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another victim of the vax edition
poor lad, white supremacy did this
Back then: The man who shot Jesse James
Now: The man who shot Foolio
that hair doesn't seem very sensible for someone who is presumably in physical altercations more than an average person
should probably get private health insurance, apparently they charge you 1% per year for every year after 30
it was actually leftypol trying to knock rorkes dreads off
you know how brits call private schools public schools for some reason? do they also call private hospitals public hospitals?
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Pale blondes preparing breakfast for goons
one of my first girlfriends in hs was older than me and as i got older the younger my girlfriends got. weird that
soloed all the borderlands games because i had no friends
younger in relation to your high school gf or in relation to you??
claptrap in the preqsequel was op for soloing cause his ability full healed you
was madly infatuated with a 30 year old woman when i was 17 but she was having none of it, still stings to this day even though she'd now be in her early 40s and probably walled to the moon and back
how is 3
didn't play that one, forgot there was a 3
in relation to me. last few gfs have been younger than even my youngest adult sister.
but do you like older chicks now still?
>but do you like older chicks now still?
not particularly, i didn't like her because she was older, i liked her because she was, well, her
might giv eup smartphones
In the distant future of the second decade of the second millennium there is only war. The worm-ridden Emperor serves as a beacon to the multifarious hordes of the indian ocean to come settle the Circus Brittanicus, regardless of the Polack hordes rampaging through the system. The Frenchdari, though normally coy and retreating, are advancing through some strange agency. The fat marines, the burning of the galaxy ever in their minds, rampage across the landscape. A hundred worlds die in toil for the imperial truth. This is their deliverancee.
whenever i start getting a crush on a girl i imagine her doing a poo and if i immediately become disgusted then that's enough to put me off her but if i still have feelings then i know it's true love
whats the good news from slovenia
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picking traits for my self-insert character in the sims 4 lads
hmm, "genius", "creative", and "lazy" ought to do it
y'all get along with your siblings? estranged from mine me
It was 80 years ago that the Emperor thought to win the crusade against evil with his son Fatso. But Fatso was taken by froces drenched in gasoline in Colombia and grown in Jamaica. And it was so that the schism was initatied, fat man againt imperial steel, truth against corruption...to be resolved in the present day.
nah, i have 2 sisters and they're both insane leftypol retards
Spent all night wanking in a cramped attic with insulation that basically amplifies the heat like an oven. It smells so bad of sweat and cum and it's easy over 30 degrees cuz of my body heat mixed with the already high temperature
my siblings live in the US and i don't talk to any of them
I feel that the boomers were right about social media

Incentives for doing good deeds and being an upstanding citizen have been artificial attached to 'likes' and have been exploited by the creator of the platform

Social influence is now dictated far less by wealth or resources and more by 'clout' representing the sum total of one's footprint on the internet

The worst part is that everyone wants to be a part of it! Who wants to be a social pariah and not own a smartphone?
make a point of being apolitical with vague rorke undertones, being rabidly political and alienating yourself from others with opposing views is what they want us to do
Don't tell the americans that more than 2 political parties exist

Every time I tell them it blows their mind and they have no idea what to do with it. How do you sort out of this complex matrix of people that are all obligated to hate eachother. Someone tell me what opinion to have. It's headspinning
was hit by a car once while riding my bike and found myself surrounded by people asking if i'm alright within seconds, was surprised because i'm pretty sure no one has ever showed that much concern for my wellbeing before or since
Rarely get the chance to speak or see mine ever since they moved out years ago. Miss them. They’ve both got happy families and houses now and I’m… here
Mad how I'm one of the greatest minds this world has ever seen but it won't come to light because I'm not motivated by fame or riches and merely seek a peaceful existence
My home internet connection has been banned for posting porn pics that I fully censored the sexual parts.
i want some too
Not a fan of this look
wish we drove on the right-hand side of the road because i'm more used to it from growing up playing gta
don't reckon you should get live in prison for killing anyone over retirement age
We spend some time together in my mom's house like 3 days a week but I don't call that "getting along".
i have to come to terms with only running 12km when i said i'd run 15km

