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So howdy, I've been chilling in the garden all day
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>visa jeet.webm
desu sometimes it's hard to distinguish visajeet from a Brazilian...
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Do I know you????
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Do you want a Czech mate?
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You're afraid to come to Czechia anyway.
His only mistake was not doing this in the pussy republic
He could've gotten a massive blowjob
Visa jeets aren't clever yeah
Damn she stomped him on the nuts
Damn that's how you make an omelette when you don't have eggs
Fucking Czechs man
Czech mate
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fuck you bitch
>You're afraid to come to Czechia anyway
I'm afraid of being raped by your women
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rude, so I'm gonna ignore yttp0ou tonight
He's not gonna czechmate no more
Czech these digits
Fuck me
It doesn't Czech out
Give me the Czech >>199003374 please
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Now, let’s twist this Rubik's cube of a question. "Do I know you?", don't you mean to ask, "Do you know me?". It's a bidirectional highway where both lanes are prone to traffic jams of uncertainty.

To respond to "Do I know you?" one might as well be asking, "Have we danced the strange tango of social interaction before, or are you merely a doppelganger of someone from my zumba class?" And here lies the conundrum—human recognition is as reliable as chocolate teapot. We are creatures who forget why we walked into a room, what we were going to get when we opened the fridge, yet we're expected to catalog every single fucking face in the Rolodex of our minds! It's complete bullshit. So, I refuse to answer you.
Learn your fucking history
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He still doesn't get it. No conversation today, it's a one-way highway.
I wonder how Austro-Croat is doing. He hasn't been here for a while.
He's probably climbing a mountain somewhere in Austria
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This is a sneaky post, basically it's impossible to tell if it was written by the Brazilian incel whom I chose to ignore today or another Brazilian fren.
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Do me a fucking favor since you're so clever
Record me a vocaroo with these words:


Take a 2 second break


Take a 2 second break


Take a 2 second break


Take a 2 second break
Then take a 3 second break
cringe thread
back home?
it's been a good day today. First I learned about Assange's release (although I suspect some fuckery afoot) and then my DNP arrived. I may be able to test it next week, depending on the weather. But first, it's my fourth run of a running program tomorrow! Can't wait.
what this
it's a funny weight loss agent, in recent years suppressed by law enforcement so I had to find it on darknet. Basically it increases your body temperature to burn off 1/2 kg of fat per day.
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>burn off 1/2 kg of fat per day
KEK, that sounds really safe
>can be potentially lethal to even young, healthy adults
>can cause a rapid increase in both your metabolic rate and body temperature. This can lead to serious side effects such as organ failure
it's safe if you're not an idiot, take reasonable precautions and don't OD

>can be potentially lethal
anything can be potentially lethal
>rapid increase in both your metabolic rate and body temperature
that's the point. No reason for organ failures under normal circumstances

I'm gonna start slow on a low single dose, evaluate and plan the main cycle for September when the weather gets cooler
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Greetings, frens.
How you doing?
howdy >>199002234
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Watching random youtube videos.
Feeling kinda sad today, ngl, but don't worry because I ain't bringing the thread down.
>I ain't bringing the thread down.
you can
No specific reason, just thinking about where I am in life.
I was the "smart kid with a bright future" all my life and all adults around me always made sure to remind me of it - I felt incredible.
The problem is: I was not smart, I was just autistic (I think).
Now I look around and everyone my age is living a better, more fulfilling life than me.
Hell, a former high-school classmate of mine has a daughter today.
>just thinking about where I am in life.
I think you're still young to be thinking like that.
>Now I look around and everyone my age is living a better, more fulfilling life than me.
Very premature conclusions.
>Now I look around and everyone my age is living a better, more fulfilling life than me.
You can't know that
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>I think you're still young to be thinking like that.
I'm not worried about my future (it is actually quite promising), I'm worried of missing out on stuff people my age experience.
>Very premature conclusions.
All my colleagues have bodycounts of at least 5 while mine is 1 (2, if you count blowjobs).
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sup bee-atches
Greetings, dear comrade in rice and beans.
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cereals are good for you, coffee also
>missing out on stuff people my age experience.
henlo anon, wasup
been playin PUBG mobile with my Slovak fren (currently living in Germany), she is super hot, and I'm thinking I should go visit her and combine it with a holiday in Bavaria
Mostly sex, but also stuff like partying and travelling with friends
>she is super hot
gotta agree.
>Mostly sex
But that's something you can fix.
I'm just chillin'.
There's a stunning babe working in the drugstore next door of my house, she's staying there in the late night/dawn hours. But I'm a person of platonic loves kek. I even prefer this way.
She's a pharmacist.

