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reality edition
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in the early 19th century you were legally allowed to beat your wife as long as the cane was no thicker than your thumb
you could also lock them up if they refused a shag
it's too hot I'm just sticking to anything I sit down on like the slug I am
>American data
nice try
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need a sara cox gf
it’s ok if you support ukraine but why do freaks like spainnonce have such a strong opinion on it when they are ignorant of even basic facts. is it low iq?
that makes no sense
watch them turn around and blame this on "the sun getting hotter"
irish diaspora
got a lovely big fan pointed right at me
it lush
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Chapel Street, 1900s (?) and 2024
me in the 35%
this only happens cause the single men kill themselves
Why does that make a difference
this only happens because the men become women
it actually do be like that
>it’s ok if you support ukraine
actually mental how much nicer life is when you're on anti-anxiety meds. thought it would be a meme but it really does cure your brain problems.
>just wait until you're 48 bro
who's the lily allen lookalike with ugly toes?
Older men with younger women
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the pb
Literally walk around shops talking like seasideMARK. Went to the supermarket earlier and it was busy and I walked around the shop saying
>It's packed
>Pack to the rafter
>4 times more packed
Didn't seen a single attractive woman in Scarborough in two days at the weekend
people on 4chan are always calling me a retard when i haven't even done anything wrong
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>nooooo me can't be single cuz me ape brain can't handle it
man humans are pathetic
well for a start they use chemicals banned in most european countries.
Did you leave your bedroom?
when a doctor suggested it to me he said it could take several months or like a year to actually take effect so i didnt bother at all
how long did it take for you?
i'm dancing
catbacking deadlifts isnt nearly as bad as people make it out to be
there's an ugly tranny at the aldi
Christians want to be like Jesus sooo bad right up until you say we should crucify them all for being retarded. Then suddenly they go woke
how is this not bad for your back?
it did, they sprayed particles in the air to magnify the sun's rays so that you can't spend time outside (but also sun cream gives you cancer)
You have cheap cigarettes heroin and booze to cope
We in the west own nothing
You are the one who is low IQ. The fact that Crimea was majority Russian ethnically prior to annexation doesn’t change the fact that Putin is further Russifying the territory through mass migration of Russians there, and the forced sale of plots owned by Ukrainians.
there's your problem
thermostatberg says it’s 29C in my flat rn
got a light leather sofa and i am genuinely sticking to it like a huge sweaty slug
got an arse/poo towel on the go to minimise stains
Shut up you mong
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like a week
She seems the type that would drive you mentally insane if you were stuck with her for too long a period
what the fuck is this, 2015?
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screaming @ the tag
right then lads
it is. if your back is rounding, the weight's too big for you.
yes im sure those people who died were specifically recent russian migrants and not from the ethnic russian majority that was there anyway. backpeddling midwit mong
oh damn
i want to try it but i'm too proud
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Need to start my life work
That drive is coming back
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>The fact that Crimea was majority Russian ethnically prior to annexation doesn’t change the fact that Putin is further Russifying the territory through mass migration of Russians there
What's wrong with that?
Mass immigration is a settled debate, spaino. It's a good thing.
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russian girls........
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these are demoralized poor russian cum slurping individuals. the only happiness they feel in the world is when they suck russian cock dry on internet. have some mercy on them mate
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>Lucy Letby tells court she is 'not the sort of person that kills babies'
well said lu
genuinely started to love ricecakes lads

