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yummy, edish
wish the subjunctive mood wasn't a requirement of hypotheticals
poo smells lmao
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>Pension Insurance Corp. said the UK economy’s Banana ethos, which it described as “Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything (or ‘Anyone’)” — is preventing capital from being invested in infrastructure and regeneration projects.
genuinely can't believe the guy from crazy town has died, butterfly is such a generational anthem
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190! 190! 190!!! Omg! How are you doing, buddy? How’s your niece?? Hope you and Aisha are enjoying the lovely beaches of ᬩᬮᬶ (that’s Bali for you monolingual toads out there). Autism can be exhausting, so don’t forget to take care of your heroic drug habit! Also make sure to buy a few more VPN nodes to stay posting, wouldn’t want you to alert the mods! Haha just kidding, man. You know best! You’re always so calm, cool, and collected, you don’t need me to tell you what to do. Alright, well, since you’re here, now the thread can REALLY start, it is always so boring waiting all day for you to show up. I know, I know, I shouldn’t be so impatient, you’ve only connected to about thirty proxies spam between then catch up with the lads, but it’s the highlight of my day so I can’t hide my excitement. Anyway glad to have the pleasure of sharing the thread with you once again, 190cm Master Race. Cheers mate x
>Canada/US/other VPN samefagging
Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
>Spain VPN
Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
>Belgium VPN
Avatarflagging on a board centred around interactions between people from different countries.
come my lady come come my lady
Anyone else find Rishi more likeable than Starmer? There is something very dark and sinister about keir
bottom of my back has felt like it needs to pop for about a week. any of you lads been to a chiropractor before?
what /brit/ boys dream of and desire
anyone else like to ask the missus during sex where the dick is going so she answers "my pussy" and it makes your dick explode because she's a prude and doesn't use swear words?
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Controversial opinion, but I reckon they’re both twats
ye only thing i popped was a boiner lol
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Really want to go to Crimea one day
But we can't just build stuff. If we build capital infrastructure which will help grow the economy and improve the quality of life across the country it might lower the value of Mr Right Honourbale Cuntingtonsworth-Archibaldtinius' 3000 acre property of land he doesn't use.
kier is an evil glowie
rishi is just an amoral richoid
makes you think doesnt it
Do the post at toil and I've got four people's postal votes to drop off. Satan really tempting me desu
Dont think they have those gender clinics in Russia
how is a good few whacks on the bum more damaging than a year in jail.
Muscle is all that matters.
Lift weights every day.
Become a beast. A bull. A GOD.
casually watching a Times documentary about Ukraine's drone warfare and it takes less than five minutes for them to start interviewing a guy with a Sonnenrad patch (not remarked on at all in the video)

commiemong is amusingly right on this
Literally me.
tampering with mail is a crime, shall have you reported a.s.a.p.
Toby melty incoming
tired but dunno if i should nap
shut up sn
Stay hydrated
Wear sun cream
Use a fan

Stay safe.
what is it. socialism with no lgbt
Because "cruel and unusual punishments" are another one of those slippery slopes where unfortunately we can't trust the government or courts not to abuse this power - just like the death penalty
just turn on your air conditioning lol
Have merely thought about it so far
The Swimmer...depressing movie so far
wish i were remotely talented at literally anything
Commiemong was right about EVERYTHING
If England have already qualified then what’s the point? Just go have a nice sit down in the sun and wait until the round of 16. Too hot for all this running around
I just cannot believe the USA cannot control its borders
It doesn't make any sense
the Dark Elves are Japanese (highly xenophobic, highly traditional, warrior culture)
The High Elves are clearly Jewish, both in their racial character as well as in their in-game attributes and traits (High intelligence).
like being a nonce? wrongun
shut up sn
I so regret psyopping the schizos on here into thinking I am this evil puppetmaster controlling like 10 different personalities and spending 24/7 here

