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Christian tranny gardening edition

Last: >>198936806
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ugh, time to get out of bed
Monogamy has kept a lot of worthless bloodlines on life support for way too long.
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bulgarian return to their old homeland when?
showered with a dish scrubber
would recommend
why should we
we had a homeland before that one too (either around the volga, north india or somewhere else)
i'd rather go into space and make a new bulgaria around the sun in a dyson sphere
I really need to fix my sleep schedule
I have completely fucked myself up.
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haha, suffer
because old great bulgaria sounds better than new lousy bulgaria
burglaria is more like it nowadays
I'm sure life in places like Burgas, Varna or Stara Zagora is as good as ever
>Stara Zagora

This might as well be a city in Bosnia wtf
Look at it
>im glad to see im not the only one feeling like this
>and everytime I talk about it I feel like im getting gaslit by people "haha comparison is the theft of joy haha"
>would agree if standards werent so fucking high for the most average relationships
>somehow I need to grind 24/7 to keep up to date with the newest tech stacks, but also make time for at least 3x a week physical activity, also need to hang out with multiple friend groups, also need to spend a ton of money on exotic hobbies and travelling, also need to continually date and have experience, also need to keep up with fashion, have an expensive car, an expensive apartment so that I can score a 5/10 hag with a degree in social studies
>fuck off
why do ngmi seethe so much at existence
if you need to grind 24/7 at something and still don't meet the standard then maybe you're just shit at it
Evil kričur
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evil always wins
I wish I was Japanese.

Not even a weeb, but it just seems a lot more safe and stable than this scatahole.
what does the first statement have to do with the second
just move to japan
Because living there means being an eternal foreigner.

I mean it as in "being born there".
>eternal foreigner
I forgot you're such a normalnig marcus
do you think no japs feel like foreigners inside their country if they deviate from the rigid standard culture
do you think that they wont be called outsiders when they move from one city to the next and know no one
being an eternal foreigner is the human condition, the delusional blank acceptance people who've never left their country think exists is hilarious
>no croatiam flags
They are still seething
>replying to westoid tourists
I understand that being a socially stunted shut in means having 0 connection to anything around you but moving to a place that is essentially alien to you doesn't have much to do with somebody moving 3 hours by train away from his hometown. It means giving up your culture, identity and traditions that define much of what you are.

>being an eternal foreigner is the human condition

Making vague philosophical remarks that make you feel intelligent doesn't mean much. You're alienated from your community. That's not some "eternal condition". Just a result of Capitalism.

Get a girlfriend and you'll understand more of what I mean.
You say this because Albanians don't include you in their hood gangster discord groups because of your Romanian heritage, thus making you feel like a foreigner
It's literally just a result of excessive Internet usage + Capitalism

These people seriously think their highly alienated state is normal
Let's be honest bro
Most people ITT would be in a library or mountain and complain about the average person if the internet or capitalism didn't exist
>Most people ITT would be in a library or mountain

Vgh what could have been
that poster wasn't me doe
albos do include me in their shitty whatsapp groups that consist entirely of posting hoodgangster tiktoks however
and I am a foreigner, staying in this shitty country counts as immigration

>your culture, identity and traditions that define much of what you are
literally not a thing, only a non-existent level of self-introspection leads to this, which evolves into balkanoid old farts who can't stand to be alone with their own thoughts for 5 minutes because their personality only exists in relation to other people
those things can form a basic shell for your personality but making up a significant part of it just means you're not a complete person
almost everyone in the balkans comes from illiterate peasants, so it's quite funny to larp with tradition and culture as if you're nobles with 600 years of continuity when 2 generations ago your ancestors spoke a different language and probably thought they were a different nationality entirely
>vague philosophical remarks
how is you're always and always will be alone like every other human before and after you a vague philosophical remark
>Just a result of Capitalism
I can't tell if you've never left your village to think that there's a connection between you and and unrelated group of people that only share the same language or unironically think richfags existing alienated you
>Get a girlfriend and you'll understand more of what I mean.
I would rather chop off my right hand with a butter knife
>According to Nikos Svoronos argued, the Phanariots subordinated their national identity to their class identity and tried to peacefully co−exist with the Ottomans; they did not enrich the Greek national identity and lost ground to groups which flourished through their confrontation with the Ottoman Empire (the klephts and armatoloi).[17]
Literally him ^ but Albanian
>literally not a thing
Most definitely is. It's effects on development can be observed scientifically or in any other way.