plain ones with boursin
salt & vinegar ones with a splash of franks hot pepper sauce
sweet ones with the yoghurt on them
It's extremely bad for your back but you don't feel it until it's too late
she'll be like 'nooooooo it's the transards being cruel toward white women'
Ever had one with fish?
it just makes it more spinal erector focused
if you catback a deadlift and you actually lift it you intuitively feel like your spinal erectors are strong enough to handle the load
what really sends you to snap city is twisting or turning under a load like that, or having an unstable lower back instead
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t. Ukrainian cum drinker
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hi everyone
im anon and im an alcoholic
that's how i was, but it turns out it's just really good. plus it's not permanent. doctor said i can just take it long enough to get my feet under me and overcome my anxiety until it becomes tame enough to not need meds.
George Floyd Creepypastas Volume 1: 50+ Breathtaking Horror Stories
Cry more Yegor
Labour are heading for a massive margin of victory and they are spending their time pandering to a billionaire who spends her days bullying trans people on the internet
It is so utterly depressing
he drinks his own cum which is slightly better but still gay
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no but I reckon they'd be nice with a tin of that mackerel you get in curry sauce
wouldn't want to be a meme again though
just stop drinking you human bowling ball
i'll think about it then
cant help it
ive got a disease
men can not become women
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remember when the queen died
how old were you lads when you had your first wank?
They were mongs who decided to go to the beach in a war zone so they probably were Putinbot settlers, yes
A mealy mouthed response
Yeah great idea, train your spinal erectors with a fuckton of weight
dumbest post you’ve ever made really something lol
Going to start a business
I have no other option
I can’t breathe
My story of how I was trapped inside a statue of the nigger George floyd
I accept your donecession.
*comes off the bench*
Like 10? I didn't even have sperm yet. I remember just stroking just shit convulsing because the pleasure was insane. Nowadays it feels like a necessity
you just know what that lad walking away thinking
11. no cum back then though
Delusional spainonce post
Modrić is hot in an unconventional way
what sort of business?
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...you're training them already with every heavy row and deadlift
you can look at the jefferson curl as a safe exercise that isolates them which is basically an exaggerated catback deadlift
nah he looks like a rat mate
good footy player though
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it’s fun to bully spainnonce but remember his carer has to deal with the fall out
You’re a gay man
all these euro monkeys throwing shit in the pitch
would never see English fans doing that
>Starring David Guetta as Roland Rat
>you're training them already with every heavy row and deadlift
Yes, and if you make it "spinal erector focused" you're placing greater load on them
imagine them trying to control that big fat cunt having a meltdown
bit like harvey price
28 year old kissless handholdless virgin me
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Proudly brought to you by HUBLOT
In your Spaino headcanon, why does he have a carer?
doing a bit of arse training
me on the left
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Because you're retarded
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Wonder what Milliband's thinking
spainnonces tear-stained wank pillow will be getting the battering of a lifetime tonight
which isnt as bad as you think it is
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hardest job in the world
drinking water haha
need my anus sucked upon
reckon he just thinks they're all cunts
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Explore your perks with Shell GO+
powerful energy
Fucking hell Italy
level 100 aura
you cant predict when love hits
When I heard the news, I was at school wearing some t-shirt I got while on vacation in UK. What do you guys even think of Charlie 3?
spaino has a carer
spaino is borderline obese
spainonce has CP on his computer which he has posted on /sp/ before

spaino has a black stepdad which triggered his weird cuckposting phase which he is still in
It's a WUM (male obviously) and frankly a poor one. How it has managed to keep the drivel going so long is frankly beyond me.
'tis an awesome thing to see
lol fuckin apes
based italy
Don’t think they’ve figured this one out yet lol

But the carer is Spanish apparently and she lets me take pictures of her passport so I can pretend she’s my wife? And also she brings her tampons to my house as well? Or something like that haha
Spaino doing a running jump onto his bed and screaming into his pillow while flailing his arms and legs when nobody pays attention to his gimmicks
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him watching the louis theroux autism doc and screeching "ktim ktim!" at his carer while throwing punches
England qualify officially for next round after Spain beat Albania.
>get paid 3600
>government steals a huge amount of it to put "refugees" into hotels
Honestly, no. Didn't seem particularly important.
Excellent no need to even watch
my willy is big and none of you are here to help me with it :(
love lesbians
hate poofs
Spainnonce did 9/11
>when nobody pays attention to his gimmicks
This never happens lol
17 years since Chris Benoit died today lads
i like small willies sorry
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Farageberg dun goofed with the Pro-Putinstein comments
All sexual deviants belong in ovens.
but i need you
You are spainonce
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do christians have pre-marital sex?
Not so fast
well then you'll just have to find yourself a size queen
does that include incels like you?
not the heckin numbers!!!! anything but the heckin numbers!!!!!!!
Wish I had known this before I sent my postal vote off. Would have gone for the Lib Dems
yes but then they say the magic words which makes it ok
is this image saying that 75% of men and 66% of women are single between 18-29?
Doesn't make sense
>poll done two days earlier
Illiterate mong
Losing my bloomin mind

Avatarflagging on a board centered around interactions with people from different countries
Well basically I DC and I'm VR haha
75% of young men are incels and 66% of young women are finding themselves by riding chads cock
what’s so hard to understand about that
Brixton bulls battering pale fannies
catberg has no respect for my boundaries
belgianmong get the clappers posted already
Trying so hard to convince yourself more than anyone lol
thats not what the data is saying brainlet
Dadberg is deaf as a post but refuses to wear his hearing aids, so he's just screaming his head off around the house and can't hear you're response, but if you raise your voice at him he gets a right mard on.
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I overheard my younger brother talking in his room earlier, but it sounded as if he was angry or something so I knocked his door and went inside. He had a book open on his lap and he got angry and told me he was practising for a speedreading run. Since speedrunning games has become such a popular niche, there is now apparently a speedreading community which is quite large, on Discord and Twitch etc. My brother was reading a short story called The Destructors by Graham Greene, because he is trying to break the record for speedreading it.