When I am here and want to just chill and shitpost the whole thread is suddenly just about me :/ it’s honestly so tedious
No. they must prove to the whole nation that we are up for it and spend 1000% of the energy trying to batter whoever they play tonight, some eastern european nation most likely
that argument can be made for any level of punishment. if that is a likely outcome, then we may as well get rid of a few worthless psychopaths while we're at it
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I want to fuck Mediterranean girls
all elder scrolls races are jewish
no not at all he's wrong about pretty much everything which is why it's funny when he's right about one thing
Ideal outcomes for the England Vs Slovenia match
>Slovenia win
>England win 3-0 so Croatia qualify
it can control its borders, but the powers that be are making the active choice to NOT control the borders. the US could get illegal migration down to zero if they really wanted to. prior to the 1960s, illegal Mexicans were pretty rare.
it's almost as if mass migration of brown people into Western countries is 100% intentional.
got an irrational fear of antarctica
trying to quit drinking but one degree hotter and im getting the lagers in
Almost 20,000 traceable posts say otherwise
Shut the fuck up you insufferably boring retard
>inb4 le trolololol
Nope. Dark Elves are Hebrews. Akaviri are the Jap stand in
>Veloth leads the Velothi, Moses leads the Hebrews
>On an exodus to Resdayn from Alinor, like the exodus to the Promised Land from Egypt
>Abandoning the old gods of Aedra or Canaanite gods, in favour of a new deity, ALMSIVI or YHWH
>Led by a hero-king Nerevar, and David, in their golden age
>Punished and cursed by their jealous deity (Azura and Yahweh) for abandoning them, giving in to idolatry or false gods
>Suspicious of outlander N'wah or Goyim
>Occupied by the Cyrodiilic and Roman Empires, colonising the ancient land
>Political assassinations carried out by Morag Tong and Sicarii
>Factional rivalries between powerful Houses and Sects, Hlaalu, Telvanni, Redoran or Pharisees and Saducees, who govern the people
>Led by religious elders who enforce orthodoxy, Tribunal Temple and Sanhedrin
>Separate cult of nomadic mystics, Ashlanders and Essenes
>Growing cult in a belief in the coming of a prophecised savior, the Nerevarine and the Messiah
>Their Holy City and Temple destroyed, forcing them to become wandering nomads in ghettos without a land
foced sterilisation is seen as bad but people staying in jail eternally is seen as fine even though they both result in the person not being ever able to have children. except the second one is more extreme.
>it's almost as if mass migration of brown people into Western countries is 100% intentional.
to what end?
>England win 3-0 so Croatia qualify
Lager is grim and alcohol makes you more dehydrated. Have a lovely water or sugar free carbonated drink.
the line has to go up no matter what
national parks are stupid. scrap the whole idea and build the cities we need
though the second one is better still i think because if they made a mistake they can be set free. but with the first it can't be undone.
You ugly goblin
all of us are on our stream
>>it's almost as if mass migration of brown people into Western countries is 100% intentional.
But what do they even get out of it? This is all so some guys can do cash in hand work?
Mad how some of the fittest women in the 2000s were dating black men like Katie price and Cheryl Cole
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rate the dinner order
we need England to win 3-0
Serbia to lose
Czechia to lose
Georgia to lose