I'm drinking my last beer. Usually I drink 3 beers a night.
I don't know if I'm having chicken nuggets or vegetables for dinner.
Probably I'm going to cook potatoes and carrots;
>But that's something you can fix.
I'm talking passionate sex, anon.
Not payed-for sex.
>I'm having chicken nuggets
Dis is right choice tonight.
>But I'm a person of platonic loves kek. I even prefer this way.
Sometimes a change is nice rather than a stale routine. Maybe you could try saying hello.
>Not payed-for sex.
I know, I'm not talking about prostitution.
I can't think of any way of fixing it that doesn't involve:
>being ~20cm taller
>becoming fit
>changing my personality
2 of those are impossible, but at least I'm trying to become fit.
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T-Mobile Czechia (Deutsche Telekom) today introduced new mobile plans.
Unlimited calls, sms, and 10mbit internet for 40,75$.
Unlimited calls, sms, and 15mbit internet for 46,79$.
Unlimited calls, sms, and internet with no speed limits 59,73$.

The Czech market is a large oligopoly (only 3 carriers), you can have same shit in Poland (T-Mobile Poland, Deutsche Telekom) for 17,42$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm afraid you're creating artificial obstacles.
Any suggestions?
I'm not a psychotherapist, but your self-esteem is pretty low. How to fix it? idk
I dropped such considerations when I was young, I haven't had a problem with women since.
>Maybe you could try saying hello.
I'm a forward person in this sense, but I only act when I'm certain of the result.

p.s. now things are on their way in the stove
>I dropped such considerations when I was young
I didn't have these considerations when I was younger, but when I went to college I saw and heard just how superficial people are and it really fucked me up.
I don't care about my height one bit, but I do care about not getting my dick wet and for some reason women don't want short guys (I've heard women saying they rejected a hot guy simply because he was short).
O2 Czechia
Unlimited calls, sms, and 10mbit internet for 40,93$
Unlimited calls, sms, and 20mbit internet for 49,55$
Unlimited calls, sms, and internet with no speed limits 58,18$
>p.s. now things are on their way in the stove
I was looking forward to see chicken nuggets
>and for some reason women don't want short guys
That's possible, and what's stopping you from overcoming that obstacle? I'm small too, and it's not a real handicap.
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>I was looking forward to see chicken nuggets
It's because I have to end this veggies I have here, otherwise I would have to put them in the trash, and I don't want to waste food

I'm flinging tonight, I don't know still what I will eat, I'm just cooking those for security reasons
Bro he is complaining while meanwhile I have never had a girlfriend ever and I am 24

Thank god that I study at a top US university in a STEM degree that levels it out
>what's stopping you from overcoming that obstacle?
women themselves kek
>I'm small too, and it's not a real handicap.
You are muscular, and I'm trying to be too. It outweights height.
>otherwise I would have to put them in the trash, and I don't want to waste food
OK, I respect the reason here, and I feel the same way.

I invited my cousin for a late lunch (next week) and I still don't know what I'm going to cook.
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>I study at a top US university
>brazilian flag
Nigger, I already told you, I'm ignoring you today because you were rude. Don't give me YOUs.