Have you guys heard of this? It really rubbed me up the wrong way and I told him so, but he started shouting and made me leave. I don't know how to react to this
it is thoughbeit
got the leccy fan pointed directly at my bare arsehole
I honestly had no idea it was that high.
Every girl I meet seems to be in a relationshp.
just buy some hotels next time you pass go, instead of wasting it on fortnite skins
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flatmate is fuming asking why the frozen poo he left in the fridge has bite marks in it
systematic blackenings taking place rn in council flats
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fucking stupid fucking retard
Roachford - Cuddly Toy
oh she’s in a relationship alright rofl. an open relationship on her end of which she is unaware
Corrr wish I was those air molecules phwoarr
brixton is gentrified
the blacks are all in croydon now
describeth the smell
Why the fuck did Alexander the Great burn down Persepolis in 330 BCE
but it's in the fridge
>The Destructors by Graham Greene
How is this a game?
violent goons pounding out Katy's tender cervix
dunno why don’t you ask him
not frozen then is it you goose
I don't find my wife sexually attractive any more but I stay with her for the sake of the child, money and stability
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He needed to make a point
who was filming
ffs I’m hard now reading all of these bbc posts, wanktoil awaits
Why not?
Alexander burned the whole of Persepolis as revenge because the Persian King Xerxes had burnt the Greek City of Athens around 150 years before.
Caitlin Clark is the Jackie Robinson of basketball
leftypol smoking marijuana all day everyday for 20 years
rorke remaining straight as an arrow
someone bradley this sad cunt
he took it out to defrost but it's still frozen
was she ever hot or was she just one of those girls who were mid but still attractive because they were young and has now gotten old
ok now your story is believable, thaks
proper creepy dream last night lads
felt like I was awake at home and kept going into rooms and finding evidence of the presence of someone else in the house, candles lit, taps on etc
proper freaky

Right well it looks like I'm going into palliative care and I'm not long for this world
What a life
anyone going to twitchcon?
If the only problem is sexual attraction that is easily solved.
I support a firm policy of TND. What about you?
pale angels getting sexually brutalised by bradford thugs
destroyed that cuckold
does the thought “hey maybe I should shut the fuck up” ever occur to white people




how many poos do you lads do in a normal day?
this character needs more work spaino
I will post bbc for as long as it makes you seethe. stop seething and it stops, but you’ll never stop will you
The cancer is fucking everywhere
black cocks permanently stretching out tiny slits
So I sometimes sit next to the lady who does govt affairs for the company I work for and she was on a teams call with John Curtice earlier along with a bunch of other govt relations buisiness reps for UK PLC
His model has Reform on 13%, but nine seats
Tories sub 100
Going under the stairs. Anyone want owt?
0.5 to 1
The sizzling summer of 2024 has begun
Shut the fuck up Mousenonce lmfao
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Who cares what Martha is does? She keeps herself to herself. What she's not doing is maliciously selling a lie to her young audience to stroke her own ego and line her own pockets. She's not cosplaying as child genius who sacrifices her entire life to studying and academic achievement, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and sometimes longer. She's not selling an unattainable image that not even she can ever hope to live up to. She' not preoccupied daydreaming about being an 11 year old girl in her childhood bedroom. She ain't stealing charity money to buy herself overpriced Miss Patina dresses.

Most likely Marfa is doing absoloutely nothing productive with her life. It seems like she is perfectly content to waste all her time on her crappy little creative projects, get drunk with her friends every other night, and spend her parents money whenever and wherever she can. If that's what makes her happy, good for her. The problem with Ruby is not that she's a waste of space. DESU, I wish I could be a waste of space and never work a day in my life, too. The problem with Ruby is the pathological lying, the snobbishness, and the judgemental self-righteousness.

And the biggest sin of all, Ruby's not even happy doing it.
leftypol sitting his white arse down and listening the black experiences
imagine the smell
A four-day yellow health alert has been issued for most of England as temperatures are set to soar to 31 degrees in parts of the country.
thinking about the ‘c again
you are fucking messed up in the head
kill yourself

Avatarflagging on a board centered around interactions with people from different countriesAvatarflagging on a board centered around interactions with people from different countries
Avatarflagging on a board centered around interactions with people from different countries
Avatarflagging on a board centered around interactions with people from different countries
mad how some fat austist making completely insubstantial threats about some rostie bint celeb online is headline national news
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Also, let's imagine if Germany decided to annex Austria (again) or parts of Switzerland because they're "ethnically German". It would be completely illegal by international law, just like Putin's invasion of Crimea was.

