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Songs From The Big Chair edition
bit hot in my smelly bedroom
sick of it
fucks sake, this is why I never make the new
I am suffering in my hot, smelly childhood bedroom
farting in the cat's face
panel show LMAO
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Having a cheeky beer and some tapas on the terrace :3
currently sweating like an indian in my flat
might have to give big fan some of my money for one of those dyson blades when i get paid
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big fan of nautical knots are you?
you should post this on your imaginary lads group chat instead
dont reply to it
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sunberg is getting far too cocky
approaching death heat levels so he bloody is
Labour announcing that they plan to prohibit women from divorcing husbands who have become trannies, once again proving that transgenderism is a misogynistic men's rights cult.
anything above 15 degrees is uncomfortably hot
Love anything relating to seamen me x
Already have haha but they’re all in work so not getting any replies right now lol
To whom?
Is it creepy/paedo to recognise that one of my neighbour's kids is turning into a right little slut? She's def 18 but hard not to notice what clothes she's wearing. Don't know how her parents allow it
overwhelmed with anxiety
idk about that but Labour have said they want to introduce something like common law divorce where your gf can take half of your stuff if you split up :/
>is it creep/paedo for a man to notice attractive women
Get a grip you fucking melt.
this is obviously a lie
this poster is a 65 year old white man who supports israel and says “corrr” unironically
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posting random old shit I have saved
I had a typo, I meant she's definitely NOT 18
izzit a school day
would he also be a "gammon"
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The only lie is that men can become women by putting on some knickers and a bit of lippy.
Good morning
Don't know whether to go out for a walk/to the shops or not.
so many browns and blacks on the streets this morning, christ
TND is needed
Not really.
Teenage girls used to dress much more conservatively.
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some of the thoughts I have are completely delusional

like I create these fantasy scenarios involving other people in my head that are legitimately disconnected from reality; so far removed from the realm of plausibility that they can only be described as insane

I guess it would be what they call "maladaptive daydreaming" but it's hard to describe. It's like I am not mentally present or grounded in reality at all and the idea that I could ever be part of society, have friends, be in a relationship etc is just... ridiculous. I'm not a schizo either, I can tell what's real and what's not, but I just get lost in these fantasies while refusing to acknowledge reality.
Got a Reform UK leaflet through the letterbox, quite shaken up desu
a niggardly man
how the fuck do i filter a column based on the values in another column in excel im going fucking insane trying to do this for 3 hours and non of the pajeet tutorials are working why the fuck is something so simple so difficult
Yeah fuck it might go out to t' shop. Have shower when I'm back. Might stick a pair of socks in the freezer to put on when I get home too.
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Daily reminder that 'gender identity' does not exist.
There is no such thing as being 'transgender'.
Human beings cannot change their sex.

Transgenderism is a misogynist paedophillic cult that harms women and children.
>freezer sock wank

the Jimmy Saville, they call it
>Man plotted to 'rape and murder' Holly Willoughby

he looks like us too
hope you die an agonising and lonely death
how do I steal and get away with it
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>A predatory landlord who demanded sexual favours from young female tenants in return for reduced rent has been jailed for two-and-a-half years
why can women exchange sex for money, but a man can't ask for sex in exchange for lodging

I started doing this shit when I was like 13 and now I have several decade-long fantasy lives in which I made completely different life choices or developed differently and ended up living a far different (better) life
basically become a habit to daydream for a few hours a day and add to the lore

actual fucked
it's only relative not the actual
spaino unmasked
step 1: dont post about it online
mad how piss porn has been psyopped into becoming a mainstream porn category when it used to be a niche fetish
*gets self-righteous smug face on*
become a polititian
hairline mogs me
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listen to this everyday, take notes
i do this but not to that extent
in mine I'm an x-man who can turn people into slime
Wales being the most/only based part of the UK as per usual
Why do they look gay?
female sex bottom
This guy's like Ted Bundy if Ted Bundy were a fat retard who failed to kill anyone.
>who supports israel
Alri sheed
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its lush
we need someone like farage in ireland. this country is just mad.
got the House of the Dragon on
yea, english out, pakis in!
white unlike you
watch white collar tv show, take many many notes
mate...you just said all that out loud...