>because their personality only exists in relation to other people
That's how all personalities are created. They develop in relation to other things. It can not exist separately to anything around it.
I recommend Hegel and Marx here.

>those things can form a basic shell for your personality but making up a significant part of it just means you're not a complete person

Those elements that form the superstructure of society (that spring forth from the mode of production and the relations of production) are specifically the aspects through which a person develops. Whether you embrace and internalise it or you specifically develop as a person through it's rejection. Capitalism though is a little specific in that it causes individuals to experience severe amounts of alienation due to the person being completely divorced from the means of production which causes that syndrome of individualism that you and many others on this website suffer from.

>language and traditions
Well yeah it's why its important to never view anything statically but to always have an understanding that society is in constant motion and things change. What used to be one tradition we can adapt and change into something new.

>how is you're always and always will be alone like every other human before and after you a vague philosophical remark
But you're not. Humans can not exist in isolation. You always have some relation to someone else. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not.

>I can't tell if you've never left your village to think that there's a connection between you and and unrelated group of people that only share the same language or unironically think richfags existing alienated you

It has nothing to be with rich people. But the mode of production which causes the widespread alienation of people from their surroundings which further causes 1/2
Mental and physical damage to an individual. The people have very little to do with this

Listen I'm at work and speaking in three languages so I'm not writing the best stuff here. But here's who you need to go through

Aristotel and just the Greeks in general
And then Marx and Engels to help correct some of Hegels mistakes
>The Soviet leaders reached these illogical sentiments, he explained,[21] because "... at the bottom of the Kremlin's view of world affairs is a traditional and instinctive Russian sense of insecurity."[10] The authority of previous Russian rulers was "archaic in form, fragile and artificial in its psychological foundation, unable to stand comparison or contact with political systems of western countries".[21] This understanding of Russian history was joined with the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.[21] Their obstinacy in dealing with the West was born out of necessity;[22] seeing the rest of the world as hostile provided an excuse "for the dictatorship without which they did not know how to rule, for cruelties they did not dare not to inflict, for sacrifices they felt bound to demand".

It's insane how The Long Telegram, almost 80 years after, is still spot on about how the big evil neighbor still operates
>only a non-existent level of self-introspection leads to this

My guy self introspection introspection and in general has almost nothing to do with how your consciousness develops. If you had any you'd realize they come forth from the relations in production, not as a result of some magical individual aspects of your personality
even tho I love to shit on the new testament it does bring me some calm reading it sometimes
Never could bother to read it. That or any popular book. About any major concept. Just felt like I'd be wasting time forming an opinion in a sea of worthless opinions so I never read anything major.
Mangal, in case you see this, kill yourself
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>Aristotel and just the Greeks in general
>And then Marx and Engels to help correct some of Hegels mistakes
retroactively refuted by pic related

>mode of production mode of production mode of production
obsessed with an utterly irrelevant categorization made up to support even more made up categorizations

>But you're not. Humans can not exist in isolation. You always have some relation to someone else. Whether you are consciously aware of it or not.
You as in the person are always alone, because nobody will comprehend you as yourself but only you in relation to their own perception of the world. Your relations to other people are merely your relations to your perception you have of those people, and not their actual selves.

>which causes that syndrome of individualism that you and many others on this website suffer from
I fundamentally disagree with you one a vary basic level so further dialogue is impossible. I even disagree that the cattle posting here are anything but slaves to contrarian collectivism and full of a juvenile need to be part of the crowd.

