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shleepy time edish
first for uhhhh uhhhhhhhhh
you have negative canthal tilt
That’s called scientific racism, chuddy. Shut it down. Also I trust the science and I fucking love science.
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Time's running out to get your steps in, anons
some gutter oil splashed on me and I'm slowly turning chinese
i found my crack pipe but cant find my needle to unclog it :((((( I WNNAAA SMOKOOOOKEEEEEE!!!!!!
Cowboy culture comes from Spanish, as in Spain, vaqueros, not the low-IQ brownoids that are funneling across the border.
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I can't sleep someone tell me everything is going to be OK
Stop smoking crack
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it's going to be okay
I need sex with you.
Not gonna lie to you
Everything will NOT be okay.
miss the ol' bunda threads
I can't possibly promise that
Pretty sure theyre the same people
i only give it up the ass to other cuties
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God willing
shut the fuck up you stupid slut
Yeah, you're right.
what did he mean by this?
It's more like saying "grinding the elderly into boner pills will lead to a fertility boom" type of thing.
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Ryan Garcia is an example of a white Mexican
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Make Niggers Hanged Again
this time it'll be your turn THOUGH
I'm a big fan of Sabrina Suzuki
I mean wouldn't it?
I've a whole week left here and I'm kinda bored now
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I refuse.
Latinos will unironically do this in the future as America becomes part of the Hispanidad
James 4:15
>Guess I'll just hit the bluffs in MN tomorrow.
I've heard the wisconsin dells are cool, dunno how far that is. how was south dakota? long and boring?
I wouldn't be so cocky, remember 80% of your population is within 50 miles of the US border
take a trip to the colored mecca nearest to you and get shot in the face by a savage negro
He is literally brown
>google image search
Fucking yikes
Not really. Just look at Brazil or the Dominican Republic as the future of America
I doubt any lynching will happen lol.
dont get dizzy
Canada's going to be that but with a desi flavor rather than a Latin one.
Why though? bottoming once to understand can make you a better top. I would be willing to teach you.
>wants 'em hanged
.doesn't like 'em hanged by Latinx
??? Nigga? We will be some jeet infested wasteland by that point
he is Criollo
A creature this beautiful shouldn't be easy to kill unless the people behind it are heartless.
This is not /k/
Our black population isn't big enough to be like Brazil or Dominican Republic blacks made up 50% or more of their country
I'm in one.
do i get to fuck you first
you're in a savage negro?!
piece of shit dolphin emulator crashed on me AGAIN
Doesn't change the fact that he is brown
It's food.
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I'm sorry. Use what remaining soap being produced in Canada and redeem EVERY last Hindudu pajeet.
I chose the wrong time to hang out in /cum/
why are you emulating dolphins?
why WOULDN'T you emulate dolphins
emulate this bussy
I'm not here to argue with CUM, us united together is the most fortified stronghold in the planet.

Sure we've got some issues, but trust me you do not want to be balkanized.

