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"long time passing" edition

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in for kot
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Since when do we have so many unesco sites
he started getting into it thats cute
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orange cat shamed for his crimes and violent tendencies
i would visit this booth
You gotta admit as natural defenses go you really can't beat the horseshoe crab design. I mean fuck.
They give them out too readily. It’s become totally meaningless. I’ve never even heard of half of this shit.
'cupines have pretty bonza defense as well. Not even jaguars can fuck with em
and yet i would beat the hell out of both these creatures in single combat
Most of these are natural sites, it's more that we are good at getting this approved unlike thirdies
the pear tree has pears on it but they’re too high up for me to get, what should i do
*flips you over*
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ladder. grab a broom or rake or something and pull the branch down until you can reach. climb the tree. cut down the entire tree. many options.
Shake the tree, Einstein. Jesus. Do I gotta think of everything???
Hire squirrel
Well no, I mean excepting humans as predators, what's walrus gon do?
*kicks tree trunk*
*pears fall and I catch every single one including one with the side of my foot*
heh, pear time, motherfuckers
it's kind of in an awkward spot a ladder wouldnt work too well but the rake is a good idea
its too thick i cant make it sway any im not that strong
they are eyeing it so i want to get as many as i can before they eat them all (like they do every year)
need a man like this
pears are hella underrated
This. I'm gonna risk being pearjakked, but I really love pears
Bradford pear is an invasive species
they are my favorite, i want to get some from this tree and make a pie out of them, it's really good with a little bit of cinnamon and lemon zest. you can serve it with whipped cream or ice cream as well
"I mean what happens now"?
bros the French porn addict is now a tranny lmao
see porn makes you gay and tranny
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dinner is done. i had 3 burritos. i am going to have to pull a jason and wash it down with milk because i don't have any other drinks.
want to start doing stuff, don't have any money
get a job, won't have any time to do stuff
this is life
your tummy is going to be a battlefield anon
I have green apples in my backyard which are a close second if not equal to pears, the tree got crushed by another tree years ago so now the apples are kind of small and stunted best of luck getting those pears
A bald mexican rat tried to steal my gimmick, but it is now and will forever remain my gimmick
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milk affects your iron absorption
I grew up whacking it to Sears catalogs bra sections. I feel bad for kids that grew up with internet porn. That's probably why there's so many sick fetishes now, shit went too far.
Better than washing it down with canola oil THOUGH
my tummy is a wonderland
This guy stole my girlfriend
Heh I knew it. couldn't resist, hein?
this is a young tree so it's only been producing for a few years, but they are getting to a really good size this year, i think the tree is finally fully mature. i actually helped plant the tree around 10 years ago so it's nice to finally see it make good fruit. green apples are good, i just have to avoid apple skins because they irritate my throat
>That's probably why there's so many sick fetishes now
Japs have the sickest fetishes and they still mostly watch porn on DVDs for some inexplicable reason, how can you explain THAT then?
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Cum niggers talking about pears
Me however...
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share some pairs
They had 2 nuclear bombs dropped on them and are heavily irradiated. Duh.
from southeast asia, no less
why is the tree so short
I don't have a pair to spare
Thou'rt blessed amongst men.
Its not very old
Like my gf ;)
Should've been National Geographic to better match the ancestral human environment
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oh yeah? watch me
yeah but my tree is like 20 feet tall and only started making fruit in the last couple of years it wasnt making fruit when it was tiny like that
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au contraire, i see many pairs that could be shared with your fellow /cum/ heirs, so please don't give us a scare or drive us to despair by refusing to share these wonderful pairs.
Interesting. I think this tree is 6 or 7 years old. I'm surprised it hasn't grown more, i need to feed it
It is almost 7 feet tall. Not super tiny.
your pear tree is planted in an open field so i guess it's not having to compete with other trees for sunlight by growing super tall, it can focus on just making fruit maybe? my tree is surrounded by other tall trees so maybe it decided it had to compete for light before it worried about making fruit.
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so fuggin tired
no cavities today, bros
I hate taking tablets it's like they turn sideways on purpose when I try to swallow them and it kind of hurts
take a nap then
i hate getting dental work done so much that it motivates me to be really serious about my dental health
never been to a dentist in my life and i guess i never will
hate it when that happens makes you tear up a little bit
You're supposed to take them with water, stunad
how old are you? your wisdom teeth are going to have to come out eventually
Not always
24. i'll just thug it out
its easy to say you will thug it out, but if you get an abscess or an impacted wisdom tooth that is the worst pain you have every felt in your life, and its right in your face and you can't ignore it. get it looked at atleast once before you get kicked off your parents insurance at 26, anon
bitch asses deserve to get what's coming for them
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Had a business trip to a small rural town recently. I was there for about 3 weeks. It was so beautiful and peaceful. Wide open fields, plenty of wildlife, could wander off into the woods, see the stars at night. The people were chill and unpretentious. I really liked it a lot