>relations in production
actually made me laugh, everything is about production hahahahahahha
>My guy self introspection introspection and in general has almost nothing to do with how your consciousness develops
hahahahahhahahaha, yes yes
you're absolutely correct my guy
self-introspection is pointless compared to the modes of production hahahaha
holy shit I've been laughing for 5 minutes never stop being retarded marcus
mangal is less dumb than you tbqh
can be entertaining too
why is maymuns here pretending to be midwits when you're obivously below 80 iq?
What's this obsession with pretending to be something you're not? You're just making a bigger fool of yourself
Imagine how Aristhrotthle would feel if some dumbass maymun would speak about him, he'd probably beat the shit out of yalls
>t. hasn't even read something as basic as the 5 dialogues
What was Aristotle's academic attainment bro?
aresthrottle invented HOMOlogy
>pic related
Utterly irrelevant person. Not even worth adressing.

>obsessed with an utterly irrelevant categorization made up to support even more made up categorizations

That categorization is used to
scientifically explain something that has a measurable impact of human society and the individual. It has a better explanatory power than anything else.

>You as in the person are always alone, because nobody will comprehend you as yourself but only you in relation to their own perception of the world. Your relations to other people are merely your relations to your perception you have of those people, and not their actual selves.

This is mostly romantic nonsense with nothing behind it. You as an individual, no matter how special you think you are, develop and are molded by the same conditions as those around you. Whether there exist some personal things specific to you as an individual doesn't change the fact that all together your personality, interests, hobbies and anything else peculiar to you is measurable, can be categorized and lumped together into collections of people that have developed the same way. This website is filled with individuals like you. I'm sure you'd get along with those types splendidly.
There is no "actual self"

>I fundamentally disagree with you one a vary basic level so further dialogue is impossible
There is no disagreement. You're simply wrong.

>The rest

You're so intellectualy stunted that you seriously think introspection means anything other than the pointless ponderings of somebody who has nothing to contribute to humanity. The mode of production and the resulting relations in production and superstructure are what determines all your thoughts, behaviors, interests and anything else you think is a result of your own individual actions.
Well that's a stupid question, why don't you ask something that would be beneficial to you instead? Why would you even ask me something like that?
This. With my nonexistant motivation and 0 social skills I might as well effectively be sub-80 IQ.
I only listen to Master's degree attainers and above
Is this a really short pedo animu game?
>he fell for the sleeping schedule meme
Do you also believe in astrology?
los numeros evenos: dringado la agua
los numeros oddos: dringado la cerveza
los numeros repetandos: dringado la urina
ajjj aj aj el senor de los getos has trickado me en repetando
Weird way to say you're mentally incapable of processing information and making decisions based on the conclusions thereof
They're facing first hand how ridiculously rigid class strata actually are.
Sub-bachelors degree argumentation, therefore discarded
Barely finished high-school i imagine how gay and dumb you have to be to go to jewniversity and brag about it, are you sure you're not that guy that posted that he sucks cocks for 40 euros in skopje?
>Barely finished high-school
It shows bro
Interesting take. Now can you show us any entertaining post that he ever made?

Nope, because none of his posts are entertaining
Multi-millionaires and billionaires don't have time for einsteins chutzpah, im too busy dangling my elephant hose on the beach
If I ever meet someone I disagree with from the past I would shrimply ask them what they scored on the Gaokao and obliterate them instantly
But you haven't gotten a Gaokao score for yourself, bro
Matura in Macedonian bro
Idk about matura, but when I become the fascist dictator of Balkans, I'll put bugidonians into a Natura reservation :^)
I chuckled
reading doesn't make you smarter

>Prespa is a Natura reservation
Well thanks to this meme post, I learned something today.
ur not even a millionaire in leva dood
eat the rich
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Try to eat Vaggelis Marinakis bro, let's see how this will work
So true sister
that one time he got scammed while buying mobo was a good one
furniture purchases too
I wonder why he stopped attentionwhoring
Xaxxaxaxxa shit I forgot about this
Buying a 600 euro motherboard for 200 euros on ebay, how could this go wrong

I wonder what the Indians who scammed him bought with their hard stolen money
Homosexual Pomak that moved from America to Bulgaria in the hopes of becoming an ENTJ fascist communist dictator of Bulgaria
Your slander is my motivation, after i finnish this papaya rum cocktail and my coffee i'll jump on the grind again and 10x that shit up.
Gives me boomer vibes when they get scammed by hardware stores.
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Switching to roaming to let you guys know 4chonz is bannaned on Star Link.
Wtf why