we are fooked
Is he actually posting on a Spanish VPN to pretend he's on holiday so he can act like he's not always in his smelly bedroom posting on 4chan
The absolute state of that incel freaks life omdzz looooool
reckon the 21st century will be remembered as the most soulless and corrupt century in human history
Uma on love island is hot as fuck I’d race mix with her no question
Kys fat cunt
*jiggles your belly*
Corr thats the euromillions house chosen then. Can have my gay porn on as loud as I want
Your people are literally world renowned as nonces. The best start to eradication of paedophilia is the extermination of bog trotters.
not drinking in June is illegal
Genuinely believe a reckoning is coming and most knowledge of this era will be lost when oogabooga niggas initiate the collapse of technoindustrial civilization
gonna go mcdonald's
>Can have my gay porn on as loud as I want
alright nick fuentes
>no sauce
>no pickles
what on EARTH is wrong with you?
why no sauce the burgers :v
Race relations were the best they've ever been between the OJ trial and BLM. Pop culture literally did not give a shit about race at all. Buddy cop films were the zeitgeist.
blog on you boring incel freak lol
none of us think you're a funny mastermind you're the spastic kid in school who screeches for attention
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>plain burgers
shut up nigga
Lose in a slovenly manner KEK
the west will fall?
>But what do they even get out of it?
It keeps the incels occupied.
yea 1 slab of cardboard with cheese please mate
All empires do
would love a twink to kiss and hug ngl
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>black men like Katie price and Cheryl Cole
neither of those people are black men
it's not fair that some men get to have huge muscles and I get to be 67kg for 1M83
In America it would mean more democrat voters and also people who just want to see whites be replaced.also benefits big corporations. There are multiple different groups who push for it but very few in power who do anything to stop it
No literally every industrialized nation will collapse it’s gonna be a total shit show
sparking the next racist or homophobic cunt the fuck out
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Slovenia looks well nice tbf
autism food
sounds like something you'd hear on joe rogan's podcast
you have to admit though he has getting the incels on here riled up down to an art
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Half Irish
With defending it on the internet? Yeah I guess so.
keep lifting weights every day
protein to pack on the pounds of muscle
if I wanted the opinion of a tranny failure I would've asked for it (I never would)
Both slave races. Both sexual predators (rapists black, nonces Irish), both support global terrorism. Yep. The bogs and the wogs are united on many levels.
was in spain got a burger 3 cans of coke a cup of tea and a massive baguette sandwich for like €20 + free peanuts and olives
the realistic answer is this: higher population = higher GDP, but lower GDP per capita. A higher population is highly beneficial for the state as well as corporations because higher population = more tax payers and more consumers.
there's also the fact that Labour is a commodity that you sell to your employer. A higher population and causes the value of labour to decrease, meaning wages get driven down while productivity increases - this is highly beneficial to corporations.
there's also an ideological component to it though. It's basically the white man's burden 2.0, except instead of trying to civilize brown people in their own counties, we're bringing them to our countries and trying to civilize them here.
Basically Mass migration is terrible for normal people, but it's great for the government and corporations.
We get our wages driven down, our culture destroyed and the GDP per capita driven down, all while increasing the GDP and productivity.
We're something like 700% more productive than we were in the 1970s, but wages have remained stagnant despite the cost of living skyrocketing and the value of money plummeting.
It's fucked up. We're fucked. Get ANGRY.
It will be remembered as the century that began with most labour being performed by humans and ended with almost all labour being performed by automation, AI and robots. That much is nigh certain

What role humans will fulfill by the end of it is still unclear
They are importing thousands of criminals from other countries into the US what is the point of this
all the best posters are here
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Exactly that.
anyone else get a strangely high-pitched voice for a while after a workout?
Strange order. 3 cans of coke and a cup of tea?
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he got a reaction out of you you've gotta give him that you gave him exactly what he wanted you played right into his hand
alri femke bol
yeah the incel switching between phones and vpns frantically whilst having a meltdown is definitely not riled up
ok l'm not reading all this but cool thanks
wonder if we've gained any new posters recently

I reckon we're just the same posters who've been here for years on end now posting the same exact posts everyday
The West will become one superstate (like the Roman Empire was for the ancient Mediterranean) and then will go through a brief revival before utterly backsliding and collapsing, for real this time.

We aren't even at our Caesar stage yet. That's about to come. The democratic system is breaking down, crisis is coming in the 2030s and 2040s and in that crisis, political strongmen will smash any remnants of the old system and go dictatorial. Probably some technocrat system to keep the masses happy and away from fear. There will be a short cultural revival after the crisis but it will be built on hot air. The West will be at its material peak and a united superstate but will soon completely degrade, all traditional culture will become distorted or meaningless. The final years of the West will come around 2300/2400, will look like the movie Idiocracy or Wall-E before the last of the cities are vacated and Western culture ceases to exist. People in the future will wonder why we ever bothered. Then a new high culture will arise eventually, like Catholic/Carolingian Europe did after the fall of Rome.
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Her bf is full irish.
I hear he was in the crowd with one of those more blacks dogs and irish shirts
oh shut up
if transwomen are the same as cis women why didn't god give them a fanny
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She's only ever dated white men. Also neither of her parents are irish
ya they microwaved the milk for the tea and threw a tea bag in it
well hes got you riled up for sure
you can't really call the irish servile. there were constant uprisings against the crown and british rule, even if most failed because they were outmanned and outgunned.
I come here because it's too easy to get banned everywhere else. And I'm talking about 4chan boards not other websites.
leftypol dazed and confused at this one
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Leftypol covering it up so nobody can see
damn this nigga swam all the way home and the place is a shithole baka
calm down incel don't shoot up a school
amazon putting the price of air conditoner units up ffs
Amazon Inc. has a higher chance of surviving as an imperial state into the far future than the United States or China have
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i am calm you however are seething …
I wish we could stop creating shitholes and transform our shitholes into nice places.