Only downside was small variety for resturants but thats extremely minor.

I'm honestly heavily weighing the pros and cons of moving out there. The rent would be far cheaper, but my commute would be ungodly. Like 2 and a half to 3 hours easily.

What should I do anons?? I might be able to work from home permanently if I switch to graveyard shifts
i'm not on my parents insurance + i'm built different
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successfully lit the candles
I get not having heard of Pimachiowin Aki and Red Bay, but not knowing even half??? How little do you know about this country bro
I think the German Reichstag building looks pretty good, a nice mix of old and new styles

The glass dome on top is part of the building, it's not a different building behind the older structure
Im 27 and still no wisdom teeth. Tbh i havent been to dentist in 10yrs. I finally have insurance so im planning to go soonish

Complete tangent, but when I was younger I never brushed my teeth but always had good breath and perfect teeth. I never ate sugar or junk foods. Everytime I went to the dentist they'd gush and compliment how great my teeth were. Then during a cleaning they nuked whatever bacterial biome i had and after that I started getting bad breath and had to actually brush every day.
me thinks nuggies for din din
Long commutes really suck for most people, like measured happiness takes a hit
quit being stubborn this stuff can really hurt you dental abscesses can even kill you dude
Gotta get gas on the way home
Y'all need anything from the 7/11?
Got the app so I can get a couple of $1 Slurpees
hot dog pleaseeee
few cans of original monster and a large cup of ice, thanks oh and a tall can of coke thx
idc gotta die sometime
im having a pot roast with potatoes and carrots for dinner, i started the crock pot when i woke up this morning .
please get me a gatorade and an arizona tea i need hydration right now
Gimme some peach gummi rings and a Jack's links 'jerky
Use ta work 3rd shift at 7 11
I think i despised it at the time but i kind of look back on it fondly now. I'd spend the nights wandering the parking lot, chain smoking, taking those MIT kratom extracts, and having weird conversations with whacked out methheads. Then I'd walk home at 7am, as the world was waking up. It was always so satisfying
>pot roast
Nice! Speaking of pot, I haven't had a stew since long.
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Ah yeah good point
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I am defeated
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are you vaccinted /cum/
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Do you guys ever get a massage? And if so how is your dick not squeezed when you're laying down.

It sounds like an autistic question but I never really lay on my stomach really. I'm not fat either nor do I have a huge dick. it just seems kinda uncomfortable lying on your willy, does it point up or down? Idk

I want to get a massage but this issue is bothering me lol.
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you're going to be ok anon
I reach down and flick it up into my belly
Never gotten a massage so no idea.
it's just so easy to do, and i can eat on it for a few days as leftovers it heats up really well.
im glad you're going to go to a dentist anon, better late than never. my experience was the opposite, i had to wear braces for a year or two and had to wear a retainer to bed every night for a few years after that.
Um. You're generally not lying down on a rigid table. It'll be cushioned, so you're not pinching parts of your body.
I will only be happy when im free
Yeah im thinking up is more natural
never gotten a massage but my dick would definitely be getting squeezed if i did get one if you know what i mean
i dont know what you mean could you elaborate please
adjust yourself so you're not getting squeezed bro! a massage is supposed to be relaxing not uncomfortable
the massagist(female) would be sucking and fucking my cock, i'd be paying her for it
A big pack of Lays "chips" please bossman
is illegal
it's not illegal to massage my cock, if i cum that's not her problem
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Looks like a great storage space to me
There was a rather telling study that concluded people can identify if a man is homosexual just by looking at pictures of his face
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Time for bed I think, 20 past midnight