Just think of the shit we've managed to do together, like eradicate screwworms anywhere north of Panama.
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he isn't
he is Criollo
cause there's no point
2 stanky
>Dominican Republic
They literally hate blacks and attack or kill them on sight because of Haiti lol, terrible example
Ikr, the gen has been so hateful and violent today
why would you do that...
i should fuck you so you could learn and understand
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Your mutt categories mean nothing in real countries sorry Pablo
drinking milk
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Should I learn Afrikaans just because
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definitely not, what are you thinking?
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That they hate Haitians doesn’t take away from the fact they’re quite dark themselves
I haven't started yet, so I don't know wtf this is supposed to mean
just learn Dutch and it will be mostly intelligible
why you fuck me i fuck you bloody?
he is well respected among white nationalist and far right online spaces
his skin is pale and he has no indio blood
he is 100% Spaniard
i should be high right now but this fucking pipe is clogged all the way the fuck up
a person from the DR will be blacker than coal but will assure you they are 100% Spanish & Taino admixture, it's hilarious. They hate haitians that much
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My grandfather was a Dutchman, not a Dutch-American. Some Afrikaners he encountered on a train could understand him, but he couldn't understand them, so they switched to English.
I actually quite like black people
Sounds like a good excuse to do rez hoots :D
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The girls have nice big butts but I have never had sex with one. Probably would tho.
I don't share that sentiment
your brain's going to be clogged up too if you keep putting that poison in your body
Afrikaans is really easy to learn for English speakers. I learned to read it by accident due to exposure to primary sources while working on a big history paper about the Boer republics
they're ok in small doses
I don't like individuals of a swarthy or colored persuasion.
Chances of the world ending soon?
>I actually quite like black people
Liking certain Bantus is understandable but liking the group is not.
none but i wish it ended
Have you ever interacted with them meaningfully or are you like the coomer Eastern Europeans on /int/ who love them because they want exotic sexo and have never actually met one?
Guys, I have a confession..... I'm black
thoughts on trannies?
wtf is that
not worth even explainng to you why youre extremely wrong
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2 more weeks
wish it could bro
like you?
None. Simply won't happen. I'll pay you $20 if I'm wrong.
I generally get along alright with African-Americans, but not actual African immigrants
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It's not the world that's fucked. The world is gonna be fine. It's us who are fucked.
Look at it like this: Your life, your world, is definitely going to end. The "world" can go to hell. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.
snort coke, snort (pharmaceutical grade) meth even, don't be smoking that stuff :/
>world has existed for billions of years
>non-zero chance it will be destroyed or otherwise severely damaged
>in fact it inevitably will be
>but statistically speaking it won't happen in your lifetime
really makes one ponder the mysteries of the universe...
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i am not
but you are
you are a liberal white supremacist who is pro LGBT but just is racist
many such cases
I've never had a negative interaction with one. At the same time, my area is less than 1% Black.
Christians of every race are welcome in Canada.
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Are you the Somali in Vancouver?
What about Caribbean Blacks?
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if our present immigration policy was limited to Christians it would unironically be better and filter 99% of the problems we have now
Are black people all you lot think about?
For a supposedly inferior race of violent low IQ subhumans with no capacity for high culture, you sure do discuss them often.
>What about Caribbean Blacks?
Too small a sample size to say for sure, but I did have a positive rapport with a guy from the Bahamas in one of my uni classes
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it's underages who just found out about /pol/ and stormfront
ss waffenfront
alcohol and bic flame
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Imma start thinking comfier thoughts
something terrible and unfunny could happen to this rock any moment and life as we know it will effectively end
this you?
total life death
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Well, /cum/? What's it gonna be?
I was referring to the non-zero possibility of a nuclear confrontation with Russia and/or China within the next 10 years
why not
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oh no do beckykin really
2 more years times five
all that will happen is you will get poorer and browner and eventually we'll get culled in 2046 then back to being poor and brown in cyberpunk 2077
I used to live in a country where they were the clear majority and it was fine. As for coomerness I didn't like black women until I was an adult and now they are my favourite women but that's besides the point since I liked them before that.
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In the distant future of the second decade of the second millennum, there is only war. The media hype the dessicated corpse holding out against the everpresent threat of the Orange Man, to whom hundreds of Texas Rangers are sacrificed daily in the attempt to hold back the tide of the xeno hordes. In a distant galaxy, the Orange Man, his stupid head propped up by magical spikes, eternally plots the overthrow of the geriatric emperor, his toupee help up only by the vulgar belief of the masses.
