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People still post these 5 years old pictures.
Post your hideous mug, gay shitskin
Am I ugly?
This will be my only and last time doing it. Please give me a honest rating and be nice to me. If you make fun of me or saving my pic just to edit on it I will never be posting again.
A little weird looking but cute. Kind of like gollum or dobby.
These are the people that post here? Wow kms immediately asap nigga.
forgot pic

you look very cute and genuinely handsome. Adorable Anon. 8.5/10.

Get a longer hair and you would be 10/10
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What the hell is even that
The duality of /int/
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no h8 m8
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Yesterday a woman told me I look like im in my 40s. Im only 22
You're cute. Be my bf please.
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Is this one of those "bait underage boys or trannies to post themselves so I can groom them" threads?
No anon ur cute
But eat something, you look like aushwitz victim
You look weird, that oversized hoodie isn't helping at all, I suggest taking that long overdue shower
You look nice but giving off some failed tryhard PUA vibes
Medieval peasant look
Your first dialogue option would be: its almost harvesting season milord
My entire family line is colonial farmers so makes sense
How many old white English tourists do you let nut in your sweet brown Moroccan bussy?
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Come to america and love our women!
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j'd post it but i don't want people to make fun of my ice cream sellee antonin artuad looking ass face
Isn't that the creator of Smiling Friends?
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he hasnt been the same ever since a chechen cock exploded in his mouth
U look like a cute Mark E. Smith but as a word of advice, go outside and make friends or find a boyfriend instead of using the compliments on this website to fuel ur confidence
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escape this wretched cesspool you still have time
Yoo, this is so me after having a singular sour skittle.
what happened to his eyes
is he dead?
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Sometimes I wonder if people around me know
are you a girl
this is fixable
first steps would be shave that shitty fucking stache, exfoliate your face, try a moisturizer with caffeine under your eyes
cut your hair and get a beard as soon as possible
you look feminine (hot too)
>you look feminine
that's his intention, dumbass
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Ive never bothered to look good because I do not enjoy attention from others
Eu te estupraria
Well you look like a faggot so yeah everione knows
Yeah >>198959344
How else am I gonna get cute Russians guys to have sex with me?
Ppl here have a very shitty gaydar
Did you really just come here for a bf?
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Anon, you look very cute. Can you please add me on Discord? I just genuinely wanna be your friend and introduce you to my 4chan nice friends. Discord is: vexwillhex.

please add me on Discord, you look very cute ;_;
>Discord: vexwillhex
Alright i think i had enough for today. Bye bye faggots
You need to be put in the looney bin
why doesn't he just take some vitamin c
Yes and no; I moved here with one objective in mind: to live in Russia. At the time I was still pretending to be hetero and though the pretty girls would make me so, but as it turns out you have just as many equality, if not even more, cute guys as well. I don't have a chance with 99% of them but I like to day dream sometimes
>I moved here with one objective in mind: to live in Russia
malparido hijoeputa morbosa
Can't decide between Harry Potter or Severus Snape
Can't decide between Hairy Potter or Syphillus Snape
Well you know, I like grey skies, liquorish, tarhun, etc. So back in 2019 I arrived at the conclusion that Russia was easily the best country on earth today, and I must say, I really do like it here
I've been called Harry Potter all my life at this point, it happened just last year irl while I was on a date with a very cute guy. My family just calls me Grima
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Holy shit


Full of evil



What the fuck
you are a cute girl
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This is me, what do you think honestly. Yeah i'm not a twink but still got it right?
I said Hairy Potter, not Harry Potter, you dumb cunt.
Don't be glib, you were clearly alluding to Harry Potter since a poster above you wrote it. It's ok to be witless but witless and rude is a bad combo
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You're cute, marry me.
You should've commented "For" stupid frog
Underage, stop using 4chan you look 12
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Built for hugs and sleeping in my arms maybe???
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Are they maintenance heavy? What's the monthly cost of owning one?
You should've commented "Big" nordcuck
I would say no, but this was cute, so i will accept it
not so maintenance heavy, just scoop up the poops once a week or so,
they are like birds where instead of peeholes+poopholes they have a eurethra, so no worries about toweling up the pee
the biggest expense is def getting a terrarium set up, it was like 200-500 USD range if i remember correctly, cheaper if you buy second-hand, just research about them beforehand

food is like 2 USD for me, i buy some once a week from the local pet store (don't feed them wild bugs, they will get diseases/parasites)