I've been staying up too late recently so it would be good if I can my sleep pattern back to normal hours
that's because homosexuals can't help it whenever they're asked to be on camera or film they immediately vogue
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>just put the wine bottle up my sleeve in then walk out the store
God I love this country now it's time to watch the cup at some pubic viewing
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should I drink tonight? Not like I have a job

or a social life
That's probably true. But it might go deeper, maybe having something to do with facial structure. It's all conjecture really, but the study results don't lie.
You're stealing from the provincial government, Jack
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Alcohol is poison, anon. A culturally accepted poison.
have an itch to do some camping lately
>please sir i am fucking indian please fucking help me sir
>How little do you know about this country bro
Not him, but we also have 10 (TEN) more pending that will be approved. Nobody believes it when I say Canada has more UNESCO sites than Turkey or Greece
go steel a wine bottle and drink at some stanlycup watch. perfect way to socilaze it will be a blast
>put the wine bottle up my sleeve
You don't even have to do that. People just walk in and walk out and they don't do anything. The workers aren't even allowed to do anything. A guy stole a $500 Whiskey bottle by just taking it and walking out lol
ok? and?
In my opinion it could have a lot to do with how men are. We like to peacock, gay or not, as do women, but in a different manner. So if a man is gay he'll be obnoxiously gay, whereas a woman who is obnoxiously lesbian is really no bother no big deal compared to a campy flaming gay
do better for yourself
I dont know anybody thats showing the game besides the bar, and those are too expensive
Ideally you'd save your money and your health
I already have the booze
I can see how that works when you interact with a person irl, but to be able to determine it from a mere photo without other information seems like a stretch
Gonna go for a walk/run, then I'm going to hit the weed pen
>undigested pieces of watermelon in my poop
Do I need to see a doctor?
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If you're not bleeding out your ass or in agonizing pain, you don't need no doctor, son
Ran a mile. 8:27ish. Longer than my last but that was a week or two ago. No signs of shin splints though. With dieting I hope to be a normal weight in a few weeks.
I think it's more like a hunch. It's almost indecipherable. A lesbian will be asked for her headshot she'll give her regular bestest smile, as would a gay man, but maybe his might have the slightest hint of sass maybe the smallest bit of gay attitude, it's subtle I think. Humans are pretty good at consciously and subconsciously finding patterns and reading peoples faces
I got my first gf in Slovenia, before that I was a KHHV
Oh, sorry, posted my /twg/ Chorf exhortation in an American thread, but check this, no srsly
I'm so far from this
My route is 3.5 miles, I just run at random points and walk the rest of the way.
I probably run like a fifth of the distance
Still feels good to be moving a little, but I need to increase my stamina
I often have the urge to drink but I distract myself 5-6 nights a week
Do you do any form of weightlifting?
Yeah, that makes sense. Some instinctual capacity.
How did blacks go from making this kino to modern rap trash?
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No because I'm afraid of doing it wrong and hurting myself
I'm incapable of deadlifting due to back issues but I want to get into dumbbells
I’m familiar with about 2/3 of them to the east of the MB/ON border, and none west of that border. The other side of the Canadian Shield might as well be another country to me.
Just do pullups and pushups until you get comfortable with your body and strength.
Since when is it called tackle football and not just football? Did faggot flag football gain international recognition or something
I have wicked injuries that force me to get creative in the gym. If you can perform squats and dips, I highly recommend them.
Play Salieri
You must speak with the oracle at Delphi!
Oracle at Delphi can lick my balls
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currently playing pathfinder kingmaker. even though the classes and systems don't feel as refined at wrath of the righteous, the vibe is much comfier without the high stakes.
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>canadian feed
>f*emale commentator
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I'd rather play Emperor Shaddam VII
Looks like a tranny. They fired Don Cherry because he was too based :(
When women look at me they think "he's short, but he's pretty cute"
only the first part of that is true
Does anyone know if watermelon agua fresca is the type of thing that loses all its flavour in like 12 hours, or is it fine to hang out in the fridge over a day or two
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My parents aren't home. I'm gonna say a bad word.
nta but for me they think both things
based cutie patootie
manlet cope
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oh my god the ESPN stream is even worse

