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>An assault occurred in 2020 in Hamburg's Stadtpark, where multiple migrant men attacked a 14-year-old girl over one night in different attacks.
>The girl, separated from her friends during a police sweep, was raped repeatedly by different groups of men.
>Videos of the assaults were shared via WhatsApp before being deleted with friends of the attackers encouraging more to join.
>Eleven men were initially charged, with DNA evidence linking nine to the crime.
>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.
>8 out of 9 of the convicted men received probation, while one was sentenced to a short prison.
>As a result, public outrage ensued over the lenient sentences given to the rapists.
>A woman, angered by the case, messaged one of the rapists via WhatsApp with insulting remarks.
>She was reported to the police and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her messages.
>The 20-year-old woman from Hamburg, Germany, was imprisoned for making "hateful" remarks towards a migrant involved in a gang rape incident.
>Authorities are investigating 140 people for making harmful comments towards the rapists.
German sources,
Video of the rape saaaaar
lmao they’re not even PC, germs are just drones following rules word by word, even if it results in such distortions.
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german kids deserve to be gangraped by migrants because of germany's actions in ww2
Ironically I think Germany is closer to the Nazi regime now than at any other point.
You have state sanctioned rape of minors and crackdown on private dissent against it. That's pretty despotic.
>>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.
She was raped by the UN or what ?
>x are the real nazis
I was mostly talking about girls
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>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole
If anybody's the real Nazis it's Germans.
you know i had to do it to em
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That got me too
Let in the pole, so you must pay the toll.
Dream team consisting only of the best.
Unironically surprised that no turk, kurd or romanian was involved.
that's just a part of german culture nothing special
It is. I honestly think it’s even worse that the media, particularly the German state media, hides this and actively censors it on X for example. I used to think Merkel was bad but ever since the greens/spd came to power it’s never been this bad. Btw they now want to implement a new law time make migrants state officials as a part of a quota.
Gang raping a German is part of integration
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By your powers combined, I am Captain Gang Rape!
funny that you suffer so much
>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.

I'm putting together a team.
>Btw they now want to implement a new law time make migrants state officials as a part of a quota.
I can see them doing this though...then they will crow about how much refugee unemployment has gone down
>>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole
so youre telling me if i go to germany and see a loli cutie being gangraped by arabs i get a pass to join in?
Poles and yugos live and act like MENA people in the west, they assimilate with their peers, that’s why westerners get confused wheb polacks and yugos on /int/ try to portray themselves as non-subhuman
>who said multiculturalism wouldn't work
thank you for taking in our brightest and most productive
Lolll imagine all the brownies start the rape and in the darkness of the alley someone yells HEY STOP THAT NOW!!!

and out of the shadows steps this fat drunk stereotypical Pole and goes KURWA, THIS IS NOT HOW WE EUROPEANS RAPE. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE
only france has good polish immigrants all other country get subhumans
Look, Indonesia, just because you flip your flag upside down doesn't make you Polish.
Let's be real for a moment, she probably deserved it for being racist or having Nazi ancestors.
>having Nazi ancestors.
this but unironically
millions of murdered poles, belarussians and what was the punishment? nothing
Didn't Denmark have a colonial empire too? You're probably next on the raping list.
Part and parcel
Funnily enough they want to cut welfare now…but only Ukrainians. They also want to send back Ukrainians despite the ongoing war and the fact that most of them are young women with children. We live in a boomer gynocracy (the new migrant state official law is also made by a female boomer, same boomer who also made acquiring citizenship shorter for migrants, even criminal ones lol)
Poland also was colonialist. When will you accept refugees?
isn't it interesting how these fear mongering articles are always from some alternative "news" site that nobody heard about?
no we werent
also even the worst colonial empire like belgium or someting looks like a daycare centre when compared to what germans did to us in ww2
>Poland also was colonialist. When will you accept refugees?
>mutt's history
Yes you were. The fact you are so defensive proves it. You brutally colonized Ukraine and eastern Germany, driving millions of Germans from their homes. You can pay for your crimes by accepting Palestinians who need a good home, and good women.
pretty poor bait
you need to leave out the germany part next time, since it was approved by the uk, soviet union and the united states
otherwise its solid, you will get some (you)s
Polish people rape whats new?
Lol nothing on the level of belgian congo happened to euros, you guys bitch as much as jews
>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.
>a Pole