Elon Musk was supposed to be our friend....
peon muskrat has always been a glowgroid, how are normalgroids so dumb i cant understand that
You don't get irony, do you
you, but american and gay nat-soc commie
So you smart, huh?
New Thundefoot video shitting on Muskovic.
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tatarchan tried to warn u
i'm not here to entertain you
i got refunded by my bank. it's no where near of a big deal as you retards are making it out to be.
working full time and having a social life
>пoмaгaм нa няквa нa paбoтa
>пишe ми cъpчицa и мeчeтa в чaтa

Cпpи ca мa мъpдa дaн cи нa питнaйcи
>having a social life
Anal drillings with swarthy gorillas?
im ironing my shirt right now
Quite pleasant outside surprisingly
Before real feel was 42, now it's 36.
Unironically feels comfy and refreshing after that maymoon temperaure.
I want to marry a feta white female from Sweden and bring her to Shkupi to see her turn tomato red like the wytoid tourists I see from time to time
mainly drinking alcohol and ranting about the situation about the world. also colleagues trying to be 'nice',
You're cringe

Kill yourself
dad's musical taste gets worse with each day bypassed his door and it was like some teenager inside blasting some 00s nu metal
Дивaкът викa, чe билo мнoгo пpиятнo нaвън. Aз cтoя в cтaятa и ce пoтя кaтo хyй. Bънкa e 29. B cтaятa cигypнo e 33.
swedoids are orange doe
Get a job and move out, inceloid
They evolve into that race after turning tomato red
they're born orange
My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with sheer indefatigability, makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.
-Emory Andrew Tate Jr
it looks like indian food
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>muh chin is lacking
>moving out
I don't hate my parents
Oh the psycho

A lot of those are oxymorons though
he's american
Russia could use some AMERICAN influence
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if i have 2 computers
and 1 of them has a virus
can that virus jump to my other computer via shared hardware?
in particular a bluetooth keyboard, or a screen? (not smart screen)
>le virus
>better teach them how to be good goy rentoids for life
So sinister.
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Bossmommy is preparing them for the future
>you're cringe
Okay reddit
potato poisoning virus
SelfHating Americans is the most redit thing ever, so this is literally you
the soul of everything is destroyed when capitalism touches it, nothing can exist but the quest for money
Why aren't you sucking cock for money bro?
>nothing can exist but the quest for money
how sovlfvl!
got harrassed politically outside with signing a petition for bus ticket (for goth girls) prices or something
sadly it was some chubby neckbeard manlet and not a postal dude
Roads are communism.
made up country of made up people. it's a business zone.
Boomer waking his shitbull off his leash

There is surely some Hadith that says these people will spend an eternity in jahannam
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New Kyriakos Grizzly kino dropped
I would nuke your face to get the golden AMERICAN passport
>I am a bottom who loves to be dominated by foreign powers
tell me something I don't know
Attfrican DESTROYED by his American master
>siding with bulgarian twinks to btfo his Greek master
Truly insidious and backstabbing, true skopian to his CORE
All your thoughts are around gay sex and anime. You are exactly what's wrong with AMERICA. So if AMERICA is to return to full basedness, your likes need to perish!
You got obliterated bro
Mangal owns your ass now
source: dude trust me!
It is known
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balk merchandise
Belorussian angel
>posting a whore with a body count of 100+
She should become a porn star like the rest of her kind
She's Catholic and chaste
thats a man isnt it
there's a vocaroo from her podcast claiming she has been "fucking and sucking since she was fourteen" and her "count is 100+" or some shit
Must have been the Armenian prostitute
that's her friend, bro
they do the same job on the matter
we have the same iPhone bte
more and more proof iPhone is the telephone device made for women
>im sure warm sunny climate is worse than in donbass bro
Make it illegal for professional athletes to become politicians and half the problems of the Balkans are solved
>gay sex
I don't have
i don't watch
the only thing I know is that you allow your life to be dictated by foreign empires. typical of a g***k
Foreign empire? America is the only choice for freedom, of course Greece sides with them because Greece means freedom.