kill me
Depends where you got it from, if it's truly made from fresh watermelon or powder or something, and how long the place you got it from has had it themselves. If you're really unsure but want to save it for another day just freeze it I guess
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Is Brian advertising on 4chan now
Haven't seen brian in a while however
I bought a watermelon and am thinking about making it myself
evens, I dont drink
odds I do
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It will be fine.
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Hello friends
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who needs food
I want a beer picnic
I'm pissed off and I'm a mess
I need a beer picnic
who needs food
I want a beer picnic
I'm pissed off and I'm depressed
I need a beer, I need a fucking beer
Oilers will win
i'm a black brother have a bbc
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You watch that weight there, Calvin Johnson!
Everything you do is the same (same, same)
Over and over it's like a game (game, game)
Think you're Miss High Society (wowee)
Fuckin' all the rockstars that you meet (fuck me)

It makes no sense the things you do or say girl (automatic)
'Cause everything you say comes back to me (automatic)
Don't go playin' with me emotionally (automatic)
Or I will make you bleed internally (automatic)

Think you are mister know it all (know all)
Standards high but your values small (small, small)
Class-A assholes telling you what to do (what to do)
If you're from Boston you gotta be cool (fuck you)
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>tfw noticing all these far eastern males moving to my city and speaking their native tongue
its almost time for Asian bussy
I can feel it
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Have you ever seen a post glow harder than this? Lmao
I hate alanis morrisette
saying nigger is ok now, elon musk declared it
Is pathfinder worth it. I'm debating if I should play it since I already have a catalog to go through
>come chat on my discord/telegram server hahaha
glowniggas need to step it up frfr
isn't it ironic
don't you think?
I think there are potentially glowies in there, but most likely it's a troll channel for someones ebin youtube channel, or an indian/african scam thing, because that seems like a lot of resources to gather maybe 30 people who each think they're ebinly troling the channel themselves just so the glowie can recruit like one actually mentally ill person to shoot up an elementary school
hockey is cool but i can't see the puck
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what are the signs you as a man are the beta provider in a relationship?
you always buy her food?
she lives at your place?
you always text her first?
I don't watch sports but I heard they tried to broaden hockeys reach by having the puck light up lol which sounds cool I'll have to check out clips later
deez nuts
The notion that being a provider is bad in itself seems stuck in a feminist paradigm. I guess the point where I’d consider it bad is if one is providing well to a wife, but getting nothing in return. No kids, no cooking/cleaning, no sex, etc. At that point, it’s comparable to simping to an OnlyFans whore.
I was really hoping nobody was going to interact with that pathetic incel post.
your nickname in school was peacock
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>Achieving Gnosis without Mani
Not gonna happen
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I think we ought to bring this tradition back
Enjoy Hell
It’s called Tinder now
your mom would be the first to show up
Better than your mom who'd be waiting there 4 years cause she so fucking ugly
I've actually been to the moon and it's made of cheese. Crazy right?
How'd you get there
How come the French never put a man on the moon then
Samuel Colt is a very important figure in forwarding women's rights.
My nickname in middle school was Swiss Cheese
No I will not elaborate
Me? Im for ending womens suffrage
My dad worked at area 51 and an alien spaceship took us.
Nobody wants to take them because they are too smelly.
Getting pretty tired of every single JewTube ad featuring blacks
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>not using adblock
Do you guys like It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
It was a funny show years ago. I heard they were retroactively deleting episodes to appease wokeists, but I don't watch it anymore.
Google is rolling out changes to break adblock
It's still kind of funny, but I don't keep up with it, they're really old and out of touch now, still good (comedy) writing though
So guys could just show up whenever they wanted to fuck? Based
Brave will save us.
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I did it all for the nookie (come on)
the nookie (come on)
so you can take that cookie
and stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your (yeah)
stick it up your...
I look like this
Huh, Assange was just released from UK prison and is purportedly going home to Australia
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I look like this
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so true this

