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Brazil edition
Prev >>198968177
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Got 95% on a logic exam today
How do I kill myself without making my family sad.
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goodnight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNr7nXvntO8
A friend of mine was getting into either swinging or cucking last year and offered up his Brazilian slampig gf to me. I turned him down because I thought it'd be weird. Wish I'd just clapped her cheeks now desu.
think about how cool america would be if it was just northern appalachia (pennsylvania, but minus all the slavs and wops) and the south.

no disgusting midwest. no disgusting new york. no disgusting new england. Literal cultural kino.
Tough it out until you die of natural causes like everyone else
get hit by a bus
Make your family hate you.
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don't let the crocodiles bite
Damn Canada's gonna lose again at that hockey thing
Isn't that their most popular sport?
what you goys listening to?
this nigga out here overcooking chimkin

delete all your weird apps and photos and porn from your devices clean your room wash your clothes pull out all your money and hand it over to your mom or something shower and shave

but don't kill yourself though that would be demonic
>that would be demonic
I like anime just because there's a boatload of it and its rarely pozzed
It's pure entertainment.
>uncut hairy fat euro cocks
my weakness
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i there's a penis in that webm
im back
anime is pretty fucking cringe, i only read manga and only good manga btw, i just got done catching up with kingdom
Have yourself a glass of milk (and don't mind the anime figure at the bottom)
You bring us anything?
no. sorry.

too early for milk.
i don't like any other """americans""" outside of kentuckians, west virginians, southwest virginians and southeast ohioans.
>only good manga btw
Yeah that's kind of important honestly. Mindlessly consuming a bunch of slop legit makes you stupider. I favor anime though because it brings the story to life.
I like this show even if it's the definition of tranime. I don't care, it's still cozy.
it's okay anon because i still like you anyways :3
*kisses forehead*
>Roe v Wade was struck down by SCOTUS 2 years ago on this day.
That was two fucking years ago already? Where is the time going
omg kissies
Don't you EVER post a fat juicy succulent cock in /cum/ again you mother fuckhair!
I had tacos and taquitos for dinner
desukara, mexico-san,
why does my 3/4th finished bottle of unsalted peanuts smell like an unwashed cock after gooning
I'll post one between your flapping lips instead
aw shucks, i take it back i like you too anon :)
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lower your tone, cletus
don't you hate it when your dickhead pokes out of your foreskin for no reason
someone gooned in your peanuts
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>Brazilian applying for an international job in middle east
>puts on fake filter
fucking kek, im so glad we're in the superior American continent.
we are the heart and soul of america, pedro. you cant change that.
seems like a jeet move
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NEW HAMPSHIRE is the heart and soul of America
I can feel my region of the us becoming more and more latinized
meth addicts and coal miners stuck in the 20th century*
I mean, these guys were from Jersey...yeah!
I HIGHLY DOUBT that! The only one would can would be father, and I HIGHLY DOUBT he would!
grim. White people are flooding into my region...for some reason nobody knows why such a mystery
If you can maintain a latent shithole status, you can avoid getting wiped out by greedy immigrants. Where are the WASP Boston Brahmins now? Everyone thinks Boston is Irish
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Gotta go to the clinic tomorrow and get myself tested
All of my children will be half-native or half-mexican
I'm honestly tired of white americans, though I am one. The future is looking bright
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for the gay aids?>>198974012
>Where are the WASP Boston Brahmins now?
You don't want to meet those people. Just read John Cheever instead.
>bank changed my financial advisor from a jeet to a nigerian
Iā€™m so tired
People wonder why the homeless problem is so bad here in Oregon when it takes three people just to afford rent. Seriously, just give incentives for contractors to build more apartments.
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you're gay and you got aids, it is what it is many such cases
I'm pregnant
um sweetie, libtards like you aren't supposed to have kids don't you know
Your children will be brown white nationalists
i'm pregnant with a big fat brown turd
I'm not a libtard. I like white europeans, just not white americans

