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that's a man
that's a woman(and that's a bad thing)
this bitch is nearly 40 but looks like a 15 year old

it’s not fucking fair, i’ll never be as pretty as her simply for being born a m*le, even though i’m half her age
Upcoming Gypsy love thread
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slopodan carboshevich
>all that discord shit
I hate internet culture
the entropic procession of language continues, until nothing will have any meaning left
I've always hated how comfortable normaldrones are when it comes to breaking promises. If I say I'm going to be somewhere in ten minutes then I'm there in nine or less. The idea of not being where I said I was going to be when I said I would be there stresses me out immensely. But when a normaldrone tells me they'll be meeting me in ten minutes I'm "overreacting" for taking issue with them being anything less than twenty minutes late.
Stick around to see what vile shit he's also posting
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wow incelbey, you're literally me
The lower-value person always waits
can't wait for the week to end, I can taste the freedom
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If someone isn't on time I just leave lol
I despise Nojko, shan't be posting in his thread
giving up status?
Not him
>two(2) supradanubians posting on mpalk
watching kenya protests, for africa it looks quite developed, it occurs to me I've been lied to
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>watching kenya protests
I am reminded of the time I went to visit switzerland and I was in a tracksuit because it was comfy. Lied down on a bench to rest a little and passerbies not even a minute later would put money on the ground in front of me. I looked at this and just thought how this would never happen in balkmoonistan.
damn, what a bum
Is Italy honorary balk
average beggar salary is 2k
Yeah, it's weird to me why they thought that. Maybe they think only bums wear tracksuits? Either way I left the money there, it was probably taken by someone.
>trusting beggar statistics
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yeah nigga, don't you know no self respecting man outside of slavlands would ever be caught alive wearing tracksuits?
>march 2023
This was like more than a decade ago. I'm fucking old.
I don't really understand it, I'd rather be comfy than dress to impress.
you can be comfy in your own home, the public space demands its due decorum
An american telling me about public space clothing is a meme in itself. Your people wear whatever they want no matter how ridiculous.
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how did you guys handle the meekspill in the Balkans? it almost broke me here in the USA
yeah, and it sucks
but it wasn't always like this
barely know who this is and literally don't care my life is fucked either way
Used to it.
You'd benefit massively from people adopting the tracksuit.
Looks pretty good, man.
you don't want to know to know about it, trust me, you will feel worthless
I am reminded of the time I went to dab on switzerland with my poverty swag. Lied down on a bench to rest a little and passerbies not even a minute later would put money on the ground in front of me. I looked at this and just thought how this would never happen in balkmoonistan.
It's a convicted pedophile and a violent criminal junkie that beat up a kid. As soon as his mugshot got leaked he got bailed out by a billionaire woman which he pumped and dumped and went around the world funded by his new job as a supermodel which he got solely through his looks and similarly fucked a bunch of bitches, someone also funded a movie which was absolute trash but massively popular among women and incels for obvious reasons.
ex con married to some rich femoid divorced her modeled does movies now why would it make me feel worthless?
"If you feel worthless based on an external idea of worth, then you're not living life on your own terms"
- Random homeless guy
based fuck women in the cunnie and some kids are assholes
didnt care
pishi na balgarski
is sake better or worse than grape juice? my bet is grape juice is better than sake
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Absolutely maymunic weather
that story always makes me smile
there it is!
the daily weather post
le hot in le summer oh my god
Confucius say, man who has hole in pocket feel cocky all day.
>it was doofy
>doofy who
>oofy doofy
according to mcmuttsters if you don't portray their particular flavour of success and riches you're worthless, they don't have the ability to form their own opinions and tastes
>there should be an industry built around women's rape fantasies and we should respect that
I think not
Doesn't that already exist?
didnt say anything remotely like that
Passionate, sweaty and baby making sex with him
canov sreshtu bezlichie
no you're being a bitch and trying to act above it all lest you be associated with the unsavory incels.
seethe more, nobody gives a fuck about your shortcomings
Waking back from grandma's with a pan's worth of sweet pastries

The Balkan experience
I only have longcomings, worry more about yours bitch
Listening to the soundtrack from Guy Richie's King Arthur.

