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Songs From The Big Chair edition
Just it an pork, mytes
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oh my DAYS

Tridents and 10 percent of the GDP to Ukraine then
do Brits really not have air conditioning

i mean i get that you lot didn't really need it until fairly recently, weather was fairly tolerable and all, but nowadays it's insane not to have it
What does orange peels and toothpaste do? I bet it's some kind of skeletal relaxer or thins the blood
Toothpaste corona
Might peel an orange with my teeths or tooths.
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non-binary has to be the dumbest meme ever. trannies, ok, maybe you could fall for that, but "non-binary" fucking hell man
what for?
the weather hasn't changed at all
it's not got hotter
we get like 10 hot days a year (between 25-30 degrees) so there is absolutely no point in having air conditioning whatsoever
Not in homes, no
Think most people are happy to just tolerate the heat for the handful of days out of the year that it's 'too hot'
If you are explaining yourself you're losing
it does get well muggy in this country tbf
30 degrees in florence recently felt more comfortable to me than 20 degrees here because it wasn't so humid
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>it's not got hotter
oh dear rorke.
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Tally Hall image
can hear the fat cunt next door snoring
currently reading
we've just had the coldest temperatures in june on record
has absolutely nothing to do with the billions of gallons of gas we pump into the atmosphere each year that's woke propaganda or something
yeah but it's not so much about the heat in degrees, what's worse is the humidity

like in Florida the temps aren't as bad as, say, Arizona, but the former is far worse bc of the humidity
im reading the invisible man
imagine not living in a detached house
fucking povvo scum
it's been raining for 3 months straight, pls make it stop
So? The trend is still upwards. Are you genuinely so stupid that you think you can judge trends based on the latest data point? Mong.
climate change shilling time? yep climate change shilling time
Business idea: don't fluoridated the water
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Just a coincidence.
the climate has always fluctuated naturally
we are entering a period of depression now
all in here >>198971237
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currently reading
How much fluoride in 1 L of water in you're town
why is the tardis there
imagine dedicating your one (1) life to study another man's, especially someone as unimpressive as LBJ
Don't care. Still voting Reform.
>evil cunt
>tee hee he DIDN'T kill JFK (*snicker*)
>(continues for 2000 pages)
What have you dedicated your life to?
more like the retardis
my own happiness
Benzene and benzylchromate fluoridated will pass through in urine unchanged for a part of it and that will affect the womb. There is also the option of getting the fluoride from toothpaste
the climate change will destroy the world any day day now rorke. two more weeks
Suspect you're a lifeless husk without passions
and is this 'climate change' in the room with us now?
mousey, how do i become happy?
As well as the stomach, where fluoride is absorbed
And tones the spleen
And kidneys
im not but cant be be bothered to explain why
Ironicallyn't yes.
Debussy's so bloody good
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don't know why dogging gets such a bad rep around here, i love dogging
man's best friend, and they all got their little personality haha
what about the pineal gland?
The people who believe in man-made climate change are the same people who believe Eddie Izzard is a real woman.
And the cervix
Found the pork iting myte.
Chinyank in?
um eat bugs rorke its too hot
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let's see how long it takes for someone to say it
three of the top ten are FRENCH


zero if the top 100 are BRITISH


Why is the British film industry such a fucking piss take?
you took 7-0 at home
i still laugh at it
i hope my drunken typo brings you some comfort from that national bum rape
Would quite like to shag her
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why are they like this
Nice butt
Confirmed fake news. In reality it was 7-1.
you suck at film but you do make good tv shows
Might it sher arse
7-0, and they decided to go easy in the second half
sit down, look down
How many of those productions hired British companies thoughever?
brazilian going for me, eh? never been mean to brazilians before but i might give it a go
i'm drunk enough
Just movede from France lades gona it some pork naw
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french "film" be like
>starts with hardscrabble young black youth getting into trouble and being a wasteman
>until one day, he encounters an older white person in an authority position who takes a special interest in him and teaches him to be a functional member of society
>the immigrant marries the man's daughter and they live happily ever after, until one day, the immigrant gets unjustly shot by the police
>Le police officeur: il i ya une MIGRANT! un ESTRANGERE
>crying old white man who came by a second too late to save him: non.... il was FRANCAISE!
>cut to credits
Mutt wouldnt understand anything to do with history or national pride
everyone knows argentina does pork better than you
Mide it some argentina pork
imagine being proud of something you didn't do
loads but that isnt the same thing, theyre not british films with british people telling british stories for british audiences. utterly perfect.

