't making £400k i doubt many others in the country are at all

i make low 100s working as a software dev and i get the impression i out earn almost all of them
drank a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka last night with money i got from the dole
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Did me postal vote before I left x
know what my next wankeroo will be over now
We at /brit/ wish Princess Anne a speedy recovery
raspberry fanta zero sugar is up there with pepsi max dare i say
my mum does this. frolicks around the country retired on all sorts of silly trips, not a care in the world. am very happy for her
average breast size of the women who live in the buildings across the street from me is honestly quite impressive, aside from a couple of flatties there are at least five women with no children between the ages of 20 and 40 who are at least a d cup, and all but one are thin and even the bigger one isnt outright fat
Disappointed you voted for a transphobic party. Employed Woman won't be happy.
"There is both a physical and a spiritual fast. In the physical fast the body abstains from food and drink. In the spiritual fast, the faster abstains from evil intentions, words and deeds. One who truly fasts abstains from anger, rage, malice, and vengeance. One who truly fasts abstains from idle and foul talk, empty rhetoric, slander, condemnation, flattery, lying and all manner of spiteful talk. In a word, a real faster is one who withdraws from all evil.

As much as you subtract from the body, so much will you add to the strength of the soul."

Holy Hierarch Basil the Great

It's not just food. In my church the food rules:(see image)
mainly wednesdays and fridays are fast days, e.g. this week is no fast because apostles fast (a long fast, 4 a year including lent) starts next week, monday is an f2
same as me except it was friday/saturday night and it was rum not vodka
Nothing was stolen everything in our museums would have been broken down and sold for slop or scrap even we were guilty of it Oliver Cromwell melted down the original St Edward's Crown and jewels
the so called steaming deck
Those that are being grifted can't see that they're being grifted
wearing my pooey hoodie
it's illegal to take a picture of it
sorry son but i have to take you in
Like I said I don’t agree with their policies or not all of them anyway I voted as a protest vote
Rules for Medieval Lent were as follows:
>46 days of fasting
>Ash Wednesday and Good Friday were black fasts: no food at all.
>No food from waking until 3pm (the hour when Christ died). This practice of fasting till 3pm goes back to the 5th century (see Socrates’ Church History V.22).
>No animal meat or fats (no lard).
>Fish was allowed.
>No eggs.
>No dairy products: milk, cheese, cream, and butter. However, Catholics of the British Isles before the arrival of Saint Augustine of Canterbury were still consuming dairy products and perhaps eggs during Lent. Roman influence brought this to an end.
>Wine and beer were allowed.
>Medieval Europeans during Lent subsisted on bread, vegetables, and salt.
>No sexual intercourse between spouses.
>No Sundays off. All these rules apply for 46 days. The 6 Sundays in Lent were relaxed liturgically (less penitential), but the fasting and abstinence were not relaxed on Sundays.
>For the Good Friday black fast, many would begin fast from Maundy Thursday night till about noon on Saturday. The Easter Vigil was usually celebrated about noon on Saturday and this ended the Lenten fasting officially.
However they would then have a lovely big Holy Week feast at the end
i left half a can of baked beans out all night open is it still good to eat?
Nice, now you can shitpost everywhere so you never have to engage with the real world
Yeah probably. It’s just beans innit
is that fosters shandy any good or nah
>However, Catholics of the British Isles before the arrival of Saint Augustine of Canterbury were still consuming dairy products and perhaps eggs during Lent. Roman influence brought this to an end.
Foren bastids
I took that picture in Minecraft mate
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Always find it funny when you get asked to vote Labour or Tory in Scotland despite the fact that these parties have done nothing but show us that they simply do not give a shit about Scotland in anyway and are just English parties with conclaves in Scotland voting for English interests
>deano money
>makes just shy of £300k
that is not deano money
i wouldn't risk it
it's only beans innit they're about 20p
SNP are no better
Need the whole lot cleared out, start fresh.

