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It's honestly how crazy how easy it is to not get a gf as a man. Celibacy is the default path.

Like you think "oh, I'll meet someone naturally :)" but that shit NEVER happens.

>tfw been through 4 years of high school, 4 years of university, have worked multiple part time jobs, joined clubs, etc and have still never had a gf
I'm not a neet hermit who never leaves the house, idk what the fuck i'm doing wrong

oh and do you feel this way inside you're country?
No. I’m a neet hermit
yes and it sucks because if you try to talk about it people just judge you and call all these dumb internet words they learned from tiktok or whatever
When you are a passive entity in your life its hard to get anything.
>Celibacy is the default path
It gets really easy when you realize you don't need women and that they aren't worth the time and effort it takes to get one. Trust me on this, I've had 8 gf's in my 20 + 19 + 2 years of life and every one of them have made my life either much worse or marginally worse and made me wish I had never invested that time to begin with. But maybe only losing your virginity allows you to find this realization.
This, just being slightly passive or shy will guarantee lifelong virginity if you're male. Even if you otherwise have a normal life
yeah dumbass youre supossed to make the first move dont pretend nobody told you that
see pic related >>198970445
no opportunity has ever presented itself
i never make the first move but thats because im handsome. youre fucked if youre average and just sit still.
my current gf was the one who approached though
youre probably a good looking guy
Maybe society was better off when parents and grandparents set up marriages for us.
28 year old KHHV, never begun/began.
The sooner you realize that it's not your fate, the better your life will be
Just be ugly and poor
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No woman has ever been interested in me
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You want but they don't, you're the problem, change.
>Just don't be shy bro
no, everyone somehow finds someone except me
so i must be trash, worse than the guys who beat and rape and women because somehow they get into their good graces and im all alone
I'm good looking so women will talk to me
every relationship I've had is because the woman approaches me first
feel a bit let down with myself that I've never overcome the anxiety of just approaching and chatting up a woman

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