legs status: not fully stretched
what's their asl?
reading Stephen kings misery atm
pretty fucking boring desu
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i'm eating coconut and pumpkin tinned soup, corn chips with avocado dip, and a chocolate protein shake for lunch. just how good is life. the kids in africa don't get to eat this well
Jogged 3 miles 2 weeks ago and my knee is dust and I'm still in pain
>the kids in africa don't get to eat this well
uncalled for really
did that black footballer who cried about british children starving ever get to kick a ball again or did the tories ban him for life?
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
i had take away fried rice, apple juice and weed, i reckon kids in africa eat similar to me
no mate they executed him x
not music
not an artist
stupid name
daily rap pepo routine
national sport
ignore non whites in every capacity
do not acknowledge their existence
prefer open and unmistakeable hostility myself
I fucking hate wearing these fucking retainers every night it’s impossible to keep them completely clean and they’re nuking my gum tissue and i have to wear them forever
ignore transphobes in every capacity
do not-ACK
why do so many people insist on making themselves so fucking ugly
how old are you
when did you get your braces taken off
i'm off to better understand my finances. i spend close to $1000/week on my mortgage but don't know how much is interest and how much principal
do you really have to wear those for the rest of your life?
Have you read Stephen King books that you like?
21 and idk
my teeth are in decent shape but i reckon if i ever get rich i'm still going to get fake ones
doing a watch
weird, my sister had braces as a kid and as far as i know she doesn't still wear a retainer and her teeth are fine
only read the shining before this and that was quite good
Shut up, you gay felinid
im not rich but im getting fake ones anyway
i stopped wearing mine at 23 and have no pain.
don't they cost something ridiculous like $6000 per tooth?
one of my mum's front teeth broke once and she somehow managed to come up with the money to fix it within a week but couldn't help me in any way with any of the stuff i needed to get my life in order like getting a drivers licence and so forth, neglectful bitch
doing a watch
I suppose I’ll wear them as long as I physically/mentally can then, I missed about a week of wearing them when in hospital and had some slight pressure when i finally got them back on
I’m just afraid of nuking all the money mumsie spent on me
i'm ugly with nice teeth or bad teeth so not wasting money on that shit
Stopped retaining after 1 week. Bottom little ones turned about 90 degrees over the years.
Why the hell are you still using a retainer? Toss that shit in the trash and practice good dental hygiene.
Women want to bone me on general principal
boogie (back before everyone hated him) said that people started treating him better after he got his teeth fixed despite still being a gargantuan fatso
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>when the yanks show up to /brit/
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Principal of least believability
Is Boogie an icon of "fat acceptance" or something that I just made up but am sure exists or everybody's treatment of him a form of "stop using your severe mental problems as an excuse to shove doritos into your face you fat sack of shit".
yanks don't suffer if you can afford to feed your cihldren so much they all reach that level of obesity
smart casual meme needs to end
i sit in an office seeing no one other than my own colleagues all day
there is no reason why i shouldn't be able to wear shorts and a t-shirt
God damned hay fever bruh
lil meats
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actually tinned soup and protein shakes sounds exactly like what they would get as food aid
Tits thread STILL up on /tv/
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“Trade unionists in a whole range of industries and services should plan to take industrial action where they work. No one need wait for permission to begin.”

On This Day 1984. Tony Benn calls for strike action as the most direct way to aid miners.

By calling for more strike action, Tony Benn spoke in defiance of the official TUC/Labour Party call at the time for a resumption of peace talks between the National Union of Mineworkers and the National Coal Board.
2 days of nofap and the beast is awakening within me
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This person better be wearing an inner tube under their clothing
Oh well, easy come easy go.
not really, he's in a class of his own
i'm probably more sympathetic to him than most even though he keeps falling into the same old bad habits like a retard, childhood abuse/neglect does take its toll
get them done in a thirdy country obv. sure, its shady and whatever but thats ok because if they fuck up my teeth ill burn the place down, itd only be fair
missed my bus because the day when i was running slightly late was also the one day the bus showed up on time, fucks sake
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>he keeps falling into the same old bad habits like a retard, childhood abuse/neglect does take its toll
yeah that's the crux of my argument whenever I talk about this

I agree with you guys when you say that eating an entire box of oreos after eating nothing but lentils and lemon water isn't very productive.
Where I differ is that I think this is the product of a broken mind from someone defaulting to survival mechanisms because they had a broken childhood.