jason exposed
Yeah, he's pleading guilty to some US crimes and getting credit for time served. I guess the US is satisfied with that.
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jason and all these cum lolcows are the same, just sad people really
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>Hundreds of thousands of Mexicans move to America every year because there aren't any jobs there
>Dumbass McFaggot moves to Mexico hoping to find a job
Holy shit I can't stand some of these niggas
If Jay Reatard were alive he'd kick your ass so hard you'd be searching for it over in Carolina
is that you welding something ? that’s a cool pic anon
More like Gay Retard
they named that nigga gay retard? damn
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Bros I need to piddle so bad
pedocel also said he was going to move to canada in that thread. lol lmao...but he'll never find a job cause he spends literally his entire life spamming int and KC
I saw this video in my recommendeds
Nah it's the new guy with a plasma cutter.
Can we not start another round of /cum/personality shit flinging? Damn
garypenalty for edmonton
How many beers do you drink usually? Your beers are extra small it's about a half of regular bottle
T.beta bucks
at least 3, but theyre all minimum 6.5%
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sex with the ancient dryand spirit or twins forced to share one body?
it doesn't matter it's all pointless everything is pointless and meaningless
Every single thing is pointful and meaningful
can i feel both twins tongues buttholes and vaginas while penetrating the one
is it conjoined twins or a normal looking body with two discontinuous minds inside of it
You know natural beer can not be more than 4.5%?
>40% of zoomers in the states are born to single mothers
society is collapsing (because of women)
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Single or just unmarried?
Low intelligence post.
die to a chainsaw please
someone else make the new later pls and thank you
notice their skin color
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unfortunately not

one body with 2 souls who alternate control
Die from opioid overdose please.
People from single parent households are tough and determined in my experience.
Between Florida and Edmonton, I'd vote for "plane crashing into the stadium".
is one of the minds into it and the other hates it?
~1800kcal today and the only possible issue is a bit too much salt and cholesterol
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determined to do crimes. being born to a single mother is the most significant predictor of criminality
It’s just a marker of America’s racial collapse
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you can romance one over the other, but the one you didn't choose is still fine with it. you can also get both of them to love you if you are careful with your choices.
>the one you didn't choose is still fine with it
sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!do not redeem !!!!!!!!!! please sir i am stink stink stink INDIAN MAN SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Males raised by single moms tend to be emotionally stunted little faggots on account of their lack of a father figured. Permanent little boys, never weaned from mommy’s teat.
i'm thinking we're back
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Nice "national" "sport" you've got there Canada.
>the only possible issue is a bit too much salt and cholesterol
Probably not.
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My grindr date just confirmed that he is HIV+
I hope they never stop pushing the PoC meme because it gives me plausible deniability to act like a boomer and call them colored folks to their face.
Nature itself conspires against fags
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it's been a while but i think if you make one soul mad she cockblocks you from getting the other one.
am i supposed to cut my chicken before i season it? because i seasoned it (heavily) on both sides, cooked it, then shredded it, and most of the pieces were really bland.
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even if the oilers win, my league worst sharkies have dabbed on them, so we are in effect the REAL Stan lee champions
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can one of you libtards explain why colored people is offensive to your retard sensibilities nowadays?
One thing you can do is keep it in a brine overnight, or other similar techniques
If you think about it, PoC is a term that suits Europeans the most by far.
Well..... "people" is dishonest at best and an outright lie and slander at worst.
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Cut it up and rub that seasoning everywhere bby. Every bite should be an explosion of flavor in your mouth.
diversity is exclusively black hair and brown eyes and skin chud
MAYBE, MAYBE coal black skin.
You don't need to cut it. Chances are that your chicken was too dry, fats and oils are what bring out the flavor of a seasoning.
I mean that's fair
Hweeellll mercy me, I haven't so much as given as much as a single thought to the welfare of my charges and I am terribly sorry, sir. And in that oblique window in my knowing there indeed may have been some darn bad changes to the state of them, I do agree, but as for my participation in those there dark deeds...hweeell, I can't rightly say I've been involved in that sort of murky business whatsover. Now, if you will, I have crops to oversee, good sir.

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