Holy fucking shit a hate these round faced subhumans like you wouldn't believe.
Reminds of the incident were they fought against the French at Haiti which led to the brutal slaughter of the latter.
Russia can't deal with them soon enough.
send more korean girls
So? Colonialism is colonialism. You will be asked to take in just as many refugees for your sinful past as everyone else.
we will dissolve russia
Sar he was Kaszubian Zainichi not Pole
>2 million ethnic Poles
>Special Prosecution Book-Poland (German: Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen, Polish: Specjalna księga Polaków ściganych listem gończym) was a list prepared by the Germans immediately before the invasion of Poland containing more than 61,000 members of Polish elites: activists, intelligentsia, scholars, actors, former officers, and prominent others. Upon identification, they were to be arrested and turned over to Nazi authorities following the invasion.
>In total, about 150,000 to 200,000 Poles died during the one-month September Campaign of 1939,[30] characterized by the indiscriminate and often deliberate targeting of civilian population by the invading forces.[31] Over 100,000 Poles died in the Luftwaffe's terror bombing operations, like those at Wieluń
>In the first three months of war, from the fall of 1939 until the spring of 1940, some 60,000 former government officials, military officers in reserve, landowners, clergy, and members of the Polish intelligentsia were executed region by region in the so-called Intelligenzaktion,
>Communities were collectively punished for the purported Polish counter-attacks against the invading German troops. Mass executions of hostages were conducted almost every day during the Wehrmacht advance across Poland
The difference is that we don't feel bad about any of it.
>Germany planned to completely remove the indigenous population of Poland beginning with the newly created Reichsgau Wartheland territory in 1939. According to the Lebensraum aim and ideology, formerly Polish lands were to be taken over by the German military and civilian settlers including Eastern European Volksdeutsche. The "Germanizing" of occupied territories by the Reich was repeatedly condemned by Nuremberg Tribunal which stated that the practice of expelling civilians was "not only in defiance of well-established rules of international law, but in complete disregard of the elementary dictates of humanity."[83] During the occupation of Poland, the number of Poles evicted by the German authorities from their homes is estimated at 2,478,000.[84][85] Up to 928,000 Poles were ethnically cleansed to make way for the foreign colonists.[86]
>The Wola massacre (Polish: Rzeź Woli, lit.'Wola slaughter') was the systematic killing of between 40,000 and 50,000 Poles in the Wola neighbourhood of the Polish capital city, Warsaw, by the German Waffen-SS and fellow Axis collaborators in the Azerbaijani Legion, as well as the predominantly-Russian RONA forces
seems really brutal to me
thats why im glad german children are being raped and killed, i hope it gets to the point that germans are afraid to leave their house after sundown
Mainstream news are literally not allowed to report things like this
>and for no reason they voted for AfD
fortunately its too late for that, there are too many non german kids in germany compared to german kids
the rapes and killing will continue
You are low IQ subhumans that couldn't dissolve a cube of sugar in a cup of coffee.
You have proven to the world that you are on the same levels as middle eastern monkesys.
Once the US cucks out of this conflict you'll be finished.
Can't wait for Putin to abort this deformed child of Versailles after a little more than 100 years.
>In 2022, 547,254 (74.07%) children were born to mothers with German citizenship,
2 years ago a quarter of children born in germany were non german, ie balkan, arab, african and eastern european mutts
imagine what this percentage will look like in 10 years LMAO
>>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin
Wholesome to see the world coming together
>Person A does something
>Go beat up person C
>Get punished
>Nooo, you cant punish me for beating up an inocent person after all someone unrelated to them did something!
I remember that case.
There was like all nationalitys involved, apparently a bunch of hundreds teenagers went for a party and the way it happened was pretty much this
>Girl almost passed out drunk
>Grugg think girl doesnt respond so its okay
>Grugg share with /int/ tribe
>Everyone confused as to how to deal with the case since involved persons range from 16 to 24 years and different laws for different age groups
She prolly doesnt remember any of it either way. Unfortunately she wasnt a mutt, would make her life a lot saver
Reminds me of that one time some drunken polish man randomly killed a 90 year old woman on the street for literally no reason.
>>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.
You forgot the german guys that were involved and made up for the majority of the guys
Europeans are nothing but the dogs of Muslims. They have established themselves as the ruling class in Europe, they live there, but are not subject to European laws or values, while native Europeans like yourself exist to serve them and must placate their every whim
Fuck off Sören.
>criminally underrated post without a single (you)
I'm guessing Euros didn't have this show or zoomers are too young.
Lucky it's just muslims and not retarded mutts
you colonized lithuania
by this logic you are a dog of the Chinese as a bumiputera or pajeet lol
My source comes form living there and having it blasting throught he news for months with involved irl protests, not your pissmedia
Fuck off, Mudslimes merely followed the call of the usual suspects.
Neither are they anything close to a "ruling class".
They live in ghettos.