Anyways back to how lizzo is a bold icon that the youth should look up to for being the first 400 pound woman to wear a sling bikini at the Grammys after some 13 year old on twitter said "You look like a bowling ball".
Is everyone here just this strange in all the same ways or are you guys stalking me
keep having dreams where i'm trying to smoke a cigar but have nothing to cut the tip off with except my teeth but i don't want to do that because it will be uneven
i'm sure there's some subconscious message about circumcision in there somewhere
a meagre 4 hrs 47 mins sleep last night
bracing for an unproductive day of toil
I’m standing right behind you.
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now that i've got that out of the way, let's have a serious discussion. my internet bill has gone from $79 per month to $89 per month and it's just not on. what are your thoughts on joining choice.com.au or other product comparison sites and trying to save money like that?

don't remember what this webm is
asians drinking warm water: is there something they know that we don't?
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Apparently they're going to free Assange.
erm... sex

clears the voice pipes a bit so they can jibber jabber at each other in their ching chong languages
mine was 50 for years then a year ago it went up to 61
According to my neighbours speaking alarm clock which just went off, today will reach up to 25 degrees celcius.

I don't care what the Aussies say, that is TOO HOT
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Emma Watson has three lovely brown eyes.
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maybe people just have no idea what it is that Boogie2988 went through as a kid
Here's the quick rundown

>mom was a white trash schizophrenic, alcoholic and would just generally be described as "crazy"
>she put cigars out on him like The Breakfast Club, broke his fingers, threw pots at him, tried to break through his door with a hammer and clawed at his face until he had to throw himself out of a moving car
>all of this for no reason at random intervals
>he would pick up a bag of chips, throw the chips out and then eat the chips out of the garbage while crying

He was an abused child. It's like Will Hunting levels of fucked up

Typically when people have a broken childhood where they never feel safe, they lean on drugs or whatever they got caught up in as a teenager. For him it was food, and he grabs a bag of doritos whenever life is too hard for him to deal with which is about once a day

The guy in Dramatic Fat Guy Splash didn't just wake up one day and decide it would be fun to be 600 pounds

It's like people (retards) that see a homeless man waving his arms around yelling at the sky and figure that it's okay to make fun of him because this is a well adjusted person like me that just decided to start doing this for no good reason
You make me more uncomfortable than mousenonce
He’s a big fat liar and those stories are fake and gay
watching a news report on the telly about how the police are being given new powers to tackle crime and so forth
we slip deeper into a police state, the cosmic ballet goes on
saw a bloke while walking today and he was pure model. like, 190cm-ish, broad shoulders, thin athletic build, perfect face. walking past i felt so inadequate
It amazes me that air conditioning technology has yet to reach Britain. They will complain about the heat and will sweat and fan themselves and outright refuse to buy an AC.
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lol at all theses dumbcunts doing art degrees. no way will i go to a gallery when kino like this exists online for free
got walked past by some lad earlier
This is what it's like to be a woman all the time

It's a sign of aggression to be prettier than them in the same room
Don’t reply to me until I’ve had my morning coffee.
Should have asked him out
I had my morning coffee at 5am
been told numerous times by numerous people that i look like robert pattinson, one of the most handsome men on earth, but girls still don't like me
Been told I look like ed Sheeran myself
They were saying Robert Pattin’s son. Not Robert Pattinson
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*enters the thread*
>Robert Pattin
no such person
Well obviously there is isn’t there
doing a loud and boisterous poo
Second poo of the day and its not even 8 yet
You guys default to thinking that I'm saying that I'm some gigachad that's god's gift to women when I'm literally just saying that women want to bone me