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People have been engaging in escapist fantasies about the imminent end of the world for all of recorded history
This is misogynistic. I understand having issues with the Black community these days post-COVID since they're the biggest antivax group but this is unnecessary hate.
>nuclear confrontation
unironically a very overstated threat
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I live right next to a major city
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>Texas Ranger
you'll love this
China doesn't have any working nukes.
You guys are scaring the hoes
>Who’s house
ESL moment
That's grandiose on their part. My own escapist fantasy is the certainty of my rapidly approaching demise despite my best efforts to stave it off.
>I used to live in a country where they were the clear majority and it was fine
Africa or Caribbean? dont need to be specific
not if it reduces my property value
I have been nothing but respectful and chivalrous
do timmykin really....
these hoes ain't loyal
Aging is natural. Everyone ages. You shouldn't shame aging women. Men age worse.
men age like wine desu
look how shitty Russia's military has performed in Ukraine. Now do you really think they could fire off thousands of old nuclear warheads from decrepit bunkers and nuclear submarines and coordinate that they all land on their Westoid targets? China has even less nuclear arsenal and less reason to use it
the way you are using the word "shame" here is very new age wokeist. kys
I got that dog in me rn
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Seasoning soap sisters?? Our response?
hey racistanon thoughts on Chinese people?
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That's irrational. My skill and discipline with the blade is self-evident. They're not in danger—in fact, they're safer with me around.
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We got 1 (one) hoe allegedly here
Pick a better word. It's shaming and it's shameful.
Mexico has one michelin star restaurant and it's a taco stand lel
thoughts on Japs?
aging is a terrible thing
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There are at least 3
when you are an old man you no longer have a strong urge to have sex or to fap :)
It also looks like shit tbqh. Why didn’t they pick a good one at least lol
yo deria los CULOS hermanos
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I, a huge racist, unironically like them. But they're tendency to be hyper-consumerist and conformist brings them down.
Attractive females. Anime and manga are strange and foreign to my Western mind. The best of the Nips likely died in the war.
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what made u realize u was a trans nigga?
Low test, many such cases!
I like Jesus Christ Superstar
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i'm halfway there :)
>shitcano acts like hes the authority on mexican food
many such cases
do you have a gf and is she cis or trans
im a khhv
>Anime and manga are strange and foreign to my Western mind
nigga this is a predominantly Otaku website
Do you mean trans, nigga or trans-nigga?
i have a bf and he is cis
Yeah, I'm too old and based for all that.
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why is /cum/ so fast tonight
So many posters filled with rage
we got the monday blues
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summer break has started
*summons Matthew Zazueta to ruin it*
im still unemployed and last thread i made 33 posts and got 14 (You)s. many of those (You)s got several replies of their own and so on
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I don't have rage, I enjoy shitposting thoughbeit
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This was my thought as well
I plan to notify the Canadian government that a citizen of their country has racist images on his hard drive.
why? i'm referring to your webm
you should become a Doordash delivery guy tb h
Not me. I just turned 30 and I blasted nuts all day while having coffee and ice cream
>licking the boots of a white woman, with light eyes
Literally the dream of every Indian man, especially the darker ones
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The poo dreams of eating white girl poo
Worst advice ever
yeah ive thought of that. i even got the app and started creating a profile but im going to wait a bit more to hear from some places
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Cheers my frens
is it true smoking wax can make u psychotic?
nice dragon dildo
Most self-respecting Jeet
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ayo this nigga puffing on a colourful dick!!
no it's not
Venezuelans and other migrants are doing food delivery and they make decent money
Yes, and any form of cannabis really. It can occur after years of use or just a single use. The greatest trick stoners ever pulled was convincing young people weed is some kind of holistic magical herb with negligible side effects.
The vax was retarded and I say this as a guy who got some of the first ones for work lmao.
nah I just larp as a girl from time to time and I'm exceedingly efficient at it.
>weed is some kind of holistic magical herb with negligible side effects.
dude it's like a plant bro, its natural. not like those pills bro
>filter 99% of the problems we have now
Not even close. Especially when s lot if racists ironically tend to fixate on the Christian ones.
>got some of the first ones
can u get a refund
It damages your lungs but doesn't make you insane unless you are already schizo
I meant problems with immigration (pajeets)
update: totally cracked out right now
>damages your lungs
Now THIS is schizoposting
if i could i would rape and kill mosquitos entire family in front of them before torturing and killing them cartel style
At least I don't smoke crack
In the distant planet-beacon of a world nigh overthrown, the imperial mark endures..a stubber pelts the xeno hordes untiring...and at last, a sign from the starts, a pod alights, quarelling superhumans in armor undreamt by humanity its cargo...