Fuck off you retard
EU is the closest germany ever got to using eastern europe as slaves for growing shit for jerman uebermensch
>Germans cant rape! they dont even know what that word means!
>Just because you life 1km away from the park you dont know what happened! My heckinc cherrypicked mediaoutlet said so
Muslims and poles should go for you next
Wtf are you talking about you actual retard?
There was a time when all of eastern Europe was ruled by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia (the latter governed by the German Romanov dynasty).
Subhumans like you were slaves without a country to call their own and it was for the better.

Why don't you know these basic things? Is it because of your round, small heads that can't hold much knowledge or are you deliberately trying to spread misinformation?
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Citizenship is a throwaway item here.
Right in your source it says "All of them had been socialized in Germany long enough [...]" implying that they had originally been "socialized" somewhere else, thereby actually CONFIRMING that they are all foreigners like the media reports say.

You Poollacks are all so fucking retarded it boggles the mind.
Mass replying for no good reason should be bannable
>implying that they had originally been "socialized" somewhere else
how is it implied
it is bannable
dont worry ill delete the post so i dont get banned thanks for the heads up
If someone is a bio-German you don't need to state the obvious, you don't need the say that this person had been "socialized long enough in Germany", that would be a given fact.

If you committed a crime in Poland you defendant wouldn't need to state that you had been "socialized in Poland long enough" to understand that what you were doing is a crime, that would be a given since you grew up in Poland.

Mad how I have to explain this. Feels like speaking to a child that isn't particularly clever.
or uhhhh maybe it was referring to the 5 migrants dumbass???????? or maybe socialization was mentioned because those were minors????????
Utterly grim how Europe handles migration and the kind of people that end up taking advantage of it. If you people eliminated the ability for migrants to receive citizenship a lot of problems would ease.
Climate change will make it worse.
Now that China and Russia has a stronghold on Africa, immigration will be a tool for them to influence Nafris and Europe. It's already the case, actually.
>14yo girl
Yawn, that’s the age of consent in Germany. She’s a lying little cunt. 14yo good girls aren’t walking in the street after dark.
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all this talk about criminal foreigners got me checking up the actual crime statistics in germany.
turns out that somehow the places with the LEAST amount of imigrants have a way higher crimerates than places with more imigrants

did we get cocky DDR´bros? were germans the criminals all along?
The blue rural areas are all infested with Slavs or old stock Slavs.
>t. That Polish guy
Not exactly, her parents had to consent.
And even if, since she was drunken it would still count as rape

The actual age of consent is 16, unless shes on hard drugs like emma.
So no mixing emma in her drink to get her willing my little chuddie
>>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin
Wow gotta love the diversity of the people involved in this event
Let's take a moment to contemplate this. Such a thing is only possible in a certified diverse melting pot
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This is the pic you posted.
Obviously this use of "All" refers to the 10 defendants, because the 5 people with non-German citizenship were previously singled out with "the rest".
Or the person that wrote this has a shitty style.

Btw they were aged 19 to 23 so they were all adults.

That 5 had German citizenship isn't even news, it's mentioned here too:
>The crime made national headlines. According to media reports, five of the ten defendants had German citizenship (none were of German heritage), and the rest include a Syrian, a Montenegrin, a Kuwaiti, an Afghan and an Armenian.

What was the source of pic related? Looks like a media report too, not an actual court hearing contrary to what you claimed.
Whats the point of having that law if she can’t really consent at 14 without her parents? That’s sounds stupid as fuck. I think here the age of consent is 16 but you need to ask the parents for permission or something.
Because stuff like in the OP is swept under the rug (8 out of 9 of the convicted men received probation, while one was sentenced to a short prison) while "offending" the rapists is sentenced much more harshly.
It's what this whole thread is about, Sören.
Reminder that there are over 700,000 Black people in Germany today, that’s nearly 1% of their population.

In 1971 Canada had around 30,000 blank people, less than 0.1% of the population. Today in 2024 there are 2 million black people or 5% of the population.
>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin.
Is this how we achieve world piece?
Its about teenagers. So kevin can have sex with his schoolmade jaqueline, but the parents can say "actualyl we dont want that"
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It's also the smartest area (with data from BEFORE the mass immigration so that is not an excuse here).
>What was the source of pic related? Looks like a media report too, not an actual court hearing contrary to what you claimed.
idc about replying to the rest of the post im going to sleep gn
Ah yes, its swept under the rug, which is why it appeared in 59 different media outlets, had publuc protests, etc.