I don't know why. I don't know they do either. There's just a universal law of nature that makes them get uncomfortably close to me. They won't take walking around with sunglasses and headphones on keeping your head down in the middle of a Dollarama for an answer
thoughts and considerations?
Bit spenny
What’s a red light session? The barber wanks you off?
council tax is mad when you think about it
such an evil system
not particularly fond of the shampoo treatment, having some rando massaging my scalp with foreign chemicals is rather uncomfortable, i’m autistic you see
Bro they better be puttin hair on for that price
right thats it now
no more booze
Okay they literally are
I'd want to come out looking like Robert Pattin for that price
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how old is gary numans bird?
Me after polishing off my 7th can
a daring synthesis
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Take the home clipperpill.
you can resemble someone good looking but still look like shit
i think i'm decent looking but i have a bad aura, same reason dogs don't like me
saw some elite teenage arse and thigh in denim shorts because of sunberg yesterday
You sure it isn't your canthal tilt
went to go do my deadlifts at gymtoil but both platforms were being hogged by women doing thot thrusts
arrest them all
erm how did you know they were over 18 without seeing some ID?
>canthal tilt
why are incels so obsessed with this? there are good looking people on both ends of the spectrum
>Terrified passengers are forced to use oxygen masks as Korean Air flight drops 27,000ft in 15 minutes leaving 17 injured after the Boeing 737 Max 8 suffered fault in cabin pressure system
couldnt pay me to fly nowadays
fuck off
It’s only a problem if you’re in a Boeing.
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always find it quite hard to tell with goths
You need to take responsibility for your problems
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Without even reading the article I know they've deceptively worded this.

If a flight suffers cabin depressurisation then the masks drop and the pilots deliberately descend to low altitude so everyone can breathe. The plane didn't "drop" 27,000 feet (in FIFTEEN MINUTES), it was purposefully brought to a lower altitude so cunts could breathe.

t. plane expert from watching Aircraft Investigation
Bad for the planet too
think i was racist to a deliveroo fella when steaming last night
you're the one bringing up canthal tilts as if it's some sort of curse or blessing that you can't do anything about
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Remind me to trim my nostril hair
Bit of a bush growing up there
really want to hurt people who use wog delivery apps
why do they turn their hair into shit logs
niggers aren't human
shut up mate for fucks sake
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Good luck feverbros
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I d-didn't mean anything against you personally lad; it was only the newspaper's wording I disagreed with!
do you reckon balding cuts should use a number 0 clipper or a razor (preferably a Gilette Venus cause it feels silky smooth)?
already taken my hay fever tablet

might take another to make doubly sure (I assume that's how it works)
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leave me alone
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i fucking hate batarians, lads
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Pie and mash for all
had a dream that i was engaged in the loving touch of a woman
its been 8 years since i have touched a woman in a sexual manner
It's not really for me to say as I'm not balding.

However when you're getting down to the skin you're better off using a foil shaver rather than clippers, even without a guard (dead easy to cut the skin without a guard). Although I guess if you were doing a full shave all over your head you could use a manual razor for a nice smooth finish.
no joke, try the humex nasal spray for hay fever
i did the tablets and everything, didn't work until i tried the nasal spray
he started it
I will look out for it in the shop, thanks.

Have used Sudafed nasal spray for a blocked nose (from drug usage) in the past and it worked instantly. I have been convinced of the power of nasal sprays.
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remember when he was in that embassy for like 6 years