*the whole party parts a circle around you*
holding off on my virgin walk because it is cloudy at present

the trick is to wait until it's sunny so that you get a tan as well as the light exercise. By being tanned, you look better to normal people as they think you're someone who gets out of the house often.
the anglo-norman ruling class
I'm very isolated you see, literally 0 mates or social interaction at all
just work, gym, grocery shopping, back home

I don't even have crazy fantasies where I'm a superhero or anything
I'm literally just a normal person except I wasn't awkward as a kid at school, or I did something cool and became popular, or I asked a girl out and got in a relationship
just normie shit
which to me, IS a crazy fantasy
venturing out in my jeans, hoodie and beanie
can't ruin anyone's day with my pale, ghoulish visage
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sinn féin should be more like arthur griffith and less like american socialists. but they would call him far right and whatever now, their own founder.
venturing out in a sack hood so I don't scare the children
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Ok I WILL have another beer!
the true horrors of irish diaspora
irish diaspora
for me it's the lads looking down at nothing
humilation ritual
off to get some cigars and ordering more cider. what a life
Don’t reply to it.
throw some pants in the mix, there's a lad
any fags to go with that beer?
lmao what the fuck is going on here
Why are they all looking in different directions
What sort of incel meetup is this?
why are you not at work?
Lol no
>Steve Martin, Halle Berry and Mila Kunis all share the same birthday (August 14)

Just the one
it's the mayor of manchester visiting a manchester school for a photo op
everyone in this photo is irish diaspora so that's why they look/act so strangely
seethe jewmong
>Halle Berry
probably a youth club, schools have uniforms
that's a school? it looks like a bloody mcdonalds
woke gone feral
Were you in the threads yesterday when we were Halle Berry posting?
i, for one, celebrate the female form
The lads.
You deserve it lad get it in you
hold on babe lemme share a photo with my mates on 4chan of this delicious cold beer im about to enjoy with you on this our second day of our new life together a dream come true i am so happy
>everyone in this photo is irish diaspora
how do you know this
actually prefer streaky bacon to back bacon now

white "masculinity" oh my days
probably just didnt want their faces in the photo
none of them look human
i wasn't but i've been in enough /tv/ threads to know what it's about
>when you no longer have parents to disappoint
he put a table cloth on his incel table after a lad exposed him as having the same table as sacked tranny
>taking the refugees back to france
so good, nigel.
Just to clarify my name isnt actually Gregg, this is just to protect my identity. Thank you for your understanding
according to leftypol these fellas constitute one of society's most oppressed demographics
These are the most English craniums I've ever seen.
using the white noise app on my phone
what does that do
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>Princess Anne in hospital after suffering 'concussion' in 'accident involving horse'
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*teleports back to 2009*

back to when everything was alright
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He's just an actual schizophrenic.
relaxes me
you really are clogwog then
Never understood why China would want Taiwan.
but hole
he's going to send them channel crossers back to france if france don't stop escorting them.
cor yeah Global Financial Crisis, peng
*rorke blowing a gasket seeing black people and gays still on tv*
are you upset irish diaspora?
mynoise.net is better than any app btw
Has white noise but tons of others. Use it every night
They do look very irish diaspora in fairness to the schizo.
don’t really care but it’s nice to know
we'll just escort them right back i reckon
irish diaspora
No they don't. They don't have the Irish bap.
even that's too funny though

being so embarassed that you're at some community scheme for yobs that you would rather hang your head and stare at the carpet than be photographed attending some dogshit pizza-making activity. It's just funny.
unfunny gimmick, same as “might move to china”
just proof anything can become a “gimmick” as long as you are enough of an annoying no life freak to spam it all day
90% of England is Irish diaspora in fairness
Reckon thats a man.
anything can become a “gimmick” as long as you are enough of an annoying no life freak to spam it all day
Might move to China.
whatever makes you sleep at night lil timmy
Make the pizza.
might move to irish diaspora gay porn
heard it's lovely this time of year
We've all been in a similar situation at some point mate
Alri Gregg, how are things at the Gregg household as of late, Gregg?
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>Princess Anne in hospital with head injury after 'accident involving a horse'
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I tried doing that but janny stopped it
this gets you an automatic 3 day ban
seen a movie like this
Might watch some gay porn later.