I will beat that shit out of them
Is your poo baby fertilized
Thats what your mama said when she was pregnant with you
yeah I feel bad for mixed kids they always have way more issues than kids of one race + they're almost always way uglier
um, sweetie, but that's totes fabulous tho?!?!?!
>tfw no masc uncut euro cock to frot with
I suffer in the states
Do you live in south carolina or florida
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Private equity firms should be illegal.
no. but smart white people are putting down roots in the whitest areas of the country just in case.
Life would be better if everyone was content with 'having enough'.
invented all american culture, opened up the american west to eastern settlement, vanguard of the continental army and main group responsible for american independence*

this is also true, appalachia got very few immigrants so we're one of the only authentic american cultures out there. most of the rest of the country is just goyslop and amerishart 52% faces
I've 'had enough' of your stupid shit
more like brian the faggot
No it wouldnā€™t. Places where people have that complacent attitude, such as parts of Africa, are the closest thing to hell on earth
I'm filled with shit. In fact, I must shit right now!
the east is just like the people who stayed in britain
they lack the pioneering spirit
faggots be like: "i got aids nigga" *dies of aids*
Those ain't the words of no American I know, son. Sho me your firearms license right now!
they'll beat the shit out of you instead, libtard
got his ass
Canadians be like: "i got aids nigga" *dies of aids*
>they'll beat the shit out of you instead, libtard
Wrong. I can beat almost any child in a fist fight
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safe and effective
>Seriously, just give incentives for contractors to build more apartments.
The problem is almost never a lack of contractors. It's nearly always local government regulations + NIMBY organizations. Very very rarely there's a lack of land, but normally that's easily overcame if you can build up.
the east is america
the west is a colonial project gone wrong
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>the west is a colonial project gone wrong
sounds like something a brit would say
you will never know the sweet joy of standing on land that your family has owned since 1692
i mean all their colonial projects went wrong, thats their world view
that's how they've been brainwashed. Colonialism was in reality a huge success
>You may say heya haha, chief...but where I'm concerned you're treading on American soil...and it's heya bang bang! *discharges blunderbuss*
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I just know the joy of standing on acres upon acres of my own fertile land with no one else in sight. East coasters live packed together like bugs
he knew it was bad for the long term health of the country to have them inside the country in any capacity that's why he wanted to free them from the greedy farmers that wouldn't want to send them back, but of course he got killed before he could send them back
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America proper is inside the proclamation line. Everything beyond it is colonial empire. The Appalachians are the dividing line, like the Urals in Russia
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get the FUCK off my land, tonto
Wrong, America proper is the 13 Colonies + the land they were colonizing from the 1750s onwards so Kentucky + Tennessee + Eastern Ohio. Anything south or west of that, though, is not America.
Real people can't afford mortgages because corporations are buying up single family houses and foreigners are paying full cash, not questions asked over the listing price. Not to mention that sites like Zillow and Redfin are pulling home values out of their asses because their main customers are actually real estate firms and not just the small guy looking to buy (they used to buy up houses too which is another reason why house prices were inflated but then got out of that biz when the interest rates went up). Another company out in Texas called RealPage is getting sued because property management companies used their software to collude and inflate rental prices.
>manifest destiny doesnt count!!!

cope, cletus
Iā€™d like to acknowledge that Indians are occupying the unceded traditional territory of the Solutrean peoples
Thinking one of my work gigs might be a risk. The guy in charge of it has given off a few red flags. A couple departures in the last month or so, little transparency, taking my presence for granted even though I'm independent, etc.
(Yes this means the Maritimes are unpressed American core territory)
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Why are corps buying single family homes?
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it could have been another west virginia, if we'd only stopped the slavs and italians and new yorkers from immigrating.
I feel bad for all the east coasters whose ancestors were too chickenshit to lay claim to the open continent
how come they didn't claim nova scotia as part of maine? there must have been frogs there or something?
sending out applications is akin to whoring yourself out like a filthy little slut
Manifest Destiny doesn't count and I can say that as a Cletus because we're the ones who Manifested the Destiny. You're the descendants of European effetes who immigrated after we killed all the injuns for you.
oilers are losing, good.
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you know how trump is talking about sending the illegals back?