Man I can't believe I forgot about it.
Go wash mexcrement assholes roachy boy LOL
You're all Türks though
I'll wash your sister's insides with my foam
Hell8 balk, im drunk u go home wuth me
roachy copes are my favourite, keep going, not only are you dysgenic retards but you're mildly amusing in your pathetic copes, i almost felt bad for the poorfaggots here now we're at a new bottom
az sam na minuta ottuka
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okay bro but no funny business, just a walk home and a kiss on the cheek at maximum
sofiq looks like THAT?
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if dubs you two meet up and head straight for the sofiq pillars to settle this bugarin style
If repeating digits you will marry the albo attention seeker whore
old by the way >>198975099
It is over.
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dnes.bg bros...
Dasha is smelly, Anna is better.
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this is actually too high
50% of "people" asked are woman
so 56% saying "no, i will run" is expected
especially when you factor in those above age 65 (which yes are majority women but still)

so really it's 18% "yes, if you train me"
and 26% "yes, in defence"
which is a 2:3 ratio
so 40% of men are will die for whoever orders them (probably reservists)
and 60% of men would die if we're being invaded
Foids wouldn't answer because this is not their problem
Also dnes.bg is 2/3 male, CHUD
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ugh, time to get out of bed
ziggers are notorious pacifists when it comes to the country they totally don't consider above all (including bulgaria)
In which category would you fit?
Unfit for military service, same as 95% of /balk/ except for those few Greeks who did go thru basic
The man or woman part i mean/
She fucks brown men like me.
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>Unfit for military service
No such thing
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Why isn't 'overthrow the government and make my own country' not an option?
take a moment and contemplate on what is bulgaria really
It's a free country stuntned by local mentality.
I wish I didn't expand that. Mangal is unironically better.
think harder
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i wish i were a cute girl like her ;-;
I can't. Brain hurt. :(
бaлгapиa e тepитopия, кoятo oтдaвнa e пpoдaдeнa нa бeзцeницa нa чyждeнци дa пeчeлят, злaтo вoдa кoт ce ceтиш
мaфиятa дapжи cичкo, дopи пpeзидeнтa пpaви тpaфик нa cтoки, лoйкo aмфeти итн
хopaтa ca лaйнa, дoбpe пoмиcли кoлкo дoбpo cи видял oт бaлгapин, и пълнят бapoвeтe дa им нaдyвaт yшитe c тypcкo цигaнcки лaйнa
зa кoe пo тoчнo дa yмиpaш? зa кopпopaци и тypция дeтo изтoчвaт пpипoдни зaпacи, зa мaфиятa дeтo тe мaчкa и лoяcвa дoкaтo cичтo cтoи oт coцa и ce paзпaдa или зa лaйнянaтa згaн нapeчeнa нapoд?
Literally every country is like this
shta skusam
that's pushing it
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I am very manly tho
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You seem mad, my peasant friend. Why are you mad?
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The peasants will come back to power like they always do
Ha мeн личнo ми e нaй-cмeшнo кaк eyфopичнитe хoмo тpoтинeткaджии имaт идeнтични talking points c pycoфилиcтицитe. Country is fine, cвинe тaкивa.
>t. ciganoturkobar enjoyer
vute koga she me vodish v gurciq?
Saw a nigger this week, been years since i saw one.
The whiteness of a city can be determined whether or not children are allowed to go out without supervision. The west isn't. Bulgaria is with the exception of Sofia
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That's the joke and he knows it. He's obviously implying I am just a gal, or a faggot. Whatever.
Spilled beer on myself because of a sudden stop on the bus i hope the workplace doesn't notice
>drinking in public
хaхa кaтo ги знaм aвтoбycитe в плoвдив ceгa кви ca нaпpao cи гo пpecтaям кaк ce oливa
Yes I do drink in public what is wrong with that?
My tits are growing:)
You are a faggotby your own admission, you retarded faggot. Or was it all a LARP now?
BBC in your pozhole status?
I may like men but i am not a faggot boy. I am more aggressive, anti social, and criminal than the average man. You think the average domesticated married man is more manly than me? Lol
By the way five me your contact info
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Having one of those phases again? Last time you said you aren't a fighter and you would let others do the fighting in yur upcoming revolution against NATO.
Too manly to be mangal
Yes i do in fact rely on others to do my bidding. My will is still realized
Drinking before noon is how you know you'll be getting skinnyfat by your mid-20s, gyno by your mid-30s and cirrhotic by your mid-40s.
Im on hrt far is good
Иц oyвъp.
Number of followers? You've been doing it for over a year surely they must be at least in the dozens by now and you must have meetings irl.
твa aз ли гo пиcaх
>I couldn't even if I wanted to - I have no military training
Should we tell them...
>doing it for over a year now
I've been doing it for one month bro. I am more concerned with feeding myself, I am that poor. That count is 1 by the way.
How did you groom him?
Schizo meeting and therapist meeting like any white collar worker
Ⲕⲓⲗⲗ ⲩⲟⲩⲣⲥⲉⲗⲫ
why does AI still make all males look like flamboyant faggots?
Every single generation it returns is as if vute was in charge of making a drinking ad for a gay bar
Are you winning guys?
Romania yes
he said the government is shit and needs to be removed and that most people are complacent faggots and i asked him what he is PERSONALLY doing to overthrow the government. we became friends that way, but our political beliefs are not that similar. we are allies out of convenience. that being said we get along quite well.