geckoes dont really do anything but they are cute and walk around and shit if that's your cup of tea i really reccomend you get one, i have 2 of them and they have been the joy of my life :D
Thank you for the answer.
I thought about getting one or two instead of the usual faggot cat.
Damn i'd kill for beard growing genes like that. Permanently beardlet
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still not sure if this is a girl or guy
i do want a cat too, or a bird, its really normalfag of me but cats do seem warm and cute lol
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If only I was in China...
That image makes want to start writing in the pre revolutionary alphabet
Zach, season 2 of Smiling Friends SUCKED!
Obvious wife material.
>cats do seem warm and cute
True but they are normalfag: the pet.
Anyway, not having pets in freedom.
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>True but they are normalfag: the pet.
i can differentiate myself from normalfags using the power of geck
No, you look good. I hope you're not underage though
I wish none of us were ugly bros. When I look in the mirror I’m fine but in photos I look like I deserve the gas chamber. There’s too many people in the world who at the very least deserve to look better.
>captcha: vast
are you an XX or an XY?
you look adorable. I love your cute little friend and your hair. Thanks for posting in my thread. <33
marry me
https://flipsimu.com/ heads or tails
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Well you would have to lock the cat away if you want the gecko out of the terrarium, wouldn't you?
I also thought about having beetles.
You could just say anon is cute regardless of that. Some guys are cute.
sorry, i was also the first reply telling you to hang yourself you are actually nice
you're welcome, i will keep shitposting till the end of time
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I said heads, I got heads
What now?
means im a girl congrats
Why do you have brown eyes in Norway?
Im a little jealous, could you maybe tell me to hang myself too?
they're grey are you retarded? im an aryan unlike you polish shitskins gtfo my replies
Are you colorblind? Those are blue.
nuh uh
>just say anon is cute
yeah anon that's already an obvious thing
>means im a girl congrats
Your eyes are mesmerizing. I still can't comprehend why would cute girls like you use this website. Don't you have better things to do with your life? IDK maybe go outside, text with your boyfriend etc. Why are you here in this loser website?
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>yeah anon that's already an obvious thing
Then why don't you enjoy just talking to girls?
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Every cute girl in the thread owes me hugs.
>Why are you here in this loser website?
i'm disabled and can't go outside too much without getting too exhausted and passing out. also im a schizo but i take my pills
i chainsmoke in my mom's basement and doomscroll on here
i mostly go on the language learning threads on /int/ and play vidya, it's not such a deep reason as u might think
>Every cute girl in the thread owes me hugs.
ok have a digital hug
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>ok have a digital hug
Post wrist
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Are you one of those priests who say that the Russian soldiers will rise from the dead when the holy war is finally won?
u first lmao
Hi Casca.
transgender woman of color if he real

You look like you’d get along
Your eyes be like @_@
>this face
Are you a privileged white South African?
Completely gay
You look Nordic AF
Salam alejkum
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I'm disgusting
being a wagie and having a rented apartment s considered privileged in my country but then again I make less than the minimum wage in some places so wouldn't say I'm exactly up there. Parents were pretty lower class and I grew up on a farm that goes for most of the native whites the rest are just tourists.
bleach your hair, get a cut, use gua sha the face isnt all that bad
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>Hi Casca.
No, I'm Türkmen actually.
how old is that fucking keyboard
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just been in the shower, hence the wet hair

i also suffer from "black bar over my eyes" syndrome
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Do I look cute?
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I have a massive cock
Is it safe for you being white. Do you live in a black area, are you an afrikaner?
Wrists only an uncle could love
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excuse my nails i havent gotten them done in a few months
Why do you guys dox yourself like that?
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Can Turkish girls have short hair where you live?
>steppe warrior
Definitely Casca.
Uhm... 1990 05 11, it's like 10 years older than me.
Is this a weird Canadian colloquial expression?
look at my face bro
It's the only attention they'll get in life
tell you're ugly without telling you're ugly
Be my wife please
where are your self harm scars? I feel cheated
i use substances to get a high instead. :D
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Whatever helps you sleep at night
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Your nails are excused; you aren't.
No you don't you wop.






this. same vibe as the post-eclipse casca
am i not a mogger
I grew up in an afrikaans household and most of my the people I knew were white but that was an inland town and the capital where I live inow s mostly just immigrants from the rest of africa.
The current state of cape town is pretty dreadful most of the sidewalks are covered in makeshift houses built out of cardboard and clothes. You learn to get used to it after some time. Apartheid was only 20 something years ago so a lot of the area is racially segregated like you have your chinese neighbourhoods and your malay neighbourhoods, very diverse country surprisingly.
If you stay inside at night it's not that bad though, brazil is probably worse
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I don't have any social media, all my phones were purchased on stolen credit cards, all my sim cards are on another people who aren't my relatives. And after that i can't control my urge to say:
It's the same photo!
damn my bad, i read "feces of /int/"
Is he really 10/10 in Germany?
dont talk shit about my nigga he's been through enough
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>Is he really 10/10 in Germany?
Yes, and thanks for cleaning him after we're done with him!
wtf i hate germoney now
will fish on german elderly especially on next week
which flavor of deranged indian poster are you?
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Turk girls, best girls
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roastie cope
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Looks like a younger version of my dentist.
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the world's creep of the year award goes to
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>Wasting plastic to print this shit
It makes me sad that there are cute boys like this who browse this shirhole
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holy shit it was me with vpn posting girls' images
you fags are pathetic

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