well I think it's high time we sent the original illegal aliens back. WE HAVE TO SHIP THE INDIANS BACK TO ASIA
i've noticed that everyone is beautiful except me and i'm the only ugly freak on this earth
I know what you're thinking. Did he fire one shot or none? Well to tell you the truth in all this disbelief I lost the guidance of mine own presbytery. But this being a smooth-bore .45 cal pistol, thee most decisive weapon of God against all thee infidel and would make thine head such as Edom among the Israelites, I query thee: feelest thou benevolent under God, now thoust thou...chief?
Northern New England? The only white people I see move here are massholes who want cheaper homes because they can now work from home
I've also noticed that. You're kinda freaking everyone out
i'm also ugly personally
The colony of Nova Scotia (which at one time encompassed all of the modern Maritime provinces and some of Maine) was in some sense an informal colony of Massachusetts, with a lot of Mass personalities involved in settling it after the takeover of the territory from the Acadians. By the time of the American Revolution, the people of Nova Scotia tried to join the more southerly Patriots in rebellion, but their revolt was crushed. The British already had a lot of troops in Nova Scotia, plus the population was quite a lot smaller, probably due to the cold deterring settlers.
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ā€œjust suck the ladyā€™s cock, ya fuckin rubeā€
>Brazil posts a guy jacking off
>not deleted almost an hour later
Really makes you think...
baby is about to be born on the porcelain throne
the Trust the Scienceā„¢ & Injun lover crowd really hates this btw. They call research racist lol
just replied to the previous thread, thinking it was the current thread. didn't realize until afterwards.
haha DUMMY

least u got TRIPS though

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were you always such a brain dead retard?
To turn them in to forever rental units.
unironically yes because i was born with a learning disability
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oh yes. were in one of the bleakest periods for science and history that we've seen in many many years.
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I couldn't tell you where Edmonton is on a map.
ah I was just joking. I wasn't actually trying to put you down. It's an easy mistake to make
cum con sex
>American's can't into geography hahaha - oh
realistically most Canadians couldn't either
no no no not again leafbros!
Donā€™t kill yourself.

That will sadden them more.
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Do Canadians really say 'Furda! Lez go boys! Lez have a donnybrook!'?
/cum/ leafs are too autistic and/or brown too understand this tbqh
I know that of Albertaā€™s two major cities, Edmonton is the more northerly one, and the capital (the other being Calgary). Not sure I could actually pinpoint where it is if presented a map of Alberta, though. Iā€™m too reliant on shorelines to be able to specify where something is in the middle of a prairie
congrats to the 7 amercians playing for florida
The eternal cope
Cities like Anchorage, Edmonton, Helsinki, Stockholm, St. Petersburg all fascinate me because they are so far north
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next year my wingies will win
More like the dead wings
istanbul and chicago are at nearly the same latitude
I feel like I have more in common with Florida than Alberta
you sound like a brit
me fookin wingies innit
down at the horse races
fookin bet it all wing it all
the missus can get bent innit
it's me wingies what's it about, yeh?
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Just finished watching Severance.
What did I think of it?
Some people are much more attractive in person than in pictures
you've never heard of it
>t. Snowbird
the missus is a right bender innit
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that the main guy had a face that could cut glass
>90% of canadians live within 100 miles of the us border
we should just annex the fuckers already
>be on vacation in bongland
>see Arya Stark gliding down the sidewalk
>like a graceful penguin with gout
>follow her for a block
>working up courage
>gently touch her shoulder
ā€œH-hello, Iā€™m Anon. Y-youā€™re the prettiest girl Iā€™ve seen all day! W-would you join me for dinner?ā€
>she spins around nearly smashing me in the balls with an Abercrombie bag
>stares intently for a few moments
>then breaks into a grin that looks like she could eat an apple through a chain link fence
>quickly grab her hand and go into the first restaurant I see that has tablecloths
>she lets out a little giggle that sounds like a horse with itā€™s leg caught in a wood chipper
>head waiter gives me the stinkeye but leads us to a table
>Arya cocks her head and squints at the menu
>look at the menu. Itā€™s in English, just a fancy script
>she shoves her menu at the waiter
ā€œIā€™m sorry, madam, we don-ā€œ
>he slinks away without even taking my order
>Arya pulls a pack of Mayfairs from her cleavage and sparks up, ashing in the bread basket
>starts rubbing at her crotch
>brings her fingers up and licks them then cackles
>look over my shoulder and franticly signal the waiter for the check
>turn around
>Arya is slumped over the table
>raped to death by Pakis