>b-b-b-but we're good goy cucks to hollywood and lots of their films are shot here so it isnt pathetic
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got rorke's picture
Feeling depressed and empty
Loved Untouchable, watched it at school.
would be better than whatever slop you lot call "cuisine"
flossed teethstein and there was a lot of gunk and blood in between two of the teeth, rest looked fine though. hopefully I won't have to pay to see hygienistberg anytime soon
Sorry I want to die.
last french film i watched was kind of like this yeah lol
some black kid went to some kind of juvenile detention centre and then got bullied by a white chav lad but then another black guy showed up and started bullying the white chav lad
then the first black lad and the white chav lad become friends and run away
Watched that for A-Level french. I quite liked it at the time.
Then why are we made to feel regret over something we didn’t do
i would too if i were brazilian

kino alert
panic on the streets of london
vaccine moment
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french and italian films are actually like this
>Heyday Films Ltd. is a British film studio founded in 1996[1] by producer David Heyman[2] in London, England, and currently headquartered in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire.
>LuckyChap Entertainment Limited[1][2] is a British-American production company based in Los Angeles and Bromsgrove
>Syncopy Inc.[1] is a British-American film production company founded and operated by Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan. It has offices in London and Los Angeles.
>Heyday films again
>Also directed and written by Brits
real guy was an arab
omar sy is a big bitch btw
Bet you found that black lad handsome haha.
Bet you wouldnt mind a bit of his burnt baguette haha.
Stop being racist against me.
Why am I supposed to believe french food is good? They're actually British tier. Their best sandwich is just a baguette with butter and ham. Onion soup is literally laughable. Pate is good but again, it's just onions, liver and butter. Their food is so fucking basic and boring
I can see that I have defeated you on a point you were unprepared for. Take care.
ccc breakfast remains undefeated thoughever, britshits have nothing comparable
grooving to Jowe Head, which is like a sub-Martin Newell from the selfsame era
french food is notoriously intricate and difficult to make properly though
no idea what any of those words mean
Fuck is ccc breakfast
croissant coffee cigarette
manifique le farteou ooh la la monseniour
>Christopher Nolan
Irish diaspora
What’s a ccc breakfast
you started it
i hope you get the balls to finish it
do the world a favour, save the forest, hang from a tree
not like a brazilian is ever of any use desu
apart from tranny tourism
ffs we send arian rockets from guyana
what the fuck do you lot do?
chinese communist cocks
Wrong. That applies to the very top of French cuisine, which is irrelevant when talking about a nation's food in general. Britain also has high-class chefs and restaurants, but we are (quite rightly) not judged on their output.
you havent defeated me, star war is american not british, guardians of the galaxy is american not british, alien is american not british. theyre american stories that use american english designed for primarily for american audience. its utterly fucking pathetic we are such good goy cucks to yanks. the state should just god full french and say 30% of films in cinemas have to be in british english or something.
>he thinks all french food is haute cuisine
it's not wrong and it applies to general french food too. if you want to shit on a cuisine for being "simple" you should have chosen italian because that is actually easy to make
>unstructured paragraph of cope
Ah yes
it's called "cuisine" for a reason
just shut your mouth and take the L with grace for once
cinematic car crash
Fucking hell I don't want to go to toil tomorrow.