>You are muscular
I am not.
>It outweights height.
Not true.
It's summer vacation classes only come back in September
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Is this your cousin?! >>199009564
If so, holyyyy cannoli, she's so hot man, be careful to not end up scoring her
cook something you domine, remember the "simple" rule
>Is this your cousin?!
no, see: >>199009418 >>199009483
How was I rude?
>I am not.
You've shown your pics here, bro.
You are fit.
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hum right
friend looking good too
Greece? It was back in 2008 or something
>cook something you domine, remember the "simple" rule
You're right. The problem is that I'm best at classic Czech dishes - and those are very heavy for the stomach when it's +35C outside.
Bro when was I rude? You're also calling me monkey and nigger and I understand it's a joke
>changing my personality
You can unironically pretend to be someone else. People manage their entire lives, I used to do it for a quick shag on Friday nights
>You're also calling me
first time today.
Muscles don't shrink unless you starve.
I already do that and it kinda works for people who don't know me yet, but the illusion fades away after interacting with me after a week or so and I can't figure out why.
You called me monkey in Czech. Whatever bro you can call me whatever, really. I know you're just joking.
>You called me monkey in Czech
I don't remember. Did I really use the word opice?
>I know you're just joking.
>I don't remember. Did I really use the word opice?
Yeah. I don't even care because I'm white. Imagine saying this to a brownoid here he would get super triggered lmao. If Baiano used that slur he would get lynched.
Well, it is kinda hard and turbo narcissistic to adopt an artificial identity and keep it going for longer than a shag anyways. I think the only good and tested women advice I can give fellow anons is to just talk to them. No unpaid for sex ever started without a preliminary conversation of sorts.
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Btw I had to pay my annual car insurance today.
Insurance for damage I cause to others (mandatory), 250 $.
Insurance for damage caused by my fault to my car (optional), 1 800 $.
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>just talk to them
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>If Baiano used that slur he would get lynched
by who???
Anyway bro what do you think of Deutsche Telekom? Es ist gut?
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What do you think of Deutsche engiNIGGERing? We have German electric buses now
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>just talk to them
Yes, it's that simple. Let me introduce you Horst Fuchs. This unattractive gentleman in the 1990s spoke to all Czech pensioners in regular teleshoping.
He sent them hundreds of tons of overpriced goods, and made billions.
>just talk to them
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Heh I feel you bro but you said yourself you'd get in shape so what's stopping you from talking up the chicas AND showing off your abs when it comes to that
>electric buses now
WHY???? Are you doing the overpriced Green Deal too?
Yes. Did you know Brazil is big on hydro power? Our energy grid is super green!!!
You know man, you're actually fucking right. Hitler invaded Austria just by walking straight in.
das crazy man
I usually don't bother cooking to another persons, btw I'm good to cooking only stroganoff and chocolate cake. The other things are just improvise.
>No unpaid for sex ever started without a preliminary conversation of sorts
Wait, what?
>finally, we can get robbed in the bus in a ecological way
he's not me.
>Did you know Brazil is big on hydro power?
Yes, and I have nothing against hydropower.

Did you know Czechia cut off the hill?
When electricity is cheap, they pump water into the upper reservoir. When electricity is expensive, they generate expensive electricity (or compensate fluctuations in the grid).
>Deutsche Telekom
Here in Germany it's like the mafia. They own the telecom infrastructure, they can make or break every competitor. Services are good but come at a premium. Dunno about their activities abroad
>car industry
Same really, even worse. They've got the whole country by the balls. Too big to fail
I'm 173cm. I'm not aryan Nietschen übermensch like thyself.
My bad, it's late and I'm disgustingly sober
>I usually don't bother cooking to another persons
Me neither, but this cousin (I have 3), is really kind, I love her (in non sexo way).

