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can ummahxisters explain pls
Such beautiful culture
it's kinda hot....
Wholesome 100
the pole got some too ;)
you know your society is hyperborean and faustian when the women defend rapist men of their countries and not raped foreign women
she's just a cuck queen secretly
women voted for this
Female muslim scholar

Yea they have separated genders at their Sunday school

One female and one male teacher
it's over, islam has fallen
>Arabs are a race of evil slavers
Wow! So shocking! It's like no one knew these whole past 1400 years of slave raids and sadistic abuse of white people!
only white people used slaves idiot
instant 1000 replies TRICK (working 2024)
this bait is too retarded to work here
But ChatGPT says Islam is the religion of peace and respects Jews and Women.
Wouldnt this be funny if we did this to muslim women
>It's like no one knew
Honestly? Yeah. I don't know about where you live but it feels like everywhere I go no matter the country it's an eternal present where the world started in 1950 at the absolute earliest. I mean you see it on this website too, people have zero historical consciousness and they straight up chimp out at the idea of interpreting things in a historical context.
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Muslim here
I don't know where you guys even find these types of people.
Even soms Evangelicals here have some crazy opinion like how one says that slavery shouldn't be illegal because the bible allows it.
why do muslims love this false equivalence of pointing the finger at Christians like they're just as bad? NO Christians are NOT at all like you, they have won 75% of the Nobel prizes in Chemistry, they're 70% of the winners of the nobel prize in Physics, they don't blow themselves up, quit this gay shit that only works on low iq retards
Based chudina
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That's not my point anon.
I'm saying that every community has its fair share of very weird people.
I only used Evangelicals as an example because that's what I could come up with from the top of my head. I had no intentions of pointing out fingers to anyone.
I think these kind of extremist are pretty common in the west, mainly acting as a counter culture to western values.
All of this shit will be returned to them tenfold in a couple decades. The absolute ARROGANCE of these colonists.
You won't do shit lmao
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t. illiterate retard
who do you think kicked the muslims out of Europe? it wasn't the French, or the Anglos, or the Germans, or the Slavs. It was the Hispanics and Lusos
you're talking to a seething indio tripfag from our general
I wouldn't expect anything from an indio I guess, no wonder the conquerors of America labelled mestizos and castizos as superior
they are just as bad our patriarch said women who got raped should bear the cross and if domestic violence is in relationship you should fight to better the relationship not divorce.Its the same abrahamic shit kys
Deranged whore
this, also only whites can be racists
I had a muslim teacher who mentored me in college, man what i would have done to tap her sexy ass.
never happened, stop making up scenarios up in your head
Trve. Mostly. Here people can more or less tell you the most basic of basic events from 1776 onwards, but only in regards to our own country and very broadly. Outside of it, I'd say Americans remembering even the last 20 years is extremely generous.
Shouldve had raped her
Just one of many.
>Its the same abrahamic shit kys
Based. Fuck abrahamism.
the good loking girl that tempt the boys shoul do some months of prison themselves.
Sharia with christian flavour
I would blame Islam, as all brainlets do. But anyone who has ever read about MENA cultures will know they have been like that since the very origins of civilization.
Assyrians, hebrews, punics, babylonians, persians, etc.
Cruelty and indolence are MENA cultural trait, that is why slavery was born there in first place.
another proof that feminism is only alive because white men cant stop simping for womem
>brown third worlder mad that people on the other side of the globe wouldnt hypothetically let him rape women in their country
far-right white women :-o
far-right muslim women :-|
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>who do you think kicked the muslims out of Europe?
Yeah after being conquered for centuries
Why the fuck you bragging about it lmao
christians dont have issue with blowing themselves up, muzzies are just backwards and subhuman
careful before some tiny state in europe decides to own you again
>tfw spain is the only white country who gets it
>decides to own you again
*block your path*
They are a tiny nation that resort to islam to have a sense of identity, without it they would be ooga booga tribes fighting each others, be kind with 'em
Kill muslims
Why don't White people just convert to Islam? So many fun things you're allowed to do that Christian morality cucks you out of.
By 1100 half of Iberia was already free
>can't drink alcohol
>can't eat pork
>it's Christianity that's cucked
Poison. De facto a hard drug.
Filled with parasites
>Filled with parasites
cook it you fucking retard
>Filled with parasites
Every untreated animal is, retard.
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I think its politically driven rather than religious.
Religion is just an excuse.
Most Muslim countries are a victim of terrorism too.
It's just that our chuds are more likely to commit criminal acts.
Wlh kufr have brain work
They are too cuck to Revert but we will make them by force. They are our slave.
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Catholicism is by far superior at everything. We have better aesthetic, traditions, theology and philosophy.
lolno its religious, they kill innocents for their religion
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You get to marry lolis though
the difference is, america is a collection of criminals and retards christians tried to get rid of.
Those in turn have further degenerated.
Whereas in islam these attitudes arent fringe beliefs and permeate every level of society.
Scholars genuinly believe that, whereas the christians that believe this are layman that think the old covenant somehow applies to them.
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They kill other Muslims too.
I fail to see how it couldn't be politically motivated and mental illness.
Even a salafist tried to kill me despite being a muslim myself for not having an extremist view on things.
>I fail to see how it couldn't be politically motivated and mental illness.
Well Islam is mental illness so you're right
>Oh nooo I can't drink poison and eat disgusting pigs, guess I'll give up having three wives and an honorable life to live in the heckin pod with my SO and watch Marvel with our furbabies
If Catholicism is superior then why is it dying
they kill muslims for being the wrong kind of muslim thats religious reasoning, like i said, subhuman
It is not, also, we don't need to kill those who leave to maintain our numbers
Lmfao. Okay so when I visit your country I will see all of your youth going to mass and praying devoutly to Mary and your triforce god, right?
>Whereas in islam these attitudes arent fringe beliefs and permeate every level of society.
In my opinion, it depends on the culture and the people. Arabs, Afghans, and Pakistanis tend to be extremly conservative. Bosnians, Albanians, and Turks have fewer such thoughts and often prefer to spend their days drinking alcohol.
Levantines used to sit in between, depending on their specific location within the Levant.