>Some people are much more attractive in person than in pictures
Indeed, same with video.
sauce for left
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>/brit/ posting in /cum/
This is a Federal crime
my body is a machine that turns calories into turds
ah'll fooking ave ya, ye bleedin colonial, yeh?
>does not post the pic
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Imagine eating this good
no clue.
got it ona goon thread on /v/
Wait wait wait, hold on.
> Vancouver Canucks
> Edmonton Oilers
> Calgary Flames
> Winnipeg Jets
> Toronto Maple Leafs
> Ottawa Senators
> Montreal Canadiens
You're telling me not a single one of these teams has won the Stanley Cup since 1993 when it's the national sport of Canada?
you really are a trans girl!
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I'm telling you, start an IG account and it would be popular
>low level wow chars
>pop bottles everywhere
>dirty desk
this pic is making me very nostalgic of my middle school days
it's fan art of the princess from the slay the princess game
Please understand...
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to be fair, it was in
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Your food reminds of those images meant to simulate having a stroke; where you canā€™t identify anything. I always fail to discern it on first glance, and need to take a moment to figure out what Iā€™m looking at.
If I keep up the 1800 calorie diet and exercise maybe I'll be fit in a month or two
except hes not hes an incel approaching 30
there's nary a cunt in Brummie oo wouldn ave ya
so camon den...ya fackin seppo cunts!
aren't we all
i can see her pantsu wtf
No we aren't, im volcel.
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Gonna watch anime
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IG is for urkelkin and boomers. I'd have to use my phone number for it as well.
It's not dirty, the paint is discolored. I'm gonna get a floor desk one of these days but it's hard to justify to myself when this desk works fine.
volcel is a huge cope for ugly incels
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That is an ancient image which I still cannot discern.
erm whatā€™s that first character name
hey I played wow and I'm not a transgirl
volcel is just incel copium
thats the point anon
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incorrect, often I find my self turning down girls handing their pussys to me
Fine, fine sparrow!
Fine, fine horseman!
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and then you woke up
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If you are a first worlder who has a job and is mentally capable of flying to Thailand you are a volcel
she cute
jason do you have any guns
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big fan of birbs, total outdoor cat death
what if I dont have a job?
gonna go let my cat outside just to piss you off
Dr. Pepper is popular again?
quality post
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do you have enough money and the mental capacity to travel to Thailand or somewhere similar? If yes, you are a volcel
think I'll pass on the thailand ladyboys tyvm
>do you have enough money
im a poorfag
Yeah, I'm a gun owner. I have three firearms.
i'm a third worlder who does not have a job or the mental capability of flying to thailand therefore i am a truecel
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praying to the car gods rn
hello sir i am stink india.
I'm gonna fry my brain with drugs and change my entire personality so I can make eye contact with people and get a job
i cant find my crack pipe :(((((( I WANNA SMOKE SO BADDDDDDD WAAAHHHHH
incel, not volcel
you are unironically correct. idk how much bunda costs in huehueland but ill assume you are also a poorfag
violent black nigger motherfuckers love animal abuse
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What do you do in this situation?
don't worry I live in a secluded roundabout there's zero chance of that happening, faggit