Correct, pic related
What happened?
mad how the flat earth psyop got leftypol to inject his bodies with random mystery chemicals
What type of freak sits behind his keyboard rattling out cuckold fantasies to strangers. Sort yourself out.
shut up nigga
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ah yes the pathetic samefagging and laughing at your own posts

where have i seen this before
>tfw currently rewatching every single episode of Big Brother UK series 5 (2004)

All the zoomers ITT wouldn't understand.
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think the missus has a screw loose
Accidentally drank a bottle of the bastard stuff
what website hosts that
fight night changed television forever
David Fincher is developing his English-language ‘SQUID GAME’ remake with writer Dennis Kelly
when trannies went mainstream
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Being a young attractive poof with another young attractive poof must be pretty incredible really
Imagine having that tentative first bum in a sunny field, perhaps whilst on a family holiday to Provençe
Probably the pinnacle of humanity
It taught that bulldykes were actually worse than troons
Any cats in
better give up northern ireland then
got the bellard out
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it's illegal
>called him out
>he immediately switches off all his VPNs
To have gay sex?
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Strange they're going through the trial as if his fat arse was ever going to act on any of this plan that would require walking several times.
Pure unfiltered, unscripted kinography, and to think, it all happened before social media was even a thing. The zoomer mind is incapable of comprehending it.
being gay is an arrestable offence
There’s quite a few things that were illegal by international law and were carried out by the west anyway. It’s either everyone abides or nobody does. Can’t have your cake and eat it. Should not have meddled around on Russias doorstep carrying out coups. Now Ukraine will forever be a shithole with most of its population gone.
imagine there is a lot of unexpected poo involved
not like they are going to clean their arse out like a committed twink so reckon the purple helmet will become a chocolate bell by the end desu
say what you like but this lad has kids and had a job. utterly mogs people like spaino
think I might be starting to fall in love with a colleague
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>British tourist, 56, dies while hiking up Mount Vesuvius in Italy after he 'suffers a heart attack when approaching volcano's summit'
i blame makosi for my decades long big black titties obsession
Alright maybe just a bit of sucking off and some thigh-fucking; Greek-style
what kind of 'woman' would have a map of the london underground on their wall?
mental how much of a tune the original Big Brother theme was
Lmao, rattled

The equivalent situation there would be if Britain invaded the Republic of Ireland because "they speak English so they're British", and then if Britain held a rigged referendum in Ireland to justify this invasion

Such an occurrence would of course be illegal under international law, just like Putin's invasion of Crimea was
that's not the london underground
Police helicopter flying about.
good post
Big black veiny pulsating cocks are vigourously pounding and battering tiny little pale fannies in the most rundown council flats.
is that smiling friends show any good
yes it is
shut the fuck up
paul oakenfold i believe
A woman can have any interest that a man can have, rorke
nothing more midwit and effeminate then being socially left-wing and economically liberal
Get him mousey! Show him who’s boss!
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Who /JungleCats/ here?
phoneposting samefagging spaincuck

its even more pathetic to see you crawl back and try the same boring shit after you just crawled away
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Danica Thrall was on Celebrity Big Brother
she was so fit
mogs me
probably looking for someone would be my guess
>illegal under international law,
designed for black shafts
britain invaded ireland to brutalise, plunder and rape which is a lot worse actually
And now he shall select a Mexican a vpn and make a new
You are a genuine mong and a midwit.
>It’s either everyone abides or nobody does
Okay, then everybody abides. If Tony Blair gets convicted of war crimes then okay.

No; the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych because he wasn't doing his job. As far as I'm aware this was a completely legal process. So a new election was held to elect a new president, and Poroshenko won.
gonna get on the old radarbox and track it
It was a colour revolution you disingenuous cunt. Why are you telling lies? Fucking hell
I'm not Spainfreak

Britain probably did do bad things. What's good is that the governments of Britain and Ireland managed to find a peaceful solution to the fighting that was occurring between Irish nationalists and Northern Irish unionists. If only Putin was interested in peaceful means of pursuing his political aims.

Neither of those is true but I am very glad that I rattled you

Of course it wasn't; you're lying because you absolutely love sucking vatnik cock

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