It depends on how you interpret it, which is influenced by your political view on how people should live and how should they be govern.
>random asshole says X
>"omg wtf????"
Who cares?
This goes to show that not enough pressure has been put on those preaching Islam and propelling its teachings.
After all, it isn't uncommon for the Imam to fill the roles of a jurist (deal broker when solving disputes) and life guru in the context of the holy scriptures.
But even trying to get to some of the core issues is considered controversial.
These naive people have never given the thought that it's unsustainable to govern a people with rules that the populace deems illegitimate because they collide with their beliefs.
Because she says it doesn’t make it true. Also I bet your source is shit.
White people are getting into the occult, which is far more interesting than joining christianity's retarded cousin
European governments agree
All muslims think this.
>You can't be happy that your national struggle that wasted for centuries was ultimately successful in that it freed you from foreign oppressors and expelled them from your lands
Do indogs really?
>it is the year 2024
>people still fall for taqiyya
when will people learn?
White people are a bunch of aimless degenerates and they still don’t understand that it’s causing their extinction. I guess it’s easier to blame the economy.
Takiyya was used by shias against sunnis. Westerners on the other hand are trying to subvert the world.
Doesn't change the fact that you can never ever trust a muslim to be honest lol
As opposed to rootless immigrants abusing their freedoms seen as they don't accept the laws of the land and instead some other ruleset
It is their right to live like a thieving marauder.
The west bomb out country and oppress us and make us poor with colonialism we are just here for reparation.
The west could bomb your countries because it was richer and more powerful due to better culture and ideology
you niggers tried to conquer Europe for hundreds of years
you deserve genocide
So collective punishment is in place for the deeds of someone else?
As I said, the rules of the land are set and retroactive punishment against relatives and descendants isn't in them.
Learn to accept.
you can always go back,
we'll make you anyways, just this sunday you'll see
No because westerners kufr and jews have subverted our every attempts at creating good countries
We make you Revert and bring medicine and hygiene. Westerner only destroy our countries
We make you Revert and you pay reparation
sure ignore hundreds of years history of aggressions, get btfo'd and then cry that you are the victim after getting blown the fuck out. For being a horde of war mongering zealots you sure fucking suck at war.
Your countries only exists because we btfod the Turks dumb arab animal
retarded muzzdog meme
>bring medicine and hygiene.
No you retarded subhumans only bring rape, drugs and criminality. All muslims deserve to be genocided and killed, you are just a pest plaguing civilization
Religion of peace!
Anon I'm a Palestinian blue archive poster.
I have nothing to do with whoever you're referring to.
Just go the archive and type "t. Pali"
I'd respect mussies for being giga-chuds if they didn't cry crocodile tears every time the shoe is on the other foot, like in Gaza, or after every Arab-Israeli wars.