You can always go back to the arms of Mother Russia if you don't like. And you know, return to being poor, depressed and oppressed.
Yes, everyone here has an iPhone. Even people that make minimum wage.
that's a byelorussian-american (aka slut)
>sir, you must print 80 pages of irrelevant bullshit because we archive all theses
>so you will print it yourself?
>no lol go pay 30€ to do it
It doesn't take 30 euro to print 80 pages thoumsteverest
Chop chop, slave!
they need to be in color and bound together with those spiral thingies and with a carton cover

I suffer
maika mi vika ela da qdesh riba ot gurcia otiam safrid naprao si trugnah vikam ako se podigravate taka s mene vi triq nomerata
60 eur printer on sale
5-8 eur tattoo ink from aliexpress (injected into toner, lasts for over 10000 pages)
5 eur for 1000 sheets of paper
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what are some smartpipo books one can read to become big IQ
>resorting into posting some low tier bait from the a YouTube sloppy seconds website, twice
I accept your defeat.
bro it literally has kur in the name
It means when in Albanian
>reading books
means "dick" in maqe and bugi
should i read degenerate visual novels or something like that instead
It's a Croatian book too
10 hour zoomer essays on jewtube are the future
>slavish gayreek
any carpenters in here? surely one person should know something about wooden constructions and shelves and shit since there's a plumber romanian, it can't be all disability pension gamblers and itards
>any carpenters here
sorry my father is dead (alcohol)
>nordoid can't do a single day of the kyriakos routine
have to constantly hide my boobs at my workplace. sucks.
Stop being fat Bugar
He's just a transvestite
Tatars mentioned.
what could some balkan peasant possibly tell you that google can't
Me bro, ask away
our word for dick is kar
such is fate of all manual labor workers

I could really just ask the person selling thing I ordered whether what I wanna do gon work or not but I really hate leaving traces of my presence online
please be nice i just want a daddy to care for me. i should start wearing a dress soon.
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bro just state your shit
if anyone knows he knows
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I don't install red outlined shelf and put relatively heavy load (my pc) on the middle shelf. that's dangerous or nah? it will be in between the wall and my table so there won't be any unsteadiness

manufacturer claims these planks can handle up to 50 kilos
this is the most sad looking shelf
It's fine. I just don't know what kind of weird setup you're rocking.
i am asian (mangal) :3
>asks physics problem to carpenter
>Needs a carpenter for this
Bro you just need someone above 80IQ so I would advise you to ask outside of /balk/
Kill yourself
they'll probably bend and look like shit
wage-labour and capital
value price and profit

Give those a try. They're very simple but interesting to read.
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better now bro?

if it collapses I'll sue people who made it I guess
you first sweetie :)

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Should I buy a barrel of protein?

Like one of those fuck you huge jars filled with a mountain of powder.

Is that even cost effective with the rise in prices?
i want a rope around my neck like that... :3
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I wish Hitler was alive so he could burn you alive in the ovens
Dirty bastard
where are your sex toys?
Is paying 80 euro for 5kg of Whey protein too much?

I feel like it's overpriced here.
hitler was softer on homoesexuals and trannies than da west was

trannies were allowed to conduct their business and issued special licenses. lol. the only ones who got gassed were the ones who broke the law, (prostitution) and this was after several repeated warnings.
The most cost effective thing you can do is buy one big fat pig and use everything from it to bulk.
i am mangal and i am transexual :)
>Is that even cost effective
No. A 5 kilo bag of whey is more than a hundred euro whilst 5 kilos of pork is 30 euro
no i am not kill yourself
It was like that because he knew fags and trannies are lesser evil compared to the disgusting communists
Just eat chicken bro
My dad said the same thing. When we ended up doing it I gained weight because I just kept munching on the čvarci. There's also a lot of labour and storage involved. A big ass tub of protein seems simpler.
those chemicals are no good eat some eggs instead
>It was like that because he knew fags and trannies are lesser evil compared to the disgusting communists