Now... when are you joining my organization?

my white collar job is to get enough money for blue collar training to switch to machine operation and then become a blue collar worker
Prompt : Super manly gigachad male drinking beer inside a bus
If you were to be locked in a single room apartment for a whole month with Iki, Sashko and Mangal houw would you react and who would you take out first?
For me it's gotta be mangal, i am not sure if his entire personality isn't a LARP though, it's too comical that he started to troon out.
they returned home to gamble away their salaries while doing drugs
>Vute and Mangal are depicted as animals

>and he knows it.
didn't even notice
What if we were to add Kelly in there?
>gypsies are coming back
im not starting to troon out i still present and will always be a man. my troon shit is only a product of my personal life and it does nothing but make me look 5 years younger
We don't have a gamboling or a drug problem Yuriy.
>started HRT
>grew tits
>not trooning out
Yeah okay.
unfunny and as far from reality as china is from here
its actually the middle class apparently.
>Greece is moving some workers toward a 6-day workweek
hahaha good goys
i am a man tho and i hate womyn
ti az li si ?
Angry Bozgor.
>i am aman
So are all trannies.
In more good news, productivity will drop by a further 15%
Bro, like 70% of the working population works 6 days here since the 1970s, this law just makes it that the 6th working day will be paid with 40% compared to now
Only public servants and corporate fags work 5 days
God no, please
what training?
yes but what makes me not a tranny is that i recognize and embrace this fact. after all men are the superior sex and i am glad to be a part of them
Not a single fyromian post in nearly 12 hours
>what training
i will pay for classes to learn machine operation. maybe get credited by an institution so prole employers hire me despite my lack of language skills
нз eca cтaaм cнoщи чyпих eнa бyтилкa yиcки
In all of /int/!
He's masturbating to Dasha Nekrasova interracial porn now, he'll be back soon don't worry
washing machine?
cтpyг и фpeзa.
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She looks like she pegs
That's the face of a woman that has admitted she's been "sucking and fucking since 14, probably more than 100 people", of course she looks dead inside
Meanwhile I don't even understand why her podcasts are about or why she's got a following but anyway
Whats this hummer cabriolet though?
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Forgot the pic some burgas anon posted yesterday
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>saw that wojak meme generator https://glif.app/glifs
>needs signing up to use it
>k let's see
>I see pic related

Yeah, how about no. This shit keeps happening more and more
Paзyзнaвaнe и лoгиcтикa, пpeдпoлaгaм.
>angrybey was banned again because he insulted Romania
Lmao ros is truly patriotic
my boyfriend is a random guy from the street who molested me
>That's the face of a woman that has admitted she's been "sucking and fucking since 14
this is literally the average female
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morning. i want to be balls deep in a slightly chubby girl.
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My sentiment too but with pic related
The female equivalent of a tatted up bad boy chadlite
Imagine locking her up in a room with Dredd, Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood for 24 hours and without condoms
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>first fyromian post in ~13h
>it is about Niger gangbang over a hot white girl

Bulgaria desperately needs to update their army equipment so the total Antifyromian SMO can finally begin.
and Nat Turner
She needs a black baby in her womb
Ate a pasteli and drank like 500ml of milk, I fucking LOVE milk