forgot image
>Medieval Europeans during Lent subsisted on bread, vegetables, and salt.
but i want them and cba going to shop for more
what if he gets hit by a car on the way to the shop for more beans
my mate's girl is a lawyer and he said even though it is EXTREMELY oversaturated, if you work your arse off like an autist you can make bucketloads

she went Newcastle uni, got her LLB and everything and has done like two dozen internships at various places
just works her fucking arse off, 16 hour days, volunteers on Saturday - he barely sees her

If you're willing to put in hard hard hard hard hard graft, you can make it work I guess.
I went for the pleb root where you can be pathetically mediocre and still earn a decent living (codemonkey)

North of 6 figs is mad though, bear in mind pre-tax percentiles as of 21/22 FY are:
>Top 50%
>Top 25%
>Top 10%
>Top 5%

bloody piss mate
post tits
my gf owns private equity firms
christmongs boring us to death as per
i[m thinkin bout thos beans
alright fine I had a feeling it was probably wank
just want to get drunk and watch old generation game episodes
you wanted to get drunk on a shandy?
I see "private equity gf" lad is back after an extended break.
Life as a lawyer sounds like the work schedule of a small/medium business owner with even less prospect of ever gaining passive income
And they do that until they're 60/70
might have a full english breakfast that i will also be paying for with dole money
Tfw slumming it in the 92nd percentile
don't understand why people talk about their salaries before tax when it's not representative of what you actually make
chilli, red hot chilli texas style
and we got ginger ale, boilin hot ginger ale texas style
mad how turbo-mental women are. sometimes i go on aita on reddit and just pick a thread where a man is asking if he's the asshole and the comments are just 100% railing him and wishing death on him for shit like only doing some of the chores instead of all of them or feeling sad that his family didn't wish him a happy father's day.
Why bother doing the calculation? More is still more
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just saying i wouldn't risk it
you don't know what's growing on them
could be mold
i found this helpful resource online and highlighted some relevant parts for you
toil is for slaves
I'm not much of a drinker, if I start chugging 5% pints I just get tired and queasy x

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you can get back to talking about shites and gay porn
>sometimes i go on aita on reddit
dont know what that is but you should go back there rather than continuing to post here
you sound like a massive poof
your dad uses a flymo
im risking it
going to cook the fuck out of them
reddit is a jewish psyop that’s specifically designed to be terrible
I pay £0 in tax and contribute nothing yet I still get a vote in 10 days. Mental really
i'll post wherever i want because im an adult and not a virgin who has fucking loyalty to a social media website lmao
Very antisemitic this
nothing ventured nothing gained as they say aha
You contribute nothing to this thread either you boring cunt
im one of the lads, goys
okay just remember
fresh beans should have a firm texture
I've just never got on with alcohol me, I'm not going to apologise for it
Well that’s just clearly not true
Sent that doss freak flying back to the workhouse
they are pretty much normal as they can be
drenched in sugar and salt too
same lol
i think most food safety guidelines are to protect people with compromised immune systems like the elderly and infirm
if you're a normal bloke you should be fine
poo world order
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im geekin of thos beans
garden variety tranny
get on the gin
or vodka
3 minutes in to NoFap
mad how trannies are mostly all violent perverted men and a few broken abused women proper weird cult
Get in
Morning guys. Need to wash my toil uniform.
need to throw yourself off a bridge
who are you voting for?
need to wash you cock and balls
feel bad for saying that now sorry
sometimes wish i still lived alone so i could get day drunk and do ket all the time, but then i remember when i lived alone for 1.5 years it only took a year of that for me to get fired from my job
hey mayn its aight
i forgive you
we all make mistakes
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>Rapper Julio Foolio tragically posted on social media 'God thank you for allowing me to see another year' just hours before he was shot dead at his 26th birthday party.
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Based. Reform will deal with the tranny menace.
jewcord in
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Might start doing push-ups
might not
dresses like my cousin
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If there's no credible evidence why does this exist, leftypol?
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erm... hello
need to wash your knickers (in my mouth)
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*slaps you in the face repeatedly, after about 10 slaps you start to think 'when the fuck is he going to stop' and when it gets to 25 slaps you just start screaming*
been doing this for 2 years and still employed by toilberg
Your semen is quite literally where your vril is stored. Unspent sexual energy is what stirs men to action. Sexual frustration is core vitality and it drives men to fight, build, create, invent, and reshape themselves and the world around them.
The porn industry is a demonic, parasitic machine designed to sap your vitality and keep you a dull, docile, unmotivated slave without the willpower to fight. When you coom, you worship demons, and offer a piece of yourself as a sacrifice. That's why porn is free.
Those that rule us are vampires, they sap us financially, physically and spiritually.
Stop watching porn. Stop masturbating. Practice semen retention. Don't cum in a woman you don't want kids with.
Reclaim your vitality.
screaming with ecstasy because your punishment made me cream my undies :3c
...aw ye?
nice, they've got Look Around You on iplayer
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perfect burgah
Fuckin hell, 4chan porn boards have been absolutely shit lately. THE SAME THREADS HAVE BEEN UP FOR THE PAST 4 MONTHS, MAKE NEW ONES FOR GOD'S SAKE
you ever shagged her?
white people don't tend to shag their relatives
that's more of a brownie thing
horrible little hobgoblin, me
Brits could've voted for the NF in the 1970s or BNP in 1997-2010 but didn't