But the problem is the people. The people don't care to try to and make their shitholes better they just add to the shit.
Had a wild thing when i left the old general open over night and two lads had the exact same word for word discussion in the new thread. Thought hiroshima had bots on to pad out the threads.
More like Based.
Get banned here more than anywhere else. I don’t even do anything wrong. Got warned for threatening imaginary GCHQ agents the other week. Wankers
oh my daaays mates really rattled you bruv
>The West will become one superstate

Effectively we're past that, the de facto globalisation of the dollar through the world bank and the "coalition of the willing" marked that point. I mean, "the West" isn't going away anytime soon but it's in decline and will eventually (comparatively) collapse.
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lots to unpack here
if i was a comedian my first edgy routine would be a bit about how unfortunate it is that you can make footballers better if you relax rules and let the nonces coach them. like rather than having a coach clock in clock out and not give a damn about player development behind his 8 hours, you get a dedicated guy who goes above an beyond (but only because he gets to diddle the ones he likes)

what do you think?
dogs, the irish and donuts
only bugmen would choose otherwise
They have always been and will always be sla race of service animals. Their support for terrorism is unremarkable. They're just working pets really.
REMINDER: we get 700,000 net immigrantation per year and 90% of them are MEN
Which means: every year, the male:female ratio becomes increasingly unbalanced. we're already at the point where there's literally MILLIONS more men than women in this country.
you not only have to compete with every native British person to get a wife, but you also have to compete with MILLIONS of foreign men, too.
There simply isn't enough women to go around. There are millions of men in thsi country right now who have NO CHANCE of finding a life partner, simply because there aren't enough women to go around.
If the economic arguments about mass migration don't make you mad, then perhaps the prospect of being alone for the rest of your life because the woman who was supposed to marry you got married to Abdul instead.
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Cheeky little mid afternoon pick me up lads

Cuppa coffee and a whole pack of petit chocolat x
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if you see me fighting a bear, help the bear
I agree. Not only that but most nation states have adopted the Western political model. The internet has also increased global cultural homogenisation, at least in the West.
What I think will happen is someone (or more than one man) will come along and smash any illusion of the smaller Western states being independent and create a de facto, no one can deny it empire during the coming crisis.

One thing Spengler did not forsee though was the development of nuclear weapons and how they affect international relations.
did we determine why this lad hates the irish so much?
tbf it pisses me off to admit it but spainlad does have this thread on strings
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Employed Woman ending up here soon
How did you come to this conclusion
I’m not statemathrmatician, but does that mean that the countries they are coming from now have lots and lots of women? Lots and lots of fertile brown women? Hypothetically
why does ur gf have an italy mug
Mobile phones can go.
I want to call houses again and get a roulette of who answers it
divisive anti-white tactic
>X is not white
women are not choosing deliveroo drivers over white natives, even the absolute loser incels have a better chance lmao