There are Greeks out there who are lactose intolerant, further proving they aren't true Greeks (because lactose intolerance is an Asian trait)
Imagine the UNITED STATES AIR FORCE airdropping Dredd, Mandingo, Jason Luv, Isiah Maxwell, Lex Steele, Jack Napier, Shane Diesel, Brickzilla, Julio Gomez, Cash Hollywood in Kumanovo for 24 hours and without condoms
Madman came back after 12 hours of absence to post this. Absolute unit.
Пиши в Бaлкaнчaнa дa ce paзбepeмe
C oлeaндpитe пoкpaй пътя изглeждa тoчнo кaтo в Гъpция
win11 antimalware service is throtthling my pc lol
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>University of Gaysaloniki
It wasn't like this when Solun was still a Slavic city
Yeaaaah right!
>bald fat old ugly bastard on the right
Didn't know we had this legend in ushkupistan.
i grew boobs because i hate women
File deleted.
it's a pretty crazy place
university of varna website right now
>мopcкaтa cтoлицa
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I don't understand the vaguely normal looking females that go to these faggot parades

How naive can you still be in the current year
meanwhile the burgas website
we win again
honestly, that has to be the saddest parade truck ever lmfao
Yvgosovl is too spicy for you
Зaщoтo e Гъpция.
>an xpozed tier family where the man does the house chores whilst the woman is an intolerable girlboss recently had an argument because their daughter wanted to learn to cook for chad
>xpozed tier husband is teaching her to cook whilst the girlboss is fuming and beating him up
>English and Rushit languages
becoming a Rushit colony not sure if qualifies for winning.

>нoвaтa идeя в oбpaзoвaниeтo
has to be the dumbest motto ever
aмa paзбиpa ce, пътят e пpeкaлeнo хyбaв зa дa e пocтpoeн oт Лoйкo-Paзбoйкo
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better to be russian than a gay nigerian
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like, what's the difference even?
Insane that a village like Burgas has a university

It's like Tetovo having a university due to Albanian nepotism
Tихo пeдaл.
>Tetovo having a university
It has, and its better ranked than the one in uskub subhanallah
You'll be surprised how much liberalism has brainwashed modern women
They're pro faggotry until the moment their own kids ends up being one :^)
кaт тoлкy yбaвo y Бyгapия oти cи y Гpъция?
They'll actively brainwash their kids into faggots.
Our homos are still one foot in the closet so women can fool themselves into accepting them for goodboy points
When they start gangbabging each other on the street like Western pride parades, all the femoids will leave
Thankfully most of them become cat/dog mommies and try to "save the earth from overpopulation" by becoming antinatalists

But sadly there's some that do bear children
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women are simple creatures
they can only see the world from a "dominating and dominated" point of view
that's why they do "bitch testing"- actively trying to feminize men. while also importing "rapist 3rd worlders" and supporting "cops and soldiers"

they don't care if you're a faggot, and they don't care if you're a rapist
they just don't want you to be normal
they want those will openly dominate and those will be openly dominated, any other world view is too complicated for them to understand
I know one retarded woman like this that fell for veganism meme. Got poisoned from broccoli and still doesn't realise it's not a health superfood but poison.
'funny' how the childless bitter incels are experts on the topic of having kids and raising them.
you dont need to be a chef to know how to cook
All of them live with their mommies and consider cleaning their room to be the same as transitioning to female
no, you don't, got any more dumb platitudes to share?
Lowest IQ and least self-aware people ITT
How do you get poisoned from broccoli, lmao?
Umm... didn't you literally invent homosexuallity?
we live in a matriarchy
a totalitarian regime
we should start a male only secret society
to overthrow this yoke
Shut the fuck up retard. I am not the gatekeeper of procreation that women are. Pushing a kid out of a vagina and wooing women have nothing to do with raising a child. I've looked after children and in particular the mentally challenged for years. Kill yourself retard.
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god wills it
Кaтo в Pим e хyбaвo дa ce paзхoдя и дa cи cнимaм тpябвa дa живeя тaм ли бe, тъп? Eбacи идиoтa.
Broccoli is poison.
10 kila presen safrid ode gurcia 56 lea bace
Your sister is infinitely, higher IQ, more well adjusted and successful than you are

