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Greatest place on Earth
Florida is like Balkans of the US
nowhere that gets over 85 f in the summer can be called “greatest place on earth.”
too flat
I’m Sicilian and Polish though
should we tell him?
nah it's probably somewhere in the northwest
It might've been at one point, those days are sadly now gone
Not far off desu, filled with different kinds of people from all over who lowkey hate each other
I grew up in South FL and know the whole State well. I literally had NO idea how bad FL is until I started traveling across the country after High School.

At best, Florida is that meme people throw around (third world with a gucci belt), at worst, it’s practically a third world country.

The people are uneducated, selfish and zero sense of community. And if they are educated, they’re still all of those things. The government is an actual fucking joke, the economy is all based around the service/tourism industry or real estate/sales. The infrastructure is like something out of the nice parts of Brazil or South Africa at best, like Haiti at worst.

I’ve been in Virginia for a few years now and it’s like another universe. The rule of law actually exists, economy is fucking based and diversified, both the liberal and conservative elite are fairly reasonable, people are not ready to kill each other at the drop of a hat. It’s nice all around.
Do many people go to church in Florida?
Tons of mega churches and born again retards for sure all over the State.
I know where I'll fund my future wife then
Russia is the Florida of Asia
I want to leave florida too im wasting my life in this hell hole
Do it, you won’t regret it. I realized that the only way to kick start my professional life was to go where I could find companies and expertise that I could learn from.

My top choices were the DMV area, Boston, and Chicago. Settled on Virginia and have never looked back.
>sunshine all the time
>beaches everywhere
>year round warmth
>great nature
>based governor
>no income tax
>phat assed Cuban women

What’s not to like?
That retard saying the DC is a good place to live shows he's room temperature IQ.
You have the same standards as the millions of central, south american, caribbean people, and white trash retards who live in FL. You’ll fit right in.
DC is meh.

I live in rural Western Pennsylvania (although I have been to Florida 5 times), this place is grim and Florida looks like heaven by comparison. What are your top tier standards then? What do you want out of a place? My only gripe with the place is the overcrowding and the lack of any walkable cities (excluding Miami)
>>sunshine all the time
>>beaches everywhere
filled with loud mouth trashy browns from the ghettos of every latin american country
>>year round warmth
you will get sick of it after a year
>>great nature
if you like swamps i guess its great
Its so expensive and busy you will visit it maybe twice a decade
>>based governor
run of the mill zog bot republican
>>no income tax
cost of living here is so high it negates any benefits
>>phat assed Cuban women
My standards are mostly centered about economics and safety.

Northern Virginia and areas just outside of it offer:
-Tons of economic opportunities (VA is an economic powerhouse with tons of high wage, modern industries that power the Federal and Private sectors)
-Well maintained infrastructure
-A strong live and let live set of societal norms mixed in with State and municipal governments who do a very good job of being responsive to their constituents.
-Very affordable real estate outside of Arlington
-VASTLY superior private and public education systems compared to FL

This actual fucking retard here >>199013183 thinks the entire DMV is like South East DC. And maybe he just doesn’t know what FL is like either.

Everyone thinks FL is a paradise until they spend more than 10 days there. After 18 years of it and seeing some of the worst America has to offer in terms of education, government, and society, I had enough.
Ok the people here are pretty fucking stupid and petty (natives or transplants, doesn't matter) but our infrastructure is NOT Haiti-tier, MS and LA would like a word about that
Where I'm at mostly just brownoids do but it depends
>Sunshine all the time
Gets old after a while
>Beaches everywhere
>Year round warmth
Except from April to October it's Arizona tier heat with 95% humidity
>Great nature
Tru (if it wasn't for all the skeeters)
Haven't been in 20+ years now, who wants to spend $1000 to be surrounded by loud ass spics and jeets in 110 degree weather. Disney adults are literal cult members
>based Governor
Pushover that only gets elected cause he's not a Demonrat
>no income tax
Das rite
>phat assed Cuban women
Half of them are BBLs, they have very mannish faces and most of them become obese before they hit 30. Think I'll pass
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Best hockey players in the world are from Florida
its too humid for me
Every city in the Northwest is a hellscape that makes San Francisco look well managed.
>Infested with fucking roaches and spiders
What is Florida like?
Idk feels more like Switzerland for Afro-Caribbeans and white trash these days.
I love Pennsylvania. I don’t see how you could say it’s grim. Maybe head toward Philly. There’s more sun over there.
Amazing how everyone listing the "best" parts of Florida always picks negatives
Never been, but I had a stroll using google maps and I was amazed how even in less desirable (although obviously white) areas, all front yards are really immaculate. Green lawns tidy and mowed with palm trees and other cool vegetation all around, colorful facades and so many richfags have canals dug up around their neighborhoods so they can park their boats right near the house which is ultra based.

There are really nice neighborhoods here and wherever there's whites instead of gyppos it's going to look decent, but there's never such consistency because out of 10 houses one is going to look shitty because the owner is mentally ill, inheritance fucked it up after the owner died or whatever other reason.

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