"Swept under the rug"
If mass replying is bannable ive never seen it done. Sorta like how youre not supposed to be racist outside of /b/ but the rule is not enforced at all.
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>Another ddr propaganda image
YOU posted crime statistics, NOT media reports covering crime statistics.
Why was a 14 year old girl getting drunk in the middle of the night in the park? I’m not defending the rapists here - they should be castrated and deported immediately - but the girl isn’t innocent either
Parents should teach their daughters to not be dirty whores or promote sex segregated schools from K-12.
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This is genuinely really sad. I don't understand people who just laugh and make fun of this. What's happening here is not right.
Thats just what we do here.
>but the rule is not enforced at all.
you must be new
you dont belong here
You took our the worst. What else did you except lol
How can it possibly be "DDR propaganda" if it is from 2012? You leftists truly are brain dead.

I sincerely doubt that your pic has actual data behind it but let's say it does:
It's easily explained, since there is no denying that the highest paying jobs are to be had in western cities and there is very little stopping someone from moving there. It's classic braindrain.
As a GERMAN AMERICAN this affects me personally. I will see it that Germany triumphs and rebounds from its current climate and hardship.
Ok then maybe there’s a reason there are so many rapes? I mean if people were getting run over by cars because they blindly crossed the road, wouldn’t you tell them to look both ways instead of saying “that’s just how it is”?
good, europeans should learn their place, may Allah (peace be upon him) keep bringing us what we want
been longer than germany has been fucking up your cunt, polenigger
>ragebait from 2020
but for why
There were a bunch of people partying back when the COVID curfews were in full effect.
Police came and broke the party up, the girl lost her group and subsequently found herself alone in the middle of the park.
There arent many rapes, which is why nobodys really affraid of it.
Thought of it that way yet?
Definitely looks legit, guess the latest police report from Berlin is fake
Convenient. In reality she was going there to get drugs by sucking off ahmed but his friends ran a train on her after she consented since they promised more drugs.
>There were a bunch of people partying back when the COVID curfews were in full effect.
Yes, nothing wrong with that - if she was like 24. But why is a middle school girl at a party after dark, drinking enough to get drunk? Do you not see what’s wrong here?
>There arent many rapes, which is why nobodys really affraid of it.
Just because something’s not common, doesn’t mean you can abandon all common sense of self preservation. Bear/wolf attacks aren’t very common - are you going to walk around the woods in the middle of the night alone, carrying around a sack of raw meat?
>Do you not see what’s wrong here?
Yes, people believing that germany is dangerous without thinking for 2 seconds about why nobody is affraid of letting their shitty teenagers drink untill latenight.

In the us i'd be worried about my kid getting shot in a shopping mall aswell, but we're talking about fucking germany, the most boring country in the world
This is the future that women wanted.
I'm not defending that, it's obviously part of the degenerate culture that has taken a hold of this country.
But the punishment for her behavior? She should be taken home by the police and disciplined by her parents.
Not gangraped by sandnegroes.
2 mass rapes a day doesn’t seem like "aren’t many" + we both know that most people here have the "ignore the bad media and this won’t happen to me" mindset.
Also in fact, not even during the height of the refugee crisis we had as many rapes as we do know, and you can even see where our current gov took over
>In the us i'd be worried about my kid getting shot in a shopping mall

Dude Turks are blowing themselves up with handgrenades.

There are no 2 MASS RAPES A day
Here, get some official information rather than posting your disgusting fake news magazin that got proven 300 times with evidence that they make fake articles for retards like you to get outraged
i shall secure an deutsche aryan wife and make many childrens to secure the white race
>What do you mean your information hasn't been officially approved by the Ministry Of Truth®? NKVD!! We have a certified shizo over here!
America is a diverse melting pot but I've heard of them getting together in a rape gang here.
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>What do you mean the government of the FGR has never held a vote legitimizing the mass immigration of third worlders that's been happening for a decade now? So? They certainly do not have their own illicit goals here and they would certainly NEVER fake any stats, take your meds!!
The white race needs no preservation.
What we really need is more racemixing with asian woman
*never heard