that would never arise cause i dont leave my house
he thinks using drugs will make him into a charismatic chad and not a withdrawn schizophrenic
Determined. Has a clear objective. Has a plan. Prioritizes. This anon will go far.
I did that. I can make eye contact now, but the prospect of working is impossible. I'd rather die than work for some managerial type.
make her my wife also >>198975028
Pull and hold the woman tightly, then punch her head until she falls unconscious.
zesty ahh wigga
Was thinking of visiting minneapolis tomorrow morning but quite frankly it sounds like a shithole so why should I?
Can't sleep
maybe you really like rowdy blah pipos?
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pic very related
wtf fuck you
another guy has to stick a finger up her ass, like when a shitbull won't stop killing another dog
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Cruelty towards animals is a sign of a murderer.
lick her feet clean probably(?)
for me its pb
Some black people seem to strongly hate cats idk why. You'd think they would hate dogs more...
>biting lip
Give her a big smooch :)
Watching an anime about high school delinquents
black "people"
Knew instantly to not click that webm from the thumbnail
Oh, Mr. Blue, I've been study'n the radar in the sky
Measurin' earth and time, the rainbows on your pillows are new
Now I'm fuckin' mad scientist too,
Baby, baby let the one who loves you come thru
Baby come thru
Baby come thru
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>You'd think they would hate dogs more...
dogs don't care for them much
uhhh you clearly aint a real hood rican from the barrio primo
Not allowed to have a pet ferret here :/
>third world
>dog was almost certainly killed or beaten severely after this
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Here's some eyebleach
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almost assuredly beaten before it, too
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too stimky
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wtf is going on in Ottawa lmfao
Cats are a problem because they wreak havoc on local ecosystems. They're unwelcome, murderous invaders, if you will. Much like Saracens or Nubians.
cope + seethe + kys
i will find you
O Canadaā€¦
the nubians actually held a pact with the saracens for centuries but ultimately it was broken and resulted in the arabization of the Sudan...OH, ELDEN RING!
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nice comment section
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death to all demonic black niggers GEORGE FENTANYL STYLE
Yeah pass. I've spent way too much time in rural paradise here that I'm allergic to US cities now.
I saw my first black person today and they look like immediate trouble.
city slickers move to the suburbs and call it a rural paradise
i hope heki makes a major come back and becomes a badass after the recent happenings
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Why can't thirdies and blacks swim? like I truly don't understand it. Even babies can do it by autonomic reflex
oh are you that guy from Eireland on his roadtrip? I've never been to minneapolis but I'm not a huge city person either. There's probably some cool shit in the northern parts of minnesota and wisconsin tho
Blacks have a totally different body structure in terms of bone density and stuff, which makes it way harder to swim. Literally a different species.
>letting a militant minority group totally control the government because they are strategically distributed for elections and fast growing population
Classic Western Democracy moment
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what percentage of Mexicans in your town look like this?
Selena Gomez's boobs
in your face
Yes that is me. I'm in waconia right now. Guess I'll just hit the bluffs in MN tomorrow.
0%. They're all brown dysgenic goblin spawn. Their language is a bastardization. They do not have a solid grasp of English or Spanish. They are a post-human race. An utter abomination.
There was one Mexican family who attended my school when I was growing up. At some point, they decided to leave down, and they opted to burn their house down for insurance money as they were leaving.
They're just not human.
should i walk to the store to get sugar water in the rain and thunder or nah
*leave town
do it now or regret it forever
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Last for sex
Don't kill yourself, kill your former life and seperate all connections.
Start a new life in somewhere if you're just gonna waste this current one anyway.
Leave Brazilian maan
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someone call the MIB immediately
Apparently there are ethics panels that review scientific studies for ethical concerns and prevent publishing of such articles in mainstream journals.
Sounds like a fun little adventure
>They're just not human.
That is not what is implied by Sepehr here.
what was it that made u realize u were a bisexual nigga?
Why does the southern population hate Mexicans when a lot of the cowboy redneck culture is appropriated from mehico

they're America's real deep south
All the Mexicans I've seen have been 4 foot tall brown manlets that make me feel like a giant
errybody told me ya cain't get far
with $37 and a jap geetar!
>science is fake
I'm shocked. Next you're gonna tell me IQ tests on niggers are banned in Calistania..
Whites are a bit more buoyant but it's not like swimming is that much harder for black people
Hang yourself Pablo
if there's no traffic in your area or a lot of people out, go for it, get soaked by the rain it'll be a relaxing walk
I know some
Cropped tranny porn, I can even recall waht it was because it is a recent development. It was the one where they were dressed up as an elf and often posted with some sort of irrelevant time wasting question about elves.
link it
Tbf it's based on some pretty shaky evidence (tools that look similar) and offers no explanation as to how a European migration would have happened. It doesn't have to, but the absence of evidence for the maritime traditions it would have required is notable
I don't disagree, the only compelling evidence is some genetic residue on the east coast indigenous populations that doesn't follow the rest of the continent. But this could also be explained by founder effect, some later migration like norse, or just some error in DNA collection in these very small groups. The point I was making was how defensive they are about just asking the question or researching it because it might make the indigenous look a little politically incorrect or something. Isn't that the whole point of Science, to ask questions?
>Isn't that the whole point of Science, to ask questions?
People took the article out of context and started to try to push a "they were there first" narrative.
People take virtually every science paper out of context, especially when the media reports on it incorrectly as they often do. The Solutreans wouldn't even have much in common with most modern Europeans anyways. In the case of the Inuit they literally were NOT there first but nobody seems to mind this

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