literally the only immigrants who come in as part of mass immigration with any kind of rizz and aren't goblin looking short subhumans are turkish barbers
i'll just take phones you can keep the rest
I’m gonna win the lottery tonight. All 180 million of it
>some bloke from wigan heems you at your next show for facebook reels clout
could do without all of them frankly
No respectable woman marries an immigrant
People will hark on to me how liberal and welcoming women are but that's just conditioning. They are fundamentally scared of Paki looking men and see them as evil rapists even if their cognitive dissonance prevents them from ever admitting it.
lend us a 10er when you win
do women enjoy sex even if they don't orgasm? my penis is far too small for that
yes and no.
they come from countries where men have multiple wives, so there probably isn't a large pool of women there either.
There's a literal incel war in Africa rn because there aren't women to go around due to widespread polyamory.
That's part of the reason why so many African men are coming to Europe. They're not not not looking for money, they're looking for a white wife too.
shut up lol
he's either just a nutter or this samuel fella, he sees everything wrong with scotland being irish in origin and hates "fenians"
anyone post the fish in the tube webm in this thread?
Actually not sure desu
the defeat of the confederates in the american civil war was a stain on the history of america.
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British gf 2024
had a desk fan in the bin next to my front door until i can be arsed to go to the tip and the uber eats driver asked if it was working or not (it wasn't, it literally sparked and burst into flames) im pretty sure he didnt believe me when i told him no
should have let him take it home and plug it in
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Imagine living like this as a native and not revolting against the government
>netherlands losing to an own goal
off to /sp/ lads inabit
i think it could work from a edgy comedian like tim dillon or louis ck . i'd hold my hands and say it apologetically but the reason i think it's funny is that there's a kernel of truth to it. i.e. when you implement standards and framework you raise everyone up to a general level. but when you remove all those standards and protections, a small number will excel and a greater number will be victims. so the question is are you willing to risk it
Thought you took a fag out of the carton and put it behind the camera.
The confederates were Ulster Scots. Good riddance
you can use your fingers to make them cum
supporting france for globalhomo reasons
want to introduce koalas into california and see if it fucks up the ecosystem
I've seen A LOT of English women with black men recently though. To be fair, most of the time they were fat and ugly, but I've also seen very cute and young English girls with black lads too.
It's always black men, too. They're never with pakis or Indians. Always black men. I've also literally never seen an Englishman with a black woman. It's always an English girl with a black man.
she got a thing for italian men by any chance aha x
ok leftypol go have your wank and calm down
sun? shining
vape shops? gleaming
burkha babes? beaming
me? screaming
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They can’t get enough of that black mamba bbc ting
Not that worried about the immigrants tbf. It's well known that wogs can't fight in armies, any well armed, competent pissed off white men would obliterate them via superior tactical knowledge and a common background.
Remember, the male immigrants in this country are a broad spectrum. Pakis, Indians, Nigerians, Albanians, Kenyans, Poles, Turks. They hate each other as much as they hate us.
On the punching bag in the garden. Keep giving the missus menacing looks as she’s doing the washing up in the kitchen.
dreamt last night i went to some sort of lesson at this womans house but no one showed up besides me so i did the sex with her in her shower
she was fat and mexican. not sure what it means
toe in the hole
>ulster scots leaving ulster is bad
How much do you have in the bank lads? Only 3 grand atm for me, getting paid on Wednesday though. I was doing well with 3 months expenses but have gone below now thanks to moving.
are you a brit woman?
just finished watching the thing (1982)
used to think the black bloke was the thing but now i think neither of them are and they successfully destroyed it, happy ending,(except for all the dead people and their imminent death of hypothermia)
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If there's one reason why Britain will fall into civil war, it'll be due to the lack of women.
Historically, too many men and not enough women has always been a good predictor of societal conflict and war.
sex tuppence
Not as far as I’m aware, I guess she brought it back from her holibobs or summat
Westernised black men, born and raised here likely. None would go with some fresh off the boat mtumbu.
mousey esque plot
In the west all ethnic groups unite together against white people
would love to see her tuppence
tiny hard pecker tucked between her thighs x
I’m not the one posting all this BBC stuff by the way I swear lol

I’m literally just chilling on me balcony scranning biscuits lol
ban vaping
reduce tax on cigs and bring back proper packaging and ads
deport wogs
Good luck with that, they don't even speak a common language or have a common faith. How do you stop factionalism from arising. How does this immigrant army co-ordinate itself in the dispersed urban centers throughout the country?
There's still fucking millions of the cunts of were born and raised here though, that's the problem.
There's too many and not enough women
Imagine getting a gf and she shows you her son, and he's black. That's your future. Raising some niggas son.
either way you should kill yourself
would vote for you
Is there any point to buying a car any more?
mandatory vaping
increase tax on cigs and make the packaging as conspicuous and gay as possible
import wogs
wahey spainpaedo and sacked tranny off trip having their little wank sesh
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This is what 80% of dating profiles are like for women.
nigga on that kush!
not really sure why the black bit is needed on her pants. without it as long as she stands like this you wouldn't see much of her fanny . only the mons pubis which is just an extension of the tummy. technically women shoudl be allowed to do bottomless so long as theyre not opening their legs the same way men can go topless in public
that’s gingernonce
i used to play football with a hot guy and i always got very horny when he lifted up his jersey and show his abs and i really wanted to lick his body hnmmmmmmm,,,,,gsdhj,,,, fnjfdgsdgj
LOL lil timmy been coping since yesterday
the more basic a woman the easier your relationship
the 20% of women that don't definitely have BPD
left my smelly bedroom for a moment to get a drink and when i came back spotify had started playing j-rock by itself
spooky, being haunted by a weeb poltergeist
>BBC showing Poland vs France
Ah yes because our country related more to wiggers and niggers than our actual white cousins now
Also a pointless match
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Went to Maccies yesterday and got a free beach towel because we ordered a meal :3

Mrs got a free water bottle with hers.