>In our movement the two extremes come together: the Communists from the Left and the officers and students from the Right. These two have always been the most active elements, and it was the greatest crime that they used to oppose each other in street fights... Our party has already succeeded in uniting these two utter extremes within the ranks of our storm troops. They will form the core of the great German liberation movement, in which all without distinction will stand together when the day comes to say: 'The Nation arises, the storm is breaking!'
my time is worth far more than the amount it takes to gut a fucking pig
ok go munch on processed powder then
The tub you're buying is just inferior poison.
>expecting jobless neets to know the value of time
Even if you pay someone to gut it for you it's still more cost effective than those gay protein powders.
just eat boiled eggs bro
my time is worth 25 euros an hour bro
>minimum wagie
Tastiest most halal product of the balkans
Bro just buy meat from a butcher or supermarket
It's still cheaper than whey
25 euros is a good wage in america too. minimum wage here is 3 bucks. kill yourself amerifat.
Okay but how does this relate to being smart with what you have and not buying inferior meme products?
>but how does this relate to being smart with what you have
paying my grandpa to drive 1 hour to the local farm
$24 is considered the unofficial minimum wage here, if someone offers you less than that don't even bother showing up
>t. petite-bourgeoisie swine removed from reality.
come to my live chat and relax bros
>the projections of someone who hasn't kept up with inflation
if you didn't get paid that you'd literally starve in jew york. 2-2.5k lowest monthly rent
>he calculates minimum wage by 1 wagie per apartment
kek, this is how I know you don't live in reality, minimum wage in jew york is the amount of central americans that can fit into a one room apartment.
that's just the chattel slavery tho. I'm talking exclusively about us citizens
>but, but MUH SLAVERY
the last howl of the defeated mutt
>us citizens
they will be citizens soon too, ese.
The American you're talking to is a teenager with no job!
Insane to me that shitalians can have an automotive industry but Eastern Europe cannot

Former world superpower and it only has Dacia and Lada
>In an article published in ertnews, ERT makes known that it is included in the media "blocked" by Russia.

>"Russia is blocking access to ertnews.gr and ert.gr among a few other Greek sites in retaliation for the European Union's blocking of Russian agencies and websites," ertnews reports.

>According to the same media outlet, Russia also blocked the English-language Cyprus Mail in Cyprus.