>Yes, people believing that germany is dangerous without thinking for 2 seconds about why nobody is affraid of letting their shitty teenagers drink untill latenight.
It doesn’t matter how relatively safe it is, nobody is going to leave their door fully open and unlocked in the middle of the night. Why? Because you’re going to get robbed. Do you not see the leaps in logic you’re making here?
Exactly, and the punishment for a kid not looking both ways before crossing the road should be discipline from the parent - but it’s not the case in reality, it’s getting run over by a car. That’s what I’m saying here, it’s important to punish criminals I agree with you 100% but discouraging risky behavior is also important
I leave my door open when i go for a walk with my dog and nobody entered yet.
I get what you're saying, theres areas where i couldnt do that.
Germanys not the us. Here the black man dont come and steal your dhl package just because its left unsupervised for 10 minutes
>Yeah I've just told you that media reports etc are worthless and that I know the whole, true history of the incident because I'm living close to the park or whatever. But of course NOW I'm calling YOU out for appealing to anecdotal evidence and bring up certainly not tempered with gubernment (sic!) stats. Ain't I a genius?
How does this not prove my point lol?
You sound like American niggers
>sound like
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How do we save Germany, bros?
Most Poles are junkies like literally addictive personality, psychosis or shit like that might be
Yeah ok I get your point but look:
Traffic? That's a necessity in the civilized society we live in.
Sandnegroes? There is zero reason for them to be here and our society would be more civilized were they not here.
pls stay away
breeding their woman before niggers do, what else
>Official bka data bad
>Magazin that releases article "do we all become africans?" responding to a HEATWAVE good and trustable
real schizo hours
There is a book about it that a very based Austrian man once wrote that's is still mostly applicable.
while germany is in fact fucked the woman didn't get jailed for making hateful remarks.
she got that because she failed to appear in court and some technicality made that an immediate arrest. also she didn't just make hateful remarks but made actual threats.
having said that i do feel unsafe when i leave my house and it has only been so for the past couple of years
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Those are mainstream German news sites,
You never heard about them because they're fucking German you idiot.
you are nigger
Conceal firearm for self defense.
Kek, a friend of mine, a meme-leftie larper who has open-relationships literally confessed he was scared to traverse a park in the dark so he instead decided to run through a violent protest, in Berlin, people are just in denial until they get fed up
We cannot kill for self defense or ill be bait-hunting niggers as a job
We should've nuked germany...
Yourself yid
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What do you mean?
>Magazines releases article "yes, we can!-be friends obama" with a picture of obama doing a heil hitler
>Topleft is soccerdrama
>Bottomleft random nudes of a pornstar
If theres any magazine you should read if you know whats really going on then you should propably read this
Nobody here even cited BILD, it's a lame strawman tactic you're trying to pull here.
Based. Women should not be allowed out in public without being escorted by a male relative. It's basically her fault that the crime occurred in the first place.
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>The attackers' nationalities included a Pole
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German scientist found a way to make petrol out of kittens.
20 kittens are enough for a whole fill
The Canadian you were replying to obviously referenced the article in the OP and the stuff from t-online and abendblatt.
They voted for this.
Actually no. Two decades ago people voted for Merkel as the head of conservative party and then she started importing muslims of your own accord.
There never was a vote on whether or not mass immigration should take place. Can you guess why?
>even the conservative party in Germany is cucked
My god, the retards in the AFD are your only hope. What a clownshow.
*of her own accord
But why?
Thats more than I imagined desu
And then people votes merkel again.
Chuds lost, kebap won. The people voted
It's nice to see catholics, muslims and orthodoxs working together
Hitler thought Islam was cool.
In 2013 nobody knew about the 'fugees that she would bring in.
The next vote was 4 years later.
And actually the CDU (Merkel's party) had their worst results since 1949 then and there (2017).
It's also important to note that the chancellor isn't directly voted in by individual voters, rather people vote for others that represent them AND then vote the chancellor.
He thought it was better than Christianity because it celebrates warriors, as can be read in the Table Talks.

But he certainly didn't like Arabs and other middle easterners that he regarded as subhuman, as can be read in the same book.
And who replaced merkel? A pro imigration group, so now what?
The people voted, you just happened to be the minority
It's strange how they give such light punishments to rapists in Europa despite it being a feminist liberal matriarchy.