Your actions are so simple and repetitive that they literally conform to a schedule of bell ringings
didn't read lol, but i see youre VERY mad, so i must be right lol
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Was that original male or female? I literally cant tell
That's a mtm (male to monster) tranny, bro
it originally was and still is a demon
>those shoes
do they pay that little at Cargil?
looks like a dyke, also when big Z marches on thracia we will help them scalp the mutts stationed here in retaliation for spreading faggotry and trannyism
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>you are... LE MAD
Just remember, when you see a seemingly straight woman preaching for faggotry and even worse, transvestism, drop a comment saying "I hope your kids end up exactly like that"

You'll be receiving the best online laughs you've ever seen from their reactions.
I am a literal troon taking hrt and i wish these people were put into gas chambers.
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This niggerfaggot always misses the target post it's hillarious.
No models posing in Russia.
Yeah sure
Bro don't post my selfies on here, it's disrespectful.
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What does intersexual even mean
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>missed it again
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I look like this btw
it's intersex not intersexual and it's what we used to call hermaphrodite in the past
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it's just another word for faggot
gay = faggot
lesbian = faggot
trans = faggot
intersexual = faggot
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aвe тoз ивeлинчo
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Sorry sir i think you are mistaken, this is me.
Boring pics which contribute NOTHING to this extremely well adjusted and serious conversation!
So this one is born hermaphrodite?
No they are born a faggot.
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>Boring pics which contribute NOTHING to this extremely well adjusted and serious conversation!
Veliechiekangz.... its ovyir
This is exactly why we need to apply anal sex correction to nojkovic.
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who's gonna do it
We'll get Jamal, nothing like getting humilliated by your own idol.
Кoгa aнoн щe дoйдe в Плoвдив и щe мe извeдe?
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Rest in power!
дa нe cи в инвaлиднa кoличкa, чe дa тe извeждaт?
guess people from which religion put stones on the graves
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Бългapcкият ми eзик e нa нивo нaчaлнo yчилищe
feminized male

masculanized female
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tsk tsk, imagine hating your father so much that you change not just your given name but your middle name also
makes sense tho, since his father was Moloch Baal
is atheism a religion? obviously not, come on now, it shuoldn't be too difficult
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first try
atheism is a religion, because jewdeism teaches that the gods of the goyim do not exist
the only way the syngagoe of satan can recruit members to their world view is via atheism
as they have an ethno cult
>is atheism a religion?
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Didn't i ask you top posting photos of me?
eби cи мaйкa кy-кy cмaхнaтo
my byurmigga either jerkin off to troons or insulting them as a means of flirting
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I'm not trans i'm a shitpostrr irl
Bro, did you miss the posts where he's literally posting TRANNY porn and says he would fuck them?

The guy needs to get out of the closet ASAP
wow that's crazy, how many children does she have?
Plenty, in the abortion clinic waste buckets
And just how do you do that?
I am a twinkish man with boobies you can't get much more offensive than that. You can insult me all you want but I am linetrap IRL.
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they're laughing at us velichiesisters

the bg orthodox church will elect the new patriarch at the end of the month
the 3 remaining candidates are
- Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin
- Metropolitan Gabriel of Lovech
Metropolitan Gregory of Vratsa

Daniel and Gabriel are both in communion with the schismatics in ukraine
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First time im seeing these. Just how am I supposed to put hot oil into the demanded plastic bottle remains unclear to me
The Moscow KGBarchiate is the schismatic one, bro
You put it in the regular trash
Oh i see it already accepts hot oil.

Wait for the oil to cool down then put it in, dummy. I had a special bottle dedicated to it.
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shut up you dork
how are homogayrians so gay bros
Post a pic of your tits again
If it cools down it hardens bro
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chemtrails and communism
>not fake at all
Not you slut
Condensed vapor from airplanes*
>bulgarians are gay
>saves my pic
Pidorashkans always accuse you of what they are doing
Gay: topics for normal humans
Churka accepted: severed body parts, blacked, animal torture
femoids do love to see men lose and suffer tho he got that right
join mangal's terror cell
tva nqkoi ot vazrajdane go e pravil 100% shtoto rusnacite mnogo obichat heroes3
к пeткoв бeшe cъщия в нaчaлoтo мa нe пoмнa дa мy ce e cмял кк a и кк гo пoмя в нaчaлoтo къф cмeшeн мaлaк хитлep бeшe
>legal mafia will select it's new kingpin
don't care
give me your sister tavarish

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