Why are there even separate "red" and "green" parties?

What do they disagree on?
>and any form of cannabis really. It can occur after years of use or just a single use.
It doesn't.

>The greatest trick stoners ever pulled was convincing young people weed is some kind of holistic magical herb with negligible side effects.
Or patents just teaching their kids how to partake of weed (and booze) would fix most of the supposed problems. Like telling Timmy to not down 120mg/s of edible THC as a newbie.
Excuse me pajeet sir? We respect everyone enough to call them sir or its maam can you please do the same and not usury slurs. Thanks.
>doesn't make you insane unless you are already schizo
This sounds like a cope. I've seen people go downhill after years of use. Were they already schizo or did the weed gradually wear down their mental faculties? It's addictive too. Just see how angry potheads get when their supply is interrupted.
Straight Drop
>I say this as a guy who got some of the first ones for work
weed can definitely exacerbate schizo tendencies
>"green" parties
These guys are single issue parties that cater to environmentalists and leftoids who don't want to vote for regular leftist parties. They are different because they almost exclusively focus on the environment. They are becoming irrelevant globally because most left-wing parties adopted all their talking points already.
take good care of time to sow your own true seed--
the summer's end will bring your leaving!
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You're wrong on both counts, likely a stoner rationalizing his behavior. The correct education parents should give is to not partake of cannabis or alcohol in any capacity.
I smoke because it gives me knowledge.
Lol only in your fantasy land
The cardiac arrest thing is an extreme OCD fixation people on the net have. The actual issue is that vaxes wouldn't fix the reality that we were sorely unprepared despite years of forewarning and that the spread of covid only occurred because countries refused to block all transit to and from China+infected Euro states. The next disease flare-up from Asia we'll do this exact song and dance with no change.
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It’s over for America
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>teaching their kids how to partake of weed
Step 1: Don't do it
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hello. how are you doing?
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The whole "refuse to tell and inform people" strat has backfired and failed.
I work in Healthcare. Can't say no and I just graduated so I needed the money.
bit warm eh
Teach your kids the diff between soft and hard drugs
did u get ur booster also please vote #nonymaskban thank you sir
Where are their guns? Who do they think they are, Gandhi?
>refused to block all transit
remember when Trudeau was saying it was racist to do this? Then we waited until we had hundreds of thousands of cases to seal the borders and you were an alt-right maniac if you pointed out this didn't make sense lol shit happened so fast people seem to have forgotten it all
False dichotomy
The real IQ realism is selling anything for under $100 on craigslist

It's impossible to believe in 90%+ literacy after doing so
I think historically the socialists were more economically populist and the greens had sort of a "take your medicine" attitude to what their policies would do to ordinary people. I do agree through a modern lens the green agenda has basically supplanted anything the socialists were doing and there's not really a difference. Most of the french green parties are part of the NPF in this upcoming election.
>block all transit to and from China+infected Euro states. The next disease flare-up from Asia we'll do this exact song and dance with no change.
Wouldn't have helped, China is corrupt enough that people who want out are getting out. They would have escalated to going to SEA and getting fake papers. The Wuhan lockdown was a complete failure. "I'm too important to die in here, now let me through-- I have to get to mother in Shanghai!" and they would just do it.
I would love to put a bullet through the head of whoever developed this captcha system
>It's addictive too.
Lmao I wish. I have so much I don't even think I'll ever finish it at all. I pretty much just peck at it slowly and I go for CBD based strains/concentrates+edibles for work/relief.
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>barely t-shirt temp out
I bet you hate tea and coffee too
you sound like an indignant drug activist
any customer facing position will make you question humanity. If there are a lot jeets or blacks you will become "racist" inevitably
Because that so worked for things like booze and jacking iff lol.
all good
Being a seller is totally worse than being a buyer that's for damn sure.
Who was to fault for the Holocaust: the Nazi party or the dumb Jews who thought that government-mandated thugs would ensure their safety?
In Canada we've been tirelessly working to normalize and decriminalize drug use, including fentanyl. We can proudly say that deaths from drug overdoses have continued to climb so it must mean we need more decriminalization and normalization of drug use!
>I bet you hate tea and coffee too
Only herbal teas for me. Can't have caffeine.
How do people who beat ER end up being level 150? I'm about to finish basically everything (excluding DLC) and I'm only at 100.
The what?
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nice to hear.
wow, same thing happened in pOregon