Britcattle boomers made their choice and we have to clean it up
Shut up rasheed
oi l saw this post earlier
How are we all today lads
Farage's first grandchild was born on Brexit day
cousin marriage used to be common in Europe
Sorry, I’m still voting for Walt Disney!!! on the 4th of July
>you betrayed our race, gramps!
We've all been there lads
only in royal (jewish) bloodlines
they did
just did an unusually small poo
not murder
Is that a crime now? Woke gone mad
Had a dream that me, Rishi, Farage and Starmer (someone else too i think) went out for lunch wearing different coloured ties relating to our parties. Mine was orange.

Cant remember what else happened desu

Based. The prophecy is true.
Gonna see a prossie come Wednesday.
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well there you have it then lads
There’s only one Gregg ITT and he’s a bald French TWAT
fuck off sacked tranny you evil ghoul
going max corrspaffen
worst pepe i've seen in my entire life
Also i seem to have alot of dreams involving going in tall buildings. I think its because i never actually go in tall buildings in my day to day life and its something of a fear for me.
needs a solid blackening.
lmao this looks like bollocks
this is a big poo general
wouldn't mind shagging my cousin desu
one cousin and two sisters need a proper turn
So me using a trip triggered Spainlard do grab some attention via his cuck VPN?
yes that's what we need as we get swamped with browns, a total lack of group identity
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the onion farts are back
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>and two sisters
>two sisters
Yeh that would be me
get them both down to bondi beach and shagged lad
Not like any party is offering any sort of cultural volkishness
If you want to stick around in /Brit/ I strongly suggest you treat Spaino with the dignity and kindness he deserves.
saw my dad's dick once when we were both pissing and his adult dick compared to my child dick has made me feel inadequate ever since even though my adult knob is above average size
No im afraid hes a proper freak. Unlike you my princess.
Oh is it? Won't mind posting a picture of it then, will you?
boris johnson is a serious wanker
War has broken out between the crows and magpies
Looks like a turf war
me too
done 4 wanks today already
yes he is
the misso has always loved bondi and i never understood why haha
get the fucking new made

what are you playing at
I never even knew how much of a wanker he was until he became totally irrelevant and out of the picture, causing him to beg for attention
I've been doing malteaser poos lately. Very dense though.
mumbergs got her feet up on the coffee table again
niggas never change
get them licked and sucked lad x
a major mingemarrow
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Just woken up. Had a huge McBrek (2 wraps and a double sos, 5 eggs total) around 6am before bed so can only imagine what's about to go down in the bog.
grab your cocks when you see 2pac
are you an attractive aussie woman like in peep show?
Don't see many new colours getting discovered these days
fat hairy smelly gay bloke soz lad
*starts stomping around the thread*

mihai would have loved you, bruce
bore off VPN nonce
ewww no wtf
I can show /brit/ a good time
*pokes my ceiling a few times with a broom handle*
just realised how fucking cringe panel shows are
Using this one
Did the man crowbar his pre-written, by someone else, joke into his answer?

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