It makes them go from based to just really pathetic.
Kill muzdogs at sight and their angloid allies.
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Yes, that's literally me in your picture
Ive noticed you funland you can back hiding yourself.
Whats your obsession with jeets ? Are you angloid ?
You aint denying your a brown angloid either tho, now, whats your obsession with poo street shitters ?
Your just embarassing yourself being a lonely retard needing attention like a whore.
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What are you trying to convince by bombing anti muzdog threads ?
>what is The IRA
wrong flag, im from myanmar
Yes and he is nuts because Raj stole his girlfriend
Euros and east asians won these prizes, not christians. Pablo
We figured out that you didnt have to be attached to the bomb for it to go off
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The American, the "French" and the "Dutch" anon ITT are all sandniggers. Can't say i'm surprised.
There’s literally nothing wrong with raping white women they already had like hundreds of black dicks alone before what’s the big deal
Nords are all cultureless npc mimicking angloid behaviour to cope with their uslessness.
I may lack culture but atleast I'm ethnically Norwegian. You diaspora a neither French nor arabs or nafri.
Why are you implying shit on the base of my hatred for muzdogs and angloids ? If ever your exposing more and more your npcness, stupid frog poster aka larper.
Been seeing a lot of Frenchies being Arab fetishists if i'm quite honest, even if they're white. Then there's also the fact that 10% of France are literally brown nafris or arabs. It's not too unreasonable to assume you're brown, or is a self-hating Frenchie who wants to be arab because all the cool rappers in France are brown.
Most of the sites traffic right now is Indian or Muslim and they can't be honest about anything and pretty much every conversation they have is a scam.


It's not fun or even something you want to do when most of the site went from being eccentric weirdos to brown pieces of shit trying to piss you off or lie to you just so you insult them because they enjoy being insulted.

Walk into a bar, 90% of the people are wearing creep mask lying and saying retarded shit. You ain't going back to that bar. Same thing with 4 chan. Int really was the last refuge. Pol, his, tv, sci, bant are all overran by brown shits doing this. Int until 2021 was actually eccentric weirdos having fun then trump lost them the thirdies figured out tv was all thirdies now they are here
So you assume im brown and shit based on outside factors but not on what im literally writing ? You guys have the brain fried.
Whats your source of that ? From what i see posters are being more and more retarded like you angloids always been here.
yes, i assume you have brown nipples
islam is usually not big on absolution
anyways, uhm, why dont you stick to /pol/ because sexual harassment is not rape, therefore your headline is purposefully misleading

captcha: shart in mart
Indian sperging is really weird, it goes to rape really fast. Is this the skewed male/female ratio? Have you tried hookers?
Thats just german culture anon dont be rude
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There's so much sandpeople and mudpeople in Swede these days, that I can't be sure if you are joking or being serious. If you are serious, I hope that your whore mother will be raped in every hole by the Kongoan AIDS-nignogs basketball team.
I'm sure you are doing it all the time already :D
Solution: Implement Sharia laws for muslim-on-anyone crime with the most severe end of the scale being the norm and crimes against ethnically native people and those not adhering to Islam leading to at minimum mutilation.
Would be mighty fine to view a beheading in front of the Notre-Dame on a calm Sunday with some glass filled with moet.
And the results? everybody gets happy.
Solution: ban all finnshits
Socialdemokraterna won in sweden, the far right won in france, who do you think your fooling muzdog lover
the caliph has fallen...
omg im so sad random women get raped by people they voted in so sad

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