be quicker to have just gone to prison
Oh yeah. I’m aroused by that.
ask for it at the pharmacy
i used to be awake at night with a full nose, couldn't breathe
humex nasal spray, one spray in each nostril every morning before work, i was fine
Fluoride toothpaste, Ag or silver salt and a piece if gold both metals connected. Then eat the silver
I don't know how to interact with women or be normal.
can I just lie on my mortgage application and say my job contract is permanent? Is there any way they
would actually find out?
are you ugly?
Getting my life sorted
nasal sprays are a very slippery slope so I try to stay clear
Gold Fluoride
got addicted to nasal spray for about 6 months once
*sprays both nostrils*
*sprays some again*
>The formation of ferric fluoride may have been responsible for the explosion of a cylinder of hydrogen fluoride gas.[15]
My reaction to that information: https://i.4cdn.org/int/1719299545885788.jpg
the problem is that you wake up each morning with your nose even more gacked up and full of shite than it was before you sprayed. so you think maybe i'll just have another little spray to get me unclogged.
Might have a fucking wank
Facially I'm probably a 4/10. Socially I am extremely awkward and weird.
same lol, would feel like i couldn't breathe and was unable to sleep without them. had to wean myself off the stuff one nostril at a time, very embarrassing thing to be addicted to
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mousey in his Anya Taylor-Joy waifu arc

mad to think in a month's time posting an Anya will be an instant ban like posting a Peter, a dragon or a mouse
>mix HF with Arsenic trioxide for solution B
>mix solution B with the medication Ablify
>couldnt pay me to fly nowadays
Just don't fly Boeing
never heard of a foil shaver. cheers
Apparently it's quite common for people to become addicted to them.
whats a boeing
dont give a fuck about that
mad how she's wealthy cause of her parents and her good looks
Recall reading on her wikipedia page that she was scouted just walking down the street. Some folks have it all.
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off to work i suppose
another day another dollar
Mix with 2AsF3
off to glasto tomorrow de lads
has mousenonce been up all night on the energy drinks again?
bah, it's all about confidence
remember our Hollande?
On the ablify toothpaste
wish i were scouted. mum always said i should be a model
Best gameplay, worst story not counting the spin-offs
Make morphine cost like $3 a pill or something. Give it even to diabetics, with phosphor
got the horn as well, reckon sitting in the sun yesterday brought it on
Same x
mousey what pasta do you like?

For me it's tagliatelle
I would have sex with one of those retarded wheelchair girls but it's too hard for it to be consensual and it might bite the cock off
having a nasty fucking wank. violent wank. banging into the fucking desk kind of wank. fucking shooting hot fucking streams of spaff on the ceiling kind of wank
bit early in the day no?
too close for comfort
have one of them every tuesday
my neighbour has a different car for every day of the week, but i have it over him with a different wank
would love to be a fly on the wall and observe a day in the life of toby.

well i say that but in reality its probably actually really boring because he's an abject povvo and probably quite depressing.
Actual tetaro
horrendum mia comprehendo beyond
watching a bit of scooby doo
matched with a deaf girl on tinder who was down to shag i think but never met her because i was afraid of her making weird mong noises and putting me off
>a fly on the wall

one of many in there, one would assume
Reckon he sits around with his old chap out?
Fluor7de halflife5 Gabenbane
love the residual smell of cum on your hands after a nasty filthy dirty fucking wank
...for the meddling kids i bet
would be quite saddening i reckon. wouldnt be fun observing a mentally unstable ghoulish creature struggle to navigate this world because his junkie parents fucked his brain up
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Proper northern brekkie this
None of your woke Islington avocado nonsense
plenty of non-deaf girls make mental off-putting noises laddy you fucked it there
Have I told you this story before? When I was a kid, there was this perverted young woman in my neighbor who invited local kids into her house and let the kids pee on her face in her bathroom and paid money to them.
"had a fucking WANK didnt i lads proper fucking tugged on my COCK until i spunked waheyyy"
― Voltaire
source material?
eating a woke islington avocado
need the egg doubled and the chips halved
if it’s that nasty of a wank there’s going to be lube on your hands and possibly the latex aroma of a toy too
What does toothpaste and orange peels do
best to bash one out now before it gets too hot
100% true
Voltaire was a furious wanker
t. Rousseau
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>egg doubled