You never see British maccies doing cool shit like that
your whole existence is a cope lmfao
past your bedtime racismlad
aussies think they are hardmen but would be outseshed by any brit, especially scots
what's the normie consensus on the mixed-race relationships on every advert, every film and every TV show?
Have they noticed yet? Are they angry yet? Every advert i see still features British women with black boyfriends so i'm guessing people aren't pissed off enough (yet)
dont forget
im being haunted by a gay porn demon whos keeping me awake i swear i didn’t type that
Flailing around like a mad cunt
hope she reads this bro
Why would they be angry? It’s normal mate.
I just saw one saying 'Looking for a 6 foot 5 man with blue eyes', she was 5 foot 6.
oh my days bruv
you try so hard to cope since yesterday telling us that blacks only date fat ugly white women hahahahahah
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trip on lispy tranny boy
everyone seems boring when you have to summurise yourself as a product in a short dating advertisement, a lot of them are probably nice if you get to know them
sounds hot.
horny for muscle are we?
A meagre 36% battery for me
>gay porn demons
thought I was the only one
they'd rather fuck a dog than you and they want you to have this creeping realisation for maximum effect.
most of the public don't even notice it or think about it
you have to understand these people have been conditioned since birth and fully, honestly believe that there is no issue in throwing away our unique cultural and ethnic identity by letting millions of foreigners come in, all in the name of some vague, pie in the sky "diversity" dream
Rorke will literally find a way to shoehorn his race obsession into literally everything lmfao

Burst out laughing reading this lol
Give it a rest omds mate
saw a webm once of some pajeet raping an old man who was purportedly his own grandfather
imagine bumming your granddad
meagre? that's a succulent meal
not the same phenotype
we need to pump those numbers up tbqfwy
>lispy tranny boy
He really is a joke of a person.
Hes almost everything gay and awful with this country
if discrimination is bad, then discrimination based on merit or skill is bad, therefore meritocracy is bad. therefore basing decisions not based on merit or skill is good. therefore discrimination is sometimes good, refuting the claim that discrimination is always bad.
ya seethe?
lmao yeah
I forgot that Britain was 50% Black and that 95% of British women had black boyfriends
Russia has abducted 20000 Ukrainian children
Time travel gay sex
he was pakistani
Why cant they be better?
A succulent chinese meal!
>confusing mocking for seething
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Red Meat, Dairy, Coconut, Palm Oil, Cocoa = Saturated fat

Sugars and Starches = Converted into Saturated fat

So to avoid Saturated Fat, I have to eat:

-Non-Starchy vegetables
-Salt, Herbs and Spices, Tea and Coffee

And not eat too much of any of that because excess calories = Saturated Fat.

It's fucking had work lads.
cope and seethe
pakis are pajeets and vice versa
smashing my mental elf over the head with a crowbar then dropkicking that little run into the sun
Good evening sir
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They're all up to it
why doe
hahaha you are, typing out all dem paragraphs
murdering my son with my signature finishing move
Or don’t believe any of that nonsense and eat whatever you like

Your body literally tells you what it needs via cravings
you need saturated fat
>no u
oh dear he's rattled loool
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Couldn't convince me to be a high ranking politician ngl
Would be so paranoid some cunt would just whack me for saying the wrong thing or not taking orders
>t. disgusting mentally ill obese freak
winter must arrive expeditiously
fucking lol kante is so shit at passing
deary me
I do this when I go to my dads and see he has the telly on
he doesn't like it, he thinks i'm racist, the giant pussy lol
some woman at a toilet company just spoke to me like a cunt so I'm going to phone back tomorrow and complain, unless she owns the company, in which case ill hang up
not even a bbc spammer but you do see plenty of attractive white women with blacks and its a cope to claim otherwise
I’m not obese lad I’m merely overweight
bring back smoking in pubs
reduce taxes on tobacco
shes done you
>avoid Saturated Fat
shouldn't be avoiding that
double bonds wreak havoc on body chemistry
£180m on euromillions lads. few lucky dips for me
ah yes, the Chris Benoit special
not enough eucalyptus innit, but eucalyptus has already fucked the ecosystem to a degree
I don't see that though, I live in cornwall
fucking stop it
>attractive white women
I only see uggos.
Satuated Fat is the beginning of all health problems from obesity to diabetes to heart disease.
Completely false.
what? that wasnt even a compliment

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