All royal cunts have constant head injuries.
should I change my surname from "chamberlain" to "chambers"
"chamberlain" sounds a bit poofy doesn't it
Not a fan of fast food, never eat McDonalds or any of that crap, but I do love a Subway from time to time.
for me it's the australian pastry gf with a pet eel gimmick
Girls born in 2011
don't like the way Simon Schama pronounces the word "decades"
subway is proper runt slop
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I do not care for this Hawk Tuah girl meme.
Very contrived.
But pajeets who don’t wash their hands make the sandwiches
>Khajit mage with heavy armour
this deserves to get you banned
schama is a vile leftist sodomite
>good family man
>still not good enough
what is wrong with women
lack of BBC
which football game tonight will have the most war/genocide chants?
what is the meaning of this??
*points at my bollocks*
lol im not the original poster, i would never run the khajit mage anyway
i just think it's hilarious because of how virginious it sounds. imagine going to the club and saying that in the backroom
for you lot it makes sense
for us it's downright shameful
getting ready for glasto de lads x
Just realised girls born in 2006 are in legal porn now

fuck I am a dusty old fossil cunt
>only 6'1
a woman shouldn't settle when there are so many 6'5 guys out there
no woman wants a nice guy
*gets off my high horse*
Cats born in 2024
Ri diego
really can’t be bothered to wipe by arsehole after that big sloppy shit I just done but you gotta do what you gotta do as they say
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I was born in 2006
>girls born in 2006
oh god... mass effect came out in 2007
are you fit?
I was merking bhechods on cod4 gamebattles back in 2007
Fuck off
>tfw Girls born in 1996 used to be a gimmick on /brit/
her genes are dysgenic if this is built into her.
never understood this though why would women actively want someone who is going to make things difficult for them
>nigel farage's first grandson born on the 8th anniversary of the brexit referendum
We at /brit/ would like to congratulate the future PM
Genuinely, unironically, lack of bbc
Last year's literally feels like Yesterday
How the fuck
millenials should mean people born 2000 and after.
becoming insane

but in a good way
6’4 btw is the new 6 foot
It’s rapidly getting out of hand lads
Not a racist brexit gammon but thats pretty kino.
kys spainnonce
being slightly mental is probably quite comfy
niggas name is poo
Hi diego
have you never been around a woman before? they crave chaos but struggle to handle it, that's why they're usually unstable as fuck
0 (+0)
Have had multiple lasses claim I'm not as tall as I say I am, because their ex was "6'4"" and I'm way taller than them. Actually mental that women's standards have been twisted so aggressively that lads are lying and giving themselves like 3-4 inches extra and also that women are dumb enough to believe them.
attraction isn't logical, it's emotional
You a seething toryboy on holiday?
The simulation is falling apart more every day.
just been gangblacked
suicidal thoughts loading
Pwefer not to thay
0 (-344)
would that it were
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go on, la
don't do it
Trees born in 1930
what won meme of the year '23
73kg 6ft 2 and not an ounce of muscle on me

look like a FREAK
he’s the gay nonce british expat in aus yeah
I'm 6'2" and tower over women in real life. Women are absolutely tiny in reality.
hell hath no fury like a Mousey scorned
how much ket can you do before it fucks your bladder?
done it at the weekend and it was brilliant. felt like i’d died, then it felt like i was inside a game of minecraft and my mates living room looked like a nightclub
was 6'6" and 75kg me at one point
doing shag all work if im being honest
spainchad won his 5th trophy in a row
making a trade deal with an african country (we give them food they give us resources, no tax)
94kg and 6'2 and I have a big belly
Come on, you pussy
yeah it's shite. i always look really noncey cuz the average bird is like a foot and a half smaller than me.
why do all job listings sound so scary
it's 'ot
mad how human beings are just the gay porn universe experiencing itself gayily
never applied for a job, wouldn't even know how
Dont know how men under 6'2 go on with their lives in all honesty. Would just top myself.
a lot. If you're using every day then your tolerance would be astronomical.
If a gram does nothing then you should probably take a break
GOOD lad
mousenonce kicking about in his total 90 tracksuit
Spaino mate, you've admitted you're shorter than that
I'm voting for the Whig party
we do just fine
holding in my poo and the resulting farts are abhorrent
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postal vote for Labour sent off
It's better for criminals to be out in the fresh air in a nature reserve, doing light work, than stuck in a jail cell. (yes this is slavery)
another one added to the filter x
ive been cursed by Dionysus
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Now being propef thin and short, thats a real death sentence
god of wine innit