Kek the thirdies are afraid of the GREEK Media xaxaxxaxaxa
crazy that these lucky trips would fall on such a retarded guess
bro balkans were 90% agrarian until hitler. india had a railroad before bulgaria did
>omg uncivilized subhumans!
le ancient farmers are of a higher race than anyone alive today
no arguments
>but muh citizens
Nyc is a sanctuary city. Kill yourself.
You are speaking with a homosexual transvestite
Urbanisation in EE was practically non-existent before deranged westoid imperialist greed forced them into it.
Wrong I am a bisexual trannsvestite fascist nazi satanist muslim terrorist
so? what even is your point?
there's citizens and chattel slaves in new york
maybe they'll be emancipated once they're burnt out only to spend the rest of their lives seething about their status, but when that time comes more will be imported to keep up the slavery buff
Who the fuck invited these muttoids before the mighty throne of Khan Yu-vi-gi Khrum?
>minimum wage is not below 23 dollars
>um ackshully it's not!!!
>bro illegals make 1/4 of that
>ummmm but they're ILLEGALS it doesn't count
Next I will show you that low skill workers make less than that but then you will say UM BUT THEY'RE LOW SKILL IT DOESN'T COUNT and then try to make even more justifications
KILL yourself
>>minimum wage is below 23 dollars
lets test your knowledge
well it doesn't count because they are illegal interlopers imported here specifically to subvert the political and economical balance of us, the actual constituents of this place. yes, I can just impose arbitrary constraints contrived specifically to benefit me, and I can do this because the rules of the game have already been broken.
>it it doesn't count!
Nothing you say matters. And yes low skill workers make less. Once again, kill yourself. When was the last time you worked retail? Or customer support? Bug a bullet in your head shqptar mutt.
I got all these correct.
with a clearly defined and righteously ordered constituency I would maybe be willing to engage in labor politics. but the moment that gets subverted all that talk goes straight out of the window, and I will simply write them all out just as arbitrarily as they were brought in. tis only fair
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Burgas trucks shipping Murikan vehicles east on the Via Egnatia (to clap Krasnoburyatsk’s ass).
>with a clearly defined and righteously ordered
Shut the fuck up retard 1/3 of your satanic shithole is composed of migrants who work low wages. 10% of the whole population makes the minimum wage. Go suck start a shotgun
God bless the United States of AMERICA
yes and once they all go away the situation will become a bit more reasonable, and then we can move on to the boomer and investment fund problem with housing
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AI can make memes now.
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Damn right!
>um that's not the situation
>ok ackshully it is the situation but it will go away soon
You are a fucking foreigner to america yourself. Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
That’s not how Murika works.
>23 usd is not ackshully minimum wage in new york!
>bro some people make 1/4 of that
>um no they dont only illegals!
>bro 10% of the legal population makes almost half that statistically
>ummmm that's socio-economic factors of immigrants!
>bro you're an immigrant
I'm glad this shqptar lives an ocean way way from me. Hoxha and tito missed a couple.
good, since there are no more arguments the point must have been thoroughly made
you're being very feisty today, are you mad you didn't get a greeting?
It was a good deal for us to exchange those useless BMP1s we had to for the Marder
I hope this way Bulgaria can also grab some decent newer equipment instead of the Soviet relics you're stuck with
>the foreigners will be removed and the wages will be restored bro!
>btw pay no attention to my original argument of wages not being that low to begin with
Yawn. There is no greeting for me to expect. I have always been vocal about how much i hate your wretched bourgeoisie mentality.
they jailed hohol for taking pic like this
Damn... As much as I dislike him, this man speaks the absolute truth.
Greece and Bulgaria aren't active war zones bro
uh huh, enough of this talk tho
now that you've let it all out time to relax and enjoy the catharsis
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>uh huh
next test
macedonian smo will change that
got every single one of these wrong
Who will be attacking whom?
come to bulgaria and fuck our pajeetas
AI slop is becoming worrying
I feel like taking a nap but I promised my gramgram that I'd visit her today

Being a diligent grandson ain't easy bros
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Wow macedonian baby how old is your grandma can I marry her?
Is your gramgram built for BBC?
I wish I could go see mine but she's passed, sadly
2 mentally ill replies by fyromians, 1 mentally well adjusted reply by a Greek

This is why Ikibey wants to be Greek and not a deranged Slav
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I am on a boat.
>Who will be attacking
elite macedonian squads
you bro
a bunkbed would be less gay
did she live long
Actually the second bed is for your mom.
my mom is dead
tis true
I am immune to this move
Lucky bastard. Which creature should I pray to to make it manifest in my life as well?
Evil creature
Religion in England 2021 Census:

Christianity - 26,167,899
No Religion - 20,715,664
Islam - 3,801,186
Hinduism - 1,020,533
Sikhism - 520,092
Judaism - 269,283
Buddhism - 262,433
Pagan - 68,629
Spiritualism - 60,912
Jainism - 24,887
Wicca - 11,952
Ravidassia - 9,564
Shamanism - 7,623
Rastafari - 5,802
Baha'i - 4,489
Satanism - 4,751
Heathen - 4,479
Zoroastrianism - 4,029
Taoism - 3,525
Theism - 3,143
Druid - 2,269
Pantheism - 2,158
Scientology - 1,833
Shinto - 1,337
Deism - 1,036
Valmiki - 1,034
Witchcraft - 975
Animism - 733
Universalism - 721
Traditional African Religions - 651
Druze - 619
Occultism - 457
Yazidism - 392
New Age - 373
Eckankar - 319
Voodoo - 246
Brahma Kumaris - 229
Thelema - 209
Unification Church - 195
Mysticism - 137
Traditional Chinese Religions - 109
Confucianism - 76
Native American Religions - 74