I've been at ALDI for 11 months now. Can you believe it. 24/07/23 was the day I started.
italian food is overrated as shit tbqh
>we a combina the wheata tomatoes and meata in 500 different waysa mama mia this is the greatest cuisine on eartha
>it's not wrong and it applies to general french food too
Such as?
all your chefs train here
and we're getting into beer now so expect further humiliation
brazilian... bazilian... batillian.... batarian....
much to think about
Mide it an pork here at France
>it's called "cuisine" for a reason
I suppose excrement is called excrement for a reason too?
How am I coping? I am mad we don't make British films, in Britain, starring British people, that use British English and get watched in cinemas by British audiences. I am sad, I am angry, I am jealous but I am not coping.
Good post
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look at this top notch ramsi training he got in france
sounds more like like mexislop
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maybe that psychology "subconscious" crap was right...
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you may now begin coping
>>we a combina the wheata tomatoes and meata in 500 different waysa mama mia this is the greatest cuisine on eartha
It unironically is
Plus their cuisine is complete
French mongs never bothered to learn how to use spice
that's an AMERICAN dish
You have been richer than use since like 1890s mate it is nothing new
italian food is pleb tier, it's just cheap, easy to make, and tastes decent
Fluoridated basins
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>have a sore throat
>reach for the cold and flu tablets
>accidentally take the ones with caffeine
going to be at work both sick and with no sleep tomorrow
true, true... because DIEV ET MON DROIT, bitch
almost all of your three syllable words have french origins
we made your thinking
Ah yes French people definitely whip up a souffle on the weekend lmao
a mere 16 years ago you were wealthier than us
than the gfc happened and you shot yourself in the foot with brexit and so the line will never go up for you again. sad
sh.. shut up chud!
Disposable shower heads or shower heads with menopausal patches and fluoride
yeah they do
yorkshire pudding is a type of souffle
>easy to make
>tastes great
Yep that's a winner
*writes this down*
an idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity
doing a poo
Fluoridated toothbrush
>or shower heads with menopausal patches and fluoride
or as i like to call them
yer mum
>true, true...
Yep and toilet, and cuckold, and retard
All french
mexican food is probably the worse food regarded as good. just all variations on the same thing and bad spice profile
yeah mate in 2007 the average british person was richer than the average american, they could buy more thing and had a high quality of life because the line says so.
seems a bit pointless forcing rorke to take the bus when the uk has made less of an impact in 300 years than china has in 10
Blue lucozade and mayonnaise topping plain pasta with sodium hydroxide and potassium citrate
>cuckold, and retard
yea those are yours , lol
in italy recently in a little village trattoria i had a dish of white beans and tuna steak from a tin, only seasoned with just olive oil salt and pepper and it was one of the most delicious plates i've ever eaten, cost 4 euros and the wine was free
Blue lucozade tastes like shit
i'm sure there are lots of french people in your smelly bedroom in grimsby
I'm making pasta
this didnt age well considering a lot of trucks are made in mexico today
i had no idea how hard it was in the uk
i will never make fun of you lot again
from scratch?
you recognise this without knowing why:
mental how religious people will just unironically be like
>yeah I feel like god is telling me to do x
and people take it seriously

you are literally schizophrenic.
environmentalism is jihadism for middle class people
little big planet
You're supposed to use it as squash or mix it with juice concentrate
*makes a little post replying to someone, then clicks on the little number stub to see the little post ive made*
midwit moment
Guzzling pineapple juice. The pineapple is one of the best fruits.

Please don't consume your creations. You could really hurt yourself or make yourself very poorly.
wow incredible
no respectable British motorist will be in a Mexican vehicle
just proves you speak pigdin french, bud
you want to stick with it?
This is actually right
what is the magical man saying now
which one?
the still one is some weird berry flavour but the sparkling one is tropical flavour, then the energy drink one is raspberry
no way this isnt popular elevator music or something
one of the best things i've ever eaten was a grilled wild sea bass in turkey with a bit of parsley
French lad what meals did you cook over the weekend?
sacked tranny literally always fucking here
take the piss
you're the one speaking english
we don't know a word of french
early new
schizophrenia doesn't exist
I accept your concession, and I cucuaulted your dad
>we don't know a word of french
oh, but you do
you just showed me
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You are now actively thinking about patronizing your local tobacconist and relapsing
we don't have tobacconists in the UK
he says you're a midwit and probably brown
Lately yh. I was up all of last night, went to bed at about 6:30 am, woke up at 11:30 am, nap from 16:30 pm to 18:30 pm and awake since.
just had 2 listening to tunes in the garden
Yes we do
Diego's such a fucking pseud lmao
grilled fish is peng
doesn't need much, just a little seasoning
in the sense that you've just posted that and so it's been beamed into my head
in a similar vein to how seeing a bowl of sick will make me think about a bowl of sick
but i doesn't make me go "oooh god i'm CRAAAAAAAVING"
just released what I think was the smelliest fart known to man
feel like Oppenheimer right now
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i "accept" yours
like shooting fish in a barrel
i really should go to england some day, you lot are fucking stupid
English took Old French words and put them to use in the best language to ever exist, whilst dysgenic frogmutts raped their own language into the gay slurry that is Modern French
going to have a snus in a bit
there's three tobacconists in my town but they are kind of high end really, for cigars and pipes, not just to grab a pack of b&H
retards who use the word psued are always the actual psueds
mental u said this just as i done one what stinks hard
5 eggs yday oopsie
why dont you piss off and find other hobbies
Oh dear deegsta...
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thinking of murdering small animals and concealing their bodies. just as a hobby or something
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Thinking about iting pork in France
heathernonce doesn't know how to make plurals in the english language
we all were prepubescent at one time
banning NEETs from 4chan should be considered strange & unusual punishment
include me in the future documentary of this serial killer sociopath netflix
he started here first
What does penicillin grow on
Is it nitrous coffee
reckon if i went to england i'd be extra polite
heard too many stories about rude french tourists
except for brazil of course, i'd buy a brazilian to suck me off and tell it to save the rain forest
is it just me or does it seem like all the /brit/ "characters" have gotten more unhinged and deranged recently
Mental how Africans speak better French than the French
If you listen to a Congolese speak French it's beautifully clear compared to Euro-French
Can't, got mental health
people on disability should be banned from the internet
would improve overnight
how much does a decently attractive hooker with no stds cost in thailand be real
we are so back goybros
come up north
southerners are inhuman scum
caught a bloke pissing up the side of a local church once, i confronted him and he turned out to be french, utter scum, could have battered him but i held back
A underage girl girl from Paris subway just pickpocked me to it pork.
none of this is true
whatever you hear at the gloryhole isn't real french
do you like depeche mode?