know that from the video game Hades, great game that. Some people describe it as a tranny game but I enjoyed it
it actually is absurd that you want to apply to like an office admin job and the job details makes it sound like you'll be working a c-suite job doign 90 hours a week and working everyone else's job in the house at the same time and need to know a few programming languages for good measure
>constituency was always labour
>merged with a neighbouring constituency
>been tory ever since
doesn't seem like that should be allowed, not that I'm in favour of labour or anything, just the deviousness of it
literally looks like my ex stillborn
you had your fun, stop now
it turns people into the worst sort of mongs
coke heads are more fun than ket heads
and coke heads are scum
better for who?
criminals don't deserve nice things
prison is supposed to be shit
ideally we'd just execute criminals but hey ho thats liberalism for you
bean pie?
*flies away with your vote and uses it as nesting material*
Might treat myself to an afternoon whisky
5’9 me but handsome enough and not autistic so actually do alright with women
It’s true that 9s and 10s are easier since every lad shits themselves and gets intimidated but if you are laid back and treat her like you would a male friend they like your confidence and decide you’re different. I’ve pulled many a worldie this way.

People tend to like me cause i’m funny and wee
>8* in Australia
>Buildings aren't designed for cold
>Euros make fun
>25* in Europe, reverse happens
The we all just need better houses really
really niggered up my tranny life
whiskey > whisky
Fünny image
sunburnt lads
What the fuck is *
>not autistic
>posts not just on 4chan, but on /Brit/
theres an alternative called stop being a big poof
Following the 10 Montenegrin Commandments
Smart poster
Dumb poster
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Any sheep shaggers in the chat?
better for the country because they are doing work instead of nothing, so they are doing something in return for their food and shelter. And also better for them because they are in the fresh air in nature rather than in a building.
my nose

Nah I never knew that. I NEVER KNEW THAT.
going to an all inclusive 5 degree celcius hotel
Just use °
schopenhauer never said that
It’s too hot, I’m having a siesta
honestly you should just find some good looking council estate bint and introduce her to a middle class life and temperament
that’s what my mate done, he saved this girl from the darkest schemes in glasgow when she was 17 and him 19. She is fit as fuck, works part time and they have constant shagging. She cooks for him and everything. Never seen them have an argument. Smart fucker. Bet he feels a million bucks.
mogs me
Why did i click on that. no impulse control me
Me after a heavy lunch aha
what happened to pre-celtic brits
I’m gonna need a source for that
went woke
wouldnt you like to know
>when the rhythm hits just right
No need, the people of at least average intelligence understand
I can eat 1,200 calories for dinner
Bit much ennit
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You should know what the LGBTQ child mutilation cult stands for.
no surprise every cunt in southern europe is lazy as fuck, soon as the weather gets over 21 all i want to do is lay about doing fuck all
Arent you the one that got banned last night? How are you posting here now
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It's me who needs saving mate.
i've got a big nose so i always have to be careful it doesn't get burnt
>every cunt in southern europe is lazy as fuck
bud, they civilised the whole continent
we are pre celtic brits
celtic culture comes from the continent around 3000 years ago
the current inhabitants of the british isles arrived 4,500 years ago from the lower rhine

before them? neolithic farmers from continental europe, originally from anatolia and the fertile crescent. we literally genocided them. their y male dna is less than 1% in the modern day and there’s evidence 90% of them died when we showed up.
>I’m gonna need a source for that
Me when the meat is dry
Being understandable is no excuse
Was colder back then wasn’t it
did i stutter?
listening to Zombie Nation and eating quavers
No clue what you're on about
that dick looks like it came straight out of fear and hunger
enjoyed this post
Everyone has hay fever, grim.
no nuclear or renewables back then, reckon it must have been hotter
>current inhabitants of the british isles arrived 4,500 years ago from the lower rhine
no anglo-saxons came after celts
B'nis i'a: s't wr'g l'e t's

Descended from the first wave of human emigration to Britain after the last major Ice Age and got the 2% Basque AncestryDNA result to prove it
wow. never realised this
i straight up don't know
Only runt immune systems do that

Influenza didn't exist pre 1889 (when alternating current was introduced).

Everyone is just adjusting to 5g.
I guess that she just wanted 50% of his wealth in the divorce and then to take a ride on the carousel. But props to him, he is probably a lot happier now with his current wife

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