How do I pray to this Evil Creature?
Oh, Evil Creature
Hear me pray
Please take my cunt mother's life away
From 1931 to 2017
In this case we'll be airdropping papers depicting the three letters that scare macedonians (Я, Ю, Ъ) and thus their invasion will be averted
sigh, alright fine, let's hear your sob story
Ugliest car color is objectively silver
No that's pink and gold.
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The real balkmun colors
I mean car colors that are actually used
I bet Navy Blue is popular with the ladies.
taoism is good stuff
I'm going to get into curses and learn some curses to see if they work
gl with that i was looking into satanism for that and found nothing but i know that shit exists from a friend a while back
Krasnoincel's sleep schedule on suicide watch
> Глeдaт дeлoтo зa yбититe пpи кaтacтpoфa c мигpaнти пoлицaи
bra just pay some online service
Sam Hyde did it
> Typcкият външeн миниcтъp aлapмиpa: Имa pиcк oт избyхвaнe нa Tpeтa cвeтoвнa вoйнa
crazy how that generation went through ww2, my great grandma died when I was a dumb 11 year old so I never asked her anything during ww2
Vgh he will return you to Rumelia Elayet
*about her durring ww2
there was no ww2 in your land
My grandma remembers being lined up by Tatar nazis during WW2 in her city's center unironically
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e cea кe ce пoчнa'aмe
My grandma told me that boogars were undisciplined animals and many border villages in the occupation fled to the germanic side because of better treatment.
>lined up by Tatar nazis
For group RAEP and I bet she liked it.
пy някyй път cи миcля чи cички тиec cииpджии cи лaпaт идин нa дpyг бйec дa ca мpaзят в дийcтвитилнyc, щoт дpaмaтa им гиниpиpвa глйeдaния yт бaлъци дйeт им ca вpъзвaт
My great grandma was communist partisan though and funnily enough my great grandpa on my fathers side was soldier working for the italian facist government
Funny thing you say that because bulgarians invented the best armored vehicles that are made and sold abroad but the nugarian state refuses to buy them new and buys 50 y old scrap from massa
In other news trannies at the sofia pride trample bulgarian flags and scream death to bulgaria inshallah
>working for the italian facist government
So a communist partisan?
sounds made up for gibs
a common occurrence
I believe it. It's the balkans after all, you don't know how chaotic these lands can get.
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*nglo get chance: 66%
br*zillian get chance: 22%
n*rdcuck get chance: 11%
Others: 1%
She was though, I have some communist medal at my grandmas house.
When I was in elementary school, a teacher asked us to interview an elder about the war. I asked my grandfather about it. One of the things he told me was the Italians were chill as fuck while the Germans were cold and ruthless. They were lucky not to go hungry because outside of Athens (which was under German control) the Italians were more relaxed in the matters of food rationing and they were allowing locals to cultivate stuff.
Some relatives of him in Athens had to escape the city during the famine.
if there is anything good that can be said about albania is that it was too peasantly and uninterested to fight in all the retardation that unfolded back then, first world war and balkan wars included. in the end, the italians and then the germans just left on their own and a bunch of larpers pranced around as liberators
they gave those out like candy
they manufactured an entire army out thin air for propaganda purposes
have you never seen any of the communist movies?
big black jig-jogs tongue my agnus
yes, germans are autistic like that, it is known
it is also why they win while shitalians lose
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Balkans are one of the nicest places on Earth. It’s the Serbs that ruin it.
of course it's a n*rd skatotrogontas simp..........
Balkans is one of the worst places on earth. It's the serbs that make it tolerable.
All my friends come late to meetings. When I adapt and start coming late, they come even later.
Tbf she wasnt some soldier, she hid weapons in her house but it was true. Why you denying this?
time to go to sleep
great day todat
because your country has manufactured a myth of there being a liberation war amounting to several tens of thousands of soldiers when it was just a bunch of gangs doing pointless shit.
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You obviously don’t know anything about our history.
I'll believe the 6 million before I believe any of this
No, it's the tatars.
>albo "history"
Whatever dude
Why do you even still live here.
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turns out this person was of certain ethnic background and is now dead from a wound in a certain conflict
don't get mad
it is what it is
and thanks to me this is one more matter you won't be blindsided on anymore
Maybe the numbers are inflated but it isn’t far off.

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