She also provides veterinary care to all my animals for free (I only pay the real costs).
That's cool I didn't know that. I will definitely Czech it out. Thanks.
>Dunno about their activities abroad
SEE >>199009878
Fucking scammers.
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U mad?????????????
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Why don't we play a game???
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I see, the time honoured Telekom tradition is doing well
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>I will definitely Czech it out
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No games.
As a libertarian, I dislike oligopolies, and the corporate fascism of Germany.
Luckily, I got a 60% discount to all services by T-mobile.
In Poland competition works, so they can't afford a scamming.
Love me a good Saw juice
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Fuck me, Deutsche Telekom screws over the domestic customers in the hardest way :D :D :D
>veterinary care
that's really kind, nice person

I'm almost posting my dinner, chicken nugs and veggies

Also I follow a girl on twitch its been years. She used to be a hottie but she was always kind of a bitch. Now she moved to United Kingdom (shes brazilian) and she's getting that mannerisms of fat irish ladies. Even painted the hair red. Holy Molly, it can't get more funnier.

how the mighty have fallen
*pic not related
>*pic not related
I want pic related, please.
You're going to Germany? I am jealous
I unironically think their target demo is boomers with cushy incomes and who're too lazy or inept to change to a more sensible provider.
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she's still cute, but she's such a bitchy girl man
I like T-M, I have same phone number since 1997, but I've never paid full price.
>their target demo is boomers with cushy incomes and who're too lazy or inept to change to a more sensible provider
Maybe they don't pay full price, usually when you announce you want to leave they offer a 20 to 60% discount.
Too pale for my taste, but would try.
>but would try.
hell yeah, I would too
she has that disney princess aura somehow

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>Too pale
There's no such thing.
G E N A U!!!
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Even Brazilians have better conditions than Central Yuropoors.
Possibly but then again I pay 5€ a month for a plan that's perfectly sufficient. Sure, nothing fancy like 10+GB but realistically you don't need that much here in Germany
Nice, there's only one thing missing in that combination. You know what?
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I remember. It still hadnt " click me" to remember to buy it
the heavy cream lel
Tonight I am talking about "tatarka",
tartar sauce, great combination with fried meat.
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Gelb senf???
No, this is a side of smoked meat.
Na, gut
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I think it's impressive. I would never voluntarily climb into a tin coffin, even if it was a Leopard 2A8 or Merkava V.
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we call molho tártaro here, it's sold in the markets, I find it delicious, but I buy it once in a blue moon
So, Czechia is buying 77 2A8 Leopards and 42 2A4 Leopards (after upgrades).
I think it's a waste of money, Poland will protect us from Russia.
From Germany???
>I find it delicious
bcs IT IS.
>but I buy it
You should try homemade, anon.
For mayo you only need some basic shit and it tastes so much better than store-bought.
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Do you know any other Leopard producers? Cause I don't...
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btw I once made a bet (for a good amount of money) that I would eat a big packet of tartar sauce (without vomiting), 500g.
So I made fried cheese with fries, and ate it all. Easiest money ever.
Are you really going to travel to southern Germany? I'm super jealous of you now
you have good health

Im going to rest now, GN fren have a good sleep
>re you really going to travel to southern Germany?
I haven't decided yet. I'll definitely travel in July, I just don't know where yet. The south of Germany and Austria is no big deal for me - I've been there many times.

But if someone offered me the opportunity to travel around Brazil for a month if I didn't travel at all for the next five years, I would take it in a heartbeat.
GN anon
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I'm crossing illegally into Switzerland.
Very cool ;)
I love Switzerland!!!
Boa noite
Tbh I dont, it's a very sterile country, just beautiful nature. Northern Italy is so much better, same beautiful nature, and people full of life.
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Not a single American or Canadian flag tonight. Strange.
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Fug I should go to the bed.
Good night anon
Honestly, the straightest thing ever is self-inserting as a female getting fucked by a futa (taker POV). It's actually a form of ultra-heterosexuality.

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