In Canada women are the sacred cow. Harming a single hair on a girls head gets you crucified, slap a girls ass and they will remove the hand like ISIS. Rape is far worse than murder here and the punishment and social ostracism you receive will be worse than every other crime including terrorism. We regularly deport indians for making white women uncomfortable. Europe calls itself feminist but doesn't protect women. Canada worships women.
Tbf they also gave Brevik like 20 years in a college dorm with a Playstation 2 for murdering like a hundred people.
>It's strange how they give such light punishments to rapists in Europa despite it being a feminist liberal matriarchy.
>Be woman
>Go in ghetto to buy drugs
>Take drugs
>Fuck with guy
>Get sober
>Uhh ohh it was a mistake!
>So she was drugged? Definitly rape
People voted mostly for the SPD that then formed a coalition with the FDP and Greens.
The SPD is seen as the only alternative to the CDU by most boomers (many of whom still voted CDU merely because of tradition, not because of their policies).
>People voted mostly for the SPD
Which is pro imigration. So what are you even saying?
And guess what they vote next, cdu again.
We deport indians for asking to see a girls foot in this country. You don't deport gang rapists.
>We deport indians for asking to see a girls foot in this country
Based indians
I'm not a feminist by any means (as you can probably guess, you called me a "Chud" earlier) but honestly?
Rape is defined by the lack of consent.
If someone is drugged they can't consent.
So certainly in your scenario that would still be rape.
The voted SPD because as I said it's seen as the only alternative to the CDU, not because the SPD is pro-immigration (which it is).
The CDU will recover a bit but it's the AfD that will be the new player in town, probably in a coalition with the aforementioned CDU.
I can decide wheter i take drugs or not and if i do i have to life with the consequences of doing so.
Really just the same shit with the lindemann drama that happened a while ago.

>Uhh i was drunk so it doesnt count
Needs to end
>a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin
Jesus Christ what the fuck is it? Second Anti-Nazi coalition?
>90 year old woman
Just the final act of denazification.
Ok but do you support that ?
It's always about the origins of judaism a polytheistic religion about the worshipping of sand demons, that later became more widely the cult of yhwh, pisslam builds on top of that.
Look he might have said a lot of reasonable things but some shit is straight up retarded and totally betrays the principles of objectivism and partiality, sometimes I ask myself if he was just an asset
It is irresponsible to get drunk or take drugs in a non-controlled environment, yes.
Does that mean it's ok to take advantage of that person?
I don't think so, in fact it's a sign of good character not to do so.
Do you take advantage of a person? Or is there just a high woman who wants to fuck and you go along.

Can i do that as man aswell? When i pop a molly and have sex, but then she gets pregnant i go:
>Acshually, i took some mdma and snorted coke, that japanese girlsband took advantage of that. I was basicly raped by 4 nips
Its common knowledge that people have sex on partys, its common knowledge that drugs increase your desires.
just refuse women, it's that easy, I take drugs to grind the dopamine out of my brain, not to entertain some hole
I do not support Islam and I'm not sure the Austrian painter did, what I know is that he said it's better than Christianity.
From what I know he did favor the old Pagan religions.
Publicly he embraced Christianity because the nation was 99% Christian.
It was to be reformed into "Positive Christianity".
Just play the reverse card.
If she claims that she was drunk and couldnt consent you just say that you drank more than her so actually she raped you.
better or more efficient ideological tool ?
It changes a lot and also means the Reich and the Axis would have need to change Christianity to extreme levels or make a new religion all together, I might read some of the meinkraft at this point because some shit I read or hear makes me cringe, also don't expect to win without pan-nazi Europe
Positive Christianity was to be infused with the racial ideology of NS.
AFAIK Catholicism and Evangelism would be a thing of the past, replaced by Positive Christianity.
What about Hitler being a manlet and wanting to be le Nordics ?
Also Christianity is still kikery for le goy
As I said afaik he favored the Pagan religions as did Alfred Rosenberg (chief ideologist of the NSDAP).
But the country was 99% Christian so they couldn't just have imposed Paganism.
So they would have reformed Christianity to make it more like Paganism.
Maybe they would have educated subsequent generations in a way that they moved away more and more from Christianity, but that's just a guess on my part.
A guess with no foundation is useless, he understood religion is important(for the masses) because it acts as a vessel for moral principles that should be above the law itself, however as much as Christianity has shaped the entire European continent into a "family-based" superpower historically-wise it has some shit that is a no-no for an expansionist regime.
Also Eugenics are hard to integrate into Christianity.
Without religion we would be a bunch of tribes fighting eachother because from monotheism it comes a sense of belonging, groupthink.
Paganism is objectively detrimental to a large scale society, because you always have to account for retards, even the one that are genetically similar to you.
>She was raped by the UN or what ?
Well to be honest UN envoys do have a tendency to do that so maybe

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