sextupled even
don't know what to have for 'kfast
always like a stripey mug me
hate this weather
>go for a walk and see peng tings in shorts making the wilbert tingle
>get home and my flat is a sauna that’s too hot to milk one out
Big fan of food me
having a pouch of uncle bens microwaved Caribbean rice and a fried eggberg on top me
Take the cap off call it amber rose
Listerine toof paste, mouth wash and some dental floss
Clen my teeth and mouth to get my fluoride topped
Then I eat some fluoride and fuckin overdose
Too big brained
Toothpaste Bugatti
Need some Colgate on my discharge for the fluoro after party
the ole ‘berg
rice and eggs is always a good shout
shan't be using a microwave pouch though
yeah it is good, my gran gave it to me

might buy a new mug actually. Going to look at mugs on amazon now.
having a bacon toastie me
egg and chips
You’re a mug
I hope you always buy organic eggs lads
henberg deserves a nice life
How is your gran?
shove your fuckign egg and pipe up your chips and shit it
2024 and people unironically eat bacon. some people are simply beyond help. lead a horse to water and all that.
I reckon that Nosferatu movie’s going to suck.
eggs are made in a machine in the forest mate
theres no animals invovled
Would but you generally can’t buy large boxes of organic, free range you can get 20+ easily
lmao he has poop on his head
Your mercury fillings(in Russia) by wt: 50%
Ag H3
Add salt
Heat to 300
Add methanol
saw 3 wmaf couples with hapa kids today and all i can think about is the world is healing
She's alright. Her memory isn't great these days, she forgets stuff often and easily. She keeps active, gets out most days and goes to clubs and to meet her friends and stuff. Then a few days a week she just stays at home and rests, she gets tired.

She worried about me and looks out for me. If I were a better grandson I'd have my life together and be able to do things for her but it is what it is.
Yep, love baxon me
Fillings (mercury, silver), H3, toothpaste salt, heat
wasn't impressed with his previous effort, the viking one
I think he already peaked with lighthouse
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I'm so happy that dumb ugly thing died, mumble rap is the most subhuman garbage ever "created" and zoomers are brain-dead zombified wiggers
this has been debunked
Were you impressed by lighthouse?
Kosher salt farmfoods
bet she's right filthy in bed like
the narwhal bacons at midnight m8
yes, and you'd have to be some kind of soulless husk to not be
she divorced him
If you can eat salt and not get itchy or a runny nose you aren't Jewish and can eat anything like a pig (unclean animal)
what is wordle bot playing at here? there's no 'a' or 's' in curvy. the nyt needs to fix its parameters
nincompoop doing a poo
yeah cool. I'm gonna take a quick shit
you russian disinfo bots are a disgrace
Blue or red flavor mad dog 2020 and toothpaste
all animals are unclean by human standards, such a dumb religion
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she looks like that in every photo

like your mum's drunk pal at a party
explain to me like im a dummy (i am)
misso uses the same filter and my hands look massive in photos
What does orange peels and fluoride make
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that one's actually edited as part of an ongoing gimmique "big hand kier"

see also: bobble head Rishi
the word was savor
I think it is a vasodilator (probably a beta blocker), skeletal muscle relaxer, and maybe a CNS depressant too
it was shite
just another movie with 2 big actors, a bunch of decisions that make it seem like classic art, anyone can grab some old film, a film in black and white, cut half the screen off, set it 100 years ago, and make the scenes awkward and quiet. But when their isn't any story worth a shit and its 90% filler and repeats, with the creators just saying "symbolism" to cover up lazy writing, then its just a bad movie
I'm a NEET so I self isolate basically
I should be allowed to take penicillin with germs in me until one becomes resistant, because I'm isolated, and then fluorinated the new bacterium to kill it
Business idea: GMO e. coli which takes fluoride tyrosine and makes it fluorablify
And then put it in people's guts instead of long injections
cardiff mentioned
soulless husk
Mr Nonce? Mr Mouse Nonce? Hi, Jonathan Smith-Kline here, I've been following your work for a while and I must say: I'm a fan.
This new idea of yours, the GMO e. coli.... It's brilliant. I want to fly you out to our HQ here in Brentford, can you make the 7am from Glasgow to Stanford tomorrow? We'll send a car.

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