held his foreskin back more like
what are you diagnoses lads
for me its just major depressive disorder and anxiety, but that's probably just the tip of the iceberg cause i was diagnosed in the mental hospital and the psychologist had like 100 patients and only talked to me for like 10 minutes
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my diagnosis? based
I have borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, bulimia nervosa and gender identity disorder.
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of course
should have battered him (but you were probably scared because on land, you lot are worthless against a frenchman)
i'm an atheist and i'd never piss on a church
ffs the church made us
its funny how hard brits cope about food
like yes mate every country in the world decided to pretend british food is bad for no reason
trannies are disgusting
To be fair perhaps the frenchwomen's mouths are smaller so it's harder for them to speak with my thick English sausage in their mouths
Pork iting disorder
bros forehead is the same angle as his nose
they did
fuck churches they should all be razed or turned into supermarkets so the architecture doesn't go to waste
Someone help me understand Hegel
Never heard of a meme, deegsta?
jew moment
ADD and nothing else because im not a weirdo
Typical American consoomer. Buy buy buy, that’s your religion
seems more raw
and i'd like to see scotland and have some haggis
also flower of scotland is the best anthem in the 6 nation tournament
Any opinions of Guy Ritchie's series The Gentlemen? I loved the movie and most of his stuff but hated the Sherlock Films despite loving the IP, as it were.
in a lot of pain but my spirits are high
can't get me down
Why? Continental muck.
obligatory YES we should also destroy the synagogues too because every jew worshipper thinks you're a jew if you criticize their jew worshipping nonce'd up religion
finding it difficult to concentrate is not an illness
Temperatures dropping down to about 19 degrees on Thursday de lads.

I don't even mind this warmer weather TBF. Since I stopped wearing hoodies in summer I've found the weather quite okay.
philopshy is all bollocks are far as I am concerned
jew meltdown
he was clearly asking us what we are diagnosed with
not what illnesses we have
And who are you?
maybe you need a doctor, bud :/
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burning down every church because mumberg wouldnt let me play GTA 5
diego's been taking a lot of Ls recently
if i'm reading your post right, you're pointing out how it's a male dominated field in need of a woman's perspective?
it's an Irish discipline
>ahhh, meself an' toime, begorr
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heathernonce is a mad man help us save us
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diego shagging sacked tranny up the arse
FUCKING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
employed woman is the only actual real personality in these posts, the others are figments of your imagination
He is worse than Mousey. Mousey is a pleasant little fellow when he's in a good mood.
spainlard wanking in the corner
rorke filming
rasheed blowing them up
Completely forgot there was that Napoleon movie last year
Didn't watch it
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hoping to get a chance to post this during the brazil match tonight and rake in thirdie (you)s
>tfw can't play elden ring because i broke my hand
he's very clumsy
the end
Humongous penis disorder, incurable I'm afraid
it was crap
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apparently it was a bit crap
I think I can cure it
read it was crap
that ugly, eh?
that napoleon movie? it were crap so it were
The name's Thomas...
Pork iting Thomas.
leftypol complaining on twitter abour rorkes footage
mousey picking cigarette butts up off the floor outside
he was, actually, as his grandson lost the battle of Sedan, thus outlining the political dynamics of WWI
don't know what game you're trying to play but I'm scared
do britshits actually learn about the war of the roses in school
who cares what a bunch of midwit inbreds were doing 500 years ago
total freaking crap show
yanks also say "sir" a lot like pajeets because they are brown

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