really a head scratcher
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why'd he do it, bros?
So you're a natural born prude. It's okay buddy, not everyone is you.
You'll hate anyone if you work in retail or serving at a restaurant. It honestly doesn't change even at the classy places or at shops where the clientele "should know better". There's a reason those in hospitality industry are the most prone to addiction unfortunately.
>The Holocaust happened.
Unfortunately it didn't.
It worked in Portugal. Do realize it failed in both NA locations because the program was gimped from the start.
Ask my buddy, his life is Elden Ring.
Get a gun. When a gov't official says you have to do this and that shoot him in the face. Then kill his wife and kids. Vengeance forever.
>if you don't take the drugs I do you're a prude
You're an evangelist junkie loser
Weed isn't the same as coke or meth ffs. It's on the same tier as alcohol.
yes and no. Its nowhere near as deadly, but its very easy to over use it and get addicted
Plenty of good people have tossed away their lIves to become potheads and alcoholics. This "I'm better than tweakers" shit ain't gonna cut it.
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Let me smoke my dope and be a hippie in peace.
I'm smoking weed because it's summer. I'll quit when I return to university
I should add to this, it fries your brain cells too, so coupled with the abuse thats definitely causing brain damage
What wizard powers will I get when I'm sober? What's the advantage?
he do be chillaxing bigly in the hood though
>it fries your braincells
That's a bold claim.
>It worked in Portugal
biggest meme running, they had mandatory rehab stints for addicts. We just were like "lol do drugs its fine now lol" and let them shoot up in parks. It's not even working in Portugal anymore.
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I've been smoking since age 18 and guaranteed I'm more well read than you. You just can't handle your shit.
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>I'm more well read than you
>Um, yes, Mr. Putin? This man right here.
it worked in portugal because they made the druggies go to rehab.
bet you arent

I read A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and even got through infinite jest only puking twice
>its very easy to over use it and get addicted
That onky occurs when it's used as a coping mechanic. Usually when seeking out help from parents/school/authority figures isn't working or you can't open up to them.

>I should add to this, it fries your brain cells too
Not at all. The really hard drugs that fry you are way way more potent. That and super prone to ODing.
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send junkies to rehab IN HELL
Yea bitch. Also why do you spend your time reading shit?
You sound like an easily influenced faggot who thinks he's a hippie because he smokes pot and wears tie dye. The stoner cope in this thread is becoming increasingly outrageous.
>it totally doesn't fry your brain cells bro
What the fuck am I reading lmao
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Can you read novels while high?
>they had mandatory rehab stints for addicts.
Oh wow so they actually backupped their social workers with police and state backing, built more rehab, and selectively targetted certain actors with arrests while being more lenient on others for consumption. They followed through.

>It's not even working in Portugal anymore.
Still working.
it doesnt make you go blind, stupidass
They will falsely claim that being high lets them absorb novels like learned philosophers.
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>Can you read
will someone make a new please?
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>my fucking browser froze while I was trying to post the new and now it came second
>can you read novels while high?
Yes. If you can be stoned and read an entire Wikipedia article, you can read and (usually) understand something if you're really interested in it. Maybe it's my tolerance talking.
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>Still working.

literally isn't. hilarious how drug activists bring up Portugal without even knowing what's going on there lol
>hilarious how drug activists bring up Portugal without even knowing what's going on there lol
that's how we got our current system?? hurr durr portugal decriminalized drugs full stop end of story.

I heard that from so many stoned out libshits it wasn't even funny
And yet it still hadn't turned back into the dumpster fires in NA.
>hurr durr portugal decriminalized drugs full stop end of story.
It's a process. One can't ababdin it but it has worked and still nets results. Especially with the gains nade from the early tears to now.
it hasn't made any results but more drug addicts. It's also NOT a process, it's simply a program you establish where drug addicts have to go to rehab instead of jail. wow that's not what they've done in NA now is it, retard?
If you actually read the article, you'd see it's as bad now as it was when they decriminalized it 20 years ago which is causing widespread reconsideration of the policy...
>you'd see it's as bad now as it was when they decriminalized it 20 years ago which is causing widespread reconsideration of the policy...
The numbers say otherwise
are you sure that you're literate?

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